+Lineman052....We've seen the "brighter days" your fellow Con. Doug Ford is giving us, and we've also seen the "brighter days" your other fellow Cons. Brian Mulroney, Mike Harris, and Stephen Harper have given us!
@@jaywinter2534 ...Merry Christmas everyone except CON-servatives~See? things work both ways! BTW~You've lost Stephen Harper, Andrew Scheer and three elections to the Liberals~Get Over It!
I hope 40 million Canadians watch this and learn to make better voting decisions next time. It's unfathomable how we agree to give 50% of our hard earned money to the government, when it's managed by such incompetent and highly paid bureaucrats.
Sunshine list salaries everywhere. So ponzi scheme has to continue. Rip off from paul to pay highly paid Paul (govt employees or regulated field) on sure and FAT pay cheque.
Pierre, thank you for standing up for the average Canadian. I don't like politics, but I am thankful to see you STAND against corruption. Your fearlessness is inspiring. I hope one day you will lead Canada as our PM.
You need Pierre to tell you? Then you haven’t lived in this country for the past 6 years. Does someone need to make a list Trudeau’s crimes every week and post it so people don’t forget? Good job Pierre stating the obvious. Now what are you going to do about it? Nothing! Because you already had the chance to do something. But you didn’t want to, so you get what we have here.
@@karenboyd9752 I would bet we agree on allot. Fascism and Socialism are the same wing of Marxist propaganda. The truth is the difference is a matter of prospective. Leftist love to call right wing socialist countries fascist. However they truth is they don't realize they expose themselves and their ideology when they do. Their is no substantive difference between in the way the government is organized when a country is run by the left or when it is run by the right. Left and Right Socialist centrally planed Governments still pick and choose which business succeed and fail. They still bail out their preferred companies. Engage in suppression of their opposition and manipulate and control the population that disagrees with them. Socialism and Fascism only difference is a matter of prospective. If you agree with the Centrally Planed Government controlled economics and social structure while it's Socialism, if you disagree it's Fascism! Both sides of the same coin Marxism. Which flowery propaganda aside amounts to elitism. Central Planed Economics where the worker is denied in the product of their labor in whole or in part. Serfdom or Feudalism 2.0!
Absolutely disgusting how they flat out refuse to answer the question and you can see them smiling behind their masks . Time to remove these crooks by force if necessary!
Where the money comes from? It's a simple question with no answers. If no one answers, what is the meaning? Pierre is going to the right point, he is super intelligent to see that no one knows about it!!! What they are doing there? There's a lot of incompetent people!!!! Or they are hiding something?🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐
Behold , behold them . And I will give to the foundation of peace , One that brings right tidings . For I beheld and there was no man , even among them , and there was no counsellor that when I asked them could answer a word . Behold , they are all vanity ; their works are nothing , their molten images are wind and confusion .
These are civil servants, not politicians. They likely dont have a clue where its coming from. Its easy, it gets added to the already bloated deficit. Plain and simple.
So that makes you an excuse for their civility ? Tell Mr. Poilievre that added to is the same as came from and that Liberal politicians add or send Liberal civil servants to rebuke Conservative political questioning . Under who's direction Mr. Driver ? Who's direction ?
We will only be lucky if the idiot Canadians who vote for the Liberal Party (or even worse the NDP or Greens) finally come to their senses and vote for Pierre Pollievre in the next federal election.
I don't think it is a simple question. Were they to answer it truthfully, they would then have to explain why the entire university level education system misleads all students in regards to where the money comes from. And that becomes a very deep rabbit hole.
Former being the operative word I believe. You obviously served when the parties were reasonable and had integrity. I wonder if we will ever hear the words, bipartisan ever again.
@@melissaingham5722 The whole world has been laughing at us the second time, let alone the 3rd time, we gave this idiot power. Nothing will change in politics, till we remove king Trudeau of Chnada from power.
Mr Poilievre, sad to say but you are one of the outliers in Politics. I have complete respect for the work you do and the voice for majority of Canadians.
I am so impressed with Pierre Poilievre. Finally a intelligent young man who is asking all the right questions in parliament . My vote is for you Pierre. Canada’s next Prime Minister. Your on the right tract, Keep up the great work.
I think Pierre figures it's futile anyway so may as well have some fun anyway they might fire him like JWR but hey he's got a pension could get another job so whatever go hard.
@@canadiantoque229 I agree! The dictator’s do not answer to anyone! Problem is there is a whole generation raised on soy products that have lowered all their testosterone… They can not fight, so they love Authoritarianism.
Pierre Poilievre should learn that Canada's inflation is going up because of the rise in demand with low supply, global supply chain disruptions, and because of the effects of Climate Change, not because of the Liberal Governments policies.
@03mach1 mustang Might be his best chance. The O'toole wing of the Tories will never let him any closer to the leadership position. I mean a Torie with actual coherent conservative values? That's nuts!
They're All the same, this guy's just saying what a garbage job they're doing so he can get the position, none of them are in touch with the average citizen, their pay rate keeps them galaxies away from having to actually deal with the problems they cause, oh and the complete lack of accountability.
