the fact that the lyrics describe the hate they get makes this song even more emotional. wonyoung: “sometimes i can’t even understand the looks i get.” she gets hate for being a “pick-me” or doing simple things leeseo: “that i’m almost like a fool” and “but she acts too childish.” she gets hate for her “fake tears” and “childish behaviors” even though she’s literally a child yujin: “i’ll just take it all” she wants to take all the hate to herself so her members don’t experience it since she’s the leader
I love how this song isn't the usual elegant IVE... This concept fits their age, they're all so young and they're still teenagers. This was so natural. It was somehow a mature concept but also gave a "I'm still growing let me be" kind of vibe. As much as I love IVE's elegant concept, this is 🔥🔥
I can see why Wonyoung said this was her favourite song. Its so vulnerable, and so beautiful. This song is truly something special, and I’m sure everyone can resonate with it.
Jesus Christ loves you and laid down His life for you ❤️ We’re all sinners and the wages of sin is hell. But Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down from heaven and died on the cross so that we can be washed clean from our sins. So that we can be saved and go to heaven! That’s how much He loves you. To shed His blood so that you can have beautiful eternal life. He took the punishment of sin so that we don’t have to. Not only did He die for us, but He rose from the dead! Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour 🙏 His gift of salvation is free and He wants you to have it. He will satisfy you. God bless you ❤️
@@NRam-ke6cs Yall act like Liz gets mistreated in every aspect, yes she should get more screentime but don't drag the others down, I wish Wonyoung had more lines in general but I dont go around saying "instead of Liz and Yujin"... Learn to appreciate people without bringing others down cause that just proves you're a bitter person
They didn't write it. there's no art showing. someone wrote it to sell their emotions. I love the song but this is a cash grab by the company, not art.
To add.... V can be considered as a peace sign. I and E can co exist in peace. I-V-E. I have no idea if SSE thought about this when creating the group. Fits this track message like a glove.
Yujin's acting is just superb. Every time she appears she brings real emotions to me and she just brings the movie/drama vibe in. She is truly a gem, a variety gem, an all rounder idol, and a potential actress!
This song really speaks louder than anything, not just for IVE but also for everyone feeling this way. They've gotten so much hate and criticism just from existing, this really shows more than just a beautiful song, it shows people that they hear the hate but they're still continuing on. Beautiful song, beautifully directed, amazing message, and the vocals are no joke.
Rei really stands out in this MV. Her blue hair when she's sitting in the middle of the teddy bears makes me emotional for some reason. She looks so surreal and aesthetically pleasing. I see an image of myself in her when she's holding out a phone while crying. Rei, you're everything. You're worth it.
Jesus Christ loves you and laid down His life for you ❤️ We’re all sinners and the wages of sin is hell. But Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down from heaven and died on the cross so that we can be washed clean from our sins. So that we can be saved and go to heaven! That’s how much He loves you. To shed His blood so that you can have beautiful eternal life. He took the punishment of sin so that we don’t have to. Not only did He die for us, but He rose from the dead! Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour 🙏 His gift of salvation is free and He wants you to have it. He will satisfy you. God bless you ❤️
The underwater scenes are so beautiful. Leeseo is really the coolest maknae in my eyes. I love the meaning of this song and I love IVE girlies so much.
I dont think I’ve ever seen something so raw and real from a kpop group. the way they displayed such raw emotion and tears made me tear up omfg. these girls literally go through so much and have to handle so much criticism, I appreciate and love their perseverance so much ❤
i don't know why but this feels so nostalgic and sad, the instrument, the melody uh so good , the acting, the emotions, the visual , the vocals, lyrics everything is so perfect , THEY NEVER DISAPPOINTS US . ON REPEAT!!!
Why do I feel like this is the best version of IVE? The raw emotions and quality production/music are just so engaging yet showing off everyone’s charm
@@NRam-ke6cstheir song is about how they got so much hate and look here you are still spreading hate on wonyoung and yujin The group was never about wonyoung or yujin..they are ot6 and always be ot6 for us..
Honestly IVE puts out the highest quality product in kpop right now. No gimmicks they’re not trying to sound like the trend. They just put out amazing music again and again that always fits their unique style.
