Hmm, that's an interesting instrument that I saw for the first time today. As an amateur luthier (guitars), I've sometimes consider alternatives to standard fretboard schemes. One advantage that I see to this arrangement is that the pins (tangent points?) can be turned slightly to the correct intonation for various string gauges & heights. It might be interesting to build a tenor guitar (4 stringer) with such a neck.
It is highly unusual to play pizzicato on a nyckelharpa. Not only because you will get a weak sound but also because you get caught in the resonance strings by trying so.
Thank you! I'm working on a couple for a friend.This really helps!
Hmm, that's an interesting instrument that I saw for the first time today. As an amateur luthier (guitars), I've sometimes consider alternatives to standard fretboard schemes. One advantage that I see to this arrangement is that the pins (tangent points?) can be turned slightly to the correct intonation for various string gauges & heights. It might be interesting to build a tenor guitar (4 stringer) with such a neck.
I am not sure this will work for plucked instruments, but it is sure worth to try. Hope you will show me the result!
Well, it stimulates thought. Hmm, don't you ever play 'pizzicato' as a violin or cello player does?
It is highly unusual to play pizzicato on a nyckelharpa. Not only because you will get a weak sound but also because you get caught in the resonance strings by trying so.
Hello I am an instrument builder and would like to get moraharpa construction plan will that be. Can someone help me?