Overcoming the Fear of the Unpardonable Sin

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • Fear of the Unpardonable Sin:
    In this video, Kathleen shares how God delivered her from the fear of the unpardonable sin and provides freeing and encouraging teaching on the topic.
    For further teaching on the topic and more please visit the following site which includes blogs written on fear, religious OCD (scrupulosity), legalism and the like teaching: religiousocdno...
    Kathleen is a licensed minister with the Independent Assemblies of God International (Canada).
    To learn more about Kathleen's testimony, you can get her book on Amazon entitled "The Law of Redemption: What Must One Do to Go to Heaven?": www.amazon.ca/...
    You can also follow Paul and Kathleen on Facebook and/or on Twitter here: @paulandkathleenministries and @paulandkathleen respectively.
    Paul and Kathleen Ministries Website: www.paulandkat...
    You can also reach Kathleen via email: paulkathleenkacz@gmail.com.
    Scriptures to help overcome the fear of the unpardonable sin:
    Romans 4:18 King James Version (KJV)
    Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.
    John 6:37 New King James Version (NKJV)
    All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.
    1 John 1:9 New King James Version (NKJV)
    If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
    Psalm 34:4 New King James Version (NKJV)
    I sought the LORD, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.
    2 Timothy 1:7 King James Version (KJV)
    For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
    1 John 4:18 King James Version (KJV)
    There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
    Revelation 12:10 King James Version (KJV)
    And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
    2 Corinthians 10:4-5 King James Version (KJV)
    4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


  • @filmswithpurposestudios6860
    @filmswithpurposestudios6860 4 роки тому +13

    Stand on God's Word. Read Romans 8: 1 There in therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. 2. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us from from the law of sin and death. When the enemy comes at you quote this. Read all of Romans 8. God loves you and he wouldn't save you to lose you again. Stay in the word.

  • @yahushareignsforevermoreya2674
    @yahushareignsforevermoreya2674 4 роки тому +35

    I've been mentally devastated after how many attacks. The first time the accuser had put thoughts in my head that was against the holy spirit (sometimes against God and Jesus) made me so drained and thankfully God had helped me. The enemy also put other evil imaginations in my mind. I really thought that this will only happen once but happened again and it drained me. I learned how to fight the warfare and know who the Holy spirit was. Sometimes curses comes out when my mind was so so not in a good condition and when I overthink. Every now and then I feel free and afterwards unhappy. Im really scared that I will commit this. I struggled too because sometimes as a 15 year old girl that overthinks too much, it may be hard. But, being afflicted was also beneficial because while God was delievering me, It increased my faith.
    Don't give up brothers and sisters you are not alone and we can all do this through Christ who strengthen us for his power is made perfect in weakness❤️💪

    • @heartylegend2002
      @heartylegend2002 4 роки тому +1

      I hate my life so much. These thoughts or evil speaking is in my mind are killing me.

    • @yahushareignsforevermoreya2674
      @yahushareignsforevermoreya2674 4 роки тому +1

      Brady Hankins Dont give up brother, you are not alone. Everything happened for a reason and those thoughts are not yours. God loves you as always. Be still brother and call upon the name of the Lord. Always remember you are more than a conqueror. Submit therefore to God, resist the the devil and he will flee from you. There is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in the blood of Jesus. Keep seeking the Lord Brother he loves you.

    • @cherishsutton2120
      @cherishsutton2120 4 роки тому +1

      Hey, how are y'all? I'm going through it too. It feels like it's us doing it...

    • @yahushareignsforevermoreya2674
      @yahushareignsforevermoreya2674 4 роки тому +1

      Cherish Sutto keep fighting sister❤️ the enemy will really use first person pov where it seems its us, it was hard but call on the name of our Lord Jesus and Abba Father. Tell him what happened because he will listen and help you through it.

    • @cherishsutton2120
      @cherishsutton2120 4 роки тому +1

      @@yahushareignsforevermoreya2674 Thank you for replying. This happened 2 months ago. The thought was direct blasphemy to the Holy Spirit in my mind like it was me... My heart dropped and all I could say was Jesus... It's truly terrifying

  • @heartylegend2002
    @heartylegend2002 4 роки тому +52

    When I heard about this unforgivable sin I really started freaking out and I think the enemy knew that I was scared of this sin so he and his fallen angels started screaming Blasphemous things to my Father in heaven and they made it seem like it was my fault and I felt like I'm damned for eternity. But then when I look up about these Blasphemous thoughts I now realize I was not the only one that was facing these. I think the enemy is so mad that we give our life to Christ and he wants to get a terrified and try to make us felt bad and make us give up

    • @LovePatience32
      @LovePatience32 3 роки тому +1

      This is true

    • @heartylegend2002
      @heartylegend2002 3 роки тому +5

      @@LovePatience32 it is indeed. I don't experience these attacks anymore but I still fear that my brothers and sisters will go through the same torment that I went through. When I was getting attacked I could barley sleep, eat and be happy. What I did was kept reading scripture and true believers cannot commit this sin

    • @LovePatience32
      @LovePatience32 3 роки тому +1

      @@heartylegend2002 yes now its good to go on these videos and share your testimony, its what I do because devil is clever and make a person believe His lies😡

    • @hectorp9206
      @hectorp9206 2 роки тому

      @@heartylegend2002 can you please give me scripture ?

    • @heartylegend2002
      @heartylegend2002 2 роки тому +1

      @@hectorp9206 1st Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

  • @genesisfermin3296
    @genesisfermin3296 5 років тому +25

    I keep worrying that I might have done this even though I seek forgiveness and love God and Jesus and I feel super guilty

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +3

      Hey dear, I encourage you to read my blog on the topic of the fear of the unpardonable sin. You can find it on the link below. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. Also, please let me know if you can't see the link to the blog. God bless. religiousocdnomore.blogspot.com/2018/10/overcoming-fear-of-unpardonable-sin.html

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому

      Hi dear, yes we can as long as you live either in Canada or US. I have a long distance plan for Canada and the US. Just let me know. :)

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому

      Dear @Genesis Fermin, yes we can arrange for a phone call if you live in Canada or in the US as I have a long distance plan for Canada and US. Just let me know. God bless

    • @genfermin4017
      @genfermin4017 5 років тому

      How do I do the call ?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому

      Hello dear, I am not sure whether my messages are going through. Please let me know if you received my messages with my email address. If you did, please feel free to email me your phone number and we can schedule a time for me to call you. God bless

  • @heatherparker2491
    @heatherparker2491 4 роки тому +13

    I want to tell you that I love you!!!! You are a blessing to the world and a blessing to me! Thank you for being a beacon of hope and Truth through Christ Jesus!

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +2

      To God be the glory! He is so good. I don't know where and what I would be had it not been of Him. I can't barely fathom. I am glad the video ministered hope to you. God bless!
      He who began a good work in you will also complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (see Phil. 1:6)

  • @DavidSandyOfficial
    @DavidSandyOfficial 3 роки тому +5

    'Let your steadfast love come to me, O Lord, your salvation according to your promise; then I will answer the one who taunts me, for I trust in your word.'
    Psalm 119:41-42
    'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' 1 John 1:9
    'My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.'
    John 10:27-30
    'All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.' John 6:37
    May we trust in the truth of the promises found in God's word. 🤗🙏

  • @armed-response5345
    @armed-response5345 4 роки тому +12

    I think I have committed the unforgivable sin pls pray for me. My name is Marcelo santos. My body won't stop shaking i need help.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +2

      Dear Marcelo, how are you feeling now? What caused you to fear you had committed the unpardonable sin? The fear of the unpardonable sin is a devilish evil tactic the enemy of our soul, the devil, uses to torment so many people. It will be important for you to harness your mind, especially at this time, and to set it on things that will help you. For instance, I encourage you to read my blog on this topic. You can find it here: religiousocdnomore.blogspot.com/2018/10/overcoming-fear-of-unpardonable-sin.html. I believe it will help you and will help shine light on this topic. Please let me know if you have any questions. I prayed for you. Please understand that you have an enemy, the devil. God is love and He is the ultimate daddy, and the most loving, understanding, merciful, patient and kind person in the entire universe. Make sure also to remain in hope as hope will guard your mind. Trust the Lord, He is willing and able to heal you completely. This too shall pass. God bless.

    • @armed-response5345
      @armed-response5345 4 роки тому +1

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 i was watching a video about GOD and the person said one of God's holy name I said in my mind its anbomntion but I feel better now. Thank you for replying and GOD bless you.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +2

      I am glad you are feeling better Marcelo. You are welcome. Good night

    • @armed-response5345
      @armed-response5345 4 роки тому +3

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 i truly believe that I have committed the unforgivable sin. I can hold my breath without letting go like the spirit of grace has left me or im just
      Going crazy and my body has started shaking again.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +2

      Hi Marcelo, God is a God of the heart. In your heart of hearts you didn't believe what you thought. Furthermore, fear can cause one to think the things they are afraid of, like in your case, thinking that the name of God spoken in the video was an abomination. God is not a legalistic God who watches over every slip-ups and struggle to see if we mess up and deserve judgement and hell. You have not committed the unpardonable sin. It is fear that is causing what you are experiencing. Not only have you not committed the unpardonable sin and not only is God not mad at you, but God wants to set you free from fear and legalistic beliefs and views of God. Your view of God and of the new covenant in Christ needs to be rectified in your life. I encourage you to read my blog, the one I sent you the link of. I also encourage you to read the other UA-cam comments exchanges between me and other people on the topic of the fear of the unpardonable sin. I believe it will help you and help shine more light on this topic for you. But also, I encourage you to read the blog I sent you. Please let me know if you have any questions. All is well. God loves you.

