You would all be shocked if you heard this man live in the opera house. Heard his Parsifal at the Met. The voice cuts through like a laser, or a rifle. Its different,not what I am used to , but I appreciate him as an alternate, valid approach to Wagner. Don't believe his will be the new standard, but lighter voices are more accepted in Wagner now, llike Bezcala in Lohengrin. Not the end of the world and a nice change, but I didnt like KFV until I heard him in person. Much greater impact.
I heard him in meistersinger in Berlin a couple of years ago and yes, his voice carries like crazy. I heard every word he sang and we sat way in the back of the hall. I think he is very boring as his technique leaves little room for color, but he absolutely carries.
Interesting! I can imagine it’s hard to find ”lighter” voices that can cut through Wagner’s humongous orchestration, as lighter voices tend to have a weaker middle register. However, Wagner in his time didn’t demand huge voices as his operas where played in Bayreuth, where the afore mentioned humongous orchestra sat under the stage, not in front of.
I heard him in Bayreuth in Hans Neuenfels' staging of Lohengrin. The acoustic there helps his voice tremendously. That can NOT be transmitted via any kind of recording, I was really stunned, as were all the other 2000 people in the audience.
I am 74 years old. I have heard three generations of opera singers in the opera house. These days everyone sings everything. What next? Taylor Swift as Isolde?
HeraOpera and GermanProudly, Sorry but you are both wrong. There's not just one way to sing Wagner. I heard Vogt at the Met singing Lohengrin, and I was shocked at the unusual quality of his voice. It was not what I expected but it was beautiful, very musical and very audible. It's not a huge, dark voice, but he can sing Wagner. I have also heard Kaufmann (Siegmund) and Kerl (Kaiser, Menelas) and they are both wonderful in their own way (although I'm not always in love with Kaufmann's throaty, forced tone). But Vogt proves that there's more than one way to sing Wagner.
+StarRaft Just because he can sing the notes does not make him a Wagner tenor. There is a tradition in opera that can be followed back a hundred years in recordings. Vogt is the very antithesis of a heldontenor. There is not a single tenor in the history of Wagnerian recordings that is that light and insipid. He should be singing Monteverdi. I'm SURE he would have LOTS of fans!
+StarRaft I completely agree. I went to see Walküre with Ian Storey as Siegmund, but he was ill and replaced by Vogt. I was very sceptical to say the least, but Vogt is able to sing over a very large Orchestra. He is definitely not your usual Wagner Tenor but his voice had a strange "dramatic" quality that was quite fascinating. In youtube videos he does not sound very impressive. I recommend very much to go to Opera houses and see people live. The audience was amazed by Vogt and gave standing ovations. He has had tremendous success with these roles.
An amazingly beautiful voice. It's wonderful to have someone who can be convincing as a young Wagnerian hero, someone who does not bellow and strain but sings with perfect diction in a young and lyrical way. PS to Frau Wussow: Fritz Wunderlich ist tot.
Hi is singing this music because his countrymen have embraced him in place of what they no longer have: true helden voices. It is the emporer's new clothes in operatic form. They are trying to sell the public on a new paradigm for this repertoire - light tenors singing heroic roles - because they do not have enough true heldens to sing the roles. They have decided that they either must do this or not do this music. I think they should work harder to find the right voices. This falls short.
What they need are teachers who can teach singers to support their voices in the big repertoire. They also need to stop expecting dramatic voices to come in bodies that look like movie stars. The torso expands to support the voice. That's why the singers of old had barrel-shaped bodies. They were athletes who used their bodies' power to support the voices. Now the impresarios are casting for looks, not voice.
Bravo, Heraopera. I wish more people would read and understand what you have written here. This music demands a different standard of singing. Leave such lyric voices to lyric opera. Dramatic roles demand dramatic voices and no less. The people who run the opera business are selling a false new ideal in this repertoire and we should not accept it. Speak out! Demand the right singers for this music. Wagner would have HATED this. He asked singers not to croon his music or to 'stay away.'
@@xxsaruman82xx87 It is so sad. They are out there but for some reason... they want mic'able voices instead of real voices. god forbid you have a big voice. Even the vocal coaches tell them too loud you sing too loud! It's incredible.
@@vilhelmhammershoi3871 They are out there, yes! Have you heard of Saioa Hernandez? She is a fantastic modern spinto soprano! She was a student of Caballe. You are right, pretty much all modern voice teachers say to ‘reign in the voice’ or to ‘hold back’, which is just wrong. Florez even said, in one of masterclasses, ‘if they don’t hear you, it’s their problem’!!! It’s just crazy!
But that's just the thing, the voices are out there, and they are many! But today, it seems best to look good and be european/american than to have a great voice. I personally know 7 people who have voices that you wouldn't believe are real, and none of them can have a career in opera because they are being shut down for being from Brasil.
@@xxsaruman82xx87 Absolutely. Martin Muehle is outstanding and so much better than Vogt.. by far... Its always been unfair. How can all the people going to Bayreuth praise Vogt that much....He does not deserve it. How can such people call themselves Wagnerians if they obviously have no idea about singing and opera...
Es ist so unglaublich traurig, dass Leute wirklich nichts anderes tun als sich Beleidigungen auszudenken und Videos hochzuladen zu einem Thema was Geschmack angeht. Zu behaupten Klaus Florian Vogt habe keine Musikalität und keine Stimme ist einfach falsch. Wer das behauptet, hat ihn einmal nie live gehört, oder/und keine Ahnung vom Musik. Geschmäcker von Stimmen können verschieden sein und na klar mag man manche mehr als andere. Aber dann bleibt es bei eurer Meinung. Was ist der Grund jemand so unter der Gürtellinie zu beleidigen. Auch er ist ein ganz normaler Mensch. Wärt ihr damit glücklich beschimpft zu werden ihr wärt kastriert oder sonst was? Das nenn ich keineswegs erwachsen, das ist kindisch. Solche Leute wie euch zerstören einem wirklich den Glauben an die Menschheit.
@Richard Wagner Guck wie traurig und kindisch du bist. Du magst ja einen Geschmack haben, dazu hast du ein Recht. Aber andere haben das auch, und wenn diese Leute Vogts Stimme schön finden, dann ist das so. Er hat vollkommen ein Recht zu singen und wenn es dich so stört. Warum in aller Welt hörst du es dir an? Lass doch die Leute es hören die seine Stimme genießen und du kannst dir andere anhören.
@Richard Wagner Keine Sorge ich begebe mich nicht auf deine Ebene nieder. Es steht fest, Menschen haben verschiedene Geschmäcker. Interessant: es kann also rein logisch keine Helden geben, die eine helle Stimme haben? Ich dachte immer Helden würden von ihren Taten und Werten, die sie vermitteln ausgemacht.
