“No one cares how much you can lift” is the realest and most important fact to remember while weight training. I know countless people who have countless injuries because they fail to realize this.
Wise words. I'm sure I could be bigger than I am, but I'm here to do work and to keep doing work for a long long time. For me, that means education, rest, nutrition, more education, and a willingess to push hard AND slow down when my body needs it. I WILL work hard, but I will also rest, eat, and play hard. The gym serves me, I don't serve the gym, and I intend to be showing up there for another 60 years... at least.
@@vipe650r👍👍👍 I’ve been lifting since high school and I’ve been a full time trainer/gym owner for 25 years. Focus on the primary lifts (Squat, dead, bench, dips, pull-ups, rows, military) those will give you most of your results. I cycle my reps from 4- 25. Going down/up to 25s/4s rarely. Staying in the 8-12s mostly. I train deep ranges of motions slowly. I go to failure rarely. Knock on wood, no injuries.🤞 if you get back pain, stretch your piriformis, psoas quads. Those are the usual offenders. For size eat more than you probably think you should. If you use AAS start with half what most people say ie: test/tren/anavar/dbol etc. For cutting I’d recommend low dose retatrutide. It’s new but the science is old. Peace bro ✌️
Yeah, a friend of mine said that to me once. And I realized I never paid any attention to what anybody else was lifting. So why would they pay attention to mine? It's 100% true lol. Maybe a few weirdos will compare themselves to you but who cares.
"4 knee surgeries, Torn quadricep off my pelvis, Torn adductor off my pelvis, Triple hernia surgery, Ruptured Achilles' tendon, Completely shoulder reconstruction, 3 low back disc herniations, 2 low back disc ruptures," a quote from the Rock a few years back.
One thing I've learned from watching Dr Mike's videos is to get that deep stretch. I admittedly was not doing that before and now that I have, I feel a way better burn getting that full range of motion. Plus really focusing on controlling the eccentric is another big plus.
100% agree. After I started using his app and adjusting my technique according to the videos in it, which mostly means getting that stretch ... Dude, my workouts f*ck me up at least three times as hard.
When I was working at gym as a NASM certified personal trainer it was like you just couldn't give a client a "normal" exercise. They (bosses and clients) acted like the fancier the exercise the better it was. So I was constantly trying to come up with new ways to do a damn triceps extension! Ridiculous! It really opened my eyes to how much bullshit there was/is in the personal training / gym world.
Yeah I'm a PT and I have similar issues. What I'm doing is just push the intensity up and train like Dr(good form, slower reps etc) to get them to "feel" it. Cus I'd rather do this instead of giving them funky exercises that barely does anything
Even though this may blow your mind, most people just want to be able to move and perform better in life. A lot Bodybuilding and strength exercises suck for this. In normal life we lift a lot of awkward things, which require the full body, with rotation at weird angles. Bodybuilding exercises don't replicate these moves.
@@b.28Exactly. I see tons of bodybuilding critiques of movements that are for functional strength. Debbie might look weird on that cable machine but what you don't know is Debbie has to awkwardly lift 70lb boxes off a conveyor always on her right side. So if Debbie doesn't go to the gym and replicate that movement on her left side, she gets back pain from an imbalance. Everyone has different goals and people need to stop criticizing from the perspective of only getting bigger.
@mayen67 That is absolutely false. Resistance training and specifically strength training will improve your quality of life for the rest of your life. Yes assess their mobility and stability, and incorporate some work and give em stretches, but resistance training is 1 crucial key to a good, healthy life.
@@mayen67then why don’t you exercise by digging holes or shingling roofs. Why do athletes do weight training in addition to practicing their sport? Because targeted training of muscle groups allows you to get stronger, faster, and become greater than the sum of your parts.
Seriously? Mikey is a whining, attention craving shill who need to diminish those with 1000 times his following and success to make himself feel better. He's become a pathetic joke.
Ever since I started watching your videos I completely changed the way I train. I go much lighter and focus on the stretch at the bottom. Mission accomplished (at least for one person)
I literally spent the last year working on my squat depth and getting that stretch and it was really annoying not to progress with the weight at all but now it finally seems like a good idea.
I love Mike. I started going to the gym a couple months ago and all the tiny bits of very specific information make my workouts so much better. Dude has humor, intelligence and empathy. Always fun and interesting to watch him speak about stuff.
I love that you actually break down the purpose of exercises and make it really easy to determine when adding things like chains or bands is actually improving the effectiveness or not. Great stuff. 👍
you probably might not care, but i am loving how human you are, your videos are funny, thought-provoking and great lessons. I have been watching a lot of them recently and its so consistent, wishing you success sir.
Love these critique videos Mike. Perfect combo of brutal honesty, education, and humor. Not surprised The Rock’s workout was better than most “Hollywood workouts”, but still had a bit of that “celebrity” silly stuff in there.
