Hey Mike, we've all heard of Grizzly Adams. I might have to start referring to you as Grizzly Eastman. Thanks for another interesting video and stay safe, because those Bears can get you if you're not careful.
Will my experience is that grizzlies are the monkeys of North America. The sow teaches the cub and they learn. Unforagentaly sometimes they learn how to break into a shed full of elk meat, cabin, or garage. That's my experience with Humpies.
Thank you so much for sharing your yarns of tails! Please don’t stop, very ,very good stuff
Glad you like them! I try to post every month.
Love these clips of those classic times!, thanks you for sharing your moments with us!
Glad you enjoyed it
Hey Mike, we've all heard of Grizzly Adams. I might have to start referring to you as Grizzly Eastman. Thanks for another interesting video and stay safe, because those Bears can get you if you're not careful.
My Dad personally know him he would stop and him and Dad would have a good talk.
Great video Mike! Thanks!
Glad you liked it!
MR. Eastman I sure do watch everyone you make
Thanks for the kind words. I'm doing some of my Africa tales.
@BlazedTrailsForgotten I'll be looking forward to it. Thanks for the quality entertainment/education
Living my dream! Great video sir.
Mike, That was a great video and really interesting stories. Is the photo at 1:27 available on your website?
Yes, I have that grizzly with clover in his mouth in stock it's 24x30. ley me know if your interest in having one in your home.
I’ve watched most of your videos. It must have been something to live and hunt when game and wildlife was plentiful
I was truly bless living in a family that made a living in the outdoors starting in the fifties.
There is a damn good wolf track going down the road with the Grizzly
Yes! I was setting on my deck one afternoon and a white colored wolf walked thru the yard. He was white as snow.
Them griz are like rats running the hills. Tons of them!
Will my experience is that grizzlies are the monkeys of North America. The sow teaches the cub and they learn. Unforagentaly sometimes they learn how to break into a shed full of elk meat, cabin, or garage. That's my experience with Humpies.
Turn off the mu, please