Ich finde es tatsächlich schon lange sehr sehr interessant, dass Klaus Florian Vogt schon lange im Internet ÄUSSERST zwiegespaltene Bewertungen bekommt. Live jedoch, ist er STETS DER Star. Ich habe ihn jetzt schon ziemlich häufig bei den Bayreuther Festspielen erlebt (und auch das ein oder andere Mal woanders) und er wird wirklich IMMER (mit) am meisten bejubelt (ok mittlerweile macht Lise Davidsen etwas Konkurrenz, an seiner Seite und Georg Zeppenfeld wird auch sehr gefeiert, aber dennoch gehört er bei den Bayreuther Festspielen eigentlich mittlerweile zu den sehr wenigen echten Stars - v.a. speziell im Ring). Irgendwas an seiner Stimme muss sich irgendwie verändern oder nicht richtig hervortreten, wenn es aufgenommen wird. Ich persönlich liebe seine Stimme auch sehr (höre ihn aber auch eigentlich immer nur live und komme zum Kommentare lesen auch UA-cam 😂), aber sie ist wirklich UNGLAUBLICH hell und deswegen kann ich sogar ganz gut nachvollziehen warum Leute ihn vielleicht nicht als Helden sehen, obwohl ich tatsächlich noch nie eine Person getroffen habe (als lebende Bayreutherin 😅), die ihn nicht mochte. Aber wahrscheinlich sind das dann vielleicht auch nicht unbedingt DIE Wagnerianer...
Bravo Florian. Bester siegmund aller Zeiten. Stellt alle knödligen Baritone, die die hohen Töne nur mit Kopfstimme oder Gebrüll treffen. Florian weiter so
Dieser Vogt ist eine einzige Katastrophe, wenn man an Wunderlich oder Rudi Schock denkt, dass waren Sänger, aber Vogt ist nicht mit anzuhören. Grausam !
Lisa Müller Darum hat ein Rudi Schock beim Wolgalied auch schon über 350 Tausend Aufrufe und weniger Negative Bewertung als ihr Vogt, und ein Fritz Wunderlich hat mit der schönen Müllerin weit über 100 Tausend Aufrufe und auch weniger Negative Bewertung als Ihr Vogt. Jetzt wissen wir alle was Sie für eine Ahnung haben. Das diese Sänger nicht mehr leben, machen Sie Ihnen jetzt auch noch zum Vorwurf. Sie sind ein ganz armseliger Mensch. Wirklich erbärmlich !
Was wissen Sie denn schon über Rudi Schock, null. Weil er kein Sänger war, wird er heute noch geliebt und verehrt. Rudi Schock sang hier in Berlin, Das Land des LÄCHELNS, und jedes Mal, war es ausverkauft, dass über Monate. Er war der erste Deutsche der nach dem Krieg in England an der Covent Gard singen durfte, dass war eine Auszeichnung nach dem verlorenen Krieg, falls Sie wissen was ich meine. Er erhielt den Kammersänger Titel in Wien, er hatte ein langes Angagement in Australien ,viele Opern in aller Welt. Sang mit Lisa Della Casa, falls Sie wissen wer das ist. Mit Josef Metternich, sowie Gottlob Frick, Erika Köth, Anneliese Rothenberger, Lucia Popp. Nein, Sie wissen null über Rudi Schock. Sollten sich vielleicht doch einmal informieren bevor Sie sich mit mir über Rudi Schock unterhalten. Keine Ahnung ! Sie sind eine Dumm Schwätzerin.
The agents, directors (primarily) and conductors that select this type of voice for heldontenor roles are preparing us for opera with microphones so they can have slim and handsome people on stage. It is very sad for someone who actually has knowledge of the long recording tradition of these roles. Sad, very, very sad.
Lisa, give it time. Operatic voices - and demeanour - are getting closer and closer to pop. Also pap. Soon the Met's "Las Vegas Rigoletto" will be reality and we'll have the likes of Michael Buble singing opera. Casting such as this is dumbing down the audience. Soon (maybe already) they'll be accustomed to the distortion and they won't know the difference.
@@tab1th4 he is perfoming Lohengrin on the Liceu, I'm on the choir; he does pass the orchestra as you say (the most of the time) but singing Wagner ir not just being able to soud passing the orchestra. He sings all, all, all the time with this falsetish, clear and weak sound and is so, so boring seing a guy singing as a 16 years old girl. His voice has no power, his characters have no strength. A helden tenor is suposed to be a dramathic tenor with baritone scuro, is suposed to be a thounder.
Not your grandmother's Siegmund, but lyrical and beautiful. Inward, as Vogt is wont to come across (which is why he is more naturally suited to introverted Wagnerian characters), and hardly everyone's cup of tea. But I sure as hell like it better than so many barked and belted Siegmunds that one gets even at the best Wagner stages these days. Very appealing to all those who love effortlessness in singing. (Some of the criticism aimed at Vogt - the premiere Lohengrin of our time - sounds eerily familiar with what was said about Windgassen in his time. Good thing he never lived in the age of UA-cam.)
CreuvonVolve, he is pretty tall. And that makes a difference to Intendants/Directors. The Look. I agree with you: Romeo is about as big as he needs to go. The role loses the gravitas that it's creator meant for it to have when we care more about PR rather than ability.
his voice is miniscule... tiny!!!!! what an insult... you get a person who should be singing in buses with a guitar and a cup for tips.... to sing Wagner!!! no less... at the.... Bayerische Staatsoper??? Should a more suitable name not be The Bayerische Scherzoper?
Andrea Gegner vor 1 Sekunde Ich dachte schon, ich müsse an meinem Verstand oder zumindest den Ohren aller heutigen Opernbesucher nebst Musikkritiker zweifeln, als ich nach der gerade gehörten Tannhäuserübertragung nur Lobeshymnen über K-F. Vogt in der Presse finden konnte. Den untenstehenden Kommentare entnehme ich zum Glück, dass ich nicht ganz alleine dastehe mit meiner schon lange gehegten Meinung. Dabei sind die obigen "Winterstürme" noch besser gesungen als alles, was ich bisher von Vogt zu hören bekam. Ihn mit Kaufmann zu vergleichen respektive auf eine Stufe zu stellen, halte ich allerdings für völlig daneben, auch wenn mir bewusst ist, in welchem Zusammenhang (nämlich im Vergleich zu den "alten Meistern") es gemeint war. Da wäre - bei allem Respekt - doch noch etwas mehr Differenzierung angebracht.