No surprise. A guy worth as much as the rock probably has an entire pr firm telling him what to post online. At the end of the day, he looks like a monster. He must be doing SOMETHING right. Even with roids, the guy is still a beast for his age (or any age).
@@RenaissancePeriodizationTo be fair, most of the critics where due the depth on legs exercises, tho' editor should have made a simple google search, the man has gone trough a dozen of surgeries indeed 🤣
Binge watching dr. Mike for a few weeks straight. All this learning getting me through recovering from bicep surgery getting diet (what I can control right now) on point and excited to get back in the gym with a solid plan 🦾 thanks dr. Mike 👏
Let's not forget that he wrestled for a big part of his life and he had multiple severe injuries (for real, not Hollywood injuries) that could have been career-ending for anyone, a lack of mobility has to be expected, especially considering that he's 51.
Actually, Dwane got into the wrestling biz, hit it big and made his money before making the seamless transition to Hollywood. As wrestlers go, he's less injury ridden than most.
Dr. Mike, I’ve been following your advice on lifting for almost a year now. I recently bumped into someone I haven’t seen an several months and he commented that I was looking bigger and more muscular. Thank you for all the advice you share! 💪
I am so glad I found this channel. I’ve learned so much and can actually feel the results from making adjustments and incorporating the advice given in these videos. So grateful to have access to all of this valuable knowledge.
I appreciate that, during the squats, you mentioned the possibility of a knee injury preventing him from going too low. As a pro wrestler, a profession where pretty much all of the actors suffer knee injuries due to the jumping and impacts, he has had four knee surgeries. This is undoubtedly why he doesn't go deep in the squats. Good catch.
There are numerous interviews online where he's discussed his numerous injuries. 4 knees surgeries as you said, but also a triple hernia, multiple lower back disc issues, shoulder reconstruction, and he tore his quad and adductor clean off his pelvis. He's got a LOT of injuries that affect his workout and especially his lower body workout.
I love your emphasis on the exentric/stretch. I remember trying Manfred Hoberts arm workout many, many years ago and the incline dumbbell curls have been a favorite since then because of the stretch.
Dr. Mike’s humor is always entertaining, but rarely does it make me truly laugh out loud-and this video made me burst into laughter on multiple occasions. Fuck yes
@@markperroni69this guy is so insecure in every post he has to tell a man who’s clearly more secure than he is to stop so he doesn’t “have to” visualize it. Which he totally hates doing
@@pierrea3094 @tomlarr21 Buncha brown-noses, aren't you? How sad that people feel so small, they have to kiss the ass of someone that doesn't give two shits about them?? Get a life, you two!! Or get a room....
@@tomlarr21 @pierrea3094 Buncha brown-noses, aren't you? How sad that people feel so small, they have to kiss the ass of someone that doesn't give two shits about them?? Get a life, you two!! Or get a room....
At first, one would think these would just be snarky/funny reaction videos, but I honestly learn a ton from these and have improved my techniques. So thanks!!
I heard in the 90s that eccentric contractions were not good for your muscles, so I have no idea why that was, but glad to see you see them as beneficial today. Thanks.
I have seen him in interviews talk about blowing his knee out and the more I’ve seen him train the more I can see that he really doesn’t wanna risk doing that again, especially at he’s age
I’ve always heard that you don’t have to touch your chest on an incline bench, but I’ve also always done it anyways just because it didn’t hurt me and felt good. It’s nice to finally have some validation for that feeling from someone who’s looked into the science.
The general rule of thumb is that if your joints are getting at least a 90° bend on any exercise, then you're good. Some people will disagree, but the reality is that everyone has a different body type and modifications typically need to be made in most people's training for at least one exercise. So long as your muscles are actually getting activated, it's going to be beneficial.
The Rock is what happens when you combine elite genetics, considerable pharma, and decades of consistent hard training. Intelligent methods are not part of this equation. I recall Dr. Mike pointing out this dynamic countless times when cautioning trainees from blindly following the methods of jacked influencers.
The rock was a pro wrestler for most of his adult lives & has had more injuries because of it than you Can imagine. He has had multiple surgeries he has had to work around & is still jacked in his 50’s. Yet you are accusing him of not being intelligent. Wild.
@nemonucliosis not true at all. It's just that the ones that don't have good genetics don't look like they're on gear. They just look like a super jacked natty person.
I’m guessing the limited ROM on leg stuff is related to the 4 knee surgeries and quad tear. He’s also 51 and at some point we all make modifications to keep trying through physical limitations of wear and tear from Father Time.
