Silver Fang Theme Full {With Lyrics}
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
The montains are calling you
The sky is calling you
You know someone's waiting for you in the far off distance
You feel you blood burning
Oh so vividly.
Now you, understand, the reason you were born
Become the wind and run
Come on, exceed what you did yesterday
Challenge things, that are much greater, than yourself
That's right, youth is shooting star
Which never burns out
If you turn around
Tranquility will
Like your mother calling you to a sudden halt
That dream you once had
Don't give it to anyone
Don't, give it, to anyone
Run with the wind
The tears you have shred,
Have already begun to dry
A bright new sun, is rising
At the other side of the road
Somebody waves and says "Lets run, side by side!"
Become the wind and run
Come on, exceed what you did yesterday
Challenge things, that are much greater, than yourself
That's right youth is a shooting star
Which never burns out
Art link: shakumi.deviant...
Art credit towards Shakumi.
I will always be grateful for my dad showing 5 year old me this series. I was terrified of bears for a long time but it was worth it.
As far as fears go, that seems like a really solid one to have.
As a north-western european, it's certainly more useful than fear of spiders xD
As far as fears go, that seems like a really solid one to have.
As a north-western european, it's certainly more useful than fear of spiders xD
For me opisite
Same bro, same.
I was crying so hard and loud everytime I saw it. Think I was around 5 too just balling my eyes out but I loved it.
i saw this silverfang for the first time about 7 year old!! now im 29 and gess what i STILL like the movies !!! AWESOME
Well I’m way older than that and o grew up with this
how you doing now tho
im turning 30 this year and i remember silver as the first anime i saw as a kid :) Epicness Right There!!
hahaha same
it's literally so nostalgic i'm getting the chills
Dictator Jaraxxus Eredar Lord Of The Burning Legion I cry, every time, I cry so badly!
The chills are real :D
I saw these movies as a child and i always had such a great respect for bears after. Now that i have passed 30+ years i watch the movies from time to time to remember Silver Fang and the others in the flock!
My whole childhood on one song😩❤️
so true
i listen to this song when i’m running with my dog and i always get goosebumps
Word up. Good childhood memories connected to this song brother
thats awesome
Me to
Haha that cracks me up! I wish i could do that aswell! Thats so epic haha!
When I switched this song on my party, my friends were like "WTF are you listening?"
How dare they... This is one of the best anime songs EVER (in my opinion) and only who watched this awesome anime can understand it.
ppl have diffrent opinions
in my opinion ginga densetsu weed have a beter opening
Ha you hate weed
*cuz fuckin pot*
Why would you put it on at a party to begin with?
i am so happy my dad had this series on dvd 12 years ago. i wouldnt be the same person without this
No matter how many anime's come straight at my face, NOTHING will beat GNG by a LONG SHOT. Live on, Gin!
i got vhs from my dad when i was a kid and i was singing that song on a school project in a primary school and i m Polish, for my teacher was a jaw dropping experience when was singing it on the front of class
27 years ago i saw this for the first time and then in sweden i knew that they did Censor it alot but finaly yesterday i saw the whole uncuted version and finaly i know everything until then under the years i have onle seen bits an peaces of the missin sceens and now i have seen it all =)
the first time I saw Silver Fang I was 7 and it's till the best thing ever
Dom censurerar inte silver fang i Sverige jag kollade på de här med min bror när jag va typ 7 år fullt med blod och svordomar
aiden pearce den är fortfarande censurerad, om du kollar hela på dreamfilm kommer du se, det är nästan 40-50 minuter av censur
The best omission was definitely akakabuto's final fight :p - "Go for the hind legs.. rotate..." "Now. He's blind" (!?)
_TopShottaz_ Bree yes the blood, my most memorable episode was when they were fed dog meat
I respect Japanese people. The most clever people on earth with Germans. Love from Finland!
Nazi much?
I saw Silver Fang for the first time about 8-years ago, nostalgia just hit me straight to the face.
A heavy dose of goosebumps and nostalgia! YES!
this anime has a lot of the old style charm to it and is a gem in its own right
I sometimes thought of this beat in the army when I struggled during long marches, haha. It REALLY helped though... xD
Love this song! Great theme to a pretty solid anime.
I just know I have to comment, I agree with everyone on this page! This sure bring back memories, your blood starts to boil and this is the bet music to run to
For some reason I play this while driving through bad weather. Dunno why but it fits the situation, especially while storm chasing
i liked the picture its great!!! you got some drawing skills!!!
memories of me being a kid ;_; i think this song is epic for battles it makes me excited :P
+GrimWzl I agree. This takes me back too. Watched it so many times, I can't count it. My dad bought the series for me, when I was eight or nine^^
Cool, my dad bought it again, haven't watched it for ages.
It will never get old ! Silver Fang for life ! AAAAaaaAAaAAAAAa HAHAHA
Amazing singer
I love this song!
The best use of the orchestra hit sound ever
I love silver fang😍 i’m from Finland. Onks muit suomest?
Ginga fani puolet varmaa, dont blame them though Hopeanuoli on nostalgic af
Vielä kysytkin
Yli puolet on tyylii suomesta XD
epic picture gotta say and that song well will always stay with me ;)
Band plays perfectly. Without younger singer,this would have been perfect legacy . Still,brings back great memories.