I think people are a little too rigid about the concept of vocal "types" -- lyric tenors, helden tenors , whatever other categories there are. Why be a slave to a category? Vogt's voice is amazing. Why exactly is it not good enough for Wagner? Because he doesn't bellow? Why is it desirable to bellow? Not masculine enough for you? Too much falsetto? What's wrong with that? All tenors sang that way until the early 19th century when top notes from the chest became the norm (French tenor Gilbert-Louis Duprez caused a sensation in 1837 by singing a high C in chest voice). Vogt hits all the notes and he is loud enough, his diction is good and his vocal production is smooth. You don't like the voice, fine, but why not accept that that's just your personal opinion?
G.V. K. I agree absolutely! Wagner was a great admirer of the bel canto tradition, especially Bellini. Wagner’s music should be about beautiful singing, not who can scream the loudest. But many people have grown up with the recordings where everyone is shrieking, and they think that’s heroic!
@@wotan10950 Ha ha. You think this is bel canto. That's cute. And if you don't think, Melchior, Flagstad, List, etc. sang beautifully, I seriously cannot help you.
I love it. Don’t forget that Wagner was a great admirer of the bel canto tradition, and especially loved Bellini. The whole concept of Bayreuth, to subsume the orchestra to favor the voices, makes me think this is the kind of singing Wagner would’ve wanted, not the singers who bellow and scream. Wagner shouldn’t be about who can shout the loudest.
@@williamadolphe7921 I have heard him in Wien, singing Lohengrin. The voice is white and boyish, but it has enough power to cut the orchestra. He sounds completely different from what one could expect in wagner singing. Different, but very good! His performance in Lohengrin is really beautiful.
I get that looks are relatively important, but the talent, the voice HAS to be there and only then should "looks" be considered. There's so much that you can do with make up, wigs, heels, etc. if the person doesn't have the ideal look for a certain role, but sacrificing the voice for that... I don't think it's worth it. Don't get me wrong, he has a beautiful voice, but he's not supposed to be anywhere near Wagner. It'll probably end up ruining his voice, exposing himself in such difficult, heavy and demanding roles such as Siegmund or Siegfried. What a shame!
Oh je, was tut er sich und dem Publikum an? Kann ihn mir unter Umständen als David in den Meistersingern vorstellen, Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten!
Das find ich gar nicht. Ihr müsst halt nur eure hörgewohnheiten ändern. Es ist musikalisch, stimmlich (es muss nicht immer riesen vibrato sein!) tadellos!! Ich denke Richard Wagner hätte auch so gedacht, den wie er sagte das die Stimme gleich einem Nachen auf wogender See(Orchester) klingen soll /kann /darf!! Es ist Vogts Interpretation! Hut ab! 👍👍👍
Er wäre wahrscheinlich der perfekte David, oder auch Loge, vielleicht ein Jugendlicher, und naiver Parsifal, aber ein Siegfried, Siegmund, Walther, oder ein Tannhäuser, niemals!
Someone here mentioned Torsten Kerl in place of Vogt, so i listened to his Fernem Land. Nah.. Too much barking for my taste. Breaks up the flow. Vogt is far superior in how he floats the voice with the orchestra. and he sings at or on top of the note, not underneath it. Nothing worse than sliding up to the notes in that aria or in Wagner in general. This music is ethereal, not schmalzy
well, its something different and very pretty. Nothing wrong with that, if you dont like it theres 200 different versions of this for you. Also, in regards to "Wagner would be turning over in his grave".... consider Wagner was a very specific on the scenery and costumes (very, very traditional for the Ring), so consider what he would think of the productions we see today (lol). No big deal, we have the choice to select what we like, thats a good thing. I like this.
It may not be a Wagnerian voice, but having heard it for real in the house, I can say unequivocally that it is a BIG voice. In fact, it's bigger than Konya's, whom I loved and also heard in the house in the same type of role (i.e., Walther, Lohengrin, etc.).
Grauenvoll, Herr Vogt, wie kann man so einen "Opernsänger" mit so einer gruseligen Stimme auf die Bühne lassen, der Meister dreht sich im Grabe hin und her!
Ja , eine Schande !! Aber genauso unverständlich , dass Dirigenten so etwas dulden .. aber den meisten scheint es sogar recht zu sein ! Die empfinden Sänger mit Stimme eh als Störenfriede ... 😄
Gibt es hier also, gottseidank, doch noch Menschen mit Ohren, die nicht blindwütig hinter der hype-süchtigen Menge herlaufen. Dieser junge Mann wäre weder bei meinem noch einem der anderen damaligen Gesangsprofessoren auch nur durch die Zwischenprüfung gekommen. Leuten mit dem aufgedrückten Tunnelblick bleibt dann oft halt nur die Möglichkeit, persönlich beleidigend zu werden. Mach dir nix draus!!!
It might not be the trumpet-like sound of Melchior (which for me is the benchmark for all Heldentenöre), but Klaus Florian Vogt definitely can sing and does a very decent job here. Anyone criticising him should experience him live before judging. Wagner doesn't necessarily need to be loud or barked.
@@xxsaruman82xx87 Vogt once mentioned, that thoses tenors like Melchior, Lorenz, Suthaus, Beirer and so on, could not act and that they had a bad articulation...I mean, this man is just a pain in the ass 😅
Vogts Stimme passt in den momentanen Geschmack männlicher Jammerlappen in der Musik. Das ist im Bereich Pop nichts anders. Da sind starke Frauen und daneben diese Männer, ohne Eier in der Hose, die wimmern, mit Kopfstimme über das Leid ihres Leidens monologisieren. Es ist die Entmachtung von Maskulinität, die man schon lange beobachten kann und die in KFV ihren Tiefpunkt erreicht hat. Ich kann nur empfehlen, Aufführungen mit ihm zu meiden, dann ist das Haus leer und man hört endlich auf, ihn zu besetzen.
@@oliverkubiak6310 Wenn man Kasse machen kann, während man im völlig falschen Fach singt und das Publikum, dümmer als je zuvor, einem auch noch zujubelt, dann ist man zumindest bauernschlau. 😄
It is very obvious his flat and narrow voice isn't a heldentenor voice and doesn't do Wagner's music justice at all. Also, his voice totally lacks the warmth needed to portray Siegmund. Maybe he was only hired for his looks and not for the quailty of his voice? That would be very sad.
You argue this point a lot. Don't you realize, the central part of your argument (that his voice is the "wrong" color) is completely subjective? It's not like arguing that he's inaudible, unmusical, short on top etc., you're just basically saying that you really like Lohengrin to sound this way, and not that way. As for composer intention, Wieland Wagner always said that his grandfather thought idea of sticking to convention was dull. If you don't like KFV, fine, don't listen to him.
flicfan416 It's an indication of a tendency to make opera visual rather than aural, and primarily, closer to movies. People are so in need of constant visual stimulation that they're losing the ability to listen. The heldentenor and hochdramatischer fachs came into existence because of the music that Wagner wrote, as did the Wagner tuba, so that must have been his intention.