Can you really call someone a "witness" when they don't offer any information? Incompetence must be a prerequisite to be a beurocrat; its like they just fail up.
Mr. Poilievre, your a good man, Thanks for sticking up for Canada when nobody else will. If there is something you need the people to do let us know, there must be some who are willing to help. NOt a big fan of the Conservatives at the moment as they seem alot like the liberals, but you i would happily elect for leader.
Funding requests would never end up on committee agenda without a funding source being identified internally. No self respecting CA would allow that. There is a funding source. Maybe on Thursday we find out? Don’t hold your breath.
That additional comment..."this is concerned about where the money is coming from" was brilliant to add as they didn't respond. That will come back to bite them.
Yes ; where is the money coming from Craig ? Canada :- founded on principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God and the rule of law . ( Preamble of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ) God - Gawd :- Hebrew word meaning fortune ( in the sense of economic agenda the distribution thereof ) ( Gawd-re-eyl :- Fortune creator ; he who tempted Eve in the garden ; ref. the Book of Enoch 69:6,7 ) The Rule of Law :- Deceit is framed by that which attempts to make faith in the Way , and the Truth , and the Life of none effect . Come back to bite them ? :- Where is the money coming from Craig ; Pierre ? What Foundation ?
I am stunned by this process. In the private sector you will never see business conducted in this way because the dollars need to be allocated before anything is decided.
As a hardworking taxpayer that raised my children with strong working ethics and doing their part to give back within our community, while paying their fair share of taxes, I am DISGUSTED! Their financial future has been mortally wounded by this government & my ability to live a reasonable life in retirement destroyed. No accountability to the people of Canada and I now have absolutely 0 respect for government as it has become abundantly clear how corrupt the system, governing laws, voting powers, politicians & the Charter is. There is no reasonable means that the majority of Canadians, who did not elect the Trudeau government, can take to protect ourselves from this government. Canada has sunk into the abyss & our children/grandchildren futures destroyed.
Pierre Poilievre should learn that Canada's inflation is going up because of the rise in demand with low supply, global supply chain disruptions, and because of the effects of Climate Change, not because of the Liberal Governments policies.
YOU believe in PP and the Cons. "We" is only the people in that camp of believers. Respect the critical thinkers who remain unconvinced and skeptical of Pierre, the career politician, who has a questionable history in politics and doesn't seem to have a clue how modern money works. He's part of the "The Biggest Lie in Politics" as 1Dime's channel has described.
I used to be the technician who operated translation booths like the one behind Pierre. For 18 years I've sat through many many gov't meetings like this. If I had to describe in one word what I've experienced; "Arrogance" These people actually do think they're better than you and me.
@@mrfingers4737 no, thats what happens when people are put in power. There is no because. Power corrupts all and must be seen as evil. Milton friedman said the reason there has historically never been an instance of a truly free society is because it restrains power.
NO- it’s because man does not know how to govern himself let alone a nation Ego of man rooted in pride It’s inherited It started from the first male and female Adam and Eve In rebellion with God the Creator
No answering direct questions in the House of Commons or on Committees SHOULD BE considered a Breach of Ethics & comes with a monetary fine per question.
Good Lord, these buffoonish zeros actually made it in to a position of power? And they are in charge of our economy? Now I KNOW Pierre is going to be Prime Minister. Anyone with a shred of common sense knows we NEED this man. Pierre, take that win and clean house! You have my support.
Straight forward fear mongering and ignorance, yes. Great job, Pierre. People will be fooled and follow you. You're experience as a career politician sure seems to be paying off.
WOW thank you Pierre for being "our PIT BULL" for all hard working tax paying CANADIAN CITIZENS, not from the pockets of MPS who care ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR US!
Here in the States this under the table crap is called discretionary spending, Senators and Reps get to waste vast sums of money on “earmarked” whimsical projects. It used to be referred to as pork barrel spending, & the non profit CAGW tracks the money and publishes a Pig Book. Alaska, with a population of 773,000, always manages to top the charts spending almost $500 million (approx.$800 per resident) in 2023.
Pollieve has got it together not just with finances but with other things also that would make him be a very good PM of Canada. He is young and intelligent!
@@coolioso808 Could you please explain us what is the difference between money and "modern money"? Does modern money come from any other source than our taxes?