@@ry9743starship was never in big5 they almost went bankrupt until they debuted ive, ive made starship and kakao famous they are the money maker of starship
나는 이태원 사건을 계기로 삶에 자유가 없기에 더욱 자유를 갈망하여 경쟁하고 밀집하는 대한민국의 인구에 대해 더욱 깊게 생각해본다. 수도권이 악착같이 부를 독점하고 노동의 가치는 낮추고 인구는 머물곳도 갈곳도 없게 하여 다갇혀살게 만드니 이런 참사가 일어났다고 본다. 기득권의 부에 대한 집착과 이기심과 탐욕과 독점이야 말로 정신나간 미친 현상이며 이 사태의 원흉이라고 생각함.
그저 인간이라면 마땅히 누려야할 자유와 행복을 누리고자 했던 모든 젊은이들의 죽음에 애도를 표한다. 자신보다 낮은 이의 자유와 행복을 억압하고 착취하여 권세와 부를 누리는 자는 자신도 억압받고 착취당하여 굴욕을 겪으리라. 평생의 노력과 수고로움의 결실을 보지 못할지며, 이룬 모든것이 허망히 무너지리라. 어른이라며 젊은이들에게 꼰대질하며 착취하는 자들이 젊은이들이 연휴를 맞아 자유를 누리고자 모여서 노는것도 귀신축제라며 온갖 혐오를 하다가 이제는 불경하고 음탕하게 모여서 놀다 죽었다며 자업자득 쌤통이라며 조롱을 한다. 젊은이들을 애초에 갈곳도 살곳도 미래도 없이 한데 묶어서 기계에 끼어죽고 공사장에서 깔려죽게 만들고 용광로에 끓여죽이며 자살하게 만드는자들이 누구인가 젊은이들이 이런 자유도 못누리나? 애초에 할로윈이란것도 꼰대질과 눈치주기, 전체주의 강요와 같은 독성적이고 가부장적이고 경직된 한국 문화 강요에 대한 젊은층의 극도의 거부반응과 저항으로 자유를 갈망하며 일탈을 추구하는 성격이 강한 행사였음. 이태원과 할로윈은 '개인의 자유'를 상징함. 그것을 파괴하고 없애고 싶어하는것은 '개인의 자유'를 억압하고자 하고 전체주의 국가를 만들고 싶어하는 꼰대 파시즘임. 오히려 꼰대질이 더욱 그들이 퇴폐적이라고 욕하는 젊은세대의 신 문화를 낳았다. 하지만 최소한 젊은세대는 자기 자신과 남들에게 솔직하며, '정직'하게 산다. 오히려 더욱더 퇴폐적인건 꼰대들의 위선,기만,가식,거짓과 시기,질투, 증오심,열등감이다. 자신들도 싫어하는것을 남에게 억지로 강요하고, 남이 즐겁고 행복한것을 보면 깊은곳에서 증오한다. 이들은 반드시 지옥에 가야한다. 젊은 층이 거부하였을때, 꼰대들은 '개인'이라는 컨셉 자체를 이해하는데 실패했고, 심지어 '자유'라는 개념 자체에 대해서도 제대로 이해하지못하고 왜곡된 인식을 보이며 처참한 몰골을 보였다. 이들은 자신들의 처참한 실패를 인정하고 지속 불가능한 문화에 대해 반성을 하는 모습을 보이지 않았음. '어른'다운 성숙한 관용, 이해, 인내가 아니라 온갖 저급한 험담과 젊은세대에 대한 시기,질투와 증오를 노골적으로 보여왔음. 어른이길 포기한 그들은 나이값을 못하고 '섹스'에 노골적으로 집착하며(집착은 젊은세대보다 훨씬 골이 깊다. 못누려봤기 때문에 환상만 가득하기 때문. 이래서 사람은 솔직하게 살아야함.) 젊은세대가 가진 젊은과 아름다움과 자유에 대하여 깊은 질투와 열등감을 느끼고있음. 꼰대 문화, 가부장적 전체주의 강요문화로 고착화된 중소기업 등에선 아직까지도 나이든 더럽고 추잡하고 쭈글쭈글한 손으로 젊은 여성들을 성추행,성희롱,성폭행 한다는 이야기가 심심찮게 들려온다. 추모 분위기가 온갖 협잡으로 더러워진김에 걍 대놓고 말해본다. 자유롭고자 모인 사람들의 죽음으로 자유를 제한하는것이 옳은것인가. 할로윈은 '젊은세대'가 추구하는 '개인주의'와 '자유주의'의 상징이다. 이것은 공격하는것은 열등감이며 파시즘이다. 원래 파시즘이란 것이 그렇다. 사회적으로 낙오된 계층의 분노와 열등감과 팽창주의를 부추겨 사회를 독성적으로 만든다. 권위주의 독재 파시즘 꼰대세력은 자유에 책임을 지라는 공포로 자유를 억압하고있다. 기본적으로 살아갈곳이 없다면, 자유도 없다. 기본적인 생활의 안정이 없다면, 자유도 없다. 기본적인 소득의 안정이 없다면, 자유도 없다. 기본적인 권리와 안전의 보장이 없다면, 자유도 없다. 아주 기초적이고 기본적인것이 보장돼야 자유를 누릴수 있는것이다. 기본적인 안전장치가 없다면 거기엔 '종속'과 '착취'밖에 없다. 이태원 참사는 국민을 안전의 밖으로 몰아내서 자유를 누리지 못하게 학살하여 공포여론을 조장하는 파시즘 사건이다. '각자도생'이나 '약육강식'따위 틀딱 사자성어로 몰아넣으며 기성세대가 책임을 지지않고 젊은세대를 압사시켜 죽인것이다. 왜냐? 자유롭고 개성넘치고 창의적인 젊은이들은 착취잘 당하는 노예 노동자로 길들이기 어려우니까. 그래서 자기들 노후 보장해주는 노비로 부려먹어야하는데 말안듣고 도끼눈 뜨니까. 자유란 보장해줘야 누릴수 있는것이다. 기본적인 인간의 삶을 보장 안해준채 리스크만 감당하는것을 이들은 '자유'라 부르고 '책임'이라 뒤집어 씌운다. 꼰대 기득권이 말하는 자유란 자신들만의 사적 이익을 위해서 사람을 자유롭게 죽일수 있는 자유 이다. 이들은 줄이면 안될것을 줄이고, 하면 안되는짓을 해서 일어나면 안될일들을 일어나게 만든다. 이들은 이런 방식으로 오늘도 공장에서 현장에서 젊은 우리세대를 갈아버리고 짓뭉게서 죽이고 있다. 우리는 이러한 '파시즘'과 '권위주의'의 압력과 강요로 인해 압사당하고 있다. 우리는 오히려 더욱 폭발하여 우리의 자유로운 문화를 더욱 악착같이, 이악물고 지켜내야 할것이다. 괜히 띠꺼워서 더 반항심 든다. 너의 원수들이 운영하는 가게에 돈을 지불하지 말아야 한다. 노동력을 제공하지 말아야 한다. 친절하지 말아야 하며, 예의 차릴것이 없고, 존중할것이 없다. 잘해줘봤자 호구취급하며 이용하고 위험한곳에 밀어넣어 죽게 만드는게 그들세대의 악한 근성이다. 심판을 받으라. 악한자를 위로 올리고, 선한자를 짓뭉게는게어 독성적인 사회를 만드는게 이들의 목적이다. 너가 권력을 얻고 부유해지고 싶거든 너와같은 동지들에게 잘하라. 연대하라. 유대감을 갖고 젊은이들의 장사 잘하고 일하기 편하도록 그들에게만 돈을 쓰고 친절하라. 젊은이들끼리 연민을 가져야하고, 그와 반대로 우리의 원수들에겐 자비심을 베풀지 말아야 한다. 최소한의 임금, 최대한의 노동으로 노예취급, 착취하고 모욕감 주는 꼰대들이 운영하는 가게에 한푼도 돈 쓰지말라. 어차피 아무도 우리 안도와준다. 우리의 힘으로 우리의 권력과 부를 쟁취하고 영역을 확대해 나가자 어른이라고 권세와 오만을 부리며 책임은 행하지않고 젊은이들 사이를 이간질시켜 혐오로 지배하는 기득권 죄악의 세대들이 증오스럽다. 반드시 무서운 대가를 치루리라. 반드시 두려운 심판이 이르리라.
When the girls started crying my eyes started to water. This song has such a deep meaning. They went through a lot, the hate and bullying. I'm literally in tears 💔. GIRLS WE LOVE YOU 💗
people always say yujin has an actress face but more than that, i think she has a very unique aura and she knows how to convey different emotions depending on the situation. just by looking at her eyes you can feel emotions and you can see stories. she’s not idol yujin in this MV, she’s the lost and sensitive girl portrayed in the MV. she totally elevated the MV for me, and she really has a lot of potential in acting.
i fear this may be IVE’s best song. this song is a part of each member and describes all of them. the tone of the song suits that kind of feeling where it’s like you’re conflicted with so much, but you’re comforting yourself bc at the end of all of it, all you have is yourself. trust yourself. love yourself. just as IVE wants to tell you. just as IVE wants to tell themselves. ❤
the song sounds amazing and catchy but I’m actually impressed by the MV itself, it’s very aesthetic and fascinating, love how they chose the concept, the color and also the close-up angles
What a tear-jerking masterpiece. The lyrics, melody, overall. ... 'Some say I sound full of myself That I'm just showing off But, some say I'm too kind That I'm almost like a fool' 'countless versions of me created from misunderstandings' 'It's not about who's right or wrong' 'Let's smile for them' ....💔
I'm a casual listener of Ive, but I have to say, this is so far my favorite from all they've released. Wonyoung looks so beautiful in blonde. The song made me feel like Ive is letting us see a more personal side of them.
