In Thailand, it's so easy to know who is old money and who is new money. Old money is more simple and humble. Their house is always not that big; the exterior is quite old style, and inside is full of vintage things that cost more than a middle-class house in bkk.
I saw lots of comments saying that the house is not even that big. But for me it gives off an old-money vibes tho. It's normal for old-moneys in Thailand to have houses this size and decorated in european style. Because Thai old-money is not all about how big the house is, but you have to consider the location of the house also. For example, if you have a condominium in Sukhumvit, Silom, Witthayu Road, Langsuan, Ari, etc. It's normal. You might be a new-money who is rich enough to buy it. But to have A HOUSE in those locations are sooo expensive, and it shows that you have settled there for a long time, having long history of your family, and have some kind of connection to get a piece of land around that area. Just imagine having A HOUSE in the middle of Gangnam. It might be small due to the limitation of the area, but it's a house, not a condo. btw I'm Thai, and that my opinion, not the total truth. I might be wrong but it's my observation about hi-so lol
I have researched a bit and trying to find the location of the house, sadly I can't find anything. But I know that the house was design by an Italian designer, the materials are also imported and it was built by their family's request, not buying 2nd hand house from someone else. So that's what I was talking about the old-money. Hi-so people know these days are mostly influencers, so they only have money to buy a big house outside of CBD. It differentiates between old-money and new-money.
In urban planning we call it theory of location. Not only based on how big the house is, but more than that, the right or exclusive location also determines how expensive the price of a house is. That's why when you want to buy a property, three things that must be the main consideration are location, location and location.
@@jeanepratiwitatto9040 Thanks for your comment! It's true, the location is what determines how expensive the house is. The house can be small but if located in the central of everything, then the price can go skyrocket. I was born and raised in Bangkok, and saw lots of hi-so, so I notice the difference between old-money and new-money right away just by looking at their house, the interior design. And this house is what old-money in Thailand would go for.
Another thing to note; having an army of maids like that is not cheap. Not at all. Never saw any new-money with bigger house have that big squad of maids. Most new-money would have a big house and maybe 1-2 maids.
@@ZetJungSone I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but many people are trapped in the notion that high society is only for the old-money. High society, also known as the upper class, is a social group of people who hold significant wealth, power, and influence. So it's not just about the old-money. Hi-so are include celebrities, politicians, investors, aristocrat and other wealthy individuals fall into this group. Yes she's rich, you can tell from how big the scale of her house.
Her grandfather was general of the Royal Thai Army and he also participated in the Korean War as commander of Thai regiment. He became to prime minister of Thailand after he and his regime coup successfully. He became to position by military power. That's a fact which you can read through the internet. So you can guess how her family became rich.
So through corruption and murder 😂😂😂😂 thai military is one of the most corrupt, greedy, power hungry, murderous institutions in the world. They use kings name to hold onto their power. Does it make sense how thai military leaders are millionaires and billionaires? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
From my experience, the real old money houses are more humble but delicate in style filled with objects of long history, sit quietly in the most prime area of CBD, Sukumvit, Saladaeng, Dusit, Old city, early Paholyotin etc. 50 years old house is considered new, for latest generation that need to move out of the ancester residence. Some family live in a compound. And they get annoyed with the new condominiums rising around their houses, which happened because some of such families sell their houses to developers. Big old trees are also indications. Glossy gliterring decoration will not be found in exterior nor interior, that would be mostly for temples.
Middle class and upper middle class houses in Thailand is usually larger than those in South Korea because cheaper land and lower construction cost. For the same level of wealth, money go further in SE asia because of Lower cost of living. The house in this video is the old style because it build by her grand father. You should visit new wealthy family in Thailand next time. You will be surprised.
Yeah, unfortunately ever since the war Korea has been brainwashed to glorify America. It‘s a shame. No country should put other countries on a pedastal since we are all humans and therefore equal. You guys are doing it right.
I'm not even Thai but i can tell even though this house looks big. But trust me there's lots house bigger than this. When you talk about the homes of rich asians, that means there is more than one house. Main house with large yard in prestigious area mainly at the center of town. Holiday villas on the outskirts of town close to the mountains, by the beach or the lake, not only with a large yard, but also complete with a plantation and even a horse ranch. That doesn't even include penthouse apartments & other houses outside the city or even abroad.
She s definitely not the richest but the real Hi-So. Old money not the new rich. Can anybody got this big land in the middle of NYC? That s the price of the land she s got in comparison. Her house is old but history. ***The fact is that she s the Prime Mister Family, how many people can be?
@@melodyblack9520 I'm just give comment base on the title. They talked about the scale of the houses of Thai hi-so. I'm also an urban planner, so i know exactly what you talking about. In urban planning we call it theory of location. Not only based on how big the house is, but more than that, the right or exclusive location also determines how expensive the price of a house is. That's why when you want to buy a property, three things that must be the main consideration are location, location and location. ***To be exact ex prime minister family that means they don't have power anymore.
@@melodyblack9520 Of course I enjoyed the show, what makes you think otherwise. We speak according to context, and there is no such thing as going too far. You're the only one who might think negatively from the start. You should think more openly to different opinions. Everyone has the right to give their opinion, we live in an era of democracy. Well, talk about manner. Who's the first that comes with argument?
Lol... you don't understand cost of living really. South Korea is ranked 10th for number of millionaires, Thailand isn't even in the top 35. A millionaire in South Korea can live like a multi-millionaire in Thailand.
Dont wanna brag, the Thai high-so is not new money kind of vibes. They are just well-off and lavish since Thai elites societies has never been colonized by foreign power and they just kept everything in place for ages without having to share with anyone. never been colonize mean everything is yours for generations without question. more than that the thai elites probably associate with the royal in any how and for your information the Thai royal are the only royal in Asia that never been thrown off by western royal colonizers. So to keep it short since the Japanese emperor lose in WW2, the only royal family remain the same level as the royals in Europe is Thai Royal Family, you can see it when Queen Elizabeth funerals in London, every leaders from different states has to take a bus to the church for funeral ceremony. but Thai royal only send mister ambassador the ceremony without anyone can force them.the other way round other royal from France president, Malaysia, Japan, even from oil rich Arab royal riding the bus to funeral is just too clear that they have no choice rather than attend the ceremony of her queen.