@@artmusic8914 There is a very well-referenced and in-depth video on this very topic done by 1Dime on his channel, entitled "The Deficit Myth: The Biggest Lie in Politics" that you can feel free to check out. It will explain more than I could in a little YT comment box. But aren't you interested to know more about the biggest lie in politics? I'd imagine Pierre and the other politicians who never talk about it would not be very happy if Canadian voters knew the truth before they cast their vote in 2025. The basics go like this: Modern money is fiat currency, not backed by gold or any other commodity, in particular. Canada holds its own currency sovereignty and creates that money from its central bank, out of thin air. Canada is like USA, UK, Japan and Australia in that regard. Unlimited ability to create as much money as they want. Alan Greenspan, former Fed chair, and others, have openly admitted this. Notice how the deficit is always a big scare tactic to explain why the government CAN'T fund things we want, like better healthcare or expanded healthcare to include dental, vision, hearing and mental health services? But the government can afford to waste money on things that go to a handful of already rich corporations and it doesn't automatically make our taxes go sky high. Inflation is an issue, which is explained in the video, but not for the reasons most politicians and uninformed media people will tell you. The fact is, our taxes don't fund any Federal funding. Federal government spends first, creating that money out of thin air, and our taxes are a deletion of some money out of the economy. Do you see why this would be a very convenient lie for politicians to hold onto? Because if most Canadians knew it wasn't an issue of spending too much like a household budget and going broke and it was more an issue of the Federal government mismanaging funds because they are beholden to corporations far more than the people, then the whole Conservative fear-mongering would be diminished and they might have to talk more about policy that is supposed to help all Canadians, unfortunately, revealing ever more that they don't really care about average Canadians, except as much as they can manipulate them into voting for them. And I'm not a Liberal supporter, so you can cut off that retort if you were thinking it.
This is absolutely amazing to watch…just shows the level of complete & utter incompetency going on right now. Thank you for the Service you provide Canadians Pierre. At least theirs one person in government doing their job!
Fighting for austerity in Canada, for sure. If I was a rich person or corporation in Canada I would be salivating at the idea of Pierre leading the Corporation of Canada.
This over taxing citizens and money goes where for this carbon tax as nothing has been done, is it in a account for corporation to meet standards? Is it in a account for jobs? We have seen nothing but people losing there homes, properties, businesses. We are suffocating!!! Let us breathe!
For the fearful and ignorant crowd, perhaps. But for the progressive and critical thinking citizens, not so much! Many more red flags and questions that Pierre has not answered sufficiently. He doesn't even know how modern money works.
Do you know what his policies are? Do you know how he is going to try and 'fix' a broken Canada? Austerity? Cutting a dollar for every dollar spent. That sounds good to you? Do you not know how modern money works? There is a big difference between household budgets and Federal budgets and, YES, Libs spend recklessly and self-serving, but so do Conservatives and it's part of a bigger problem of markets. The system is the sickness. Bad politicians are just symptoms.
WOW! No one can or wont answer where the money is coming from. Thank you Pierre for how you created this video. May God continue to keep you strong fighting for all Canadians.
But the Liarberals will go on as nauseum about Harper muzzling government departments and yet here we see the exact same thing no doubt ordered by the biggest Liarberal Justin Trudeau and enforced by his propaganda Minister Gerald Goebbells Butts
So glad "someone" is asking the questions that are keeping Canadians awake at night, wondering when this horrendous bill is coming due. Printing money at this rate is just eviscerating younger Canadian's futures and options. I'm glad Pierre is asking these questions because mainstream media isn't. Malcolm Ottawa Valley
I work abroad in the Oil & Gas industry, being the only provider for my family of 4 and cannot afford to make basic payments nor put food on the table as I should, we are struggling tremendously. We are with you Pierre, if you do not win the next election we will leave Canada for good!
Pierre is the only person awake in the room as usual. thank you,Pierre! you're giving much hope to those of us who still have a spark of intelligence,morals and a soul 🙏🏽🥂
A nice tribute to Alex Trebek... lol "Where does the money come from?" That is the most important question. The Liberals keep spending money WE DO NOT HAVE and filling their coffers in the process. "GENIUS" is not about having the highest IQ, being so smart to play the system… it's simply being "AWARE". Awareness is key for the people. Unfortunately, too many Canadians are ignorant, or unaware of what the Liberals are doing in Government. We need responsible people in our Government. Diligent men and woman that care about the people and the future of our nation, not just in it for the party or themselves. Keep up the good work Pierre! Keep raising the level of awareness of Canadians so we can vote in a righteous leader and government at the next election.
This is hands down the funniest UA-cam video I have ever watched in my entire life and the scariest at the same time. Mr. Poilievre you deserve to be part of the Monty Pythons Sir! They way you roasted the power addicted, out of touch, lost in their wealth liberals by just asking "Where the money comes from?" depicts the bitter truth of how far this government has drifted away from the middle class ordinary Canadian! Kudos to the one who chose the music. I am still laughing!
@@alaska1682 I am aware of this interview. It's not hilarious it's infuriating! Because of the professional liar participating. This is like watching Brazil! I mean the role of the bureaucrat who was pushed in front of the camera to answer a question he did not anticipate is for Oscar!
I have never been so ashamed of a Canadian government in my life. These are dark days ahead.
They are here now. Just going to get worse.
+Lineman052....We've seen the "brighter days" your fellow Con. Doug Ford is giving us, and we've also seen the "brighter days" your other fellow Cons. Brian Mulroney, Mike Harris, and Stephen Harper have given us!
@@damontsekos9406 ur lib Justin is doing great though right?😂😂 C'mon man 🤡🤡
Merry Christmas everyone except liberals 💸🥇🕌👎
@@jaywinter2534 ...Merry Christmas everyone except CON-servatives~See? things work both ways!
