The Purpose of the American Corporation

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @mitchellconley4345
    @mitchellconley4345 3 роки тому +38

    Our current government is unconstitutional.

  • @lettzagobrandonyeeyee4309
    @lettzagobrandonyeeyee4309 2 роки тому +7

    With the passing of the Act of 1807, we became The United States of America, Inc., no longer a free and sovereign nation (Republic of America). The Act of 1807 established the District of Columbia (Washington D.C). They are a foreign entity with ties to England and the Vatican, with elected officials (Presidents) that are ACTUALLY foreign CEO’s of the United States of America, Inc. The passing of this act forever changed our rights under the constitution, as a new constitution was born by changing a few key words.
    Wars would come to pass. Even though we “won” the American Revolution, we were facing being owned again by England because of debt that we couldn’t pay back to France from the war. This default was expected by the elites. We borrowed money from France, and others. They knew we couldn’t pay them back so that left us in the reigns of London and the Monarchy to pay our debts. Our elected officials and elites have worked WITH them ever since. (Currently: The Club of Rome that INVENTED Climate Change, the UNDP that pushes equality, sustainability, and USES minorities for Democratic agendas and profits, The World Bank, etc. - ALL DOCUMENTED)... they came up with a corrupt system, as we were headed towards bankruptcy. The wars were backed by elite and wealthy bankers and businessmen, whom had profit and money to be made. Even the elites funded the Nazi War efforts. Rockefeller. Harriman. Bush. Henry Ford supplied Hitler with vehicles and American oil elite supplied them with fuel.
    In the 1920’s we were issued birth certificates. Social security cards came along as our nation fell closer towards bankruptcy. This and the census enabled the government to borrow money from the projected amount of citizens x lifetime earnings expected.
    Later, we were ordered us to turn in ALL of our gold (our true wealth) and in return, we were given valueless paper money from The Federal Reserve (elite bankers). The Vatican and London hold ALMOST all the gold reserve and hence, our freedom/wealth. This was us essentially being SOLD to LONDON and THE VATICAN, although it goes much deeper with documentation and all…
    We pay interest from the loaned Federal Reserve money that we are given. We are in a debt we will never get out of. We are an enslaved nation of debtors, that once had their true wealth taken from them.
    ***On a further interesting note, on May 4th, 2020, President Trump filed Bankruptcy in Florida for The United States of America, Inc. In this document, it says it they owe the True Creditors , which are the American people, in direct relation to the borrowed gold and National Banking Emergency Act of 1933. He signed this document: Donald J. Trump, Chief Executive Officer of the United States. This bankruptcy would obviously abolish the IRS (our nation’s debt collectors). It would start the take down of The Federal Reserve and return us to the gold standard.
    On July 4th, 2020, Trump initiated the 2nd Declaration of independence.
    In January 2021, Trump published “The 1776 Report”. It was detailed in our history and the restoration of an American Republic.
    Days before Trump left office he made an executive order titled, “The Insurrection Act of 1807”, which by standard, would set us back to the laws of the land (pre 1807 era) in which we were a true, free, sovereign nation. This would put Washington D.C. again as a foreign nation. This executive order was IN EFFECT when Biden was inaugurated. It does NOT MATTER that it is archived and no longer available on the White House website. Being as Trump abolished the INCORPORATION of America, we no longer are tied to a foreign leader (Biden) in a foreign land (Washington D.C.). This would make all his executive orders null and void. While the show can go on under forced authoritarian rule, we know that these “laws” were not for the people, by the people, or even legal- in that manner.
    The Pentagon wouldn’t give Biden National Security information, initially. The military turned their backs to Biden during his Inauguration. They DENIED him a government issued plane for his own inauguration. Guess who left in Air Force One, after leaving the presidency seat? Trump. This has never in history been allowed.
    In 2016, Trump CHANGED and amended the words “ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS TO RESTORE PUBLIC ORDER” BACK to the word “INSURRECTION” (which allows people to rise against authority or government” in Chapter 15 of the US House Codes, which have everything to do with Military operations. It was in 2006 when GEORGE BUSH changed the word “”INSURRECTION” to “ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS TO RESTORE PUBLIC ORDER”, initially giving the government full authority and power. Do you assume it was Trump alone in 2016 giving power back to the people by changing military law? No. He was not a politician. Why would some of the first things he do in office favor giving sovereign rights to the people?
    In 2018, Trump wrote an executive order 13848, which gave Military rule in the event of FOREIGN or DOMESTIC interference of an election.
    WHY DOES ANY OF THIS MATTER??? Because a general has testified that he was approached by military as a coup to bring down the corruption in government and indict Obama and Bush on treasonous charges during his presidency. They knew the next president would be corruptly preselected and presented in coordination with the “new world order” that the past presidents have raved so much about. The General later got a call saying they were backing down from that operation. He asked why. They told him because they spoke to Donald Trump and he had agreed to run for President along with full military support. They needed an outsider. No lobbyists, no political ties. Donald trump had no ties to corrupt Washington D.C. and the swamp of politicians. He was self-financed and even donated his salary. Ever since he was elected, these amendments and executive orders have slowly been laid out to give us our freedom back.
    I’m sure you’ve heard of “Q” or “Anon”. “Q Clearance” is the HIGHEST Intelligence rank within the military. The posts started when Trump was elected. It’s been a military coup to take the corrupt down, with years worth of evidence.
    Do you know what else is interesting? The Nesara Act. It was passed in 2000 by congress, but remained hidden and unannounced to the public. The Nesara Act cancels all debt and restores the wealth back to the American people. Mortgages, and all debts would be void. It has set on many presidents’ desks and no one has had the WANT to initiate it with announcement. Its a passed law that has been concealed. The Nesara Act was to be announced on 09/11/2001. But, George W. Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. This is NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY, it os a well know fact that has been proven. Supported research and documents are widely available to validate the incident was not a terrorist attack as presented to the people. Of course this led us to more war and the acquirement of more oil.
    If we are in ”the storm” and the “best is yet to come”, I surely hope all these executive orders and due processes prevail. It will be BIBLICAL.
    Two very informative documentaries I suggest:
    USA, INC. Vol. 1871-2021: The Corrupt Masonic Construct of The United States Corporation (This is ALL ABOUT how we allegedly have been SAVED from London, Britain, The Vatican rule ,etc.)