The fear is that voices like these will crowd out opportunities for heroic-timbre voices in men who are less photogenic than Vogt and audiences will be schooled to a pretty voice. And then an even prettier boy with a lighter voice will come along and be deemed acceptable and after a while, people will forget that voices like Melchior, Vinay and Suthaus ever existed. And David Hasselhoff will be singing Siegfried.
Eine absolute Frechheit, eine Stimme, die nicht einmal für den Evangelisten reicht, Sigmund singen zu lassen. Darüber hinaus ist es technisch so miserabel, dass man das Eintrittsgeld zurückbekommen sollte.
Vogt sollte maximal Tamino singen, hat da schon jemand geschrieben (siehe unten). Da unterschätzt aber jemand die Spannkraft, die sogar für Tamino nötig ist. Nicht einmal diese würde Herr Vogt aufbringen. Für die Art Gesangsdarbietung, die wir hier in den "Winterstürmen" hören, sollte niemand Eintrittsgeld bezahlen müssen.
Dahaben Sie völlig recht, Buffopartien maximal. Leider goutiert das Publikum urteilsunfähig alles Was ihm vorgesetzt wird und wird das Schlechte zum Standard erhoben.
@@jasonberger9570 of course not. You saw this ripped out of the context. Someone said: he is far away of this world ore something like this. All I mean (and yes, I do not like his singing as many others, too) . What I mean is that he is not, so we have to deal with this "singing". It is interesting however, in which aggressive way his fans are going after everyone who is not the same opinion.
😂😂😂😂 das soll jawohl eine Parodie sein 😂😂 Wann fängt er endlich einmal an Rollen zu singen, die zu seinem zierlichen Stimmchen passen. Das ist ja wirklich schrecklich!
You would all be shocked if you heard this man live in the opera house. Heard his Parsifal at the Met. The voice cuts through like a laser, or a rifle. Its different,not what I am used to , but I appreciate him as an alternate, valid approach to Wagner. Don't believe his will be the new standard, but lighter voices are more accepted in Wagner now, llike Bezcala in Lohengrin. Not the end of the world and a nice change, but I didnt like KFV until I heard him in person. Much greater impact.
I heard him in meistersinger in Berlin a couple of years ago and yes, his voice carries like crazy. I heard every word he sang and we sat way in the back of the hall. I think he is very boring as his technique leaves little room for color, but he absolutely carries.
Interesting! I can imagine it’s hard to find ”lighter” voices that can cut through Wagner’s humongous orchestration, as lighter voices tend to have a weaker middle register. However, Wagner in his time didn’t demand huge voices as his operas where played in Bayreuth, where the afore mentioned humongous orchestra sat under the stage, not in front of.
@@sephrider seems to drop from the ceiling. But its monochrome and does get dull and tiresome
I heard him in Bayreuth in Hans Neuenfels' staging of Lohengrin. The acoustic there helps his voice tremendously. That can NOT be transmitted via any kind of recording, I was really stunned, as were all the other 2000 people in the audience.
Same with his Lohengrin. I thought it was spectacular live.
Schöne leichte Stimme, aber nicht für Wagner, überhaupt für die Oper?
I am 74 years old. I have heard three generations of opera singers in the opera house. These days everyone sings everything. What next? Taylor Swift as Isolde?
HeraOpera and GermanProudly,
Sorry but you are both wrong. There's not just one way to sing Wagner. I heard Vogt at the Met singing Lohengrin, and I was shocked at the unusual quality of his voice. It was not what I expected but it was beautiful, very musical and very audible. It's not a huge, dark voice, but he can sing Wagner.
I have also heard Kaufmann (Siegmund) and Kerl (Kaiser, Menelas) and they are both wonderful in their own way (although I'm not always in love with Kaufmann's throaty, forced tone). But Vogt proves that there's more than one way to sing Wagner.
+StarRaft Just because he can sing the notes does not make him a Wagner tenor. There is a tradition in opera that can be followed back a hundred years in recordings. Vogt is the very antithesis of a heldontenor. There is not a single tenor in the history of Wagnerian recordings that is that light and insipid. He should be singing Monteverdi. I'm SURE he would have LOTS of fans!
+StarRaft I completely agree. I went to see Walküre with Ian Storey as Siegmund, but he was ill and replaced by Vogt. I was very sceptical to say the least, but Vogt is able to sing over a very large Orchestra. He is definitely not your usual Wagner Tenor but his voice had a strange "dramatic" quality that was quite fascinating. In youtube videos he does not sound very impressive.
I recommend very much to go to Opera houses and see people live. The audience was amazed by Vogt and gave standing ovations. He has had tremendous success with these roles.
It isnt about the size of the voice - its the colour and the timbre - he sounds like a eunuch
Probabely he was miced... Like many singers today.
Some warrior. Meh.
They hired Don Ottavio to sing Siegmund.
+Desmond P T I don't want to hear his boring and expressionless singing in Mozart either! The best advice for him would be to find a new career...
yes, he's not a Helden
More like a Monastatos
Desmond P T exactly it sounds like ottavio but if you dont know the style it can be enjoyable
Don Ottavio is soposed to use chest voice.
Is he a castrato?
No. Just a really REALLY high tenor.
@@flannerymonaghan-morris1317 No. Just a really REALLY, REALLY undeveloped tenor.
An amazingly beautiful voice. It's wonderful to have someone who can be convincing as a young Wagnerian hero, someone who does not bellow and strain but sings with perfect diction in a young and lyrical way.
PS to Frau Wussow: Fritz Wunderlich ist tot.
Perfect diction? What?
Hi is singing this music because his countrymen have embraced him in place of what they no longer have: true helden voices. It is the emporer's new clothes in operatic form. They are trying to sell the public on a new paradigm for this repertoire - light tenors singing heroic roles - because they do not have enough true heldens to sing the roles. They have decided that they either must do this or not do this music. I think they should work harder to find the right voices. This falls short.
What they need are teachers who can teach singers to support their voices in the big repertoire. They also need to stop expecting dramatic voices to come in bodies that look like movie stars. The torso expands to support the voice. That's why the singers of old had barrel-shaped bodies. They were athletes who used their bodies' power to support the voices. Now the impresarios are casting for looks, not voice.
Correct - today we have to listen to this awful small voices without middle voice ... not enough NEVER EVER !
@@brunnhilde7193 You are so right and it's appalling!
