10:14 well, in the lore text below, it said that they (despite the name) are actually lobster hybrid and not crab hybrid. And after doing a very quick google debunking (+1% for you who get that reference) lobster is aquatics, so yeah
i've been doing a full tour of r'lyeh. for my MA game i got a visitor from my gate and made it a prophet. having a teleporting prophet mad claiming thrones a breeze, you can slap a couple vastnesses on him and just have him join throne fights from wherever he happens to be.
When doing a first born shroud bless consider this: Go nature for recuperation to enable safe mind hunting. Then for cross paths go fire and water to have at least one guy who can build rune smashers without shenanigans. Finally, depending on scales and imprisonment, try to fit in astral 6 so you can E A S I L Y boost to astral 9 for wish casting. Though it's rare for your games to go long enough to set up a wish engine. The AI also don't either craft much or cast any rituals so arcane nexus doesn't really do much to help you set up a wish engine either.
You missed a lot of potential spawns from the void gate. The vastness especially is a game changer. Give them a gift of reason you have free mal wide teleportation with high astral and impressive kit just give them a few pearls. I found to get at least 2 per game when I continuesly protected my summoner as the summoning skill changes what you can get
@ you are completely right It would be such fun to create void gates (which seem to be wounds in the fabric of reality!) It would make a lot of the lower level spawns more impactful simply because one would have more of them
Work is still crazy but hope maybe I can catch this one. I have a MA R'lyeh game that turned into a grind against asphodel. I shelved it before xmas. Hope to get some tips to finish it
Just a heads up if you go magic scales and ether gate, you will horror mark your mages since it increases magic scales. I have gotten basically my entire capital killed off because I forgot about it and boosted myself up to magic 5.
@@BabelBuilder My kind of feature, very dominions lol. Mostly just be aware if you take a void lurker like I did, he just kept getting assassinated by horrors.
@@BabelBuilder Nah I forget about them the moment the faction roster screen closes, I'd never want to use them so their memory exits my mind until the next time. Just tossing out a correction and the anecdote that they were the bad half of learning what makes a good unit good when compared to say the meteorite guard.
Using a random map, without manipulating the number or position of water tiles, I really regretted prioritizing coastal forts. I did have a ton of hybrids for blasting (a ton), but since I played scales, I sorely missed having enough water forts to churn out my meteorite guards. I love those little guys. I also like having cheeky assassins that perma paralyze, with some sort of retinue via Construction, especially the water elemental bottle at 7. Get that turn one Mind Blast and wait till the inevitable demise.
Thanks learnt a lot - but does luck have any impact on void summon? Could also go same pretender with 3W (+item) to allow safety valve of streams from hades Water gems to death/Water and make sure of death economy (& maybe n1 Niads). My alternate was my standard water nation Old man dormant with same astral blesses + research rush + earlier death economy+ gifts from heaven etc for land throne/AI combat.
I have won a single multiplayer game. One. Dozens have I been in, only once have I emerged victorious - or even been close. It was with MA R'lyeh. Strong units, amazing magic. This should be a cakewalk for you. I'm expecting the game to be won in under an hour. Totally not cursing you. 😉
@@BabelBuilder I can't say that I had a strategy, I just got lucky. Here's how I remember it: I was the only underwater nation, so I felt very comfortable taking an Imprisoned Monolith. For a bless, I took Recouperation and Arcane Finesse. The rest went into scales and dominion. I don't remember the exact numbers, but Great Scales -> More Meteorite Guards and Mages. For initial expansion I mostly relied on Illithids, Lobo Guards, and Shambler Thralls. The Lobos are cheap and great chaff, the Shamblers trample, and the Illithids paralyze everything. Very Important: The Lobos and Shamblers will never rout. They will hold that line until the end of time. Once the cap circle is mostly clear and I had more Production I shifted to Meteorite Guards with Lobos as needed. People seem to underestimate the Lobos and Shamblers but they're really quite good. Early game was conquer the