    • @thedcbroker7264
      @thedcbroker7264 Рік тому +5

      Excellent explanation

    • @saintmalaclypse3217
      @saintmalaclypse3217 9 місяців тому

      @@thedcbroker7264 Excellent "explanation" of what? Most of that rant is old, debunked tales. Research "Shaini Candace Goodwin".

  • @mjgarrett9885ify
    @mjgarrett9885ify 4 роки тому +25

    You can read everything in the " article's of incorporation " . It was filed in Florida and tells everything about the united states incorporated .

  • @robertdelpin6565
    @robertdelpin6565 4 роки тому +25

    This is sickening

  • @hangingthief
    @hangingthief 3 роки тому +5

    A technical institute doing pr for business? Shocking

  • @dianadi5519
    @dianadi5519 3 роки тому +2

    Where to find listen of registry corporate republics??

  • @BunnyLang
    @BunnyLang 4 роки тому +17

    Our money: In god we trust the holy pyramid.
    (I don't. I try by the grace of God, my creator of Love and Light.)
    Just sayin', this is a pyramid, brought to you by, England, serpent, as they always seek to devour.

  • @jpmonin7429
    @jpmonin7429 3 роки тому +7

    Why does he intentionally leave out the word "intrinsically" in the comment he reads. It puts the whole thing into perspective. Guys a crook

  • @rogerscottcathey
    @rogerscottcathey 4 роки тому +3

    The sea change smacks of circling the wagons. The selfish gene just kick in for these sobs?

  • @familyofbusch
    @familyofbusch 3 роки тому +6

    According to the Bill of Rights Established in 1776, states in part "All men are Created Equal & derives its JUST POWERS by the Consent to be Governed" ... therefore Consent to be governed = Oath of a Public Servant 5 CFR 2635.101(b) of the US Corporation 28 USC 3002(15)(A) granted power over Commerce USA Constitution Art. 1 Sec. 8
    According to the Historical & Revision Notes 1948 Act “ ... The "saving to suitors" clause in § 41(3) & 371(3) of title 28, U.S.C., 1940 ed., was changed by substituting the words "any other remedy to which he is otherwise entitled" for the words "the right of a common law remedy where the common law is competent to give it." The substituted language is simpler & more expressive of the original intent of Congress & is in conformity with Rule 2 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ABOLISHING the DISTINCTION between LAW & EQUITY.” (F.R.C.P. Rule 2. One Form of Action; There is one form of action -THE CIVIL ACTION.) Words "libellant or petitioner" were substituted for "suitors" to describe moving party in ADMIRALTY CASES..
    The district courts shall have original jurisdiction, exclusive of the courts of the States, of:
    (1) Any civil case of admiralty or maritime jurisdiction, saving to suitors in all cases all other remedies to which they are otherwise entitled.
    (2) Any prize brought into the United States & all proceedings for the condemnation of property taken as prize.
    Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Edition. defines “Admiralty” as; “A court exercising jurisdiction over maritime causes, both civil & criminal, & marine affairs, commerce & navigation, controversies arising out of acts done upon or relating to the sea, & over questions of prize. Also, the system of jurisprudence relating to & growing out of the jurisdiction & practice of the admiralty courts.... Also, the court of the admiral. The building where the lords of the admiralty transact business. In American law. A tribunal exercising jurisdiction over all maritime contracts, torts, injuries, or offenses....
    (a) Jurisdiction
    The district courts of the United States shall have jurisdiction over any civil action commenced under section 1401 of this title & this section by a COVERED EMPLOYEE.
    a) Filing & review of claims
    Except as otherwise provided, the procedure for consideration of an alleged violation of part A of subchapter II consists of-
    (1) the filing of a claim by the COVERED EMPLOYEE alleging the violation, as provided in section 1402 of this title;

  • @SuperBroop
    @SuperBroop 3 роки тому

    Watching this video may strip you of 20 IQ points.

  • @jims.3987
    @jims.3987 5 місяців тому

    Stanley is junk now. Just a sticker they put on Chinese junk.