This house must be built since the grandfather time considered the style inside and the architecture itself which was and is really expensive from the material foundations to the visible surface inside out.
To be honest, this house is pretty big but not as big as usually HiSo in Thailand have, Inside this house looks classy though. Understandable that her family was prime minister before 😊 anyway, Prim is super cute~
짧은 사회의 라이프 스타일 과학 및 기술 오락 사상가 카테고리 검색 읽고 있는 내용: 태국-한국은 이전에 함께 싸운 적이 있습니다. 한국 전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 되돌아봅니다. 소셜 967 태국과 한국은 이전에 함께 싸운 적이 있습니다. 한국 전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 되돌아봅니다. 게시일: 2024년 3월 27일 “우정의 표시로 일정 수의 병력을 파견합니다. (“우리의 우정의 표시로 소수의 군대만 보내면 우리는 다양한 보상을 받을 것입니다.”) 당시 총리였던 P. Pibulsongkram 야전 사령관 태국 의회에 해당 문장을 말했습니다. 1950년 7월 이것이 한국전쟁에서 태국군의 역할의 시작이었다. 1950년부터 1953년까지 약 3년에 걸쳐 남북한 사이에 벌어진 전쟁입니다. 미국의 지원 유엔(UN)과 북한군. 소련과 중국의 지원을 받았던 미국에서와 마찬가지로 한국전쟁을 전쟁이라 불렀다. '잊혀진 전쟁' 수라챠트 밤룽숙 역시 '리틀 타이거즈'라는 별명을 받기 전까지 포크찹힐(Pork Chop Hill)에서 싸운 제21혼성연대 이야기를 포함해 그 전쟁에서 태국의 역할에 대한 추억이 있는 것 같다"고 생각한다. 오랫동안 태국 사회에서 사라졌어요" 태국과 한국이 다시 만나는 계기가 되었습니다. The MATTER는 2026년 월드컵 예선의 형태로 한국전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 다시 한 번 되돌아보도록 초대합니다. '넨포크샵'의 '리틀 타이거' 유엔군사령부에 따르면 태국은 총 1만1786명의 병력을 한국에 파병했으며 이 중 1273명이 사망하고 129명이 임무 수행 중 사망했으며 1139명이 부상을 입었다. 태국은 최초의 국가 중 하나로 간주됩니다. 원래 태국은 한국전쟁 발발 5일 후인 1950년 6월 30일 UN 결의에 따라 쌀 4톤을 지원하기 시작했다. 그런 다음 지상, 해상, 공중에 병력을 보내 도움을 요청합니다. 태국 보병은 1972년 6월까지 한국에 주둔했다. 태국 군인들은 여러 전투에 참가했습니다. 다른 나라(주로 미국)의 군대와 연합하여 싸우지만, 한국전쟁 당시 태국이 칭송받고 기억되는 전투는 '폭찹힐' 폭찹힐 (이렇게 불린다고 하네요 (255고지)는 미국을 나누는 경계선인 북위 38도선(북위 38도선) 근처의 전략 지점입니다. 그리고 당시 소련은 남북한을 분단시켰습니다. 수많은 전투를 겪었습니다. 태국 군인도 그 중 한 명입니다. 제21연합연대는 영웅적인 업적으로 미군 사령관이라는 별명을 얻었습니다. 한국전쟁에서는 '리틀 타이거' 또는 '리틀 타이거'로 불린다. “1952년 11월 1일부터 11일까지 미군에 배속된 태국 제21보병연대 제1대대는 여러 번의 적 공격에 저항했습니다. 38도선 위 철원 인근 산의 기온이 영하의 기온 속에 있는 상황”이라고 롬마니 카나누락 전 주한대사가 한국 중앙데일리에 말했다. 현재 로마 주재 태국 대사인 Rommani는 "태국군은 수적으로 7대 1로 열세임에도 불구하고 세 차례에 걸쳐 적의 공격을 막아냈습니다"라고 회상합니다. 그러나 전투가 너무 치열해서 태국군은 근접전에서 싸워야 했습니다. ” 결국 그 당시에는 태국 측이 승리했습니다. 제21연합연대는 나중에 촌부리 지방의 나와민트라키니 수용소에 본거지를 둔 왕립근위대 제21보병연대의 모태가 되었으며, 이 연대에는 장교들이 태국 정치에서 많은 쿠데타에 연루되었습니다. 그리고 이름이 있어요 '동방호랑이'는 한국전쟁 당시 '꼬마호랑이'라는 별명과도 관련이 있는 것으로 생각된다. 보안 전문가 Surachart Bamrungsuk 정치학부 명예교수 출라롱콘 대학교 THE STANDARD를 통해 게재된 기사에서 '노이 타이거' 대대는 "태국 군인들의 용맹함을 대표한다"고 주장했습니다. 그것은 국제 전쟁 무대에서 보여졌습니다.” 그렇지 않습니다. 하지만 다시 역할로 돌아왔어 근현대사에서 보는 '정치군인' 전쟁은 끝나지 않아 사실 한국전쟁은 끝나지 않았습니다. 1950년 6월 25일 북한군의 남침으로 시작된 전쟁은 1953년 7월 27일 정전협정이 체결되면서 끝났다. 3년의 싸움 내내 뉴욕타임스는 역사학자들의 말을 인용해 한반도의 사망자 수를 300만~400만 명으로 추산했으며 사망자 중 70%는 민간인일 것으로 추정했다. 가장 큰 피해를 입은 곳은 북한 쪽이었다. 미국의 폭격에 맞서야 했던 사람 하지만 기술적으로는 한국전쟁은 끝나지 않았습니다. 왜냐하면 휴전협정 서명만 남았기 때문이다. 그러나 공식적인 평화 조약은 없습니다. 그래서 우리는 북한과 남한 사이의 군사적 긴장을 계속해서 목격하고 있습니다. 그게 오늘날까지 계속되고 있어 “한국이 통일되는 모습을 보면 좋을 것 같아요. 그들은 국가로서 매우 영향력이 있을 것입니다. 그들이 가지고 있는 자원으로 말입니다.” 한국전 참전용사인 Chalermchai Hiran-at 중장은 한때 Bangkok Post에 이렇게 말했습니다. 한국전쟁 이후 한반도는 통일된 적이 없습니다. 휴전협정에 따라 군사분계선을 경계로 남북으로 분단되어 있다.
what's funny for me is Eunji and LipJ assumed the car was just a so so car just because it looked like a normal car maybe in South Korea? And Japan, I've heard they used that type of car to transport crops, but if you own that type of car in South East Asia, you'll be considered very rich
Ok so I think this is the house like a meeting place for any family or working events only. She's not actually living here. They probably own more than 1 house like this 😎
Sad facts from me as a thai so you can understand why she is so rich: - Her grandfather was a soldier. He was assigned to be a Prime minister by another soldier who was the leader of military junta, committed coup d’etat from Prime minister whom from elections - Coup d’etat has happened in Thailand more than ten times. We have been under millitary gov more than those whom got elected - Some old generation people even romanticised that soldiers are definitely more sincere than politicians and agree with coup - nowadays Thai people have more awareness about how coup can be toxic to democracy, but somes don’t. That’s why we still have civil war - Initially we protested with the right under democracy. But then some if the leaders got arrested by the ‘danger to country’ accusations from police - Guess what? It actually because they talked about how Thai monarchy has been involved with those coup - In Thailand > love monarchy = you’re innocently good person > hate monarchy > you’re the malicious criminal, You got sentenced more than the murder
I understand your sentiment. I'm a foreigner living in your country for just 8 years and I can see why the younger generations are pushing for a big change. The oldies are so backwards and they see moving forward and changes for common good as threats.
짧은 사회의 라이프 스타일 과학 및 기술 오락 사상가 카테고리 검색 읽고 있는 내용: 태국-한국은 이전에 함께 싸운 적이 있습니다. 한국 전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 되돌아봅니다. 소셜 967 태국과 한국은 이전에 함께 싸운 적이 있습니다. 한국 전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 되돌아봅니다. 게시일: 2024년 3월 27일 “우정의 표시로 일정 수의 병력을 파견합니다. (“우리의 우정의 표시로 소수의 군대만 보내면 우리는 다양한 보상을 받을 것입니다.”) 당시 총리였던 P. Pibulsongkram 야전 사령관 태국 의회에 해당 문장을 말했습니다. 1950년 7월 이것이 한국전쟁에서 태국군의 역할의 시작이었다. 1950년부터 1953년까지 약 3년에 걸쳐 남북한 사이에 벌어진 전쟁입니다. 미국의 지원 유엔(UN)과 북한군. 소련과 중국의 지원을 받았던 미국에서와 마찬가지로 한국전쟁을 전쟁이라 불렀다. '잊혀진 전쟁' 수라챠트 밤룽숙 역시 '리틀 타이거즈'라는 별명을 받기 전까지 포크찹힐(Pork Chop Hill)에서 싸운 제21혼성연대 이야기를 포함해 그 전쟁에서 태국의 역할에 대한 추억이 있는 것 같다"고 생각한다. 오랫동안 태국 사회에서 사라졌어요" 태국과 한국이 다시 만나는 계기가 되었습니다. The MATTER는 2026년 월드컵 예선의 형태로 한국전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 다시 한 번 되돌아보도록 초대합니다. '넨포크샵'의 '리틀 타이거' 유엔군사령부에 따르면 태국은 총 1만1786명의 병력을 한국에 파병했으며 이 중 1273명이 사망하고 129명이 임무 수행 중 사망했으며 1139명이 부상을 입었다. 태국은 최초의 국가 중 하나로 간주됩니다. 원래 태국은 한국전쟁 발발 5일 후인 1950년 6월 30일 UN 결의에 따라 쌀 4톤을 지원하기 시작했다. 그런 다음 지상, 해상, 공중에 병력을 보내 도움을 요청합니다. 태국 보병은 1972년 6월까지 한국에 주둔했다. 태국 군인들은 여러 전투에 참가했습니다. 다른 나라(주로 미국)의 군대와 연합하여 싸우지만, 한국전쟁 당시 태국이 칭송받고 기억되는 전투는 '폭찹힐' 폭찹힐 (이렇게 불린다고 하네요 (255고지)는 미국을 나누는 경계선인 북위 38도선(북위 38도선) 근처의 전략 지점입니다. 그리고 당시 소련은 남북한을 분단시켰습니다. 수많은 전투를 겪었습니다. 태국 군인도 그 중 한 명입니다. 제21연합연대는 영웅적인 업적으로 미군 사령관이라는 별명을 얻었습니다. 한국전쟁에서는 '리틀 타이거' 또는 '리틀 타이거'로 불린다. “1952년 11월 1일부터 11일까지 미군에 배속된 태국 제21보병연대 제1대대는 여러 번의 적 공격에 저항했습니다. 38도선 위 철원 인근 산의 기온이 영하의 기온 속에 있는 상황”이라고 롬마니 카나누락 전 주한대사가 한국 중앙데일리에 말했다. 현재 로마 주재 태국 대사인 Rommani는 "태국군은 수적으로 7대 1로 열세임에도 불구하고 세 차례에 걸쳐 적의 공격을 막아냈습니다"라고 회상합니다. 그러나 전투가 너무 치열해서 태국군은 근접전에서 싸워야 했습니다. ” 결국 그 당시에는 태국 측이 승리했습니다. 제21연합연대는 나중에 촌부리 지방의 나와민트라키니 수용소에 본거지를 둔 왕립근위대 제21보병연대의 모태가 되었으며, 이 연대에는 장교들이 태국 정치에서 많은 쿠데타에 연루되었습니다. 그리고 이름이 있어요 '동방호랑이'는 한국전쟁 당시 '꼬마호랑이'라는 별명과도 관련이 있는 것으로 생각된다. 보안 전문가 Surachart Bamrungsuk 정치학부 명예교수 출라롱콘 대학교 THE STANDARD를 통해 게재된 기사에서 '노이 타이거' 대대는 "태국 군인들의 용맹함을 대표한다"고 주장했습니다. 그것은 국제 전쟁 무대에서 보여졌습니다.” 그렇지 않습니다. 하지만 다시 역할로 돌아왔어 근현대사에서 보는 '정치군인' 전쟁은 끝나지 않아 사실 한국전쟁은 끝나지 않았습니다. 1950년 6월 25일 북한군의 남침으로 시작된 전쟁은 1953년 7월 27일 정전협정이 체결되면서 끝났다. 3년의 싸움 내내 뉴욕타임스는 역사학자들의 말을 인용해 한반도의 사망자 수를 300만~400만 명으로 추산했으며 사망자 중 70%는 민간인일 것으로 추정했다. 가장 큰 피해를 입은 곳은 북한 쪽이었다. 미국의 폭격에 맞서야 했던 사람 하지만 기술적으로는 한국전쟁은 끝나지 않았습니다. 왜냐하면 휴전협정 서명만 남았기 때문이다. 그러나 공식적인 평화 조약은 없습니다. 그래서 우리는 북한과 남한 사이의 군사적 긴장을 계속해서 목격하고 있습니다. 그게 오늘날까지 계속되고 있어 “한국이 통일되는 모습을 보면 좋을 것 같아요. 그들은 국가로서 매우 영향력이 있을 것입니다. 그들이 가지고 있는 자원으로 말입니다.” 한국전 참전용사인 Chalermchai Hiran-at 중장은 한때 Bangkok Post에 이렇게 말했습니다. 한국전쟁 이후 한반도는 통일된 적이 없습니다. 휴전협정에 따라 군사분계선을 경계로 남북으로 분단되어 있다.
