"Hannah Arendt" Revisits Fiery Debate over German-American Theorist's Coverage of Eichmann Trial

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @BrotherWoody1
    @BrotherWoody1 10 років тому +9

    What the Eichmann trial showed me at the time & still does, is the complete bureaucratization of a totalitarian regime as well as the ravenous ambition of one who serves its system. As Heydrich's hand picked asst., Eichmann did literally everything he could to attain that position. At the time of Wannsee, he was one of the few in the Reich who knew all the moving parts of the future extermination. Toward the end of the war in Budapest, he was viewed by most as an arrogant Nazi peacock strutting his stuff, demanding more transports. His ambition had carried him beyond his wildest dreams, which is what totalitarianism promises & delivers. Ambition within a closed bureaucracy always results in moral compromise, if not outright disaster for the individual. Eichmann chose evil long before the trains ran. When we look closer at the makeup of the Einsatzgruppen we see the banality of evil in spades.

    • @chopin65
      @chopin65 8 років тому +2

      He was very good at pretending, and that is what scares me. Like a sociopath he lacked a moral compass. That is terrifying. The only worse crime in my book are the individuals who claim none of these things happened.

    • @chopin65
      @chopin65 8 років тому

      Chris Duane I blame thoughtless people.

    • @BrotherWoody1
      @BrotherWoody1 7 років тому

      Also, Ukrainians were widely used as guards in the German prison camp system but most notably in Auschwitz & the the death camps along the Bug river. Western Ukraine still operates under these NAZI types. The question of attribution has always been difficult but nevertheless, as of now, the Balkans never have been brought to justice for their atrocities, imo. For a second time in a century, Germany forces Greece into destitution as Merkel opens wide her heavy arms to the East & welcomes the advancing Islamism, somewhat reminiscent of Hitler incorporating the Mufti of Jerusalem's troops into his SS corp that policed the Balkans. Hot blood still erupts & flows in the soft underbelly of Europe & pride of place still goes to Berlin as Germans always insist that it must. In comparison, Russia really isn't acting that badly except that Putin has greatly emboldened Erdogan.
      I agree: "We should have hunted them down as well."

    @SAGHAJAR 3 роки тому +2

    We should not forget that German people were equally responsible they brought Hitler to power and cheered him up by Hurrays and right hand salutes in thousands and never ever protested against these inhuman activities which took place before their eyes, somehow I think they were enjoying it as well, after their defeat in 1945 they stood by as if nothing had happened, what kind of people were those Germans.

  • @famousgirl9x9
    @famousgirl9x9 10 років тому +3

    Why don't you guys upload the videos in better quality?

  • @MS-in3sl
    @MS-in3sl 6 років тому

    For General Telford Taylor, the chief prosecutor at Nuremberg, the kidnapping undermined the very basis for international law that the Nazi dictatorship had destroyed. In a January 22, 1961 article titled “Large Questions in the Eichmann Case”, he wrote:
    The victims of the Nazi “final solution of the Jewish problem,” in which Eichmann is implicated, were in the power of the Third Reich then, just as Eichmann is now in the power of Israel. If Israel as a sovereign nation is not “answerable to any external authority” for its handling of Eichmann, neither was the Third Reich (or Eichmann) for its handling of the Jews.
    It is indeed a bitter irony that arguments once used by Hitler are now echoed by those who assume to speak for the people he sought to exterminate. They are based on an absolute nationalism which is irreconcilable with the very idea of international law, and would put beyond its reach the conduct of Eichmann or of Adolf Hitler himself.

  • @TruthMyMamaToldMe
    @TruthMyMamaToldMe 10 років тому +2

    Hmmmm, a film that portraits a Nazi in a sympathetic light wins the equivalent of the Oscars. What can we conclude from that?

    • @BrotherWoody1
      @BrotherWoody1 10 років тому +1

      That we've lost the ability to recognize the evil of totalitarian systems in its many disguises?

    • @011258stooie
      @011258stooie 10 років тому +2

      You tell me, what CAN we conclude from that ?

    • @BrotherWoody1
      @BrotherWoody1 10 років тому +3

      Bureaucracy is the important & urgent mechanism of the totalitarian state?

    • @TruthMyMamaToldMe
      @TruthMyMamaToldMe 10 років тому

      nicht zehr gut, comrade.

    • @TruthMyMamaToldMe
      @TruthMyMamaToldMe 10 років тому

      011258stooie AT BEST, many Germans sympathize with the Nazi movement---period. Or, they're stupid enough to believe that someone, facing execution, is likely portray themselves as a servant of the institution and not the "monster" that they really are. The central character, Arendt basic premise is: ' Since I expected him to act like a monster, and he didn't act like a monster, then he must be telling the truth.'
      Her premise simply being that she EXPECTED him to behave in one manner, and since he didn't meet her presumptive expectation, he must be honest?
      Hores-dung. She was a sympathizer from the beginning and justified her sympathy on the ridiculous premise that she "expected him to.."
      Germans sympathize with Nazi---STILL.

  • @chopin65
    @chopin65 8 років тому +1

    I wonder how much sexism plays into Arendt's reception as a thinker.

    • @nuqwestr
      @nuqwestr 2 роки тому

      You don't "wonder" at all, and your disingenuousness is post-modern Machiavellianism , even if you are unaware of it.

  • @panzermarche
    @panzermarche 9 років тому +2

    When are you going to deal with Soviet crimes in the Ukraine. 1933-1963

    • @TheSpiritOfTheTimes
      @TheSpiritOfTheTimes 9 років тому +1

      panzermarche Who is supposed to 'deal' with Soviet crimes? Kind of odd you choose to call yourself 'Panzer marche' and you want to talk about Soviet crimes, don't you think?

    • @panzermarche
      @panzermarche 9 років тому

      Point taken. I repeat
      When are you going to deal with Soviet crimes in the Ukraine. 1933-1963

    • @TheSpiritOfTheTimes
      @TheSpiritOfTheTimes 9 років тому +3

      panzermarche What does it mean to 'deal with them'? Considering you, a random person on the internet, are familiar with them, they aren't a point of contention.

      @SAGHAJAR 3 роки тому

      The Russians lost twenty six million people fighting Germans and if it wasn’t of their huge sacrifice Europe could have never won this war, If you are really an advocate for humanity you should also know that US did far worse in Vietnam that Russians did in Ukraine.

  • @nordsudio162
    @nordsudio162 8 років тому

    i am ANTI necrofil #disnney #nike