Antonio Della Guardia, Wide oscillations

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • The rhythmic oscillation movement releases the prolonged tension of the central fixation, allowing greater access to light in the pupils and developing a sense of flexibility that makes it easier to see details. In addition to the dynamic relaxation of sight and mind, direct and beneficial action is added to the spine through the slight and repeated twisting movement.
    • The forefinger pointing upwards and about thirty centimeters away from the eyes.
    • Standing position, with legs slightly apart so that they cross the axis of the hips with the knees slightly bent.
    • Fix your gaze lightly on the finger and rotate the head with the torso from right to left and vice versa.
    • If the hand which you are using for the exercise gets tired, alternate it with the other.
    • While swinging to the right, let the heel of the left foot rise slightly off the ground, swinging to the left, it will be the heel of the right foot to come off the ground slightly.
    • Oscillation movements should not be performed quickly. A regular and relaxed rhythm should be maintained.
    • The forefinger pointing upwards and about thirty centimeters away from the eyes.
    • Standing position, with legs slightly apart so that they cross the axis of the hips with the knees slightly bent.
    • Fix your gaze lightly on the finger and rotate the head with the torso from right to left and vice versa.
    • If the hand which you are using to do the exercise gets tired, alternate it with the other.
    • Swing trying to draw in the area a semicircle that starts from the head to get to the knees and vice versa.
    • Oscillation movements should not be performed quickly. A regular and relaxed rhythm should be maintained.