Could you do review of New Official Sega Saturn Controllers From Retro-Bit. Im interested how it compare to real saturn controller in game, not just by look.
It's pretty easy as long as you get the timing right and know where to stand in certain spots. It's a shame Splatterhouse 3 abandoned that style entirely, though it was still a good game.
Funny, i always considered the first Splatterhouse to have difficulty spikes, while the 2nd part was like riding a bicycle. Once you get all the AI algorithms and remember all the patterns - it's a no-brainer. I could nail it when i was 15, (including all difficulties) and decades after it's still the same. It actually has some very inventive patterns, like the Spider and the Final Boss... And much easier than Shadow of the Beast rhythm & memorization. By the way, for the Splatterhouse II fans - there is a rom hack out there, which makes Rick, Mask, interface and colors, - match the first arcade game. It looks crazy awesome! Highly recommended.
Great stuff as always. I had Battletoads for the NES when it was new. I enjoyed it at first. The Turbo Tunnel stage wasn't too big of a deal for me. A little trial and error and some memorizing and I was pretty good at it. It was the later gimmicks that pissed me off, such as racing the rat guy or the hand bike stage, if I recall correctly. Those were so annoying. I remember reaching my limit and deciding to never play that game ever again, which wasn't common when I was a kid.
Another super difficult game = HELLFIRE. Hahahaha, that was a blast to overcome in the 90's. Thank you so much man, you remembered Fatal Labyrinth. Have a great weekend. Ready for Part 3. =D
I think most of us that played Battletoads back in the day on the Mega Drive/Genesis had our gameplay cut drastically short on Stage 3, it certainly ended for me right there on the vehicle part. I owned a copy of this game too and after always dying at that spot I never wanted to touch the game again. Devs needed to be real careful about increasing the difficulty in their games, often enough they would tip the scales too far towards making something too hard too soon scoring endless game overs in the beginning of a game only to discourage the player from ever continuing it or giving it another go. Thank you for another great video SegalordX.
I remember my very first rage quit. Flashback for the Genesis. As a wee lad I got so mad at that game I threw it into the fishtank. Surprisingly it actually still worked fine once it dried out.
Great video, Sega Lord X! If you liked Target Earth as much as I did back when I was a kid, the PS4 remake of Assault Suit Leynos was one of the first PS4 games I bought. Not only was it more fair and balanced in difficulty than the original Genesis game (you can still get that in Classic Mode), but it combined the best elements of both the original game and its spiritual successor Cybernator (on SNES) and made for an absolutely awesome time! Right out the gate, you have access to the booster jet pack, a shield that is NEAR indestructible, and a vicious robot fist to put in your foes' faces. So, suit up and go blast some mechs, old school style!
Your description of Fatal Rewind is right on the money. The game is simple, brutal, frustrating, and UGLY but something about it is very addicting! It has a very arcade-like vibe that makes you want to play over and over again.
Fatal Rewind is a personal favorite of mine, I can usually fly through the majority of the game but once I get to the last world I end up eating it. I have yet to beat the game but I still love throwing it on a few times a year to give it a shot.
Target Earth, still have my original copy! What a great game! After countless hours I did beat it. The final stage is brutal. The story is quite good too. You may want to pick up the remaster on PS4. It goes by it's Japanese title "Assault Suits Leynos." This version contains the original 16 bit game too! Great channel, keep it going!
_Zoinks While playing "Classic Mode" in the remaster version of Assault Suits Leynos, to get all weapons, just focus on the first stage boss and don't kill any mooks.
Always like BK3 over SoR3 better (the collors and Shiva unlockable got me). But SoR is a franchise that got me so much that I often did cheats to play in mania difficulty. Love your channel, keep it going, man!
Atomic robo kid,.......never beat it, got to the last boss, two eyes left, hit, lost the good gun, ran out of lives, back to the start of the level,.......unbeaten. Thank you for the trip down memory lane, PEACE dear sir.
Great video as always. The Adventures Of Batman and Robin was very hard at first for me. I've managed to get far into the game without continuing. But there is a certain point where I lose my power ups and die and just call it quits.
