Best is subjective, there are no objective truths in our universe because it is all based on what we know and discover so it is dependent on our brains which themselves are not perfect so your comment makes no sense.
@@sofamorto “There are no objective truths in our universe” Really? So 2+2 can equal anything? No it always and eternally will equal 4. That is an objective truth. “It is all based on what we know and discover” Yes precisely. The very fact that we CAN know and discover things demonstrates that there are objective truths. If there weren’t objective truths the universe would not be intelligible to us in any way. It would be completely chaotic but that is not what we observe. We observe an intelligible universe with predictable objects, events, and phenomena. “Best is subjective” I would say that “favourite” is subjective but “best” is a little more concrete as it is related to what is highest regarded and most influential. Bach is absolutely the most important and influential composer in history. Multiple polls have been conducted asking performers, conductors, scholars, and composers to rank the classical greats and JS Bach routinely tops those lists. He is thought to be the only composer who’s works - if all were to disappear today - could be completely reconstructed from memory by the players of the world. It is that important to musical pedagogy. No other composer can claim to have been so influential across such a broad variety of music: Well Tempered Clavier Goldberg Variations Cello Suites Brandenburg Concertos Violin Partitas and Sonatas (Chaconne anyone?) Organ Toccata and Fugues The Cantata cycle St Matthew’s Passion Mass in B minor Bach has written the pre-eminent works across a variety of instruments and genres. It is a feat which is not matched by any other composer and likely never will be. I completely understand someone who enjoys other composers more than they enjoy Bach, but the fact remains that Bach is the most highly regarded and accomplished and in that sense he is the “best”.
@Oparah Magnify C. T. I didnt mean to say the truth we know is what we discouver, because even what we discover isnt necessarly the truth, everything could be inside our heads so maybe nothing but our conscious exists and when I say this I mean my conscious because I think therefore I exist. Colour is something we defined based on what we saw. So we are limited by our senses.
@Display Chicken ok logic truths like math, geometry, logic operators etc. isnt rly part of what I meant because those are abstract therms created by us. They dont rly exist in the world. What we observe from the universe is limited by our senses so we dont know if it is the absolute truth (we would need to be god if it even exists). Best needs to be better defined, sure if we divide best in multiple categories defined by us and evaluate them all objectively and we conclude it is rly the best, even then it would be limited to us and our categories, other cultures may have different ways of evaluating music therefore its subjective in nature. Btw I dont even listen to classical music or Bach or whatever, I just saw this comment and decided to create a conversation
Ik ontdekte de NBS bij het begin van de COVID Pandemie, toen over de hele wereld alle koren moesten stoppen met zingen. Dat is toen zo een troost en tijdverdrijf voor me geworden, herkende enkele cantantes die ik in verschillende koren in Nederland en in Spanje waar ik al 43 jaar woont, gezongen hebben. En ben door de NBS Bach's muziek veel beter gaan leren kennen en begrijpen. Zeker door de uitleg die Jos van Veldhoven geeft van iedere compositie die ze uitvoeren. Eigenlijk mis ik Jos erg nu hij niet meer dirigeert, al blijft ik de NBS wel volgen.
Ich bin mit Richter, Hanoncourt und Rilling groß geworden. Jetzt musste ich erst so alt werden um das genießen zu dürfen, was der unglaubliche Herr Van Veldhoven mit der Netherlands Bach Society auf die Beine stellt. Das haut mich um, GROßARTIG. DANKE, DANKE UND NOCHMALS DANKE DAFÜR!
Das ist auch für uns in Sachsen eine grosse Freude, diese wunderbare Interpretationen zu hören. Schade, dass Herr van Veldhoven nun im Hintergrund für uns youtube Freunde verschwunden ist mit neuen Videos.Aber genießen wir die vielen Aufnahmen. Diese Aufführungspraxis gefällt uns bestens.
What an absolutely wondrous performance! The orchestra, the choir and soloists all combine for such an amazing and acoustically clear sound! I am in awe.
I agree!! I'm listening to this during a hard time for me - hoping to recover from heart problems during a pandemic. It soothes my soul to listen to this.