  • @Spirit-filled_brandonsturgill
    @Spirit-filled_brandonsturgill Рік тому +5

    This is a important teaching to hear. There is certainly a warfare aspect to it, especially over identity.

  • @hungkiet7535
    @hungkiet7535 3 роки тому +6

    I'm struggle with bad thoughts,each time I have those thoughts I'm very terrified and worry,it's give me alot of anxiety and self condemnation,I wish I can control my thoughts without compulsion each times the intrusive thoughts enter my mind.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому +1

      Hello dear, I want to reassure you that God is willing and able to set you free. He loves you with a perfect love. Trust Him to reveal freeing truth to you. Seek Him and actively wait and expect on Him to deliver you. He will. I encourage you to prayerfully watch this video a few times. I also wrote a blog on this topic. You can find it here: www.paulandkathleenministries.org/post/overcoming-the-fear-of-the-unpardonable-sin-1
      I encourage you to look for others of my UA-cam videos and watch them as well. I believe they will also help and encourage you.
      Here are a few I can think of right now that I believe will help you:
      How to strip the thought of its power: ua-cam.com/video/aCmqzhsaShU/v-deo.html
      Practical way to deal with intrusive thoughts: ua-cam.com/video/3pCSPRINDCQ/v-deo.html
      How to stop the thoughts (part 2): ua-cam.com/video/wFDZcVIy-fA/v-deo.html
      I pray this helps.

  • @LovePatience32
    @LovePatience32 4 роки тому +23

    If you had a bad thought against God and felt it was unpardonable sin but in your heart you dont want those thoughts than its most likely an attack from the devil. He did the same to me and actually made me feel spiritual move in my heart accompanied with fear. You have to study the scriptures regarding this issue and KNOW the truth.
    blasphémos: slanderous, evil-speaking
    Original Word: βλάσφημος, ον
    Part of Speech: Adjective
    Transliteration: blasphémos
    Phonetic Spelling: (blas'-fay-mos)
    Definition: slanderous, evil-speaking
    Usage: slanderous; subst: a blasphemer.
    As you can see God doesn't want us to (speak) evil against Holyspirit. God loves you so much, think of it like a test and choose to trust God and His word.

    • @cherishsutton2120
      @cherishsutton2120 4 роки тому +3

      That's what happened to me... I felt that "I" spoke against him in my mind

    • @ver-ed2ub
      @ver-ed2ub 3 роки тому +1

      Where do I stand with God I feel like I committed it in my mind have I doom myself forever because of these stupid thoughts at first I want to stay as far away from the thought as I could but now I feel like I have no hope no more what can I do?

    • @LovePatience32
      @LovePatience32 3 роки тому +1

      @@ver-ed2ub the fact that you want to stay away from the stupid thoughts is sign you are alright. Get alone and talk to God, apologize and ask for forgiveness and that He help you fight the enemy and 2 Corinthians 10:5 Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.

    • @jaydenbet6737
      @jaydenbet6737 3 роки тому

      @@LovePatience32 I have a big thought against him and I was stressed out and so tired my head was burning And I was very sleepy I said it by accident I said evil and I thought I was talking about Jesus I think I was I don’t know but he said evil because a lot of you will call him evil and it was stressful me out

    • @jaydenbet6737
      @jaydenbet6737 3 роки тому

      @@LovePatience32 I mean a lot of people not Christians I hopefully not Christians but a lot of people will call you the minute anyone gets in my brain and how is God evil Like people would always say that but it stresses me out and I’m scared

  • @rikowha3387
    @rikowha3387 5 років тому +10

    I need help this critical spirit came to me 😢 I’m scared and I believe I might be condemned I don’t try accept these thoughts idk why often it came preset pray for me ? Juan paiz my name

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +2

      Dear Juan, criticizing people doesn’t mean that we have committed the unpardonable sin. Jesus said in Luke 6:37 AMPC “Judge not [neither pronouncing judgment nor subjecting to censure], and you will not be judged; do not condemn and pronounce guilty, and you will not be condemned and pronounced guilty; acquit and forgive and release (give up resentment, let it drop), and you will be acquitted and forgiven and released.” It doesn’t mean that the moment you and I criticize someone there is no room for us to receive forgiveness. The whole Gospel message is all about forgiveness of sin being offered to us freely through Christ. Of course, we don’t want to continue in sin, but nor are we without hope if we do sin, for we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous, Who intercedes for us (see 1 John 2:1-2). The Bible declares in 1 John 1:9 AMPC “If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].” Understand that you are in a spiritual war and that the enemy is trying to defeat you by causing you to fear you have committed the unpardonable sin. You must remember that you have a real enemy. Resist him in the faith and through learning the truth.
      Additionally, it could be that the enemy is seeking to torment you if you fear that if you criticize someone you might end up committing the unpardonable sin. Fear attracts the object of our fear, in this case critical thoughts. When that happens, the critical thoughts are not something you do from your heart, not really, but they become more like superficial thoughts coming into your mind on the basis of your fearing them. So if you fear that criticizing someone might cause you to commit the unpardonable sin, you may end up being bombarded with critical thoughts simply by virtue of fearing that you might criticize someone and end up committing the unpardonable sin as a result. That would also mean the underlying problem is not so much the critical spirit as it is the underlying fear of it and the reliance on your own power to keep yourself from thinking critical thoughts. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you revelation of the truth needed to experience freedom from your fears in this area and ask Him to convince you of the truth. You need to become convinced that you haven’t committed the unpardonable sin. The Holy Spirit can do that for you. Ask God to help you not to give the devil a foothold by allowing yourself to fall under condemnation. Instead quickly run to God, confess your sin, repent and receive your forgiveness. Ask the Holy Spirit to sort this out for your and He will. The devil is a liar and remember that the spirit of fear isn’t of God (see 2 Timothy 1:7). Through it all, make sure not to try to stop the critical thoughts in your own strength. Instead deal with the underlying fear and associated falsehood by asking the Holy Spirit to shine truth on your situation. The Bible says that it is the truth that makes us free (see John 8:31-32). Also make sure not to rely on your own strength and own ability to live the Christian life. Often times, this trying in our own strength to live a godly life will bring all kinds of fears because there, the burden of our salvation resides on our own shoulders and on our own ability to do everything just right. Instead, make sure that your faith is entirely in Christ and rest in His finished work on the cross.
      The enemy loves to bring us under condemnation, fear, despair and hopelessness. However, God is good, merciful, slow to anger and God is love. Jesus said He will reject no one who comes to Him (see John 6:37). The Bible also says that Jesus came to save us from our sins, not reject us when we sin (see Matthew 1:21). Therefore, go to Him with your fears, confess your sins to Him with a sincere and repentant heart and ask Him to forgive you. Receive your forgiveness. Begin to study Bible verses on the specific topics of need, asking God to give you revelation knowledge that will help you overcome any weaknesses. When it comes to a critical spirit, depend on the Holy Spirit to help you see people the way He sees them and trust Him to transform you within from glory to glory. One prayer I tend to pray when I struggle with a judgmental spirit towards someone is “God I pray you vindicate them in my eyes.” Many times, the Lord does just that and I begin to see them in a whole new light. Furthermore, when we judge and criticize others, I believe an underlying cause can be pride. We believe we are better then they are and that we would never do that or that we would do something else that is better than what they do. I therefore encourage you to mediate on Bible verses that will feed godly humility in your life. Believe me, I need a good biblical study on pride and humility every once in a while too! I think it is important for most of us.
      Under the new covenant, there is room for mercy and for God to be able to work in our hearts, unlike under the old covenant of law where there is no room for mercy and for growth. How can we know something needs to change in our lives unless it is first exposed to us? Then, once we realize we have a problem in an area, we can confess it to God and ask for forgiveness, receive our forgiveness and ask God to transform us within from glory to glory. From there we cooperate with Him toward fullness of freedom by studying the Word of God in the area of need and by trusting and depending on God all the way. All the while there is no condemnation for us because we repented and we are believing God to deliver us and to help us in our infirmities. What’s more, we are partnering with Him in faith toward complete freedom by studying the Word of God, allowing the latter to renew our mind, and by applying it to our situation by His grace.
      Lastly, like we discussed previously, there is a type of “judging” or discernment that is important to exercise whereby there are times when we are called to test the spirit to see if it is of God. But in terms of criticizing and putting people down, simply ask God to forgive you and to help you not to do that. But be careful not to give the devil any foothold by toying with the idea that you might have committed the unpardonable sin dear one. All is well, simply receive your forgiveness and follow the Lord as He leads you. God bless.