Sadly, due to connections of Hi-so, they can ran away from criminal liabilities. For example is the red bull heir who ran away after killing a police. Upon investigation, there are lots of high profile government officials involved on how he fled the country freely.
😊It's weird, this show is trying to produce new and interesting travel content, why are people arguing about nonsense? For the comments that say this is not interesting, you should leave and stop causing wars before disappearing. Thank you for producing content that people who are interested or like can watch. Koreans are also cute, when they are shocked their eyes will widen, it makes me laugh.
Normal rich people, this model of car is very easy to find in Thailand. People with money can drive it, no need to be very rich to buy it. There are many people who are even more extremely rich than this, but for me, I am just an ordinary person.
the host asked are you a royal? (you just answer no you are not a royal at all) i have searched your grandfather history before he became the15th prime minister 47years ago(be the prime minister for 2years) , he was a soldier before and born from ordinary parents. being a prime minister doesn't mean you have a connection to royal family so what connection to royal family do you mean or have? i have never seen your family close to royal family.
But Thai royal definitely got close relationship with any prime minister... In Thailand , royal fam is no 1 in country management and there's many event for both of them attend together
@@kcheese1428 the prime minister didn't meet the royal family often* and when they met , everyone can see it by tv broadcast everytime (in 1 year they met less than 5 times). in thailand, the government manage* the work according to the budgets, which sometimes the government come to corrupt.(some are in jail, some flee the country). thai royal family help people and country in many projects by their own money and it's not about the government.
@@melodyblack9520 im not royal family but i follow the news from the royal court. and in the news, it shows where will royal family go to help people or who ask to meet the royal family. everyone can see it on tv broadcast when , prime minister(less than 5 times a year) , citizens meets for let royal family bless for their wedding or students will go to compete in foreign competion and ask the royal for blessing them. and we can check information by last name, who this person is.
@@kcheese1428 no they don’t the only thing they do is Bless whoever takes Leadership of the Country…end of story! Don’t fall for all the other BS ppl try to add in which never makes sense!
짧은 사회의 라이프 스타일 과학 및 기술 오락 사상가 카테고리 검색 읽고 있는 내용: 태국-한국은 이전에 함께 싸운 적이 있습니다. 한국 전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 되돌아봅니다. 소셜 967 태국과 한국은 이전에 함께 싸운 적이 있습니다. 한국 전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 되돌아봅니다. 게시일: 2024년 3월 27일 “우정의 표시로 일정 수의 병력을 파견합니다. (“우리의 우정의 표시로 소수의 군대만 보내면 우리는 다양한 보상을 받을 것입니다.”) 당시 총리였던 P. Pibulsongkram 야전 사령관 태국 의회에 해당 문장을 말했습니다. 1950년 7월 이것이 한국전쟁에서 태국군의 역할의 시작이었다. 1950년부터 1953년까지 약 3년에 걸쳐 남북한 사이에 벌어진 전쟁입니다. 미국의 지원 유엔(UN)과 북한군. 소련과 중국의 지원을 받았던 미국에서와 마찬가지로 한국전쟁을 전쟁이라 불렀다. '잊혀진 전쟁' 수라챠트 밤룽숙 역시 '리틀 타이거즈'라는 별명을 받기 전까지 포크찹힐(Pork Chop Hill)에서 싸운 제21혼성연대 이야기를 포함해 그 전쟁에서 태국의 역할에 대한 추억이 있는 것 같다"고 생각한다. 오랫동안 태국 사회에서 사라졌어요" 태국과 한국이 다시 만나는 계기가 되었습니다. The MATTER는 2026년 월드컵 예선의 형태로 한국전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 다시 한 번 되돌아보도록 초대합니다. '넨포크샵'의 '리틀 타이거' 유엔군사령부에 따르면 태국은 총 1만1786명의 병력을 한국에 파병했으며 이 중 1273명이 사망하고 129명이 임무 수행 중 사망했으며 1139명이 부상을 입었다. 태국은 최초의 국가 중 하나로 간주됩니다. 원래 태국은 한국전쟁 발발 5일 후인 1950년 6월 30일 UN 결의에 따라 쌀 4톤을 지원하기 시작했다. 그런 다음 지상, 해상, 공중에 병력을 보내 도움을 요청합니다. 태국 보병은 1972년 6월까지 한국에 주둔했다. 태국 군인들은 여러 전투에 참가했습니다. 다른 나라(주로 미국)의 군대와 연합하여 싸우지만, 한국전쟁 당시 태국이 칭송받고 기억되는 전투는 '폭찹힐' 폭찹힐 (이렇게 불린다고 하네요 (255고지)는 미국을 나누는 경계선인 북위 38도선(북위 38도선) 근처의 전략 지점입니다. 그리고 당시 소련은 남북한을 분단시켰습니다. 수많은 전투를 겪었습니다. 태국 군인도 그 중 한 명입니다. 제21연합연대는 영웅적인 업적으로 미군 사령관이라는 별명을 얻었습니다. 한국전쟁에서는 '리틀 타이거' 또는 '리틀 타이거'로 불린다. “1952년 11월 1일부터 11일까지 미군에 배속된 태국 제21보병연대 제1대대는 여러 번의 적 공격에 저항했습니다. 38도선 위 철원 인근 산의 기온이 영하의 기온 속에 있는 상황”이라고 롬마니 카나누락 전 주한대사가 한국 중앙데일리에 말했다. 현재 로마 주재 태국 대사인 Rommani는 "태국군은 수적으로 7대 1로 열세임에도 불구하고 세 차례에 걸쳐 적의 공격을 막아냈습니다"라고 회상합니다. 그러나 전투가 너무 치열해서 태국군은 근접전에서 싸워야 했습니다. ” 결국 그 당시에는 태국 측이 승리했습니다. 제21연합연대는 나중에 촌부리 지방의 나와민트라키니 수용소에 본거지를 둔 왕립근위대 제21보병연대의 모태가 되었으며, 이 연대에는 장교들이 태국 정치에서 많은 쿠데타에 연루되었습니다. 그리고 이름이 있어요 '동방호랑이'는 한국전쟁 당시 '꼬마호랑이'라는 별명과도 관련이 있는 것으로 생각된다. 보안 전문가 Surachart Bamrungsuk 정치학부 명예교수 출라롱콘 대학교 THE STANDARD를 통해 게재된 기사에서 '노이 타이거' 대대는 "태국 군인들의 용맹함을 대표한다"고 주장했습니다. 그것은 국제 전쟁 무대에서 보여졌습니다.” 그렇지 않습니다. 하지만 다시 역할로 돌아왔어 근현대사에서 보는 '정치군인' 전쟁은 끝나지 않아 사실 한국전쟁은 끝나지 않았습니다. 1950년 6월 25일 북한군의 남침으로 시작된 전쟁은 1953년 7월 27일 정전협정이 체결되면서 끝났다. 3년의 싸움 내내 뉴욕타임스는 역사학자들의 말을 인용해 한반도의 사망자 수를 300만~400만 명으로 추산했으며 사망자 중 70%는 민간인일 것으로 추정했다. 가장 큰 피해를 입은 곳은 북한 쪽이었다. 미국의 폭격에 맞서야 했던 사람 하지만 기술적으로는 한국전쟁은 끝나지 않았습니다. 왜냐하면 휴전협정 서명만 남았기 때문이다. 그러나 공식적인 평화 조약은 없습니다. 그래서 우리는 북한과 남한 사이의 군사적 긴장을 계속해서 목격하고 있습니다. 그게 오늘날까지 계속되고 있어 “한국이 통일되는 모습을 보면 좋을 것 같아요. 그들은 국가로서 매우 영향력이 있을 것입니다. 그들이 가지고 있는 자원으로 말입니다.” 한국전 참전용사인 Chalermchai Hiran-at 중장은 한때 Bangkok Post에 이렇게 말했습니다. 한국전쟁 이후 한반도는 통일된 적이 없습니다. 휴전협정에 따라 군사분계선을 경계로 남북으로 분단되어 있다.