@davidwolters Geen dag zónder Bach Dat is een uitspraak van Vlaamse psychiater Dirk de Wachter die ik volledig onderschrijf. Vooral gedurende de Pandemie was de NBS een troost en tijdverdrijf toen er geen een koor meer mocht zingen
Ich wundere mich jedes Mal über das holländische Publikum, das gelangweilt dort sitzt. Mich hält es kaum auf meinen Sofa, am liebsten würde ich mitmachen. ❤
NBS renditions are just perfect. They are crisp and clear but with enough oomph when the music calls for it. Far and away the best channel on UA-cam. They are doing a service to humanity and that’s not an exaggeration.
Every one of these NBS recordings contains a revelation of nuances that make a world of difference to the interpretation. I have never felt the sensation of graceful movement through open space in Bach that I experience here, especially in the Gloria in Excelsis Deo. The human and instrumental voices do not bunch up in the dense, impenetrable texture that one often gets with Bach. They do their beautiful turns within the soundscape and give way to the next thing and the next after that. The flourishes and the ornaments seem just enough, not overdone or encrusted. The ear is not confused by any of it--not even by the treacherously ornate Sicut Erat in Principio. Why isn't all Bach like this?
Agreed...this is one of Bach's most dense contrapuntal inventions....when you throw in the Orchestra parts, that dont necessarily double the chorus parts then you have a remarkable lesson in counterpoint (that not many can replicate)
„Gloria in Exelsis Deo“: Labsal für die Seele gerade in der gegenwärtigen verwirrten Welt. Welche Freude birgt die Fähigkeit des Lobens, des Preisens, des Dankens. Bei den Wiedergaben der NBS erfährt man sie bei jedem einzelnen Musiker. Danke!
Ik ga het warm water niet uitvinden of zeggen wat reeds werd gezegd, enkel maar de terechte lof aan dirigent, orkest en solisten bevestigen! Nogmaals dank en bravo!
Solche Schönheit ist für mich der beste 'Gottesbeweis' - allem Elend und Leid zum Trotz: in einem All von minus 273 Grad Celsius und zwischen Sternen von Millionen Grad plus lässt sich solche (unsichtbare !) Musik so grandios zu Gehör bringen - auch mehr als 200 Jahre nach ihrer Komposition und dann immer neu wiederholen! Danke allen, die das möglich machen!!!
He spent 50 years perfecting his craft? Smart dude. Mozart was more of a genius. He accomplished almost as much in half the time. Let's put it this way: mozart was more talented. Give mozart 30 mores years and people would've put mozart #1 in everyone's eyes
@@NoskYTB actually mozart probably didn't copy. That's what made mozart more talented. He had a photographic memory as well as a perfect ear. Mozart probably saw it once and remembered it! My point is from a raw talent perspective. Oh he was a math genius too. So was Bach and beethoven.
Wunderbar und so stelle ich mir Musik in der Ewigkeit vor. Nach allem Elend dieser irdischen Welt müsste uns diese Musik empfangen. Tröstlich und stärkend für uns Menschen in dieser kranken Welt.
Watched this again today after a gap of many months. As so often with Bach's cantatas, it is even better than I remembered. All the musicians are at the top of their game. Maria Keohane, as so often, exudes effortless perfection.
I know a lot of performances of this cantata or the equivalent parts of the Mass in h-Moll but this one is so outstanding in its light movements and transparency, I can find no words to express my admiration. Love the NBS. Jos v. Veldhoven, you are the One.
Mit jedem Stück das ich höre wächst meine Begeisterung für Nederlands Bach Society. Prachtige muziek, geweldig ensemble, vooral onder Van Veldhoven! Hartelijk dank!
Buenos días. Muchas gracias por difundir en vuestro canal la maravillosa música bachiana. Siempre con interpretaciones eximias. Saludos desde Santiago de Chile. Dr. Fernando Rivas-Burattini.
UPLIFTING PERFORMANCE - thank you so very much to everyone involved with this superb Bach creation. In my opinion, the NBS is the definitive performer for Bach.
Überwältigende Interpretation! Dank hervorragender Aufnahme-Technik und nicht zu halliger Akustik treten alle entscheidende Aspekte dieser Komposition plastisch hervor: das kammermusikalisch federnd leichte Duett, die in kluger Architektur differenzierten Wechsel zwischen Soli und Tutti, die entsprechende Orchestrierung und ncht zuletzt die bewegenden Stimmen der Sänger und der Instrumente...