I rented that game once back in the day, and I have never played it again since!!! Hahaha!! I might have to give it another try just for the hell of it.
Batman & Robin was crazy hard for its license, especially when compared to the SNES version. At any rate, this game will always be associated with STP's "Purple" album in my mind.
Battle Toads, one of the only games i was never able to beat. Like you said, those vehicle sections were the worst lol! Glad to see it made the list finally
I recently found out the Genesis port of Battletoads was developed by Arc Systems Works of Guilty Gear and BlazBlue fame! What a small world... I also agree with you that Bare Knuckle 3 is superior overall to SOR3. Sure it's not as difficult but content wise stays truer to the series and has a few more secret goodies. I'm so hyped for SOR4!!
Out of all the games I’ve played thanks to 2008’s SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection, Comix Zone, Bonanza Bros., Kid Chameleon and Sonic Spinball have got to be the most difficult of the line-up.
I remember renting Adventures of Batman and Robin for the SNES and bringing it over to my cousins. We were really sold on the presentation looking so authentic to the cartoon. His friend came over and told us how he thought the Genesis version was more fun. I somewhat scoffed at the notion thinking the increased color palette and SNES sound chip was more capable of recreating the cartoon visuals and music. The Genesis music may not be a recreation of what was used in the cartoon but it's phenomenal never the less. One of my favorite Genesis games, it's just too bad I didn't give it a shot until much later in life.
You need to do one on the original rtype I've never near it as a child i got to level 5 I'm on level 6 close level 7 as a adult but the cargo level is so hard Best game ever and it's master system
Try Afterburner 2. If you finish this game you become Neo and can dodge bullets... er.. apples. My mom threw me an apple while yelling CATCH and I caught it by the STEM. I saw it spinning midair in slow motion. I killed a fly with my bare hands immediately afterwards. This game makes FZero looks like a maritime cruise.
The reason Batman and Robin's soundtrack is so amazing is because it was made by Jysper Kyd, better known for his later work on the Assassin's Creed games. He apparently developed some sort of hardware/software to help him get the absolute most out of the Yamaha sound chip in the Genesis, to get those badass synth sounds. One thing I think a lot of people didn't understand about that game was how the batarangs worked. You generally want to pick a color and stick with it, as collecting more of the same color upgraded that style of weapon to be more powerful, while collecting a different color would change the behavior of your weapon, but downgrade it 1 tier. The blue ninja stars charged the fastest, but were low damage, the green bolas were high damage, and big projectiles, but slow charge. The orange were blatantly the best, as at full power they'd scatter 3 huge batarangs. it was like the dagger in Ghouls and Ghosts or the scatter shot in Contra, you just always take orange, because it's just very obviously the best. Also, another thing I'm not sure a lot of people know, but there were rewards for defeating enemies in patterns. For example, in level 1 during one of the first encounters, if you beat all the clowns on the roof as soon as they spawn, the last clown spawns an extra life. In the second level, each line of little mini helecopters that flies in as a vertical line spawns a different reward if you destroy them all while they are flying in that sequence, culminating in another extra life.
Boy these were difficult. Was able to beat Contra III on SNES back in the day but had little success on Contra: Hard Corps! Very interesting video, as always
Battletech and the Strike Saga , that was awesome. Dune The Battle for Arrakis. Alien Storm. Tiny Toons. Flinstones.Turrikan. Doom Troopers. X-Men Clone Wars. F15 Strike Eagle.Just to name a few.
7:08 - let me guess, it was also on Amiga and was created by a European developer. Heh, yep...."The Killing Game Show is a run and gun shooter game developed by Raising Hell Software for the Amiga and Atari ST. It was released in 1990 and published by Psygnosis. It was re-released later under the name Fatal Rewind for the Sega Genesis and published by Electronic Arts."
Ahh, Target Earth! I love that freaking game! I actually managed to beat it without the indestructibility cheat once. But I'm pretty sure I had to use the extra continues cheat. But yeah, you know a game is hard when you can lose even when you are indestructible. I also feel the game is noteworthy for its rather deep story for a game from 1990.