One factor that makes IVE stand out is the cohesion in their music regardless of the genre. Their sound and overall style isn’t something that can be replicated or adapted by others. They’re untouchable in the sense that only they can maximize and bring out the potential of their songs, especially in terms of delivery and attitude. IVE is undoubtedly at the top and will continue to stay there for a long time.
This song can be sung by any group tbh. So are I Am, After Like etc. their debut Eleven is unique I dont think any other groups have songs similar to that.
@@archive904 I was emphasizing the overall vibe and style of their music. You could argue that other groups can sing their songs and execute them with a similar technical proficiency, but IVE's concepts are explicitly tailored in a manner that complements the girls exclusively. Concepts such as girl crush or Y2K are more easily adapted, hence there are more groups that conform to these styles. In contrast, there aren’t many kpop songs that are as nuanced and conceptually similar as IVE's releases. My comment was more focused on how their tracks and stages exhibit this unique identity and quality (i.e., delivery and attitude that others can’t easily replicate) which is possible because of the members themselves.
I'm so proud of them for releasing such a raw, meaningful song. I feel like this song has such great potential to have a widespread, positive impact. Thank you for this IVE!
this has to be my favorite comeback so far, the lyrics and the melody sounds so raw and full of emotion. honestly i had to hold back tears watching and reading the lyrics. i don’t stan ive but i am a casual listener of their music but i do know they get a lot of hate for no particular reason so this just felt like they were reminding the public that they’re human outside of all the idol stuff. 10/10 comeback honestly
I can see why Wonyoung said this was her favourite song. It's so vulnerable, and so beautiful! This song is truly something special, and I'm sure that everyone can resonate with it. This is very beautiful and wonderful song!
The song is really good! the lyrics & even the simplest melody! 😍 and I'm most impressed with YUJIN's acting skill! Her eyes! her tears! even her smile I can feel them all! Girl really has so many talents in her! 😭
This MV just gives a different vibe and feeling. To me, it seemed different from IVE's all MVs so far. It's somehow unique from choreographed dance moves, and I really love it. IVE fighting 🤠✊
Same director as ACCENDIO. This video has a focus on space and a mysterious woman at the end which seems to leave it open for continuation. Perhaps ACCENDIO is a continuation with the item from space that gives power brought to earth by the girl, but everyone is fighting for it.
All I know is these ladies bring the magic. I am 90% rock and hip hop, and IVE is the first pop/K-pop group to make me stand up and take notice. Blackpink who? BTS who? IVE is the perfect blend of hip-hop, pop, honest, heartfelt, sweet, sexy, and cool. They are everything!
You just cannot deny that IVE is one of the best 4th generation idol out there. They are so consistent with their music plus trying different concepts every comeback. IVE is just insanely good. They are that good. Please love them more.
This sort of vulnerability and honesty is so rare in kpop, it's so nice to see from a big group who have received a lot of criticism. Such a beautiful song and video c: where tho? Has any aespa ever take off their make up in MV? Karina? Winter? Giselle? Ningning? Which song? They keep making cringy album from Savage to Girls and now Better Things flat and flop.
@@malachitegreen2413i love this song and its message (esp how it applies to the members) but please don’t discredit aespa either. pretty sure the song the other person is referring to is “i’m unhappy” and it’s great as well, give it a listen if you want to.
the verses are so interesting, probably my favourite part of the song. they are a group that I really like, the more I discover their songs the more I fall in love with their sound and concept
She could play Somin’s sister. I swear they look so much alike. Her hair short like this (not my fav for her but 🤷🏻♀️) looks kinda like Somin’s back during the drama “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes”. Or as I call it “this show hates you and wants you to cry”.
I'm almost at the edge of crying my heart out because the lyrics hits so hard, IVE doesn't dissapoint, I'm so happy of what this song is expressing to us. I really love and like this 🥹 Support IVE ‼️ they're slaying as always 😝🫶
That is literally not what the song is about. They’re not saying to take the love only lol. They’re saying, whether you love me or hate me, I’m good. Bc everyone has their own opinion. Regardless of your opinion, I’m good.
IVE Discography so far!💿 1st Single Album - *”ELEVEN”* 2nd Single Album - *”LOVE DIVE”* 3rd Single Album - *”AFTER LIKE”* Pre-released Single - *”KITSCH”* 1st Full Album - *”I’VE IVE”* 1st Ad Single - *”I WANT”* Pre-released Single - *”EITHER WAY”* Pre-released Single - *”OFF THE RECORD”* 1st Mini Album - *”I’VE MINE”*
The more you listen to it, the more you gonna realize that this song just reminds you of something that hits your soul. Thank you for this masterpiece.
This MV just gives a different vibe and feeling. To me, it seemed different from IVE's all MVs so far. It's somehow unique from choreographed dance moves, and I really love it. Fighting IVE!
This song feels so emotional and like taking a moment to be a kid again. Taking a moment to have fun again, a break from responsibilities when everything is so overwhelming. It feels so raw and emotional, and makes me feel like we are getting to know the members more on a deeper level. I love this song so much. IVE FOREVER
the mv is a CINEMATIC MASTERPIECE, this made me emotional..the mv had something so nostalgic that i can’t pinpoint, but the vocals, their visual, the lyrics, the set, everything was mesmerising, IVE good job once again, i’m always prouder each comeback, thank you IVE!
I'm not a fan of songs that are so calm but this is top-tier, powerfully deep lyrics, instrumental, beat and very pleasant melody that don't bore me. Wherever IVE goes, everything turns out well.
Theses girls are really that group. Even if you don't listen kpop you should admit that they're really good and talented and honestly they deserve their fame. Each comeback, they always impress and serve new concept and stuff, that's so crazy y'all!!!
HOW CAN THEY BE THIS GOOD??????????????? I'm so happy to see their journey as a group and grow into the best Girl Group of this generation. IVE fighting!!!
I really liked IVE in 4th gen, they never follow the trend like others, that's why I like them more, their songs are getting better and their vocals are very good.