ocean and establish myself in one land area. I was extremely lucky; I had a L3 throne near my capital with a site that horror marked the units in the province. So over time the horrors cleared it out for me! FREE L3 THRONE (which I didn't claim - I didn't want anyone to know). I grabbed another 2 L1 thrones in my land area in the North and made peace with the neighbors on that side so I didn't have to worry about it (they were fighting each other and didn't want more trouble). This let me focus on expanding on the other side of the water, to the South. Cool. Nidavangr then picked a war with me down there on my South-East. This was very nasty and his sacreds were kicking my ass since I didn't have enough research to counter his hellbless - and they just kept getting back up. It was hell. But I had mobility. I couldn't fight him head on but maybe I could just annoy the hell out of him... So I did. His capital was right on the coast; so was another one of his forts with a throne. His forces were mostly in a single large army. A large army (mostly Lobos, they're cheap) stepped onto his capital. His big army moved that way to save it. When he got close I retreated back into the ocean - and had another army land on his forted throne. So his army turned around and went back that way. Then we played a game of "Follow That Squid!" as I carved a path through his territory only to escape back into the water again. He must have been swearing his ass off. This is why people hate underwater nations. This is why I love playing them. :D If he had split his army into two or three this wouldn't have worked as well but he never did. My goal here was to annoy him into peace but I think I pissed him off SO MUCH that it just turned into a blood feud. Eventually someone else came through to attack him and he was forced to leave me alone. Fine with me; that area only had a single throne and the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. So I withdrew and let mommy and daddy fight. I got into a war with someone else along the way on the other side in the South. I can't remember who it was. There was some back and forth here. Sometimes he'd land on a fort and I'd push him right off. My armies here were mostly Slave Mages (Water Elementals, Falling Frost) and Star Children + Meteorite Guards + Lobos chaff. My star children squads initially focused on Mind Burn, then later communioned / buffed up to Soul Slay, and then when I had a larger number of mages, I used Stellar Cascade spam to great effect a few times. An unconscious enemy doesn't fight back. I'd mix in some Starspawn for Enslave Mind sometimes, not sure how much it really helped. Sadly I didn't have enough to make a great push back and win the war, so we kept trading blows. In the meantime, I got myself a Bishop Fish and had him hang out near the L3 throne and I got scouts onto all of the other thrones and they just sat there, watching, while I tried to figure something out. I prophetized a Starspawn since my initial prophet died. And then, quite honestly, things just kind of fell into my lap. Someone cleared a L3 throne that I was watching but his army was destroyed in the process. I thugged out my Prophet Starspawn and teleported him onto that throne and hoped for the best. The same turn I teleported my Monolith onto an unclaimed L2 throne and moved the Bishop Fish onto the L3 throne. Everything went in my favor. Next turn I claimed all 3 thrones and had enough points to win. Ta-da! This is how a terrible player wins games I guess. Deception and riding the wave of someone else's success. Other things of note: I always had someone summoning at the Gate. This game I didn't really get anything good out of it; I was hoping for a Vastness, but no such luck. Sea Trolls are a great summon. I don't think I used the Slave troops except for cheap fort defense. The hybrids are interesting but if I want chaff, I have lobos. If I want fort defense, I have slaves. If I want to actually kill something, I have meteorite guards and trolls. Something I've considered but haven't tried is getting Blood on the Pretender. Already have lots of astral; If you can get a small blood economy going then you could get horrors into the mix, but I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble. It takes a while for one guy to blood hunt enough to do anything meaningful, it takes research away from other paths you Really Need, and those turns can be spent making Coins or Hammers or whatever. So... Something that could be fun in SP but in MP it's a really hard sell. This post written in Notepad because I learned my lesson from last time.