Wie ihr Bach interpretiert, ist wirklich einmalig! Höchste Anerknnung für eure Leistung! How you interpret Bach is really unique! Highest recognition for your performance!
Attention ! Chef d'oeuvre... Il ne s'agit pas du Gloria de la Messe en Si de Bach mais de celui de la cantate BWV 191 une des très rares dont le texte est en latin et dont le Gloria est lui même extrait d'une messe brève composée en 1733 en l'honneur de l'électeur de Dresde. Bach reprit cette musique, avec quelques modifications, pour figurer dans sa grande messe en si mineur qui fut une de ses dernières productions. D'ailleurs, le chef note avec malice que l'exécution de cette pièce fut difficile à mettre au point car les musiciens avaient tellement la messe en si en tête qu'ils faisaient des confusions entre les deux œuvres lors des répétitions ! La musique est géniale, au point que nombreux, dont je fais partie, qui considèrent qu'elle est une des preuves de l'existence de Dieu. Mais cette interprétation et l'enregistrement lui-même sont géniaux. La justesse est totale, les flûtes sont célestes tant elles sont aériennes, l'articulation des chanteurs est juste parfaite (surtout celle du ténor). Bref, que du bonheur à écouter en boucle et la démonstration que nos amis hollandais sont au sommet de l'interprétation de la musique baroque. Ceci sans compter le côté un peu fou du projet de la Société Bach Néerlandaise : enregistrer l'intégrale de l'oeuvre de Bach et la mettre en accès libre sur UA-cam. Incroyable, non ?
Merci pour vos explications, quelle culture, heureusement que je suis assis !! J'ai le même sentiment que vous quand j'entends de telles musiques, ça rapproche de Dieu malgré les doutes légitimes sur l'au-delà! Je regrette les messes en latin, j'adore cette langue chantée , c'est magique et cela rajoute au mystère de notre condition humaine dans un univers si immense ...( autant d'étoiles que de grains de sable sur toutes les plages de la planète!!)
Dietrich, look out. Matthias is comin' ta getcha. I like a bit more trumpet at the end, but still nicely balanced. Nobody buried in the score. Crisp and clear, no muddiness. Top to bottom, just brilliant. Glorious. Thank you.
La Netherlands Bach Society nous offre-le mot n'est pas trop fort- une version lumineuse de ce Gloria : intériorité et jubilation mêlées qui sont à la hauteur du génial Bach.
Non credo sia possibile eseguire in modo migliore questa suite , tutto è perfettamente equilibrato, straordinariamente intonato, magistralmente vibrato e interpretato. Il risultato dell'ascolto è di un'apparente semplicità e quasi automatica composizione di note e accordi, solo i violoncellista sanno invece quali impervie difficoltà si nascondano tra le battute di questa suite. Davvero congratulazioni "universali" e grazie per questa esecuzione.
It’s hard to even estimate how many times I’ve watched this clip - 75+ perhaps. Maria’s voice is perfection at 3:00, an absolute pinnacle of human accomplishment.
Gracias NBS por tales interpretaciones sublimes de nuestro gran maestro JS Bach. Cada video subido es como un rayo de sol fresco. Bellas y hermosas interpretaciones!!!
Que execução perfeita!!! Parabéns à Netherlands Bach Society! Fico maravilhado ao assistir cada vídeo e repeti-los sempre que necessário. magnifico e esplendoroso!
Bach é la prova che Dio esiste. L unica cantata in latino. Tema ripreso nella messa in si minore. Musica infinitamente Bella. Patrimonio Dell umanità nei secoli
Caro Giuseppe... Non andiamo in incandescenza ... É solo un uomo.. Sono credente.. E amo la musica... Ma dire così metterebbe tanti ottimi compositori in silenzio.. Lasciamo parlare anche loro.. Sarebbe venerare la banana... E tralasciare l'amore.. Miii è venuto un po' bislacca.. Però.. Piace
0:07 Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Coro)
6:17 Gloria Patri et Filio (Duetto)
10:18 Sicut erat in principio (Coro)
Bwv 42
@@almirribeiroguimaraes2497 r
Thank you for bringing Bach alive to us, and His God who inspired such heavenly music!