Jesus Christ loves you and laid down His life for you ❤️ We’re all sinners and the wages of sin is hell. But Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down from heaven and died on the cross so that we can be washed clean from our sins. So that we can be saved and go to heaven! That’s how much He loves you. To shed His blood so that you can have beautiful eternal life. He took the punishment of sin so that we don’t have to. Not only did He die for us, but He rose from the dead! Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour 🙏 His gift of salvation is free and He wants you to have it. He will satisfy you. God bless you ❤️
We barely get to hear this type of song anymore in kpop it’s very rare and few ; it really takes me back to the early (2nd gen) 2000s and 2010s of kpop and even some 3rd gen type song vibes. It has a very good melody and feels like ‘one song’ doesn’t feel like too many songs combined like what we hear nowadays. It’s amazing!
no hate love this song it’s amazing and im glad it’s being promoted even tho it’s not a tt but there are like ten million songs of b side songs like this. and for the “mix” song or whatever it’s mostly boy groups and aespa + nmixx, most songs in k-pop now sound very much like 2gen
the fact that the lyrics describe the hate they get makes this song even more emotional.
wonyoung: “sometimes i can’t even understand the looks i get.” she gets hate for being a “pick-me” or doing simple things
leeseo: “that i’m almost like a fool” and “but she acts too childish.” she gets hate for her “fake tears” and “childish behaviors” even though she’s literally a child
yujin: “i’ll just take it all” she wants to take all the hate to herself so her members don’t experience it since she’s the leader
your description of yujin made me cry again 😭
As I thought :(
they didnt even write the lyrics…
Gaeul did not have a line ???
Hhaaa?! Nudaw?!
Craziest part of this song is that every single line sang by the particular members actually defines them
Wonyoung: "Sometimes I can't even understand the looks I get, It feels unfair" oh boy Dives know exactly what she is talking about😭😭
@@Jonas7x7 She and all the others deserve better :(
I love how this song isn't the usual elegant IVE... This concept fits their age, they're all so young and they're still teenagers. This was so natural. It was somehow a mature concept but also gave a "I'm still growing let me be" kind of vibe. As much as I love IVE's elegant concept, this is 🔥🔥
Yes, i was surprised at the mv... But it's nice to show them with a natural attitude... They are young indeed...
Stray kids the king of the k-pop
@@straykids7572at this point, you're just embarrassing urself 😂 You're making a laughing stock out of u
@@straykids7572 ur definitely a kid. Do something better with your life instead of being a disappointment.
I can see why Wonyoung said this was her favourite song. Its so vulnerable, and so beautiful. This song is truly something special, and I’m sure everyone can resonate with it.
Where did she say it?
@@miaoxiuTheir live earlier… both her and yujin like either way the most out of the title tracks in I’ve Mine
@@ivedaibuu7362what's other member's favourite song? I don't understand hangul
@@yourfuture5307wony yujin : Either way
Leeseo : Off the record
Liz : Baddie
Gaeul : Baddie
Rei : Off the record & Baddie
@@Mandombb wow can't wait for off the record and baddie🤧
Not even a fan of IVE, but I cried watching this. I think this is the real essence of artists, showing their art.
Not a fan but agree
no literally. this is just so beautiful. just talking about unconditional acceptance...i love it.
they didnt produce it...
@@poopstinky2547Theyre the ones acting in the mv they're the ones singing. Let people praise IVE
I got goosebumps. The mv's director, editor and creative director really nailed. Also their new looks! Are you kidding? It's so cool.
Jesus Christ loves you and laid down His life for you ❤️
We’re all sinners and the wages of sin is hell. But Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down from heaven and died on the cross so that we can be washed clean from our sins. So that we can be saved and go to heaven!
That’s how much He loves you. To shed His blood so that you can have beautiful eternal life. He took the punishment of sin so that we don’t have to. Not only did He die for us, but He rose from the dead!
Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour 🙏 His gift of salvation is free and He wants you to have it. He will satisfy you. God bless you ❤️
Why is IVE every song a sample
I just wish we could see Liz more and not only Wonyoung and Yujin. Atleast more screentime.
@@chickennuggets5549i praise satan
@@NRam-ke6cs Yall act like Liz gets mistreated in every aspect, yes she should get more screentime but don't drag the others down, I wish Wonyoung had more lines in general but I dont go around saying "instead of Liz and Yujin"... Learn to appreciate people without bringing others down cause that just proves you're a bitter person
I cried watching this. I think this is the real essence of artists, showing their art.
Me too❤
They didn't write it. there's no art showing. someone wrote it to sell their emotions. I love the song but this is a cash grab by the company, not art.
This song just makes me feel a weight off shoulders. It's so comforting and emotional at the same time
와 1빠
I liked how they connected the “I” and “E” together with doing a “V.” Truly IVE✨ 2:09
To add.... V can be considered as a peace sign. I and E can co exist in peace. I-V-E. I have no idea if SSE thought about this when creating the group. Fits this track message like a glove.
The best reference to MBTI (I, E) types
@@diepkientrung1857are you T ?? Neo T yah?
Another one that I like is Moonbyul talking about going from E to I
Yujin's acting is just superb. Every time she appears she brings real emotions to me and she just brings the movie/drama vibe in. She is truly a gem, a variety gem, an all rounder idol, and a potential actress!
Her face NEEDS to be in a drama
Hope to see her in a K-drama one day 💖
Her voice is great too. It really brings more power to this song
Let's be honest. IVE has never released a bad song.
This song really speaks louder than anything, not just for IVE but also for everyone feeling this way. They've gotten so much hate and criticism just from existing, this really shows more than just a beautiful song, it shows people that they hear the hate but they're still continuing on. Beautiful song, beautifully directed, amazing message, and the vocals are no joke.
Why is IVE every song a sample
@@straykids7572nothings wrong with songs having/being samples
@@straykids7572 hop off kid
@@poopno6916 LOL 😂
@@straykids7572 why is STRAY KIDS problematic as fuck
Rei really stands out in this MV. Her blue hair when she's sitting in the middle of the teddy bears makes me emotional for some reason. She looks so surreal and aesthetically pleasing. I see an image of myself in her when she's holding out a phone while crying. Rei, you're everything. You're worth it.
Jesus Christ loves you and laid down His life for you ❤️
We’re all sinners and the wages of sin is hell. But Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down from heaven and died on the cross so that we can be washed clean from our sins. So that we can be saved and go to heaven!
That’s how much He loves you. To shed His blood so that you can have beautiful eternal life. He took the punishment of sin so that we don’t have to. Not only did He die for us, but He rose from the dead!
Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour 🙏 His gift of salvation is free and He wants you to have it. He will satisfy you. God bless you ❤️
Give inside out vibes like sadness and joy together
I feel the same way, she really stands out, vocally too. Her tone is perfection on this.
She looks so cute and ethereal
Yujin, Wonyoung and friend
The underwater scenes are so beautiful. Leeseo is really the coolest maknae in my eyes. I love the meaning of this song and I love IVE girlies so much.
either way is the most emotional heart wrenching resonating and grammy worthy song of 2023 and deserves more.
I dont think I’ve ever seen something so raw and real from a kpop group. the way they displayed such raw emotion and tears made me tear up omfg. these girls literally go through so much and have to handle so much criticism, I appreciate and love their perseverance so much ❤
Yujin looks so cool here. The acting, the hair, the voice, the emotion. Everything was conveyed so beautifully!
yujin not yunjin
It’s yujin
My bad y'all
Give her (Yujin) role in drama.. pleaseeee.. Give her acting debut...😊
가사가 너무 마음이 아프다 겉모습만 보고 또 이유없이 사람을 미워하고 모함하는 세상 속에서 그냥 나니까, 좋다는 그리고 맞고 틀린 게 없다는 말이 왜 이렇게도 위로가 되는지…. 아이브는 자신감 뿜뿜 채워주는 노래들이 많아서 너무 좋다….