A have arthrosis at both of my knees and going deep with controlled squats really helps to keep me mobile and almost pain free (alongside with knee injections). You are totally right about ego damage due to lower weight for bigger range of motion, its the worst part 😢
I'm just seeing this one, so someone may have posted already... but since Dr Mike keeps asking about The Rocks knees: DJ revealed, “I’ve had many. I’ve had a complete shoulder separation here, that required complete reconstruction of my shoulder. I’ve had five knee surgeries from football and a torn Achilles.” The WWE legend suffered a number of injuries from football alone, even before he got on with wrestling. Apart from a shoulder separation football also gave Johnson five knee surgeries toward the end.
Dr Mike, I remember reading a while ago that the Rock injured his knee in college playing football. The lack of deep squats & lunges Probably stems from that. Great video as always.
Love that I found in your channel. You are hilarious and I find your videos extremely helpful. Finishing up week 2 of my first month using your app. Liking it so far, I do wish there is more of an individual muscle group option though. I will be switching to the 6 month app after this month.
The "ego" part of the bottom ROM is real, for sure. As my hip, pelvis and lower back mobility and stability have improved I've been able to get deeper into just about every lower body lift and god damn. Going from 420 from a 90 degree leg press for 6+ reps to 320 and barely being able to get 6 reps is insane. On the other hand, despite the weight on the machine dropping by almost a third, I can actually get almost all the way down on a pistol squat and sissy squat now. Relative strength OP.
@@mightyhendo9828😂 I was doing 45 curls on Monday lol. But they were actual reps to 10 with proper form and full ROM. I also just happen to be a big guy so 40-50 is my typical workout weight for biceps curls. That said, I've seen some of the younger men in the gym (late teens-early twenties) doing the swing to the moon strategy, trying to lift more than they actually can.
yeah cause you're not trying to impress idiots on instagram; but i mean what he's doing here tracks, fake natty also happens to be an ego lifter is not that surprising.
@@mightyhendo9828 Yeah, I have definitely gotten more out of a set of slow-as-shit, deep, good form pause squats with two plates than I have out of any heavier set. Hell, after finishing that even just the bar or body weight feels like you're moving the world.
The Rock is the greatest litmus test to see if people can understand how obvious it is that some people use roids. The guy is 50+ years old and is 4 times the size he was when he was a young guy who was an athlete. He literally gets bigger every year and is about the width of a truck nowadays and yet some people still don't realise he is clearly juicing. Fucking insanity.
Google says he’s torn a quad off his pelvis, torn Achilles, 5 knee surgeries, and I believe he’s been on record saying he’s had hernias as well. While this emphasizes the need to NOT ego lift, he’s probably found exercises and ranges of motion that allow him to train hard and not regret it the next day. - NOT saying this is optimal, just adding some context 😊.
@@Rx37Legacy honestly his symmetry with all of those injuries is pretty good and his quads aren’t badly shaped or atrophied in the usual places. He’s both, very lucky and of course probably had the best of the best rehab.
The Rock says it doesn't matter but if you keep checking out the Rocks strudel then you might get led into the Rocks kitchen so you can smell what hes cooking
Hey Dr Mike, I'm sure a lot of other people have said it already, but the rock had several knee surgeries and some torque quad issues and he was a pro wrestler So yes he does in fact have any issues
Men are on here simping for the Rock, defending him, making sure they are to 50ty person to state it, no, the rock got hurt, he is a super sexy, glad you did not do that…
He kills me with the gay jokes. He just doesn't know when to stop and just continues and continues until it becomes awkward, which makes it even funnier and makes you want to keep watching. LOL! he did that with the video he did on Jason Momoa.
I've had a really great time with bottom stretched pauses. It was something I already did for most exercises, but it was more of the '1 sec count' style for powerlifting. really marinating in the stretch has been great for my lagging rear delts and lats
Been watching like 2 weeks now. Going through your back catalog. Also been watching other YT training video's. I have learn WAY MORE from your video's then any others i have seen. @45 and starting to workout for the first time in my life. Your critiques have helped me a ton. 👍
Great content as always. I know you are an expert on hypertrophy, but I would love to see a reaction/critique of a professional weightlifting or strongman training like Lasha or Shawn or any chinese lifter, just to see your toughts on this kind of athetles that go for strenght/power, not aesthetics. 👏🏽
3:05 I was a gym instructor in the British Army many moons ago. When I was doing my training course the PTI tried telling me that you cant stretch the bicep because it only works through one joint. I was 19 (and had lifted for 4 years) and he was 30 odd and well into his 22 years service when I questioned it. He basically told me I didn't know what I was talking about and I muttered something about him doing 1/4 squats for the same reason. He wasn't impressed.
For the shoulder exercise, keeping the weight locked in the focus on producing the most force throughout the rep range, wouldn't a side cable raise be best?
@@Bramble20322 very true. I usually put a bench on an incline and do laterals leaning against it. Absolutely fries your side delts. Got it from Davis diley
Every time I think that Dr. Mike can't get any more homoerotic he proves me wrong, absolutely incredible
I haven't had any of those moments pop up in the video yet, but I feel it coming.
literally progressively overloading his homoeroticism
@geetee2694 So you didn't watch the first 45 seconds then?