BTW~You've lost Stephen Harper, Andrew Scheer and three elections to the Liberals~Get Over It!
We need to elect this man as our PM guys!! WAKE UPPPPPPP
Pierre, you are priceless!
I hope 40 million Canadians watch this and learn to make better voting decisions next time. It's unfathomable how we agree to give 50% of our hard earned money to the government, when it's managed by such incompetent and highly paid bureaucrats.
you still think your vote counts? lmfao gtfoh!
Sunshine list salaries everywhere. So ponzi scheme has to continue. Rip off from paul to pay highly paid Paul (govt employees or regulated field) on sure and FAT pay cheque.
The last election was a total farce all bought and paid for by the un
Canadians didnt vote for this clown the new Canadians that get free money from justine trudumb did the same people that hate this country
Only 32% voted for Trudeau too remember that not the majority.
Pierre, thank you for standing up for the average Canadian. I don't like politics, but I am thankful to see you STAND against corruption. Your fearlessness is inspiring. I hope one day you will lead Canada as our PM.
As do I my friend. Pierre for PM!
Pierre for King.
He should be our PM .. we might actually have a Country that is not going down the sink hole.
@@erepsekahs Pierre for PM..
Great question. They will never have the answer, because its not their money.
Every Canadian should be embarrassed by this joke of a government ! Thank You Pierre for shining a light on just how ridiculous these clowns are.
You need Pierre to tell you?
Then you haven’t lived in this country for the past 6 years.
Does someone need to make a list Trudeau’s crimes every week and post it so people don’t forget?
Good job Pierre stating the obvious.
Now what are you going to do about it?
Nothing! Because you already had the chance to do something. But you didn’t want to, so you get what we have here.
Here is quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
More than clowns. Its a full on circus. And we are paying admission for it without the choice to do so.
Are we as Canadians not concerned about this?.. I know I am!!!!
@03mach1 mustang Democracy requires a informed population. What we have is a manipulated population....
@@richardpeterson9653 It's called Facisim!
I am too, my children and their children’s futures are at stake here!
Too many Canadians are too busy watching the fake news while our country falls apart 😢
@@karenboyd9752 I would bet we agree on allot.
Fascism and Socialism are the same wing of Marxist propaganda. The truth is the difference is a matter of prospective. Leftist love to call right wing socialist countries fascist.
However they truth is they don't realize they expose themselves and their ideology when they do. Their is no substantive difference between in the way the government is organized when a country is run by the left or when it is run by the right. Left and Right Socialist centrally planed Governments still pick and choose which business succeed and fail. They still bail out their preferred companies. Engage in suppression of their opposition and manipulate and control the population that disagrees with them.
Socialism and Fascism only difference is a matter of prospective. If you agree with the Centrally Planed Government controlled economics and social structure while it's Socialism, if you disagree it's Fascism!
Both sides of the same coin Marxism. Which flowery propaganda aside amounts to elitism. Central Planed Economics where the worker is denied in the product of their labor in whole or in part. Serfdom or Feudalism 2.0!
It seems like Pierre is the only one argue with liberal party. I see O’toole smiling and playing with Trudeau more and more like they are BFF.
OToole is the wrong guy. He's Scheer 2.0. Not enough depth to fight the monster.
Probably a PPC propagandist. O'Toole is exposing Liberals and has consistently for years are you delusional?
Ofoole is useless... a flip-flop politician. PIERRE IS 100 TIMES THE MAN... CALLS THEM CRIMINALS OUT CONSISTENTLY
The House of Commons is a different environment than a Parliamentary Committee. O'Toole has been taking Trudeau to task consistently in QP.
Absolutely disgusting how they flat out refuse to answer the question and you can see them smiling behind their masks . Time to remove these crooks by force if necessary!
most transparent govvernment in canadian history, lol, remember that promise? hahaha
Trudeau will be king of Chinada, till we take it back!
They have been trained by turdeau well. Very obedient slaves, I mean "politicians"
Here is quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
Where the money comes from? It's a simple question with no answers. If no one answers, what is the meaning? Pierre is going to the right point, he is super intelligent to see that no one knows about it!!! What they are doing there? There's a lot of incompetent people!!!! Or they are hiding something?🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐
We need more MEN like Poiliever.wish we had a strong conservative government.
The PPC is closest thing to a "strong Conservative Government (platform)" to be found - I wish a few more MEN like Poilievre would get on board ......
@@bobross6802 or women.
Wish we had a strong conservative leader.
@@bobross6802 yeah ppc is a little too far right, need some sense not an overcorrection.
Conservatism is terrible.
And these are the people who supposedly have the reins of power, FRIGHTENING
Behold , behold them . And I will give to the foundation of peace ,
One that brings right tidings . For I beheld and there was no man ,
even among them , and there was no counsellor that when I asked
them could answer a word . Behold , they are all vanity ; their works
are nothing , their molten images are wind and confusion .
@@ofyhwhiamyisraweyl9507 absolutely beautiful quote!
These are civil servants, not politicians. They likely dont have a clue where its coming from. Its easy, it gets added to the already bloated deficit. Plain and simple.