Is that Thai princes still single? Can I get a date with her? I am Jimmy Carter grandson from Atlanta Georgia USA, lol. Wow, love to do a tour of that big royal house.
The value of the house and land alone is approximately 122,622,754,881.66 South Korean Won, not including the other real estate properties owned by her family. This high value is primarily due to the land being located in the heart of the city, where prices are extremely expensive.
In Thailand, it's so easy to know who is old money and who is new money. Old money is more simple and humble. Their house is always not that big; the exterior is quite old style, and inside is full of vintage things that cost more than a middle-class house in bkk.
I saw lots of comments saying that the house is not even that big. But for me it gives off an old-money vibes tho. It's normal for old-moneys in Thailand to have houses this size and decorated in european style. Because Thai old-money is not all about how big the house is, but you have to consider the location of the house also.
For example, if you have a condominium in Sukhumvit, Silom, Witthayu Road, Langsuan, Ari, etc. It's normal. You might be a new-money who is rich enough to buy it. But to have A HOUSE in those locations are sooo expensive, and it shows that you have settled there for a long time, having long history of your family, and have some kind of connection to get a piece of land around that area. Just imagine having A HOUSE in the middle of Gangnam. It might be small due to the limitation of the area, but it's a house, not a condo.
btw I'm Thai, and that my opinion, not the total truth. I might be wrong but it's my observation about hi-so lol
I have researched a bit and trying to find the location of the house, sadly I can't find anything. But I know that the house was design by an Italian designer, the materials are also imported and it was built by their family's request, not buying 2nd hand house from someone else. So that's what I was talking about the old-money.
Hi-so people know these days are mostly influencers, so they only have money to buy a big house outside of CBD. It differentiates between old-money and new-money.
In urban planning we call it theory of location. Not only based on how big the house is, but more than that, the right or exclusive location also determines how expensive the price of a house is. That's why when you want to buy a property, three things that must be the main consideration are location, location and location.
@@jeanepratiwitatto9040 Thanks for your comment! It's true, the location is what determines how expensive the house is. The house can be small but if located in the central of everything, then the price can go skyrocket.
I was born and raised in Bangkok, and saw lots of hi-so, so I notice the difference between old-money and new-money right away just by looking at their house, the interior design. And this house is what old-money in Thailand would go for.
Another thing to note; having an army of maids like that is not cheap. Not at all. Never saw any new-money with bigger house have that big squad of maids. Most new-money would have a big house and maybe 1-2 maids.
@@ZetJungSone I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but many people are trapped in the notion that high society is only for the old-money. High society, also known as the upper class, is a social group of people who hold significant wealth, power, and influence. So it's not just about the old-money. Hi-so are include celebrities, politicians, investors, aristocrat and other wealthy individuals fall into this group. Yes she's rich, you can tell from how big the scale of her house.
น่ารักทุกคนเลย ทั้งแขก/ทั้งเจ้าบ้าน การต้อนรับน่าประทับใจมาก ทุกคนสนุกสนานเป็นกันเองมาก ขอบคุณสำหรับคลิปนี้.สนุกจัง
ภายนอกบ้านดูเรียบๆ แต่พอเปิดเข้าไป โอ้โห พิพิธภัณฑ์ย่อมๆ ทรงคุณค่า สวยงามมากๆ คุณพริมก็นอบน้อม ผู้ดีแบบรวยที่แท้จริง ขนาดเสื้อพนักงานยังปักตราชาแนลอ่ะคิดดู
Her grandfather was general of the Royal Thai Army and he also participated in the Korean War as commander of Thai regiment. He became to prime minister of Thailand after he and his regime coup successfully. He became to position by military power. That's a fact which you can read through the internet. So you can guess how her family became rich.
So through corruption and murder 😂😂😂😂 thai military is one of the most corrupt, greedy, power hungry, murderous institutions in the world. They use kings name to hold onto their power. Does it make sense how thai military leaders are millionaires and billionaires? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
เกรียงศักดิ์อยู่ในตำแหน่งนายกรัฐมนตรีไทยแค่2ปีกว่าๆแล้วก็หายไปจากการเมืองไทยคุณคิดว่าเขาจะกอบโกยอะไรได้มากมายนัก แน่นอนว่ามันอาจมี แต่คงไม่มหาศาลเหมือนยุค รสช หรือ คสช หรอกมั้ง
รุ่นปู่ก็ผ่านมา100กว่าปี คุณคิดว่าเขารวยมาเพราะรัฐประหารตั้งแต่รุ่นปู่จนถึงรุ่นหลานเลยหรือไง มันตลกเกินไปหรือเปล่า ปู่เขาทำรัฐประหารอยู่ได้แค่2ปี จะกอบโกยได้เท่าไร คุณควรศึกษาว่าตระกูลนี้เขาทำธุรกิจอะไรแล้วค่อยออกมาแสดงความคิดเห็นทั้งสองด้าน คนที่มาอ่านจะได้ทำความเข้าใจว่าอะไรน่าจะเป็นไปได้มากกว่ากัน
@@prachitinrod1112 เกรียงศักดิ์ทำธุรกิจด้วยครับ สมัยก่อนค่อ เจ้าที่ดินคนนึงเลยทางเหนือ
@@aooo9 แค่ 50 นะ 100ปีมากไป ว่าผมให้ไปศึกษาเนี้ย ช่วยดูช่วงปีด้วยครับ ท่านขึ้นตำแหน่งนายก 2520 ผมไม่รู้นะท่าน corruption ไหมนะ แต่ถ้าคุณถามว่า 2 ปี กอบโกยได้ขนาดไหน ผมว่าเยอะนะครับ ยิ่งช่วงทหารเป็นใหญ่ ตรวจสอบไม่ได้
From my experience, the real old money houses are more humble but delicate in style filled with objects of long history, sit quietly in the most prime area of CBD, Sukumvit, Saladaeng, Dusit, Old city, early Paholyotin etc. 50 years old house is considered new, for latest generation that need to move out of the ancester residence. Some family live in a compound. And they get annoyed with the new condominiums rising around their houses, which happened because some of such families sell their houses to developers. Big old trees are also indications. Glossy gliterring decoration will not be found in exterior nor interior, that would be mostly for temples.
ขอโทษแทนคนไทยบางคนที่ comment ไม่น่ารักบางทีเค้าอาจไม่ใช่คนไทยหรืออาจเป็นกลุ่มขบวนการแรงงานผิดกฏหมายที่เข้าประเทศเกาหลีไม่ได้ คนไทยส่วนใหญ่นิสัยน่ารักครับ
แรงงานไรมึง กุคนไทยแท้ๆ แบนเกาหลี เชิญมึงหลงสื่อหลอกลวงหลงสิ่งที่มันสร้างภาพไปเถอะ ลับหลังมันก็เหยียดมึง
แล้วคนเกาหลีส่วนใหญ่ละเป็นไง เหยียดสัสๆ น่าสมเพชต้องมายกมือไหว้ขอโทษมัน ติ่งหนอติ่ง
ที่คนไทยโกรธแค้นเกาหลีถึงตรงนี้มึงไม่รู้จริงหรอครับไอ้โลกสวยติ่งเกาหลีสมองยุง ไม่ควรญาติดีกับคนประเทศเหื้ยนี้ครับ ปากหมาเนรคุณ ไทยไม่เคยเกลียดใครก่อนนะครับ แต่สำเกาหลีดราม่ามันมีกันมาก่อนแล้ว
ต้องยอมรับว่า เกาหลี่พัฒนาประเทศขึ้นมาได้เพราะแรงงานผิดกฏหมายจากหลายๆชาติในเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้จากการช่วยเหลือของ ตม. ตอนนี้บางทีหลายคนอาจรู้สืกว่าไม่จำเป็นต้องใช้แรงงานผิดกฏหมาย เรื่องนี้อาจเป็นแค่วาทะกรรมที่คนเกาหลีมีนิสัยชอบเหยียดคนอื่นระแวงคนอื่นเนื้องจากผลกระทบของสงครามในอดีต เรื่องแรงงานในโลกนี้ไม่มีใครคิดว่าเป็นปัญหาใหญ่ยิ่งเกาหลีมีความเป็นเผด็จการสูงสามารถไปจับและไม่ไห้เข้าได้สบายมากแม้แต่คนธรรมดายังไม่ไห้เข้าได้นับประสาอะไรกับแรงงาน ..ยังไงก็ขอโทษแทนคนเกาหลีที่ชอบเหยียดประเทศที่ต่ำกว่าด้วยเนื้องจากพวกเขามัวแต่ทำงานจนลืมนึกถืงเรื่องอื่น.
Middle class and upper middle class houses in Thailand is usually larger than those in South Korea because cheaper land and lower construction cost. For the same level of wealth, money go further in SE asia because of Lower cost of living. The house in this video is the old style because it build by her grand father. You should visit new wealthy family in Thailand next time. You will be surprised.
