You can try, but the only reason blonde works at a 1 of is that it is searchable. Running a non “direct” searchable card is kind of tough, and I even think post banlist we have the chance to cut blonde possibly entirely now that we have access to one percival again. Would help free up consistency G1 pieces
Now you can change the ezel to holy shine. Generates 3 markers
I was thinking what if you ran a raven haired ezel to ride with skill and get another marker so when you get to gurguit you have 3 markers ?
You can try, but the only reason blonde works at a 1 of is that it is searchable. Running a non “direct” searchable card is kind of tough, and I even think post banlist we have the chance to cut blonde possibly entirely now that we have access to one percival again. Would help free up consistency G1 pieces