Lessons from this Episode -I have been paying much attention to detail, Mukadzi uyu akahura chokwadi. Rasta ava vangoshaya ma facts chete saka vashandisirwa bonzo.Mukadzi uyu akutora advantage chete yekusagona kutaura kwemurume uyu thats why akuramba. Akaita musikanzwa arimumba then ndokuona kuti Nyika aimutambisa thats why , akaramba ne foni, thats why akakumbira ruregerero, thats why akada kuzviuraya kuzama kutsvaga Tsitsi. She knows zvaakaita thats why akuita last kick of a dying horse kubvunza pfuma. Hakuna munhu anobvunza pfuma yake. Atezvara ava knows the story because he did mention kuti vanhu ava vakambodanana kare. Gupuro aifanira kumupa kana Coin pamunhu akaita musikanzwa
Well done for sticking out for yourself throwing credible facts to him. Tsotsi richamhanya nevachamunama panobvinza. Enda unotanga hako life yako its not the end of the world. Asi mwanangu, usazonyengedzwa futi nemagube ayo
Mambo ava havatogoni zvachose kutonga. Mombe is paid for a child who is alive. Also there is no damage paid for mvana zvayo. Never ever. 2023 marriage act initially hapana chinobviswa nokuti this lady will go to the next and next and next achingobvisisa ma $300 plus kuzadza danga rekwavo. High court yakazviramba. Mr man usabvise enda mberi
Mukadzi pa fair akangwarisa and anogona kunyepa kuhura akahura nemupurisa arimumba ma Rasta asi kuti Rasta hamuna kuunganidza humbowo plus makaneta ,iri ipfambi iri
Chivanhu is totally confused for real, you have clearly concluded kuti ava vanga vachichaya mapoto but you want make them separate as if vanga vari vanhu vakaroona (gupuro) . Gurupo racho rinongopotserwa pese pese
@phillthedrill familiarise yourself with the new Marriages Act. It recognises civil partnerships i.e. dzimba dzemapoto and masmall houses for purposes of divorce and inheritance. So yes, mukadzi wemapoto anotopihwa gupuro if the court determines kuti the parties were, in the eyes of the community and relatives, a married couple
@@ROGUE406 then its nolonger chivanhu when we throw in the Marriage act. It will backfire on chivanhu, once we start referencing law, chivanhu takes a girl child as chinhu chisingataure or funge, hence "wakarara nemwana wangu" ndoda kuripwa apa mwana wacho munhu ari above 18, therefore by law she can decide to have sex. Aslong case isiri ye rape you start using law, everthing falls, she took part willing saka why pay you when she did it willingly
Dare iri is weak and misdirected. The issue of kuhura naNyika is secondary and not relevant to the case in question. Rasta must pay roora, and gupuro. If he wishes, rasta can then sue Nyika for adultery damages
Kana munhu achipomha huhure , that person must bring to the court evidence iripachena. Kana wakanganwa that’s your own problem. Do not expect miracles.
Dare iri is a joke. Kungoona mamwe madzimambo achibuda paTv ototi neniwo.Data guys iri kudhura tangai marongeka mozuya paTv. Big up mdara ari kushandisa stamp. Dhinda zvako wakanyarara
As zimbabweans we fail to trace back and understand changes that happened in the past and how it has shaped what you might call culture yanhasi. Before varungu kwanga kusina kuchaya mapoto. With the coming of varungu and towns kuchaya mapoto started with those who worked in towns from factory worker, gardenboy to maids. Now we accept kuchaya mapoto becoz of being greedy, we call the guy mukwasha becoz we want him to normalise his relationship with the girl's parents, kuri kunyara kubvuma kuti vavhiri ava varikuita chihure and got named kuchaya mapoto. Parents want to be paid through chihure chevana vano, mwana mudiki here asingazivi kuti kugara or kurara nemurume asina kuroora chifambi. Shuwa munhu angosvira mwana wako or mwana wako asvira you rush to call the guy mukwasha. You are empowering the girls kuva mahure becoz either way pachi current chivanhu her parents get paid either way. Wakarara naye ? Ehe padhara mombe
@@madyedzomunyonga2036 musazviisa muhana. If you read the New Marriage Act muchadzidza kuti kuchaya mapoto is now lawfully recognized as partnership, roora is no longer a must but only damage nezvekusungira, ukahura wakaroorwa vabereki vako vanodzosa roora and paMatrimonial Causes Act ndopamunoita 50/50 on everything you bought together.