รวยจากสายตระกูลเก่า เจ้าขุนมูลนาย,รวยจากการทำธุรกิจ จากดินสู่ดาว,รวยจากการคอรัปชั่น หลักๆก็ประมาณนี้
ลูกหลานอดีตนายก...ไม่น่าแปลกใจ หึหึ
ส่วนเราก็พวกvี้แพ้ องุ่นเปรี้ยว เกิดมาเป็นภาระ ผลาญทรัพยากรชาติ อย่างเดียว
@@luggangmustinjail9548 ไม่เปรี้ยวหรอกเพราะไม่ใช่พืชตระกูลส้ม ไม่ได้เป็นภาระใครไม่ได้ผลาญใคร ไม่ได้ไม่รับฟังใคร ไม่ได้ทำผิดต่อใคร ไม่ต้องหนีไปไหน😉
@@aeunbiจ้าาาาา อิ สลิ่ม
@@luggangmustinjail9548ผลาญอะไรก่อน เสียภาษีไม่เรียกว่าผลาญนะ
Korean looks so impress when something connection wth with US, SEA country just see them as same as other country...
Yeah, unfortunately ever since the war Korea has been brainwashed to glorify America. It‘s a shame. No country should put other countries on a pedastal since we are all humans and therefore equal. You guys are doing it right.
I'm not even Thai but i can tell even though this house looks big. But trust me there's lots house bigger than this. When you talk about the homes of rich asians, that means there is more than one house. Main house with large yard in prestigious area mainly at the center of town. Holiday villas on the outskirts of town close to the mountains, by the beach or the lake, not only with a large yard, but also complete with a plantation and even a horse ranch. That doesn't even include penthouse apartments & other houses outside the city or even abroad.
She s definitely not the richest but the real Hi-So. Old money not the new rich. Can anybody got this big land in the middle of NYC? That s the price of the land she s got in comparison. Her house is old but history.
***The fact is that she s the Prime Mister Family, how many people can be?
@@melodyblack9520 I'm just give comment base on the title. They talked about the scale of the houses of Thai hi-so. I'm also an urban planner, so i know exactly what you talking about. In urban planning we call it theory of location. Not only based on how big the house is, but more than that, the right or exclusive location also determines how expensive the price of a house is. That's why when you want to buy a property, three things that must be the main consideration are location, location and location.
***To be exact ex prime minister family that means they don't have power anymore.
@@jeanepratiwitatto9040 they r not showing you the biggest one, why r u going so far? Just enjoy the show, have some manner.
@@melodyblack9520 Of course I enjoyed the show, what makes you think otherwise. We speak according to context, and there is no such thing as going too far. You're the only one who might think negatively from the start. You should think more openly to different opinions. Everyone has the right to give their opinion, we live in an era of democracy. Well, talk about manner. Who's the first that comes with argument?
@@jeanepratiwitatto9040 bigger biggest and where s the end?
Korean didn’t know upper Thai society really.They are higher than Korean wealthy.
Lol... you don't understand cost of living really. South Korea is ranked 10th for number of millionaires, Thailand isn't even in the top 35. A millionaire in South Korea can live like a multi-millionaire in Thailand.
Source from wiki is not updated
I did checked Forbes the Real Time Billionaires, just for fun.
อย่าไปพิมพ์ที่ไหนนะครับ อายเขา ถ้าเขาไปบ้านเจ้าสัวค่อยพิมพ์ คนนั้นน่ะรวยจริง
Dont wanna brag, the Thai high-so is not new money kind of vibes. They are just well-off and lavish since Thai elites societies has never been colonized by foreign power and they just kept everything in place for ages without having to share with anyone. never been colonize mean everything is yours for generations without question. more than that the thai elites probably associate with the royal in any how and for your information the Thai royal are the only royal in Asia that never been thrown off by western royal colonizers. So to keep it short since the Japanese emperor lose in WW2, the only royal family remain the same level as the royals in Europe is Thai Royal Family, you can see it when Queen Elizabeth funerals in London, every leaders from different states has to take a bus to the church for funeral ceremony. but Thai royal only send mister ambassador the ceremony without anyone can force them.the other way round other royal from France president, Malaysia, Japan, even from oil rich Arab royal riding the bus to funeral is just too clear that they have no choice rather than attend the ceremony of her queen.
Good manner and respect should been taught
เป็นเกียรติมากเลย ได้มางานเลี้ยงวันเกิดลูกสุนัข บ้านคนไฮโซ
เกาหลีดูไปดูมา จากที่เคยรู้ที่เคยเห็น ไม่ผิดสักข้อ......มาประเทศไทย แต่"ไม่สนไม่รู้เรื่องอะไรสักอย่าง"...ก็แค่ เอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้
Thailand has so many this sort of houses, even much bigger and much more luxurious.
Thank you so much for having the Thai subtitles.
เกาหลีติดแซะตลอด😂 เพื่อนมนุษย์ด้วยกันแท้ๆ
seem like normal house in thailand . there is far more bigger
@@lilac7910small in Thai.
บ้านผู้ดีเก่า อาจจะไม่ได้ดูทันสมัยแต่คาดว่า ประเมินค่าไม่ได้แล้ว
บ้านสร้างมานานแล้ว สไตล์เก่า เอาไปเทียบกับบ้านใหม่ๆไม่ได้
Okay, Thai people got moneeey 💅🏾 That house is beautiful
จริงๆบ้านนักธุรกิจไฮโซ นามสกุลดังมีเยอะมาก แทบจะเดินชนกัน แต่ก็อุตส่าห์ไปหาจากฝั่งทหารมาได้😅
5555 นั้นสิ
เขาจะอนุญาติให้ถ่ายรึเปล่าล่ะ เคสนี้เขาเป็นแฟนคลับก็เลยเชิญรายการมาถ่าย
ประเด็นคือเค้าไม่ให้ถ่ายไง คนนี้เค้าเชิญไปเพราะเป็นแฟนคลับ
This house must be built since the grandfather time considered the style inside and the architecture itself which was and is really expensive from the material foundations to the visible surface inside out.
ไฮโซเกาหลีมากกกกกก ก่อนมาเป็นเคป็อบ เรียนอินเตอร์ฮาโหล่ก่อนมาเป็นเคป็อบบบบบ
To be honest, this house is pretty big but not as big as usually HiSo in Thailand have, Inside this house looks classy though. Understandable that her family was prime minister before 😊 anyway, Prim is super cute~
I don't know how many budgets the program have, but I'm pretty sure they don't have enough for getting what we call hi-so living...not even close😢
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읽고 있는 내용: 태국-한국은 이전에 함께 싸운 적이 있습니다. 한국 전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 되돌아봅니다.
소셜 967
태국과 한국은 이전에 함께 싸운 적이 있습니다. 한국 전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 되돌아봅니다.
게시일: 2024년 3월 27일
“우정의 표시로 일정 수의 병력을 파견합니다. (“우리의 우정의 표시로 소수의 군대만 보내면 우리는 다양한 보상을 받을 것입니다.”)
당시 총리였던 P. Pibulsongkram 야전 사령관 태국 의회에 해당 문장을 말했습니다. 1950년 7월
이것이 한국전쟁에서 태국군의 역할의 시작이었다. 1950년부터 1953년까지 약 3년에 걸쳐 남북한 사이에 벌어진 전쟁입니다. 미국의 지원 유엔(UN)과 북한군. 소련과 중국의 지원을 받았던
미국에서와 마찬가지로 한국전쟁을 전쟁이라 불렀다. '잊혀진 전쟁' 수라챠트 밤룽숙 역시 '리틀 타이거즈'라는 별명을 받기 전까지 포크찹힐(Pork Chop Hill)에서 싸운 제21혼성연대 이야기를 포함해 그 전쟁에서 태국의 역할에 대한 추억이 있는 것 같다"고 생각한다. 오랫동안 태국 사회에서 사라졌어요"
태국과 한국이 다시 만나는 계기가 되었습니다. The MATTER는 2026년 월드컵 예선의 형태로 한국전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 다시 한 번 되돌아보도록 초대합니다.
'넨포크샵'의 '리틀 타이거'
유엔군사령부에 따르면 태국은 총 1만1786명의 병력을 한국에 파병했으며 이 중 1273명이 사망하고 129명이 임무 수행 중 사망했으며 1139명이 부상을 입었다.
태국은 최초의 국가 중 하나로 간주됩니다. 원래 태국은 한국전쟁 발발 5일 후인 1950년 6월 30일 UN 결의에 따라 쌀 4톤을 지원하기 시작했다. 그런 다음 지상, 해상, 공중에 병력을 보내 도움을 요청합니다. 태국 보병은 1972년 6월까지 한국에 주둔했다.
태국 군인들은 여러 전투에 참가했습니다. 다른 나라(주로 미국)의 군대와 연합하여 싸우지만, 한국전쟁 당시 태국이 칭송받고 기억되는 전투는 '폭찹힐'
폭찹힐 (이렇게 불린다고 하네요 (255고지)는 미국을 나누는 경계선인 북위 38도선(북위 38도선) 근처의 전략 지점입니다. 그리고 당시 소련은 남북한을 분단시켰습니다.