So that makes you an excuse for their civility ? Tell Mr. Poilievre
that added to is the same as came from and that Liberal politicians
add or send Liberal civil servants to rebuke Conservative political
questioning . Under who's direction Mr. Driver ? Who's direction ?
Here is the quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
As an American, I must say I'm HIGHLY impressed by this gentleman. You folks are lucky.
I agree, he is someone I want on my side.
How does a career politician get a net worth of $9 million ?
We will only be lucky if the idiot Canadians who vote for the Liberal Party (or even worse the NDP or Greens) finally come to their senses and vote for Pierre Pollievre in the next federal election.
We will be lucky if he gets elected if he doesn't Canada is lost. God bless America. Cheers!
Need to get him voted in first. And yes he’s an amazing man. A real man!
This is insane that not one official can answer such a simple question. May God protect the ones who stand up in the face of all the madness. 🙏💜✨
They know...but the answer won't win public approval or votes...
The banality of evil is well represented here.
I don't think it is a simple question. Were they to answer it truthfully, they would then have to explain why the entire university level education system misleads all students in regards to where the money comes from. And that becomes a very deep rabbit hole.
All you would get would be lies anyway. The answer is in the non answer.Just remember the DICKTATOR is non other than BLACK FACE.
We all know why. That's an easy one. Break the news to your grandchildren.
They are scared shitless to even get in a conversation with him about it. . All of them.... Go get'em Pierre!
As a lawyer, I can say that this man understands the role of parliament. Keep nailing them
- Former NDP Member
Former being the operative word I believe. You obviously served when the parties were reasonable and had integrity. I wonder if we will ever hear the words, bipartisan ever again.
'As a lawyer' , that's a big part of our problems.
As a watermelon farmer I would agree.
What else are you besides a lawyer?
@@sapporoichiban3612 As a bee-tickler I would agree
This is priceless watching them squirm, no wonder Trudeau didn’t want to come back to parliament 😂
Here is the quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
The whole finance committee should be fired!
Wow what a disgrace!!!
Bravo Pierre! This would be comedy gold if it also wasn’t such a sad reality.
Jesus...why is Pierre not the leader.
@@gkb9088 because .Hina chose Trudeau.
The whole world is going to be laughing at us.
@@melissaingham5722 The whole world has been laughing at us the second time, let alone the 3rd time, we gave this idiot power.
Nothing will change in politics, till we remove king Trudeau of Chnada from power.
Yes! May somebody please start a comedy show using this material?! He is giving us gold! Maybe then more people would be exposed to this madness.
Brilliant - you would think that 10 top government officials would have some idea - likely they have been gagged.
Told to stfu by FJT.
"Gagged" they are hired because they don't have a clue as to what they are doing.
Here is the quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
Incompetence like we have never seen before! Mind blowing 😮😢. I feel more broke just listening to this.
Mr Poilievre, sad to say but you are one of the outliers in Politics. I have complete respect for the work you do and the voice for majority of Canadians.
Here is quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
I am so impressed with Pierre Poilievre. Finally a intelligent young man who is asking all the right questions in parliament . My vote is for you Pierre. Canada’s next Prime Minister. Your on the right tract, Keep up the great work.
Here is the quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
I'll be out of Canada by then. I can't stand the way this government runs the country anymore. Hands out free $$$$
How we do we know he won't be an even bigger fascist than Trudeau, though?
I can picture Pierre playing the role of Al Capone in the next Godfather 😂
@@Christoff070 He totally looks like controlled opposition to me. Beware of Poilievre, something's not right.
They are shaking!!!! OMG
so glad someone is actually standing up for actual people
I think Pierre figures it's futile anyway so may as well have some fun anyway they might fire him like JWR but hey he's got a pension could get another job so whatever go hard.
And yet his boss is trudope 2.0 get your head out of your behind he is doing little for Canadians other then complaining
@@canadiantoque229 I agree! The dictator’s do not answer to anyone!
Problem is there is a whole generation raised on soy products that have lowered all their testosterone…
They can not fight, so they love Authoritarianism.
Pierre Poilievre should learn that Canada's inflation is going up because of the rise in demand with low supply, global supply chain disruptions, and because of the effects of Climate Change, not because of the Liberal Governments policies.
@@AUG_XZABER That’s the dummest thing I’ve ever heard, everyone is a lot dummer for listening to it!
I award you ZERO points!
Pierre for PM!!!
Never happen under the Tories...
@03mach1 mustang Might be his best chance.
The O'toole wing of the Tories will never let him any closer to the leadership position. I mean a Torie with actual coherent conservative values? That's nuts!
Here is the quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
Pierre is just awesome! He really stands up for Canadians.
I have been asking that question for a long time. Ever since Trudeau came along and spent what was not his to spend.
Here is the Quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
Get them Pierre!!!!
Time for us all to mask up.
10 people who can't answer a simple question. Great music choice XD
Here is The Quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
i presume the answer would be...the tax payers!
I just can't stop watching this, it's a complete overall picture of how this government operates. What a bleak future for this country.