Pane pamisiri kuona this lady is dangerous very dangerous,don't play around her ....coz she needs money,,teererai pane point yemukadzi akuda kubhsdharwa so for her to win this case she need to be respective as she is....
Yeeeessss, thank you Mambo for your wisdom, wise words and good insight into macrook aya anongoda kumirizika kuda zvavanoda chete. Stupid yemunhu iye Rasta uyo
I like this Mambo; anotonga bhooo. No emotions and full of wisdom. Big up mambo wangu; you are a very good example yemadzimambo; Kp it up!
This lady anogona kutaura and still maintains respect. She has facts. Rasta havana nyaya
Mambo ava he's like Chief Mutasa very eloquent and full of wisdom
Noooo varikusidhira hure awa hawasikutonga
@@TatendaFeremba Siyanai nemahure period.
@@markgamanya3084 ndosaka azorirambaka pamww akatoti ndawanawo munhu kwaye mahure anonyepera kudzikam ngatorisiye unorongei nehure apa kuendesa murume padare achiziva iye akahura shame
Mkadzi uyo akangwara zvekurevesa,Rasta avana havo valid fact
Weldone mambo vanhu ngavarupiswe basa kufamba vachiita women pollution muchibata bata vana vevaridzi muchisiya..dhemeti
Ok. Ko mukadzi wacho zvaaka hura inonzii?
Tete Sibo pray to God unopiwa umwe murume urambe une respect iyoyo
This woman is very respectful. Every cat have it's own clowns we known but jealous down, in terms of respect, she is number one.
Issue yekuhura kwemukadzi uyu is being ignored
Mahure mazhinji are very respectful
😂😂😂 weduwee ka@@JessicaZvazanewako
@@Bvanyangu352 respect yepa dare dont be fooled people can pretend infront of court.
@phillthedrill kumba anomboitaseiko. Ini handigari naye. Zvandaona ndozvandacommenter
Pretender mukadzi uyo. Kkkkkkkkkkkkk
Onwards and upwards Rasta vakananga kunotsvaga mumwe mukadzi. Bongile dont worry uchawana umwe anokuda wena. Life is a journey
Lessons from this Episode
-I have been paying much attention to detail, Mukadzi uyu akahura chokwadi. Rasta ava vangoshaya ma facts chete saka vashandisirwa bonzo.Mukadzi uyu akutora advantage chete yekusagona kutaura kwemurume uyu thats why akuramba. Akaita musikanzwa arimumba then ndokuona kuti Nyika aimutambisa thats why , akaramba ne foni, thats why akakumbira ruregerero, thats why akada kuzviuraya kuzama kutsvaga Tsitsi. She knows zvaakaita thats why akuita last kick of a dying horse kubvunza pfuma. Hakuna munhu anobvunza pfuma yake. Atezvara ava knows the story because he did mention kuti vanhu ava vakambodanana kare. Gupuro aifanira kumupa kana Coin pamunhu akaita musikanzwa
You may say that again bro ipfambi mukadzi uyu
Chibanda media murambe muchitiunzira more of this Mambo's court sessions. This is good
Mambo ava ndino temba navo. Very educated and level headed
I love how this makoti is so respectful of my brother.