진짜 공감!!
i don't know why but this feels so nostalgic and sad, the instrument, the melody uh so good , the acting, the emotions, the visual , the vocals, lyrics everything is so perfect , THEY NEVER DISAPPOINTS US .
Why do I feel like this is the best version of IVE? The raw emotions and quality production/music are just so engaging yet showing off everyone’s charm
Why does LIZ sound so good?? She is an amazing singer. So much beauty from her voice. LOVE it.
Wish she had more screentime tho. But hey, this group is only wonyoung and yujin
@@NRam-ke6cs are you joking? In literally almost every song Liz is top 2 in lyrics. Only in kitsch it was like that
he's not talking about line distribution, but about screen time, she barely appears in this mv...@@c._.lover.
@@c._.lover. op said SCREENTIME, it's not about who sings the most. so chill maybe
@@NRam-ke6cstheir song is about how they got so much hate and look here you are still spreading hate on wonyoung and yujin
The group was never about wonyoung or yujin..they are ot6 and always be ot6 for us..
Honestly IVE puts out the highest quality product in kpop right now. No gimmicks they’re not trying to sound like the trend. They just put out amazing music again and again that always fits their unique style.
Starship for big5
@ry9743 would the big5 be hybe jyp sm yg and then starship? cause ik the big3 is jyp sm and yg.
@@imastrayiguess2052 cube is a pretty promising contender too
@@ry9743starship was never in big5 they almost went bankrupt until they debuted ive, ive made starship and kakao famous they are the money maker of starship
솔직히 아직 10대이고 어린 애들인데 얘네한텐 세상이 넘 각박하다.. 진짜 이번 노래 통해서 감정 씨게 전해지는거 같음.. 행복해라 애들아
나는 이태원 사건을 계기로 삶에 자유가 없기에 더욱 자유를 갈망하여 경쟁하고 밀집하는 대한민국의 인구에 대해 더욱 깊게 생각해본다.
수도권이 악착같이 부를 독점하고 노동의 가치는 낮추고 인구는 머물곳도 갈곳도 없게 하여 다갇혀살게 만드니 이런 참사가 일어났다고 본다.
기득권의 부에 대한 집착과 이기심과 탐욕과 독점이야 말로 정신나간 미친 현상이며 이 사태의 원흉이라고 생각함.
그저 인간이라면 마땅히 누려야할 자유와 행복을 누리고자 했던 모든 젊은이들의 죽음에 애도를 표한다.
자신보다 낮은 이의 자유와 행복을 억압하고 착취하여 권세와 부를 누리는 자는 자신도 억압받고 착취당하여 굴욕을 겪으리라.
평생의 노력과 수고로움의 결실을 보지 못할지며, 이룬 모든것이 허망히 무너지리라.
어른이라며 젊은이들에게 꼰대질하며 착취하는 자들이 젊은이들이 연휴를 맞아 자유를 누리고자 모여서 노는것도 귀신축제라며 온갖 혐오를 하다가 이제는 불경하고 음탕하게 모여서 놀다 죽었다며 자업자득 쌤통이라며 조롱을 한다.
젊은이들을 애초에 갈곳도 살곳도 미래도 없이 한데 묶어서 기계에 끼어죽고 공사장에서 깔려죽게 만들고 용광로에 끓여죽이며 자살하게 만드는자들이 누구인가
젊은이들이 이런 자유도 못누리나?
애초에 할로윈이란것도 꼰대질과 눈치주기, 전체주의 강요와 같은 독성적이고 가부장적이고
경직된 한국 문화 강요에 대한 젊은층의 극도의 거부반응과 저항으로 자유를 갈망하며 일탈을 추구하는 성격이 강한 행사였음.
이태원과 할로윈은 '개인의 자유'를 상징함. 그것을 파괴하고 없애고 싶어하는것은 '개인의 자유'를 억압하고자 하고 전체주의 국가를 만들고 싶어하는 꼰대 파시즘임.
오히려 꼰대질이 더욱 그들이 퇴폐적이라고 욕하는 젊은세대의 신 문화를 낳았다.
하지만 최소한 젊은세대는 자기 자신과 남들에게 솔직하며, '정직'하게 산다.
오히려 더욱더 퇴폐적인건 꼰대들의 위선,기만,가식,거짓과
시기,질투, 증오심,열등감이다.
자신들도 싫어하는것을 남에게 억지로 강요하고, 남이 즐겁고 행복한것을 보면 깊은곳에서 증오한다.
이들은 반드시 지옥에 가야한다.
젊은 층이 거부하였을때, 꼰대들은 '개인'이라는 컨셉 자체를 이해하는데 실패했고, 심지어 '자유'라는 개념 자체에 대해서도 제대로 이해하지못하고 왜곡된 인식을 보이며 처참한 몰골을 보였다. 이들은 자신들의 처참한 실패를 인정하고 지속 불가능한 문화에 대해 반성을 하는 모습을 보이지 않았음.
'어른'다운 성숙한 관용, 이해, 인내가 아니라 온갖 저급한 험담과 젊은세대에 대한 시기,질투와 증오를 노골적으로 보여왔음. 어른이길 포기한 그들은 나이값을 못하고 '섹스'에 노골적으로 집착하며(집착은 젊은세대보다 훨씬 골이 깊다. 못누려봤기 때문에 환상만 가득하기 때문. 이래서 사람은 솔직하게 살아야함.)
젊은세대가 가진 젊은과 아름다움과 자유에 대하여 깊은 질투와 열등감을 느끼고있음.
꼰대 문화, 가부장적 전체주의 강요문화로 고착화된 중소기업 등에선 아직까지도 나이든 더럽고 추잡하고 쭈글쭈글한 손으로 젊은 여성들을 성추행,성희롱,성폭행 한다는 이야기가 심심찮게 들려온다.
추모 분위기가 온갖 협잡으로 더러워진김에 걍 대놓고 말해본다.
자유롭고자 모인 사람들의 죽음으로 자유를 제한하는것이 옳은것인가.
할로윈은 '젊은세대'가 추구하는 '개인주의'와 '자유주의'의 상징이다.
이것은 공격하는것은 열등감이며 파시즘이다.
원래 파시즘이란 것이 그렇다. 사회적으로 낙오된 계층의 분노와 열등감과 팽창주의를 부추겨 사회를 독성적으로 만든다.
권위주의 독재 파시즘 꼰대세력은 자유에 책임을 지라는 공포로 자유를 억압하고있다.
기본적으로 살아갈곳이 없다면, 자유도 없다.
기본적인 생활의 안정이 없다면, 자유도 없다.
기본적인 소득의 안정이 없다면, 자유도 없다.