The whole world is gonna be laughing at us
It's also an insight into the mind of Keynesians
Which is all major parties
Polievre is the only conservative left on team blue
@@leemack5135 Is that the same Paul Martin that gave us a budget surplus that Harper turned into a deficit within months?
@@melissaingham5722 considering the state of the world we are sitting in a very comfortable position
Here is quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
I don’t know how much more I can take 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. btw .. trashed TV after Alex left this ‘vale of tears’..No point ANYMORE 🤣🤣🤣❤️
Watched this live absolutely hilarious and sad at the same time.
Here is the quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
Pierre was way ahead of the game and saw it coming. The next PM of Canada for sure.
Pierre, OMG ! ! I love it, by the way do you have your belongings packed to move into you know whose office, can't wait.
Canadians need to see this
Imagine If i got millions of dollars and If i cannot show them source of fund. I will be behind bars. I really get annoyed.
Here is The Quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
That’s where Trudeau belongs or even better in a retraining camp in China, where he supports this genocide.
He is going to save MY country!
Love how he won't let anyone off the hook. We know where the money is coming from.
Tell me where the money is coming from Deb.
@@coolhandluke2310 it gets printed out of thin air
Here is the quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
I bet he knows. they are too scared to answer!! great bloke
The music was the perfect touch!
That's the exact question a finance critic should ask. Finally a adult came to the table ...
Here is the Quality PPC content: ua-cam.com/video/fhFJ1sk2R9I/v-deo.html
Thank you Pierre. I would rather buy Gold than trust these folks who can't even do math.
This song should play everytime a Liberal is challenged.
Well Alex Trebec was Canadian god love him.
And a great show it was until it went woke as well. It’s getting worse every day.
They're All the same, this guy's just saying what a garbage job they're doing so he can get the position, none of them are in touch with the average citizen, their pay rate keeps them galaxies away from having to actually deal with the problems they cause, oh and the complete lack of accountability.
Good idea
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Can you really call someone a "witness" when they don't offer any information? Incompetence must be a prerequisite to be a beurocrat; its like they just fail up.
Yes you can as long as they are not bought out by corruption to STFU. Governments only want power and unlimited dollars they get to keep.
@@MrCptSilva You forgot that they love to over promise and under deliver.
@@richardpeterson9653 yes that’s all politicians
@@MrCptSilva Agreed part of the reason I support less government and more personal empowerment!
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Yup, you have my vote !
Mr. Poilievre, your a good man, Thanks for sticking up for Canada when nobody else will. If there is something you need the people to do let us know, there must be some who are willing to help. NOt a big fan of the Conservatives at the moment as they seem alot like the liberals, but you i would happily elect for leader.
Otoole is a LIBERAL! I'm so disappointed in him and even moreso with the rest of the cabinet going along with the garbage!
we would all happily elect him for PM
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Funding requests would never end up on committee agenda without a funding source being identified internally. No self respecting CA would allow that. There is a funding source. Maybe on Thursday we find out? Don’t hold your breath.
Exactly.It would be lies anyway.Instead let’s just pray for our loveable Pierre Poillievre.
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Jays PP is effing brilliant, love dis bruddah
That additional comment..."this is concerned about where the money is coming from" was brilliant to add as they didn't respond. That will come back to bite them.
Yes ; where is the money coming from Craig ?
Canada :- founded on principles that acknowledge the supremacy
of God and the rule of law . ( Preamble of the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms )
God - Gawd :- Hebrew word meaning fortune ( in the sense of economic
agenda the distribution thereof ) ( Gawd-re-eyl :- Fortune
creator ; he who tempted Eve in the garden ; ref. the Book
of Enoch 69:6,7 )
The Rule of Law :- Deceit is framed by that which attempts to make faith
in the Way , and the Truth , and the Life of none effect .
Come back to bite them ? :- Where is the money coming from Craig ;
Pierre ? What Foundation ?
no it won't :/
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Trudeau ķnows where it come from
Seniors in retirement homes have bèd room that costs them 16 hundred dollars to live by month is this fare
Pierre reminds me of my old boss of 50 years ago when sanity ruled the earth. Straight forward and to the point.
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Tooth fairies and money trees, funny stuff Pierre. Bring it home.
Unbelievable. 🙄
Spot on Pierre. 👍👍👍 Press them on it! Maybe the witnesses' that should be there would be Justin Freeland and Chrystia Trudeau.
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I am stunned by this process. In the private sector you will never see business conducted in this way because the dollars need to be allocated before anything is decided.
As a hardworking taxpayer that raised my children with strong working ethics and doing their part to give back within our community, while paying their fair share of taxes, I am DISGUSTED! Their financial future has been mortally wounded by this government & my ability to live a reasonable life in retirement destroyed. No accountability to the people of Canada and I now have absolutely 0 respect for government as it has become abundantly clear how corrupt the system, governing laws, voting powers, politicians & the Charter is. There is no reasonable means that the majority of Canadians, who did not elect the Trudeau government, can take to protect ourselves from this government. Canada has sunk into the abyss & our children/grandchildren futures destroyed.
