NEW CZECH PRESIDENT (who should it be?)

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @zlutabrokolice
    @zlutabrokolice Рік тому +154

    Tobik na hrad! Jsem 100% pro. Spojovat a reprezentovat národ by mu šlo skvěle!

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  Рік тому +7


    • @rk8872
      @rk8872 Рік тому +1

      @@DreamPrague That reminds me of a South Park episode in which a rabbit was elected the Pope, since unlike people, they are of pure hearts.

  • @Stepica
    @Stepica Рік тому +206

    " ... We need our president not to embarras the czech nation. This is a higher bar that you would think. "
    I felt that one 😄, it hurts so good 😓

    • @michellemaine2719
      @michellemaine2719 Рік тому +5

      It is not possible to top the horror that was Trump

    • @petrosak6576
      @petrosak6576 Рік тому +4

      @@michellemaine2719 Is that a chalenge?

    • @michellemaine2719
      @michellemaine2719 Рік тому +1

      @@petrosak6576 haha, I sincerely hope not

    • @filipbitala2624
      @filipbitala2624 Рік тому

      @@michellemaine2719well Zeman is known by three things, he is a drunk, he is half dead already, and the only people voting for him were the old people

  • @schauza
    @schauza Рік тому +68

    The world would be a better place if dogs ran it. VOTE FOR TOBIK! ♥️🐶🇨🇿

    @JANFILLA Рік тому +138

    Jsi skvělá. Často vypíchneš věci, které si my Češi vůbec neuvědomujeme. Díky!

    • @badaxebadaxe2248
      @badaxebadaxe2248 Рік тому

      Ale prdlajs, žvaní o věcech, o kterých nic neví. Je znát že má nějaký okruh lidí v práglu a nic netuší krom toho, čím jí nahnojí mozek. Nerudová nemá problém kvůli "plgiátorství" ale kvůli tomu, že jí v době jejího řízení mendlovky tam lítá 10 mega za falešné tituly. A Pavel se nepřidal ke KS%C, byl předsedou a vstoupil, hned když mu bylo 18a byl docela solidní práskač. To že si ho NATO "prověřilo" je kravina, na jeho místě seděl i generál Wehrmachtu, nebo letecké eso se s176 sestřely u Luftwafe. A tam kde seděl to je výbor "poradců" kterému dělal předsedu, jmenují je de facto členské země a v dané době bylo třeba dát tam do čela někoho z východu, Pavel měl výhodu že se ve škole pro špiony naučil dobře francouzsky a uměl i dobře anglicky a samozřejmě rusky. Takže tam byl vyslán. Jak se mi postřehy Jen obvykle líbí, tady žvaní jak novináři.

    • @martintomek8885
      @martintomek8885 Рік тому

      Ty možná ale netahej do svého neuvědomování si věcí Čechy a vylez jí ze zadku 😜

  • @Noblnoch
    @Noblnoch Рік тому +63

    Výborně, velmi zábavný díl. Stále mě překvapuje tvé porozumění české mentalitě!

  • @Geker3
    @Geker3 Рік тому +65

    One thing about Babiš's court case: Yes, he was found not gulity but the prosecutor can still appeal to higher court, so the case is definitely not closed as far as I know.

    • @Mysharrr
      @Mysharrr Рік тому +4

      Also the fact that he was not convicted of commiting a crime does not contradict the fact that what he did was highly immoral.

    • @dav6135
      @dav6135 Рік тому

      @@Mysharrr How, if he had not stolen any mony and he complied with the subsidies rules, what was immoral in it?

    • @jeanneknight4791
      @jeanneknight4791 Рік тому

      He should avoid the appearance of impropriety. The fact that he fought the allegations so long and hard instead of admitting that someone in his organization made an error proves that he has no understanding whatsoever of the unspoken rules of how to behave with dignity. He is an embarrassment. US law and legal ethics codify this and I am sure many other countries do the same. The appearance of impropriety refers to a situation that to a layperson, without knowledge of the specific circumstances, might seem to appear illegal or unfair. Conflicts of interest comingled banking and personal or professional scandals are examples. The Czech Republic hasn't had a decent president since Havel. In some ways, I hope the prosecution just buries this. I don't know what the time limit for filing an appeal is, but it is usually 30 to 60 days in the systems I know. I like to think the judge was fair and unbiased but it seemed to me that it was truly unlikely that Babis didn't know what was going on. And, if that was the case, what sort of businessman is he?

    • @dav6135
      @dav6135 Рік тому

      @@jeanneknight4791 Bullshit he has not commited any crime not even was there any mistake from his side. The case was total fiction crime construct.

    • @jeanneknight4791
      @jeanneknight4791 Рік тому

      @@dav6135 The EU Commission’s audit confirmed that as Prime Minister, Mr Babiš exercised influence on the allocation of EU subsidies to Agrofert, an agro-chemical conglomerate that he founded himself. The Commission confirmed the concerns Parliament has voiced many times in recent years.
      In 2018, 2019 and 2020, MEPs adopted resolutions pointing to the misuse of EU agricultural funds in Czechia and the Prime Minister’s possible involvement. They called for stronger measures to protect EU spending, in particular for a control mechanism to be set up to address the issue of conflicts of interest, and for more transparency on the final beneficiaries of EU funds. Currently, no EU law obliges a member state to disclose the ultimate beneficiaries of EU subsidies."
      Again, the appearance of impropriety.

  • @marcelavalkova8059
    @marcelavalkova8059 Рік тому +18

    Jdu volit Tobika! Konečně kandidát bez poskvrnky! A ještě k tomu ohromný sympaťák 🤗🐾

  • @czuswoe
    @czuswoe Рік тому +28

    Skvělé. Vždy si všimnu když referuješ Čechy jako 'my' nebo 'u nás' a položím si vždy stejnou otázku: To by mě zajímalo, od kterého momentu jsou Češi pro tebe 'my' namísto 'oni'.