Ndaona seyatongwa zvakanaka rasta aingoda kurara nemwana wevanhu asingade kumuroora
Well done for sticking out for yourself throwing credible facts to him. Tsotsi richamhanya nevachamunama panobvinza. Enda unotanga hako life yako its not the end of the world. Asi mwanangu, usazonyengedzwa futi nemagube ayo
Sibo is respectful and reserved, Owen vane respect nekachitsotsi kari silent asi yatongwa zvayo zvakanaka
Murume ayida zvekutambisa mukadzi asi mukadzi ayida zvemusha saka muface wanzwa butter
Off all the case's that I have watched mambo ava vari very fair
Vakadzi vanzwa nekushungurudzwa plz be care full kana muchitonga nyaya dzemadzimai awo
Owen anotoda 5years in jail nxaaa mazivhudzi ......Sibo be strong my sister move on
owen akasarudza imwe yenzira itsva dzekuroora wekuti munhu agara nemukadzi kwe3mnts ave wake saka haachade dare ngarisamumanikidza ati haachada wani
Next time usagara nemwan wevanhu usina kana kubvisa pfuma kuti muzivane hona nasi kwayave
Owen mabishu haungaagone.
Arikuda kuzvidyira pfuma yake.
Vabereki ndivo vaifanira kuno reva pfuma
Murume uyu imbwa ngaabhadhare akanyarara kurara nemwana wevanhu
Waida kut arare nemwana webere here?
Iye tezvara waienda kunosangana nemukuwasha wausingazive kuti zvidii mune dzunguwo tsano imi sekuru ndiwo waifanira kuendako kwete tezvara hakuna chivanhu chakadaro mhani.
My Chief . Mhofu mutenhesanwa ndiri mutsoka dzenyu mukuru wangu.
This was surprise to take a very short time but vatingi mukutambisa nguva.mibvunzo yenyu muchingodzokorora henyu nhai.
Mambo ava havatogoni zvachose kutonga. Mombe is paid for a child who is alive. Also there is no damage paid for mvana zvayo. Never ever. 2023 marriage act initially hapana chinobviswa nokuti this lady will go to the next and next and next achingobvisisa ma $300 plus kuzadza danga rekwavo. High court yakazviramba. Mr man usabvise enda mberi
Ishona yekupi iyi yamuri kutaura iyi
Taura hako. Mambo uyu anofanira kunodzidzisawa na Chief Mutasa
Madzimambo mkadzi uyo ihure chairo chairo rino recorder conversations pfambi chaiyo
Aingoda kutambisa mwana wevanhu, ngaabhadhare. Akuona yehupfambi nhasi iye abga agara akaramba kare? Imbwa yomunhu dread wematuzvi
kuZimbabwe pfuti ishoma that's why people like Owen doesn't have respect, unorara nemunhu without protection and omuti hure.
Saka chinotadzisa munhu kuhura kurara nemurume usina protection?
Watoguma ipapa!?
Chief tongai murume uyu zvakasimba chose
Chimarriage chemahumbwe
Such a beautiful woman kutambiswa nanaOwen kkk. Zvakaoma chokwadi
Mukadzi pa fair akangwarisa and anogona kunyepa kuhura akahura nemupurisa arimumba ma Rasta asi kuti Rasta hamuna kuunganidza humbowo plus makaneta ,iri ipfambi iri
Chivanhu is totally confused for real, you have clearly concluded kuti ava vanga vachichaya mapoto but you want make them separate as if vanga vari vanhu vakaroona (gupuro) . Gurupo racho rinongopotserwa pese pese
@phillthedrill familiarise yourself with the new Marriages Act. It recognises civil partnerships i.e. dzimba dzemapoto and masmall houses for purposes of divorce and inheritance. So yes, mukadzi wemapoto anotopihwa gupuro if the court determines kuti the parties were, in the eyes of the community and relatives, a married couple
hazvisi kumaker sense
hazvisi kumaker sense
@@ROGUE406 kupusa, then its nolonger chivanhu zve kana tava kuita reference to the constitution
@@ROGUE406 then its nolonger chivanhu when we throw in the Marriage act. It will backfire on chivanhu, once we start referencing law, chivanhu takes a girl child as chinhu chisingataure or funge, hence "wakarara nemwana wangu" ndoda kuripwa apa mwana wacho munhu ari above 18, therefore by law she can decide to have sex. Aslong case isiri ye rape you start using law, everthing falls, she took part willing saka why pay you when she did it willingly
There wasn't any marriage, iyi mhuri yaichaya mapoto. Chekutanga mukadzi haagari nemurume asina kubvisirwa mari.
