Funny you should mention closing and getting locked inside... About 20 years ago my Scout Troop and I did an overnight. (Loved it BTW!) Anyway me and my Father decided to go look around Lionfish. We were in the Control Room when the lights just cur out! Thankfully we were both wearing light up watches and that was just enough light to get forward to the Torpedo Room just before the guy was about to lock the door. The 1MC was working, but nobody announced the sub was closing. I just remember that this was shortly after the Kusrk sank and thinking how scarry being trapped in a sub can be.
very nice :)
Funny you should mention closing and getting locked inside... About 20 years ago my Scout Troop and I did an overnight. (Loved it BTW!) Anyway me and my Father decided to go look around Lionfish. We were in the Control Room when the lights just cur out! Thankfully we were both wearing light up watches and that was just enough light to get forward to the Torpedo Room just before the guy was about to lock the door. The 1MC was working, but nobody announced the sub was closing. I just remember that this was shortly after the Kusrk sank and thinking how scarry being trapped in a sub can be.
No Chtistmas music? ;-)