Yeah they are supposed have your back, i feel your pain.
Amen. Truly sick. Dividing friends and family before my un...woke eyes!
Pierre Poilievre should learn that Canada's inflation is going up because of the rise in demand with low supply, global supply chain disruptions, and because of the effects of Climate Change, not because of the Liberal Governments policies.
Jokes on you Lori, our generation can't afford to have children so you won't get any grandchildren.
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We love you Pierre ❤ keep it up 👍 and please be the honest man we believe you to be 🙏❤️🇨🇦
YOU believe in PP and the Cons. "We" is only the people in that camp of believers. Respect the critical thinkers who remain unconvinced and skeptical of Pierre, the career politician, who has a questionable history in politics and doesn't seem to have a clue how modern money works. He's part of the "The Biggest Lie in Politics" as 1Dime's channel has described.
That ' Jeopardy theme song " during this shake up 💯...
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I used to be the technician who operated translation booths like the one behind Pierre. For 18 years I've sat through many many gov't meetings like this. If I had to describe in one word what I've experienced; "Arrogance" These people actually do think they're better than you and me.
That's what happens when people are put in power because of their name.
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@@mrfingers4737 no, thats what happens when people are put in power. There is no because. Power corrupts all and must be seen as evil. Milton friedman said the reason there has historically never been an instance of a truly free society is because it restrains power.
NO- it’s because man does not know how to govern himself let alone a nation
Ego of man rooted in pride
It’s inherited
It started from the first male and female
Adam and Eve
In rebellion with God the Creator
No answering direct questions in the House of Commons or on Committees SHOULD BE considered a Breach of Ethics & comes with a monetary fine per question.
Good Lord, these buffoonish zeros actually made it in to a position of power? And they are in charge of our economy? Now I KNOW Pierre is going to be Prime Minister. Anyone with a shred of common sense knows we NEED this man. Pierre, take that win and clean house! You have my support.
Haha that finance bro is sweating bullets. Guilty wow
Best laugh I have had in a long time Pierre!! I pray for your continued stand against lies and injustice for the Canadian people !! Keep strong !
This is brilliant. Seems like an obvious question that requires a clear answer. Thank you Mr. Poillievre and God Bless.
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Isn't the answer always the same though? From Canadian taxpayers? It isn't like the government actually generates money on their own...
I love you Pierre, straight forward!!!💗
Straight forward fear mongering and ignorance, yes. Great job, Pierre. People will be fooled and follow you. You're experience as a career politician sure seems to be paying off.
WOW thank you Pierre for being "our PIT BULL" for all hard working tax paying CANADIAN CITIZENS, not from the pockets of MPS who care ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR US!
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Here in the States this under the table crap is called discretionary spending, Senators and Reps get to waste vast sums of money on “earmarked” whimsical projects. It used to be referred to as pork barrel spending, & the non profit CAGW tracks the money and publishes a Pig Book.
Alaska, with a population of 773,000, always manages to top the charts spending almost $500 million (approx.$800 per resident) in 2023.
Pollieve has got it together not just with finances but with other things also that would make him be a very good PM of Canada. He is young and intelligent!
Can anybody explain how austerity and a lack of understanding about modern money would make Pierre a good PM?
@@coolioso808 Could you please explain us what is the difference between money and "modern money"? Does modern money come from any other source than our taxes?
@@artmusic8914 There is a very well-referenced and in-depth video on this very topic done by 1Dime on his channel, entitled "The Deficit Myth: The Biggest Lie in Politics" that you can feel free to check out. It will explain more than I could in a little YT comment box. But aren't you interested to know more about the biggest lie in politics? I'd imagine Pierre and the other politicians who never talk about it would not be very happy if Canadian voters knew the truth before they cast their vote in 2025.
The basics go like this:
Modern money is fiat currency, not backed by gold or any other commodity, in particular. Canada holds its own currency sovereignty and creates that money from its central bank, out of thin air. Canada is like USA, UK, Japan and Australia in that regard. Unlimited ability to create as much money as they want. Alan Greenspan, former Fed chair, and others, have openly admitted this.
Notice how the deficit is always a big scare tactic to explain why the government CAN'T fund things we want, like better healthcare or expanded healthcare to include dental, vision, hearing and mental health services? But the government can afford to waste money on things that go to a handful of already rich corporations and it doesn't automatically make our taxes go sky high.
Inflation is an issue, which is explained in the video, but not for the reasons most politicians and uninformed media people will tell you. The fact is, our taxes don't fund any Federal funding. Federal government spends first, creating that money out of thin air, and our taxes are a deletion of some money out of the economy. Do you see why this would be a very convenient lie for politicians to hold onto?
Because if most Canadians knew it wasn't an issue of spending too much like a household budget and going broke and it was more an issue of the Federal government mismanaging funds because they are beholden to corporations far more than the people, then the whole Conservative fear-mongering would be diminished and they might have to talk more about policy that is supposed to help all Canadians, unfortunately, revealing ever more that they don't really care about average Canadians, except as much as they can manipulate them into voting for them. And I'm not a Liberal supporter, so you can cut off that retort if you were thinking it.