Mawaniro anosiyana saka murombo haacharoori here
Ka raster akadhakwa 😅😂aingoda kurova deya remukadzi osiya mboko ye munhu
Kana murume asingatenge chikafu...vakadzi tengaiwo.
Asi vakadzi havabvumirwe kutenga chikafu kani?
Ishe imi chimboindayi Kuna Chief Mutasa mundodzidziswa kutonga nyaya imihamukwanisikutonga nyaya zvachose pamwenemakurukotaenyu Hapana Hapana dhemegi ramunotaura ndereyi kumunhu akange anemurumewakekare akaroorwakepiri sakamunhu anobvisirwa madhemegi manganin haa itayimushe imi
Kunoiteyi vanozvigonera zvavo ava. Ivo Chief Mutasa ngavauye kuno.
Dare iri is weak and misdirected. The issue of kuhura naNyika is secondary and not relevant to the case in question. Rasta must pay roora, and gupuro. If he wishes, rasta can then sue Nyika for adultery damages
Waonawo seni ngavadzidze kuna chief Mutasa kkkk
That's true
Akahura ari pamba kwangu. Why should l pay damages kuhure??
Daida kuroora but chihure chake ndoo honzeri ndakazomisa zvekuroora
Guys this was a girlfriend not mukadzi. U dont bvisa gupuro ku girlfriend. Rinopiwa mukadzi anga akaroogwa
Kutozoty Tembo 😅😅😅😅😅😅vakadzi tine nhamo
Mukadzi anehunhu. Ndihwo hunhu hwedu chaihwo. I wish my daughters would respect their spouses the way she do. She is very respectful.
Taura hako Lorraine it's exaggeration chaiyo
Yatembo. Yakamuitira kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk madeedzera acho a tembo kkkkkkkkkkkk
@@Bvanyangu352Kwete. Haisi nhamo.
Seni wangu paakatanga kundidero hapana paakazombondivharira sadza parutivi rwemoto.
Rodyiwa ndaapo kare.
Ndiko kuti mukadzi chaiko zvekuti kana murume ari munhu kwaye anofanira kuchinja hunhu nekudzikama chaiko.
Well done real African woman!!
Vakadzi Ava ndomatsotsi vanonyepera kunge Anga Ane Mumba iye Anga asina zvake
2 Sipho uyu Anga Ane mishen kubva pakutanga paaita zvema record
Vakasangana vanhu ava ku Jumbo kumatola kunoitwa yeseyese vanongogarisana pasina kuroorana vachisiyana pachihure . Hakuna dzimba svinu uku . Mahumbwe i know these places . Hunohuriwa kwete zvemafans
Kana munhu achipomha huhure , that person must bring to the court evidence iripachena. Kana wakanganwa that’s your own problem. Do not expect miracles.
Sibo mwanangu ukushaya vamwe varume here
Mukadzi uyu ane respect plus ma facts nyaya iyi yatongwa zviri fair mufesi uyu ari wrong
Mukadzi kana ari pamba pemurume ngaasaite zvikomba anobva oenda baba imi mune suit yeblack hamugone kutinga imi teererai chief mutasa navachigodora
Chief anogona kutonga,mwana anyadzisa,hauhure Uri pamba pemunhu
Raster naye chikomba
Dare iri is a joke. Kungoona mamwe madzimambo achibuda paTv ototi neniwo.Data guys iri kudhura tangai marongeka mozuya paTv. Big up mdara ari kushandisa stamp. Dhinda zvako wakanyarara
Tongai nyaya imi mambo kwete kt munhu anotambisa vakadzi hatidi izvozvi tsvagai vadare vakangwara plz hatidi zvekunyengedzana murume uyu itsotsi
Makurukota aya akunyatsoita nezvei chaizvo. Vakatogara kumberi uko vakangoti zii chii chaizvo. Kutya here ?