기본적인 권리와 안전의 보장이 없다면, 자유도 없다.
아주 기초적이고 기본적인것이 보장돼야 자유를 누릴수 있는것이다.
기본적인 안전장치가 없다면 거기엔 '종속'과 '착취'밖에 없다.
이태원 참사는 국민을 안전의 밖으로 몰아내서 자유를 누리지 못하게 학살하여 공포여론을 조장하는 파시즘 사건이다.
'각자도생'이나 '약육강식'따위 틀딱 사자성어로 몰아넣으며 기성세대가 책임을 지지않고 젊은세대를 압사시켜 죽인것이다.
왜냐? 자유롭고 개성넘치고 창의적인 젊은이들은 착취잘 당하는 노예 노동자로 길들이기 어려우니까.
그래서 자기들 노후 보장해주는 노비로 부려먹어야하는데 말안듣고 도끼눈 뜨니까.
자유란 보장해줘야 누릴수 있는것이다. 기본적인 인간의 삶을 보장 안해준채
리스크만 감당하는것을 이들은 '자유'라 부르고 '책임'이라 뒤집어 씌운다.
꼰대 기득권이 말하는 자유란 자신들만의 사적 이익을 위해서 사람을 자유롭게 죽일수 있는 자유 이다.
이들은 줄이면 안될것을 줄이고, 하면 안되는짓을 해서
일어나면 안될일들을 일어나게 만든다.
이들은 이런 방식으로 오늘도 공장에서 현장에서
젊은 우리세대를 갈아버리고 짓뭉게서 죽이고 있다.
우리는 이러한 '파시즘'과 '권위주의'의 압력과 강요로 인해 압사당하고 있다.
우리는 오히려 더욱 폭발하여 우리의 자유로운 문화를 더욱 악착같이, 이악물고 지켜내야 할것이다.
괜히 띠꺼워서 더 반항심 든다.
너의 원수들이 운영하는 가게에 돈을 지불하지 말아야 한다. 노동력을 제공하지 말아야 한다.
친절하지 말아야 하며, 예의 차릴것이 없고, 존중할것이 없다. 잘해줘봤자 호구취급하며 이용하고 위험한곳에 밀어넣어 죽게 만드는게 그들세대의 악한 근성이다. 심판을 받으라.
악한자를 위로 올리고, 선한자를 짓뭉게는게어 독성적인 사회를 만드는게 이들의 목적이다.
너가 권력을 얻고 부유해지고 싶거든 너와같은 동지들에게 잘하라. 연대하라. 유대감을 갖고
젊은이들의 장사 잘하고 일하기 편하도록 그들에게만 돈을 쓰고 친절하라. 젊은이들끼리 연민을 가져야하고,
그와 반대로 우리의 원수들에겐 자비심을 베풀지 말아야 한다.
최소한의 임금, 최대한의 노동으로 노예취급, 착취하고 모욕감 주는 꼰대들이 운영하는 가게에 한푼도 돈 쓰지말라.
어차피 아무도 우리 안도와준다. 우리의 힘으로 우리의 권력과 부를 쟁취하고 영역을 확대해 나가자
어른이라고 권세와 오만을 부리며 책임은 행하지않고 젊은이들 사이를 이간질시켜 혐오로 지배하는 기득권 죄악의 세대들이 증오스럽다.
반드시 무서운 대가를 치루리라.
반드시 두려운 심판이 이르리라.
돈은 왠만한 40대보다 많음
연예인 걱정을 하시네 ㅋㅋㅋ
예쁜거로 질투 심하게 당함ㅠ
@@미카엘-z2l 여기서 독재 타도 왜 치는거냐. 그런건 딴데 가서해.
Yujins acting is awesome and blonde wonyoung is gorgeous like always also Liz always blows me away with her vocals I’ve is such an awesome group. DIVE
2:13 2:15 2:18 😅
Let’s not lie and just admit, IVE never produced a bad song! These girls keep on impressing me even more.
When the girls started crying my eyes started to water. This song has such a deep meaning. They went through a lot, the hate and bullying. I'm literally in tears 💔. GIRLS WE LOVE YOU 💗
It’s very catchy. It’s marketable. It’s iconic. it's awesome. It’s on brand, it’s brainy, it’s witty, It’s conceptual, unique, amazing, talented, period
ballad shit isn’t catchy at all
@@karinationeither way it's good oh oh oh oh oh😊
@@NoctilucentStudiosAh, here we go again with this kind of comment 😂
@@NoctilucentStudios no new jeans here
@@NoctilucentStudiosthis sounds nothing like newjeans get a life for trying to destroy both their careers you fake bunny 😂
This dreamy mv deserves more view😭
Fr, I expected them to sing this song for the ending of their performance at Lollapalooza Chicago 🥺
"some say I sound full of myself,
That I'm just showing off" whilst it's showing Wonyoung is so powerful, she deserves the justice to be heard too ♡
R u talking about the first line in the whole song? That's actually Rei's line
IKR the first time I saw that I was surprised. It was so powerful
@@Teal_Crystals12but it's Wonyoung's scene.
@@AB-yk2pq Its okay I know that
@@Teal_Crystals12happy new year!
people always say yujin has an actress face but more than that, i think she has a very unique aura and she knows how to convey different emotions depending on the situation. just by looking at her eyes you can feel emotions and you can see stories. she’s not idol yujin in this MV, she’s the lost and sensitive girl portrayed in the MV. she totally elevated the MV for me, and she really has a lot of potential in acting.
„Let’s smile for them“ - line broke me. Stay strong girls. You guys do it for you, for no one else.
The message of the song is really beautiful. I hope people will truly listen to its lyrics and take them to heart.
this song reminds us that whatever people are saying about you, YOU ARE GOOD, YOU ARE ENOUGH, YOU MATTER. YOU DO YOU AND JUST KEEP SLAYING!
i fear this may be IVE’s best song. this song is a part of each member and describes all of them. the tone of the song suits that kind of feeling where it’s like you’re conflicted with so much, but you’re comforting yourself bc at the end of all of it, all you have is yourself. trust yourself. love yourself. just as IVE wants to tell you. just as IVE wants to tell themselves. ❤
I cried watching this. I think this is the real essence of artists, showing their art.
아이브는 항상 다른 색깔의 매력을 잘 보여주는 듯...이번 신곡도 전혀 다른 모습의 신곡을...정말 최고의 아이돌이야...다들 너무 이쁘게 잘 나왔네요~~
레트로 느낌을 잘 쓰는 거 같음
Stream massivo!
All the girls looked absolutely stunning. Hat's off to the director.
때묻지 않은 소녀들의 꿈. 사랑. 예쁨..❤ 니네다가져❤
The meaning of this song is very deep, I just cried watching this MV. Fighting IVE. You have worked hard until now.
I cried too
I also cried even though I am not a fan :')
May i ask what the meaning is?..
