Blood of the Werewolf (XBLA) - The Woods -

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Oh my god. This is the second hardest level in the game imo, trumped only by Skyway. This may as well be a perfect run, and I don't see myself or anyone else ever beating it without some new strats or a completely flawless run with the same route. The only real mistakes here are missing the perfect cycle at the end of the ascending/descending platforms (only saves like a second), and not doing every possible risky strat in the final werewolf bit due to being bad at videogames.
    The starting werewolf section is very precise with the dashes, dash chains and groundpounds. It's also RNG dependant since you need at least one or two heart drops to have enough energy to keep going fast. Good thing it's not placed later in the level.
    The long human part that makes up most of the level requires by far the greatest mastery of aiming/shooting while running/jumping out of any level outside of Endless Mode, and you can easily die or lose a ton of time pretty much anywhere. The axe guys (Woodsmen) are incredible assholes, and you really have to know which ones can potentially knock you down into the spikes. The very last guy in particular loves to do that unless you man up and jump into the axe before it reaches you. Minecart section is easy with some fun damage boosts on the stalactites, although on this run I did nearly get knocked down to a spiky death in the last shaft going left. Scary.
    Ending part is not that hard as long as you remember to dash through the sawblades and not be a dummy and just jump over them all. Like I said, this part could be made a bit faster by dashing more.
    Glad to be done with this shit.