Does anyone have any insight into why Mike makes homosexual reference routinely?
@@BGFitnessNY because it's funny and he doesn't take himself too seriously.
“No one cares how much you can lift” is the realest and most important fact to remember while weight training. I know countless people who have countless injuries because they fail to realize this.
Wise words. I'm sure I could be bigger than I am, but I'm here to do work and to keep doing work for a long long time. For me, that means education, rest, nutrition, more education, and a willingess to push hard AND slow down when my body needs it. I WILL work hard, but I will also rest, eat, and play hard. The gym serves me, I don't serve the gym, and I intend to be showing up there for another 60 years... at least.
@@vipe650r👍👍👍 I’ve been lifting since high school and I’ve been a full time trainer/gym owner for 25 years. Focus on the primary lifts (Squat, dead, bench, dips, pull-ups, rows, military) those will give you most of your results. I cycle my reps from 4- 25. Going down/up to 25s/4s rarely. Staying in the 8-12s mostly. I train deep ranges of motions slowly. I go to failure rarely. Knock on wood, no injuries.🤞 if you get back pain, stretch your piriformis, psoas quads. Those are the usual offenders. For size eat more than you probably think you should. If you use AAS start with half what most people say ie: test/tren/anavar/dbol etc. For cutting I’d recommend low dose retatrutide. It’s new but the science is old. Peace bro ✌️
@@joelthomas79 Good stuff. Thank you, sir.
Except for my own ego 😔
Yeah, a friend of mine said that to me once. And I realized I never paid any attention to what anybody else was lifting. So why would they pay attention to mine? It's 100% true lol. Maybe a few weirdos will compare themselves to you but who cares.
“Lean into the pain. Lean away from your ego… and you will have better results.” great stuff.
"4 knee surgeries, Torn quadricep off my pelvis, Torn adductor off my pelvis, Triple hernia surgery, Ruptured Achilles' tendon, Completely shoulder reconstruction, 3 low back disc herniations, 2 low back disc ruptures," a quote from the Rock a few years back.
Yeah we forget he was a wrestler or nfl player
Holy shit.... I feel like a $100 now...
And he is TALL. Hard to get down there trust me
The guy has been through it, wrestling is fake but the injuries are real. His injuries are also why his abs aren't the most defined.
@@guilhermegarcia8750 either that or he never played in the nfl. I wonder which one it is.
Mike was extra unhinged in this one 😂
He really lost it 😂😂
unhinged humor is the best humor!
I am in tears 😂😂😂😂😂
He can't hide his boner for the rock, can't blame him really.
He was rock hard
6:10 "Can I just smell The Rock?"
No, only what he's cooking.
Nice 😂😂😂😂 I should’ve seen that punchline coming
I couldn’t see that one coming, but I could smell it
Oh man that is good lol
Ffs 🤦🏽♂️ 😂😂😂😂
Mike O’Hearn says that The Rock is 100% natural
Takes one to know one
Mike O'Hearn says that Godzilla and all of the associated monsters are natural.
@@ArtOfTheCarbine Godzilla is lifetime natty, he eats tons of whale eggs per day. Lizards are just jealous of his superior 'muh genetics'
Natural recognises natural 🦾
Game recognizes game
"Lean into the pain and away from the ego" that's deep man
One thing I've learned from watching Dr Mike's videos is to get that deep stretch. I admittedly was not doing that before and now that I have, I feel a way better burn getting that full range of motion. Plus really focusing on controlling the eccentric is another big plus.
100% agree. After I started using his app and adjusting my technique according to the videos in it, which mostly means getting that stretch ... Dude, my workouts f*ck me up at least three times as hard.
What I learned is that his wife might have cause to worry about his … underwear area … precipitations
Dr Mike definitely likes deep stretching and full range of motion
When I was working at gym as a NASM certified personal trainer it was like you just couldn't give a client a "normal" exercise. They (bosses and clients) acted like the fancier the exercise the better it was. So I was constantly trying to come up with new ways to do a damn triceps extension! Ridiculous! It really opened my eyes to how much bullshit there was/is in the personal training / gym world.
Yeah I'm a PT and I have similar issues. What I'm doing is just push the intensity up and train like Dr(good form, slower reps etc) to get them to "feel" it.
Cus I'd rather do this instead of giving them funky exercises that barely does anything
Even though this may blow your mind, most people just want to be able to move and perform better in life. A lot Bodybuilding and strength exercises suck for this. In normal life we lift a lot of awkward things, which require the full body, with rotation at weird angles. Bodybuilding exercises don't replicate these moves.
@@b.28Exactly. I see tons of bodybuilding critiques of movements that are for functional strength.
Debbie might look weird on that cable machine but what you don't know is Debbie has to awkwardly lift 70lb boxes off a conveyor always on her right side. So if Debbie doesn't go to the gym and replicate that movement on her left side, she gets back pain from an imbalance.