One of the hardest for me as a kid was Ys 3...sure, it's an RPG, but I'd never played one before. And even the very first enemies in the game can kill you in seconds if you mis-aim! It took years before I could survive long enough to discover leveling up and managed to do it once! lol
I found that The Adventures of Batman and Robin got a lot easier when I figured out the weapon upgrade system. That is, collecting the token of the weapon you already have equipped increases the strength/number of projectiles thrown at a time.
The 3 ninjas used to piss me off too lol. Along with Battle Toads and Double Dragon, Alien Storm, X-men, and soo much fuccin more ahhhhhh the good ol days. Only a 90s kid feels my pain lol.
ESWAT-CYBER POLICE I can see a part 3 coming here haha, enjoying your videos subbed and liked . I only just watched part 1 and commented DARK CASTLE hope u can review these in part 3 buddy thanks.
Brilliant I cant wait to watch you rip this game to pieces as Electronic Arts were king, to produce such a terrible game should be in a HALL OF SHAME FAME lol
One game I love but never could beat was Soldiers of Fortune; I could make it pretty far using the scientist guy who can heal your characters but it still became too difficult in the last couple levels.
OMG!!! Batman & Robin that game was hard, finished it a few in solo and co-op mode. I managed to beat SoR 3 European version at the time on normal mode, still can. Axel for life!!!! Grand Upper!!!!
As someone who owns the European version of SOR3, pretty much all the changes in the North American version are in the European version with the brutal difficulty in tact with my Sister and I only beat it once while we got the “bad” ending due to taking too long to be Y robot.
I loved that game, partly for the combination of brutal difficulty with infinite lives/passwords, partly for how the eerie but beautiful atmosphere captivated my imagination as a little girl. I only finished it for the first time as an adult (I mean, finishing it properly, not just using a password to skip to the last boss). I'm really disappointed that the third game in the intended trilogy just never happened... it'd be really cool if they did a modern day remake of the first two, and made a third instalment that finished it off as closely to whatever the original intent was as possible. Tweak the graphics, maybe apply the second game's improvements in island jumping physics and other bits and pieces to the first game, that sort of thing.
Battletoads 1 and Battletodas in Battlemaniacs, are the only 2 games which i have never finished. Why ???? Todays young gamers, don´t know the struggle gamers like me, and many others in the 80´s had. Really hard games in my book: Gouls N Ghost´s and Super Gouls N Ghost´s < i´ve finished it Hagane < i´ve finished it Battletoads and Battletodas in Battlemanicas < it finished me Battletoads Arcade, is the only game in the series i was able to finish, i hope Microsoft keeps the brutal difficulty in the new Battletoads game.
The games that I somehow managed to finished it despite all the brutal multiple rage quits (LOL): Contra Hard Corps Streets of Rage 3 Batman & Robin Another hard genesis games that need to be on this list imo: The Flintstones Joe & Mac
Red Zone was a tough Mega Drive game, never did complete it. Hellfire was also a very tough Mega Drive game which I never completed, Shining In The Darkness was a hard game for me as well that I never finished.
A long time ago, I read a comment from a game designer who said, "make sure when you press the jump button, the character jumps. Fight animators or anyone who tries to tell you different." Wonder if he was referring to Fantasia...?
Every game I played on genesis was hard as I was 9 when I first got it. Some games still scare me, like earthworm Jim or comix zone. The pain is still too real 😢. Maybe why I love fighting games and beatem ups as they were more accessible, simple formula mash buttons + wins = funz
That song during Fatal Rewind was driving me crazy when I finally realized it's from The Chase by Giorgio Moroder (main theme from the film Midnight Express) ...just in case someone was wondering the same. Save your brain pain 👍🏻
Ahh yes, Target Earth is the alternate title of Assault Suits Leynos. I never could beat that game either. The sequel was called Assault Suits Valken, also called Cybernator on the SNES.
I got to the third or fourth stage in Target Earth back in the day, but never farther. I picked up the PS4 version hoping for a little bit of mercy, but none was to be found. I'll take the Saturn's Assault Suit Leynos 2 any day.
