Gaza: Major victory for Florence student encampment in Italy

  • Опубліковано 21 тра 2024
  • Students and staff at the University of Florence in Italy have just won a major victory in their battle to get their institution to take a stance in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
    After a motion was taken to the academic senate demanding action - during which the students continued chanting for the entire five and a half hour meeting, three and a half hours of which were taken up in discussing the motion - management finally agreed to the students demands, agreeing to issue a statement condemning the genocide, and to set up a working group to create a commission to evaluate all current agreements with institutions complicit in the genocide.
    That means pension funds, research agreements, arms firms - everything.
    As students celebrated by marching through university buildings, this can provide a huge inspiration to all student mobilisations fighting for similar demands - not just in Italy, but across the world.


  • @stevesteve6520
    @stevesteve6520 Місяць тому +24

    It's like Nazis in WWII all over again.

    • @inu99282
      @inu99282 Місяць тому +1

      You’re right Hamas are Nazis

    • @Ilamarea
      @Ilamarea Місяць тому +2

      You are talking about the students, right?

    • @rebelshibobi3768
      @rebelshibobi3768 Місяць тому +2

      "When the debate is lost slander become tool for a fool".
      Btw by calling someone Nazi or anti semitic will not help you convince the world that you are not a terrorist.

    • @stevesteve6520
      @stevesteve6520 Місяць тому

      @@Ilamarea yes

    • @stevesteve6520
      @stevesteve6520 Місяць тому

      @@rebelshibobi3768 I am referring to the protesters. I should have pointed that out.

  • @danieltoro4917
    @danieltoro4917 Місяць тому +19

    This is an example for why Europe is doom

    • @rebelshibobi3768
      @rebelshibobi3768 Місяць тому +1

      Europe is not doomed at all keep your conspiracy theories to yourself. Your braindead behavior is not helpful to Israel at all.

  • @pr1m0n
    @pr1m0n Місяць тому +5

    A mob of clowns

  • @curvinwenger8024
    @curvinwenger8024 Місяць тому +18

    This is good to know . I will never travel to Italy. I have been in a lot of countries this one fell of my list just now

    • @ReelNews
      @ReelNews  Місяць тому +1

      Looks like you won't be travelling much in the future at all then - that list of countries you want to go to will be very tiny.

    • @francescosaporiti1431
      @francescosaporiti1431 Місяць тому +2

      Sincerely as Italian I fully understand your point of view, especially after the 7th Octomber Attack this type of behaviour is dishonorable at least and of complete stupidity and as previous student of the State University of Milian of Political Studies, I am glad that the director of said university for now has forbidden the student to organize such protest activies within the premises, on disciplinary penalties

  • @93yoyo360
    @93yoyo360 Місяць тому +3

    Sheep protest for wolves.

  • @CCDesigns87
    @CCDesigns87 Місяць тому

    It's sad how many people leave these protests when shown videos of oct 7th, they had no clue what they were chanting free Palestine for.

  • @carstenf279
    @carstenf279 Місяць тому +34

    Ignorance in its purest form

    • @ReelNews
      @ReelNews  Місяць тому +1

      you can't just put a comment like that up and get away with it. Explain what you mean. We spent the day with these students and the last thing they are is ignorant. They are incredibly well informed.

    • @carstenf279
      @carstenf279 Місяць тому

      @@ReelNews Gaza is represented by Hamas (fact) - The majority of the population in Gaza supports Hamas (fact) Hamas is a terror organisation (fact). People who demonstrate in favor of Gaza support Hamas and are therefore supporting terrorism (my opinion)
      The narrative that the people of Gaza are innocent civilians suppressed by Hamas is a lie. (fact)
      One last fact - Gaza is not Palestine. It used to be part of Egypt but was lost in yet another war forced upon Israel (1967) - it was then given to the Palestineans in exchange for peace. Look what they did with it!
      So Yes - ignorance is a bliss in these pro-palestinian tent camps.