    • @rikowha3387
      @rikowha3387 5 років тому

      One question the thing is I was just thinking how
      It would be if I was my dad then I heard a voice come saying you’re “thy condemned wicked” I still have the Holy Spirit but I’m scare my family say you shouldn’t be able to hear a voice because many story of people hearing voice and doing things that they thought it came from God and I’m new I’m this
      And I’m growing in my Christian life I’m just kinda worried

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +4

      The words that came to you are not from God. They do not reflect God’s nature or His ways of handling us at all. What you heard is clearly from the devil. The bible says in Revelations 12:10 that the devil is the accuser of the brethren and he accuses us day and night before God. God is pure and holy, He is love and He is good, He is filled with grace and truth. He is not a sadistic God who just leaves people hanging in the fear that they have committed the unpardonable sin. This is not wholesome. He won’t let someone who is repentant and desiring to live for God go through their entire lives without any possibility of return. This is clearly not God. The devil is a deceiver and the accuser and he loves to bring fear and torment. This is why we need to study the Word of God in the areas of need so that we can know the truth so that we won’t be easily troubled or deceived when the enemy comes with his lies. I encourage you to google for Bible verses on God’s nature and His love to help you discern His voice versus the devil’s voice in situations like these. Find yourself Scriptures you can meditate on this topic. But also, I encourage you to google for Bible verses on your identity in Christ and on the fact that we are justified with God freely by grace through faith. I encourage you to make those three topics your main study for the next little while. The more you know the truth, the less the enemy will be able to torment you as his lies and his ways of doing things will be exposed to you as you learn the truth. And when the enemy comes to condemn you, do what Jesus did when he was tempted by the devil in the wilderness. Jesus would respond back to the devil by quoting relevant Bible verses to counteract the devil’s lies. Jesus, our very Lord, heard the devil speak to him and He was not crazy ;) Please read Luke chapter 4 where Jesus was tempted of the devil in the wilderness. The devil can come at times and say things to us that we hear, nothing to worry about there. I know I experienced that before and I know it is the case with many others. But the devil is a defeated foe. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. So nothing to fear there. Fear can also open the door to our hearing things like that. As you study, meditate and confess the Word and as you ask the Holy Spirit to help and guide you through this, things will get better.
      On another note, God speaking to His people is completely scriptural. Therefore, it is possible to hear God’s voice. We can hear His voice through His Word, His still small voice, dreams, visions, inner peace, inner knowing, audible voice, etc. But everything we think God might have spoken to us must always line up with God’s Word, with His ways and His nature. If it doesn’t align, you and I must reject what we thought we heard from God. Furthermore, Jesus said that His sheep listen to His voice; He knows them, and they follow Him (see John 10:27). So hearing God’s voice is part of our inheritance :). God bless.

    • @rikowha3387
      @rikowha3387 5 років тому +1

      Thank you sister I’m still learning I have less then a year I believe being Christian

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +2

      You are very welcome Juan. It is a journey :) God is good and He will teach you every step of the way as you continue to acknowledge Him and fix your eyes on Him. You take care, God bless

  • @nowvoyagerNE
    @nowvoyagerNE 2 роки тому +2

    we cannot "be good" our way into heaven. through God's grace (unwarranted, unearned, unearnable favor) we are given the opportunity to repent our wrongs, accept Jesus as the foretold Christ , to ask Him into to be our savior. then *simply accept it.* faith is not "seeing is believing." *faith is believing is seeing.* simply believe that you are saved because you asked Jesus to be your savior. the devil isn't God's minion, like the elf that runs to Santa Claus and squeals on you and blabs all over heaven what you've done wrong. God is God. He does not need a minion. He will not listen to a minion, not to the devil, Satan or what ever you want to call it. God cast Satan out of heaven. Satan doesn't have a special hotline to God. however *YOU* do have a hot line to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. inject a little spiritual logic into the situation: do not believe all the hogwash your muddled brain is telling you. say "get thee behind me Satan" with conviction and authority, and the voice of God will echo loud and clear on your behalf.

  • @ni7414
    @ni7414 Рік тому +3

    .. I have impulsive thoughts too and sometime i think blasphemous things on purpose because of temptations and being impulsive and i feel like God wont forgive me. i don’t believe from the heart what my thoughts are saying but i still feel like He wont forgive me because of me intentionally thinking some of these thoughts compulsively. i see this sin as a big sin and since it’s so serious i have the urge to do it BUT ONLY IN MY HEAD. i wouldn’t dare say it out loud. i dont believe this in my heart though because i love God and fear Him but i don’t know if that’ll be enough

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  Рік тому +2

      Hello @ni ღ,
      It looks like you found the video in which I share the dream you asked me about in another comment. I am assuming you watched the video, if not, I encourage you to watch it as it is in that video that I share the dream. Here also is a blog I wrote about overcoming the fear of the unpardonable sin which I encourage you to read and in which I also wrote the dream: www.paulandkathleenministries.org/post/overcoming-the-fear-of-the-unpardonable-sin-1
      I believe the above blog will help you with your fears that God won’t forgive you now. It is important to understand that we have an enemy, Satan, and he is the one who wants to separate us from God by causing us to believe God can’t forgive us now. God is a God of the heart-He is after our heart, and not after the outward. Recurring and intrusive unwanted thoughts, even when thought willingly out of compulsion, are not our heart or what we believe. However, they do disclose that there is something unwell in us which needs healing, but they are in no wise us committing the unpardonable sin. The compulsion I believe is largely fueled by law. What I mean is, because these thoughts bring condemnation to you, and you thus experience them under law, where you believe these thoughts can condemn you to hell regardless of your faith in Jesus and your heart toward God, then such law arouses the sin/the thoughts you don’t want to commit and think (see Romans 7:5, Romans 7:8 and 1 Corinthians 15:56). This aligns with what you said and I quote, “i see this sin as a big sin and since it’s so serious i have the urge to do it BUT ONLY IN MY HEAD. i wouldn’t dare say it out loud.” See for instance Romans 7:5 (NKJV): “For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law were at work in our members to bear fruit to death.” And Romans 7:8 (AMPC): “But sin, finding opportunity in the commandment [to express itself], got a hold on me and aroused and stimulated all kinds of forbidden desires (lust, covetousness). For without the Law sin is dead [the sense of it is inactive and a lifeless thing].” Also, the apostle Paul wrote this in Romans chapter seven: “For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do . . . For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice . . . I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good.” (Romans 7:15, 19, 21) Essentially, the moment we place ourselves under law concerning anything, that “anything”, which in this case are the unwanted thoughts, will gain strength and momentum in our lives and though we don’t want to think them, we will think them because of the law we placed ourselves under that says “You must not think that thought or you go to hell”. Then, confronted with such law, it will arouse in us the thoughts we don’t want to think. Your only way to be freed from these unwanted thoughts is for you to come under grace concerning these thoughts where you understand the sound doctrine of grace and rely on Jesus’s finished work at the cross and where you know who you are in Christ. When these thoughts no longer condemn you, they will ultimately leave. Please let me know if you have any questions. I pray this helps.

    • @ni7414
      @ni7414 Рік тому +1

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 thank you so much 🙏🏾✨

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  Рік тому +1

      You are most welcome; God is good.

  • @soddis3539
    @soddis3539 2 роки тому +1

    I've recently understood the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit as simply being unbelief, as in not being saved. (continual disregard for the Holy Spirit), and not a one time thing.. i've heard that it is what the gnostics were doing at that time when john wrote the letter. They didn't believe sin was real, or that Christ came to earth, and so John says he touched Jesus physically, and that if they would confess that they were sinful, He would cleanse them from all unrighteousness. we are told not to pray for people regarding the sin that leads to death (unforgiveable sin), because God won't interfere with our free will and make someone believe. its something people themselves have to do. (1 John 5:16) But we can pray for opportunities to arise in other people's lives that can lead them to salvation..
    Although i deeply respect people's testimony, and experiences, i just wonder if you actually can commit the ''unforgiveable'' sin as a Forgiven, Born again, Holy Spirit Sealed Christian whose life, and Righteousness IS Christ's... we are always growing in grace, and our minds are being renewed to the understanding of our new selves as Christians (2 Cor 5:17) but we can live according to our old selves, but it will not sit right, because of our New blameless identity, and the Holy Spirit guiding us, and our New Heart that is no longer wicked and deceitful.. verses like Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5 and romans 11:6 that say that Salvation is grace alone without works, make less sense, if you have to work to guide yourself from not committing the ''unpardonable sin''.. there are also sadly many many horror stories of people being oppressed by demons, because of the lies and fear surrounding this sin, and people who are being told by demons that they are doomed, and that they have blasphemed, etc. There is a lot of demonic lies, and confusion around this topic, it seems.. it's best to understand that God is not the Author of Confusion! (1 Cor 14:33) and it is His Goodness that leads us to Him (Romans 2:4)..
    This website has an explanation that made sense to me, and it's made by a Christian author that have been in different denominations of Christianity, and heard different teachings on things, and he takes the Bible, and context of passages very seriously.. he has a very good social media ministry going, and has written 7 books. He can explain what i mean better, if u would like to give it a little read, God Bless you!

  • @36742650885
    @36742650885 5 років тому +6

    Please pray for me I need your intercession thank you 🙏 I’ve been oppressed and suffering from depression and headaches

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +4

      Just prayed for you the prayer of faith. He is a very present help in times of trouble. Rest now in Him and let your eyes be on Him. He has heard our prayer.

    • @36742650885
      @36742650885 5 років тому +2

      Kathleen Kaczmarek thank you 🙏

    • @36742650885
      @36742650885 4 роки тому +1

      Please pray for me and my family we’re going through some issues thank you 🙏

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +1

      @@36742650885 Just prayed!

