25/5/2019 - ពិរោះណាស់យាយរឿងមនុស្សកំណាញ់ , លោកម្ចាស់ឡុង ចន្ថា - long chantha
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- ខ្ញុំគ្រាន់តែចែករំលែកជាធម្មទានតែប៉ុណ្ណោះលោកម្ចាស់ឡុង ចន្ថាមិនពេញចិត្តសូមខមមិនខាងក្រោមខ្ញុំកូណានិងកែប្រែ។
Hi.. My dearest dhamma brother's, sister's and friends good morning have a great day sending a beautiful greeting. 😊
The Sower
Bharadvaja, a wealthy Brahman farmer, was celebrating his harvest-thanksgiving when the Blessed One came with his alms-bowl, begging for food. Some of the people paid him reverence, but the Brahman was angry and said: "samana, it would be more fitting for you to go to work than to beg. I plough and sow, and having ploughed and sown, I eat. If you did likewise, you, too, would have something to eat."
The Tathagatha answered him and said: "Brahman, if too, plough and sow, and having ploughed and sown, I eat." "Do you profess to be a husbandman?" replied the Brahman. "Where, then, are your bullocks? Where is the seed and the plough?"
The Blessed One said: "Faith is the seed I sow: good works are the rain that fertilizes it; wisdom and modesty are the plough; my mind is the guiding-rein; I lay hold of the handle of the law; earnestness is the goad I use, and exertion is my draught-ox. This ploughing is ploughed to destroy the weeds of illusion. The harvest it yields is the immortal fruits of Nirvana, and thus all sorrow ends." Then the Brahman poured rice-milk into a golden bowl and offered it to the Blessed One, saying: "Let the Teacher of mankind partake of the rice-milk, for the venerable Gautama ploughs a ploughing that bears the fruit of immortality."
Sadhu sadhu sadhu
May all living beings be happy. 😊
25/5/2019 - ពិរោះណាស់យាយរឿងមនុស្សកំណាញ់ , លោកម្ចាស់ឡុង ចន្ថា - long chantha : Buddhism is said to have the education and the General People Do Good .
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Srey Mach VN
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ចរឹកគ្មានសមជាអ្នកបួសសោះ កោតជាអ្នកបួសទេសនាទូន្មានគេកើត គួរបន្ទោសអ្នកមន្តលោកឡុង ចន្ថា ដូចខ្វះលោកមន្ត ។ ពាក្យថា ធម្មទេសនា មានន័យថា សម្ដែងធម៌ មិនមែននិយាយលេង ឬនិយាយកំប្លែងទេ តែលោកនេះកម្រឃើញទេសនាឲ្យសមសួនណាស់ និយាយតែរឿងឥតប្រយោជន៍ ។
@@makarakh1754 ,
Nam mô a di đà phật 🙏🙏🙏
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Tatuasga asayau your birthday wishes wishes that your a whappy happy birthday y
@@hengkimheang217 llll
Op open to the idea
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