I listen to this and think it would be an amazing horror game. It would be set before the SCP arrived and would involve a family with a small child that moved into the community shortly before an incident. The game play would involve moving through the maze of vegetation searching for your child who had wandered into it in their sleep. You’d then experience what’s effectively a greatest hits list of the events described here. I think there’s a lot you could do with it from being chased by suicidal children’s skeletons, shrieking red lights, and bleeding vegetables.
This one is particularly terrifying. Not just because the SCP targets children but because of how well documented each step of the SCP's effects. How many children did the Foundation allow for 097 to take for the purpose of studying it. Has the Foundation made any efforts to try and prevent the loss of more lives by trying to alert parents without risking the veil? Tried encouraging people to move away? How many remains of missing children has the Foundation fabricated just to maintain secrecy and give the families closer? Have they done this? Most likely if only to prevent unwanted parties from looking into the missing children further.
This is what happens when The Great Pumpkin was considered the imaginary construct of one of The Peanuts (Charlie Brown's crew) and ignored for too long.
Inexplicable that they haven't done so already. He's not even the only "death to plants" SCP. 032 Brothers' Bride would work just as well, and there's at least one other way up the count somewhere. Cain's just the most cooperative and helpful of the various options.
This just fixed my day!!!! Day was already looking bad after watching the news.... but then I got the notification for your new upload and my day *INSTANTLY* became one of my *BEST* days! Thank you!!! You guys ROCK!!
Item #: SCP-5185 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-5185 are to be located and secured by Site-37 staff. SCP-5185 instances are to be contained in a dog day care center within Site-37 with a chain link fence separating them from research personnel. Description: SCP-5185 are an unclassified subspecies of giant house spider (Eratigena atrica). Each possesses the physical, psychological, and social needs of an average domesticated canine. When first brought into Foundation care, each SCP-5185 instance was approximately the size of a six to ten week-old puppy, with their internal biology modified to allow them to survive at this size. Each instance has since grown to the size of a border collie (45.72 cm - 55.88 cm tall). SCP-5185 instances also have a base level of intelligence congruent with that of an average border collie. SCP-5185 instances have been observed showing aggressive behaviour towards staff, charging at researchers while making high pitched noises similar to growling, biting the chain link fence, and lunging. Instances of SCP-5185 were purchased from a renovated Coca-Cola branded vending machine on the sidewalk of 6th Street, Macaque, Il. The dispenser, designated SCP-5185-A, had five compartments made from plexiglas with a fleece blanket at the bottom of every compartment. Each contained one instance of SCP-5185. Despite what is advertised on the flyer, no purchase from SCP-5185-A has produced anything matching the description of a "fine dog."
Item #: SCP-501 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-501 is kept in a securely locked opaque safe in a cell 5m x 5m x 5m in Site 3. The cell is guarded by two level 2 security guards who undergo daily psychological evaluations. The interior of the cell must also be monitored at all times by no fewer than two (2) security cameras, with a separate guard observing the monitor for each camera. These cameras must be connected to a backup generator so they will continue functioning in the event of a blackout. All requests for experiments must be cleared by at least three Overseers. Any personnel attempting to gain unauthorized access to SCP-501's containment cell will be either detained for psychological evaluation or terminated, depending on clearance level. Description: Due to the nature of SCP-501's psychological effects when viewed, it is difficult to ascertain an accurate visual description. According to reports from D-class personnel who have had visual contact with SCP-501, it is an American one-dollar bill that radiates a glowing amber aura. Robotically controlled chemical analysis indicates that it is chemically identical to ordinary dollar-bills. When a person views SCP-501, they are immediately overwhelmed by a desire to obtain it. Studies with D-class personnel have shown that this desire fades after a time, but that the time increases exponentially the longer SCP-501 is viewed. Further studies have shown that those affected by SCP-501 will stop at nothing to fulfill their desire, willingly resorting to violence and even self-mutilation to achieve their goal. Viewing SCP-501 indirectly through a monitor or while wearing vision-reducing goggles does not seem to hinder SCP-501's effect in any way. An experiment was conducted to ascertain the effect of SCP-501 on individuals who are successful in obtaining it. D-class member D-501 was chained to the wall of the containment cell, and all other personnel were evacuated from the cell. The security monitors were briefly switched off as a programmed robotic arm opened the safe containing SCP-501, allowing D-501 to view it briefly. The arm then proceeded to move SCP-501 onto a machine in the cell that hermetically sealed SCP-501 in an opaque, jet black steel case. Researchers then re-entered the cell and unchained D-501 from the wall, allowing him to obtain the sealed SCP-501, at which point the researchers moved to a safe viewing location to observe the actions of D-501. A speaker was placed on the ceiling, and researchers were instructed to grant all requests made by D-501 that would not involve releasing him from the cell, would not result in possible visual exposure of the researchers to SCP-501, and would not violate safety or security protocols. The test began at 1:43 PM. 10-20-09, 1:43 PM: Subject acquires the sealed SCP-501. Subject stares at it without blinking for 10 minutes. Some researchers believe that the subject is still able to see SCP-501 even through its sealed case. 10-20-09, 1:53 PM: Subject suddenly stops staring and begins to strip all of his clothing. Researchers hear him muttering “I must remove the contamination” repeatedly as he does this. 10-20-09, 1:55 PM: Subject throws all the removed clothing into the corner of the room, after which he looks into the speaker and requests a razor. Request tentatively granted. The razor is carried in by an armed security guard. Subject takes the item and the guard leaves. Subject immediately and violently shaves off all the hair on his body and discards it in the same corner as his clothes. Subject cuts himself several times in the process, but does not seem to react or notice. As he shaves, he is heard over the speaker repeatedly muttering “Begone, unwanted possessions.” Subject discards the razor in a similar fashion to his hair and clothes after he finishes using it. 10-20-09, 2:00 PM: Subject enters a lotus position and begins to meditate without closing his eyes or taking his eyes off of the sealed SCP-501. 10-20-09, 2:23 PM: Subject is heard whispering “I see” to himself. He stands up and looks again at the speaker. He says: “I hereby renounce all of my worldly possessions other than The Holy One. I do not need anything other than The Holy One. Everything else is a contamination and must be forsaken.” A researcher acknowledges the request, after which the subject immediately returns to his meditative stance. 10-24-09, 12:00 PM: Subject ceases breathing. Subject has not moved since he resumed his meditation on 10-20-09 and is presumed to have died of thirst.