Target Earth was an early Genesis game for me. I wanted to beat it so badly but my goodness does that game just keep the enemies and attacks coming at you. If there ever was a video game equivalent of the terminator, its that.
Oh man fatal rewind was a hard game that took me some time as a kid to beat. Oddly enough I remember liking that game for some reason. Contra story is neat cause you usually hear how a game was made easier for the North American market.
The NA market really had a hard on to combat the rental chains towards the end of the Genesis life. They started making games incredibly hard right from the beginning, or not using things like save features. I think it was a bad move to make so many games inaccessible to casual players.
@@SegaLordX now a days we are so spoiled with save features and emulators allowing you to save at anytime. I liked the challenge but some games just killed the fun by being to hard. Totally forgot about how the battle over rentals changed games for the market over here.
As usual, a few notes in the description.
Earthworm Jim?
really appreciate the effort
Have u ever done a video on robocop vs the terminator for Sega
Could you do review of New Official Sega Saturn Controllers From Retro-Bit. Im interested how it compare to real saturn controller in game, not just by look.
Eternal Champions
One of the best channels on UA-cam. Keep'm coming!
I beat Splatterhouse 2 for the very first time last year. Tough game. Takes a lot of memorization. It's great!
It's pretty easy as long as you get the timing right and know where to stand in certain spots. It's a shame Splatterhouse 3 abandoned that style entirely, though it was still a good game.
@@demon91 Yeah, that too. I love Splatterhouse 3!
Funny, i always considered the first Splatterhouse to have difficulty spikes,
while the 2nd part was like riding a bicycle. Once you get all the AI algorithms
and remember all the patterns - it's a no-brainer. I could nail it when i was 15,
(including all difficulties) and decades after it's still the same. It actually has
some very inventive patterns, like the Spider and the Final Boss...
And much easier than Shadow of the Beast rhythm & memorization.
By the way, for the Splatterhouse II fans - there is a rom hack out there,
which makes Rick, Mask, interface and colors, - match the first arcade
game. It looks crazy awesome! Highly recommended.
Great stuff as always. I had Battletoads for the NES when it was new. I enjoyed it at first. The Turbo Tunnel stage wasn't too big of a deal for me. A little trial and error and some memorizing and I was pretty good at it. It was the later gimmicks that pissed me off, such as racing the rat guy or the hand bike stage, if I recall correctly. Those were so annoying. I remember reaching my limit and deciding to never play that game ever again, which wasn't common when I was a kid.
4:52 wow that overhead view background is probably the most stunning one I've seen in all 16 bit games! :o
That Batman and Robin game has a TON of gorgeous visuals and comic inspired art. Definitely check it out.
I don't think I've ever seen Fatal Rewind
until this video. Cool.
Another super difficult game = HELLFIRE. Hahahaha, that was a blast to overcome in the 90's. Thank you so much man, you remembered Fatal Labyrinth. Have a great weekend. Ready for Part 3. =D
I think most of us that played Battletoads back in the day on the Mega Drive/Genesis had our gameplay cut drastically short on Stage 3, it certainly ended for me right there on the vehicle part. I owned a copy of this game too and after always dying at that spot I never wanted to touch the game again. Devs needed to be real careful about increasing the difficulty in their games, often enough they would tip the scales too far towards making something too hard too soon scoring endless game overs in the beginning of a game only to discourage the player from ever continuing it or giving it another go.
Thank you for another great video SegalordX.
I love how he narrates. It’s like a news story. Very entertaining.
I think I would enjoy that Batman game if it wasn’t so chaotic with endless waves of enemies but I guess that’s what makes it great for most
Yeah, that's where all the challenge is. Being swarmed is a regular occurrence on many stages.
I remember my very first rage quit. Flashback for the Genesis. As a wee lad I got so mad at that game I threw it into the fishtank. Surprisingly it actually still worked fine once it dried out.
Great video, Sega Lord X!
If you liked Target Earth as much as I did back when I was a kid, the PS4 remake of Assault Suit Leynos was one of the first PS4 games I bought.
Not only was it more fair and balanced in difficulty than the original Genesis game (you can still get that in Classic Mode), but it combined the best elements of both the original game and its spiritual successor Cybernator (on SNES) and made for an absolutely awesome time!