I think you meant to say: "That's how good players win games." Slowly, gaining points, is just slowly gaining enemies. They can't all declare war if you have already won! ;)
you can get some pretty neat thing from the gate including uttervast (call Vastness, not commander, 4 mind blast each). I once receive 2 of that. personnally I prefer illithid soldier. just illithid usually died in mass to flier or accidental flank. they are to fragile and illithid soldier can become a deathball. shambler seam more cost effective for the early game. result may vary, never get in battle with only illithid. currently testing what you get from the gate and what could influence it. test1 :10 astral and summoner 5 pretender, in 11 turn, i got 2 formless spawn, 2 greater otherness, 1 thing that should not be (1 claw, 4 life drain, 23 dommage each, size 8) and 1 vastness. I got attack once by 2 immobile tree thing. turn 11, i got vastness. turn 12, i got another vastness. after that, i got a visitor (big horror), survive and died to a greater otherness at turn 17. damn you trampler. I stuck for the divine name meme. Vatness give you a astral 3 inate spellcaster 1 and 260 magic leadership. every other free spawn doesn't give you a mage. sad. test2: astral 4, summoner 5 pretender with 3 magic and 2 luck. 14 turn before dead by greater otherness. I am starting to think i should equip a 2 hand weapons to deal with those. total free spawn : 4 elder thing (mobile, with mind blast and paralizing explosion on death.), 3 thing from the void (worthless) and 6 thing from beyound (immobile mind blast) Overall, worst than astral 10. Does the event repeat themself? test3: 10 astral and summoner 5 pretender again: turn 6: 5 greater otherness and 1 thing that should not be. turn 8: a visitor. air 1, astral 4, 265 magic leadership commander with teleport and 2 mind blast. turn 9: 1 greater otherness. turn 10 kill by greater otherness. notable thing: my pretender got summoner 11 and insane 3 at that point. I didn't notice/check on the other test. conclusion: the gate is a gacha game that suck money and give nothing in return except if you invest massively in astral. 10/10, will bet again for a awesome thing with no real application. edit: more test test 4: what if domminion affect the result? dom 10, astral 10 summoner 5 pretender (turmoil, sloth, dead scale at 2). result : 4 formless spawn. died turn 7. greater otherness. test5: what if all the scale? dom 9, order, prod, growth, luck at 2, magic 2 (imprison pretender). turn 3, 4 astral starspawn recruit for gate duty (no summoner skill, I think astral is better). result: turn 7 died by 3 thing from the void. gain: 2 thing from the void before ded. let recruit a starspawn again (2 astral, summoner 3 this time). begin turn 9. unrelated: turn 11, ululai the ichtyid lord join with 50 ichtyid warrior and 44 ichtytaur (minotaur from the sea). turn 15 ded (greater otherness). result : 5 formless spawn. conclusion. not worth it. scale doesn't seam to affect result. summoner and astral seam to influence (i guess 1 astral= 1 summoner). test 6: what if astral 10 + magic/luck? astral 10, summoner 5 pretender with sloth, prod, death 1, cold 2, luck 2, magic 3. candle 3. turn 4, it live!!!!. 1 greater otherness bodyguard beat 2 formless spawn during assasination attempt. turn 6, thing from beyond attack. turn 10, vastness summon. turn 11, vastness again (coincidence? I think not!!). turn 14. God become stupid by summoning 2 greater otherness (loss all magic). it can no longer use the gate so he dead to me. test 7: what if all magic? 4 in all magic (except blood), 5 astral, crab pretender. scale -2 except luck and magic (0, just in case): result: turn 4 ded by thing that should not be. 4 vile thing summoned. let run test again. turn 5 : 2 lesser otherness and 2 vile thing summoned before being loss in time and space. turn 6 ded by soulstorn dimension overload (stat divide by 2) and insanity 25 on crab god. oups. will try again with firtsborn (summoner 5, astral 5, other magic 4). result: turn 13 ded by vastness (yeah, not greater otherness). 8 greater otherness, 1 thing that should not be, 2 otherness and 2 thing from beyound summoned. final stat of god before killed: summoner 11 and no insanity. test 8: astral 5 + summoner 5 = astral 10, summoner 5? turn 4 dead by just a otherness :( try again. turn 2 ded by 4 greater otherness. try again. turn 17, no assasination attemp. 10 greater otherness, 1 visitor (same as above) and 2 dweller in the deep (aquatic mind blast). finaly died to greater otherness at turn 25 with 14 greater otherness summoned. test 9: astral 10 with void sanity bu no summoner. yellow king. turn 18: 1 vastness, 6 lesser otherness, 4 thing from the void, 4 formless spawn, 1 elder thing, 1 otherness. turn 18: add 1 greater otherness. turn 22 assasination attemp. add 1 thing that should not be. turn 25 visitor. turn 26 vastness again. died turn 27 to thing that should not be. final result: not a lot of great thing. 2 vastness and 1 visitor. test 10: astral 10 with no summoner or void sanity: turn 3, 3 formless spawn and 35 insanity. turn 7, 5 elder thing. loss to time and space. turn 19: he is back. with a assasination attemp by 1 lesser otherness. he is ded. insanity 82 :) conclusion: to use void gate, you need astral magic, summoner and void sanity. the higher the astral magic, the better result. bonus 11 test: astral 10 summoner 5 pretender. again. turn 4 vastness try to kill me. pretender live. (they fought in glorious melee). turn 18, 2 vastness and 1 visitor recruited. turn 22, died to 1 greater otherness. 2 greater otherness recruited and 1 thing that should not be was summoned before. nothing more. I Think illwinter should buff the rate and number of summoned thing. In not memy situation, I would never use the void gate saddly. slave mage died before summoning anything worth it by my experience, so only starspawn and the pretender have a chance to live to summon 1-2 vastness before dying to a greater otherness in less than 20 turn. Greater otherness is good, but you already have a size 4 trampler that cheap and mindless. vastness 4 mind blast is great, but you have illithid in vast quantity. Divine name just give a astral 3 vastness. Visitor is unique. more like a special astral 4 hero i guess. no other free spawn give a utility that cannot be mass recruited with your national troops.