YUP! Or maybe a few SCPs they have that kill flora. Since this one kill kids indefinitely it might be a good idea to terminate this one before it can spread to far OUTSIDE of the normal range.
Ooo, Perfect place for Cain to walk into.. Think about it... Anything derived from plants DIE, and dirt he walks on lose the ability to grow things. Ergo, having him spend time in the fairgrounds would result in this danger being neutralized. Since this SCP seems to be potentially dangerous in it's attempts to spread. OK... Yep after the part where this SCP LEADS kids to their death.... Yeah, the foundation NEEDS to have Cain patrol the park, letting his natural abilities to destroy the flora.
two words, pumpkin PIE, the first thing they should do is cover the ground with tons of salt, literally tons of salt, dump trucks full of it, then douse the salt with round up and every herbicide you can think of, even AGENT ORANGE, then for good measure set up several high energy microwave emitters arrayed so that they cover every inch of the field with maximum energy for about a month to ensure that every organic thing on that field is dead, then just to be sure, dig up the field, to a depth of about 25 feet and placed in to 55gallon drums, the 55gallon drums is to make it harder for any surviving seeds or entities to germinate or regrow, then for safe measure store the barrels in a glass lined room to a depth of 5 feet and ensure that cameras are monitoring everything.
The constant AB- blood type and lack of dna matches lead me to believe one entity is growing these skeletons. And then theres the record fast blooming and "fertile" women being effected. Is the entity effecting any type of "child", right down to eggs in the uterus? Or is it trying to find a way to grow a whole body?
Item #: SCP-200 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-200 requires a temperate, secure environment, large enough to house the 1.68 x 2 m bed frame it is affixed to. The room should be equipped with a large viewing window such that SCP-200 may be observed with minimal disturbance. In fact, when not being directly tested, SCP-200 should be left undisturbed. Particular care should be taken when collecting samples to avoid compromising the delicate outer shell of SCP-200. An automated mister should be set up to apply a fine mist to SCP-200 once a day. If SCP-200 appears to be drying out, an additional mist can be applied, but care should be taken not to allow it to become too moist. Due to the uncertain nature of SCP-200, the door to its containment area should be kept locked at all times and direct interaction is restricted to Clearance Level 2 staff as a precaution. Description: SCP-200 is contained within a chrysalis measuring 172.4 cm in length from stem to tip, attached to a standard queen size bed frame and mattress. The chrysalis is a mottled brown in color, and analysis shows it to consist of several layers of silk, woven in such a way as to be coarse to the touch. The silk layers appear to be held together by [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-200 itself was last seen as a 13-year-old Caucasian male, measured at 152 cm in height and weighing 168.73 kg. It retreated into its chrysalis on ██/██/20██, and researchers have been unable to explain how the child produced the silk to construct its encasement. Ultrasound tests have been unable to detect any solids within the chrysalis. However, fluid samples extracted from within reveal human DNA matching that of the child in question. It appears that the child has [DATA EXPUNGED]. Samples of the [DATA EXPUNGED] used to bind the chrysalis are also a DNA match for SCP-200. SCP-200 lies dormant a majority of the time, although it may be observed twitching occasionally, particularly if it is startled by sudden contact or a loud noise. However, in its current state it poses no threat. Notes: SCP-200 was retrieved from █████, ██, USA on ██/██/20██, approximately 28 hours after chrysalis presented. According to medical records, SCP-200 followed a normal pattern of human development until age 12. At this point, the child began to display a voracious appetite and rapidly gained weight over the course of the following year. Dr. █████████, a local pediatrician, was unable to identify a cause for the abrupt change in metabolism. The child’s mother, concerned about his weight gain, attempted to restrict his diet. SCP-200 escaped into the surrounding woods. When authorities located the boy 72 hours later, he had doubled his weight on a diet of [DATA EXPUNGED]. After being returned home, SCP-200 developed its chrysalis. Following retrieval, Class A Amnestics were administered to the child’s mother, Dr. █████████, and local authorities. Local community was led to believe that [DATA EXPUNGED] to prevent concern about the boy’s whereabouts and well being. Addendum 200-01: According to the most recent testing, SCP-200’s DNA has been displaying a number of mutations. While ultrasound tests still reveal no solids, Dr. █████ hypothesizes that the child may be developing into [DATA EXPUNGED]. This hypothesis remains controversial and requires further testing and observation. In light of these developments, request to reclassify SCP-200 under Euclid has been approved, and 24/7 observation shifts are being implemented to watch for SCP-200’s emergence.
It almost seems like this scp is making kids "look" for family or care givers who give a shit about the kid. If the kid is woken up by someone who notices them the kid experiences the terror of their avoided death and the pumpkin relinquishes the child to the caregiver. If no caregiver is found during the period the pumpkin claims them as its own.