If you’re looking for the best channel on UA-cam stop your search because you’ve just found it.
Couldn’t agree more.
Best is subjective, there are no objective truths in our universe because it is all based on what we know and discover so it is dependent on our brains which themselves are not perfect so your comment makes no sense.
@@sofamorto “There are no objective truths in our universe”
Really? So 2+2 can equal anything? No it always and eternally will equal 4. That is an objective truth.
“It is all based on what we know and discover”
Yes precisely. The very fact that we CAN know and discover things demonstrates that there are objective truths. If there weren’t objective truths the universe would not be intelligible to us in any way. It would be completely chaotic but that is not what we observe. We observe an intelligible universe with predictable objects, events, and phenomena.
“Best is subjective”
I would say that “favourite” is subjective but “best” is a little more concrete as it is related to what is highest regarded and most influential.
Bach is absolutely the most important and influential composer in history. Multiple polls have been conducted asking performers, conductors, scholars, and composers to rank the classical greats and JS Bach routinely tops those lists. He is thought to be the only composer who’s works - if all were to disappear today - could be completely reconstructed from memory by the players of the world. It is that important to musical pedagogy.
No other composer can claim to have been so influential across such a broad variety of music:
Well Tempered Clavier
Goldberg Variations
Cello Suites
Brandenburg Concertos
Violin Partitas and Sonatas (Chaconne anyone?)
Organ Toccata and Fugues
The Cantata cycle
St Matthew’s Passion
Mass in B minor
Bach has written the pre-eminent works across a variety of instruments and genres. It is a feat which is not matched by any other composer and likely never will be.
I completely understand someone who enjoys other composers more than they enjoy Bach, but the fact remains that Bach is the most highly regarded and accomplished and in that sense he is the “best”.
@Oparah Magnify C. T. I didnt mean to say the truth we know is what we discouver, because even what we discover isnt necessarly the truth, everything could be inside our heads so maybe nothing but our conscious exists and when I say this I mean my conscious because I think therefore I exist. Colour is something we defined based on what we saw. So we are limited by our senses.
@Display Chicken ok logic truths like math, geometry, logic operators etc. isnt rly part of what I meant because those are abstract therms created by us. They dont rly exist in the world. What we observe from the universe is limited by our senses so we dont know if it is the absolute truth (we would need to be god if it even exists). Best needs to be better defined, sure if we divide best in multiple categories defined by us and evaluate them all objectively and we conclude it is rly the best, even then it would be limited to us and our categories, other cultures may have different ways of evaluating music therefore its subjective in nature. Btw I dont even listen to classical music or Bach or whatever, I just saw this comment and decided to create a conversation
I love how many languages are represented in this comment section. Thank you for making all of Bach accessible to the world!
I'm so glad I discovered the Netherlands Bach Society.
Mich auch!
Ik ontdekte de NBS bij het begin van de COVID Pandemie, toen over de hele wereld alle koren moesten stoppen met zingen.
Dat is toen zo een troost en tijdverdrijf voor me geworden, herkende enkele cantantes die ik in verschillende koren in Nederland en in Spanje waar ik al 43 jaar woont, gezongen hebben. En ben door de NBS Bach's muziek veel beter gaan leren kennen en begrijpen. Zeker door de uitleg die Jos van Veldhoven geeft van iedere compositie die ze uitvoeren.
Eigenlijk mis ik Jos erg nu hij niet meer dirigeert, al blijft ik de NBS wel volgen.
Ich bin mit Richter, Hanoncourt und Rilling groß geworden. Jetzt musste ich erst so alt werden um das genießen zu dürfen, was der unglaubliche Herr Van Veldhoven mit der Netherlands Bach Society auf die Beine stellt. Das haut mich um, GROßARTIG. DANKE, DANKE UND NOCHMALS DANKE DAFÜR!