Vielleicht sollte man Vogt einfach die Sieglinde singen lassen. Würde besser passen.
@Ab B super Idee
Hihi ...😄
What's he doing singing Wagner?
Bravo, Heraopera. I wish more people would read and understand what you have written here. This music demands a different standard of singing. Leave such lyric voices to lyric opera. Dramatic roles demand dramatic voices and no less. The people who run the opera business are selling a false new ideal in this repertoire and we should not accept it. Speak out! Demand the right singers for this music. Wagner would have HATED this. He asked singers not to croon his music or to 'stay away.'
Lyric voices? This isn't even a leggiero voice! There is no voice here whatsoever!
Unfortunately, this dude's voice also disappoints me. He is not trained properly.
has this really happened to opera? a light tenor to whom monteverdi is heavy to sing wagner?
Light tenor? More like a mosquito.
@@xxsaruman82xx87 I stand corrected. Agree with you, wholeheartedly.
@@vilhelmhammershoi3871 It’s really tragic. Where have the heldentenors gone? Hell, where have the leggiero tenors gone?
@@xxsaruman82xx87 It is so sad. They are out there but for some reason... they want mic'able voices instead of real voices. god forbid you have a big voice. Even the vocal coaches tell them too loud you sing too loud! It's incredible.
@@vilhelmhammershoi3871 They are out there, yes! Have you heard of Saioa Hernandez? She is a fantastic modern spinto soprano! She was a student of Caballe.
You are right, pretty much all modern voice teachers say to ‘reign in the voice’ or to ‘hold back’, which is just wrong. Florez even said, in one of masterclasses, ‘if they don’t hear you, it’s their problem’!!! It’s just crazy!
But that's just the thing, the voices are out there, and they are many! But today, it seems best to look good and be european/american than to have a great voice. I personally know 7 people who have voices that you wouldn't believe are real, and none of them can have a career in opera because they are being shut down for being from Brasil.
De fato...
Can totally see that. Martin Muehle, for example, is a great tenor from Brazil, but he is not nearly as famous as Kaufmann or KFV.
Corelli, Del Monaco, Bastianini.... Good looking people singing dramatic roles. This kfv thing is a grotesque insult to opera!
@@xxsaruman82xx87 Absolutely. Martin Muehle is outstanding and so much better than Vogt.. by far...
Its always been unfair.
How can all the people going to Bayreuth praise Vogt that much....He does not deserve it. How can such people call themselves Wagnerians if they obviously have no idea about singing and opera...
I don’t know about that… there are quite a few South American and Asian singers who are hired a lot: Florez, Vargas, Villazon, etc…
Listen to this, then, to clean out your ears, listen to James King and Jon Vickers.
Es ist so unglaublich traurig, dass Leute wirklich nichts anderes tun als sich Beleidigungen auszudenken und Videos hochzuladen zu einem Thema was Geschmack angeht. Zu behaupten Klaus Florian Vogt habe keine Musikalität und keine Stimme ist einfach falsch. Wer das behauptet, hat ihn einmal nie live gehört, oder/und keine Ahnung vom Musik. Geschmäcker von Stimmen können verschieden sein und na klar mag man manche mehr als andere. Aber dann bleibt es bei eurer Meinung. Was ist der Grund jemand so unter der Gürtellinie zu beleidigen. Auch er ist ein ganz normaler Mensch. Wärt ihr damit glücklich beschimpft zu werden ihr wärt kastriert oder sonst was? Das nenn ich keineswegs erwachsen, das ist kindisch. Solche Leute wie euch zerstören einem wirklich den Glauben an die Menschheit.
@Richard Wagner Guck wie traurig und kindisch du bist. Du magst ja einen Geschmack haben, dazu hast du ein Recht. Aber andere haben das auch, und wenn diese Leute Vogts Stimme schön finden, dann ist das so. Er hat vollkommen ein Recht zu singen und wenn es dich so stört. Warum in aller Welt hörst du es dir an? Lass doch die Leute es hören die seine Stimme genießen und du kannst dir andere anhören.
@Richard Wagner Keine Sorge ich begebe mich nicht auf deine Ebene nieder. Es steht fest, Menschen haben verschiedene Geschmäcker. Interessant: es kann also rein logisch keine Helden geben, die eine helle Stimme haben? Ich dachte immer Helden würden von ihren Taten und Werten, die sie vermitteln ausgemacht.
Ich finde es tatsächlich schon lange sehr sehr interessant, dass Klaus Florian Vogt schon lange im Internet ÄUSSERST zwiegespaltene Bewertungen bekommt. Live jedoch, ist er STETS DER Star. Ich habe ihn jetzt schon ziemlich häufig bei den Bayreuther Festspielen erlebt (und auch das ein oder andere Mal woanders) und er wird wirklich IMMER (mit) am meisten bejubelt (ok mittlerweile macht Lise Davidsen etwas Konkurrenz, an seiner Seite und Georg Zeppenfeld wird auch sehr gefeiert, aber dennoch gehört er bei den Bayreuther Festspielen eigentlich mittlerweile zu den sehr wenigen echten Stars - v.a. speziell im Ring).
Irgendwas an seiner Stimme muss sich irgendwie verändern oder nicht richtig hervortreten, wenn es aufgenommen wird. Ich persönlich liebe seine Stimme auch sehr (höre ihn aber auch eigentlich immer nur live und komme zum Kommentare lesen auch UA-cam 😂), aber sie ist wirklich UNGLAUBLICH hell und deswegen kann ich sogar ganz gut nachvollziehen warum Leute ihn vielleicht nicht als Helden sehen, obwohl ich tatsächlich noch nie eine Person getroffen habe (als lebende Bayreutherin 😅), die ihn nicht mochte. Aber wahrscheinlich sind das dann vielleicht auch nicht unbedingt DIE Wagnerianer...
Oratorium Sänger
Not even fit to sing that. Lol.
@@xxsaruman82xx87 He used to play horn in Hamburg. He should have sticked to that.
Operettenbuffo, nothing else
Bravo Florian. Bester siegmund aller Zeiten.
Stellt alle knödligen Baritone, die die hohen Töne nur mit Kopfstimme oder Gebrüll treffen.
Florian weiter so
Dieser Vogt ist eine einzige Katastrophe, wenn man an Wunderlich oder Rudi Schock denkt, dass waren Sänger, aber Vogt ist nicht mit anzuhören. Grausam !
Lisa Müller
Für mich singt er grausam, und Sie können Ihn ja hören soviel Sie wollen.