Item #: SCP-236 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Any and all materials leaving the containment area are to be scanned for any contamination by SCP-236. Any objects showing contamination by SCP-236 are to be immediately returned to the containment area and cleared of contamination. Personnel leaving the containment area must submit to a full physical examination and X-ray. No objects are to be left in the containment area without personnel present. Any objects appearing in the containment area are not to be touched until cleared by supervising personnel. Blast doors are to be opened only to allow personnel in and out of the containment area. No sudden movement or aggressive action of any kind is allowed in the containment area. Containment area is to be kept as dark as possible, with night-vision goggles recommended for all interacting personnel. Should traditional lighting be necessary, lights must be turned on remotely and a waiting period of one hour is to be observed before entry will be allowed. Description: SCP-236 appears to be a swarm of near-microscopic crabs. Individuals match no known form of crustacean, and elements of their physiology appear to point to an artificial origin (See Document █████████████████). SCP-236 appears to operate under a form of collective intelligence or “hive mind”. This intelligence appears to grow when individual SCP-236 are in close proximity, and dissipate when they are divided. Large swarms appear to exhibit “predatory” intelligence, and become significantly more aggressive than individuals. Swarms show aptitude with problem solving, encircling tactics, and stealth. In addition, swarms appear able to take on the physical aspects and appearance of inanimate objects, such as doors, chairs, or even complex patterns such as those found in paintings, for extended periods of time. This mimicry is near perfect under casual observation, and requires detailed observation to detect. Swarms will sometimes even destroy existing objects and replace them in what appears to be an attempt at better disguise. SCP-236 can create additional individuals from any organic matter. This includes wood, cotton, or other materials derived from an organic source. SCP-236 units appear to remove small portions of matter with their pincers, consume it, then lay small spherical “eggs”, which hatch in to new members after ten minutes. Juvenile SCP-236 look identical to adults but are smaller in size, and lack the chemicals used in the defensive response. Juveniles reach full adult size after six hours. SCP-236 individuals appear to fear light, rapid movement, or loud noises. This fear is reduced in proportion to the number of units in a swarm, but even large collectives can be startled by a sudden sound or bright light. SCP-236 that are startled while mimicking an object will rapidly break apart into individual units, which will then scatter and hide. Swarm regrouping can take up to 24 hours. When cornered, or unable to escape quickly, SCP-236 units will initiate their “defensive response”. This entails a unit raising its pincers, and then detonating with an explosion equivalent to 9.07 kg (20 lb) of C-4 explosive. Initial research suggests that this is the result of an internal chemical reaction involving the mixing of three normally inert chemicals. Collection of these chemicals has been problematic due to the relatively minute size of the storage chambers, and the likelihood of startling SCP-236 during the procedure. SCP-236 will use humans or any other living things as a resource, provided the swarm is of a sufficient size. Moderate size swarms can convert a whole human being in less than five minutes. Individual SCP-236 have also been observed entering the human body, typically while the subject is asleep, and begin to consume it from the inside out. This behavior, coupled with mimicry and the defensive response, make SCP-236 very difficult to detect and contain effectively. Addendum: While SCP-236 has not been observed to mimic organic life, the possibility exists for SCP-236 to develop this behavior. Notably, during testing with SCP-2366 when SCP-236 mimicked a brown bear and began to exhibit increased predatory behavior and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Such formations are to be immediately reported, and testing area cleared immediately.
SCP-097 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-097 is contained within the limits of the property where it was initially discovered, Zone-SCP-097. The property is surrounded by an 8 metre tall concrete block fence, fitted with barbed wire and security camera systems. Satellite images of Zone-SCP-097 are to be doctored, removing all traces of the area. Any and all new plant growth outside the containment area suspected to originate from within the SCP is to be sterilized through application of boiling saltwater and/or incinerated. Absolutely all abnormal behaviour is to be reported to Doctor Bridge within ten minutes of occurrence. If any personnel or their families experience hallucinations or thematically related dreams outside of containment, they are to contact Doctor Bridge to schedule treatment. Localities surrounding SCP-097, specifically [REDACTED], are to be monitored from the first of April until the first of November every year for affected civilians. Medical establishments dealing with sleep abnormalities are to be monitored for signs of SCP-097’s influence. Civilians below the age of 16 encountered alone within 1 square kilometre of Zone-SCP-097 are to be taken into Foundation custody and are to be treated with a Class B amnestic and returned home, or the nearest police station. Personnel tasked with the return of civilians are to avoid public exposure; each Agent is to be assigned a cover story to follow if they do encounter civilians en-route to their destinations. See Level 3 staff for details. The morning after the first frost of the year, a team of twenty-five Agents armed with agricultural tools are to enter SCP-097 and clear away the outer plant matter. This process is not to continue past dusk. Description: SCP-097 is a ten acre area of land in the state of [REDACTED], in the Midwestern United States. It is the abandoned remains of the [REDACTED] County Fair 1969, an area of approximately 2.3 km2 (approx. 5.4 sq. mi). Structures within the SCP area exist in a state of moderate disrepair, consistent with the expected age and environment. At the centre of SCP-097 lie the remains of a 1956 GMC pickup truck, majority of which is crushed beneath a colossal pumpkin of unknown subtype, henceforth SCP-097-01. SCP-097-01 stands approximately 7.4 metres (24.3 feet) tall and 8.1 metres (26.8 feet) in diameter at its widest. Current estimates put SCP-097-01 at approximately 15,000 kilograms (approx. 33,070 pounds). This pumpkin remains roughly spherical in shape, instead of spreading out under its own weight as would be expected of a plant of its size. The remaining portion of SCP-097 (approx. 2 km2) is overgrown with several dozen varieties of pumpkins, with over seventy subspecies yet identified, and many previously unknown to agriculture. Many of these pumpkins have been shown capable of growing to enormous sizes, the average estimated weight being around 250 kilograms (avg. 550 lbs). These pumpkins, along with the assorted other crops, grow with, on and around the remains of the 1969 fairgrounds, creating a mazelike arrangement of plant life. The average height of the “walls” within SCP-097 is 1.6 metres, though this may vary from year to year. Between April and November each year, the area within SCP-097 has produced a number of anomalous phenomena ranging from benign to implicitly aggressive. To date, seventeen Agents have been severely maimed within SCP-097, eight having died. See Event Log SCP-097 for a brief listing of recorded phenomena.
So there was an 4H Agricultural Fair that year. One farmer brought in a giant pumpkin that appeared overnight after green lights appeared in the sky. Grannie Smith then made many delicious pumpkin pies from said pumpkin 🎃. Approximately 1.5 weeks later, Anthropomorphic Pumpkin Headed People seen making pies out of children.
