Fact checking myself here (lol)... at 51:29 I say that "Shiloah" (שלוח) refers to where the tabernacle was first set up. But that's incorrect. Shiloh (שלה) is the location of the tabernacle; Shiloah refers to the aqueduct of Jerusalem that supplied water to the city. In Isaiah 8:6-7 the prophet contrasts the trickle of Jerusalem's water supply with the massive River (the Euphrates) that anchored the Assyrian empire. Here's to intellectual honestly! :)
Fact checking myself here (lol)... at 51:29 I say that "Shiloah" (שלוח) refers to where the tabernacle was first set up. But that's incorrect. Shiloh (שלה) is the location of the tabernacle; Shiloah refers to the aqueduct of Jerusalem that supplied water to the city. In Isaiah 8:6-7 the prophet contrasts the trickle of Jerusalem's water supply with the massive River (the Euphrates) that anchored the Assyrian empire. Here's to intellectual honestly! :)