As zimbabweans we fail to trace back and understand changes that happened in the past and how it has shaped what you might call culture yanhasi. Before
varungu kwanga kusina kuchaya mapoto. With the coming of varungu and towns kuchaya mapoto started with those who worked in towns from factory worker, gardenboy to maids. Now we accept kuchaya mapoto becoz of being greedy, we call the guy mukwasha becoz we want him to normalise his relationship with the girl's parents, kuri kunyara kubvuma kuti vavhiri ava varikuita chihure and got named kuchaya mapoto. Parents want to be paid through chihure chevana vano, mwana mudiki here asingazivi kuti kugara or kurara nemurume asina kuroora chifambi. Shuwa munhu angosvira mwana wako or mwana wako asvira you rush to call the guy mukwasha. You are empowering the girls kuva mahure becoz either way pachi current chivanhu her parents get paid either way. Wakarara naye ? Ehe padhara mombe
Chirasta icho chimhondi siyana nacho ngachikuripire iwe hure remurume nyika waukutaura wakenge watoramba mukadzi kudhara Soo waida aita sei
❤❤❤❤mambo sando dzenyu dai anamambo vakawanda vadai tapona pachihure
Shuwa mungatonga nyaya dzevhanhu vaihurana ava papasina wanano apa vaichaisana mapoto
Hanzi yakati yopinda zvikanzi Ini ndakuda nemoyo wese saka butiro no... Ndiye neniwo mhofu chinhu ndochatotanga kutotsva paya😅😊
😂😂😂apa nezuva rekutanga imagine
Well done mambo
Marastaaahhh munhu wese anerasta musorowake haudonziii mushe mbanje nedoro too much...anyway....!!!#$%^&
Hezvo watidarirei
Mambo where have you been, ndandakutoshaya kuti zvikufamba sei
Ndokumbirawo kuona kune mhururu iko nechirikusrkwa nakuganhu avo haaa mativharira panze kudawo kuona background iyo kwanakidxa uko mhaniii😅😅😅
Mukwasha imboko excellent mambo
Munogona mambo thank you
Chief ngavaite order avo joki iro rinonyepera respect itsotsi iro kuHarare ndivo vanhu vanenge vari kuma avenues haaa nonsense
Dare iri itai vanhu kwavo hamusi kuona kuti murikutaura nenhumbu ngabvise mombe aroore musatonge yechikomba haisi yauya padare
Damage???? Really??? Are you serious Chief?
Mambo murikusapota hure remupurisa iro ngauuye padare kkkkkkk murikutya kumunyadzisa eere
Murume uyu anodheerera hake ihhhh .......its really sad 😮😮😮😮😮😮munhu apedza kukudai okutsveta
Unenge hurewo iwe
@Comediansdiaries ndadiii....muzvibate..musarerukigwa kutaura mashoko asina basa...mbwa
@Comediansdiaries nonsense....
Ma damages anopiwa kubvana here.Chaidiwa apa iroora
Pamusoroi dare ndipeiwo number dza Rasta ndivake nawo musha fast,kkk ndada nezvavo shame.
Maigona kutonga iyi mambo one mombe and 300usd manake
Pachokwadi karume aka kangakasisada mukadzi zvekutichiko yangova exit plan
Kkkk Rasta wawusaz ukuthi awumfun walala laye ulizanga strong justice to cc
I know all of them from mazowe jumbo mine 😢😢😢
Imagine dating someone akaita Auto call recording...😮
😂anga aona kuti murume itsotsi
@spiwezirare8167 matsotsi agerana, asi rimwe ragerwa mohawk...
@@RayJay2024 😅😅😅😅 mohawk
Kudzidza munhu uchichembedza munhu iwe uchi ziva kuti ucharoora hako waunoda!! Tseki!!