    • @tomsule
      @tomsule Рік тому +12

      Od te doby, co pije v parku pivo a zacla si uzivat zivot v Praze 🍻 😁

  • @ondrejragnarok65
    @ondrejragnarok65 Рік тому +100

    Babiš není podnikatel "byznysmen", ale oligarcha. Je to člověk, který získal podniky a své jmění ne zrovna čistým způsobem a je v jeho podnikání hromada otazníků a vykřičníků.
    Ale jinak je to moc hezké video, děkujeme za skvělou prezentaci v zahraničí! :)

    • @erikziak1249
      @erikziak1249 Рік тому +8

      V USA by bol "entrepreneur", čo je ich miestny výraz pre oligarchu.

    • @ZemplinTemplar
      @ZemplinTemplar Рік тому +2

      There's a mocking Slovak euphemism, "controversial businessman/enterpreneur". Shorthand for "oligarch" and "crook".
      Jestvuje posmešný slovenský eufemizmus, "kontroverzný podnikateľ". Tajná skratka pre "oligarcha" a "zlodej".

    • @jakubs.6103
      @jakubs.6103 Рік тому +8

      Naštěstí o vině a nevině nerozhodují něčí vykřičníky a otazníky, ale soudy. A podle nich je Babiš čistý. A to nejsem jeho volič.

    • @ondrejragnarok65
      @ondrejragnarok65 Рік тому +10

      @@jakubs.6103 soudy soudí tak, jak čestný je soudce a nebo tak, jak ho tam kdo dosadí. Čestné soudce máme, ale máme i ty nečestné. Ne není nevinný. Sám se už propálil se zaklekavanim na firmy..

    • @erikziak1249
      @erikziak1249 Рік тому

      @@ZemplinTemplar Investor?

  • @monikaj2889
    @monikaj2889 Рік тому +20

    You nailed it with the last candidate! Tobik na Hrad! hahaha

  • @mareka3740
    @mareka3740 Рік тому +11

    What a great sense of humour ! Warm greetings from the neighbouring Poland !

  • @emadvorakova42
    @emadvorakova42 Рік тому +34

    Tobík na Hrad!😀 Mimochodem v USA se může stát pes starostou...

    • @jaroslavrezac2537
      @jaroslavrezac2537 Рік тому +2

      dříve jsme si z toho dělali srandu, než jsme zjistili, že to může brát někdo vážně. Jak se vše jen relativizuje, tak se nedivím, že i zvířata jako pes, opice, či cokoliv jiného mohou být zvolena místo lidí. Dekadence "Západní" kultury se projevuje naplno i v politických názorech.

    • @qr3579
      @qr3579 Рік тому +6

      @@jaroslavrezac2537 Připadá mi, že téma “západní dekadence” je docela takový evergreen. Pokud se nepletu, tak už o ní kdysi mluvil i jeden pán v hnědé košili s patkou a knírkem.

    • @ZemplinTemplar
      @ZemplinTemplar Рік тому +7

      @@qr3579 Extra zaujímavé, že "západnou dekadenciou" sa spravidla oháňajú tí, ktorým zázračne nevadí "východná dekadencia" rôznych sovietskych a ex-sovietskych diktátorov, autokratov a oligarchov...

    • @jaroslavrezac2537
      @jaroslavrezac2537 Рік тому

      @@qr3579 zkuste tohle, jestli vám vaše mozkové závity na to stačí....Carl Jung ve jedné ze svých knih zmiňuje o indiánském náčelníkovi, který řekl, že většina bělochů má napjaté tváře, zírající oči a kruté chování. " Běloši stále něco hledají" řekl náčelník. " co vlastně hledají?" Zdá se, že pořád něco chtějí, jsou stále neklidní a nespokojení. My nevíme, co chtějí. Myslíme si, že jsou šílení.....

    • @qr3579
      @qr3579 Рік тому

      @@jaroslavrezac2537 Nevím jak tenhle citát souvisí s údajnou "západní dekadencí". To co onen údajný náčelník popisuje moc neodpovídá definici pojmu dekadence. Ale jsem rád, že si po večerech čtete filizofy.

  • @tolosate
    @tolosate Рік тому +72

    Let’s not forget that Babis is still being investigated in France for his multiple properties in the south of France… he’s in for the immunity I guess

    • @Geker3
      @Geker3 Рік тому +2

      I am not sure if case held in Frnace according to French law will be effected by criminal immunity given to a suspect by czech law.

    • @pneumane
      @pneumane Рік тому +2

      @@Geker3 As diplomats have political immunity, I'd guess this counts for a president, too. But I'm not 100 % sure either.

    • @Raven777777777777777
      @Raven777777777777777 Рік тому +2

      If only in France, he's being investigated in US too as far as i know or at least he was, its about 6 months old information and i havent found anything recent about it.

    • @filipbitala2624
      @filipbitala2624 Рік тому

      Lets not forget that all his voters will be gone in ten years, thank god aging exists

  • @efox9812
    @efox9812 Рік тому +20

    Tobik na Hrad!!! ❤ finally a good candidate! Thanks Jen ❤

    • @ZemplinTemplar
      @ZemplinTemplar Рік тому +1

      Tobik is the candidate the Czech Republic deserves, but also the candidate the Czech Republic needs right now. So we'll support him... Because he's not a hero. He's a faithful and smart pooch. A patient pub customer. The Cutest Doggie...

  • @marty2129
    @marty2129 Рік тому +2

    That "Á... no." Made me slap my face against table with laughter :)
    By the way, greetings from our Czech (or rather, Moravian) pocket metropolis and the best obyvatelný vtip in the whole world, Brno. :)

  • @Mirinovic
    @Mirinovic Рік тому +35

    S tím Tobíkem na konci pochopení českého humoru 🙂

    • @jaroslavrezac2537
      @jaroslavrezac2537 Рік тому +1

      to si nemyslím, že jde o humor ale neúctu k autoritě, protože jedinou autoritu, kteří mnozí uznávají je jen a právě ta, která na ně civí před zrcadlem. Chytrost a nápaditost s jakou se představil Švejk světu už v Čechách není, rozhodně ne u těch "mladých"....

