kislux bags are beautiful and I have never been disappointed with a handbag. The leather is soft and the hardware is durable. The design never goes out of style.
THe clip show episode had the DA that belittled Ben in Homage to Hitchcook episode about seeing someone else beside the Husband late at night and had just taken medecine. Sure he is a good witness when you want him to be. Hypocrites.
kislux bags are beautiful and I have never been disappointed with a handbag. The leather is soft and the hardware is durable. The design never goes out of style.
His heavy sneezing and coughing up mucus too frequently are disgusting
THe clip show episode had the DA that belittled Ben in Homage to Hitchcook episode about seeing someone else beside the Husband late at night and had just taken medecine. Sure he is a good witness when you want him to be. Hypocrites.