I am planting on playing LA R'leyh next without the Dom kill. This via a Disciple setup. So this is great information for that since LA R'leyh is at core the same as MA R'leyh! The dom kill being the only thing that sets them apart. (The last major game I played was LA R'leyh with dom kill and did go pretty well... But also becomes a bit of a hassle with how free spawn works. If only I could sacrifice my free spawn to the Elder Gods... (would that be me?))
@@BabelBuilder Could fit very well with their theme too. Could be a way to empowering gate summoning, I think. Since you are so limited in how much you get from the gate. (And there tend to be a burn rate on the summoners as well.)
The illithid soldier sounds like he is an elite archer/bodyguard lite, maybe you keep a group or two of these arround your mages and communions Although the best part of r'lyeh is the crazy gacha game to see what crazy crime against sanity abomination you summon from the gate
It's really easy to get high(ish) earth to cast buff spells. Bring a slave mage(or illithid) with random earth one. Cast Power of the spheres, earth power then you can do legion of steel for 2 earth gems. If you want more give him boots(if slave mage and on land) or have him enter a communion. Having nice earth on pretender is nice thou. No need to wait for that elusive earth 2 random illithid and can craft dwarven hammers.
17:37 they can be useful when used as bodyguards in the void summoning Though with all of the troops i would say just go meteorite guard and some illitihds but honestly in the mid game they can be underwhelming and they are basically as expensive as the hybrid commander and you can tell them to fire rear and snipe mages. So a huge amount of land fords can be great for star child and hybrid commander production 23:50 really? I Found it to be enough troops to use them. Especially when you get the visitor or the vastnesses which basically kill everything (and are also a reason to take nature on your god )
@@BabelBuilderalso I disagree with your prophet pick use the scout The illithids already has something to do and bishop fish’s are enough to make sure that we don’t need the prophet to be mobile and a hidden prophet allows at first to help expansion. Then to allows your dominion to go on land by preaching hiddenly
11:54 "the soldiers and lord are equipped with plate cuirass" equipped with plate cuirass, soldiers and lord. *look at this unit armor. Has none, defense and attack low. Low morals* ...we literally take our civilian population and send them to battle with little to no armor or weapon 😭
@Babel Builder Alright boss. You messed up the tags on this video. I KNOW im not a member and yet i can see this vid before the Bandar Log one. Might wanna fix that. Feel free to delete this post after you see it.
Delete this? No, @AAX11111 you were chosen by the stars to see this! Enjoy the super private screening! IDK how you were able to see this, since it should have been unlisted while processing, but its fine lol. You should totally watch it again when it releases.
Also i am once again asking Babel to reorganize the playlist. Specifically can you put the EA Oceania and EA Teirlist at the end ond the EA vids plz? To satisfry muh autism? 😢
10:14 well, in the lore text below, it said that they (despite the name) are actually lobster hybrid and not crab hybrid. And after doing a very quick google debunking (+1% for you who get that reference) lobster is aquatics, so yeah
Thanks for the 1%!
@marcrohden8300 1!
Man you're going to drive ME googledebunkers.
Why Illwinter, why?!
i've been doing a full tour of r'lyeh. for my MA game i got a visitor from my gate and made it a prophet. having a teleporting prophet mad claiming thrones a breeze, you can slap a couple vastnesses on him and just have him join throne fights from wherever he happens to be.
Nice! I love stuff like that in Dominions.
Great content! Thank you
My pleasure!
When doing a first born shroud bless consider this: Go nature for recuperation to enable safe mind hunting. Then for cross paths go fire and water to have at least one guy who can build rune smashers without shenanigans. Finally, depending on scales and imprisonment, try to fit in astral 6 so you can E A S I L Y boost to astral 9 for wish casting. Though it's rare for your games to go long enough to set up a wish engine. The AI also don't either craft much or cast any rituals so arcane nexus doesn't really do much to help you set up a wish engine either.