@@entan-by-together8989 me too
the song sounds amazing and catchy but I’m actually impressed by the MV itself, it’s very aesthetic and fascinating, love how they chose the concept, the color and also the close-up angles
And parts of the MV were shot on film.
What a tear-jerking masterpiece. The lyrics, melody, overall.
'Some say I sound full of myself
That I'm just showing off
But, some say I'm too kind
That I'm almost like a fool'
'countless versions of me created from misunderstandings'
'It's not about who's right or wrong'
'Let's smile for them'
Beautiful. I like they are not just trying one type of music ❤
I'm a casual listener of Ive, but I have to say, this is so far my favorite from all they've released. Wonyoung looks so beautiful in blonde. The song made me feel like Ive is letting us see a more personal side of them.
One factor that makes IVE stand out is the cohesion in their music regardless of the genre. Their sound and overall style isn’t something that can be replicated or adapted by others. They’re untouchable in the sense that only they can maximize and bring out the potential of their songs, especially in terms of delivery and attitude. IVE is undoubtedly at the top and will continue to stay there for a long time.
This song can be sung by any group tbh. So are I Am, After Like etc. their debut Eleven is unique I dont think any other groups have songs similar to that.
@archive904 No, cause this song is made for IVE. They included their group name "IVE" in pre chorus. "After like" also contains it.
@@archive904 I was emphasizing the overall vibe and style of their music. You could argue that other groups can sing their songs and execute them with a similar technical proficiency, but IVE's concepts are explicitly tailored in a manner that complements the girls exclusively. Concepts such as girl crush or Y2K are more easily adapted, hence there are more groups that conform to these styles. In contrast, there aren’t many kpop songs that are as nuanced and conceptually similar as IVE's releases. My comment was more focused on how their tracks and stages exhibit this unique identity and quality (i.e., delivery and attitude that others can’t easily replicate) which is possible because of the members themselves.
Absolutely agree with you
I'm so proud of them for releasing such a raw, meaningful song. I feel like this song has such great potential to have a widespread, positive impact. Thank you for this IVE!
this has to be my favorite comeback so far, the lyrics and the melody sounds so raw and full of emotion. honestly i had to hold back tears watching and reading the lyrics. i don’t stan ive but i am a casual listener of their music but i do know they get a lot of hate for no particular reason so this just felt like they were reminding the public that they’re human outside of all the idol stuff. 10/10 comeback honestly
That's why kpop agencies doesn't experiment, cause this masterpieces are soo underrated 😢
I can see why Wonyoung said this was her favourite song. It's so vulnerable, and so beautiful! This song is truly something special, and I'm sure that everyone can resonate with it. This is very beautiful and wonderful song!
I think it's because of the lyric, it has deep meanings and everyone can relate
did the other girls say there favourite songs?
@@dutchscotchgaeul named baddie as her favorite song.
The song is really good! the lyrics & even the simplest melody! 😍 and I'm most impressed with YUJIN's acting skill! Her eyes! her tears! even her smile I can feel them all! Girl really has so many talents in her! 😭
Blonde Wonyoung, bobbed Yujin, long-haired Gaeul, cheese liz, and cute rei, and baby. Let's make this comeback a big hit!
Gaeul looks greasy
@@yeseoisthequeen u look greasy
it's German liz
@@yeseoisthequeen girl..
This group has become a family for me.
dont create parasocial relationships w idols...
kimi wa bakaa desu @@Yunris
kisama @@Yunris
왜 그렇게 화를 내니? 😒 @Yunris
mee to
The thing that I like about IVE is that they always gave us well-produced, meaningful and catchy music. They can also slay any concept.
i love their producers, they are so excellent
@@poopstinky2547 FR
* 1st listen mouth open.
* 2nd listen tears of sadness.
* 3rd listen tears of joy.
* 4th listen.. soulful and spiritual feelz.
* 5th listen ...enlightenment.
idk how many times ive listened at this point
* 100th listen.. rebirth
1000000th listen levitating
9999999th.. godhood
♾️ still not bored
The message in this song is straightforward. No matter the struggles, you can uplift and not bring yourself down.
“Either way I’m goo-ood.” 👍
Honestly, this might be the best IVE song so far because of the meaning in the lyrics.
This MV just gives a different vibe and feeling. To me, it seemed different from IVE's all MVs so far. It's somehow unique from choreographed dance moves, and I really love it. IVE fighting 🤠✊
Agree 💗💗
They are tapping into that IVE Summer film they released back in 2022 and I love it
Agree❤. This song hits different
tbh i never expect this kind of mv from ive
What a beautifully vulnerable song! The emotion IVE brought to this was so moving! Perfect as usual!
WONYOUNG I LOVE YOU🌺🌸🌸🌸❤🌺❤🌺❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤😳❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌺❤🌸❤😳❤😳❤❤🌸🌸❤🌸😳🌸🌸🌸you are my absolute favourite idol❤❤❤❤❤
Whoops sorry that comment was meant to post not under this comment
The part where they carry each others baggages starting with leader Yujin and her crying made me emotional.
noooooooo t_____t
Omg yes! 😭 but then it cuts to them having fun with one another. I’m so happy they have each other
Why is IVE every song a sample
@@straykids7572ask bangchan
Same director as ACCENDIO. This video has a focus on space and a mysterious woman at the end which seems to leave it open for continuation. Perhaps ACCENDIO is a continuation with the item from space that gives power brought to earth by the girl, but everyone is fighting for it.
The woman is Wonyoung
All I know is these ladies bring the magic. I am 90% rock and hip hop, and IVE is the first pop/K-pop group to make me stand up and take notice. Blackpink who? BTS who? IVE is the perfect blend of hip-hop, pop, honest, heartfelt, sweet, sexy, and cool. They are everything!
You just cannot deny that IVE is one of the best 4th generation idol out there. They are so consistent with their music plus trying different concepts every comeback. IVE is just insanely good. They are that good. Please love them more.
Let's be honest. IVE has NEVER released a bad song.
of course!!!! it's ive!!!!
Soo true
That's right. The worst song is not a bad song.
I mean some of there comeback songs are copy of western songs LOL
This sort of vulnerability and honesty is so rare in kpop, it's so nice to see from a big group who have received a lot of criticism. Such a beautiful song and video c:
I mean aespa did a very similar concept. what song? where tho? Has any aespa ever take off their make up in MV? Karina? Winter? Giselle? Ningning? Which song? They keep making cringy album from Savage to Girls and now Better Things flat and flop.
only other kpop i know did this concept is 2ne1 ugly. since netizens called them ugly. any other group?
@@malachitegreen2413i love this song and its message (esp how it applies to the members) but please don’t discredit aespa either. pretty sure the song the other person is referring to is “i’m unhappy” and it’s great as well, give it a listen if you want to.
서정적인 가사와 여러가지 감정이 뒤섞인 몽환적인 분위기가 너무 좋네요. 역시 믿고 듣는 아이브 노래 최고에요. 아이브 이번 앨범도 아이팅!