    • @ramcohen6736
      @ramcohen6736 Місяць тому


    • @izzyc1570
      @izzyc1570 Місяць тому

      @@ReelNews You are right. They know about Oct 7, Hamas, and the hostages. They support it. After the throngs of people cheering and celebrating on Oct 8, I don’t believe any of these people are ignorant. They are rapist and murderer supporters

    • @sorta-7272
      @sorta-7272 Місяць тому

      ​@@ReelNews 1. Are they informed of the demographics of Gaza?
      The demographics show that the population only increases through the years, therefore saying "genocide" or "ethnic cleansing" both are incorrect.
      2. Are they informed that in 2005 the Disengagement Plan took place due to the Second Intifada occurring?
      The Disengagement Plan is Israel's action of leaving Gaza COMPLETELY and letting the "Palestinians" have the place for themselves, many Israelis died in the Palestinians hands, many were forced to leave their homes and property in Gaza because the Palestinians continuously made violent acts killings and stabbings on a daily basis in Gaza towards the Jews that lived there.
      IMPORTANT! After The Disengagement Plan took place in 2005, the "Palestinians" had freedom on their Gaza and they had elections, in those elections they chose HAMAS.
      3. Are they informed of Hamas's charter? Did they ever read it? Are they aware that when Hamas was elected it was knowingly elected as Hamas who does NOT want a two state solution, but only want to kill all the Jews? The chants "From the river to the sea" is known and clearly indicates ethnic cleansing of the state of Israel from all Jews WHICH ARE BY THE WAY THE ONLY CALL FOR GENOCIDE IN THE CONFLICT OF THE MIDDLE EAST. this is Hamas charter read thoroughly about how they prioritize a complete eradication of all Jews from the earth, this is what you side with currently.
      4. Are they aware that the "Palestinians" have a history in the middle east as warmongers and a tribe of terrorists that leaves behind them only trails of blood and death? This is a fact backed by other facts - NONE of the other Arabic countries in the middle east want to take Palestinians into their country, the reason? Some think that it's because it helps their agenda, but the truth is in the video link below here, and in short - because they already tried it in the past and the Palestinians killed the original people of the countries they were in wherever they went, and they tried to force change the governments of these Arabic countries, leading terror ideologies and lack of education, only violence similar to how they treat Jews currently.
      5. So far all of my points were actual questions and I hope you will read, watch, listen, and answer each point without dismissing any of them as I expect you will. My 5th point, while there are many more, it is to ask you - tell me the answers to these questions:
      In 1947 the UN agreed on The Partition Plan - what does it state?
      After the said Partition Plan was ordered to take place in a large majority agreed votes, what did the Arabic nations in the middle east do?
      A logical question - when a territory is a war zone, do you leave it freely for the enemy to go into that territory and use it to get closer to you or do you seize control over it and create security strips for your people to live?
      Bonus: How many Israeli Arabic Atheists, Muslims, Christians live in Israel today with ISRAELI CITIZENSHIP? I'll help with this one - more than 2.1 millions. Do they love their country? Yes. Do they serve in the military? Yes. Do they make youtube videos talking about it in these days when people scream "apartheid" without having any knowledge about the life inside that country? YES.
      Who started every war in the history of Israel? Anyone but Israel. This is why the army is named Israel's Defense Forces, you are more than welcome to wikipedia the middle east wars and the reasons why they started, learning is free and I encourage it.
      I do wonder how can anyone be proud of supporting Hamas after seeing the videos in which they murder slowly in torture, rape hundreds of women, and use them as slaves. If Israel did that there wouldn't be anyone supporting Israel, I assure you, Israel only fights right now because Hamas declared a war, and Israel is defending itself and wants to take the hostages back to burial(we doubt Hamas left any of them alive by now, this must be normal for you that countries take hostages torture rape and murder them after 200 days in hell I suppose).
      Here is a very little bit from what Hamas did on October 7 and why this war started, remember that nobody killed Palestinians in 6th October unless they ran around with a knife trying to stab someone ofcourse:
      To sum up,
      I hope the students who are well informed will dive deeper even more than all I wrote here because this is only the tip of the iceberg, or if they're not into studying they should go home and stop protesting to genocide the Jews in disguise of freedom, thanks.

  • @CCDesigns87
    @CCDesigns87 Місяць тому +5

    Sure... just ignore Oct 7th...

    • @ReelNews
      @ReelNews  Місяць тому +2

      but maybe you're ignoring Oct 6th, Oct 5th, Oct 4th, Oct 3rd, and every day back to 1948 when Israel started stealing land and ethnically cleansing the Palestinian population ... and what are your thoughts on the fact that the right of people under occupation to respond with armed resistance is enshrined in international law?

    • @CCDesigns87
      @CCDesigns87 Місяць тому +1

      ​@@ReelNewsRegardless of any justification, committing acts of violence against innocent children and broadcasting it live to celebrate is reprehensible and has no place in our society. Such actions must be condemned and prevented from spreading further.