This is absolutely amazing to watch…just shows the level of complete & utter incompetency going on right now. Thank you for the Service you provide Canadians Pierre. At least theirs one person in government doing their job!
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Their silence speaks volumes.
We luv you Pierre! You are our voices against the liberals dictatorship!😊👍🇨🇦❤️🙏🏻
This is so funny, but so scary at the same time. I hope Pierre can continue to fight for us Canadians
i literally spit my beer out when Maximilian Baylor tried to answer 🤣🤣 he must be reallll nervous
Fighting for austerity in Canada, for sure. If I was a rich person or corporation in Canada I would be salivating at the idea of Pierre leading the Corporation of Canada.
This is not a man, this is a legend
This is insane! Who are these idiots? How can our government be this incompetent?
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This over taxing citizens and money goes where for this carbon tax as nothing has been done, is it in a account for corporation to meet standards? Is it in a account for jobs? We have seen nothing but people losing there homes, properties, businesses. We are suffocating!!! Let us breathe!
Pierre is an intelligent man and will make a great PM ❤
For the fearful and ignorant crowd, perhaps. But for the progressive and critical thinking citizens, not so much! Many more red flags and questions that Pierre has not answered sufficiently. He doesn't even know how modern money works.
absolutely brilliant.
Could it be that corruption might be in play here. Bravo Pierre the next PM I hope.
Bravo Pierre, FINALLY a straight talking politician.
This guy needs to be prime minister ASAP. Trust fund baby’s and trained journalist shouldn’t be running the country
Do you know what his policies are? Do you know how he is going to try and 'fix' a broken Canada? Austerity? Cutting a dollar for every dollar spent. That sounds good to you? Do you not know how modern money works? There is a big difference between household budgets and Federal budgets and, YES, Libs spend recklessly and self-serving, but so do Conservatives and it's part of a bigger problem of markets. The system is the sickness. Bad politicians are just symptoms.
I'm from the United States. The world needs millions of people like you. You are amazing. Please run for PM. The people of Canada need you.
I asked the ssme question about everything the liberal government has spent money on.
WOW! No one can or wont answer where the money is coming from. Thank you Pierre for how you created this video. May God continue to keep you strong fighting for all Canadians.
But the Liarberals will go on as nauseum about Harper muzzling government departments and yet here we see the exact same thing no doubt ordered by the biggest Liarberal Justin Trudeau and enforced by his propaganda Minister Gerald Goebbells Butts
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The rep from finance is a prevaricating, obfuscating, weasel.
It’s like watching a comedy and a tragedy at the same time. From an American thank you!!
So glad "someone" is asking the questions that are keeping Canadians awake at night, wondering when this horrendous bill is coming due.
Printing money at this rate is just eviscerating younger Canadian's futures and options.
I'm glad Pierre is asking these questions because mainstream media isn't.
Malcolm Ottawa Valley
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Absolutely Brilliant Pierre ! Canadians will support you big time !
I work abroad in the Oil & Gas industry, being the only provider for my family of 4 and cannot afford to make basic payments nor put food on the table as I should, we are struggling tremendously. We are with you Pierre, if you do not win the next election we will leave Canada for good!
Sounds like you are a bologna eater that works in Fort McMurray.
This guy has my vote, thank you Pierre!
😂😂😂👍👍👍 Bravo !!! Unbelievable !
Pierre is the only person awake in the room as usual.
thank you,Pierre! you're giving much hope to those of us who still have a spark of intelligence,morals and a soul 🙏🏽🥂
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a giant amongst kids... We love you Pierre!
A nice tribute to Alex Trebek... lol
"Where does the money come from?" That is the most important question. The Liberals keep spending money WE DO NOT HAVE and filling their coffers in the process. "GENIUS" is not about having the highest IQ, being so smart to play the system… it's simply being "AWARE". Awareness is key for the people. Unfortunately, too many Canadians are ignorant, or unaware of what the Liberals are doing in Government. We need responsible people in our Government. Diligent men and woman that care about the people and the future of our nation, not just in it for the party or themselves. Keep up the good work Pierre! Keep raising the level of awareness of Canadians so we can vote in a righteous leader and government at the next election.
Trudy wants a money printing press for Christmas. HA HA HA.
always a tree
He already has one of those
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This is hands down the funniest UA-cam video I have ever watched in my entire life and the scariest at the same time. Mr. Poilievre you deserve to be part of the Monty Pythons Sir! They way you roasted the power addicted, out of touch, lost in their wealth liberals by just asking "Where the money comes from?" depicts the bitter truth of how far this government has drifted away from the middle class ordinary Canadian! Kudos to the one who chose the music. I am still laughing!
Here is one that is hilarious. Trudeau cornered caught taking half billion from a childrens charity. Squirming
@@alaska1682 I am aware of this interview. It's not hilarious it's infuriating! Because of the professional liar participating. This is like watching Brazil! I mean the role of the bureaucrat who was pushed in front of the camera to answer a question he did not anticipate is for Oscar!