    • @Mirinovic
      @Mirinovic Рік тому

      Jaké aoutoritě mluvíte ?

    • @marketahendrychova8919
      @marketahendrychova8919 Рік тому +1


    • @petr_ix
      @petr_ix Рік тому +2

      @@jaroslavrezac2537 opravdu, já zase navrhoval na post prezidenta Incitatuse, koně římského císaře Caliguly, jenž podle legendy měl sedět v senátu, ale je to spíš jen pověst na základě vyjádření Caliguly: "že když v senátu může sedět kdejaký pitomec, že tam může být klidně i kůň". 😆
      jenom na tom citátu je vidět, že se politika za stovky let nezměnila, úctu si zaslouží ten politik, který vykonal něco hodného úcty, v Českém prostředí ale nejsou politici, ale jen parodie na politiky, tak jaká úcta? Češi nikdy neuměli dělat politiku, jakmile ji dělali, vždy to skončilo katastrofou, prvně už na začátku 30. války. Českým politikům vždy chyběl evropský rozhled, neschopnost se domluvit a dělat politiku na úrovni

    • @pjaro77
      @pjaro77 Рік тому

      @@petr_ix Súhlasím, keď mohol v našom sedieť exot menom Matovič, potom kľudne môže aj kôň alebo bizon. Jedlo pre koňa poplatníkov vyjde lacnejšie a nenarobí toľko škody. Nabudúce ich volím.

  • @richardkaba5306
    @richardkaba5306 Рік тому +2

    Pokud stále nechápete Jen, tu averzi ke komunistické minulosti, shlédněte autobiografický film Tichá Bolest. (volně na youtube). Je tam velmi dobře ztvárněno o co šlo a jak to v reále vypadalo. Jeden z nejlepších filmů o té době.

  • @caleuxx9108
    @caleuxx9108 Рік тому +4

    Awesome. Funny. I am Czech and love your informative videos. They give a nice perspective and the comical features are just funny. Its comical commentary on Czech stuff. I like that you catch details that I sometimes miss and then I get informed here on this channel. I imagine that for foreigners who are just getting to know Czechia this is good basic information.

  • @trickyfraus3091
    @trickyfraus3091 Рік тому +6

    Tohle je super vtip, kterym Jeniffer vystihla mnoho a mozna to trochu zapadlo (uprimne nevim zda to bylo zamysleno jako vtip nebo ne, ale pobavilo):
    “Cesky prezident muze jmenovat guvernera ceske narodni banky. Coz je skvely, pokud potrebujes pujcku!”
    Point je v tom, ze Babis do cela CNB tlaci svoje lidi, protoze potrebuje pujcky pro Agrofert. I proto by se mu hodilo byt prezident. Nenechme to dojit tak daleko.
    Diky za super video, Jen!😊

    • @salamich1
      @salamich1 Рік тому +1

      CNB NEPUJCUJE soukromym subektum 🤦‍♂

    • @trickyfraus3091
      @trickyfraus3091 Рік тому

      @@salamich1 a kde tvrdim jim pujcuje CNB? Pujcuji jim jine banky a ty jsou na CNB vazany

  • @erurainon6842
    @erurainon6842 Рік тому +13

    To jem byl já!🙋‍♂😂 Už jsem zapomněl že je kanál vlasně mířený na cizince v ČR 😂

  • @mikulaszach2652
    @mikulaszach2652 Рік тому +14

    I love your pronounciation of the czech words! Especially the "R", you don't make it sound so russian, like many foreigners do, when they try to "speak czech".

  • @ingridlaskova8526
    @ingridlaskova8526 Рік тому +9

    I had a sad mood. But you made me laugh. Thank You, Jennifer. 😂

  • @ivakupkova7014
    @ivakupkova7014 Рік тому +7

    Dekuji.Tobik na Hrad to se povedlo. Pozdravuji

  • @janhaupt6115
    @janhaupt6115 Рік тому +6

    Hi Jen,celou dobu jsem měl úsměv od ucha k uchu,moc děkuji. A heslo dne "Tobik na hrad".;)

    • @josefhlavaty9261
      @josefhlavaty9261 Рік тому +1

      TOBIK na hrad = Tak opravdu Babiš impozantně kráčí na Hrad.

  • @erikziak1249
    @erikziak1249 Рік тому +8

    8:40 Like as if the current Czech president was not polarizing enough. 😀

  • @vojtechpribyl7386
    @vojtechpribyl7386 Рік тому +4

    Yeah, Czech president is more of a representative post. It's the prime minister who's head of the executive. So the President shouldn't really be oriented on solving the problem of the economics or anything like that really. That's the government's job.
    Also some politics here - the main critique of the first two candidates and all others after the third one was the handling of the pandemic, which was done by the government headed by the third candidate - Andrej Babiš. Current government criticised him for the same, so the support of the current government is not in spite of their critique, because it's not aimed at them.
    Also toward the connection with the KSČ - The communist party held a pretty tight grip on higher education, so actually anyone who was not living abroad or was at least not considered unfriendly toward the party couldn't reach higher education. Army, foreign relations etc. had the membership highly pressured. Both Babiš and Pavel are not criticised for that as much as for their (alleged in case of Peter Pavel) connection to the StB - the secret state police, which was a far more serious collaboration with the regime.

  • @JandyCZ
    @JandyCZ Рік тому +8

    I would like to ask all foreigners who would they vote if they'd be Czech. From all the information provided.

    • @erikziak1249
      @erikziak1249 Рік тому +2


    • @mbtnacademy8635
      @mbtnacademy8635 Рік тому +2

      Hands down, Tobik.

    • @Tangocita444
      @Tangocita444 Рік тому

      Tobik! But seriously, probably Nerudova.