Ooo, I didn't even consider rune smashers!
You missed a lot of potential spawns from the void gate. The vastness especially is a game changer. Give them a gift of reason you have free mal wide teleportation with high astral and impressive kit just give them a few pearls. I found to get at least 2 per game when I continuesly protected my summoner as the summoning skill changes what you can get
I wish it was not restricted to cap only! Kinda like cutis and the sacred serpents.
@ you are completely right
It would be such fun to create void gates (which seem to be wounds in the fabric of reality!)
It would make a lot of the lower level spawns more impactful simply because one would have more of them
Work is still crazy but hope maybe I can catch this one. I have a MA R'lyeh game that turned into a grind against asphodel. I shelved it before xmas. Hope to get some tips to finish it
We had a game that was saved by an Asphodel - Rlyeh war.
Just a heads up if you go magic scales and ether gate, you will horror mark your mages since it increases magic scales. I have gotten basically my entire capital killed off because I forgot about it and boosted myself up to magic 5.
That is a feature, not a bug. 🫠
@@BabelBuilder My kind of feature, very dominions lol.
Mostly just be aware if you take a void lurker like I did, he just kept getting assassinated by horrors.
Lol that is indeed very Dominions.
I was unaware of this. Thank you for sharing it.
Crab hybrids aren't new, figuring out they were bad was something I distinctly remember learning when I entered the series in dom4
So bad I forgot them then?
@@BabelBuilder Nah I forget about them the moment the faction roster screen closes, I'd never want to use them so their memory exits my mind until the next time. Just tossing out a correction and the anecdote that they were the bad half of learning what makes a good unit good when compared to say the meteorite guard.
9:25 elephants could ONLY wish for that high of a morals lmao
I don't think the wish spell will let you add morale to elephants. :(
Using a random map, without manipulating the number or position of water tiles, I really regretted prioritizing coastal forts. I did have a ton of hybrids for blasting (a ton), but since I played scales, I sorely missed having enough water forts to churn out my meteorite guards. I love those little guys.
I also like having cheeky assassins that perma paralyze, with some sort of retinue via Construction, especially the water elemental bottle at 7. Get that turn one Mind Blast and wait till the inevitable demise.
The random map gen doesn't do water well.
Thanks learnt a lot - but does luck have any impact on void summon? Could also go same pretender with 3W (+item) to allow safety valve of streams from hades Water gems to death/Water and make sure of death economy (& maybe n1 Niads). My alternate was my standard water nation Old man dormant with same astral blesses + research rush + earlier death economy+ gifts from heaven etc for land throne/AI combat.
That's a good question about luck scales. I don't know, but that would be nice if it did.
I have won a single multiplayer game. One. Dozens have I been in, only once have I emerged victorious - or even been close. It was with MA R'lyeh. Strong units, amazing magic. This should be a cakewalk for you. I'm expecting the game to be won in under an hour.
Totally not cursing you. 😉
What was your winning strategy?
@@BabelBuilder I can't say that I had a strategy, I just got lucky. Here's how I remember it:
I was the only underwater nation, so I felt very comfortable taking an Imprisoned Monolith. For a bless, I took Recouperation and Arcane Finesse. The rest went into scales and dominion. I don't remember the exact numbers, but Great Scales -> More Meteorite Guards and Mages.
For initial expansion I mostly relied on Illithids, Lobo Guards, and Shambler Thralls. The Lobos are cheap and great chaff, the Shamblers trample, and the Illithids paralyze everything. Very Important: The Lobos and Shamblers will never rout. They will hold that line until the end of time.
Once the cap circle is mostly clear and I had more Production I shifted to Meteorite Guards with Lobos as needed. People seem to underestimate the Lobos and Shamblers but they're really quite good.
Early game was conquer the ocean and establish myself in one land area. I was extremely lucky; I had a L3 throne near my capital with a site that horror marked the units in the province. So over time the horrors cleared it out for me! FREE L3 THRONE (which I didn't claim - I didn't want anyone to know).
I grabbed another 2 L1 thrones in my land area in the North and made peace with the neighbors on that side so I didn't have to worry about it (they were fighting each other and didn't want more trouble). This let me focus on expanding on the other side of the water, to the South. Cool.
Nidavangr then picked a war with me down there on my South-East. This was very nasty and his sacreds were kicking my ass since I didn't have enough research to counter his hellbless - and they just kept getting back up. It was hell. But I had mobility. I couldn't fight him head on but maybe I could just annoy the hell out of him...