@@madyedzomunyonga2036 musazviisa muhana. If you read the New Marriage Act muchadzidza kuti kuchaya mapoto is now lawfully recognized as partnership, roora is no longer a must but only damage nezvekusungira, ukahura wakaroorwa vabereki vako vanodzosa roora and paMatrimonial Causes Act ndopamunoita 50/50 on everything you bought together.
Owen uri dofo 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Kkkkkkkkkkk muno kuvara nekudyiwa nemahure vana Owen
Mahure api owen ndohure
Mukadzi ndokure guru iro
Mukadzi ndohure guru iro
Hats off mambo. I like the way you look at issues like these. I salute you
Nhai iwe mukadzi iwe! Kana kuroorwa kuchinetsa gara wega bcz ucha batira chirwere ..Gara wega .tsvaga zvokuita uzviraramise usiye zvekungonzi ndakuda worara nemhunhu .unopedzisira wava kunge chifeve ....Owen itsotsi ...gara wega ,namata usiyane neve ma trousers avo .... you are so beautful...
Kunamata kogutsa bonde here?
Saka nchizoti kunamata nekupusa same watsaap grup.
Saka munamato ichamusvira ikamutundisa here
Yes hakuna chikomba chingamboudza muridzi w mukadzi kt ndini ndakahura nemukadzi wako ototi ndaitomutsiura kt kuuya kwako kwnyanya urimukadzi wemunhu
Hazvimake sense rasta hamuna nyaya magara maingoda kutambisa mwana wevanhu chete
Izvi zvigeven'a zvakasangana marecording ndeyei muchangotanga kudanana ndoziva iri proof pakuchinjana mashoko..rasta rasta rasta..uri kut uchiri jaya here kura...muArabian lady wanga wanyura kusvika pakututana neproperty umm kuenda humbangu kudzoka humbangu chaiyo
Mambo is very wise. King Solomon.
Dare rine order
Madairiro amambo mudzimai achitsanangura handisati ndamboanzwa
The result was more than obvious.
Hapana kubvira paita marriage apa
Mapoto aya
Vanhu ava matsotsi vese iye mukadzi aitaura chii nemunhu waakambodanana naye kare chihure chakazara mumusoro chete, akabva pana rasta achaenda futi kune umwe murume wobvisirwa damage acharamba achidaro danga rinotozara.
Mambo. Mukadzi hauhuri uripa murume ende hauenzanise kuhura nemurume hazviko ende even vangausati vabva pamba patembo nyika vaimudii
But Rasta unonyeba were is evidence yaaka bata nyika anonyepa
Pfuma yeiko vanhu vaicĥaya mapoto modheerera mombetu dzeiko
Owen ngaaroore pfuma kuva bereki vemukadzi aende hake
Good girl gadzirisa nyika
Ma Bitjotjo ma1 unofira gambe ne ruchiva...ma High horse siyanai nawo.
Mukadzi akaita nhumbu uchigara naye hazvireve kut nhumbu ndeyako...manzwa varume!?
Dread anotovewo neshavi rekusada kugara nemukadzi
Chife mmunoswerera murume uyu anechifamba haasi mukadzi wekutanga achimmmuramba saka ishiri inomuririro wayo
Damage yangovawo zvayo fund raising.
Mhandara dzichiriko zvedu isu mazuva ano!!?
Musikana akuda kubatira raster
Owiza pachimagaivha kkkk
Gupuro ishereni ndoo rino bviswa..$5 yobvepi....hakuna zig coin here 😂.....
mambo uyu Hana chaarikutonga he knows nothing
Pane pamisiri kuona this lady is dangerous very dangerous,don't play around her ....coz she needs money,,teererai pane point yemukadzi akuda kubhsdharwa so for her to win this case she need to be respective as she is....
Mukadzi uyu akanaka haenderane naRassta ayo
Yeeeessss, thank you Mambo for your wisdom, wise words and good insight into macrook aya anongoda kumirizika kuda zvavanoda chete. Stupid yemunhu iye Rasta uyo