수많은 전투를 겪었습니다. 태국 군인도 그 중 한 명입니다. 제21연합연대는 영웅적인 업적으로 미군 사령관이라는 별명을 얻었습니다. 한국전쟁에서는 '리틀 타이거' 또는 '리틀 타이거'로 불린다.
“1952년 11월 1일부터 11일까지 미군에 배속된 태국 제21보병연대 제1대대는 여러 번의 적 공격에 저항했습니다. 38도선 위 철원 인근 산의 기온이 영하의 기온 속에 있는 상황”이라고 롬마니 카나누락 전 주한대사가 한국 중앙데일리에 말했다.
현재 로마 주재 태국 대사인 Rommani는 "태국군은 수적으로 7대 1로 열세임에도 불구하고 세 차례에 걸쳐 적의 공격을 막아냈습니다"라고 회상합니다. 그러나 전투가 너무 치열해서 태국군은 근접전에서 싸워야 했습니다. ”
결국 그 당시에는 태국 측이 승리했습니다.
제21연합연대는 나중에 촌부리 지방의 나와민트라키니 수용소에 본거지를 둔 왕립근위대 제21보병연대의 모태가 되었으며, 이 연대에는 장교들이 태국 정치에서 많은 쿠데타에 연루되었습니다. 그리고 이름이 있어요 '동방호랑이'는 한국전쟁 당시 '꼬마호랑이'라는 별명과도 관련이 있는 것으로 생각된다.
보안 전문가 Surachart Bamrungsuk 정치학부 명예교수 출라롱콘 대학교 THE STANDARD를 통해 게재된 기사에서 '노이 타이거' 대대는 "태국 군인들의 용맹함을 대표한다"고 주장했습니다. 그것은 국제 전쟁 무대에서 보여졌습니다.” 그렇지 않습니다. 하지만 다시 역할로 돌아왔어 근현대사에서 보는 '정치군인'
전쟁은 끝나지 않아
사실 한국전쟁은 끝나지 않았습니다.
1950년 6월 25일 북한군의 남침으로 시작된 전쟁은 1953년 7월 27일 정전협정이 체결되면서 끝났다.
3년의 싸움 내내 뉴욕타임스는 역사학자들의 말을 인용해 한반도의 사망자 수를 300만~400만 명으로 추산했으며 사망자 중 70%는 민간인일 것으로 추정했다. 가장 큰 피해를 입은 곳은 북한 쪽이었다. 미국의 폭격에 맞서야 했던 사람
하지만 기술적으로는 한국전쟁은 끝나지 않았습니다. 왜냐하면 휴전협정 서명만 남았기 때문이다. 그러나 공식적인 평화 조약은 없습니다.
그래서 우리는 북한과 남한 사이의 군사적 긴장을 계속해서 목격하고 있습니다. 그게 오늘날까지 계속되고 있어
“한국이 통일되는 모습을 보면 좋을 것 같아요. 그들은 국가로서 매우 영향력이 있을 것입니다. 그들이 가지고 있는 자원으로 말입니다.” 한국전 참전용사인 Chalermchai Hiran-at 중장은 한때 Bangkok Post에 이렇게 말했습니다.
한국전쟁 이후 한반도는 통일된 적이 없습니다. 휴전협정에 따라 군사분계선을 경계로 남북으로 분단되어 있다.
This is old money house..
I’m surprised that they didn’t know we southeast Asian usually have at least 3 dishes in a meal.
what's funny for me is Eunji and LipJ assumed the car was just a so so car just because it looked like a normal car maybe in South Korea? And Japan, I've heard they used that type of car to transport crops, but if you own that type of car in South East Asia, you'll be considered very rich
ปล. เวลาทานข้าว ปกติคนไทยไม่ใส่หมวกนะคะ
Even the car looks simple but it cost around 140,000,000 won
Thank you very much😂❤🎉🎉🎉
I wish you happiness 💕😊🎉
ตลกมากตอนที่บอกว่า ไม่จำเป็นต้องเอาหมามา เพราะเวลาที่ฉันดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ ฉันก็จะคล้ายหมา (เมาเหมือนหมา) ฮามาก 😂😂😂
มันไม่ได้อยู่ที่ใหญ่แค่ไหน มันอยู่ที่มูลค่า ทั้งมูลค่าของทำเล มูลค่าของตกแต่งที่สืบทอดมาหลายชั่วอายุคน และอื่นๆ การดูแค่ขนาดบ้านมันเป็นความคิดที่ตื้นเขินเกินไป คนรวยจริงๆ ไม่บอกคุณหมดหรอก มันเท่ากับเรียกโจรเข้าบ้าน แค่ดูประวัติก็รู้แล้วว่าต้องรวยมากๆ มากกว่าที่คนต่างชาติคิด
ตอนเห็นไอจี ลิปเจ นึกว่ามาเที่ยวเฉยๆ แต่ที่ไหนได้มาถ่ายรายการรร❤ฉันพลาดอะไรปายยย😊
She couldn't say that she connected to royal family. Her grandfather was just prime minister. There is nothing connect to royal family
112 พร้อมเสริฟ
@@JayKHR1911 😂😂😂
อยากให้ลองมาบ้านคุณ เป็ก สัญชัย เองตระกูล อยากเห็นรีแอ็คชั่น
comment ไทยบางคนคือสะเหล่อมาก กล้าที่จะสอนคนอื่นมาก เก็บไว้สอนตัวเองเถอะที่ช่างติเตียนไปเรื่อย
Free speech ครับทุกคนมีสิทธิแสดงความคิดเห็นในขอบเขตที่กฏหมายกำหนดไว้ คุณตำหนิว่าคนไทยสะเหล่อกล้าสอนคุณอื่น ไม่ใช่ว่าคุณก้อเป็นแบบนี้ซะเองเหรอครับ 😮
Welcome Korean people Love these two guest stars, so much fun.
ผู้ดี กับคนรวย ต่างกัน คำนี้ใช้ได้
This is not much rich in Thailand have too many in Thai is better. I hope you continue make this content and find more good hours
Ok so I think this is the house like a meeting place for any family or working events only. She's not actually living here. They probably own more than 1 house like this 😎
Sad facts from me as a thai so you can understand why she is so rich:
- Her grandfather was a soldier. He was assigned to be a Prime minister by another soldier who was the leader of military junta, committed coup d’etat from Prime minister whom from elections
- Coup d’etat has happened in Thailand more than ten times. We have been under millitary gov more than those whom got elected
- Some old generation people even romanticised that soldiers are definitely more sincere than politicians and agree with coup
- nowadays Thai people have more awareness about how coup can be toxic to democracy, but somes don’t. That’s why we still have civil war
- Initially we protested with the right under democracy. But then some if the leaders got arrested by the ‘danger to country’ accusations from police
- Guess what? It actually because they talked about how Thai monarchy has been involved with those coup
- In Thailand > love monarchy = you’re innocently good person
> hate monarchy > you’re the malicious criminal, You got sentenced more than the murder
I understand your sentiment. I'm a foreigner living in your country for just 8 years and I can see why the younger generations are pushing for a big change. The oldies are so backwards and they see moving forward and changes for common good as threats.
No hate to LipJ, though, but I suggest the TV show staff study more before making content.
เคยเห็นรัฐบาลที่มาจากประชาธิปไตย มันทำเพื่อประเทศมั่งหรือไม่ ตั้งแต่เปลี่ยนการปกครอง 2475 มา ก็ตั้งหน้าตั้งตาคอรัปชั่นมากี่สิบปี เห็นทำเพื่อพวกพ้องเพื่ออำนาจเพื่อเศรษฐกิจของตระกูล ถ้าไม่ว่างทำเพื่อประเทศขนาดนั้น รัฐประหารจะเป็นไรไป สงครามกลางเมืองก็เกิดจากคนที่คิดว่าลงถนนไปแล้วจะเปลี่ยนอะไรได้ เอาตัวเองลงไปเป็นตัวประกันให้ขั้วอำนาจที่ตัวเองชอบ ตีกันแทบตาย พอพวกมันเข้าสภามันก็ไปคุยกันน้อบน้อมเฮฮา ลืมตาดูกันมั่ง ร่ำร้องดิ้นเป็นใส้เดือนคลุกขี้เถ้า ได้อะไรกับชีวิตและครอบครัวตัวเอง เอาเวลาไปทำตัวเองให้เป็นพลเมืองชั้นดี ดีกว่าไม๊?
ลูกหลายสฤษ ใช่ไหมคะ?
라이프 스타일
과학 및 기술
카테고리 검색
읽고 있는 내용: 태국-한국은 이전에 함께 싸운 적이 있습니다. 한국 전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 되돌아봅니다.
소셜 967
태국과 한국은 이전에 함께 싸운 적이 있습니다. 한국 전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 되돌아봅니다.
게시일: 2024년 3월 27일
“우정의 표시로 일정 수의 병력을 파견합니다. (“우리의 우정의 표시로 소수의 군대만 보내면 우리는 다양한 보상을 받을 것입니다.”)