  • @lindancube4539
    @lindancube4539 Рік тому +1

    Thank you so much for allowing the Holy Spirit, to use you in encouraging us. I'm struggling with that but what makes me stronger is my love for ministry and working for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I tell my self, let me concentrate on what makes me a good child to my heavenly Father.
    Thank you again

  • @Spiritual-Warrior-j316
    @Spiritual-Warrior-j316 2 місяці тому +1

    I’m very scared that I committed it because of a joke I said before I gave my life to Christ

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  2 місяці тому +1

      Hello dear, you have nothing to fear concerning this; if you had committed the unpardonable sin, you wouldn't have been drawn by the Father to Jesus to give your life to Him unto salvation (see John 6:44). Also love, the Bible says, is not touchy (see 1 Corinthian chapter 13). You can be at peace, all is well.

    • @Spiritual-Warrior-j316
      @Spiritual-Warrior-j316 2 місяці тому +1

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 Thank you so much because ever since I found about this I was really scared and the enemy keeps on bothering me about this

    • @stacy.agst.12
      @stacy.agst.12 Місяць тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190i truly believe that i did this sin. I struggled with blasphemous thoughts as if someone or me was saying a sentence concerning this sin. And it happens that i think about those sentences as if i was saying the sentence. There are meanless for me, they don’t come from my heart but they come.

  • @garystorm6251
    @garystorm6251 2 роки тому +1

    Please share the Love of the Son of God, He spoke Truth Forever. Please write His Words in your Heart, and share them. Please Forgive, and Pray for everyone. Immanuel, God with us...

  • @xiuminni6983
    @xiuminni6983 5 років тому +5

    pray for me to hope against hope

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +5

      Dear Xiumin Ni, I prayed for you earlier today and am planning to do so again. God loves you Xiumin Ni. Trust Him dear one. You are precious in His sight. God bless.

  • @AnnePeaceWithGod
    @AnnePeaceWithGod 5 років тому +7


  • @deborahanth3672
    @deborahanth3672 4 роки тому +14

    I'm very scared. I've had bad thoughts but I don't remember if I ever said it out loud 😢😢

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +2

      Hi dear,
      I wrote a blog on this topic which I believe will help you. You can find it here:
      I noticed I received the same comment twice from you this morning within a short time, I am not sure why this happened. I am responding to the one here. :)
      I pray this helps.
      Take care,

    • @餅い
      @餅い 3 роки тому

      same :(

  • @midnightvibes6659
    @midnightvibes6659 3 роки тому +3

    i’m scared. i keep having bad thoughts that i want to go away. i don’t wanna live anymore. i don’t know what to do. i just want to be forgiven and live in peace

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      That’s normal. The thoughts are coming back because you fear them. It is a natural cycle and it is common in situations like these. They reoccur because you fear them. Their recurrence are not you committing the unpardonable sin. This happened to me (and to many others) too. God is greater than your heart and He sees also what is happening. Therefore do not fret there. As you learn why you don't need to fear the thoughts through learning the truth on the matter, you will fear the thoughts less and less and the thoughts will gradually begin to leave. As you dwell in God’s love for you in the truth and as your focus begins to shift away from these thoughts unto God and His love for you along with other things, these thoughts will leave. I sent you a link to a blog I wrote on the topic in my other response. I believe it will help you there as well. I also encourage you to watch the following two UA-cam videos I made. I trust they will help you as well. You can find them here:
      Practical ways to deal with intrusive thoughts:
      How to strip the thought of its power:
      You can be at peace now. You take care

    • @midnightvibes6659
      @midnightvibes6659 3 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 but i’m pretty sure that i did this sin. idk what to do about it. i can never stop worrying .i can’t live my life in peace anymore.

  • @manuel_saenz
    @manuel_saenz 4 роки тому +6

    thank you for this video. it has helped me ragain hope after suffering from a similar experience you recount in your video.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому

      I am so glad to hear! You are very welcome. God is so good.

    • @LBrooks_037
      @LBrooks_037 4 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 what if you tell Jesus about a bad blasphemous against the spirit thought about somebody with the spirit and tell Jesus its a lie and you will not speak it against the person...is that it?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому

      @@LBrooks_037 Hello @alex perry, no, this is not the unpardonable sin. God is a God of the heart. I encourage you to perhaps re-read some of my previous responses to some of your questions. I believe they will help you. Often, we need to read things more than once to help fully grasp and understand what is said. I also encourage you to read and watch the different material I included in my previous responses by way of links. I believe they will help shine more light on this topic. Be encouraged, God is a God of the heart. Take your time in reading the material I sent. Also, make sure to continue to invite the Lord in your situation and to actively trust Him to reveal truths to you that will bring freedom in your life in this area. He is our wonderful Counselor (see Isaiah 9:6) and He convinces us of truth by His Spirit living in us. I pray this helps.

    • @LBrooks_037
      @LBrooks_037 4 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 so your thoughts were about swearing at the holy spirit what if you have assumed you dont ever call the holy spirit evil or demonic and you start having thoughts about blurting it? Isn't that the unforgivable sin because Jesus saud because they have an unclean spirit?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому

      @@LBrooks_037 Hi Alex, just to let you know that I have edited slightly my long answer I replied to your other comment a little while ago. I would like you to reread it to the end if you have already. I changed it toward the end as I am concerned some of what I wrote would be misinterpreted or come across in a way I don't want it to. Thanks. I believe you will also have answers there as well to this comment. Essentially, I mentioned how that God isn't sadistic to refuse someone who is repentant and who wants Him. I pray this helps. From here, you need to choose to believe there is hope for you and that God loves you. You need to choose to believe based on the whole counsel of God's Word and based on the nature and character of God that you haven't committed the unpardonable sin and that God's arms are wide open for you. He will see you through, only trust Him and place your hope in His Word. Take care

  • @edwinsantiago7639
    @edwinsantiago7639 4 роки тому +3

    Thankyou so much, I am currently struggling with exact same thing, I feel like I am doomed and God is not paying attention to me. I fear every day

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +2

      Dear @Edwin Santiago, I am glad my video ministered to you. I encourage you to watch it as many times as needed and allow the truth that you hear change what you have been believing. I also wrote a blog on this topic. I encourage you to read it as many times as you need. Allow the truth of God's Word to expose the lies you have been believing and replace them with the truth; realigning your beliefs, thoughts and feelings with the truth that you learn and receive with God's help. Here is the link: www.paulandkathleenministries.org/post/overcoming-the-fear-of-the-unpardonable-sin-1
      If the link above doesn't show somehow, you can click on the following one instead: religiousocdnomore.blogspot.com/2018/10/overcoming-fear-of-unpardonable-sin.html
      God bless!

  • @Levy122
    @Levy122 5 років тому +2

    I Believe since Jesus Shed His Blood, He made it possible to forgive and wash away ALL the sins of those who are Truly Repentant. Prov. 28:13, 1 John 1:9, 1 John 1:7, Acts 2:21 Psalm 51:17

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +1

      Amen! And what you are saying also aligns with what Jesus said in Matthew 12:31. What we are addressing in this video is the fear of the sin Jesus addressed in Matthew 12:31b, and I quote from the NKJV “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men.” This is the one that triggers unhealthy fear in some of God’s children partly due to lack of knowledge. I therefore believe based on the whole counsel of the Word of God (including the Bible verses you mentioned) that the one who committed the unpardonable sin would either be no more or his or her conscience would be seared. God is not a sadistic God who refuses to forgive people who are repentant of their sins and desire to have a relationship with Him. We serve a good God and Jesus made every provision for us to be reconciled with our loving heavenly Father when we repent of our sins and place our faith in Christ. God bless. :)

  • @Accune
    @Accune 5 років тому +5


  • @Slightlyinsanee
    @Slightlyinsanee 4 роки тому +1

    Hi please I am having Anixety because I think I have committed it and I have cried uncountable times please help me😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому

      Hi @Elpidia Teye, the very fact that you are so worried about it is a strong indication that you haven't committed the unpardonable sin and that instead the devil is after your peace. See, God is a God of the heart. It is important to understand that the devil is a legalistic, condemning devil and he loves to bring people in a place of despair and hopelessness. However God is the God of hope. And God is love. I encourage you to read my blog on this topic. I believe it will help bring peace to you.
      Please let me know if you can't see the link above.
      Take courage precious,

  • @joejacobs3537
    @joejacobs3537 3 роки тому +1

    All sins are unforgivable except ye repent...

  • @ericlujan6534
    @ericlujan6534 3 роки тому +1

    If I committed the unpardonable sin can Jesus still save you if I ask him and I tell him that that I'm sorry how a loving God cannot forgive the unpardonable sin if he's merciful

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      Dear @Eric Lujan,
      If someone committed the unpardonable sin, there wouldn’t be possibility for forgiveness. Jesus said in Matthew 12:31 (NKJV) and I quote, “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men.” However, based on the dream the Lord gave me which I shared in the video, based on John 6:37, and based on the whole counsel of the Word of God and on the nature and character of God, if someone committed the unpardonable sin, they would either be no more or their conscience and mind would become seared and corrupted so they wouldn’t care about God anymore and wouldn’t want Him anymore whatsoever. Clearly, this is not your case. God is not this sadistic God who just refuses to forgive people who are repentant of their sins and want a relationship with God. 1 John 1:9 (NKJV) says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” So, if you sinned, be encouraged that you can repent, confess your sins to God, and receive His forgiveness full and free. Remember that the devil is the accuser of the brethren (see Rev. 12:10). We overcome him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony (see Rev. 12:11).
      God loves you with a love beyond comprehension. God is love, the Bible says and He is not easily offended, He is slow to anger and He is plenteous in mercy. The Bible even says in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 in the Amplified classic edition that love isn’t touchy. God isn’t touchy. I encourage you to read my blog on the topic as well. You can be at peace. God’s arms are wide open for you. Here is the link to the blog: www.paulandkathleenministries.org/post/overcoming-the-fear-of-the-unpardonable-sin-1
      I pray this helps.