    • @JandyCZ
      @JandyCZ Рік тому +1

      Okay, why I expected serious answers? :D

    • @rundaneperu9334
      @rundaneperu9334 Рік тому

      @@JandyCZ, Yeah, who would seriously vote for Nerudova? What a joke, am I right? :D

  • @ondrejjaluvka6766
    @ondrejjaluvka6766 Рік тому +2

    The court didnt say babiš is innocent, just that his crimes werent proven.

  • @easternlights3155
    @easternlights3155 Рік тому

    Not only is Pavel a doppelganger of The Most Interesting Man in the World, I've also heard him be described as "T.G. Masaryk but with sharper angles". If he hadn't been wearing that same mustache for like 40 years now, I'd think he'd grown it for the campaign to look more like Masaryk.

  • @phoenixcz8608
    @phoenixcz8608 Рік тому +12

    Jen, vy s Honzou opravdu koukáte na české televizní kanály? To už musíte umět dobře česky. :O

  • @TheGreenHon
    @TheGreenHon Рік тому +5

    Only two minutes in and you managed to cram in so many jokes already haha I love it

  • @nickgreu4ever
    @nickgreu4ever Рік тому +2

    Great video! You forgot to mention the opposing views on LGBTQ issues between Pavel & Nerudova VS Babiš

  • @Tomas_F.
    @Tomas_F. Рік тому

    11:20 Just a small correction: NATO did no formal background check. Candidates were high profiles from allies country - it's their responsibility, not NATO's.

  • @TheSten32
    @TheSten32 Рік тому +6

    Mám jednu radu: zkuste ve více videích mluvit česky. Vím jen o jednom, které je česky (možná jich je trochu víc, ale fakt málo). Kdyby to bylo třeba půl na půl. Máte češtinu dobrou, viděl jsem to video česky a všichni to chválili, nebojte se toho. Stejně nakonec jsou titulky v obou jazycích.

    • @MrScott8
      @MrScott8 Рік тому +2

      IMHO v těhdle videjích bude lepší když bude mluvit anglicky, protože Češi nejsou zas tak moc cílová skupina.

  • @janrichter3555
    @janrichter3555 Рік тому +4

    In fact, appointing the judges of the constitutional court, he/she has a LOT of power. And as most of the judges are to be appointed during the next 5 years, the president can basically define the political direction of the country as the conclusions of the cases trialed at the constitutional court are valid kind of forever. Let's say some activists take some act they don't like to the court. If the majority of judges are activists as well, they might win and the result is definitive. Such things did happen before e.g. in the Netherlands where property development was kind of stopped and thousands of building permissions revoked because of environment activists bending some pollution laws and having enough activist judges on their site. Having judges that follow the sense of the acts not bending them to their needs (and needs of others) is essential and the president has total power over this.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  Рік тому

      Yeah, it’s very similar with out judicial appointments. Repercussions last decades.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  Рік тому

      With *our = American

    • @prospero768
      @prospero768 Рік тому

      @@DreamPrague Not that similar. The appointment process is reversed relative to the US (Senate picks, president approves), the judges on the constitutional court are appointed for a fixed term, and they don't get to create precedent, only interpret law. To date, our Constitutional Court in particular has done a very good job of sticking to the letter of the law and actually doing the job of upholding the Constitution; people in the know don't expect this to change.

  • @ingenemcova5616
    @ingenemcova5616 Рік тому +1

    Tak tohle byl skvělý díl!!! 👍 nestačí! Díky.

  • @nicnsugar
    @nicnsugar Рік тому +19

    Like I get it. You're an American and view politics differently from us Czechs. But the Mendel University scandal isn't really that insignificant. The point is that it happened and she denies any responsibility for it. Same with the notes. She cheated during the test and was caught red-handed and later she denied that she ever cheated. This is highly problematic because it shows that she isn't capable of admiting any wrongdoing and is capable of lying about it. And this happens constantly.

    • @jankucera8180
      @jankucera8180 Рік тому

      Well..., what you just described seems THE basic qualification for a would-be politician to me... :)

    • @nicnsugar
      @nicnsugar Рік тому +2

      @@jankucera8180 Yeah. But is she a politician? Not yet. Is that an argument for voting for her? No.

    • @jankucera8180
      @jankucera8180 Рік тому

      @@nicnsugar I never wrote I would vote for her...

    • @nicnsugar
      @nicnsugar Рік тому

      @@jankucera8180 I never said that you would.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  Рік тому

      These are all persuasive points, thank you.

  • @simisim
    @simisim Рік тому +8

    Tobik na hrad. 😀 You are crazy/funny American spy. Some Czech thinking is ridiculous. You are gorgeous.

  • @blankajudlova6470
    @blankajudlova6470 Рік тому +12

    I love your videos! You make a lot of effort to create the content of your videos entertaining and informative!🤩

  • @kurres
    @kurres Рік тому +18

    General Pavel is very a suitable candidate. Fingers crossed 🤞

  • @karlhowellbehr3042
    @karlhowellbehr3042 Рік тому +2

    Volím Tobika, ale pod podmínkou, že přestane terorizovat plyšové veverky! Každý kandidát má očividně své temné choutky🤐

  • @Domihork
    @Domihork Рік тому +5

    YES! "Giving the same amount of time to the scandals of all candidates even if they pale in comparison to the other ones", you nailed it.

  • @eriksic1334
    @eriksic1334 Рік тому +4

    Pokud by se komouši (nebo nějakej jejich ekvivalent) vrátili, tak 99% lidí všech funkcích, úřadech, universitách, institucích, podnících... by si ten stranickej průkaz pořídilo taky. Předpokládám, že ti, kteří mají plnou hubu demokracie a západních hodnot, by byli mezi prvníma.

    • @petrkrytinar5695
      @petrkrytinar5695 Рік тому +4

      To je logická úvaha, ale je rozdíl mezi straníkem, stranickým kádrem, estébákem a důstojníkem zahraniční rozvědky. Ve Straně byl kde kdo, protože to byla nutná podmínka u poloviny zaměstnání (krom vyloženě subalterních pozic) a nutně to neznamenalo aktivně škodit. Být u StB cokoliv vyššího než důvěrník už vyžadovalo vlastní iniciativu, a být agentem rozvědky znamenalo mít to vystudované.