Everyone has different goals and people need to stop criticizing from the perspective of only getting bigger.
@mayen67 That is absolutely false. Resistance training and specifically strength training will improve your quality of life for the rest of your life. Yes assess their mobility and stability, and incorporate some work and give em stretches, but resistance training is 1 crucial key to a good, healthy life.
@@mayen67then why don’t you exercise by digging holes or shingling roofs. Why do athletes do weight training in addition to practicing their sport? Because targeted training of muscle groups allows you to get stronger, faster, and become greater than the sum of your parts.
I found this channel a couple days ago, I'm addicted. The comedy combined with the knowledge is immense, keep doing this!!!
Just discovered this channel and Dr. Mike is already my favorite person on the Internet
You know it’s going to be a good day when Coach Mike does a workout review
Seriously? Mikey is a whining, attention craving shill who need to diminish those with 1000 times his following and success to make himself feel better. He's become a pathetic joke.
Highlight of my week!
Shoutout for spelling 'calibre' incorrectly and that MFer is part of your business title
IT'S DOCTOR MIKE. Who is this 'coach Mike' you speak of? I'll tell my butlers to look out if he shows up and shoo him away! - Dr. Mike
I’m 100% in to your videos. The fact you give some credit to the workout makes the criticism so much better
Best fitness/training channel ever made!
And for the info, yes, the Rock had a few surgeries in the knees and a torn Achilles
Mike "I'm not gay but my boyfriend is" Israetel
After that comment I felt like a new man... Oh look Mike and The Rock... They'll do! 😆😆
Well yeah I'm a giver not a receiver I'm not a puffter.
@@ieuanhunt552 what about BJ's?
Ever since I started watching your videos I completely changed the way I train. I go much lighter and focus on the stretch at the bottom. Mission accomplished (at least for one person)
I literally spent the last year working on my squat depth and getting that stretch and it was really annoying not to progress with the weight at all but now it finally seems like a good idea.
I love Mike. I started going to the gym a couple months ago and all the tiny bits of very specific information make my workouts so much better. Dude has humor, intelligence and empathy. Always fun and interesting to watch him speak about stuff.
Would watch an entire 2 hour movie of Dr.Mike's stream of consciousness.
No. It is very hit or miss.
@turntablesrockmyworld9315 bro they're saying they would, you can't just say that they wouldn't like to 💀
I feel like you’d need to get David Lynch to direct it
@@pedrogrilloHe meant for himself though
I love that you actually break down the purpose of exercises and make it really easy to determine when adding things like chains or bands is actually improving the effectiveness or not.
Great stuff. 👍
you probably might not care, but i am loving how human you are, your videos are funny, thought-provoking and great lessons. I have been watching a lot of them recently and its so consistent, wishing you success sir.
Love these critique videos Mike. Perfect combo of brutal honesty, education, and humor.
Not surprised The Rock’s workout was better than most “Hollywood workouts”, but still had a bit of that “celebrity” silly stuff in there.
We all have a bit of BS in our lives... I'm absolutely no exception. - Dr. Mike
@@RenaissancePeriodization butt sex?
No surprise. A guy worth as much as the rock probably has an entire pr firm telling him what to post online.
At the end of the day, he looks like a monster. He must be doing SOMETHING right. Even with roids, the guy is still a beast for his age (or any age).
@@RenaissancePeriodizationTo be fair, most of the critics where due the depth on legs exercises, tho' editor should have made a simple google search, the man has gone trough a dozen of surgeries indeed 🤣
"See ya at Lehman college" might be my favorite line in the history of RP videos. Dr. Mike must be protected at all costs.
I'm in the Bronx as well. Hope I do see him around there. Would be cool
Lehman college what is that ?
I'm european.
Does he teach there or is based there ?
"yeah... Chains brother" and I absolutely lost it 😂
Dr. Mike is off his meds for this video and I love it
Binge watching dr. Mike for a few weeks straight. All this learning getting me through recovering from bicep surgery getting diet (what I can control right now) on point and excited to get back in the gym with a solid plan 🦾 thanks dr. Mike 👏
I started pushing into those stretch positions and it’s amazing how much you feal it. So good
Let's not forget that he wrestled for a big part of his life and he had multiple severe injuries (for real, not Hollywood injuries) that could have been career-ending for anyone, a lack of mobility has to be expected, especially considering that he's 51.
Bruh, so why is he ego lifting and using destabilising movements (which have greater injury risk btw)?
Steroids, TRT will reverse the aging and I 100% believe he's on both.
@@DarrenMcStravick Because posting instagram reels is his job and that's what genpop wants to see?
Actually, Dwane got into the wrestling biz, hit it big and made his money before making the seamless transition to Hollywood. As wrestlers go, he's less injury ridden than most.