Right out the gate, you have access to the booster jet pack, a shield that is NEAR indestructible, and a vicious robot fist to put in your foes' faces. So, suit up and go blast some mechs, old school style!
Ecco the Dolphin especially when you reach the machine stage
nightmare fuel
yeah, ecco is another downright impossible game to beat... i mean, you REALLY have to dig into it to get anywhere
@@Jinx_Skeel it's not impossible but it takes a lot of exploration and time to figure out what to do and where to go. It can be a pain in the ass.
That's was in the first video though
Your description of Fatal Rewind is right on the money. The game is simple, brutal, frustrating, and UGLY but something about it is very addicting! It has a very arcade-like vibe that makes you want to play over and over again.
Fatal Rewind is a personal favorite of mine, I can usually fly through the majority of the game but once I get to the last world I end up eating it. I have yet to beat the game but I still love throwing it on a few times a year to give it a shot.
Target Earth, still have my original copy! What a great game! After countless hours I did beat it. The final stage is brutal. The story is quite good too. You may want to pick up the remaster on PS4. It goes by it's Japanese title "Assault Suits Leynos." This version contains the original 16 bit game too! Great channel, keep it going!
_Zoinks While playing "Classic Mode" in the remaster version of Assault Suits Leynos, to get all weapons, just focus on the first stage boss and don't kill any mooks.
Congrats on 20k subs, SLX! 👍👍
Thanks man! :)
Part 3 for sure. One of the best gaming channels here on youtube!
The starting,never gets old,Segaaaaaa
Always like BK3 over SoR3 better (the collors and Shiva unlockable got me). But SoR is a franchise that got me so much that I often did cheats to play in mania difficulty. Love your channel, keep it going, man!
Atomic robo kid,.......never beat it, got to the last boss, two eyes left, hit, lost the good gun, ran out of lives, back to the start of the level,.......unbeaten. Thank you for the trip down memory lane, PEACE dear sir.
Great video as always. The Adventures Of Batman and Robin was very hard at first for me. I've managed to get far into the game without continuing. But there is a certain point where I lose my power ups and die and just call it quits.
Really appreciate your videos lately. Always a highlight when I see a new upload. Just wanted to say thanks. Take it easy and have a good night.
Appreciate the message. Thank you.
Spider-man/X-Men: Arcade's Revenge... enough said.
Look for it in Part 3.
The best thing about that game was the Wolverine stage music
That game was brutal. I did beat it but it took a of skill to do it.
I rented that game once back in the day, and I have never played it again since!!! Hahaha!! I might have to give it another try just for the hell of it.
Glad to see some love on The Adventures of Batman & Robin. It was the best (or one of the best) games I ever played
Batman & Robin was crazy hard for its license, especially when compared to the SNES version. At any rate, this game will always be associated with STP's "Purple" album in my mind.
Hell yeah, we all have those albums we listened to while playing
Disney's Fantasia on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive is a huge disgrace to great Walt Disney's animated film of the same name.
Battle Toads, one of the only games i was never able to beat. Like you said, those vehicle sections were the worst lol! Glad to see it made the list finally
I recently found out the Genesis port of Battletoads was developed by Arc Systems Works of Guilty Gear and BlazBlue fame! What a small world...
I also agree with you that Bare Knuckle 3 is superior overall to SOR3. Sure it's not as difficult but content wise stays truer to the series and has a few more secret goodies. I'm so hyped for SOR4!!
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is ridiculously difficult. Wolverine: Adamantium Rage is also a bitch of a game.
"the thorough beating of my ass" 😂 quote of the year
My entire body still reacts to "Turbo Tunnel" even today lol
Exactly what I needed. Keep on keeping on dude.
Out of all the games I’ve played thanks to 2008’s SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection, Comix Zone, Bonanza Bros., Kid Chameleon and Sonic Spinball have got to be the most difficult of the line-up.
thank you segalordx for part 2 i like it
No problem. Glad you enjoyed it.