Lisa Müller
Darum hat ein Rudi Schock beim Wolgalied auch schon über 350 Tausend Aufrufe und weniger Negative Bewertung als ihr Vogt, und ein Fritz Wunderlich hat mit der schönen Müllerin weit über 100 Tausend Aufrufe und auch weniger Negative Bewertung als Ihr Vogt. Jetzt wissen wir alle was Sie für eine Ahnung haben.
Das diese Sänger nicht mehr leben, machen Sie Ihnen jetzt auch noch zum Vorwurf.
Sie sind ein ganz armseliger Mensch. Wirklich erbärmlich !
Sabine Wussow ^
Was wissen Sie denn schon über Rudi Schock, null. Weil er kein Sänger war, wird er heute noch geliebt und verehrt. Rudi Schock sang hier in Berlin, Das Land des LÄCHELNS, und jedes Mal, war es ausverkauft, dass über Monate. Er war der erste Deutsche der nach dem Krieg in England an der Covent Gard singen durfte, dass war eine Auszeichnung nach dem verlorenen Krieg, falls Sie wissen was ich meine. Er erhielt den Kammersänger Titel in Wien, er hatte ein langes Angagement in Australien ,viele Opern in aller Welt. Sang mit Lisa Della Casa, falls Sie wissen wer das ist. Mit Josef Metternich, sowie Gottlob Frick, Erika Köth, Anneliese Rothenberger, Lucia Popp. Nein, Sie wissen null über Rudi Schock. Sollten sich vielleicht doch einmal informieren bevor Sie sich mit mir über Rudi Schock unterhalten. Keine Ahnung ! Sie sind eine Dumm Schwätzerin.
Aha. Schneewittchen
The agents, directors (primarily) and conductors that select this type of voice for heldontenor roles are preparing us for opera with microphones so they can have slim and handsome people on stage. It is very sad for someone who actually has knowledge of the long recording tradition of these roles. Sad, very, very sad.
Have you ever been in an opera with klaus florian Vogt in it? He doesn't need microphones 😂 not at all
Lisa, give it time. Operatic voices - and demeanour - are getting closer and closer to pop. Also pap. Soon the Met's "Las Vegas Rigoletto" will be reality and we'll have the likes of Michael Buble singing opera. Casting such as this is dumbing down the audience. Soon (maybe already) they'll be accustomed to the distortion and they won't know the difference.
Its been happening since the end of the 60’s. Teaching is awful.
This is a squeezed nasal sound... not Wagnerian by any standard
@@tab1th4 he is perfoming Lohengrin on the Liceu, I'm on the choir; he does pass the orchestra as you say (the most of the time) but singing Wagner ir not just being able to soud passing the orchestra. He sings all, all, all the time with this falsetish, clear and weak sound and is so, so boring seing a guy singing as a 16 years old girl. His voice has no power, his characters have no strength. A helden tenor is suposed to be a dramathic tenor with baritone scuro, is suposed to be a thounder.
Not your grandmother's Siegmund, but lyrical and beautiful. Inward, as Vogt is wont to come across (which is why he is more naturally suited to introverted Wagnerian characters), and hardly everyone's cup of tea. But I sure as hell like it better than so many barked and belted Siegmunds that one gets even at the best Wagner stages these days. Very appealing to all those who love effortlessness in singing. (Some of the criticism aimed at Vogt - the premiere Lohengrin of our time - sounds eerily familiar with what was said about Windgassen in his time. Good thing he never lived in the age of UA-cam.)
Windgassen is also bad, lol.
I didn't know yet that a wiener Sänger Knaben voice is good for singing Wagner
he is too light for the Wiener Sänger Knaben.
CreuvonVolve, he is pretty tall. And that makes a difference to Intendants/Directors. The Look. I agree with you: Romeo is about as big as he needs to go. The role loses the gravitas that it's creator meant for it to have when we care more about PR rather than ability.
his voice is miniscule... tiny!!!!! what an insult... you get a person who should be singing in buses with a guitar and a cup for tips.... to sing Wagner!!! no less... at the.... Bayerische Staatsoper??? Should a more suitable name not be The Bayerische Scherzoper?
I feel like he should be singing French lyric rep, not Wagner.
He shouldn't be singing opera AT ALL
Andrea Gegner vor 1 Sekunde
Ich dachte schon, ich müsse an meinem Verstand oder zumindest den Ohren aller heutigen Opernbesucher nebst Musikkritiker zweifeln, als ich nach der gerade gehörten Tannhäuserübertragung nur Lobeshymnen über K-F. Vogt in der Presse finden konnte. Den untenstehenden Kommentare entnehme ich zum Glück, dass ich nicht ganz alleine dastehe mit meiner schon lange gehegten Meinung. Dabei sind die obigen "Winterstürme" noch besser gesungen als alles, was ich bisher von Vogt zu hören bekam. Ihn mit Kaufmann zu vergleichen respektive auf eine Stufe zu stellen, halte ich allerdings für völlig daneben, auch wenn mir bewusst ist, in welchem Zusammenhang (nämlich im Vergleich zu den "alten Meistern") es gemeint war. Da wäre - bei allem Respekt - doch noch etwas mehr Differenzierung angebracht.
Excellente prestation du ténor ! Musique de toutes manières sublime !!
nice voice, but seriously, why is he singing a heldentenor role when he is not one?
Um Gottes Willen...
Yes Brother Palm!!! I hear you Sir!!!!
@@richardmccowenclark2412 Good for you ☝️
Hat sich Pedrillo verlaufen?
Wagner wollte seine Opern im Belcanto gesungen! Wir hören hier einen Operettensänger und nichts mehr!
Eher einen Operettenbuffo 🙈
I think people are a little too rigid about the concept of vocal "types" -- lyric tenors, helden tenors , whatever other categories there are. Why be a slave to a category? Vogt's voice is amazing. Why exactly is it not good enough for Wagner? Because he doesn't bellow? Why is it desirable to bellow? Not masculine enough for you? Too much falsetto? What's wrong with that? All tenors sang that way until the early 19th century when top notes from the chest became the norm (French tenor Gilbert-Louis Duprez caused a sensation in 1837 by singing a high C in chest voice). Vogt hits all the notes and he is loud enough, his diction is good and his vocal production is smooth. You don't like the voice, fine, but why not accept that that's just your personal opinion?
Sorry, but your calm sanity, reason, and non-judgmental taste are evidently and entirely out of place in this thread!
G.V. K. I agree absolutely! Wagner was a great admirer of the bel canto tradition, especially Bellini. Wagner’s music should be about beautiful singing, not who can scream the loudest. But many people have grown up with the recordings where everyone is shrieking, and they think that’s heroic!
@@wotan10950 Ha ha. You think this is bel canto. That's cute. And if you don't think, Melchior, Flagstad, List, etc. sang beautifully, I seriously cannot help you.
