Wow. I'm hearing this for the first time!?. I can't believe it myself.. on September 5, 2018, and it's incredible and beautiful. Nick Carter along with Brian Littrell are singing? No. They're not in love with each other like that! All the Backstreet Boys are married men, as husband and wife, and they're all father's to their own children.
sim, tbm percebi isso... mas parece que o Nick fez uma declaração do tipo: Não tenho mais medo de vc! algo assim, assim que o Brian enfrentou aquele problema na voz e isso parece que o deixou um pouco triste... li isso em algum lugar...
Wow. I'm hearing this for the first time!?. I can't believe it myself.. on September 5, 2018, and it's incredible and beautiful. Nick Carter along with Brian Littrell are singing?
No. They're not in love with each other like that! All the Backstreet Boys are married men, as husband and wife, and they're all father's to their own children.
Just Nick is singing💜
My Frick and Frack😍❤️🥰
🌹. 😴🌙. 🌧😘❤️
Miss you
I love real life drama like this coz it is real and hard to forget
I love you NickXX so so much
Ti amo niky
Cute! Good job!
que bella amistad.😄
Awesome video!!
best friends ever FRINK AND FRANCK !
wow this is insanley good!!!!!! your amazing!! good job
PATRICK. ⚰️😰💐💔
Creative, I like it :)
Though this is purely fictional...I kinda almost cried watching it. Great job. :D
one of the best movies id ever seen on youtube!
it's so sweet! I love this video! I'm crying! I love them! ♥♥
really great video :) they are like one soul in a two bodies :D
wow i love this and i love the song!
muy lindo tu video
GREAT job! I love it! ♥ which program you used?
Are they in love with each other? uhauauaha PS: I LOVE the video!
Duh. The deepest platonic love. It's great
Honestly, why would they have to be in love? Cant they just be best of friends who love each other..
You´ re right, I also think like, the people can not accept something like between men but must be gay
can anyone tell me where 4:13 is from please?
não sei se é impressão minha mais não os vejo mais assim hj em dia... a impressão que tenho é de que se afastaram um pouco
sim, tbm percebi isso... mas parece que o Nick fez uma declaração do tipo: Não tenho mais medo de vc! algo assim, assim que o Brian enfrentou aquele problema na voz e isso parece que o deixou um pouco triste... li isso em algum lugar...
I loved this video
In 1:10 Nick was crying because Paris Hilton.
no but they are pretty close
BRIAN. 😨😴. PATRICK. ⚰️😰💔🌹