@@faintedmemo posting on instagram reels isn't exactly his job
Dr. Mike, I’ve been following your advice on lifting for almost a year now. I recently bumped into someone I haven’t seen an several months and he commented that I was looking bigger and more muscular. Thank you for all the advice you share! 💪
Gj brian, keep baking those gains
Those are the best conformations! Well done Brian!
That's awesome, buddy
This is my new favourite channel!
These just get better and better. Mike, any chance you will start a fitness/comedy podcast in the future? You’d be great as a podcaster
He’s got 2
@@pelletrouge3032 he does????
This was fucking hilarious 🤣 Plus, I learned a lot. Subbed!
When my two very different groups of friends meet...
Wut up Brad!?!
love you Brad
Damn, Didn't expect this crossover
Literally why I subbed as well😂😂😂
I am so glad I found this channel. I’ve learned so much and can actually feel the results from making adjustments and incorporating the advice given in these videos. So grateful to have access to all of this valuable knowledge.
I appreciate that, during the squats, you mentioned the possibility of a knee injury preventing him from going too low.
As a pro wrestler, a profession where pretty much all of the actors suffer knee injuries due to the jumping and impacts, he has had four knee surgeries. This is undoubtedly why he doesn't go deep in the squats. Good catch.
There are numerous interviews online where he's discussed his numerous injuries. 4 knees surgeries as you said, but also a triple hernia, multiple lower back disc issues, shoulder reconstruction, and he tore his quad and adductor clean off his pelvis. He's got a LOT of injuries that affect his workout and especially his lower body workout.
@@gargoyletsthis comment gave me the strongest deja vu I've ever had. Have you ever said those exact words somewhere else before?
I love your emphasis on the exentric/stretch. I remember trying Manfred Hoberts arm workout many, many years ago and the incline dumbbell curls have been a favorite since then because of the stretch.
Hands down my favorite UA-cam channel. You sir, are fantastic. Tons of knowledge with a dash of comedy. Appreciate you!
Dr. Mike’s humor is always entertaining, but rarely does it make me truly laugh out loud-and this video made me burst into laughter on multiple occasions. Fuck yes
No... He's not funny.....
@@markperroni69booo, booooo, boooo. Get out of here, boooo
@@markperroni69this guy is so insecure in every post he has to tell a man who’s clearly more secure than he is to stop so he doesn’t “have to” visualize it. Which he totally hates doing
Buncha brown-noses, aren't you?
How sad that people feel so small, they have to kiss the ass of someone that doesn't give two shits about them??
Get a life, you two!! Or get a room....
Buncha brown-noses, aren't you?
How sad that people feel so small, they have to kiss the ass of someone that doesn't give two shits about them??
Get a life, you two!! Or get a room....
At first, one would think these would just be snarky/funny reaction videos, but I honestly learn a ton from these and have improved my techniques. So thanks!!
@RenaissancePeriodization..- who are you?
I heard in the 90s that eccentric contractions were not good for your muscles, so I have no idea why that was, but glad to see you see them as beneficial today. Thanks.
can't believe it took me this long to come across this channel. I learn a lot and it's absolutely hilarious. subbed
I have seen him in interviews talk about blowing his knee out and the more I’ve seen him train the more I can see that he really doesn’t wanna risk doing that again, especially at he’s age
8:16 truly changed my point of view and life in a good way
I’ve always heard that you don’t have to touch your chest on an incline bench, but I’ve also always done it anyways just because it didn’t hurt me and felt good. It’s nice to finally have some validation for that feeling from someone who’s looked into the science.
The general rule of thumb is that if your joints are getting at least a 90° bend on any exercise, then you're good. Some people will disagree, but the reality is that everyone has a different body type and modifications typically need to be made in most people's training for at least one exercise. So long as your muscles are actually getting activated, it's going to be beneficial.
You don't have to but its better
You definitely don't HAVE TO, but it definitely helps grow a bit more muscle in most cases. - Dr. Mike
You can’t touch your cheat or overcompensate with one arm when you use the dumbells.
"Bro, we just started." Editor was on point today! Great breakdown, Dr. Mike.
I love this guy so much, bro keep up the good work and keep making these amazing videos
I’m also heterosexual but I’m torn between Dr Mike and coach Greg.
How this man remains associated with a college is beyond me lmao
Exactly, this is his first video from him I've seen and 4:45 made me go "What?" Lol
To be fair…. It’s a college in the Bronx. I don’t think their general populous is woke and weak minded 😆
1) Bronx
2) Damn good at his field
3) Probably a favourite teacher for a lot of people
@@whatdoyouthinkthothe only ones complaining abt "anti-semitism" in colleges are vehemently against wokeness lol
@@MaskOfCinder Welcome to the real world, bub
This is starting to be my favourite channel.