색다른 목소리의 테너라 자꾸 들어보게 되네요.
Love KFV, he's out of this world!
Elise VDB Well, I guess he's pretty, if that's your standard for heldentenors.
I love it. Don’t forget that Wagner was a great admirer of the bel canto tradition, and especially loved Bellini. The whole concept of Bayreuth, to subsume the orchestra to favor the voices, makes me think this is the kind of singing Wagner would’ve wanted, not the singers who bellow and scream. Wagner shouldn’t be about who can shout the loudest.
Sweet and powerfull. I may be the only one, but I love this voice !!
LOL.... so I take it you like kanye west trying to sing bohemian rhapsody as well? this is a joke.
You are not the only one. He sounds magic at stage.
@@Carlos-yl8oc que fumabas? lo has oído en vivo? es una atrocidad!
@@williamadolphe7921 I have heard him in Wien, singing Lohengrin. The voice is white and boyish, but it has enough power to cut the orchestra.
He sounds completely different from what one could expect in wagner singing. Different, but very good! His performance in Lohengrin is really beautiful.
@@Carlos-yl8oc dude no it doesn't have any power.... listen... had you had too many schnapps????
I get that looks are relatively important, but the talent, the voice HAS to be there and only then should "looks" be considered. There's so much that you can do with make up, wigs, heels, etc. if the person doesn't have the ideal look for a certain role, but sacrificing the voice for that... I don't think it's worth it. Don't get me wrong, he has a beautiful voice, but he's not supposed to be anywhere near Wagner. It'll probably end up ruining his voice, exposing himself in such difficult, heavy and demanding roles such as Siegmund or Siegfried. What a shame!
Ruining what voice?
He has one vocal color, and one facial expression: " deer frozen by headlights"!
Nur die äußere Erscheinung paßt zu einem Wagnerhelden. Das wäre dann auch schon alles.
Anscheinend genügt das 😪
@@K8Lilly Beim debilen Gesichtsausdruck hört es dann auch schon wieder auf...
Oh je, was tut er sich und dem Publikum an? Kann ihn mir unter Umständen als David in den Meistersingern vorstellen, Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten!
Das find ich gar nicht. Ihr müsst halt nur eure hörgewohnheiten ändern. Es ist musikalisch, stimmlich (es muss nicht immer riesen vibrato sein!) tadellos!! Ich denke Richard Wagner hätte auch so gedacht, den wie er sagte das die Stimme gleich einem Nachen auf wogender See(Orchester) klingen soll /kann /darf!! Es ist Vogts Interpretation! Hut ab! 👍👍👍
Er wäre wahrscheinlich der perfekte David, oder auch Loge, vielleicht ein Jugendlicher, und naiver Parsifal, aber ein Siegfried, Siegmund, Walther, oder ein Tannhäuser, niemals!
For his voice is so better the role of Lohengrin.
Even that is not suitable for his singing....
Unbelieble tenor ligero singinging Wagner! Where are the HELDEN TENORS!
I also wonder why lots of "heldentenors" these days are not even close to dramatic tenors.
Someone here mentioned Torsten Kerl in place of Vogt, so i listened to his Fernem Land. Nah.. Too much barking for my taste. Breaks up the flow. Vogt is far superior in how he floats the voice with the orchestra. and he sings at or on top of the note, not underneath it. Nothing worse than sliding up to the notes in that aria or in Wagner in general. This music is ethereal, not schmalzy
Ikr. I cant understand how u can hat him that much at all! Its literally ethereal music.
It's also supposed to sound heroic. This guy sounds like a warrior from Battle of the Pastry Chefs.
KFV is the worst tenor in history.
well, its something different and very pretty. Nothing wrong with that, if you dont like it theres 200 different versions of this for you. Also, in regards to "Wagner would be turning over in his grave".... consider Wagner was a very specific on the scenery and costumes (very, very traditional for the Ring), so consider what he would think of the productions we see today (lol). No big deal, we have the choice to select what we like, thats a good thing. I like this.
stimme wie ein anfänger,alles buchstabiert ,niemals phrasiert und völlig ohne sack!
und von Atemtechnik hat der auch noch nie etwas gehört.
I can't stand Vogt, his voice is too light for Wagner
It's too light for ANYTHING
Junge Seemann turns into Tristan.....
He had a good voice but is not wagnerian voice.
His voice is not fit for opera at all.
It may not be a Wagnerian voice, but having heard it for real in the house, I can say unequivocally that it is a BIG voice. In fact, it's bigger than Konya's, whom I loved and also heard in the house in the same type of role (i.e., Walther, Lohengrin, etc.).
Lieber Richard Wagner, verzeih ihnen,denn sie wissen nicht was sie tun!
Doch , die wissen schon , was sie tun ....deutsches Kulturgut zerstören ...
Furchtbar! Der Prégardien der Oper...
Grauenvoll, Herr Vogt, wie kann man so einen "Opernsänger" mit so einer gruseligen Stimme auf die Bühne lassen, der Meister dreht sich im Grabe hin und her!
Offenbar kann man aber auch nicht die in Stein gemeisselten Meinungen in den Köppen ersetzen. Unflexibel und Beratungsresistent.
Is he the biggest donor to the house? What he does is not even opera singing.
What the hell is this!
Der Stimme reicht gerade aus für Loge oder David. Das ist ein comprimario oder charakter Tenor und hat nichts zu suchen in dem Fach.
TORSTEN KERL ist zu EMPFEHLEN ! Eine echte Wagner Tenorstimme und ein Prächtiger Mann
hä?? Hast Du was an den Ohren??
This is a Joke. A Spiel Tenor kidnapped the real Helden Tenor.
also mir gefällts :D ;)
this is laughable!
Es ist wunderschön.
I might overlook this in a small city’s production but for Germany it’s a disgrace.
Wagner würde sich im Grab umdrehen!!!!!
The great melchior must be turning in his gave he sounds like Peter pears on a bad day
Was für ein Tenörchen! Peinlich! Würde ein Instrumentalist so spielen, man würde ihn von der Bühne jagen.
Ja , eine Schande !! Aber genauso unverständlich , dass Dirigenten so etwas dulden .. aber den meisten scheint es sogar recht zu sein ! Die empfinden Sänger mit Stimme eh als Störenfriede ... 😄
Cherubino singing Wagner
Gibt es hier also, gottseidank, doch noch Menschen mit Ohren, die nicht blindwütig hinter der hype-süchtigen Menge herlaufen. Dieser junge Mann wäre weder bei meinem noch einem der anderen damaligen Gesangsprofessoren auch nur durch die Zwischenprüfung gekommen. Leuten mit dem aufgedrückten Tunnelblick bleibt dann oft halt nur die Möglichkeit, persönlich beleidigend zu werden. Mach dir nix draus!!!
god no!!!!!!! not this creep again! a person for whom Monteverdi Madrigals are heavy!!!! Christ!