  • @jesusismysaviornow4181
    @jesusismysaviornow4181 2 роки тому

    Hello here is an explanation of what the unpardonable sin is in scripture:
    this sin is mentioned in Mark 3:29, Matthew 12:31-32,Luke 12:10,
    Remember this that this sin Cannot be committed by Accident or by a born again believer
    Why you ask?
    Well this sin has to be told from the Heart here in Matthew 12:34 (o generation of vipers,how can ye being evil,speak good things?for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.)
    So the people who DID commit this sin doesn't care you know why?
    The reason you can desire Lord Jesus our Savior or desire to be with Lord Jesus Christ our Savior and to be forgiven and want to live a holy life it's because the Holy Spirit placed that there or when you desire to pray
    in John 6:37(all that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; and him that cometh to me I will no wise cast out.)
    The reason why we can pray to Lord Jesus Christ our Savior is because the Father draws us to Him,so the people who have committed the unforgivable sin can't come to Lord Jesus Christ because they won't BE drawn by the Father,and that the Holy Spirit has left those people so that's why they can't desire or even worry or care about the things of God because the Holy Spirit is the One who gives us that desire.
    To know that your saved?
    Ephesians 1:13-14
    ¹³In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also, after that ye believed, ye were sealed with what Holy Spirit of promise,
    ¹⁴Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory.
    If you have the Holy Spirit then you are sealed
    Remember in Ephesians 2:8-10
    ⁸For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not yourselves: it is the gift of God:
    ⁹Not of works,lest any man should boast.
    ¹⁰For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, Which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

  • @Alvesanthony03
    @Alvesanthony03 4 роки тому +1

    In my case I saw many videos regarding this unpardonable sin and at that moment I do feel like I didn't commit that sin and walk in faith but again these thoughts pop up in my mind and not just thoughts but also ugly and blasphemous images flash in my mind ...and feel like I'm lost for eternity..I don't want to go against my saviour.. I don't want to hurt him..What should I do I think that Im entertaining these thoughts but I don't know what to do ...At times I stay strong but there times when this fear eats me up...plss help me..

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому

      Hi, you need to switch your focus. I encourage you to prayerfully watch the following video I made on the topic of unwanted thoughts and practical ways to overcome them with God's help. I believe it will help you. Then, I encourage you to prayerfully apply with God’s help the principles I share in it. However, please let me know after you watched it and sought to apply the principles shared in it by God’s grace if you have additional questions or need more help. I also have another video in mind, but this one may suffice for you. Just let me know. I pray this helps.

  • @angular01
    @angular01 5 років тому +4


  • @jason_gacha7609
    @jason_gacha7609 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this video ma'am because i was scared if i have done this in the past or not because of what i did on youtube comments in the past, and i'm starting to feel guilty,worry and scared

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  2 роки тому +1

      Dear @Jason_Gacha, no need to be scared. If you did say or do something on UA-cam that you now regret and understand was wrong, simply confess it to God and receive His forgiveness full and free. 1 John 1:9 tells us that “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (NKJV). It is important for all of us to understand that the devil is the accuser of the brethren, “Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death” (Revelation 12:10-11 NKJV). When we confess our sins to God, He washes our sins away with the Blood of Christ never to be remembered again. You can be at peace there. Simply go to God, and confess it all to Him and receive His forgiveness. Jesus didn’t come into the world to condemn the world but that through Him we may be saved, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” (John 3:16-17 NKJV)
      If you want more material on the topic, I also wrote a blog on overcoming the fear of the unpardonable sin. You can find it here: www.paulandkathleenministries.org/post/overcoming-the-fear-of-the-unpardonable-sin-1
      I pray this helps. Be encouraged.

  • @bryanjavier7805
    @bryanjavier7805 5 років тому +1

    To God be the Glory thank you Jesus , Im also suffering in this kind of Situation doubting my Salvation. Doing ligalist thing to earn my right to be Good to the Lord God Almighty , Please help to me Pray also to Overcome it fully by the Grace and Mercy of God

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +1

      Dear @Bryan Javier, I encourage you to look for my other UA-cam videos and watch the ones that resonate with you. I also encourage you to read my blogs, from the first one posted (back in August 2018) to the most recent. You can find my blogs here: religiousocdnomore.blogspot.com/2018/08/welcome-to-religious-ocd-there-is-way.html Lastly, I encourage you to google for Bible verses on being justified by faith and not by works or self-righteousness, on the grace of God, on the love of God, on the nature of God, about your identity in Christ and on godly humility and surrender to God. I encourage you also to prayerfully consider buying my book which includes my testimony and teaching on law versus grace entitled "The Law of Redemption: What Must One Do to Go to Heaven?" as well as Derek Prince's book entitled "By Grace Alone: Finding Freedom and Purging Your Life from Legalism" You can find the books on Amazon. Please let me know if you have any questions. Be encouraged that God loves you and that He is willing and able to deliver you from every trace, shape and form of legalism. Understand that it will be a process. The Bible says that if we will abide in God's Word we will know the truth and the truth will make us free (see John 8:31-32). Therefore, I encourage you to study the Bible verses you find through googling like mentioned above as well as the blogs, videos and possibly the books (if you purchase them) and meditate on the truth. Let the truth renew your belief system. Let your foundation be healed. Pray and continue to trust God to deliver you; be encouraged that as long as we are believing, God is working in our situation even when we don't see it. :) This too shall pass. Trust Him. God bless

  • @jammyyy164
    @jammyyy164 4 роки тому +4

    It's been almost 9 months. I want to feel the peace of God. I feel like anything I say when I preach is the unpardonable sin. I'm slowly giving up. Help me

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому

      Dear @JL P,
      I understand how you feel. Do not give up dear, but trust God. I witnessed in my own experience that, at times, right after my darkest hour, came a breakthrough as I refused to give up the faith that God would intervene. The Bible says in Proverbs 24:16 that a righteous man falls seven times and gets back up again. I can assure you, I fell down more than seven times. I came to learn that recovery not only requires faith in God, but it also requires courage, commitment, endurance, holy determination and patience, lots of patience. But I can assure you that through Him, it is only a matter of time my dear.
      I encourage you to read the following blog on overcoming the fear of the unpardonable sin. I believe it will help you. I also encourage you to prayerfully watch (and re-watch) the following three UA-cam videos. Let them sink in. I can assure you that so long as you are believing God to work in your situation, He is working. You may not always see it, but behind the scenes, God is orchestrating your deliverance. It will come; only continue to be in faith, expecting a breakthrough from God. Be in faith, wait on Him and He will deliver you. And when He shows you something, yield to what He shows you and do what He tells you to do and you will get well. He is indeed our wonderful Counselor and our strong Deliverer. It is only a matter of time. Be thus encouraged. God loves you. Take courage.
      Blog on overcoming the fear of the unpardonable sin:
      Practical ways to deal with intrusive thoughts:
      UA-cam video on casting our cares on God:
      How to stop the thoughts (part 2):

    • @jammyyy164
      @jammyyy164 4 роки тому +1

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 Thank you it's been yesterday when i prayed to the Lord to reset my mind my heart and my soul. And so far i am doing good right now! Hoping for continuous recovery. Thank you so much sister! God bless you and save you in all your tribulations! So far the only verse that holds my faith is the word Jesus himself said "Whoever comes to me i will never drive them away" My saviour is a man of his words. I trust him.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +1

      That's wonderful @JL P. Praise God for His goodness and faithfulness. He is a very present help in times of trouble. 🙂 Take care

    • @jammyyy164
      @jammyyy164 4 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 Hello sister, I am scared again of this unpardonable sin. Is there a specific sign I can tell I have committed it? , Maybe I have spoken against the Holy Spirit out of ignorance please help me

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +4

      Hi @JL P, the devil won’t give up that easy. I love what Joyce Meyer says: “We need to outlast the devil!” Continue to choose truth and actively believe God to deliver you from your fears. He will do it. Know that so long as you are trusting Him, He is working in your situation. You may not always see what He is doing, but He is working on your behalf and you will have a “suddenly”. Therefore, this too shall pass.
      I love what someone who struggled with this fear before said God spoke to her one morning as she woke up. I believe this will also help you. This is what she heard: “How can someone accidentally hate God?” God is a God of the heart dear. Do you want Him? Do you love Him? Then you know that all is well. You see, God is not a sadistic God who refuses to forgive people who are repentant of their sins and desire to have a relationship with Him. We serve a good God and Jesus made every provision for us to be reconciled with our loving heavenly Father when we repent of our sins and place our faith in Christ. I am of the belief that someone who committed the unpardonable sin would either be no more or their conscience and mind would be completely seared and corrupted so that they would no longer desire or seek restoration with God. Be thus encouraged.

