How I set-up two queen hives in the spring. 16 March 2022

  • Опубліковано 16 жов 2024
  • Two queen hives create an exponential development in the bee colony. In this video I explain a simple methodI am using to create a two quenn hive in the spring from two colonies which were wintered separatelly. The scope of doing this is to develop the hive for early rape harvest. Visit our shop from Romania and order with delivery in Europe:


  • @stuparulinternational
    @stuparulinternational  2 роки тому

    Thank you for watching, subscribing and liking the video if you found it interesting. If you want more details or just to share an opinion, your comments are welcomed.

  • @SylantBill
    @SylantBill 8 місяців тому

    You have some very nice looking hives. I like your approach to beekeeping.

    • @stuparulinternational
      @stuparulinternational  4 місяці тому

      Thank you. Have you experienced with two-queens hives?

    • @SylantBill
      @SylantBill 4 місяці тому

      @@stuparulinternational No experience but I built a double queen setup hive for next year

  • @kissuzzz
    @kissuzzz 2 роки тому

    Thank you Mihai for sharing with us your knowledge in the field of Beekeping
    I know first hand how difficult it can be triyng to share in another language,
    We all applaud you for your efforts along the years,
    All the best,

    • @stuparulinternational
      @stuparulinternational  2 роки тому

      I really apreciate your encouragement! Thank you! I will do my best to grow and get better. Thank you for your comment and watching this new channel videos.

  • @tomfuller9010
    @tomfuller9010 Рік тому

    Thanks for info

  • @florintinapop217
    @florintinapop217 2 роки тому

    Hello. Apreciate

    • @stuparulinternational
      @stuparulinternational  2 роки тому

      Thank you for watching. Stay tuned for next episode when we will add extra space for brood development.

  • @KajunHomestead
    @KajunHomestead Рік тому

    Hello from Kajun homestead

    • @stuparulinternational
      @stuparulinternational  4 місяці тому +1

      Thank you for watching. Do you use two queen hive system?

    • @KajunHomestead
      @KajunHomestead 4 місяці тому

      @@stuparulinternational No , not at this time but always wanted to try.

  • @Octavian.Iliut2544
    @Octavian.Iliut2544 Рік тому

    Mulțumesc! Știu că până la eclozarea primului puiet primăvara, se pot forma familii cu două mătci cu unificare prin gratie fără folie sau hărtie. Așa am salvat și eu o matcă cu o mână de albine.

    • @Octavian.Iliut2544
      @Octavian.Iliut2544 Рік тому

      Despre metoda aceasta am citit la un autor de acum 100 de ani descriind metoda lui Simons, care primăvara, famiile ieșite mai slabe din iarnă le suprapune prin gratie peste altele. Iar la un timp le separă.
      În Ucraina un apicultor, care ține toată stupina în familii cu două mătci, când vine timpul formării roiurilor, deodată formează alături roiul artificial cu aceste două mătci. Iar în stupul original împerecheză câte 2-3 botci

    • @Stuparul
      @Stuparul Рік тому +1

      Sunt convins ca metoda nu e noua insa ciudat ca nu multi stupari o aplica. Si eu am gasit-o in mai multe variante si in mai multe surse. Eu o folosesc ca si metoda de dezvoltare exploziva primavara si uneori la roi vara.

    • @Octavian.Iliut2544
      @Octavian.Iliut2544 Рік тому

      @@Stuparul ai putea să le iernezi suprapuși printr-o plasă de sârmă, mai ales familiile mai slabe. Alții, dar și eu, iernează două mătci într-un cuib, închise în cuști.

    • @stuparulinternational
      @stuparulinternational  4 місяці тому +1

      Nu am incercat asta niciodata...Merita incercat.

  • @arbenvila714
    @arbenvila714 Рік тому

    Hello! I am a new beekeeper I bought 1 Nikot device. The first time I took the queen and put her inside the device and left her for 11 days in a row in the hive. After 11 days I did not find any eggs in the hive. I asked some beekeepers and they told me to put honey inside the hive. And the second time I did this. I found the queen and put her in the camera and left her for 4 days. On the 5th day when I went I found 5 eggs in the nest. So out of 110 nests there were 5 eggs, and 105 were empty without any eggs laid by the queen. the third time I repeated it with honey in the bag and found the queen and put it in the camera and left it for 4 days and when I went on the 5th day I didn't find any eggs inside the bag. I repeated this two more times with honey but I didn't find any no eggs inside the nest. Please help me. I'm finding a solution to this big problem I have. Because I want to make queens for the bee park I have. I would be very grateful if you could help me make it by making queens with Nikot device