    • @erikziak1249
      @erikziak1249 Рік тому

      @@petrkrytinar5695 Dostať sa do záznamov StB mohli aj "protisocialistické živly" v podobe "preverovaných osôb". Často aj proti ich vôli, iba kvôli tomu, že mali fotoaparát a nejaký udavač ich nahlásil, že fotili zakázané veci (pričom to mohla byť aj nepravda). Režim bol totálne paranoidný. A dodnes na východ od nás, keď si chcete fotiť napr. metro, tak už po vás štartujú. Zážitky z Ruska, ktoré mi vyprával kamarát, keď tam bol pred pár rokmi, hovorili za všetko. Potvrdili, že Rusko nie je štát, ale stav mysle. Je to asi najlepšia definícia pojmu Rusko. Rusko je stav mysle.

    • @petrkrytinar5695
      @petrkrytinar5695 Рік тому

      @@erikziak1249 To je pravda, v záznamech obecně byla hromada lidí, kteří o tom ani nevěděli (třeba měli to štěstí, že bydleli vedle estébana, to bohatě stačilo). Proto důvěrníci paušálně nepodléhali lustračnímu zákonu. Od důvěrníka nahoru už těch uměle vyrobených spolupracovníků tolik nebylo, ale i tací se našli, ty záznamy prostě nejde brát úplně vážně. Lenin měl být věčný, přitom všichni věděli, že je v Žitný, a pak tý rudý pakáži něco věřte🙂.

    • @hanaslezakova1597
      @hanaslezakova1597 Рік тому +1

      Vůbec ne, třeba moji oba rodiče ve straně nebyli. Ani nebyli disidenti, táta vedoucí v RáJi a máma na úřadě, rozhodně to nebylo povinné pro vsechny

    • @petrkrytinar5695
      @petrkrytinar5695 Рік тому +1

      @@hanaslezakova1597 Moji rodiče byli vědci v základním výzkumu, a v KSČ taky nebyli (i když v SSM ano). Jenomže přiznávali, že to bylo do značné míry tím, že Strana o ně valně nestála, protože se s nimi nedalo vůbec "politicky pracovat", a že kdyby byli lepší kandidáti, tak to mohlo dopadnout i jinak. Proto členům KSČ jako takovým nic nezazlívám, převážná většina nikomu aktivně neškodila, a že nebyli disidenti... No nebyli, no. Nemůže každej být Valčík s Gabčíkem.

  • @ArnoldEsoRimmer
    @ArnoldEsoRimmer Рік тому

    Great editing and insight. Respect! 👍

  • @murmor6890
    @murmor6890 Рік тому +2

    In terms of checks and balances Babis would probably make the most sense as he and spolu don't like each other, which imo is a good thing in the typical central european prime minister system. Otherwise the differences between the 3 candidates are imo not very big.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  Рік тому

      Aha, i was thinking that getting along with the government was the goal, but maybe you’re right, checks and balances are important.

    • @voja42
      @voja42 Рік тому +1

      There are some critical differences. Unlike Babiš, Pavel and Nerudová didn't get our country into an economic crisis by spending on gifts for voters among other factors, can actually speak czech in full sentences, aren't pathological liars, have a moral compass, didn't mysteriously acquire significant amounts of wealth in the 90s, aren't fanboying over Orban and Erdogan, aren't being investigated for corruption-related crimes in two different countries, show up to debates and didn't work for communist secret service.
      As for the ballance argument, there's not much a president can do in that regard anyway. Look at Zeman, all he can do is refuse to appoint a minister (which he has to according to the constitution I believe) and insult them through the media. Also before Zeman, the president wasn't directly elected, rather it was the parliament to elect the president, and the government has the support of the majority in the parliament. And the system still worked, even without this ballance.

  • @Samantha-je3iw
    @Samantha-je3iw Рік тому +8

    Hotová Češka, po tomhle videu už ti to fakt musí dát :D

    • @petex3909
      @petex3909 Рік тому

      češka může být až začne kvákat česky...a to jak říka --- we americans ....ta zůstane vždy jen američ jde do prdele

  • @sarkatesarova4621
    @sarkatesarova4621 Рік тому +1

    Can you tell me please who is the most interesting man in the world (min 3:17)? I have no idea who he is 🤔 Thank you for this video, great fun as always 😉

  • @petrnekolny881
    @petrnekolny881 Рік тому +3

    Best video of yours. Tobik na Hrad cracked me down. He could well grant a pardon to all Prague´s cats... 😀

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  Рік тому +1

      Pardon all the cats 😹😹😹

    • @petrnekolny881
      @petrnekolny881 Рік тому +1

      @@DreamPrague Keep in mind some cats can truly be little pieces of thing and do need to be kept in custody... 😉

  • @jiricasek1711
    @jiricasek1711 Рік тому +1

    Souhlasím s tobikem. Konecne nekdo kdo spoji národ

  • @martinoliva1142
    @martinoliva1142 Рік тому +5

    Už mi Tobík chyběl.Docela dlouho nebyl vidět.Mockrát byl vidět alespoň na pozadí.Tím,že děláš videa s jednobarevným pozadím,Tobík není vidět.Chtělo by to nějakou další filmovou loupěž.Prezidentská loupež by byla boží.

  • @Xiaomaoification
    @Xiaomaoification Рік тому

    I like the wording "been credibly accused of being a former collaborator with the communist secret police". No matter how many times he denies it, it is basically a historical fact, confirmed several times by Slovak courts. Also, he himself admitted collaborating with the communist secret police on TV!!! Before he went into politics... You can find it on youtube in Show Jana Krause.

  • @janfejt3428
    @janfejt3428 Рік тому +3

    I feel like Czechs are the target audience at this point

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  Рік тому +3

      Trust me a lot of foreigners here don’t know what’s going on in politics. Its good to have a little walking around info on the race!

