Matt, if you and Dom want Oleg M and I and the world to get Dom's race files for Hall of Fame 7, you have to send them to us. We're not getting anything from the Clements. They only provoke and steal. That is all they do. They are the worst scum, you should know that. Michael.
Dom has still got it! 🔥🔥🔥
The Slee vs Clements rivalry is heating up again!
Matt, if you and Dom want Oleg M and I and the world to get Dom's race files for Hall of Fame 7, you have to send them to us. We're not getting anything from the Clements. They only provoke and steal. That is all they do. They are the worst scum, you should know that. Michael.
Dom, this is awesome! So exciting.
Ah, I just realised that this is the wrong skin - I'll maybe have to reupload.
Eat Dom's dust, Michael!
@supreme-snowboarding, Dom cannot beat you? Thomas cannot beat you??? ahhahahahahahahaahhahahahah! He literally beats in about 20% of his races!
Dom is short for Dominator.