Only sega game that mattered imo NHL 94 lol
great video! I think Rocket Knight Adventures deserves a look, its very surprising how stupid difficult that game can be
I remember renting Adventures of Batman and Robin for the SNES and bringing it over to my cousins. We were really sold on the presentation looking so authentic to the cartoon. His friend came over and told us how he thought the Genesis version was more fun. I somewhat scoffed at the notion thinking the increased color palette and SNES sound chip was more capable of recreating the cartoon visuals and music. The Genesis music may not be a recreation of what was used in the cartoon but it's phenomenal never the less. One of my favorite Genesis games, it's just too bad I didn't give it a shot until much later in life.
Thanks for showing us this, Sega Lord X.
Awesome episode SLX!
That Batman game looks SICK! I had no idea.
Batman 2 was really fun on Sega Genesis.
S E G A ! Aaaaahhh!!!
Cool! Nice Episode : ) I also had some Hard times back then. Good old "Hard" Times
You need to do one on the original rtype I've never near it as a child i got to level 5 I'm on level 6 close level 7 as a adult but the cargo level is so hard
Best game ever and it's master system
...I NEVER knew Contra Hard Corps had a slide mechanic!!!!
Epic Potato I know right!!!! 😂😂😂
As much as I like Streets of Rage 3 and Comix Zone they are a pain in the ass to beat.Ghouls and Ghosts was a really hard game too.
You so right about some games having your number and mine is Streets of Rage 3. I beat it once but that was only because of save states.
It can be rough for sure. Some of the enemies take forever to beat.
Try Afterburner 2.
If you finish this game you become Neo and can dodge bullets... er.. apples.
My mom threw me an apple while yelling CATCH and I caught it by the STEM. I saw it spinning midair in slow motion. I killed a fly with my bare hands immediately afterwards. This game makes FZero looks like a maritime cruise.
Glad you at least mentioned Target Earth this time :)
The reason Batman and Robin's soundtrack is so amazing is because it was made by Jysper Kyd, better known for his later work on the Assassin's Creed games. He apparently developed some sort of hardware/software to help him get the absolute most out of the Yamaha sound chip in the Genesis, to get those badass synth sounds.
One thing I think a lot of people didn't understand about that game was how the batarangs worked. You generally want to pick a color and stick with it, as collecting more of the same color upgraded that style of weapon to be more powerful, while collecting a different color would change the behavior of your weapon, but downgrade it 1 tier. The blue ninja stars charged the fastest, but were low damage, the green bolas were high damage, and big projectiles, but slow charge. The orange were blatantly the best, as at full power they'd scatter 3 huge batarangs. it was like the dagger in Ghouls and Ghosts or the scatter shot in Contra, you just always take orange, because it's just very obviously the best.
Also, another thing I'm not sure a lot of people know, but there were rewards for defeating enemies in patterns. For example, in level 1 during one of the first encounters, if you beat all the clowns on the roof as soon as they spawn, the last clown spawns an extra life. In the second level, each line of little mini helecopters that flies in as a vertical line spawns a different reward if you destroy them all while they are flying in that sequence, culminating in another extra life.
Boy these were difficult. Was able to beat Contra III on SNES back in the day but had little success on Contra: Hard Corps! Very interesting video, as always
Master the slide timing in Contra Hard Corps. It's your best weapon.
Idk played hard corps when I was little and was able to easily get all endings, and I played version where you die instantly when hit.
Battletech and the Strike Saga , that was awesome. Dune The Battle for Arrakis. Alien Storm. Tiny Toons. Flinstones.Turrikan. Doom Troopers. X-Men Clone Wars. F15 Strike Eagle.Just to name a few.
Man i love these videos!
I forgot which version of Contra I played. I remember I played until I completed all stories. Loved the one where you become a king of monkeys. :)
Awesome content as usual!
Thanks, Grant!
7:08 - let me guess, it was also on Amiga and was created by a European developer. Heh, yep...."The Killing Game Show is a run and gun shooter game developed by Raising Hell Software for the Amiga and Atari ST. It was released in 1990 and published by Psygnosis. It was re-released later under the name Fatal Rewind for the Sega Genesis and published by Electronic Arts."