당시 총리였던 P. Pibulsongkram 야전 사령관 태국 의회에 해당 문장을 말했습니다. 1950년 7월
이것이 한국전쟁에서 태국군의 역할의 시작이었다. 1950년부터 1953년까지 약 3년에 걸쳐 남북한 사이에 벌어진 전쟁입니다. 미국의 지원 유엔(UN)과 북한군. 소련과 중국의 지원을 받았던
미국에서와 마찬가지로 한국전쟁을 전쟁이라 불렀다. '잊혀진 전쟁' 수라챠트 밤룽숙 역시 '리틀 타이거즈'라는 별명을 받기 전까지 포크찹힐(Pork Chop Hill)에서 싸운 제21혼성연대 이야기를 포함해 그 전쟁에서 태국의 역할에 대한 추억이 있는 것 같다"고 생각한다. 오랫동안 태국 사회에서 사라졌어요"
태국과 한국이 다시 만나는 계기가 되었습니다. The MATTER는 2026년 월드컵 예선의 형태로 한국전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 다시 한 번 되돌아보도록 초대합니다.
'넨포크샵'의 '리틀 타이거'
유엔군사령부에 따르면 태국은 총 1만1786명의 병력을 한국에 파병했으며 이 중 1273명이 사망하고 129명이 임무 수행 중 사망했으며 1139명이 부상을 입었다.
태국은 최초의 국가 중 하나로 간주됩니다. 원래 태국은 한국전쟁 발발 5일 후인 1950년 6월 30일 UN 결의에 따라 쌀 4톤을 지원하기 시작했다. 그런 다음 지상, 해상, 공중에 병력을 보내 도움을 요청합니다. 태국 보병은 1972년 6월까지 한국에 주둔했다.
태국 군인들은 여러 전투에 참가했습니다. 다른 나라(주로 미국)의 군대와 연합하여 싸우지만, 한국전쟁 당시 태국이 칭송받고 기억되는 전투는 '폭찹힐'
폭찹힐 (이렇게 불린다고 하네요 (255고지)는 미국을 나누는 경계선인 북위 38도선(북위 38도선) 근처의 전략 지점입니다. 그리고 당시 소련은 남북한을 분단시켰습니다.
수많은 전투를 겪었습니다. 태국 군인도 그 중 한 명입니다. 제21연합연대는 영웅적인 업적으로 미군 사령관이라는 별명을 얻었습니다. 한국전쟁에서는 '리틀 타이거' 또는 '리틀 타이거'로 불린다.
“1952년 11월 1일부터 11일까지 미군에 배속된 태국 제21보병연대 제1대대는 여러 번의 적 공격에 저항했습니다. 38도선 위 철원 인근 산의 기온이 영하의 기온 속에 있는 상황”이라고 롬마니 카나누락 전 주한대사가 한국 중앙데일리에 말했다.
현재 로마 주재 태국 대사인 Rommani는 "태국군은 수적으로 7대 1로 열세임에도 불구하고 세 차례에 걸쳐 적의 공격을 막아냈습니다"라고 회상합니다. 그러나 전투가 너무 치열해서 태국군은 근접전에서 싸워야 했습니다. ”
결국 그 당시에는 태국 측이 승리했습니다.
제21연합연대는 나중에 촌부리 지방의 나와민트라키니 수용소에 본거지를 둔 왕립근위대 제21보병연대의 모태가 되었으며, 이 연대에는 장교들이 태국 정치에서 많은 쿠데타에 연루되었습니다. 그리고 이름이 있어요 '동방호랑이'는 한국전쟁 당시 '꼬마호랑이'라는 별명과도 관련이 있는 것으로 생각된다.
보안 전문가 Surachart Bamrungsuk 정치학부 명예교수 출라롱콘 대학교 THE STANDARD를 통해 게재된 기사에서 '노이 타이거' 대대는 "태국 군인들의 용맹함을 대표한다"고 주장했습니다. 그것은 국제 전쟁 무대에서 보여졌습니다.” 그렇지 않습니다. 하지만 다시 역할로 돌아왔어 근현대사에서 보는 '정치군인'
전쟁은 끝나지 않아
사실 한국전쟁은 끝나지 않았습니다.
1950년 6월 25일 북한군의 남침으로 시작된 전쟁은 1953년 7월 27일 정전협정이 체결되면서 끝났다.
3년의 싸움 내내 뉴욕타임스는 역사학자들의 말을 인용해 한반도의 사망자 수를 300만~400만 명으로 추산했으며 사망자 중 70%는 민간인일 것으로 추정했다. 가장 큰 피해를 입은 곳은 북한 쪽이었다. 미국의 폭격에 맞서야 했던 사람
하지만 기술적으로는 한국전쟁은 끝나지 않았습니다. 왜냐하면 휴전협정 서명만 남았기 때문이다. 그러나 공식적인 평화 조약은 없습니다.
그래서 우리는 북한과 남한 사이의 군사적 긴장을 계속해서 목격하고 있습니다. 그게 오늘날까지 계속되고 있어
“한국이 통일되는 모습을 보면 좋을 것 같아요. 그들은 국가로서 매우 영향력이 있을 것입니다. 그들이 가지고 있는 자원으로 말입니다.” 한국전 참전용사인 Chalermchai Hiran-at 중장은 한때 Bangkok Post에 이렇게 말했습니다.
한국전쟁 이후 한반도는 통일된 적이 없습니다. 휴전협정에 따라 군사분계선을 경계로 남북으로 분단되어 있다.
ภูมิใจแหละเผด็จการ 😂
พลเอกเกรียงศักดิ์ ชมะนันท์ไม่ได้มาจากการรัฐประหารครับ ไปเรียนประวัติศาสตร์มาใหม่
Sadly, due to connections of Hi-so, they can ran away from criminal liabilities. For example is the red bull heir who ran away after killing a police. Upon investigation, there are lots of high profile government officials involved on how he fled the country freely.
It is a very old and out of fashion building. the exterior look like a scoohl building but inside is like a 3 star hotel.
How do you think they made themselves rich from their careers in the military? Yes, This is Thailand.
This is still medium sized, it must be an old treasure.
These two ladies are soooo fun ...cute
Next ep go to Madam Pang house
I need the part 2!
Welcome to Thailand
เลือดแท้มาก ไฮโซไต้หวันมากกก
얼마나 좋은 차를 기대하고 가길래 더 좋을줄 알앗다하고 그래.. 그거 이미 좋은건데...
"Jimmy Carteeeeeeeeer!!!" 🤣
people who said this house is not that big are insane.
correction, Bridgerton is NOT a usa drama its a BRITISH Drama Thank You.
She said her name is Prim and these country pumpkin ladies started laughing.
Welcome to thailand
Kriangsak Chomanan is the 15th Prime Minister of Thailand. which he received the position of Prime Minister from a coup d'état
(Song: Loi Krathong Day in 6 Languages) November 15th in Thailand will be Loi Krathong Day./ A world-class event.
❤❤Amei ver lugares lindo através do celular sem precisar sair de casa😊😊😊
She is nice n clam😊
Bro she’s really pretty 😭
ดูเพลิน สนุกดีครับ
끄리앙삭 초마난(Kriangsak Chomanan)은 태국의 제15대 총리이다. 그는 쿠데타로 인해 총리직을 맡았다.
😊It's weird, this show is trying to produce new and interesting travel content, why are people arguing about nonsense? For the comments that say this is not interesting, you should leave and stop causing wars before disappearing. Thank you for producing content that people who are interested or like can watch. Koreans are also cute, when they are shocked their eyes will widen, it makes me laugh.
Salves must be putting the bill for Thailand royals 😂
เจ้แอมมมมมม ถามหน่อยเลือดเกาหลีตอนไหนนนน
where can i watch this full episode?
เห้ยพวกเการู้จักนายกเกรียงศักดิ์ด้วยรึ ยุคเปลี่ยนแปลงเล็กๆแต่รุ่นเก๋ารู้จักท่าน ส่งให้ป๋าเปรมจนเราเป็นนิค
พันโทเกรียงศักดิ์ ชมะนันท์ ผบ.กองพันพยัคฆ์น้อยอันเลื่องลือในสมรภูมิสงครามเกาหลี
Mesmo não entendendo amei ❤❤❤
(노래: 6개 언어로 된 로이 크라통 데이) 한국어가 있습니다. 11월 15일 태국에서는 로이 크라통 데이/세계적인 행사가 열립니다.
They become rich even from became the priminister after the coup, such a shame nothing to be proud of.
เหมือนบ้านไว้เช่าถ่ายหนังไรงี้มากกกก บ้านจริงหรือเค้กคะ มาตัดหญ้าโชว์เฉยเลย แปลก🤔
จริงค่ะ บ้านเพื่อนพ่อเราคนก็มาตัดหญ้าทำสวนให้ทุกวันเพราะจ้างรายเดือน
Normal rich people, this model of car is very easy to find in Thailand. People with money can drive it, no need to be very rich to buy it. There are many people who are even more extremely rich than this, but for me, I am just an ordinary person.
She s not the richest but the Prime Minister Family, how many people can be like this in each country?
เธอจัดอยู่ในกลุ่ม1%ของคนไทย กลุ่มคนรวยไฮโซ ถ้าเธอธรรมดาฉันก็ไม่รู้จะเรียกตัวเองว่าอะไร😂😂😂😂
คนไทย มีคนรวยติดอันดับ ของโลก แต่คนจนเกินครึ่งของประชากร ส่วนเมกา มีคนชั้นกลางเกินครึงคนจนแค่ 5%
@@tkbbcatbaren1333we r low class citizens 555
เพิ่งรู้ว่า ผัดไทย ส้มตำ ปลาทอดน้ำปลา เป็นอาหารชั้นสูง รั่วเลยกุ😂😂😂😂😂
Some rich family even own the private ice lands in Thailand
I am Thai and I know this is normal.