  • @terezafoltynkova216
    @terezafoltynkova216 Рік тому +3

    Jako vždy skvělé video!😁

  • @siriusczech
    @siriusczech Рік тому +1

    Scandals of Andrej Babiš in one sentence: We all know what he did and how he did it, what dirty things he´d done to get advantages, what borderline steps and bad behavior he used; we know all that, all that is solved at court all over again is if it crossed the law existing at that time.
    Like for instance he is famous for "1-crown-bonds". There was a law active that you can start issuing bonds only digitally, for any amount, and that you pay taxes from each one of them separately and taxes will be rounded to whole crowns. So IF you issued a bond for 1 crown, taxes from it´s payments would be 0 every time. He simply let his company - Agrofert - issued around 250 millions of such bonds, each for 1 CZK, thus securing himself an income of millions each year, completely without taxation. Yeah, all legal.
    And that is just one example

  • @milenanevrla6226
    @milenanevrla6226 Рік тому

    I když jsem rodilá Pražana,žižkovanda, kolikrát se od Vás dozvím nové věci.Diky.
    PS: některá starší videa nemají české titulky.Šlo by je dodělat? :-)

  • @ruznaupozorneni
    @ruznaupozorneni Рік тому

    That was really funny. You are only getting better.

  • @conceptalfa
    @conceptalfa Рік тому +1

    Very witty Jenn, in fact excellent!!!👍👍👍

  • @valorum999
    @valorum999 Рік тому +2

    All the candidates deserve equal airtime (talking about the televised debates here). This singling out of the "top 3" and giving them more airtime is influencing people's votes and is unconstitutional. Sure there are polls, but they often prove unreliable. I mean no ill will, and understand that you want to make a nice crisp video, but am saddened everyone just accepts this as normal. There's a reason there are two rounds of elections. In the first, people should vote with their conscience.
    I dislike all of the top 3, and feel the two Pavel and Nerudová have just been shoved there artificially. My preferred choice is way, way down on the "polls" list, but they will still have my vote. In the second round it will just come down to choosing the lesser evil.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  Рік тому

      I’m sorry I didn’t cover your preferred candidate, and I wish him luck! But are you saying that if we’re an independently funded journalist, its unconstitutional for me to write an article about the election and publish it on my own blog without including all 9 (8 now) candidates? That doesn’t seem right.

    • @valorum999
      @valorum999 Рік тому

      @@DreamPrague Thank you for your reply and no need to apologize. Of course, independent journalists can write about whoever they want. I meant televised media which by law 231/2001 should be balanced and not weigh their coverage. For example like Prima splitting their debates into the chosen 3 and then a separate debate for the rest. Presenting things this way clearly influences voting behavior, and has a trickle-down effect, including YT channels ;). PS. given the choice here, Tobik would also have my vote.

  • @premyslkapoun1058
    @premyslkapoun1058 Рік тому +6

    Doufam, ze to Petr Pavel dotahne do konce a zvitezi i v druhem kole. Jinak super video, snad vam to obcanstvi v Ceske republice vyjde.

  • @rumcaiz
    @rumcaiz Рік тому +1

    Jen, definitely go apply for citizenship, you're like native czechish joke with Tobik. So, no worries, you fit typical Czech dude profile, as we are... laughing beasts, and now, you are one as well. Thank you, you made my day. Cheers and good luck

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  Рік тому

      Aw, thank you! 😽

    • @beth12svist
      @beth12svist Рік тому

      One of the things I love about us Czechs is that we took "laughing beasts" as a compliment and ran with it. :D

  • @NAlT0MEA
    @NAlT0MEA Рік тому +3

    Jen, ty jsi daleko víc Čech, než většina voličů Babiše...

  • @david4360
    @david4360 Рік тому +3

    Bašta. A spd. Zvysok su len pritakavaci bruselu.

  • @PetrSaska
    @PetrSaska Рік тому +3

    Z hlediska jazyka možná zajímavé, jinak velmi neobjektivní politické komentáře založené na neznalosti , na úrovni bulváru.

    • @mirekhalek2948
      @mirekhalek2948 Рік тому

      Je to víceméně zábavný kanál....Navíc i povrchní znalost stačí na to poznat, že tady je jen jeden kandidát ( zbytek je k smíchu)

  • @marketahendrychova8919
    @marketahendrychova8919 Рік тому

    Enemy tracking.....when now, General Pavlo's counterpart was the StB, building shelters, dead mailboxes for transmission, taking photos or establishing contacts. He had to prove that he could find someone for cooperation, find out where he lives, ensure a visit to this apartment and the conditions for the subsequent possible use of this person for intelligence activities, etc.," General Pavel was not just an ordinary member of the Communist Party of the Czech Republic, he was trained and stood for to be trained to subvert the capitalist West. And that they took him to it? Well, maybe not. You know what information he could have on the Russian secret service. Who could he know? NATO used him perfectly and the general didn't even get angry....🙄😅

  • @alenabeckova4686
    @alenabeckova4686 Рік тому +2

    Problems with Nerudova And Pavel are more serious than you mentioned. It seems that Nerudova didn't react immediately And effectively. Pavel studied for a communistic spy in West, so it was not just about being in military. Please, for future, go throw more opinions before making results. And don't forget that lots of Czechs listen to you And you might affect them with those videos. Thanks ;) .

    • @KMarik
      @KMarik Рік тому

      Nějak jsem nepochopil to o tom házení názorů. Jinak Jen má opravdu dobrý přehled a skvělý smysl pro humor, don’t you think?

  • @lenochw
    @lenochw Рік тому +1

    No nevím. Slyšel jsem, že Tobík měl v minulosti silně levicové sklony a financování krmiva je dost neprůhledné. Také prý obtěžoval fenky.

  • @leajindrova1516
    @leajindrova1516 Рік тому +6

    Vaše videa se mi moc líbí, i toto bylo velmi dobře informované, jenom mě velmi mrzí, že jste zobrazila pouze tři kandidáty a ostatní jakoby neexistovali. Ano, s největší pravděpodobností díky marketingu vedou hlavně tito tři, ale nelíbí se mi je prezentovat bez ostatních, lidi by se měli sami informovat o všech a potom rozhodnout

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  Рік тому +2

      Je mi líto, je to moje americká zaujatost, že se dívám pouze na nejoblíbenější kandidáty průzkumu. Přeji vašemu kandidátovi hodně štěstí!