Item #: SCP-164 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Cultures of SCP-164 should be contained using standard Class-3 biohazardous procedures, and stored clearly marked within a refrigerated biocontainment unit at 10 degrees Celsius. While pathogenic, SCP-164 is not highly infectious; while researchers working with raw cultures or infected subjects should use caution, latex gloves and face masks are generally effective at preventing the spread of the disease. Any personnel inadvertently infected will be subject to six months of chemotherapy upon first showing symptoms, and surgery as necessary. Civilian outbreaks should be handled using cover-up procedure Alef-█ for contagious materials. Description: SCP-164 is a strain of cancerous cells that causes sarcoma-like tumors in host bodies. While cell DNA appears to be primarily derived from human DNA, the cells now effectively exist as unicellular, asexually-reproducing parasites. Several characteristics make SCP-164 remarkable: SCP-164 is the only parasitic (transmittable) cancer known to infect human beings. Strains are transmittable through, in order of infectiousness: blood contact, sexual intercourse, skin contact, and airborne contact. Chemotherapy and surgery are effective in treating the disease in nearly all stages. Tumors produced by SCP-164 that grow larger than a certain size will, in 75% of cases, follow normal behavior for cancerous sarcomas. However, in 25% of cases, host bodily materials will be utilized for the creation of a new, separate organism inside the tumor. In the case of multiple tumors, some or all may follow this behavior. Said organisms will apparently begin as zygotes (fertilized ova) and replicate, much like fetuses. Externally, this appears no different from normal tumor production, and may go unnoticed in initial stages. Oddly, mature organisms identify as being completely unrelated to the original tumors, corresponding with a previously unknown species of order Teuthida (squids). Removal of organisms shows they are entirely viable in marine conditions, and will perform normal actions such as locomotion, catching food, basic defense, reproduction, et cetera. However, said organisms will also remain entirely viable in the original tumor, rarely moving or shifting position, continuing to grow at a regular rate until the host is killed. The existence and nature of the organisms (SCP-164-2) is often not realized in civilian cases until biopsy or surgery reveals the developed organism. SCP-164 organisms and tumors may interact with host physiology in interesting ways. The following cases are particularly notable: Female D-Class, 23 years old: SCP-164 tumors spawned on uterus walls. Host body apparently recognized the tumor as a human fetus, and was delivered normally containing viable SCP-164-2 specimen after 9 months. Male D-Class, 30 years old: Tumors spawned on the spinal cord, disrupting the central nervous system. As a result, movement from SCP-164-2 would occasionally cause subject's limbs to flail, suggesting a “cross-wiring” of the nervous systems of the two organisms. Biopsy lent support to this hypothesis. Male D-Class, 25 years old: Tumors spawned near the esophagus and windpipe of the subject, in a location that with ordinary growth would normally have blocked off said passages and quickly killed the subject. Instead, the growth of the tumors shifted to the back of the neck, preventing subject from dying before the normal point. Doctor █████ suggests that this may have been a deliberate action taken by SCP-164.
Howdy, howdy, fellow urban explorers/urban expedition enthusiasts! Watch some of the background shots carefully and you'll see some old friends, including the closed Adventure Park in Japan, Lake Shawnee Park, W. Virginia, Pripyat, and the abandoned Fairyland Park in Germany.
I wonder what would happen if all that blood was used for transfusion into a class D with equal blood type. Maybe they'd be fine and it could be used to save people.
You know most of these stories I can understand how they can come around but then there are some like this one that make me think why don't we just tomahawk cruise missile the absolute living hell out of some of these things. Edit: I know full well that they probably can't be destroyed but damn it it would make me feel better.
Given the lousy containment record on this thing and its focus on working through anomalous plant life, when is the 05 Council going to get off its collective ass and politely ask SCP-073 Cain to start taking long walks at the SCP-097 site? The guy's indestructible, makes vegetation rot just by existing near it, and has been consistently helpful about requests. Hell, maybe we could get him and SCP-032 Brothers' Bride to have a contest to see who can clear the place faster. It's long past time she started paying for her room at Site [REDACTED] and she's almost as rough on greenery as Cain is. Honestly, what is the holdup on this? Does the Pentagon think it's going to weaponize pumpkin spice lattes or something?
That's what I am thinking... And maybe 053 as well, since this THING wants kids... 053 would be the perfect bait. They try to kill her... They die. Cain gets attacked... They Die. Cain just walks up to all the pumpkins and touches everything. Killing it all.
12:33 spooky scary skeletons send shivers down your spine. coming out of big ol fruits, hang themselves with vines.
"Pumpkin seeds terminated with prejudice."
Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and its time for us to run!
One of my first thoughts reading this SCP was the Great Pumpkin from Robot Chicken.
If this channel didn't exist, I probably wouldn't have heard of many of these frankly awesome (and creepy) SCPs. Keep up the good work!
i literally don't care
@@connorgillispie7128you didn't care so much. That you're committing. Interesting that
I listen to this and think it would be an amazing horror game. It would be set before the SCP arrived and would involve a family with a small child that moved into the community shortly before an incident. The game play would involve moving through the maze of vegetation searching for your child who had wandered into it in their sleep. You’d then experience what’s effectively a greatest hits list of the events described here. I think there’s a lot you could do with it from being chased by suicidal children’s skeletons, shrieking red lights, and bleeding vegetables.
Ah yes, SCP-097, an _All Hallows Eve_ SCP or should I say... _All Kids get eaten at Hallows Eve_ .
It's the great pumpkin SCP Charlie Brown!
This one is particularly terrifying. Not just because the SCP targets children but because of how well documented each step of the SCP's effects. How many children did the Foundation allow for 097 to take for the purpose of studying it. Has the Foundation made any efforts to try and prevent the loss of more lives by trying to alert parents without risking the veil? Tried encouraging people to move away? How many remains of missing children has the Foundation fabricated just to maintain secrecy and give the families closer? Have they done this? Most likely if only to prevent unwanted parties from looking into the missing children further.
Keep talking like that and you'll end up on the ethics board
A noble profession.
You need a understanding of type 2 quontom being. To find them. But stopping it. Ha. Far to many mess with quontom being to remove them
This is what happens when The Great Pumpkin was considered the imaginary construct of one of The Peanuts (Charlie Brown's crew) and ignored for too long.
One of the most interesting SCP's i have seen in a long time great job man.
Just have Cain walk the perimeter every once in a while.
Inexplicable that they haven't done so already. He's not even the only "death to plants" SCP. 032 Brothers' Bride would work just as well, and there's at least one other way up the count somewhere. Cain's just the most cooperative and helpful of the various options.
Just have him walk through the whole damn place.....
@@livclaire5997 easy now, we're not the GOC
@@Renegadebane fair enough...
You never know how two SCPs will interact, or how an SCP will react after being destroyed.
I have never heard of this SCP before, thanks for teaching me about it :)
Hey, 097! You're an orange pumpkin, so how would you like some Agent Orange?
Napalm sounds like an appropriate response as well.
The fire that doesn't burn!
It's the Grate Pumpkin! Linus what have you done!!
This was actually the first SCP i ever heard. I think it was the Volgun's reading. Great job SCP Orientation!
This just fixed my day!!!! Day was already looking bad after watching the news.... but then I got the notification for your new upload and my day *INSTANTLY* became one of my *BEST* days!
Thank you!!!
You guys ROCK!!