  • @michaelnovak7508
    @michaelnovak7508 4 роки тому +2

    i need prayers mine is getting bad to worse by a day

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому

      Hi Michael, I prayed for you. I encourage you to read my blog on the topic as well. The devil is a liar. Resist him in the faith (see 1 Peter 5:9). This too shall pass. You can find the link to my blog here (please let me know if the link doesn't appear somehow): www.paulandkathleenministries.org/post/overcoming-the-fear-of-the-unpardonable-sin-1

    • @michaelnovak7508
      @michaelnovak7508 4 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 thanks

  • @NathielHouseOfGod
    @NathielHouseOfGod Рік тому

    Not only do I curse God in my head but people also It feels like a parasite I don’t want to do it but it just comes out

  • @johnparker7663
    @johnparker7663 4 роки тому +1

    I want to overcome the sin fear from devil who gave me fear dream and mind in night and day that show that I was scare to be killed by wicked people I pray every time to jesus and to leave this stuff in his hand. I need to be happy and joy to overcome the sin fear from evil spirit. Please Lord save me from evil! My real names is Ethan

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Ethan,
      I am assuming that you are a born again Christian. If you are not, please let me know. You are doing the right thing in praying to God concerning these dreams and to leave them in God’s hands in faith. The Bible says to cast all of our cares on Him for He cares for us (see 1 Peter 5:6-7). It also says to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, to let our requests be made known unto God and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep our mind and heart through Christ Jesus (see Philippians 4:6).
      I encourage you to plead the Blood of Jesus over yourself and over your mind in faith before you go to bed. Be encouraged that the devil was defeated at the cross. You can pray confidently knowing that Jesus cried ‘it is finished!’ at the cross. God is willing and able to rescue you from these tormenting dreams. Because the dreams seem to be somewhat recurrent, I encourage you to ask God if there is an open door to those dreams and to prayerfully do whatever He shows you to do from there; there is normally a root cause to recurring dreams or recurring fears. Trust God and He will show you. Then, once He shows you, deal with whatever He shows you in whichever way He shows you with His help. However, through it all, learn to rest in your Redeemer; you can trust Him that once you prayed about something and that you are in faith, trusting Him about it, He begins to work on your behalf in your situation. You can trust Him that He will show you what is going on and that He will come to your rescue. If God is for you, who can be against you (see Romans 8:31b)! He is a good God and He is all powerful and He loves you. He is your Keeper (see Psalm 121:5). Therefore, trust Him, the Author and Finisher of your faith (see Hebrews 12:2).
      Continue to look to the Lord concerning these dreams and He will come through for you. All shall be well through Him who is your mighty Deliverer.
      Take care,

    • @johnparker7663
      @johnparker7663 4 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 thank you, sister. :)

    • @LBrooks_037
      @LBrooks_037 4 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 is confessing a thought and telling Jesus that the thought is a lie and you wont speak it against somebody with the spirit? Is that the unpardonable sin?

  • @carolinetroup543
    @carolinetroup543 5 років тому +2

    I have been dealing with this for a long time. But it’s has got so bad it’s unbearable. I havent ate or slept in like a week. I feel I can’t be forgiving for my thoughts and I don’t want them. These is not what I want to think about. I feel like the more I stress about it the worse it gets. I just need reinsures I still have a chance and can still go to heaven.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +1

      Hello Caroline, I just want to let you know that I have seen your comment and I am hoping to respond by end of day today (Eastern time). In the mean time, I can assure you that you can certainly go to heaven dear.
      Here is a blog I wrote on the topic of the fear of the unpardonable sin. I encourage you to read it at your earliest convenience. religiousocdnomore.blogspot.com/2018/10/overcoming-fear-of-unpardonable-sin.html
      Be encouraged Caroline and rest, God is a God of the heart. The Gospel is all about a genuine work of the heart, receiving a new nature, having the Holy Spirit living in us through our faith in Jesus. God is not this legalistic God who judges us based on unwanted thoughts and outward performance without consideration to our heart and faith in Christ. The devil is legalistic. Condemnation isn't of God. It is of the devil for the Bible says in Revelations that the devil is the accuser of the brethren. God is love and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому

      Dear Caroline,
      It is so important to understand the sound doctrine. The sound doctrine of the Gospel of Christ is all about faith in Christ and a real work of the heart. He writes His law upon the tablets of our heart the Bible says. We are made righteous freely through faith in Christ. “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness”, the Bible says in Romans 10:10. Our salvation doesn’t depend upon our ability to be able to stop every unwanted blasphemous thoughts that cross our minds. It is of utmost importance for you to understand that you have a real enemy. The devil is the one who has been tormenting you through a lack of knowledge. In fact, the Bible says that God’s people perish because of lack of knowledge! I believe my blog will help shine light on the matter. Please let me know if you have any question after you read it. I sent it to you in my previous comment.
      Now, God is not a sadistic God who just leaves people hanging in the fear that they have committed the unpardonable sin. This is not wholesome. This is not God’s nature nor does it correspond to His ways of dealing with us. He won’t let someone who is repentant and desiring to live for God go through their entire lives without any possibility of return. I believe based on the whole counsel of the Word of God that the one who committed the unpardonable sin would either be no more or his or her conscience would be seared so that such a one would not have any desire for God anymore. Again, God is not a sadistic God who refuses to forgive people who are repentant of their sins and desire to have a relationship with Him. We serve a good God and Jesus made every provision for us to be reconciled with our loving heavenly Father when we repent of our sins and place our faith in Christ. This is clearly not God. The devil is a deceiver and the accuser of the brethren and he loves to bring fear and torment. He uses fear to force us into submission and defeat. The Bible says that the spirit of fear isn’t of God. There is a real difference between what the Bible refers to as the reverential fear of the Lord and the spirit of fear. The latter isn’t of God. Perfect love cast out fear (see 1 John 4:18). It is important to study the Word of God in the areas of need so that we can know the truth so that we won’t be easily troubled or deceived when the enemy comes with his lies. I encourage you to google for Bible verses on God’s nature and His love to help you discern His voice versus the devil’s voice in situations like these. Find yourself Scriptures you can meditate on about these topics. But also, I encourage you to google for Bible verses on your identity in Christ and on the fact that we are justified with God freely by grace through faith. The more you know the truth, the less the enemy will be able to torment you as his lies and his ways of doing things will be exposed to you as you learn the truth. And when the enemy comes to condemn you, do what Jesus did when he was tempted by the devil in the wilderness. Jesus would respond back to the devil by quoting relevant Bible verses to counteract the devil’s lies (see Luke chapter 4). The devil is a defeated foe. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.
      Indeed, the more someone is concerned about the unwanted blasphemous thoughts, the more he dreads the thoughts, the more he focuses on the thoughts’ presence, and the more he thinks of how he must stop the thoughts somehow is the more he prevents the thoughts from leaving, because in doing so, he keeps a tight grip over the thoughts and he empowers the thoughts (see 1 Cor. 15:56). Furthermore, if someone keeps thinking legalistically of how he must stop the thoughts somehow (not because he wants to, but because he fears punishment if he doesn’t), it can easily cause such a one to enter into works of the flesh―trying in his own strength to stop the thoughts out of panic, as opposed to casting the thoughts on God by faith and trusting Him to take care of them, along with studying God’s Word to renew his mind in the areas of need. Trying to figure out in our own reasoning how to stop the obsessive thoughts someway, somehow, will only magnify and strengthen the thoughts. On the other end, what we starve eventually dies. So once you learn truth and stop fearing the unpardonable sin, then the next step is for you to stop paying attention to the thoughts with God’s help. What I mean by that is when an unwanted thought comes, you promptly brush it off the moment you are aware that it is coming and then you go ahead and continue choosing truth. If you feel the need to repent, then quickly repent and receive God’s forgiveness and move on. Condemnation is a wide open door to the enemy so you want to refuse condemnation by God’s grace. Then, continue to live as someone free from the thoughts. We live by faith and not by sight (see 2 Cor. 5:7). The prevailing motives behind not wanting the thoughts need not be because you fear committing the unpardonable sin if the thoughts cross your mind, but because you love God, you don’t want the thoughts, and your new nature within doesn’t like them; they do not align with who you are nor do they align with how you want to live your relationship with God. In that place of grace, you will be empowered to break free from these thoughts. But if you fear that the thoughts are a real threat to your salvation, they will have power over you and you will struggle to break free from them. Only the grace of God can empower you to break free (see Romans 6:14).
      So it is important to understand that you haven’t committed the unpardonable sin and secondly it is important to learn the truth. Continue to ask and believe God to deliver you and continue to choose truth and your feelings will catch up eventually. Do not try to stop the thoughts without inviting God in your situation. Make sure to rely on Him to help, guide and deliver you. When someone constantly thinks about how the thoughts shouldn’t be there, or how they should be gone by now, it constantly brings the thoughts to remembrance and it strengthens them. The more one focuses on the thoughts by trying to figure out how to stop them is the more the thoughts will be magnified and strengthened. Instead, the Bible shows us a better way which is to deal with the root of our fears through prayers and reliance upon the Lord and through seeking to know the truth of God’s Word in the area of need. Then, we cooperate with God by meditating on relevant Bible verses, and other anointed Christian material (e.g. UA-cam videos, anointed Christian books, blogs, etc) as to renew our mind. Lastly, we avoid feeding the thoughts―trying to stop the thoughts in our own strength is a sure way to feed the thoughts. As you persevere by God’s grace, you will learn the truth and the truth will make you free. You will also even begin to actually forget the unwanted thoughts and they will begin to leave, over time. It may take time and a little bit of holy determination not to allow yourself to fear if the thoughts don't leave as fast as you wish. However, as you persevere in faith and in the truth, they will eventually leave.
      Lastly, it is important to learn to live from the inside out. Inside (in Christ), you are a new creation (see 2 Cor. 5:17). Inside, you have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16). Inside, you commune with the Holy Spirit and have an intimate loving relationship with Christ. Inside you have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Inside, you love God our heavenly Father. In Ephesians chapter 3 we are instructed to be rooted and grounded in love. We live by faith (which is in the heart). Faith and love are powerful and effective antidotes against fear.
      You can now rest Caroline. All is well. God bless.