So I did. His capital was right on the coast; so was another one of his forts with a throne. His forces were mostly in a single large army. A large army (mostly Lobos, they're cheap) stepped onto his capital. His big army moved that way to save it. When he got close I retreated back into the ocean - and had another army land on his forted throne. So his army turned around and went back that way. Then we played a game of "Follow That Squid!" as I carved a path through his territory only to escape back into the water again.
He must have been swearing his ass off. This is why people hate underwater nations. This is why I love playing them. :D
If he had split his army into two or three this wouldn't have worked as well but he never did. My goal here was to annoy him into peace but I think I pissed him off SO MUCH that it just turned into a blood feud. Eventually someone else came through to attack him and he was forced to leave me alone. Fine with me; that area only had a single throne and the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. So I withdrew and let mommy and daddy fight.
I got into a war with someone else along the way on the other side in the South. I can't remember who it was. There was some back and forth here. Sometimes he'd land on a fort and I'd push him right off. My armies here were mostly Slave Mages (Water Elementals, Falling Frost) and Star Children + Meteorite Guards + Lobos chaff. My star children squads initially focused on Mind Burn, then later communioned / buffed up to Soul Slay, and then when I had a larger number of mages, I used Stellar Cascade spam to great effect a few times. An unconscious enemy doesn't fight back. I'd mix in some Starspawn for Enslave Mind sometimes, not sure how much it really helped.
Sadly I didn't have enough to make a great push back and win the war, so we kept trading blows.
In the meantime, I got myself a Bishop Fish and had him hang out near the L3 throne and I got scouts onto all of the other thrones and they just sat there, watching, while I tried to figure something out. I prophetized a Starspawn since my initial prophet died. And then, quite honestly, things just kind of fell into my lap. Someone cleared a L3 throne that I was watching but his army was destroyed in the process. I thugged out my Prophet Starspawn and teleported him onto that throne and hoped for the best. The same turn I teleported my Monolith onto an unclaimed L2 throne and moved the Bishop Fish onto the L3 throne.
Everything went in my favor. Next turn I claimed all 3 thrones and had enough points to win. Ta-da! This is how a terrible player wins games I guess. Deception and riding the wave of someone else's success.
Other things of note: I always had someone summoning at the Gate. This game I didn't really get anything good out of it; I was hoping for a Vastness, but no such luck. Sea Trolls are a great summon. I don't think I used the Slave troops except for cheap fort defense. The hybrids are interesting but if I want chaff, I have lobos. If I want fort defense, I have slaves. If I want to actually kill something, I have meteorite guards and trolls.
Something I've considered but haven't tried is getting Blood on the Pretender. Already have lots of astral; If you can get a small blood economy going then you could get horrors into the mix, but I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble. It takes a while for one guy to blood hunt enough to do anything meaningful, it takes research away from other paths you Really Need, and those turns can be spent making Coins or Hammers or whatever. So... Something that could be fun in SP but in MP it's a really hard sell.
This post written in Notepad because I learned my lesson from last time.
I think you meant to say: "That's how good players win games." Slowly, gaining points, is just slowly gaining enemies. They can't all declare war if you have already won! ;)
you can get some pretty neat thing from the gate including uttervast (call Vastness, not commander, 4 mind blast each). I once receive 2 of that.
personnally I prefer illithid soldier. just illithid usually died in mass to flier or accidental flank. they are to fragile and illithid soldier can become a deathball. shambler seam more cost effective for the early game. result may vary, never get in battle with only illithid.
currently testing what you get from the gate and what could influence it.
test1 :10 astral and summoner 5 pretender, in 11 turn, i got 2 formless spawn, 2 greater otherness, 1 thing that should not be (1 claw, 4 life drain, 23 dommage each, size 8) and 1 vastness. I got attack once by 2 immobile tree thing. turn 11, i got vastness. turn 12, i got another vastness. after that, i got a visitor (big horror), survive and died to a greater otherness at turn 17. damn you trampler.