Same dude same!
Agreed. A pumpkin that eats children is better than anything in the news.
Main stream media is nothing but bad acting/ entertainment. At this point. Globally
Main stream media. Is like universities at this point. Clown world
That because the news is a joke
Item #: SCP-5185
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-5185 are to be located and secured by Site-37 staff. SCP-5185 instances are to be contained in a dog day care center within Site-37 with a chain link fence separating them from research personnel.
Description: SCP-5185 are an unclassified subspecies of giant house spider (Eratigena atrica). Each possesses the physical, psychological, and social needs of an average domesticated canine. When first brought into Foundation care, each SCP-5185 instance was approximately the size of a six to ten week-old puppy, with their internal biology modified to allow them to survive at this size. Each instance has since grown to the size of a border collie (45.72 cm - 55.88 cm tall). SCP-5185 instances also have a base level of intelligence congruent with that of an average border collie.
SCP-5185 instances have been observed showing aggressive behaviour towards staff, charging at researchers while making high pitched noises similar to growling, biting the chain link fence, and lunging.
Instances of SCP-5185 were purchased from a renovated Coca-Cola branded vending machine on the sidewalk of 6th Street, Macaque, Il. The dispenser, designated SCP-5185-A, had five compartments made from plexiglas with a fleece blanket at the bottom of every compartment. Each contained one instance of SCP-5185. Despite what is advertised on the flyer, no purchase from SCP-5185-A has produced anything matching the description of a "fine dog."
Good video. Also one of the first SCPs I ever learned about.
I really like this SCP!
This channel has a professional reading vibe, as if I' actually listening to an actual briefing
The person in the left hand corner sitting by the movie projector drinking his beverage does not appear to be paying much attention to the videos
The SCP horror version of It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.
Always look forward to my daily SCP
You're first
Team-097-Alpha should've been named MTF ??? Designated Pumpkin Smashers
Love SCPs, and the presentation is wonderful accompanied by a great narrator.
it's the great pumpkin, charlie brown!
2 years until he tolk about 682 😓, but is amazing know new SCPs
Ah. 096 is the true EK scenario. Eaten Kid Scenario.
if dr king steps in 097 it will transform the pumpkins to apples
Item #: SCP-501
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-501 is kept in a securely locked opaque safe in a cell 5m x 5m x 5m in Site 3. The cell is guarded by two level 2 security guards who undergo daily psychological evaluations. The interior of the cell must also be monitored at all times by no fewer than two (2) security cameras, with a separate guard observing the monitor for each camera. These cameras must be connected to a backup generator so they will continue functioning in the event of a blackout. All requests for experiments must be cleared by at least three Overseers. Any personnel attempting to gain unauthorized access to SCP-501's containment cell will be either detained for psychological evaluation or terminated, depending on clearance level.
Description: Due to the nature of SCP-501's psychological effects when viewed, it is difficult to ascertain an accurate visual description. According to reports from D-class personnel who have had visual contact with SCP-501, it is an American one-dollar bill that radiates a glowing amber aura. Robotically controlled chemical analysis indicates that it is chemically identical to ordinary dollar-bills.
When a person views SCP-501, they are immediately overwhelmed by a desire to obtain it. Studies with D-class personnel have shown that this desire fades after a time, but that the time increases exponentially the longer SCP-501 is viewed. Further studies have shown that those affected by SCP-501 will stop at nothing to fulfill their desire, willingly resorting to violence and even self-mutilation to achieve their goal. Viewing SCP-501 indirectly through a monitor or while wearing vision-reducing goggles does not seem to hinder SCP-501's effect in any way.
An experiment was conducted to ascertain the effect of SCP-501 on individuals who are successful in obtaining it. D-class member D-501 was chained to the wall of the containment cell, and all other personnel were evacuated from the cell. The security monitors were briefly switched off as a programmed robotic arm opened the safe containing SCP-501, allowing D-501 to view it briefly. The arm then proceeded to move SCP-501 onto a machine in the cell that hermetically sealed SCP-501 in an opaque, jet black steel case. Researchers then re-entered the cell and unchained D-501 from the wall, allowing him to obtain the sealed SCP-501, at which point the researchers moved to a safe viewing location to observe the actions of D-501. A speaker was placed on the ceiling, and researchers were instructed to grant all requests made by D-501 that would not involve releasing him from the cell, would not result in possible visual exposure of the researchers to SCP-501, and would not violate safety or security protocols. The test began at 1:43 PM.
10-20-09, 1:43 PM: Subject acquires the sealed SCP-501. Subject stares at it without blinking for 10 minutes. Some researchers believe that the subject is still able to see SCP-501 even through its sealed case.
10-20-09, 1:53 PM: Subject suddenly stops staring and begins to strip all of his clothing. Researchers hear him muttering “I must remove the contamination” repeatedly as he does this.
10-20-09, 1:55 PM: Subject throws all the removed clothing into the corner of the room, after which he looks into the speaker and requests a razor. Request tentatively granted. The razor is carried in by an armed security guard. Subject takes the item and the guard leaves. Subject immediately and violently shaves off all the hair on his body and discards it in the same corner as his clothes. Subject cuts himself several times in the process, but does not seem to react or notice. As he shaves, he is heard over the speaker repeatedly muttering “Begone, unwanted possessions.” Subject discards the razor in a similar fashion to his hair and clothes after he finishes using it.
10-20-09, 2:00 PM: Subject enters a lotus position and begins to meditate without closing his eyes or taking his eyes off of the sealed SCP-501.
10-20-09, 2:23 PM: Subject is heard whispering “I see” to himself. He stands up and looks again at the speaker. He says: “I hereby renounce all of my worldly possessions other than The Holy One. I do not need anything other than The Holy One. Everything else is a contamination and must be forsaken.” A researcher acknowledges the request, after which the subject immediately returns to his meditative stance.
10-24-09, 12:00 PM: Subject ceases breathing. Subject has not moved since he resumed his meditation on 10-20-09 and is presumed to have died of thirst.
07:37 Someone find coffee man. I think he might be an SCP.
It’s the great pumpkin... that Charlie Brown episode wasn’t lying!
Man all they need is to use Cain let him walk around the perimeter and start circling in to a maintainable size
Or maybe a few SCPs they have that kill flora.
Since this one kill kids indefinitely it might be a good idea to terminate this one before it can spread to far OUTSIDE of the normal range.