    • @carolinetroup543
      @carolinetroup543 5 років тому

      Kathleen Kaczmarek thank you! You are the only person that has actually gave me advice. I’m struggling with amending my relationship with God when I was younger I knew for sure I was saved and I wouldn’t do anything to lose that now that’s all I can think about what if he doesn’t Listen to me anymore. It’s the scariest thing I have ever dealt with. I’m going to keep trying and also allow myself to be forgiven because these thoughts are not in my control and are not me God knows me better than anyone else.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому

      You are welcome. To God be the glory! He is good and faithful. :)
      . . . "allow myself to be forgiven" that is a powerful statement. Yes. That is a big one. Yes. Allow yourself to be forgiven. Receive God's forgiveness. So after you asked for forgiveness, it is important to receive His forgiveness (and to forgive yourself too). Amen.
      Lastly, as you are trying, make sure not to try in your own strength, but learn to trust Him to do in you what only He can do and while you wait on God in faith to change your situation and to change you, meditate on God's Word in the areas of need. As you do that, you won't have to try hard to change yourself, the Word Itself that you study, believe and apply to your life will begin to renew you in the spirit of your mind (over time; so it requires patience) and you will become a new person and you will begin to think differently. :)
      God bless

  • @silvia5580
    @silvia5580 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you for the add! I have been having such a HARD TIME.. if you can take the time to read this and please let me know I’m not the only one or maybe some encouragement! About 10 or so years ago I followed the Lord and then fell away and then in the times I fell away I used to make diet lists and in that diet lists I believe I put “if I don’t complete this diet list then that means I B*** the H*** (you know what that is supposed to be I say I don’t even want to type it!) and I can’t remember if I ever completed this diet or not! And once I came back to the Lord I got reminded that I did that in the past and have been having so much anxiety to the point where I get a burning sensation in my whole chest. And I feel so hopeless and that I will go to hell 🥲 I’m trying to push past it and remember that the Bible also says that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. But then I get scared again and worry so much 🥲🥲😫😫 I just need encouragement please. And yes I do have OCD and also had thoughts

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  2 роки тому +1

      Hello Silvia, you are definitely not the only one going through this sort of thing. Also, the Bible says in 1 Cor. 10:13 (NKJV): “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” So what you have been going through is common to man.
      This sort of statement that you wrote in your diet list wasn’t initiated by God. Anything that seeks to govern one’s life and dictate one’s future which doesn’t originate from God originates from an illegitimate source. Accordingly, when you came back to Jesus through repentance and faith, all past sin and curse (whether imagined or real) through Christ, through repentance and through renunciation of such things were broken off from your life. Accordingly, you are right to stand on the promise of God’s Word found in 1 John 1:9 in that you confessed your sin to God and according to God’s Word, He forgave you of it all and He cleansed you from all unrighteousness; God obliterated from your life such statement that you wrote with your diet list with Christ’s Blood and you are free indeed. Now you can be at peace that all is well with you. Be encouraged. God bless

    • @wtom04
      @wtom04 2 роки тому

      +Silvia Many people in the church are very ignorant when it comes to what the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit really is. The unforgivable sin is called the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which is recorded in the context of Matthew 12:22-32, Mark 3:22-30, and Luke 12:8-10. It is the attributing of the miracles/healings, and exorcisms performed by Jesus to the power of Satan. The Pharisees and the teachers of the law were personal eyewitnesses to the many miracles/healings/exorcisms performed by Jesus which produced no faith in them whatsoever.
      In spite of all those great things that Jesus did, they still stubbornly would not believe or acknowledge Him as God, but instead falsely accused Jesus of being "demon possessed" and "performing exorcisms by the power of Satan" which shows their utterly faulty logic. Then we have the faulty logic of the unbelieving Jews of John 10:31-39 which is also evident in the fact that despite Jesus performing many great miracles they refused to believe that He was God, but falsely accused Him of being only a "mere man." Again, the unbelieving Jews refused to believe that Jesus is God in John 12:37 despite His many miracles and healings in their presence. If the Pharisees, teachers of the law, and the unbelieving Jews persisted in that state of mind regarding Jesus and died in that state, then they would have committed the unforgivable sin.
      Even when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, the Pharisees and chief priests still did not believe that Jesus is God, but planned on killing both Jesus and Lazarus - John 11:45 -53, John 12:9-11.
      The unforgivable sin in the context of Matthew 12:31-32/Mark 3:28-29/Luke 12:10 can only be committed back during Jesus time for it requires Jesus' physical presence here on earth performing miracles/healings/exorcisms. The Pharisees and teachers of the law and the unbelieving Jews in John 10:31-39 and John 12:37 came dangerously close to committing this sin if they were to persist in that state of unbelief and dying in that state. Jesus many great miracles/healings/exorcisms, etc were irrefutable proof that He was indeed God, but to willfully choose to disbelieve that and falsely accuse Him of being possessed by Satan and being only a mere man and then dying in that state is unforgivable.
      Matthew 12:31-32 - Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
      And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
      The phrase "NEITHER IN THE WORLD TO COME" obviously suggests that the unforgivable sin can be committed during the Millennial time period as Jesus will personally be here in PHYSICAL PRESENCE as RULER and KING - Revelation 20:6. Of course, the ONLY people who can commit this sin are the UNSAVED who will be present here on earth during the Millennial kingdom. These are the offspring of the UNSAVED who survived the Tribulation period and entered the Millennial kingdom to re-populate the earth along with the SAVED who survived the Tribulation and entered the Millennial kingdom and also re-populated the earth.
      The SAVED will have mortal bodies that still sin, but they cannot commit this specific sin that only the UNSAVED can commit. The SAVED are eternally secure no matter from what dispensation - Hebrews 13:8. They can be chastised and lose their PHYSICAL LIFE if they sin grievously, but they are still God's children because of Jesus's very promise of ETERNAL SECURITY - Romans 8:38-39, John 10:28-29, 2 Timothy 2:13. The SAVED who have mortal bodies including those who die during the Millennial kingdom will probably not be transformed with eternal bodies until after the Millennium. The UNSAVED people are those who will consist of the NATIONS of people from the 4 corners of the earth, GOG and MAGOG that Satan will deceive and gather for battle against God and His people - Revelation 20:7-9.
      The unforgivable sin can only be committed by the UNSAVED who could care less about God and are totally unconcerned and who die in that very state of mind. Saved Christians cannot commit this sin for how can a saved Christian who is eternally saved at the very moment of faith - John 5:24, Ephesians 1:13, later on commit an eternal sin which leads to eternal condemnation? Impossible.
      Christians who suffer from OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) have fears that they may have committed the unforgivable sin, but the very fact that they are concerned and worried is proof positive that they HAVE NOT AND CANNOT COMMIT THIS SPECIFIC SIN.
      In the present age, if UNSAVED people reject the gospel despite being exposed to it and die in that very state of mind, then they are eternally condemned and have committed the unpardonable sin of unbelief by rejecting Christ's free gift of eternal life in the context of John 3:18.
      In the present age, if saved Christians in this life become discouraged, disillusioned, angry at God, curse God and fall away from the faith and even die in that state of mind, they are still eternally saved because they have already been sealed with the unbreakable seal of the Holy Spirit - (Ephesians 1:13, 2 Corinthians 1:22) when they first believed. It is Christ that keeps them eternally saved despite their failures because Christ is an unfailing Savior that does not go back on His Word and promise - John 5:24, John 10:28-29, Romans 8:38-39, 1 Corinthians 3:15, 2 Timothy 2:13.
      They will experience chastisement from God and other unpleasant consequences in this life including sickness when they fall into sin and wickedness and some may have their physical lives terminated by God where they will be taken home prematurely - 1 John 5:16-17, but they are still saved.
      They will lose out on ETERNAL REWARDS at the Judgment Seat of Christ, but they are still saved as eternal life is a free gift that is not of our works. Only ETERNAL REWARDS are of our works - 1 Corinthians 3:10-15.
      Self-righteous Calvinists/Lordship Salvationists and Arminian/Lordship Salvationists and all false works based preachers would of course falsely teach that if saved Christians become discouraged, disillusioned, angry at God and curse God and fall away from the faith and even die in that state of mind, that they were either "unsaved to begin with"- (Calvinist interpretation) or "will lose their salvation" and go to hell - (Arminian interpretation). Both views are wrong and both groups will no doubt teach that these Christians have committed the "unpardonable sin" and take Scriptural passages out of context and eisegete such passages like Hebrews 6:4-8, Hebrews 10:26-27, John 15:2,6, Luke 12:42-46, 1 Corinthians 9:27, 2 Corinthians 13:5, Philippians 2:12, etc, in an attempt to prove their point.
      (Will continue in my next comment)

