Wadimu is very very educated Oromo man like Girma wakee. Those two people are real real educated and I gave them a professor. Because those two people are thinking deeply deeply that can brought our people together!! I wish if Ethiopian has 50 millions like those two smart and educated people!!! So there was not existed this horrific events in Ethiopia today every day. Like Killing each other's because of ethinc ideology politics in Ethiopia almost for 30 years. Basically, this Dirty ethnic ideology politics brought by Wayne in 1967 E.C.
I like your explanation! Yes, Juhar Mohammed and Lidatuu have similar behaviors. First of all, those people do not know Their Goals and plan for Ethiopian people. They did not understand what Ethiopian people need. Most Ethiopian people need unity and freedom!! But narrow minded fake politicians trying to divided our people by Oromo, Tigery and Amhara. But the people did not accepted them and that is why they failed over and over For example, ONGE Shanne trying this dirty divided action on our people!! I kiss your leg my Greatest and educated man for you speaking very facts and trying to brings our people together to live peacefully! All those death and horrific events in Ethiopia is came from bad politicians who divided them by language.and others fake hate propaganda that was not true story but those politicians used it as fighting bullets to kill each other's.
እኔ የጅሀር ተቃዋሚ ነኝ ግን እርሰዋ አብይ ሲነካ አካኪ ዘራፍ ይላሉ አማራ ይህን ያህል ሲታረድና ሲገደል በጅምላ ሲቀበር ባልሰማ ባላዩ ....
ሁሌም አሪፍ ትንተና👍
አባታችን እደርሶአይነትመካሪአባቶችንያብዛልን እግዜአብሄርእድሜይስጥል
እድሜዎት ይርዘም❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ጁዋር ለምን ጫካ ይገባል የጫት ጫካ ውስጥ ነው ያለው
ያልተወከሉ ተወካዮች
ድምፃቸውን አታስጩሁላቸው
Wending kedada Abiy kondominiyem new ways market seteh iji iji yemilewun teething Ina wushetihn tew yante were Jawarn minm ayikenisibetim
አቶ ወንድሙ ለእውነት ነት የቆሙ በሳል ሙሁር
የእውነት አምላክ እድሜ ይስጦት
ፍሪንድ በየሚዲያ ጀዋርን ለመስደብ ተሽከረከሩሳ ግን አቶ ወንድሙ መጀመሪያ ማንበብ አይቀድምም???? ከዚያ መተቸት
Wendemu ebissa
Yemota erressa
Yewwah zibazinki ware.
Wadimu is very very educated Oromo man like Girma wakee. Those two people are real real educated and I gave them a professor.
Because those two people are thinking deeply deeply that can brought our people together!! I wish if Ethiopian has 50 millions like those two smart and educated people!!! So there was not existed this horrific events in Ethiopia today every day. Like Killing each other's because of ethinc ideology politics in Ethiopia almost for 30 years.
Basically, this Dirty ethnic ideology politics brought by Wayne in 1967 E.C.
Ye sewiye minewie teqlibelibe edize🤔🤔🤔😂🤣😂wergah shemagle mine yemiselale😂😂😂
I like your explanation! Yes, Juhar Mohammed and Lidatuu have similar behaviors. First of all, those people do not know Their Goals and plan for Ethiopian people. They did not understand what Ethiopian people need. Most Ethiopian people need unity and freedom!! But narrow minded fake politicians trying to divided our people by Oromo, Tigery and Amhara. But the people did not accepted them and that is why they failed over and over
For example, ONGE Shanne trying this dirty divided action on our people!! I kiss your leg my Greatest and educated man for you speaking very facts and trying to brings our people together to live peacefully!
All those death and horrific events in Ethiopia is came from bad politicians who divided them by language.and others fake hate propaganda that was not true story but those politicians used it as fighting bullets to kill each other's.
አይ መጃጃት የ ትልቅ ትንሽ
የጃጀው ቆሞየቀረው ጀዌ ቀዌ
አቦ ተመቹኝ ኡፊ ፈጠሪ ይበርኮት የምለዉ ዬለኝም
የታዲዮስ ታንቱ ወንድም ነው ይሄ ወፍዘራሽ?
ጃዋር ተማርኩ ባይ ደንቆሮ ነው
😂😂😂ለፍላፊው ጃዋር ለውጡን እመራለሁ አብይን አወርዳለሁ የሚለን ቅዠት ነው 😂😂😂ኢትዬን ሀያስረግጡትም ጭራሽ ህነ ደደቡ አብይ😂😂😃አስቂኙ "አልፀፀትም" ብሎ መፅሀፍ ፅፎ አረፈው መከላከያ በለው ሲል ከርሞ😂😂ደደቡ ጃዋር የለፈፈውን አንረሳም ጭራሽ