  • @martinlicka1337
    @martinlicka1337 Рік тому +1

    Volím Tobika, v případě, že přečetl Dášeňku!

  • @drankercz
    @drankercz Рік тому

    I would love to see Jenn colab with Honest Guide (Kluci z Prahy) on some video

  • @janhrubin4595
    @janhrubin4595 Рік тому

    Since you mentioned your planning to get a Czech citizenship (presumably in addition to your American citizenship), I would like to ask whether you still need a document called an "apostila" for it, and whether you could still only obtain it personally in the U.S. The reason I am asking is that though me and my mom are Czechs who were born in Czechoslovakia, we immigrated to the US and lost our Czech(oslovak) citizenship when we got our American citizenship, we moved back to the Czech Republic since then, and when we tried to get a dual citizenship a few years ago, we got stuck at the "apostila" since we did not plan to go to the U.S. anytime soon, and also, Mom says that she couldn't stand being confined to her plane seat with a respirator at her age and with her health state. So I am wondering if this requirement changed since then. I'd also be interested to know if there are any other documents that the Czech "úřady" would ask for after getting the "apostila" (though we gave them a bunch of other legal documents that they asked for before then). Thanks.

  • @josselenovese3639
    @josselenovese3639 Рік тому +4

    Dalsie pekne video. Ale teraz šup šup na urad po Česky pas. Drzim palce. Zlom vaz.

  • @evagabrysova8871
    @evagabrysova8871 Рік тому

    Omg I was that explaining person xD greetings from Brno ❤

  • @iecoie
    @iecoie Рік тому +2

    I'd vote for TOBEEK in a swing of a hummingbird's wing!

  • @erikziak1249
    @erikziak1249 Рік тому +1

    2:48 Really? The bar is set pretty low I would say. ;-)

  • @filipprochazka4961
    @filipprochazka4961 Рік тому

    Blast, only saw that after the first round of polls. Now I can't write Tobik in. (now that I think about it, we actually can't write in candidates during an election, can we...)

  • @matotuHELL
    @matotuHELL Рік тому +1

    I still havent decided so... Tobík na Hrad!

  • @thespalek1
    @thespalek1 Рік тому +1

    Great one!😁😁👍👍👍

  • @frantiseklaluch6605
    @frantiseklaluch6605 Рік тому +3

    Tobík na hrad! TBH, we do no care much, who is Czech prezident. We say: To je jedno, Petr nebo Pavel... 😀

    • @erikziak1249
      @erikziak1249 Рік тому

      Na volebný lístok môžete napísať aj vlastného kandidáta. Ako vo voľbách prezidentky v roku 2019. Neznámy srandista tam dopísal číslo 3., označil "box" a pri ňom uviedol: "Raťafák Plachta - skutočná bábka"

    • @frantiseklaluch6605
      @frantiseklaluch6605 Рік тому

      @@erikziak1249 Poznám, Raťafák Plachta a Slniečko na rukavičke... Moje detstvo na Slovensku... Možno aj ujo Doremifák (vlastným menom Alojz) by bol dobrá voľba... 😀

  • @pavelherudek8527
    @pavelherudek8527 Рік тому +2

    Great video, I will vote for Tobik
    | can say, from my czech perspective of political compas, those thinks: (czech political compas, which is littlebit more left, then american ) 😅
    Babiš is left conservative
    Nerudová is midle -midle left liberal
    Pavel is right - right midle conservative with some liberal ideas ( yes for LGBT )
    Next interesting thing is, that Středula candidate gave up his candidature for Nerudová, which is nice gesto
    There is some more candidates, but they have much less preferences about 1-7%, These three has about 30%

    • @Raven777777777777777
      @Raven777777777777777 Рік тому +3

      Mě přijde, že beháme v kruhu co se politiky týče.

    • @erikziak1249
      @erikziak1249 Рік тому +2

      @@Raven777777777777777 Keby voľby mohli niečo zmeniť, dávno by ich zakázali.

  • @lukeisvloging
    @lukeisvloging Рік тому +1

    Well, your castle candidate reveals just how much you've become czech.. :) Jára Cimrman is speaking through you.. ;)

  • @70M45-c9r
    @70M45-c9r Рік тому

    Funny thing we don't have a king but we have a crown as a currency (which Is newer than the republic)

  • @TheVashekCZ
    @TheVashekCZ Рік тому

    Regarding the powers of the president, let's not forget the oh so insignificant minor detail: he does pick the prime minister after parliament elections. ;)

  • @jozef_chocholacek
    @jozef_chocholacek Рік тому

    2:25 Jen, I have to send you an invoice for a new keyboard and cleaning of the monitor from spitted out tea!!! 😀

  • @danielcz6882
    @danielcz6882 Рік тому +2

    The toilet joke, oh my god 💦😂

  • @jirikosek6383
    @jirikosek6383 Рік тому +1

    Hi Jane great video 😁

  • @ronalddonald7143
    @ronalddonald7143 Рік тому +2

    Jen, please remember that we do not need the good old grandfather Masaryk, but bread and circuses.

  • @Veellinn
    @Veellinn Рік тому +2

    The one with the best beard, of course.

  • @mocila1
    @mocila1 Рік тому

    Otázka pro budoucího prezidenta: Zúčastníte se sávnostního Te Deum v katedrále Svatého Víta? Jak známo, Klement Gottwald se Te Deum zúčastnil a dokonce políbil arcibiskupovi Beranovi prsten.

  • @marysmik9812
    @marysmik9812 Рік тому

    We do not need any EU ambassador for the Czech Republik in the Prague Castle. That is definite.

  •  Рік тому +1

    Why not Pavel Fischer in the photo?