I immediately thought that as well. Having grown up with an Atari ST, I've played my share of those types of games and can spot them a mile away.
Fatal Rewind is underrated AF. Started playing it on a whim and got really into it.
Last Battle was a m*$#%^# !
Part 3.
Just commented that too. I remember getting it home and equally loving and hating it.
Ahh, Target Earth! I love that freaking game! I actually managed to beat it without the indestructibility cheat once. But I'm pretty sure I had to use the extra continues cheat. But yeah, you know a game is hard when you can lose even when you are indestructible.
I also feel the game is noteworthy for its rather deep story for a game from 1990.
Oh, I recognize Kevin's animations from the intro anywhere!
One of the hardest for me as a kid was Ys 3...sure, it's an RPG, but I'd never played one before. And even the very first enemies in the game can kill you in seconds if you mis-aim! It took years before I could survive long enough to discover leveling up and managed to do it once! lol
I found that The Adventures of Batman and Robin got a lot easier when I figured out the weapon upgrade system. That is, collecting the token of the weapon you already have equipped increases the strength/number of projectiles thrown at a time.
Turbo Tunnel. I passed it once and was surprised just how long it is and how fast the obstacles start to appear. There is no room for error.
I finished Splatterhouse 2, and Fantasia. God I was such a masochist as a kid.
Kid chameleon and zombies ate my neighbors are honorable mentions or dishonorable mentions.
The 3 ninjas used to piss me off too lol. Along with Battle Toads and Double Dragon, Alien Storm, X-men, and soo much fuccin more ahhhhhh the good ol days. Only a 90s kid feels my pain lol.
ESWAT-CYBER POLICE I can see a part 3 coming here haha, enjoying your videos subbed and liked . I only just watched part 1 and commented DARK CASTLE hope u can review these in part 3 buddy thanks.
Dark Castle confirmed for part 3.
Brilliant I cant wait to watch you rip this game to pieces as Electronic Arts were king, to produce such a terrible game should be in a HALL OF SHAME FAME lol
Beautiful captures.
Wow, I'm in love with your channel! Sega rules! +1 subscribber =D
Just watched the previous video and wondered why Splatterhouse 2 wasn't mentioned, then saw the thumbnail for this video and that mystery was solved.
Target earth was a great game, I didn’t find it to be all that difficult
Very underrated game. It's pretty hard at first until you get a grasp of the mechanics...and that could take quite a bit of dying until it happens.
Underrated indeed, Still have fond memories of that game
I always enjoy seeing Contra Hard Corps. IMO it's THE best Genesis game!
I am playing it right now on my phone through emulation and I have to say I can't believe I never played back in the days.
Love it. ❤️❤️
One game I love but never could beat was Soldiers of Fortune; I could make it pretty far using the scientist guy who can heal your characters but it still became too difficult in the last couple levels.
The adventure of Batman and Robin Sega Genesis was so difficult when playing this as a kid and couldn't beat the first stage, even with 2 player's
OMG!!! Batman & Robin that game was hard, finished it a few in solo and co-op mode. I managed to beat SoR 3 European version at the time on normal mode, still can. Axel for life!!!! Grand Upper!!!!
I never completed battletoads untill it came out with rare Replay, unlimited continues were a blessing
"The pain of the through beating of my ass... still fresh in my mind" - Sega Lord X
It's great to see some fatal rewind. The game never gets enough attention.
As someone who owns the European version of SOR3, pretty much all the changes in the North American version are in the European version with the brutal difficulty in tact with my Sister and I only beat it once while we got the “bad” ending due to taking too long to be Y robot.
Batman and robin looks amazing even now, graphics were aiming for the time and still hold up well now
The only Mega Drive game I had trouble finishing was Ecco The Dolphin.
I loved that game, partly for the combination of brutal difficulty with infinite lives/passwords, partly for how the eerie but beautiful atmosphere captivated my imagination as a little girl. I only finished it for the first time as an adult (I mean, finishing it properly, not just using a password to skip to the last boss). I'm really disappointed that the third game in the intended trilogy just never happened... it'd be really cool if they did a modern day remake of the first two, and made a third instalment that finished it off as closely to whatever the original intent was as possible. Tweak the graphics, maybe apply the second game's improvements in island jumping physics and other bits and pieces to the first game, that sort of thing.
