Another great engineering solution to a problem we now face transporting these huge items of kit. Hopefully, they will build an SMPT that is all-electric to make the journey greener.
Ein Nachzügler. Grund für die Inbetriebnahme 2017 trotz Riss in einem der Flügel war die Aussicht auf bessere Gewinnmargen. Flugzeugepassagiere dachten bestimmt, in Schorndorf ist ein Hai unterwegs 😄🤣
Nachdem so ein Schwerttransport durch ein Dorf duch ist, heißt es immer wieder ein plötzlich auftretender Tornado hätte die Häuser in Schutt und Asche gelegt. :D - Heinz
This doesn't seem to have any driver onboard at all - at least I can't see one, or where one would sit. It appears to only move at a walking pace, and be operated entirely by the guy with the sort-of video game controller.
Thanks Germany! For the extreme increase in electricity prices, the instability of the entire power grid and the destruction of the ecology in the process. 👏
Studid nonsense! All life cycle assessments show that wind and solar power plants are by far the least environmentally damaging type of electricity generation. Incidentally, over 98% of wind power plants worldwide have been in operation outside Germany in the last 5 years. And so it is also explainable that e.g. DK, UK, LIT, IR, ESP have a higher wind power share than Germany (1st HY 2023: 29%).
Yeah, no, it probably only took a few hours to move it, how much diesel do you imagine it used up travelling at that slow pace? Meanwhile, a typical wind turbine can create 4000 horsepower or 3 megawatts at maximum. Even on a slow wind day, you're going to be getting more than enough to power a truck travelling at normal speeds. You're like 300,000% wrong, if not a million per cent.
Thank you for taking us along.
It's that glitch in euro truck simulator again.
Another great engineering solution to a problem we now face transporting these huge items of kit. Hopefully, they will build an SMPT that is all-electric to make the journey greener.
Der Film wurde leider nicht im Zusammenhang geschnitten, ansonsten sehr gut.
Every guy every morning.
What do you mean? Walking backwards?
Wahnsinn. Super!
Tolle Leistung! Aber wo bleibt der cargolifter 2.0 !?!?
Ein Nachzügler. Grund für die Inbetriebnahme 2017 trotz Riss in einem der Flügel war die Aussicht auf bessere Gewinnmargen. Flugzeugepassagiere dachten bestimmt, in Schorndorf ist ein Hai unterwegs 😄🤣
Hano, do isch schee!
How long did it take to transfer and from where to ?
'Dark Saber' @3:09
I thought that too! Glad I'm not alone in that.
absolutely amazing work guys! I would do this job :)
Und wie kommen die Dinger auf einen Berg bzw in einen Wald? Frage für einen Freund 😁
awesome! congrats!!
How about helicopter, plane or train, than this?
Plane? Do you want to drop it at the destination? 😉
All this is definitely very friendly to the ecology
Energetic amortization time for wind turbines is 3-5 months.
Вес-то какой?
Ми-26 перетащил бы лопасть к месту установки в любую точку мира !
(с дозаправками конечно).
Менее 15 тонн из Индии.
А всего-то нужны хорошие лётчики и стропальщики.
Nachdem so ein Schwerttransport durch ein Dorf duch ist, heißt es immer wieder ein plötzlich auftretender Tornado hätte die Häuser in Schutt und Asche gelegt. :D - Heinz
Danke.Voll interessant. War das der Ersatzrotor? Wie lange? ...m
Hallo, nein, das war der erste Transport. Der Flügel ist 65 Meter lang.
Hey Danke auf jeden Fall. Sieht im TV-GERÄT super gut aus.
Gruß aus Winnenden.
Chef: warum bist du so spät?
Er: Ich lass die Erklärung sein sie werden es mir sowieso nicht glauben
Immer noch besser, als "ein 8 Meter Erektor hat mich aufgehalten" 😂😂
(ist ein Teil von einer Tunnelbohrmaschine)
That's a weird looking unicorn.
This doesn't seem to have any driver onboard at all - at least I can't see one, or where one would sit. It appears to only move at a walking pace, and be operated entirely by the guy with the sort-of video game controller.
Yes that's right. Operated by a controller. 1:11
How about doing a point cloud survey of the route, then using a computer to self drive the SMPT the whole length of the route.
Eu com esse controle ia dar cada lapada na zoreia do povo !
Thanks Germany! For the extreme increase in electricity prices, the instability of the entire power grid and the destruction of the ecology in the process. 👏
Studid nonsense! All life cycle assessments show that wind and solar power plants are by far the least environmentally damaging type of electricity generation.
Incidentally, over 98% of wind power plants worldwide have been in operation outside Germany in the last 5 years. And so it is also explainable that e.g. DK, UK, LIT, IR, ESP have a higher wind power share than Germany (1st HY 2023: 29%).
Вот они заморочились.... У нас бы за такое же время вертолетом 5 рейсов сделали=) И в 2 раза дешевле бы обошлось=)
А обязательно во всё горло глупость аннонсировать?
Почему глупость? Это же не железный химреактор весом сотни тонн... Это стеклопластик скорее всего.
@@stsbmu7169 Вес лопасти погуглите. Умный Вы наш.
Вам из Воронежа виднее, как европейцы работают с техникой.
Make agint
Mann haben die einen stehen 🤣
Making/Moving one probably took more fossil fuels than energy it will create in it's lifetime
Yeah, no, it probably only took a few hours to move it, how much diesel do you imagine it used up travelling at that slow pace? Meanwhile, a typical wind turbine can create 4000 horsepower or 3 megawatts at maximum. Even on a slow wind day, you're going to be getting more than enough to power a truck travelling at normal speeds. You're like 300,000% wrong, if not a million per cent.