I stuck for the divine name meme. Vatness give you a astral 3 inate spellcaster 1 and 260 magic leadership. every other free spawn doesn't give you a mage. sad.
test2: astral 4, summoner 5 pretender with 3 magic and 2 luck. 14 turn before dead by greater otherness. I am starting to think i should equip a 2 hand weapons to deal with those. total free spawn : 4 elder thing (mobile, with mind blast and paralizing explosion on death.), 3 thing from the void (worthless) and 6 thing from beyound (immobile mind blast) Overall, worst than astral 10. Does the event repeat themself?
test3: 10 astral and summoner 5 pretender again: turn 6: 5 greater otherness and 1 thing that should not be. turn 8: a visitor. air 1, astral 4, 265 magic leadership commander with teleport and 2 mind blast. turn 9: 1 greater otherness. turn 10 kill by greater otherness. notable thing: my pretender got summoner 11 and insane 3 at that point. I didn't notice/check on the other test.
conclusion: the gate is a gacha game that suck money and give nothing in return except if you invest massively in astral. 10/10, will bet again for a awesome thing with no real application.
edit: more test
test 4: what if domminion affect the result? dom 10, astral 10 summoner 5 pretender (turmoil, sloth, dead scale at 2). result : 4 formless spawn. died turn 7. greater otherness.
test5: what if all the scale? dom 9, order, prod, growth, luck at 2, magic 2 (imprison pretender). turn 3, 4 astral starspawn recruit for gate duty (no summoner skill, I think astral is better). result: turn 7 died by 3 thing from the void. gain: 2 thing from the void before ded. let recruit a starspawn again (2 astral, summoner 3 this time). begin turn 9. unrelated: turn 11, ululai the ichtyid lord join with 50 ichtyid warrior and 44 ichtytaur (minotaur from the sea). turn 15 ded (greater otherness). result : 5 formless spawn. conclusion. not worth it. scale doesn't seam to affect result. summoner and astral seam to influence (i guess 1 astral= 1 summoner).
test 6: what if astral 10 + magic/luck? astral 10, summoner 5 pretender with sloth, prod, death 1, cold 2, luck 2, magic 3. candle 3. turn 4, it live!!!!. 1 greater otherness bodyguard beat 2 formless spawn during assasination attempt. turn 6, thing from beyond attack. turn 10, vastness summon. turn 11, vastness again (coincidence? I think not!!). turn 14. God become stupid by summoning 2 greater otherness (loss all magic). it can no longer use the gate so he dead to me.
test 7: what if all magic? 4 in all magic (except blood), 5 astral, crab pretender. scale -2 except luck and magic (0, just in case): result: turn 4 ded by thing that should not be. 4 vile thing summoned. let run test again. turn 5 : 2 lesser otherness and 2 vile thing summoned before being loss in time and space. turn 6 ded by soulstorn dimension overload (stat divide by 2) and insanity 25 on crab god. oups. will try again with firtsborn (summoner 5, astral 5, other magic 4). result: turn 13 ded by vastness (yeah, not greater otherness). 8 greater otherness, 1 thing that should not be, 2 otherness and 2 thing from beyound summoned. final stat of god before killed: summoner 11 and no insanity.
test 8: astral 5 + summoner 5 = astral 10, summoner 5? turn 4 dead by just a otherness :( try again. turn 2 ded by 4 greater otherness. try again. turn 17, no assasination attemp. 10 greater otherness, 1 visitor (same as above) and 2 dweller in the deep (aquatic mind blast). finaly died to greater otherness at turn 25 with 14 greater otherness summoned.
test 9: astral 10 with void sanity bu no summoner. yellow king. turn 18: 1 vastness, 6 lesser otherness, 4 thing from the void, 4 formless spawn, 1 elder thing, 1 otherness. turn 18: add 1 greater otherness. turn 22 assasination attemp. add 1 thing that should not be. turn 25 visitor. turn 26 vastness again. died turn 27 to thing that should not be. final result: not a lot of great thing. 2 vastness and 1 visitor.
test 10: astral 10 with no summoner or void sanity: turn 3, 3 formless spawn and 35 insanity. turn 7, 5 elder thing. loss to time and space. turn 19: he is back. with a assasination attemp by 1 lesser otherness. he is ded. insanity 82 :)
conclusion: to use void gate, you need astral magic, summoner and void sanity. the higher the astral magic, the better result.
bonus 11 test: astral 10 summoner 5 pretender. again. turn 4 vastness try to kill me. pretender live. (they fought in glorious melee). turn 18, 2 vastness and 1 visitor recruited. turn 22, died to 1 greater otherness. 2 greater otherness recruited and 1 thing that should not be was summoned before. nothing more.