If you want to know how thai ideal Hi-So look like. Look at Minnie g idle : )
This show is great please add to KOCOWA!
ไปบ้านคุณ สุมณี ยัง เจ๊ชูชัย
Traduziria em português para eu poder curtir mas 😊😊😊
ควรมีซุปด้วยนะ มีแต่ของทอดของผัด ไม่มีต้มๆเลย
the host asked are you a royal? (you just answer no you are not a royal at all) i have searched your grandfather history before he became the15th prime minister 47years ago(be the prime minister for 2years) , he was a soldier before and born from ordinary parents. being a prime minister doesn't mean you have a connection to royal family so what connection to royal family do you mean or have? i have never seen your family close to royal family.
But Thai royal definitely got close relationship with any prime minister... In Thailand , royal fam is no 1 in country management and there's many event for both of them attend together
Are you the Royal family? Why saying that you have never seen…..?
@@kcheese1428 the prime minister didn't meet the royal family often* and when they met , everyone can see it by tv broadcast everytime (in 1 year they met less than 5 times). in thailand, the government manage* the work according to the budgets, which sometimes the government come to corrupt.(some are in jail, some flee the country). thai royal family help people and country in many projects by their own money and it's not about the government.
@@melodyblack9520 im not royal family but i follow the news from the royal court. and in the news, it shows where will royal family go to help people or who ask to meet the royal family. everyone can see it on tv broadcast when , prime minister(less than 5 times a year) , citizens meets for let royal family bless for their wedding or students will go to compete in foreign competion and ask the royal for blessing them. and we can check information by last name, who this person is.
@@kcheese1428 no they don’t the only thing they do is Bless whoever takes Leadership of the Country…end of story!
Don’t fall for all the other BS ppl try to add in which never makes sense!
@18.02 Lol She is eating food by hand that is way too inappropriate to eat in the Thai formal eating
นายกคนที่15 จากผลมติของคณะปฎิวัติอะหรอ
This house is belong to who?
คอนเนคชั่นห่วยๆของรายการเกาหลี พาไปบ้านเดียวกัน10รายการ😂
라이프 스타일
과학 및 기술
카테고리 검색
읽고 있는 내용: 태국-한국은 이전에 함께 싸운 적이 있습니다. 한국 전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 되돌아봅니다.
소셜 967
태국과 한국은 이전에 함께 싸운 적이 있습니다. 한국 전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 되돌아봅니다.
게시일: 2024년 3월 27일
“우정의 표시로 일정 수의 병력을 파견합니다. (“우리의 우정의 표시로 소수의 군대만 보내면 우리는 다양한 보상을 받을 것입니다.”)
당시 총리였던 P. Pibulsongkram 야전 사령관 태국 의회에 해당 문장을 말했습니다. 1950년 7월
이것이 한국전쟁에서 태국군의 역할의 시작이었다. 1950년부터 1953년까지 약 3년에 걸쳐 남북한 사이에 벌어진 전쟁입니다. 미국의 지원 유엔(UN)과 북한군. 소련과 중국의 지원을 받았던
미국에서와 마찬가지로 한국전쟁을 전쟁이라 불렀다. '잊혀진 전쟁' 수라챠트 밤룽숙 역시 '리틀 타이거즈'라는 별명을 받기 전까지 포크찹힐(Pork Chop Hill)에서 싸운 제21혼성연대 이야기를 포함해 그 전쟁에서 태국의 역할에 대한 추억이 있는 것 같다"고 생각한다. 오랫동안 태국 사회에서 사라졌어요"
태국과 한국이 다시 만나는 계기가 되었습니다. The MATTER는 2026년 월드컵 예선의 형태로 한국전쟁에서 태국의 역할을 다시 한 번 되돌아보도록 초대합니다.
'넨포크샵'의 '리틀 타이거'
유엔군사령부에 따르면 태국은 총 1만1786명의 병력을 한국에 파병했으며 이 중 1273명이 사망하고 129명이 임무 수행 중 사망했으며 1139명이 부상을 입었다.
태국은 최초의 국가 중 하나로 간주됩니다. 원래 태국은 한국전쟁 발발 5일 후인 1950년 6월 30일 UN 결의에 따라 쌀 4톤을 지원하기 시작했다. 그런 다음 지상, 해상, 공중에 병력을 보내 도움을 요청합니다. 태국 보병은 1972년 6월까지 한국에 주둔했다.
태국 군인들은 여러 전투에 참가했습니다. 다른 나라(주로 미국)의 군대와 연합하여 싸우지만, 한국전쟁 당시 태국이 칭송받고 기억되는 전투는 '폭찹힐'
폭찹힐 (이렇게 불린다고 하네요 (255고지)는 미국을 나누는 경계선인 북위 38도선(북위 38도선) 근처의 전략 지점입니다. 그리고 당시 소련은 남북한을 분단시켰습니다.
수많은 전투를 겪었습니다. 태국 군인도 그 중 한 명입니다. 제21연합연대는 영웅적인 업적으로 미군 사령관이라는 별명을 얻었습니다. 한국전쟁에서는 '리틀 타이거' 또는 '리틀 타이거'로 불린다.
“1952년 11월 1일부터 11일까지 미군에 배속된 태국 제21보병연대 제1대대는 여러 번의 적 공격에 저항했습니다. 38도선 위 철원 인근 산의 기온이 영하의 기온 속에 있는 상황”이라고 롬마니 카나누락 전 주한대사가 한국 중앙데일리에 말했다.
현재 로마 주재 태국 대사인 Rommani는 "태국군은 수적으로 7대 1로 열세임에도 불구하고 세 차례에 걸쳐 적의 공격을 막아냈습니다"라고 회상합니다. 그러나 전투가 너무 치열해서 태국군은 근접전에서 싸워야 했습니다. ”
결국 그 당시에는 태국 측이 승리했습니다.
제21연합연대는 나중에 촌부리 지방의 나와민트라키니 수용소에 본거지를 둔 왕립근위대 제21보병연대의 모태가 되었으며, 이 연대에는 장교들이 태국 정치에서 많은 쿠데타에 연루되었습니다. 그리고 이름이 있어요 '동방호랑이'는 한국전쟁 당시 '꼬마호랑이'라는 별명과도 관련이 있는 것으로 생각된다.
보안 전문가 Surachart Bamrungsuk 정치학부 명예교수 출라롱콘 대학교 THE STANDARD를 통해 게재된 기사에서 '노이 타이거' 대대는 "태국 군인들의 용맹함을 대표한다"고 주장했습니다. 그것은 국제 전쟁 무대에서 보여졌습니다.” 그렇지 않습니다. 하지만 다시 역할로 돌아왔어 근현대사에서 보는 '정치군인'
전쟁은 끝나지 않아
사실 한국전쟁은 끝나지 않았습니다.
1950년 6월 25일 북한군의 남침으로 시작된 전쟁은 1953년 7월 27일 정전협정이 체결되면서 끝났다.
3년의 싸움 내내 뉴욕타임스는 역사학자들의 말을 인용해 한반도의 사망자 수를 300만~400만 명으로 추산했으며 사망자 중 70%는 민간인일 것으로 추정했다. 가장 큰 피해를 입은 곳은 북한 쪽이었다. 미국의 폭격에 맞서야 했던 사람
하지만 기술적으로는 한국전쟁은 끝나지 않았습니다. 왜냐하면 휴전협정 서명만 남았기 때문이다. 그러나 공식적인 평화 조약은 없습니다.
그래서 우리는 북한과 남한 사이의 군사적 긴장을 계속해서 목격하고 있습니다. 그게 오늘날까지 계속되고 있어
“한국이 통일되는 모습을 보면 좋을 것 같아요. 그들은 국가로서 매우 영향력이 있을 것입니다. 그들이 가지고 있는 자원으로 말입니다.” 한국전 참전용사인 Chalermchai Hiran-at 중장은 한때 Bangkok Post에 이렇게 말했습니다.
한국전쟁 이후 한반도는 통일된 적이 없습니다. 휴전협정에 따라 군사분계선을 경계로 남북으로 분단되어 있다.
Is that Thai princes still single? Can I get a date with her? I am Jimmy Carter grandson from Atlanta Georgia USA, lol. Wow, love to do a tour of that big royal house.
옷차림 예절 이 수준에서 집에 들어가십시오. 한국에서는 아예 안 가르쳐 주나요? 드레싱은 매우 저렴하고 시대를 초월합니다.
Granddaughter of one of the head of the coup de tat in Thailand
😂รายการหลายรายการ พวกเกาหลีมันฉลาดนะเกาะ คนรวยในไทยยยย โดยไม่ดุอะไร😂😂😂😂😂
it looks scary 😆
The value of the house and land alone is approximately 122,622,754,881.66 South Korean Won, not including the other real estate properties owned by her family. This high value is primarily due to the land being located in the heart of the city, where prices are extremely expensive.
Corruption rich