The Rock is what happens when you combine elite genetics, considerable pharma, and decades of consistent hard training. Intelligent methods are not part of this equation. I recall Dr. Mike pointing out this dynamic countless times when cautioning trainees from blindly following the methods of jacked influencers.
The rock was a pro wrestler for most of his adult lives & has had more injuries because of it than you Can imagine. He has had multiple surgeries he has had to work around & is still jacked in his 50’s. Yet you are accusing him of not being intelligent. Wild.
The majority of people on gear have "good genetics" ..funny isnt it?
@nemonucliosis not true at all. It's just that the ones that don't have good genetics don't look like they're on gear. They just look like a super jacked natty person.
@@Djdkdkdndkzn1you saw the vid right? He is not training smart at all. Not a knock on his intelligence but his education
@@mariushager9983 he is training around injuries and looks like a tank at age 50 after being a WWE athlete & lifting weights for 30+ years
6:17 smell what the rock is cooking…and is it meth?
This video raised a smile and a few laughs today, thanks for that 😁
This content is actually informative as hell. I'm glad The Rock makes some of the same mistakes I do; I can learn from listening to Mike's critique.
Came here from the Liver King video which was one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time, never mind in fitness content. Love your work!
I’m guessing the limited ROM on leg stuff is related to the 4 knee surgeries and quad tear. He’s also 51 and at some point we all make modifications to keep trying through physical limitations of wear and tear from Father Time.
wear and tear is a false belief
And poor training methods? 🤔
@@youtube-nutzer2895You are incorrect. The body gets absolutely wrecked at some point, some people just have better genetics
@@youtube-nutzer2895 How? Look up Bruno Sammartino's injuries.
@@youtube-nutzer2895never seen anyone so clueless
I dont even workout, i'm just here for the comedy !
This dude is fking hilarious.
Just started watching you as I started training from a 6 month pause with all your advice I have already gained half of my gains back in a month💪💪
A have arthrosis at both of my knees and going deep with controlled squats really helps to keep me mobile and almost pain free (alongside with knee injections).
You are totally right about ego damage due to lower weight for bigger range of motion, its the worst part 😢
But remember...if you ever meet The Rock in real life, a rock is not something you talk to, it is something that you feel.
Imagine you're in college, and this guy is your professor 😂 I would absolutely love that.
18:42 4 knee surgeries between both knees. I do not know the which was which but I do know 1 was an ACL tear.
18:00 damn, those LEGS. woooo. the rock is jacked, but he kept it really aesthetic, which i appreciate.
Can’t believe I just discovered this channel. Mike is awesome and hilarious
The forced eccentric was how I trained to do pullups. I did it every other day for a year. it was an incredible amount of fatigue though.
6:10 If you ask nicely he might let you smell what he's cooking...
I'm just seeing this one, so someone may have posted already... but since Dr Mike keeps asking about The Rocks knees: DJ revealed, “I’ve had many. I’ve had a complete shoulder separation here, that required complete reconstruction of my shoulder. I’ve had five knee surgeries from football and a torn Achilles.” The WWE legend suffered a number of injuries from football alone, even before he got on with wrestling. Apart from a shoulder separation football also gave Johnson five knee surgeries toward the end.
Dr Mike, I remember reading a while ago that the Rock injured his knee in college playing football. The lack of deep squats & lunges Probably stems from that. Great video as always.
I didn’t know this, he had 4 knee surgeries
Knee issues are an excuse from football, these knee problems would of surfaced during wrestling ! Right dr.mike?
Love that I found in your channel. You are hilarious and I find your videos extremely helpful. Finishing up week 2 of my first month using your app. Liking it so far, I do wish there is more of an individual muscle group option though. I will be switching to the 6 month app after this month.
“Lean into the pain, lean away from your ego and you’ll get better results”. Epic quote
Hilarious and educational. You can't ask for much more from a great teacher/professor!
2:52 Trust me, its the funniest thing.😂😂😂
So brutally honest. And I love it. Give me more brutal honesty - more... .MORE!!!
The "ego" part of the bottom ROM is real, for sure. As my hip, pelvis and lower back mobility and stability have improved I've been able to get deeper into just about every lower body lift and god damn. Going from 420 from a 90 degree leg press for 6+ reps to 320 and barely being able to get 6 reps is insane.
On the other hand, despite the weight on the machine dropping by almost a third, I can actually get almost all the way down on a pistol squat and sissy squat now. Relative strength OP.
I hope you're a girl because I am and 320 is my warmup lol
@@mightyhendo9828😂 I was doing 45 curls on Monday lol. But they were actual reps to 10 with proper form and full ROM. I also just happen to be a big guy so 40-50 is my typical workout weight for biceps curls. That said, I've seen some of the younger men in the gym (late teens-early twenties) doing the swing to the moon strategy, trying to lift more than they actually can.
yeah cause you're not trying to impress idiots on instagram; but i mean what he's doing here tracks, fake natty also happens to be an ego lifter is not that surprising.