    • @CCDesigns87
      @CCDesigns87 Місяць тому

      Just listen to son of Hamas, Palestine if you even wanna call it that, as thiers no such thing really, is full of Arabs who lost previous wars who can't admit defeat after all these years. Definitely need to change that violent mindset of extermination of people, they teach these kids at an early age to hate.

    • @sloptek1807
      @sloptek1807 Місяць тому

      ​​@@CCDesigns87 Right... That's why you say no word about Israel killing more than 30000+ of Palestinian women and children? On top of making sure that 2 millions have no place to live in and no food to eat.

    • @ReelNews
      @ReelNews  Місяць тому

      @@CCDesigns87 this is a disgusting comment. It’s Israel who have murdered over 20,000 innocent children, not the Palestinian resistance. In fact we know for a fact that only one baby was killed on October 7 - and that almost certainly by “friendly” fire. I don’t know how you sleep at nights ignoring the reality in front of you like that.

  • @djurius
    @djurius Місяць тому +1

    oh man, what happened to the roman empire

  • @sujitkumardas911
    @sujitkumardas911 Місяць тому +5

    Pseudo-lefts of india should be ashsmed of seeing such ptotests of progressive students.

  • @RobertoSiffredi-xy1nc
    @RobertoSiffredi-xy1nc Місяць тому +4

    Chanting for terrorists is hardly a 'major victory.'

  • @TheLurker1647
    @TheLurker1647 Місяць тому

    Imagine if Westerners cared half as much about their own countries as they seem to came about some place they've never even been.

    • @ReelNews
      @ReelNews  Місяць тому

      We do. That's why you'll find all the people on these mobilisations also fighting for decent public services, decent wages, decent housing, to cut energy bills - just to give a few examples. And fundamentally: none of our lives will substantially improve without a free Palestine. Everything is deeply interlinked. Think about the billions being wasted by Western governments to slaughter innocent children and what we could do with that money instead - and also the fact that Israel is so heavily funded by the West in order to protect their interests in the region - i.e. oil. If we are going to move away from burning fossil fuels to stop runaway climate change - which we need to start doing in the next five years - then a free Palestine, and actually an end to all wars, is absolutely essential. But maybe you'd like to say what are the issues youcare about most in your own country and we can talk about how to solve them?

    • @CCDesigns87
      @CCDesigns87 Місяць тому

      Maybe don't call it Palestine as a whole and find separate leaders who actually have a voice for Egypt and surrounding countries. As it stands everyone In that area shares the Hamas ideology of extermination of Jews. You can't have a whole country that thinks that way!

    • @ReelNews
      @ReelNews  Місяць тому

      @@CCDesigns87 that is quiet sijmply not true - and actually is in complete contradiction to the traditions in the region before zionism ruined everything, when jews, arabs and everyone else lived together in harmony. Lift the occupation and that can be the case again. But we have to get rid of this racist apartheid idea that people of different races and cultures can't live together.

  • @dolevmazker736
    @dolevmazker736 Місяць тому

    Nah chief

  • @CCDesigns87
    @CCDesigns87 Місяць тому

    If you pro Palestine people still in doubt, go watch son of Hamas clips. If your brain can absorb it, you might think differently on the situation

    • @ReelNews
      @ReelNews  Місяць тому +1

      and this is spectacularly missing the whole point. It is the illegal occupation, the violence of the Israeli state, the constant stealing of land, the shutting down of all peaceful avenues of protest (look at what happened on The Great March of Return), the daily harassment and killing of ordiinary Palestinians, the denial of basic necessities, the constant humiliation and so much more that leads to attempts to break out of what is a horrific open prison as we saw on October 7 - and unfortunately that will inevitably lead to violence. Do you condemn slaves for the violence they enacted on their owners in trying to end slavery? Or from first nations people trying to stop a genocide that wiped out virtually all their people? Of course not. If you're serious about finding a solution to the endless violence, you have to accept - as the Israeli newspaper immediately stated after October 7 - that the responsibility for October 7 lays squarely at the door of the Israeli government, the illegal occupation, the expansion of illagal settlements and the acceleration of the daily killings. So for lasting peace the occupation must end, this carnage from the IDF must end, and talks must start.

  • @radhiaobba8385
    @radhiaobba8385 Місяць тому +7

    Bravo aux etudiants Florentiens🇵🇸

  • @Skybasegame
    @Skybasegame Місяць тому +2

    the army of losers strikes again