I Think illwinter should buff the rate and number of summoned thing. In not memy situation, I would never use the void gate saddly. slave mage died before summoning anything worth it by my experience, so only starspawn and the pretender have a chance to live to summon 1-2 vastness before dying to a greater otherness in less than 20 turn. Greater otherness is good, but you already have a size 4 trampler that cheap and mindless. vastness 4 mind blast is great, but you have illithid in vast quantity. Divine name just give a astral 3 vastness. Visitor is unique. more like a special astral 4 hero i guess. no other free spawn give a utility that cannot be mass recruited with your national troops.
I didn't mention uttervast!
My utter and vast failure. :(
I am planting on playing LA R'leyh next without the Dom kill. This via a Disciple setup. So this is great information for that since LA R'leyh is at core the same as MA R'leyh! The dom kill being the only thing that sets them apart. (The last major game I played was LA R'leyh with dom kill and did go pretty well... But also becomes a bit of a hassle with how free spawn works. If only I could sacrifice my free spawn to the Elder Gods... (would that be me?))
A lot of free spawn nations would really like to be able to do that.
@@BabelBuilder Could fit very well with their theme too. Could be a way to empowering gate summoning, I think. Since you are so limited in how much you get from the gate. (And there tend to be a burn rate on the summoners as well.)
The illithid soldier sounds like he is an elite archer/bodyguard lite, maybe you keep a group or two of these arround your mages and communions
Although the best part of r'lyeh is the crazy gacha game to see what crazy crime against sanity abomination you summon from the gate
Did somebody say gacha? >.>
It's really easy to get high(ish) earth to cast buff spells. Bring a slave mage(or illithid) with random earth one. Cast Power of the spheres, earth power then you can do legion of steel for 2 earth gems. If you want more give him boots(if slave mage and on land) or have him enter a communion. Having nice earth on pretender is nice thou. No need to wait for that elusive earth 2 random illithid and can craft dwarven hammers.
Those protection buffs are really nice on out units.
Prety shure only use crab hybrids have is to crack open forts as they have better stats than shambler thrals.
I am always so leery of getting too many aquatic only troops. >.>
17:37 they can be useful when used as bodyguards in the void summoning
Though with all of the troops i would say just go meteorite guard and some illitihds but honestly in the mid game they can be underwhelming and they are basically as expensive as the hybrid commander and you can tell them to fire rear and snipe mages.
So a huge amount of land fords can be great for star child and hybrid commander production
23:50 really? I Found it to be enough troops to use them. Especially when you get the visitor or the vastnesses which basically kill everything (and are also a reason to take nature on your god )
Oooo I totally skipped commanders and fire rear. Good reminder. 👍
33:56 also with a simple communion doing banishment spams and Devine blesses
@@BabelBuilderalso I disagree with your prophet pick use the scout
The illithids already has something to do and bishop fish’s are enough to make sure that we don’t need the prophet to be mobile and a hidden prophet allows at first to help expansion. Then to allows your dominion to go on land by preaching hiddenly
Check out the stream re: scout prophet. ;)
@ when I find the time i will though it seems to be a shorter one
Well with how good the nation is not a huge surprise!
Go silent and when the squidies come too close, use the EMP.... Name the movie.
I am not sure an emp will do it here!
I do hope youll be naming the god "Ziggy"
Think we have enough stardust left for that?
11:54 "the soldiers and lord are equipped with plate cuirass"
equipped with plate cuirass, soldiers and lord. *look at this unit armor. Has none, defense and attack low. Low morals* ...we literally take our civilian population and send them to battle with little to no armor or weapon 😭
Please, refer to them as fodder,
@Babel Builder Alright boss. You messed up the tags on this video. I KNOW im not a member and yet i can see this vid before the Bandar Log one. Might wanna fix that. Feel free to delete this post after you see it.
Delete this? No, @AAX11111 you were chosen by the stars to see this! Enjoy the super private screening!
IDK how you were able to see this, since it should have been unlisted while processing, but its fine lol. You should totally watch it again when it releases.
Thats the wierd thing. It WAS unlisted. Like it said unlisted and everything on the vid description.
Also i am once again asking Babel to reorganize the playlist. Specifically can you put the EA Oceania and EA Teirlist at the end ond the EA vids plz? To satisfry muh autism? 😢
Get soul drain oj your pretender and watch he wipes
Camelback, filled with souls for sippin'.
20:04 i Found that joke to be a bit in poor taste… just a general thing
Noted. Thanks for the feedback.