Das ist auch für uns in Sachsen eine grosse Freude, diese wunderbare Interpretationen zu hören. Schade, dass Herr van Veldhoven nun im Hintergrund für uns youtube Freunde verschwunden ist mit neuen Videos.Aber genießen wir die vielen Aufnahmen. Diese Aufführungspraxis gefällt uns bestens.
Oh words...only happy❤❤❤
What an absolutely wondrous performance! The orchestra, the choir and soloists all combine for such an amazing and acoustically clear sound! I am in awe.
I agree!! I'm listening to this during a hard time for me - hoping to recover from heart problems during a pandemic. It soothes my soul to listen to this.
@@adelasussman3838 Hope you are doing great !
@@G.T828 Thank you so much for your kind comment! Yes, I'm doing well!! What does the "G" stand for?
@@adelasussman3838Thanks for replying ! My name is Gaurav Tiwari . It's an Indian(hindu) name . It confuses people so I just write G .
@@G.T828 What a rich culture you come from!! I've loved all Indian people whom I've met!
Perfection. Everything they touch is gold.
no doubts
Well said!
Yes, I think so too.
yes i agree
Geen dag zonder Bach!
Geen dag zónder Bach
Dat is een uitspraak van Vlaamse psychiater Dirk de Wachter die ik volledig onderschrijf.
Vooral gedurende de Pandemie was de NBS een troost en tijdverdrijf toen er geen een koor meer mocht zingen
When you're really into it, you can close your eyes and see the angels dancing.
Magnificent, wonderful!!
Bach in all His Splendor!!
Great musicians, lovely soloist AND choir voices. Excellent conductor.
Thank you!!
Karen Noble, well said! Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year to all! Stay safe! All the Best from rural Mississippi!
Soli Deo gloria!
Ich wundere mich jedes Mal über das holländische Publikum, das gelangweilt dort sitzt. Mich hält es kaum auf meinen Sofa, am liebsten würde ich mitmachen. ❤
Lifts me into another dimension
NBS renditions are just perfect. They are crisp and clear but with enough oomph when the music calls for it. Far and away the best channel on UA-cam. They are doing a service to humanity and that’s not an exaggeration.
This is great! Everything is in the glory of the Lord!
Every one of these NBS recordings contains a revelation of nuances that make a world of difference to the interpretation. I have never felt the sensation of graceful movement through open space in Bach that I experience here, especially in the Gloria in Excelsis Deo. The human and instrumental voices do not bunch up in the dense, impenetrable texture that one often gets with Bach. They do their beautiful turns within the soundscape and give way to the next thing and the next after that. The flourishes and the ornaments seem just enough, not overdone or encrusted. The ear is not confused by any of it--not even by the treacherously ornate Sicut Erat in Principio. Why isn't all Bach like this?
Agreed...this is one of Bach's most dense contrapuntal inventions....when you throw in the Orchestra parts, that dont necessarily double the chorus parts then you have a remarkable lesson in counterpoint (that not many can replicate)
I am commenting from Nigeria....and this is so so beautiful. Perfecto!
Bach had not dreamed that his music would be heard all over the world three hundred years later after he had composed that work.
@@SusanneStechow-r6n and he would be amaze to hear that
„Gloria in Exelsis Deo“: Labsal für die Seele gerade in der gegenwärtigen verwirrten Welt. Welche Freude birgt die Fähigkeit des Lobens, des Preisens, des Dankens. Bei den Wiedergaben der NBS erfährt man sie bei jedem einzelnen Musiker. Danke!
One can not listen to Bach and stay untouched.... What a performance.. Love it!! ( Love the Christmas trees: simple and very symbolic)
Very "Lutheran"
@@daviddavenport9350what's the matters with this Lutheran thing. I am curious
it took the air from the lungs and tears to the eyes. WONDERFUL, YES IT IS HEAVEN!
Een prachtig samengesmolten geheel. Fantastische dirigent en musici. Wat een discipline. Wat een overtuigende klasse!
Ik ga het warm water niet uitvinden of zeggen wat reeds werd gezegd, enkel maar de terechte lof aan dirigent, orkest en solisten bevestigen! Nogmaals dank en bravo!