Looks like Linus of Charlie Brown fame was partly right, but in a horrifying way.
Can we just talk about the fact that a picture of Mikasa Ackerman is on the thumbnail?
Ikr? They didn't even put the sauce in the description
Ooo, Perfect place for Cain to walk into..
Think about it... Anything derived from plants DIE, and dirt he walks on lose the ability to grow things.
Ergo, having him spend time in the fairgrounds would result in this danger being neutralized.
Since this SCP seems to be potentially dangerous in it's attempts to spread.
OK... Yep after the part where this SCP LEADS kids to their death....
Yeah, the foundation NEEDS to have Cain patrol the park, letting his natural abilities to destroy the flora.
two words, pumpkin PIE, the first thing they should do is cover the ground with tons of salt, literally tons of salt, dump trucks full of it, then douse the salt with round up and every herbicide you can think of, even AGENT ORANGE, then for good measure set up several high energy microwave emitters arrayed so that they cover every inch of the field with maximum energy for about a month to ensure that every organic thing on that field is dead, then just to be sure, dig up the field, to a depth of about 25 feet and placed in to 55gallon drums, the 55gallon drums is to make it harder for any surviving seeds or entities to germinate or regrow, then for safe measure store the barrels in a glass lined room to a depth of 5 feet and ensure that cameras are monitoring everything.
I swear, this guy sounds like a young Clancy Brown. Well done!
The constant AB- blood type and lack of dna matches lead me to believe one entity is growing these skeletons. And then theres the record fast blooming and "fertile" women being effected.
Is the entity effecting any type of "child", right down to eggs in the uterus? Or is it trying to find a way to grow a whole body?
The way he says 'Notes' is epic.
Item #: SCP-200
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-200 requires a temperate, secure environment, large enough to house the 1.68 x 2 m bed frame it is affixed to. The room should be equipped with a large viewing window such that SCP-200 may be observed with minimal disturbance. In fact, when not being directly tested, SCP-200 should be left undisturbed. Particular care should be taken when collecting samples to avoid compromising the delicate outer shell of SCP-200.
An automated mister should be set up to apply a fine mist to SCP-200 once a day. If SCP-200 appears to be drying out, an additional mist can be applied, but care should be taken not to allow it to become too moist.
Due to the uncertain nature of SCP-200, the door to its containment area should be kept locked at all times and direct interaction is restricted to Clearance Level 2 staff as a precaution.
Description: SCP-200 is contained within a chrysalis measuring 172.4 cm in length from stem to tip, attached to a standard queen size bed frame and mattress. The chrysalis is a mottled brown in color, and analysis shows it to consist of several layers of silk, woven in such a way as to be coarse to the touch. The silk layers appear to be held together by [DATA EXPUNGED].
SCP-200 itself was last seen as a 13-year-old Caucasian male, measured at 152 cm in height and weighing 168.73 kg. It retreated into its chrysalis on ██/██/20██, and researchers have been unable to explain how the child produced the silk to construct its encasement. Ultrasound tests have been unable to detect any solids within the chrysalis. However, fluid samples extracted from within reveal human DNA matching that of the child in question. It appears that the child has [DATA EXPUNGED]. Samples of the [DATA EXPUNGED] used to bind the chrysalis are also a DNA match for SCP-200.
SCP-200 lies dormant a majority of the time, although it may be observed twitching occasionally, particularly if it is startled by sudden contact or a loud noise. However, in its current state it poses no threat.
Notes: SCP-200 was retrieved from █████, ██, USA on ██/██/20██, approximately 28 hours after chrysalis presented. According to medical records, SCP-200 followed a normal pattern of human development until age 12. At this point, the child began to display a voracious appetite and rapidly gained weight over the course of the following year. Dr. █████████, a local pediatrician, was unable to identify a cause for the abrupt change in metabolism.
The child’s mother, concerned about his weight gain, attempted to restrict his diet. SCP-200 escaped into the surrounding woods. When authorities located the boy 72 hours later, he had doubled his weight on a diet of [DATA EXPUNGED]. After being returned home, SCP-200 developed its chrysalis.
Following retrieval, Class A Amnestics were administered to the child’s mother, Dr. █████████, and local authorities. Local community was led to believe that [DATA EXPUNGED] to prevent concern about the boy’s whereabouts and well being.
Addendum 200-01: According to the most recent testing, SCP-200’s DNA has been displaying a number of mutations. While ultrasound tests still reveal no solids, Dr. █████ hypothesizes that the child may be developing into [DATA EXPUNGED]. This hypothesis remains controversial and requires further testing and observation.
In light of these developments, request to reclassify SCP-200 under Euclid has been approved, and 24/7 observation shifts are being implemented to watch for SCP-200’s emergence.
It almost seems like this scp is making kids "look" for family or care givers who give a shit about the kid. If the kid is woken up by someone who notices them the kid experiences the terror of their avoided death and the pumpkin relinquishes the child to the caregiver.
If no caregiver is found during the period the pumpkin claims them as its own.
Why haven't they napalmed this massacre-causing pumpkin yet?
I love it when scp channel use cute thumbnail to explain scary thing
Item #: SCP-236
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Any and all materials leaving the containment area are to be scanned for any contamination by SCP-236. Any objects showing contamination by SCP-236 are to be immediately returned to the containment area and cleared of contamination. Personnel leaving the containment area must submit to a full physical examination and X-ray.
No objects are to be left in the containment area without personnel present. Any objects appearing in the containment area are not to be touched until cleared by supervising personnel. Blast doors are to be opened only to allow personnel in and out of the containment area.
No sudden movement or aggressive action of any kind is allowed in the containment area. Containment area is to be kept as dark as possible, with night-vision goggles recommended for all interacting personnel. Should traditional lighting be necessary, lights must be turned on remotely and a waiting period of one hour is to be observed before entry will be allowed.
Description: SCP-236 appears to be a swarm of near-microscopic crabs. Individuals match no known form of crustacean, and elements of their physiology appear to point to an artificial origin (See Document █████████████████). SCP-236 appears to operate under a form of collective intelligence or “hive mind”. This intelligence appears to grow when individual SCP-236 are in close proximity, and dissipate when they are divided.
