Hugo Wolf:Michelangelo-dalok 1. Gyakran gondolok az előző életemre (Wohl denk ich oft an mein vergangnes Leben):Abbastanza logoro, malinconico 00:00 2. Mindennek vége, ami felmerül (Alles endet, was entstehet):Lento e consumato 02:25 3. Érzi-e lelkem a vágyott fényt ( Fühlt meine Seele das ersehnte Licht):Molto lento e tranquillo 07:55 Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau-zongora Gerald moore-zongora
Wolff was a major composer of lieder, just as Schubert, Schumann, the French Fauré or the Russian Moussorgski. We have here a bunch of very beautiful lieder, interpreted by the great, unrivalled Fischer Dieskau and Gerald Moore at the piano.
Unrivalled interpretation of the most important singer of the 19th century!
Hugo Wolf:Michelangelo-dalok
1. Gyakran gondolok az előző életemre (Wohl denk ich oft an mein vergangnes Leben):Abbastanza logoro, malinconico 00:00
2. Mindennek vége, ami felmerül (Alles endet, was entstehet):Lento e consumato 02:25
3. Érzi-e lelkem a vágyott fényt ( Fühlt meine Seele das ersehnte Licht):Molto lento e tranquillo 07:55
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau-zongora
Gerald moore-zongora
Wolff was a major composer of lieder, just as Schubert, Schumann, the French Fauré or the Russian Moussorgski. We have here a bunch of very beautiful lieder, interpreted by the great, unrivalled Fischer Dieskau and Gerald Moore at the piano.