바흐는 하늘에서 내려온 천사였을꺼에요. 어떻게 이렇게 아름다운 곡을 작곡하죠. 너무 아름다워서 말로 표현할 수가 없네요..♥ 너무 멋져요♥♥
Deo gratias! Amazing! Stupendous! Glory to Our God, for He is worthy of our praise and thanksgiving!
Solche Schönheit ist für mich der beste 'Gottesbeweis' - allem Elend und Leid zum Trotz: in einem All von minus 273 Grad Celsius und zwischen Sternen von Millionen Grad plus lässt sich solche (unsichtbare !) Musik so grandios zu Gehör bringen - auch mehr als 200 Jahre nach ihrer Komposition und dann immer neu wiederholen! Danke allen, die das möglich machen!!!
I’m 18, and I find this thing marvelous, Bach is a genius, change my mind 😉
Change your mind on this? Impossible.
He spent 50 years perfecting his craft? Smart dude. Mozart was more of a genius. He accomplished almost as much in half the time. Let's put it this way: mozart was more talented. Give mozart 30 mores years and people would've put mozart #1 in everyone's eyes
@@beethovenlovedmozart Yes. That is why satan had his minions get rid of Mozart, who was an Angel.
@@NoskYTB Mozart and Bach w(h)worshipped different Gods.
@@NoskYTB actually mozart probably didn't copy. That's what made mozart more talented. He had a photographic memory as well as a perfect ear. Mozart probably saw it once and remembered it! My point is from a raw talent perspective. Oh he was a math genius too. So was Bach and beethoven.
What a wonderful and blessed music I like. Most of my time with my friends we take time hear these musics. Thanks to my Lord. I'm now 79 years. Vesso
Thanks! No words...10 out of 10! So glad that YOU exist!!!!
Soli Deo Gloria! Merry Christmas and all the Best from rural Mississippi, USA!
I'll never forget the first time that I heard the B-minor Mass, in college. It swept me away. And this Gloria is exhilarating.
Wunderbar und so stelle ich mir Musik in der Ewigkeit vor. Nach allem Elend dieser irdischen Welt müsste uns diese Musik empfangen. Tröstlich und stärkend für uns Menschen in dieser kranken Welt.
There are no words to describe this - the voices, the music, the performance.
This is Heaven singing!
Gorgeous. I can't thank you enough.
Watched this again today after a gap of many months. As so often with Bach's cantatas, it is even better than I remembered. All the musicians are at the top of their game. Maria Keohane, as so often, exudes effortless perfection.
Beautiful balance of full ensembles. Pure beauty of color and dynamics.
Tutto è perfetto e meraviglioso orchestra coro e solisti. Grazie infinite.
How could anyone ever dislike this?!
Wonderful performance.... The interpretation of Bach was never better. Thank you all of you. I felt a thrilling experience while listening...
To think that Bach himself probably never heard this masterpiece sung and played this well in Leipzig....with its scant musical resources...
AUSGEZEICHNET! Ich habe Gänsehaut und Tränen in meinen Augen! Genieße ich alles? Jawohl! Vielen Dank.
아름다운 연주를 볼수있게 해주셔서 감사합니다
Kiitos, taidokkainta Bachin musiikin esitystä jota voi olla! 🇫🇮
I know a lot of performances of this cantata or the equivalent parts of the Mass in h-Moll but this one is so outstanding in its light movements and transparency, I can find no words to express my admiration. Love the NBS. Jos v. Veldhoven, you are the One.
Total perfection, divine. My only comment: more camera shots of your bass player - he is incredible!
Absolutely addicted to this. Wish there was autoplay.
spotify for that lol
Mit jedem Stück das ich höre wächst meine Begeisterung für Nederlands Bach Society. Prachtige muziek, geweldig ensemble, vooral onder Van Veldhoven! Hartelijk dank!
Bach, siempre Bach. Eternas gracias a NBS por poder disfrutar de esta maravilla
Da reicht ein Wort: Fantastisch!
nicht ausreichend.. na ja grossartig! unuebertreffllich ... eine Bachata! Das Sicut erat in Principio... na????
@@seanmarshall7529 Wundervoll?
Unübertrefflich und in Fülle vorweggenommen, was uns verheissen ist!
@@mwewering es musica celestial
@@mariasorbille5628 Wahrlich!