I remember UrinatingTree's review of Fantasia, the single-funniest game review of all time.
Battletoads 1 and Battletodas in Battlemaniacs, are the only 2 games which i have never finished.
Why ????
Todays young gamers, don´t know the struggle gamers like me, and many others in the 80´s had.
Really hard games in my book:
Gouls N Ghost´s and Super Gouls N Ghost´s < i´ve finished it
Hagane < i´ve finished it
Battletoads and Battletodas in Battlemanicas < it finished me
Battletoads Arcade, is the only game in the series i was able to finish, i hope Microsoft keeps the brutal difficulty in the new Battletoads game.
It was always those damn vehicle stages for me. They could be really tough.
@@SegaLordX Same here those speed levels, always killed me.
Never being able to pass it.
They would melt trying to play the original Ninja Gaiden. Can you imagine them playing Battletoads vehicle section...mwahaha.
battletoads is brutal, broke my thumb never getting through final level. but battlemaniacs turned out to be quite easy. regards, 90's gamer
@@Sinn0100 I would give them 5 minutes max, until they turn the game off.
Great video!
no game for the genesis is more brutal than Wardner, i still can't beat it
You and joe from gamesack definitely need to do a few episodes together.
The games that I somehow managed to finished it despite all the brutal multiple rage quits (LOL):
Contra Hard Corps
Streets of Rage 3
Batman & Robin
Another hard genesis games that need to be on this list imo:
The Flintstones
Joe & Mac
It cracks me up that people thought the Battletoads speeder bike stage was too hard. I'm far from the best player and didn't need long to master it.
the turbo jets on stage 3, when you hit ramps and jump, move to bottom. of screen, you'll land everytime.
I can at least say that I've finished both Adventures of Batman and Robin and Contra Hardcorps. Hardcorps also had different paths and endings.
Red Zone was a tough Mega Drive game, never did complete it. Hellfire was also a very tough Mega Drive game which I never completed, Shining In The Darkness was a hard game for me as well that I never finished.
A long time ago, I read a comment from a game designer who said, "make sure when you press the jump button, the character jumps. Fight animators or anyone who tries to tell you different." Wonder if he was referring to Fantasia...?
I have Battletoads Genesis. I agree with your take on it.
Every game I played on genesis was hard as I was 9 when I first got it. Some games still scare me, like earthworm Jim or comix zone. The pain is still too real 😢. Maybe why I love fighting games and beatem ups as they were more accessible, simple formula mash buttons + wins = funz
That song during Fatal Rewind was driving me crazy when I finally realized it's from The Chase by Giorgio Moroder (main theme from the film Midnight Express) ...just in case someone was wondering the same. Save your brain pain 👍🏻
Ahh yes, Target Earth is the alternate title of Assault Suits Leynos. I never could beat that game either. The sequel was called Assault Suits Valken, also called Cybernator on the SNES.
4:00 grand upper. I wish sega would release this with the original studio quality clear vocals
I got to the third or fourth stage in Target Earth back in the day, but never farther. I picked up the PS4 version hoping for a little bit of mercy, but none was to be found. I'll take the Saturn's Assault Suit Leynos 2 any day.
Target Earth was an early Genesis game for me. I wanted to beat it so badly but my goodness does that game just keep the enemies and attacks coming at you. If there ever was a video game equivalent of the terminator, its that.
Oh man fatal rewind was a hard game that took me some time as a kid to beat. Oddly enough I remember liking that game for some reason.
Contra story is neat cause you usually hear how a game was made easier for the North American market.
The NA market really had a hard on to combat the rental chains towards the end of the Genesis life. They started making games incredibly hard right from the beginning, or not using things like save features. I think it was a bad move to make so many games inaccessible to casual players.
@@SegaLordX now a days we are so spoiled with save features and emulators allowing you to save at anytime. I liked the challenge but some games just killed the fun by being to hard.
Totally forgot about how the battle over rentals changed games for the market over here.