This brings back good old memoriess
Se on juurikin näin
Beautiful song!!!
Oi tää on nii hyvä musa♡♡♡
man this was my childhood and it makes me tear up evry time i hear this and kyl se suomi dubi on aivan jotakin muuta :D
Totta :D
Perfect to listen to when doing 80+mph down the freeway and its at night
Tjis is like the most awesome Anime
Still gets goosebumps in 2022
2023 ✨
Im 26 and this anime moved me to tears.
I Love this song! ❤
i just love this
what a great pic indeed, me like too ^^-b
i love the picture of gin in this he looks so awesome and powerful XD
This wil Always be the BEST anime 20K17
For those who might not know, the artist is Takayuki Miyauchi
And the name of the song is Nagareboshi Gin :D
TheLimeWolf 😠
This is REALLY liked in finland
The Best Movie Ever!
Memories ^w^
omg you have the limited edition typing sasuke figure, those are REALLY hard to come by!
Much better than the sequel. And I saw this second
My childhood favorite. I watched it recently. It's been 20 years since I've seen it. I realized that this anime is very scary..truly scary. Even the boar looks monstrous... And the Bears..uhh :D And I'm surprised it didn't traumatize me.
Best anime show EVER made
i body builded couse of this anime when i was young still im strong but weak ,, still when i see the serie it build me up again
Epic memories :-)
@sortties its an anime, not a cartoon.
He does kick ass!
Ey, Jag laddade ner "silver fang uncut" från Piratbay.. Sök bara på google "silver fang uncut" Sen är det som klart.. Kan ta typ 1-2 dar å få ner skiten eftersom ingen seedar men klart värt det.. Den jag fick tag i från Pirate~ var med swe sub så jag var glad:) / lycka till!
why am i crying when hearing this. fucking love it
I could challenge you on that as a 22 year old,i can still name all the dogs and bears in this series :)I watched this more than religiously..
@Iceclaw77 yup..
this must be one of the best animes I've ever seen. Season 2 is good too
When this came out? I am 36 now and I think I watched this when I was like 6.
The original run of the show was like 1986 or something like that. I remember seing this when i was like, 7 . Im 32 now
this is the best anime ever released GNG GWD: the people who don't like is either Hougen and his followers or havnt seen it. but either way THEY MISSED A GREAT STORY!.
so inspirational... o_o i wanna RUN AND RUN !!!
I love this song and i love this anime!! *^*
Maybe you'll like my cover of this track :) It's on my main page.
I love ginga, is great anime!
Give back karelia you furry fuck
Is the song at the end somewhere on here? I like that one too.
Få tag i den med japanskt tal och engelska subs. Borde vara den ocensurerade versionen.
Silver fang is from 1986
So you like GNG & GDW? I will making GNG & GDW on my computer
Oonks ainoa joka ei nää niitä sanoja? Suomalaiset tykätkää!
Hey! nei, men den var å kjøpe på vhs på 80 og 90-tallet
does any1 know why the new silver fang video from 2005 only is on japanese and not on anyother language?
hmm, I started watching Gng (sadly I watched Gdw, not knowing that as the sequel :'( and I didn't really like it, until I got to episode 14. That's when things started to get really cool, I like the animation better in Gdw, but I'm comfortable with the Gng too :)
Back in the day I used to watch this whit my Best friend and let me tell you this was the fucking digs like I can guarantee you that this was bad ass and just listening to that awesome theme always gave me the hypes like seriously I went over to my best friend just to watch this anime and my god did we have good times we had waffles whit sugar on turned on the tv and we watched every second of it and the final episodes really hyped me up and he said that it would be scary but I didn't see anything scary I just enjoyed the whole episodes and you know what? I'm glad I'm rewatching this cuz this was then they did anime right not making weird shit like naked women just plain anime that had constant action and please don't tell me that this is for child's cuz it clearly isn't for children like it was blood and animal abuse and a lot of deaths and shooting and my god I think silver fang is one of the most bloodiest and if not the most violent anime ever made and I fucking loved it but I believe some scenes in Norway was cut out of the series but it was during the origin of silver but I had no problem whit it cuz I understand that some scenes shouldn't been shown but overall silver fang is an fantastic anime to watch.
I love both Ginga Nageraboshi Gin and Ginga Densetsu Weed, they are full of action, and the songs are the icing on the cake!!!
What is the name of this song and who is the artist? Anyone know? :-)
And Got to Scandinavia in 2004.
Ofc you can, but it's funnier to have it yourself :)
Million voices
THERE'S ANOTHER VERSE?????!?!?!?!?!?!?!
usually i got goosebumps every time i hear this song, bring so good memories by the way :) but what ''fiskefyren'' said... that's really weird : /
its the normal figure, but lawl.
how 14 ingore this ;D
i dont think iceclaw can understand you... :D
or are you from norway iceclaw??
명견실버 팬이에요
a better way? it was the best way!
Where’d the old martial artist guy go
@Iceclaw77 Please link it to me too
i dont know how to get silverfang swedish dub
I have owned a dog and a bear, it was called Rig
The company shut down. Not enough money, and too violent
aha :DD