Une perfection sous la direction magistrale de Van Veldhoven ❤
Buenos días. Muchas gracias por difundir en vuestro canal la maravillosa música bachiana. Siempre con interpretaciones eximias.
Saludos desde Santiago de Chile.
Dr. Fernando Rivas-Burattini.
To God be the GLORY!
Stunning and Beautiful at the same time 🤩
Very high-spirited and enjoyable performance
Yes, great uplifting energy, a masterpiece of this Bach's wonderful cantata.
Thank you!
🎼Paradise on earth...beautiful perfomance ,electric and marvellous; thanks for posting this work of art on your platform. Grazie mille 🎶👍
woww, in the first 5 seconds they already produced a firework. thanks netherlands
the bass is amazing!!!
Oh Ja einfach nur geil
Utterly superb, the 'Sicut erat in principo' is from another world.
Wow! Fantastically pure. Love it!
Tremendous....the flutes.....out of this some royal magical winter song birds....really everyone supergood. :>
Immer wieder großartig....
Non ci sono aggettivi per descrivere la sublime bellezza di questo brano così magistralmente eseguito. Grazie
Parabéns à Netherlands Bach Society!
Uma perfeição!
바흐의 대영광송, 현장에서 듣는 것 보다는 못하겠지만 정말 거룩하고 영성이 차오르네요. 잘 듣고 갑니다.
Absolutely love it. Thanks to grade nine teacher, in music appreciation class, many decades past.
UPLIFTING PERFORMANCE - thank you so very much to everyone involved with this superb Bach creation. In my opinion, the NBS is the definitive performer for Bach.
Bach indeed knows how to achieve epic climaxes.
Epic in all ways.
Come non ringraziarvi per la passione per Bach che condividete attraverso interpreti di eccezionale qualità ,grazie!
Wat is dit prachtig!!
Bach never fails. ALWAYS wonderfull...unique ...heavenly. Thumbs negatives????people without a MINIMUM of sesibility
Drunks probably. Missed the like button.
The best song and voice..i have heard ...many succes MARIA Well done !!!!!
Robert Vanryne continues to sound fantastic heading up that trumpet section. Bravo!
Stor takk til Maria Keohane, din nydelige sopran som i praksis er fri for generende vibrato er simpelthen helt vidunderlig TAKK
Nádherná a pôsobivá skladba,srdečná vďaka interpretom..
Überwältigende Interpretation! Dank hervorragender Aufnahme-Technik und nicht zu halliger Akustik treten alle entscheidende Aspekte dieser Komposition plastisch hervor: das kammermusikalisch federnd leichte Duett, die in kluger Architektur differenzierten Wechsel zwischen Soli und Tutti, die entsprechende Orchestrierung und ncht zuletzt die bewegenden Stimmen der Sänger und der Instrumente...
Just stunning....
Wie ihr Bach interpretiert, ist wirklich einmalig! Höchste Anerknnung für eure Leistung!
How you interpret Bach is really unique! Highest recognition for your performance!
Attention ! Chef d'oeuvre... Il ne s'agit pas du Gloria de la Messe en Si de Bach mais de celui de la cantate BWV 191 une des très rares dont le texte est en latin et dont le Gloria est lui même extrait d'une messe brève composée en 1733 en l'honneur de l'électeur de Dresde. Bach reprit cette musique, avec quelques modifications, pour figurer dans sa grande messe en si mineur qui fut une de ses dernières productions. D'ailleurs, le chef note avec malice que l'exécution de cette pièce fut difficile à mettre au point car les musiciens avaient tellement la messe en si en tête qu'ils faisaient des confusions entre les deux œuvres lors des répétitions ! La musique est géniale, au point que nombreux, dont je fais partie, qui considèrent qu'elle est une des preuves de l'existence de Dieu. Mais cette interprétation et l'enregistrement lui-même sont géniaux. La justesse est totale, les flûtes sont célestes tant elles sont aériennes, l'articulation des chanteurs est juste parfaite (surtout celle du ténor). Bref, que du bonheur à écouter en boucle et la démonstration que nos amis hollandais sont au sommet de l'interprétation de la musique baroque. Ceci sans compter le côté un peu fou du projet de la Société Bach Néerlandaise : enregistrer l'intégrale de l'oeuvre de Bach et la mettre en accès libre sur UA-cam. Incroyable, non ?