Large swarms appear to exhibit “predatory” intelligence, and become significantly more aggressive than individuals. Swarms show aptitude with problem solving, encircling tactics, and stealth. In addition, swarms appear able to take on the physical aspects and appearance of inanimate objects, such as doors, chairs, or even complex patterns such as those found in paintings, for extended periods of time. This mimicry is near perfect under casual observation, and requires detailed observation to detect. Swarms will sometimes even destroy existing objects and replace them in what appears to be an attempt at better disguise.
SCP-236 can create additional individuals from any organic matter. This includes wood, cotton, or other materials derived from an organic source. SCP-236 units appear to remove small portions of matter with their pincers, consume it, then lay small spherical “eggs”, which hatch in to new members after ten minutes. Juvenile SCP-236 look identical to adults but are smaller in size, and lack the chemicals used in the defensive response. Juveniles reach full adult size after six hours.
SCP-236 individuals appear to fear light, rapid movement, or loud noises. This fear is reduced in proportion to the number of units in a swarm, but even large collectives can be startled by a sudden sound or bright light. SCP-236 that are startled while mimicking an object will rapidly break apart into individual units, which will then scatter and hide. Swarm regrouping can take up to 24 hours.
When cornered, or unable to escape quickly, SCP-236 units will initiate their “defensive response”. This entails a unit raising its pincers, and then detonating with an explosion equivalent to 9.07 kg (20 lb) of C-4 explosive. Initial research suggests that this is the result of an internal chemical reaction involving the mixing of three normally inert chemicals. Collection of these chemicals has been problematic due to the relatively minute size of the storage chambers, and the likelihood of startling SCP-236 during the procedure.
SCP-236 will use humans or any other living things as a resource, provided the swarm is of a sufficient size. Moderate size swarms can convert a whole human being in less than five minutes. Individual SCP-236 have also been observed entering the human body, typically while the subject is asleep, and begin to consume it from the inside out. This behavior, coupled with mimicry and the defensive response, make SCP-236 very difficult to detect and contain effectively.
Addendum: While SCP-236 has not been observed to mimic organic life, the possibility exists for SCP-236 to develop this behavior. Notably, during testing with SCP-2366 when SCP-236 mimicked a brown bear and began to exhibit increased predatory behavior and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Such formations are to be immediately reported, and testing area cleared immediately.
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-097 is contained within the limits of the property where it was initially discovered, Zone-SCP-097. The property is surrounded by an 8 metre tall concrete block fence, fitted with barbed wire and security camera systems. Satellite images of Zone-SCP-097 are to be doctored, removing all traces of the area.
Any and all new plant growth outside the containment area suspected to originate from within the SCP is to be sterilized through application of boiling saltwater and/or incinerated. Absolutely all abnormal behaviour is to be reported to Doctor Bridge within ten minutes of occurrence. If any personnel or their families experience hallucinations or thematically related dreams outside of containment, they are to contact Doctor Bridge to schedule treatment.
Localities surrounding SCP-097, specifically [REDACTED], are to be monitored from the first of April until the first of November every year for affected civilians. Medical establishments dealing with sleep abnormalities are to be monitored for signs of SCP-097’s influence. Civilians below the age of 16 encountered alone within 1 square kilometre of Zone-SCP-097 are to be taken into Foundation custody and are to be treated with a Class B amnestic and returned home, or the nearest police station. Personnel tasked with the return of civilians are to avoid public exposure; each Agent is to be assigned a cover story to follow if they do encounter civilians en-route to their destinations. See Level 3 staff for details.
The morning after the first frost of the year, a team of twenty-five Agents armed with agricultural tools are to enter SCP-097 and clear away the outer plant matter. This process is not to continue past dusk.
Description: SCP-097 is a ten acre area of land in the state of [REDACTED], in the Midwestern United States. It is the abandoned remains of the [REDACTED] County Fair 1969, an area of approximately 2.3 km2 (approx. 5.4 sq. mi). Structures within the SCP area exist in a state of moderate disrepair, consistent with the expected age and environment.
At the centre of SCP-097 lie the remains of a 1956 GMC pickup truck, majority of which is crushed beneath a colossal pumpkin of unknown subtype, henceforth SCP-097-01. SCP-097-01 stands approximately 7.4 metres (24.3 feet) tall and 8.1 metres (26.8 feet) in diameter at its widest. Current estimates put SCP-097-01 at approximately 15,000 kilograms (approx. 33,070 pounds). This pumpkin remains roughly spherical in shape, instead of spreading out under its own weight as would be expected of a plant of its size.
The remaining portion of SCP-097 (approx. 2 km2) is overgrown with several dozen varieties of pumpkins, with over seventy subspecies yet identified, and many previously unknown to agriculture. Many of these pumpkins have been shown capable of growing to enormous sizes, the average estimated weight being around 250 kilograms (avg. 550 lbs). These pumpkins, along with the assorted other crops, grow with, on and around the remains of the 1969 fairgrounds, creating a mazelike arrangement of plant life. The average height of the “walls” within SCP-097 is 1.6 metres, though this may vary from year to year.
Between April and November each year, the area within SCP-097 has produced a number of anomalous phenomena ranging from benign to implicitly aggressive. To date, seventeen Agents have been severely maimed within SCP-097, eight having died. See Event Log SCP-097 for a brief listing of recorded phenomena.
I feel like this scp is a refrence to one of a Netflix show
So there was an 4H Agricultural Fair that year. One farmer brought in a giant pumpkin that appeared overnight after green lights appeared in the sky. Grannie Smith then made many delicious pumpkin pies from said pumpkin 🎃. Approximately 1.5 weeks later, Anthropomorphic Pumpkin Headed People seen making pies out of children.
Definetly my favorite SCP.
It's the great pumpkin, SCP
It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!
Ah yes, Enoch- I mean... SCP-097-01 - will take good care of any lost children. You see, folks don't tend to * pass through * Pottsfield...
Item #: SCP-164
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Cultures of SCP-164 should be contained using standard Class-3 biohazardous procedures, and stored clearly marked within a refrigerated biocontainment unit at 10 degrees Celsius. While pathogenic, SCP-164 is not highly infectious; while researchers working with raw cultures or infected subjects should use caution, latex gloves and face masks are generally effective at preventing the spread of the disease. Any personnel inadvertently infected will be subject to six months of chemotherapy upon first showing symptoms, and surgery as necessary.