이번노래는 잔잔해서 놀랐음,,그리고 노래가사도 몽글몽글 이쁘더라 "모두다 나야" "누가 맞고 틀린게 아닌걸" 이런거 ? 아이브 더 흥하자 사랑해
근데 갠적으로 사진으로는 흑백이 이쁜거 같아여
Yujin and Liz killed this and really surprised how well wonyoung sang her parts for a second I couldnt believe it was her. All the girls did so well.
+1.... Wonnys 1st verse felt soulful. These guys are all improving their singing. Liz has even gotten better if that was possible...
@@nk2012 True every new release there is an audible improvement. They work really hard in pushing their performance.
Oh I love this aesthetic ❤
I love Wonyoung's voice, she always brings a lot of color to her lines
the verses are so interesting, probably my favourite part of the song.
they are a group that I really like, the more I discover their songs the more I fall in love with their sound and concept
Yujin should be on the youth kdrama, she’s so artist coded
Definitely agree
She could play Somin’s sister. I swear they look so much alike. Her hair short like this (not my fav for her but 🤷🏻♀️) looks kinda like Somin’s back during the drama “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes”. Or as I call it “this show hates you and wants you to cry”.
@itzmeae-dleJung Somin
stan zerobaseone
I'm really happy with how Starship has given IVE the room to show many sides and creativity with their music in such a short time.
The musicality is so complex, the vocals are so crisp, the MV visuals are so raw. *It's perfect modern K-pop.*
This song deserves more recognition.
I'm almost at the edge of crying my heart out because the lyrics hits so hard, IVE doesn't dissapoint, I'm so happy of what this song is expressing to us. I really love and like this 🥹 Support IVE ‼️ they're slaying as always 😝🫶
So meaningful: No matter what,people’s bad opinions are not what defines you. Take the love and not the hate. Don’t hate, we are in this together.
That is literally not what the song is about. They’re not saying to take the love only lol. They’re saying, whether you love me or hate me, I’m good. Bc everyone has their own opinion. Regardless of your opinion, I’m good.
IVE Discography so far!💿
1st Single Album - *”ELEVEN”*
2nd Single Album - *”LOVE DIVE”*
3rd Single Album - *”AFTER LIKE”*
Pre-released Single - *”KITSCH”*
1st Full Album - *”I’VE IVE”*
1st Ad Single - *”I WANT”*
Pre-released Single - *”EITHER WAY”*
Pre-released Single - *”OFF THE RECORD”*
1st Mini Album - *”I’VE MINE”*
Yujin two closeups with the smile and the ending are so powerful. I get chills and feel the tears building up every time .
The more you listen to it, the more you gonna realize that this song just reminds you of something that hits your soul. Thank you for this masterpiece.
This MV just gives a different vibe and feeling. To me, it seemed different from IVE's all MVs so far. It's somehow unique from choreographed dance moves, and I really love it. Fighting IVE!
대중적인 면을 놓치지 않으면서도 아이브만의 색깔을 드러내는 행보가 진짜 멋진 것 같아요. 아이브가 세상에 전달하고자 하는 메시지가 비난을 위한 의견을 가진 이들 때문에 가려지는 일은 없을 거에요. 용기 있는 진심은 어떤 방식으로든 세상에 전달되니까요
The more they take down IVE, the better they become and the more blessings they receive. Our queen is continuing to soar.
Why is IVE every song a sample
@@straykids7572are you drunk?you are making the same comment everywhere
@@straykids7572 what songs are samples? after like and either way? genuinely asking
@@straykids7572Invest in yourself when you have time to write these comments lol 😂
@@straykids7572unstan stray flops
they did it for the arts, not for the charts
Yet it still bagged a music show win❤
idk abt that
This song feels so emotional and like taking a moment to be a kid again. Taking a moment to have fun again, a break from responsibilities when everything is so overwhelming. It feels so raw and emotional, and makes me feel like we are getting to know the members more on a deeper level. I love this song so much. IVE FOREVER
not alot of kpop artists make songs like this , expressing problems and issues that most idols have , truly a masterpiece and a unique song here ❤
the mv is a CINEMATIC MASTERPIECE, this made me emotional..the mv had something so nostalgic that i can’t pinpoint, but the vocals, their visual, the lyrics, the set, everything was mesmerising, IVE good job once again, i’m always prouder each comeback, thank you IVE!
I'm not a fan of songs that are so calm but this is top-tier, powerfully deep lyrics, instrumental, beat and very pleasant melody that don't bore me. Wherever IVE goes, everything turns out well.
Theses girls are really that group. Even if you don't listen kpop you should admit that they're really good and talented and honestly they deserve their fame. Each comeback, they always impress and serve new concept and stuff, that's so crazy y'all!!!
HOW CAN THEY BE THIS GOOD??????????????? I'm so happy to see their journey as a group and grow into the best Girl Group of this generation. IVE fighting!!!
@@tendousouji2146shut up :)
@@tendousouji2146What's so funny?- Oh right, it's your jealousy.
@@IloveParkSunghoon0905how many words in wonyoung
@@amobea_ 8
I really liked IVE in 4th gen, they never follow the trend like others, that's why I like them more, their songs are getting better and their vocals are very good.
CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW GORGEOUS THEY LOOKED IN THIS M/V 😭✨ They are so beautiful!! Queens IVE !!!!!!
Nah, that's what all these fans are talking about. Let's talk about how we can stop poverty
right, i always get emotional thinking about it
I love how detailed and meaningful the mv and song is
I think I can now say with confidence that amongst all the kpop concepts, the one IVE has chosen is simply, "good music"
❤Yes 😊
So true
Jesus Christ loves you and laid down His life for you ❤️
We’re all sinners and the wages of sin is hell. But Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down from heaven and died on the cross so that we can be washed clean from our sins. So that we can be saved and go to heaven!
That’s how much He loves you. To shed His blood so that you can have beautiful eternal life. He took the punishment of sin so that we don’t have to. Not only did He die for us, but He rose from the dead!
Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour 🙏 His gift of salvation is free and He wants you to have it. He will satisfy you. God bless you ❤️
지금까지의 아이브 곡 중에서 가장 차분하지만 가장 강렬하네요. 멤버들의 풋풋함이 너무 사랑스러워요.
그리고 안녕즈 연기력 대박.
We barely get to hear this type of song anymore in kpop it’s very rare and few ;
it really takes me back to the early (2nd gen) 2000s and 2010s of kpop and even some 3rd gen type song vibes. It has a very good melody and feels like ‘one song’ doesn’t feel like too many songs combined like what we hear nowadays. It’s amazing!
yeah, it felt raw and honest!
no hate love this song it’s amazing and im glad it’s being promoted even tho it’s not a tt but there are like ten million songs of b side songs like this. and for the “mix” song or whatever it’s mostly boy groups and aespa + nmixx, most songs in k-pop now sound very much like 2gen