@@mightyhendo9828 Yeah, I have definitely gotten more out of a set of slow-as-shit, deep, good form pause squats with two plates than I have out of any heavier set. Hell, after finishing that even just the bar or body weight feels like you're moving the world.
@@nottheone582 Yet to see a woman at my gym whose form is beyond a 3/10.
Dr. Mike needs his own Netflix show!
New to your videos but this one was the best yet!
The Rock is the greatest litmus test to see if people can understand how obvious it is that some people use roids. The guy is 50+ years old and is 4 times the size he was when he was a young guy who was an athlete. He literally gets bigger every year and is about the width of a truck nowadays and yet some people still don't realise he is clearly juicing. Fucking insanity.
You're my Rock Mike
4:22 "No critique so far." Critiques can be positive or negative. Actually this whole video is a critique. You are so nailed bro :)
Can't thank you enough for your training recommendations. The eccentric focus has been profound.
Love this series 👍🏻. How about Chris Hemsworth Centrfit app or his workouts for a god-like physique?
he's reviewed Chris I think. It's...what you would expect.
I'm glad I found this channel. Well done sir.
19:52 “ B-“ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Google says he’s torn a quad off his pelvis, torn Achilles, 5 knee surgeries, and I believe he’s been on record saying he’s had hernias as well.
While this emphasizes the need to NOT ego lift, he’s probably found exercises and ranges of motion that allow him to train hard and not regret it the next day. - NOT saying this is optimal, just adding some context 😊.
He also has a scar on his right shoulder which i'm guessing is from a surgery. Covered up by the tattoo now but he had i even back in 1998.
@@Rx37Legacy honestly his symmetry with all of those injuries is pretty good and his quads aren’t badly shaped or atrophied in the usual places. He’s both, very lucky and of course probably had the best of the best rehab.
if you are injury bound then you should avoid unstable excercizes... and practice even better form
@@Bramble20322 sure. But i was talking more about swinging chains and doing cheat reps
The Rock says it doesn't matter but if you keep checking out the Rocks strudel then you might get led into the Rocks kitchen so you can smell what hes cooking
Hey Dr Mike, I'm sure a lot of other people have said it already, but the rock had several knee surgeries and some torque quad issues and he was a pro wrestler So yes he does in fact have any issues
Men are on here simping for the Rock, defending him, making sure they are to 50ty person to state it, no, the rock got hurt, he is a super sexy, glad you did not do that…
@@chrisbabcock615 do you have some kind of point? I commented on this 2 months ago when the video was new.
He kills me with the gay jokes. He just doesn't know when to stop and just continues and continues until it becomes awkward, which makes it even funnier and makes you want to keep watching. LOL! he did that with the video he did on Jason Momoa.
I randomly came across your channel and I'm an instant fan.
I've had a really great time with bottom stretched pauses. It was something I already did for most exercises, but it was more of the '1 sec count' style for powerlifting. really marinating in the stretch has been great for my lagging rear delts and lats
@16:34 you made me spit out my food! LMFAOOO 🤣 😂 😭
Been watching like 2 weeks now. Going through your back catalog. Also been watching other YT training video's. I have learn WAY MORE from your video's then any others i have seen. @45 and starting to workout for the first time in my life. Your critiques have helped me a ton. 👍
Great content as always. I know you are an expert on hypertrophy, but I would love to see a reaction/critique of a professional weightlifting or strongman training like Lasha or Shawn or any chinese lifter, just to see your toughts on this kind of athetles that go for strenght/power, not aesthetics. 👏🏽
Me too
Man, The Rock could have been huge if only he trained with Doctor Mike
3:05 I was a gym instructor in the British Army many moons ago. When I was doing my training course the PTI tried telling me that you cant stretch the bicep because it only works through one joint. I was 19 (and had lifted for 4 years) and he was 30 odd and well into his 22 years service when I questioned it. He basically told me I didn't know what I was talking about and I muttered something about him doing 1/4 squats for the same reason. He wasn't impressed.
4:52 pike? 😂😂😂
I don't like bodybuilding, fitness, and weird shaped bald heads, but I still watch this because it's straight up comedy.
The dumbell squat was the Rock flexing his acting skills to make it seem hard
19:28 jesus dr. mike lol
"What the chains do is create needless wobbling"
And I go to the gym to try to get *less* needless wobbling.
Dr. Mike is hilarious! Subscribed!
For the shoulder exercise, keeping the weight locked in the focus on producing the most force throughout the rep range, wouldn't a side cable raise be best?
No because with cables you lose a ton of tension at the top of the movement
@@Bramble20322 very true. I usually put a bench on an incline and do laterals leaning against it. Absolutely fries your side delts. Got it from Davis diley
“Can I just smell…..what The Rock is cookin’?”
Apparently nothing scientific