Grand merci pour la finesse de ces précisions !
Merci pour vos explications, quelle culture, heureusement que je suis assis !! J'ai le même sentiment que vous quand j'entends de telles musiques, ça rapproche de Dieu malgré les doutes légitimes sur l'au-delà! Je regrette les messes en latin, j'adore cette langue chantée , c'est magique et cela rajoute au mystère de notre condition humaine dans un univers si immense ...( autant d'étoiles que de grains de sable sur toutes les plages de la planète!!)
Merci à vous Michel. Je suis ravi de vous avoir intéressé avec ma courte explication de cette merveilleuse œuvre !
Merci pour cette précision historique
🌿Bach's music is so wonderful🌿
La belleza que nos regala BACH. buena interpretación. Gracias.
Simply extraordinary!
Dit is 'n prag-vertolking en heerlik om weer te beluister! Verheffend!
L'ascolto e riascolto senza soluzione di continuità. ..Mi piace troppo..trasmette gioia Bach meraviglia della natura!!!!
Dietrich, look out. Matthias is comin' ta getcha. I like a bit more trumpet at the end, but still nicely balanced. Nobody buried in the score. Crisp and clear, no muddiness. Top to bottom, just brilliant. Glorious. Thank you.
La Netherlands Bach Society nous offre-le mot n'est pas trop fort- une version lumineuse de ce Gloria : intériorité et jubilation mêlées qui sont à la hauteur du génial Bach.
Non ci sono parole per descrivere la bellezza di talesacra portata musicale ....
Non credo sia possibile eseguire in modo migliore questa suite , tutto è perfettamente equilibrato, straordinariamente intonato, magistralmente vibrato e interpretato. Il risultato dell'ascolto è di un'apparente semplicità e quasi automatica composizione di note e accordi, solo i violoncellista sanno invece quali impervie difficoltà si nascondano tra le battute di questa suite. Davvero congratulazioni "universali" e grazie per questa esecuzione.
Gorgeous voices and instruments.
It’s hard to even estimate how many times I’ve watched this clip - 75+ perhaps. Maria’s voice is perfection at 3:00, an absolute pinnacle of human accomplishment.
I have really enjoyed NBS recent Bach recordings.
Magnifico !!! Insuperable !!! Eleva el alma hacia Dios. Grande Bach y grandes intérpretes
My mind and my ♥️ can only say: Thank you so much 🙏
This Beautiful Music makes my heart feel peaceful!!
Grettings from Venezuela
Das ist herzzerreißend schön.
Gracias NBS por tales interpretaciones sublimes de nuestro gran maestro JS Bach. Cada video subido es como un rayo de sol fresco. Bellas y hermosas interpretaciones!!!
Que execução perfeita!!! Parabéns à Netherlands Bach Society! Fico maravilhado ao assistir cada vídeo e repeti-los sempre que necessário. magnifico e esplendoroso!
Sehr schön gespielt und gesungen. Herzlichen Dank
Gootrs reichen Segen und Bewahrumg
Bach é la prova che Dio esiste. L unica cantata in latino. Tema ripreso nella messa in si minore. Musica infinitamente Bella. Patrimonio Dell umanità nei secoli
giuseppe lombardi Sí!!!!!!!!!!!
Bach semmai è la prova che le religioni sfruttano al meglio il genio umano per dare l'illusione che esista un dio.
Caro Giuseppe... Non andiamo in incandescenza ... É solo un uomo.. Sono credente.. E amo la musica... Ma dire così metterebbe tanti ottimi compositori in silenzio.. Lasciamo parlare anche loro.. Sarebbe venerare la banana... E tralasciare l'amore.. Miii è venuto un po' bislacca.. Però.. Piace
@@TheBBHotel Dio habita e pilota tutto.
Tutto e una realtá virtuale, ma non reale. Siamo il sogno di Dio. Bach ancora.
Und welche Freude erst beim Dirigenten Van Veldhoven! Wunderbar ansteckend. Danke!
Fröhliche Weihnachten 🎄 🎅 🧑🎄
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