Was fuer eine Stimme? Er mag ein guter Musiker sein, aber bestimmt kein Saenger!
Das ist alles eine Sache der Wahrnehmung! Diese ist bei jedem Menschen anders!
Vogt is incredible.
Wagner would have adored his bel canto technique.This is a unique voice unlike any I have ever heard. Magnificent.
This is not bel canto at all and that cannot be called 'technique'.
You’re reaching
haha...It is not a belcanto singing. You probably think about belcanto because of his light timber, which tells you do not understand belcanto at all.
It might not be the trumpet-like sound of Melchior (which for me is the benchmark for all Heldentenöre), but Klaus Florian Vogt definitely can sing and does a very decent job here. Anyone criticising him should experience him live before judging. Wagner doesn't necessarily need to be loud or barked.
As Wagner, this is nice Schubert.
@@brunnhilde7193 Schubert? No not even Schubert. Listen to Wunderlich's Schubert.
La voix de Klaus Florian ne convient que fort peu pour ce rôle !!! Rien à voir avec Kaufmann , par exemple !!!!
Wie immer - wunderbar!!
This is absolutely awful! Casting directors need to seriously have their ears checked!
Is he serious? 🤔🤭😂
Sadly, yes.
@@xxsaruman82xx87 Jesus 🤭
@@WolfgangAPalm-ju9er Where is Melchior when we need him?
@@xxsaruman82xx87 Vogt once mentioned, that thoses tenors like Melchior, Lorenz, Suthaus, Beirer and so on, could not act and that they had a bad articulation...I mean, this man is just a pain in the ass 😅
@@WolfgangAPalm-ju9er He’s a moron.
Vogts Stimme passt in den momentanen Geschmack männlicher Jammerlappen in der Musik. Das ist im Bereich Pop nichts anders. Da sind starke Frauen und daneben diese Männer, ohne Eier in der Hose, die wimmern, mit Kopfstimme über das Leid ihres Leidens monologisieren. Es ist die Entmachtung von Maskulinität, die man schon lange beobachten kann und die in KFV ihren Tiefpunkt erreicht hat. Ich kann nur empfehlen, Aufführungen mit ihm zu meiden, dann ist das Haus leer und man hört endlich auf, ihn zu besetzen.
Der Mann ist überhaupt kein Künstler...noch ist er intelligent.
@@oliverkubiak6310 Wenn man Kasse machen kann, während man im völlig falschen Fach singt und das Publikum, dümmer als je zuvor, einem auch noch zujubelt, dann ist man zumindest bauernschlau. 😄
@@Altonahh10 stimme zu ;)
Welche Version von Wagner ist das... jene ohne Kalorien???
Nice sweet voice but Melchior could have blown him out of the water
Fantastic performance !!!
MrFUHGEDDABOUDIT ...from Sieglinde.
It is very obvious his flat and narrow voice isn't a heldentenor voice and doesn't do Wagner's music justice at all. Also, his voice totally lacks the warmth needed to portray Siegmund. Maybe he was only hired for his looks and not for the quailty of his voice? That would be very sad.
You argue this point a lot. Don't you realize, the central part of your argument (that his voice is the "wrong" color) is completely subjective? It's not like arguing that he's inaudible, unmusical, short on top etc., you're just basically saying that you really like Lohengrin to sound this way, and not that way.
As for composer intention, Wieland Wagner always said that his grandfather thought idea of sticking to convention was dull. If you don't like KFV, fine, don't listen to him.
flicfan416 It's an indication of a tendency to make opera visual rather than aural, and primarily, closer to movies. People are so in need of constant visual stimulation that they're losing the ability to listen. The heldentenor and hochdramatischer fachs came into existence because of the music that Wagner wrote, as did the Wagner tuba, so that must have been his intention.
The fear is that voices like these will crowd out opportunities for heroic-timbre voices in men who are less photogenic than Vogt and audiences will be schooled to a pretty voice. And then an even prettier boy with a lighter voice will come along and be deemed acceptable and after a while, people will forget that voices like Melchior, Vinay and Suthaus ever existed. And David Hasselhoff will be singing Siegfried.
Eine absolute Frechheit, eine Stimme, die nicht einmal für den Evangelisten reicht, Sigmund singen zu lassen.
Darüber hinaus ist es technisch so miserabel, dass man das Eintrittsgeld zurückbekommen sollte.
Vogt sollte maximal Tamino singen, hat da schon jemand geschrieben (siehe unten). Da unterschätzt aber jemand die Spannkraft, die sogar für Tamino nötig ist. Nicht einmal diese würde Herr Vogt aufbringen. Für die Art Gesangsdarbietung, die wir hier in den "Winterstürmen" hören, sollte niemand Eintrittsgeld bezahlen müssen.
Dahaben Sie völlig recht, Buffopartien maximal. Leider goutiert das Publikum urteilsunfähig alles Was ihm vorgesetzt wird und wird das Schlechte zum Standard erhoben.
Im Gegenteil: wer sein "Gesang" durchhält, bekommt Schmerzensgeld.
Turned Siegmund into a fairy. 🤦🏾♂️
Its ridiculous
Where on earth are his Bollocks he a Tenorino
Nice voice but NOT for Wagner
When I turned this on...I thought at first I'd wandered onto the set of Peter Grimes. Suffering Succotash...und Euro Trash......
Awful , disgusting , he is terrible.
The problem is that he is still in this world.............
you're seriously wishing him dead because you don't care for his singing? that is all kinds of messed up.
@@jasonberger9570 of course not. You saw this ripped out of the context. Someone said: he is far away of this world ore something like this. All I mean (and yes, I do not like his singing as many others, too) . What I mean is that he is not, so we have to deal with this "singing". It is interesting however, in which aggressive way his fans are going after everyone who is not the same opinion.
@@soprana53 Yeah, why doesn't he go sing on the moon or something?
It’s a Joke?
Voll interessanter Tenor. Auch so kann man Wagner singen. Warum nicht!
@Ab B wie bitte,wissen Sie überhaupt was fisteln stimmtechnisch bedeutet? Das müssen Sie mir jetzt erklären. Was ist eine fistelstimme.
Aber warum???
😂😂😂😂 das soll jawohl eine Parodie sein 😂😂 Wann fängt er endlich einmal an Rollen zu singen, die zu seinem zierlichen Stimmchen passen. Das ist ja wirklich schrecklich!
Sad!!!!! Bayerischerz!!!! staatsoper.