    • @ME_MeAndMyBees
      @ME_MeAndMyBees Рік тому

      Arben. . .
      Why not get your Bees to pull down some Queen Cells, from your Best Queen. No nonsense Grafting, Nicot Cage etc, etc.
      Get a Nuc (x5 Frame Hive) with plenty of Nurse Bees (Young Bees that nurture the Eggs and Larva.) Harvest these from Several Colonies. Make sure their is No Queen, or Queen Cells already. But the Frame has lots of Eggs, that have not started to change to Larval state.
      With your Hive Tool do an 'Indent' Press into the Wax so an Egg in its Cell has no other Cells or Rows of Cells under it ! You want the "Chosen Egg" to be in a Cell, but everything immediately below it is like a Landslide or Cliff Drop.
      Why you ask ?
      Well you have made an Indent where Bees will "Draw Down and make a Queen Cell in that Comb 'Indent.'
      Say on a Langstroth Frame, you can maybe do this x6 Times across, so their is about 5cm 1.5" between each 'Egg.'
      You can do another Row say about 5cm down in Comb, with x6 across again.
      Re Queen Rearing
      Eggs are Days 1 -3.
      Larva are Days 4 -8
      Hatching is on 16th Day.
      So by Indenting Comb with Eggs (no Larval !)
      Replace Frames in the 'Hopelessly-Queenless' Colony for x12 Days. You can be assured Queen Cells will be Drawn Down. Capped on x9 Day and will be viable New Queens still in their Cells : (These look like long hanging down Peanuts in their Shells !)
      Because "You" chose which Egg surround you Indented, all these Queen Cells will be uniform in Length, Spaced nicely apart.
      Can be cut out easily with a Margin of Comb (so that Virgin isn't crushed/damaged in cutting out :
      Use Scissors✂️ to do this. You should cut a good Margin all around the Queen Cell. OK your Comb will have big Rectangles cut out of it. But Bees will repair this Comb, back to laying standard quite quickly. 🤞
      Doing this Indenting process means no Queen Cell will be in a tight corner, or back to back on the opposite Frame Side, if you measure across and Indent 'in-between' the others ! Takes some thinking it out and practice. However, you should get much better Queen Cells, than say on a Grafting Frame (!)
      As Cells are directly in the Comb, Bees will nuture them better and the Nurse Bees can access them right across the Combs surface.
      Once Harvested, keep the Cells the right way up. Trim more Margin Wax away, so you can add them into say : Queen Roller Cages with the Cage Flap at the bottom ! You "lower" each Queen Cell down into the open (Top) End, any Margin Wax above 'holds and plugs that Cell safely' in its Cage.
      Add these Cells to a Colony that does have a Queen, but is below a Queen Excluder, or place these Roller Cages in a Box not directly above the main Brood Nest.
      These Queens will hatch in those Roller Cages and be nutured and feed through those Cage bars. On Day of Hatching x16 Dayfrom Start, see how many were Born.
      Then make up lots of x2 or x3 Frame 'Mating Nucs'. All Nurse and Forager Bees [No Queen or she will Kill any new rival !] Add that Roller Caged Queen in between x2 Frames : so she's wedged between two Frames. Wait approximately x2 Days for 'Colony' acceptance, then go back into the Hive, take the Cage out, undo that lower Flap, and watch the Virgin Queen 'Walk, or Crawl' into the Colony. (Not FLY off !)
      After say x2 Weeks of being Established (with say Good Weather) : you should see Eggs being laid by the "New" Queen you Bred. She will have been introduced (freed) within the Hive, gone out on a Mating Flight, come back, to then start her Queenly Duties !
      Keep them to make your Apiary Increases re Hives. Or Sell them to your Bee Club. Good luck. Hope this helps you and others. 😎
      Make more than you need, some Queens might go out on a Mating Flight but don't make it back (?) Birds, Car Windscreen, Dragonfly Lunch. . . 🤭
      Happy Beekeeping 2023

    • @stuparulinternational
      @stuparulinternational  4 місяці тому

      Hello! Queen production should be made in strong hives that have enough honey and if not they are fed during the process. Introduce the frame with the Nicot cage in the middle of the brood nest. Take care that that hive is not preparing to swarm because in that case the queen will not lay. Good luck!