Broken Tooth Adventures in the U.S. of... MEXICO - Affordable Quality Dental Work in North America

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Can we just state the obvious here and say that EVERYONE DESERVES AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE!!?
    DISCLAIMER: Do you due diligence! Research thoroughly. This is OUR experience, and it was great. But just like everywhere else, there are good and bad practitioners in Mexico.
    What happens when you break a tooth, or otherwise have dentistry issues in the U.S. of A and have no dental insurance? And you're not made of money either? It was theory for us until recently, when Gerard bit into a hard piece of oat milk chocolate that was right out of the fridge (wrong move!!!).
    We actually take good care of our teeth. Gerard has a family dentist whom he sees for check ups whenever he returns to France... Stacey is blessed with good teeth, and has been able to keep up with check ups and cleanings, occasionally skipping when money was tight. But THIS...this was well beyond our means. The kind dentist we visited here in California let us know the bad news: Gerard has what is described as a very "deep" bite, and for years now his lower jaw has been pushing against the back of his upper teeth - strongly - and weakening them to the point where one finally just...snapped. And it would happen again someday.
    The prognosis? Root canals, crowns, and orthodontia.
    In other words, a LOT of money.
    In a daze, we frantically thought of our options: 1. Sell a kidney and fix G's teeth; 2. Borrow money and fix G's teeth; 3. Do nothing! or 4. Go to... Mexico! We have friends who have done that.
    Number 3 was NOT an option (but just think of how many people make that exact decision!). We started talking to people, doing a bunch of research, and decided to bite (ha) the bullet, load up and drive to Mexico! We were ready for a road trip anyway!
    There was a learning curve, but it was totally doable! Everyone was kind and spoke English. We took care of G's teeth! Stacey had a cleaning! Gerard had an eye exam and got NEW GLASSES! He got a great $5 haircut! Stacey bought cholesterol medication for 2% of the price it costs in the U.S. (that you or some medical insurance has to pay). We ate tacos!! We learned a lot. And not just about dentistry. In America we don't always fully realize just how bad we're being gouged until something big happens - and evidently this applies to Canadians as well who come down to Mexico in droves seeking less expensive dental work and medications.
    For us the high point is always being on the gorgeous open road. Seeing phenomenal landscapes, but this time also enjoying a privileged level of emancipation from the greed machine of the American healthcare system (insurance and big pharma) that seems hell bent on killing us financially while supposedly saving our lives.
    NOTE: we learned a lot about paying top dollar for necessary pharmaceuticals too. An incredibly painful reality for many Americans, which really hit home, as you'll see in this video.