Civilian outbreaks should be handled using cover-up procedure Alef-█ for contagious materials.
Description: SCP-164 is a strain of cancerous cells that causes sarcoma-like tumors in host bodies. While cell DNA appears to be primarily derived from human DNA, the cells now effectively exist as unicellular, asexually-reproducing parasites. Several characteristics make SCP-164 remarkable:
SCP-164 is the only parasitic (transmittable) cancer known to infect human beings. Strains are transmittable through, in order of infectiousness: blood contact, sexual intercourse, skin contact, and airborne contact. Chemotherapy and surgery are effective in treating the disease in nearly all stages.
Tumors produced by SCP-164 that grow larger than a certain size will, in 75% of cases, follow normal behavior for cancerous sarcomas. However, in 25% of cases, host bodily materials will be utilized for the creation of a new, separate organism inside the tumor. In the case of multiple tumors, some or all may follow this behavior. Said organisms will apparently begin as zygotes (fertilized ova) and replicate, much like fetuses. Externally, this appears no different from normal tumor production, and may go unnoticed in initial stages.
Oddly, mature organisms identify as being completely unrelated to the original tumors, corresponding with a previously unknown species of order Teuthida (squids). Removal of organisms shows they are entirely viable in marine conditions, and will perform normal actions such as locomotion, catching food, basic defense, reproduction, et cetera. However, said organisms will also remain entirely viable in the original tumor, rarely moving or shifting position, continuing to grow at a regular rate until the host is killed. The existence and nature of the organisms (SCP-164-2) is often not realized in civilian cases until biopsy or surgery reveals the developed organism.
SCP-164 organisms and tumors may interact with host physiology in interesting ways. The following cases are particularly notable:
Female D-Class, 23 years old: SCP-164 tumors spawned on uterus walls. Host body apparently recognized the tumor as a human fetus, and was delivered normally containing viable SCP-164-2 specimen after 9 months.
Male D-Class, 30 years old: Tumors spawned on the spinal cord, disrupting the central nervous system. As a result, movement from SCP-164-2 would occasionally cause subject's limbs to flail, suggesting a “cross-wiring” of the nervous systems of the two organisms. Biopsy lent support to this hypothesis.
Male D-Class, 25 years old: Tumors spawned near the esophagus and windpipe of the subject, in a location that with ordinary growth would normally have blocked off said passages and quickly killed the subject. Instead, the growth of the tumors shifted to the back of the neck, preventing subject from dying before the normal point. Doctor █████ suggests that this may have been a deliberate action taken by SCP-164.
Love your content mate
I hope Linus didn't become a victim of this "Great Pumpkin"!
So they never tried destroying the main pumpkin?
The best Halloween SCP
My God it's the great pumpkin Charlie brown! He's come to reap the sinners!
Howdy, howdy, fellow urban explorers/urban expedition enthusiasts! Watch some of the background shots carefully and you'll see some old friends, including the closed Adventure Park in Japan, Lake Shawnee Park, W. Virginia, Pripyat, and the abandoned Fairyland Park in Germany.
SCP-097: Children of the Pumpkin Patch
Type AB- is the rearest bloodtype in my geograpghical area. Perhaps this bleeding plant could be used as a blood donor?
Good vid
the pumpkin reminds me of Jack Pumpkinhead from the Return to Oz
I wonder what would happen if all that blood was used for transfusion into a class D with equal blood type. Maybe they'd be fine and it could be used to save people.
Won't Dr. Bridge just give me a Bridge version as well?
You know most of these stories I can understand how they can come around but then there are some like this one that make me think why don't we just tomahawk cruise missile the absolute living hell out of some of these things.
Edit: I know full well that they probably can't be destroyed but damn it it would make me feel better.
Hans... get ze Flammenwerfer
Dear God it is that fair ground from Warcraft.
guess thats where the pumpkins come from
The poor crows
Me : mom im buying the biggest pumpkin
Mom : ok son
Me : here mom
Mom :
County Fairs are every year, this in numbered like Worlds fair… I’d think writer isn’t American
Omg, I had this happen, I was woken up on the grass outside nearby my parents house before I went back to sleep
Given the lousy containment record on this thing and its focus on working through anomalous plant life, when is the 05 Council going to get off its collective ass and politely ask SCP-073 Cain to start taking long walks at the SCP-097 site? The guy's indestructible, makes vegetation rot just by existing near it, and has been consistently helpful about requests. Hell, maybe we could get him and SCP-032 Brothers' Bride to have a contest to see who can clear the place faster. It's long past time she started paying for her room at Site [REDACTED] and she's almost as rough on greenery as Cain is.
Honestly, what is the holdup on this? Does the Pentagon think it's going to weaponize pumpkin spice lattes or something?
There is not many redaction or data expungements in this one
I like your videos, but the reverb / echo is - to me - unnecessary. Just my two cents. Keep up the good work.
Damn, that's a scary scp.
But why Mikasa
Did they try to test it with... Children.
I mean it IS an old fairgrounds..
How can 2.3km squared be equal to 5.4square miles?
I love that no one is pointing out the Mikasa fanart in the thumbnail 💀
I did not realize that she was Mikasa 💀
Cant they use SCP 73 - Cain against this? He can easily kill those organic plants.
That's what I am thinking... And maybe 053 as well, since this THING wants kids... 053 would be the perfect bait.
They try to kill her... They die.
Cain gets attacked... They Die.
Cain just walks up to all the pumpkins and touches everything. Killing it all.
일련번호(Item number)SCP-097
격리등급(Object class)euclid
James, we found your giant pumpkin, can u pick it u pls
I'm not complaining, but what's it with the anime girls on the thumbnails? They seem off-style to the channel in general for me...
I think it’s a joke
Clickbait is a thing.
Blame the algorithm
Anyone or just me think the little girl in the thumbnail is Mikasa Ackerman..?
12:33 Skeleton
Uh oh spooky
is it me or on this one the audio (SSSS sounds) is f*cked ? it legit hurt my ears. Am i crazy ?
this is why some Christian parents dont like Halloween..
Mehr Informationen
why is that female child in thumbnail looks like mikasa ackermann from attack on titan
Ah yes another 4 or 2 thousand views for putting an anime girl in the thumbnail nice seem like a lot of scp channels be doing that to survive now :/
Да да конечно
Was again just does seem to go into published some jan desktop and again and again by