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  Рік тому

      I had to limit to the top 3, he’s not that high in the polls

    •  Рік тому

      @@DreamPrague The polls are not the elections.

  • @igorbukovy4313
    @igorbukovy4313 Рік тому

    :D :D :) Where do I sign for Tobik? :)

  • @janlinhart7914
    @janlinhart7914 Рік тому

    The toilet joke had, interestingly, slightly inappropriate feel for me. Like "this kind of humor is reserved for Czech citizens" and "as bad as he is a president, he's still our president". We're pretty open to this kind of humor in general (I'd never dare attempt something like this in other countries, I like my life and my teeth, thank you) but I guess there are still some limits, at least for me there are.

  • @TheTenzen12
    @TheTenzen12 Рік тому +2

    I don't want Babis to be our president. I also don't want Euro and have EU getting more control of our economy and policies. I think I will pass on voting this time and just regret later. You can't go wrong with that.

    • @erikziak1249
      @erikziak1249 Рік тому +1

      It is absolutely irrelevant if you have Euro or Koruna. If the economy of Germany goes down the drain, both Czechia and Slovakia will suffer with it. Regardless if one has Euro and the other Koruna. Being an export oriented small economy, adopting the Euro would have more advantages than disadvantages. But the Czechs are very passionate about this topic and put a greater emphasis on feelings rather than economical facts.

    • @TheTenzen12
      @TheTenzen12 Рік тому

      @@erikziak1249 That's fallacy though. Even if it would be bad regardless if currency, there still would be difference in degree.

    • @erikziak1249
      @erikziak1249 Рік тому

      @@TheTenzen12 Keep on believing that. 🙂

    • @hanaslezakova1597
      @hanaslezakova1597 Рік тому +4

      @@erikziak1249 Ano, závisime na Německu a na euru, problém je přechod na novou měnu - všechno se zdraží, jako momentálně v Chorvatsku... A nepřipadne mi, že by Slovensku nějak euro ekonomicky pomohlo

  • @Tomas_F.
    @Tomas_F. Рік тому

    It's national secret - we have prezident for case that UFO shows up in Czechia - so he's basically tester.

  • @kexcz8276
    @kexcz8276 Рік тому

    No no Jenn, you know a lot for a foreigner! :D ( I mean, you should, afterall, almost decade here and application for citizenship near, I wish you good luck for that! ;3 ). Also, 2:30 , you got me with that pun, because, wel, we probably all know whats that related to (....or him, but shhh! XD....)
    PS: 11:36 🤣😂🙀😄 and love Tobik!!! 🥰❤🐶

  • @michellemaine2719
    @michellemaine2719 Рік тому

    I don't really care about Czech politics, but love you, so watched this anyway, ha.

  • @Hellmood_CZ
    @Hellmood_CZ Рік тому +1


  • @peterinvestor
    @peterinvestor Рік тому

    im expat too and I cannot vote but I would vote for pavel but my wife asked her family who are they going to vote and few of them are still not decided but they know certainly who are not going to vote for so it is just the matter of who will get to second round pavel or danuse. Whoever will be there I think will be our president since lot of people know who not to vote for I guess

  • @PumpaXXL
    @PumpaXXL Рік тому +2

    Tobik na hrad!

  • @erikziak1249
    @erikziak1249 Рік тому +3

    About Babiš and his collaboration with the ŠTB (or STB in Czech). Here is my opinion: He found out about massive economic corruption within ŠTB/STB (he overlooked foreign trade) and uncovered it to the bosses of ŠTB/STB, naively thinking they would do something about it. They did not. I guess this experience formed his later life decisions. As far as I know, he was hated by some agents of the former ŠTB/STB. So, if he claims he did not work "for" the ŠTB/STB, nor "cooperate" with them, he might be telling the truth, from a certain point of view. But only agent Bureš knows the truth.

    • @vladimirskach
      @vladimirskach Рік тому +6

      His father was well-established in the Communist Party, and the family was free to travel abroad, living in Paris and Geneva. Andrej himself used to go to France and Belgium to work in a bank during the normalisation period. From 1985 he was a Czechoslovak trade delegate in Morocco with a diplomatic passport.
      Absolutely unimaginable at that time for any common person.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  Рік тому

      Good perspective, thanks!

    • @erikziak1249
      @erikziak1249 Рік тому +1

      @@vladimirskach I fully agree. He was by far no ordinary youngster. But then again, he was not stupid either. I cannot judge him. He is the one who has to look at his face each morning in the mirror. I am not sure if I had the guts to see his face in the mirror every day.

    • @petrmaly9087
      @petrmaly9087 Рік тому +2

      There is an interesting paradox - It was Havel who fought hard to keep the list of StB agents out of the reach of the public, even getting angry at Cibulka, who published it. Havel also demanded we forget about all of that and that we forgive the communists. Now a former StB agent is the worst nightmare of people who formed around Havel.

    • @erikziak1249
      @erikziak1249 Рік тому +2

      @@petrmaly9087 I think that Havel wanted to do everything he could to not cause hatred among people, he might have been afraid of "bad blood" in the society if those things are published. Havel was a humanist and a bit naive with his "láska a pravda". At the same time, he was known to enjoy a bottle or two of beer and was caught drunk in office when meeting with some heads of industry. I am a bit sad that some Slovaks dislike Havel and accuse him, that for his humanist view, he chose to close heavy industry that produced military equipment, much of which was located in Slovakia, creating huge unemployment. The truth is, that they would have to close anyway, as what they produced was - as everything in Czechoslovakia - obsolete and nobody would buy those things. Experts agree on this, but "simpler folks" needed a villain - and they found it in Václav Láhev, pardon, Václav Havel. As for me, he was the last president for a long time, that I could be proud of. Maybe not proud, but those after him, until recently, were much worse. The fact that he stepped down as president when Czechoslovakia peacefully split into Czechia and Slovakia, must have been very hard for him. I speculate that he might have seen the dissolution of a republic, which he was president of, as a personal failure, even though it was clear he could not do anything about it.