    • @wtom04
      @wtom04 2 роки тому +1

      +Silvia (My continued comment) Examples of people who committed the unpardonable/unforgivable sin:
      1) Judas Iscariot - He was with Jesus for 3 years during His earthly public ministry and was a personal eyewitness to Jesus' many miracles/healings which were irrefutable proof that Jesus is indeed God and the Savior, but all this produced no faith in Judas whatsoever and he later betrays Jesus. Judas did repent later, BUT he went to the wrong people to do that - Matthew 27:4-5. If Judas personally went to Jesus at the cross where He hung, then that would've been a different story, but he didn't.
      2) My father died rejecting the gospel despite the fact that my mother tried sharing the gospel with him for many years. He would mock the gospel and mock John 6:53-56 openly and continued to do so after my mother died. The women's fellowship of our former church used to come over to my house for fellowship and Bible study with my mother. However, my father would yell at them and chase them away and they would only come over when my father was not at home. My father was an abusive, evil, and a cruel man of Satan where I hated him for a long time. He died in that state of mind rejecting the gospel.
      3) My wife's uncle rejected the gospel on his deathbed when several Christians tried to share the gospel with him, but he flat out told them to "Get lost!" My father and my wife's uncle are now in hell and face an imminent eternity of regret in the Lake of Fire. They both have committed the unpardonable sin in the context of John 3:18.
      4) The unbelieving Pharisees and teachers of the law in Matthew 12 and Mark 3 were close to becoming reprobate as they falsely accused Jesus of being "demon possessed" and performing exorcisms by the power of Satan. The unbelieving Jews in John 10:33 and John 12:37 were reprobate as they refused to believe that Jesus is the Savior despite all His miracles/healings in their presence. They falsely accused Jesus of being only a "mere man."
      5) The unsaved self-righteous and legalistic Pharisees in Matthew 12:1-14 were personal eyewitnesses when Jesus healed the man with the shriveled hand, but that healing produced no faith in the Pharisees at all. In spite of this great healing, the Pharisees left and planned on how to kill Jesus.
      6) The unbelieving Jews in the context of John 10:33 and in John 12:37 came dangerously close to committing the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit as Jesus performed many miracles/healings/exorcisms in their presence which were irrefutable proof that He was indeed the Savior, but none of that produced faith in them where they refused to believe in Christ. Instead, they tried to kill Jesus - John 8:37-40.
      7) The 2 cities of Chorazin and Bethsaida in Matthew 11:21 and Luke 10:13 were denounced by Jesus as reprobate as the people there refused to believe in Him despite His miracles performed there. Jesus made it clear that if the miracles that were performed in those 2 cities were performed in Tyre and Sidon, then Tyre and Sidon would have repented and believed in Christ.
      Hope this helps, God bless!

    • @wtom04
      @wtom04 2 роки тому +1

      +Silvia I have had OCD all my life since childhood. I also once fell away in the faith. I fell away for 9 long years out of anger, discouragement and disillusionment. I lived in willful sin, apostasy, and rebellion against God and even cursed God and destroyed my Bible. I indulged in fornication and porn. At one point, I was so out of fellowship and out of touch with God and lost that I even bowed down to a demonic god and became evil and violent and almost joined a gang. Things came tumbling down on me when the police came knocking at my door one day informing me that they had a warrant for my arrest, but the officer said he wanted to give me a 2nd chance and gave me 2 choices: I was to either shape up or ship off to jail. I chose the former, but God was not through with me. At the 9 year mark of my apostasy and rebellion against God, He chastised me through a paranormal experience and brought me back to fellowship with Him and here I am today. That was 29 years ago, but God has been gracious to me ever since and has blessed me.
      Job 5:17-18 - 17 “Blessed is the one whom God corrects;
      so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.
      18 For he wounds, but he also binds up;
      he injures, but his hands also heal."
      Also, once Christ ascended after His resurrection, the possibility of committing the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit was removed. Christ was the only one who addressed the issue of this specific sin. The apostle Paul never addressed this specific sin in his books and neither did any of the other New Testament writers. Of course, the FALSE doctrines of Calvinism/Lordship Salvation and Arminian/Lordship Salvation will no doubt teach that people can commit this specific sin today.
      However, this specific sin can only be committed back during the time of Jesus's earthly public ministry for it requires Jesus's very PHYSICAL PRESENCE here on earth where He performed miracles/healings/exorcisms in order for a person to commit it. The Pharisees, the Teachers of the Law in the context of Matthew 12, and Mark 3 and the unbelieving Jews in the context of John 8:37-40, John 10:33, and John 12:37 came dangerously close to committing this specific sin if they were to persist in that state of mind and then die in that very state of mind. At present, the ONLY unpardonable/unforgivable sin is the sin of rejecting the gospel. If a person is exposed to the gospel time and again, but if the person keep rejecting the gospel over and over again and then persist in that state of mind and then die in that state of mind, then the person has committed the unpardonable/unforgivable sin in the context of John 3:18.
      Hope this helps, God bless!

    • @ni7414
      @ni7414 Рік тому +1

      @@wtom04 thanks so much for your testimony

  • @michaelyonko4716
    @michaelyonko4716 3 роки тому +1

    i just went though this the lord loves you

  • @rosesarerosie198
    @rosesarerosie198 4 роки тому +2

    I think I did the unforgivable sin.😭

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому

      Why do you think you committed the unpardonable sin @Carla?

    • @rosesarerosie198
      @rosesarerosie198 4 роки тому

      Kathleen Kaczmarek cause I said something in my head that I didn’t wanted to say.Sorry for my English, I’m from Romania.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +1

      Hi @Carla,
      And thus you haven’t committed the unpardonable sin. Like you said, you said something in your head you didn’t want to say. You didn’t want it. It wasn’t your heart. You can be at peace that you haven’t committed the unpardonable sin. The devil is legalistic and he attempts to bring us under condemnation for outward things, even accidental things, that we did or said (or for an unwanted thought that crossed our mind for that matter) irrelevant of our heart condition. God, however, is a God of the heart. God is after our heart, first and foremost. Let us also remember that God is slow to anger and that He is merciful, wishing that no man perish.
      Here is a blog I wrote on the topic entitled "Overcoming the fear of the unpardonable sin". I encourage you to prayerfully read it. I believe it will encourage your heart.
      All is well dear.
      You take care,

    • @rosesarerosie198
      @rosesarerosie198 4 роки тому

      Kathleen Kaczmarek thank you so much. ❤️ from Romania 🇷🇴

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +1

      @@rosesarerosie198 You are very welcome. Praise God for His goodness, faithfulness and love! Take care

  • @michaelyonko4716
    @michaelyonko4716 3 роки тому +1

    I,ve been their too

  • @sullybutler1775
    @sullybutler1775 4 роки тому +2

    I was afraid because I kept getting thoughts of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

  • @Clib-wg5yx
    @Clib-wg5yx 9 місяців тому

    I am genuinely worried that I actually blasphemed the spirit when I was 19 and do not know what to do in life

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  9 місяців тому +1

      Hello dear, the Bible says John 6:37 (NKJV) that "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out." If you want the Lord, that means He will not cast you out. The Bible says in John 6:44 that it is the Father who draws us to Himself. If you want Him, He wouldn't reject you given He is the One who places such desire in you. If you are convicted of sin and led to repentance, it is the Spirit convicting you and He who convicts wouldn't turn around to reject you after having convicted you. I love this, I am sharing based on revelations that someone shared with me recently that she received from the Lord and I am extending to you what she shared with me. You can be at peace dear one. Be encouraged. I pray this helps.

  • @architnahar8647
    @architnahar8647 Рік тому

    I need prayer everytime im doing work blasphemous thoughts vulgur abusive dirty thoughts come in my mind that i don't want to think of they just pop up in my mind about God and Holy spirit but then i just said in my mind I said 'i rebuke these thoughts in the name of Jesus and tell God I don't want to think of these thoughts please take them away. I do whatever it takes to get rid of these thoughts shake my head real hard etc. I always tell God in my prayer that i don't want to think about this thoughts. These thoughts are killing me inside they repeat again and again after sometime that is why i sleep so long at noon or sleep after prayer early at night so i have no time to think about these thoughts. Please tell a solution for this im fed up🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  Рік тому

      Dear @Archit Nahar, I just want to let you know that I responded to your comment on the other video. God bless

  • @Ghostkar
    @Ghostkar 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you for making this video. I was just lying here and out of nowhere this terrible fear that I was going to die just came upon me and I just had this feeling that I was going to hell. Like somehow I just knew and I was scared and I asked God to show mercy on me but inside I knEw that he wasn't. What came to mind was my youtube. And I'm afraid that it's being used as a sort of witchcraft/divination thing for people and that worries me, because I don't want it to be. My videos that I watch somehow speaking things through the titles. I fear that's blasphemous but it's better to speak about it and feel free of it. I spend so much time on here youtube I mean. Edit: in a way God is freeing me from youtube because it was such a bad habit. I also have fears that may seem schizophrenic to some so I don't confront them as often. I did actually have schizophrenia and was delivered from it but occasionally I will struggle with familiar spirits and old patterns which is difficult for me to determine what is reality or not. I need prayer but I feel like I don't get any which kinda makes me feel discouraged and upset. I don't want to give up but I fear going to hell if I keep living and messing up unintentionally. Which may be that legalism spirit. Gosh I can talk for hours and I wish I could talk to someone about what I go through but for now I'm just going to share with the hope that maybe it will help somebody out there. Thank you and maybe if you have advice for me because I struggle with this sourceless fear often. I'm scared to even talk about it. Ill feel like I'm doing something wrong but I don't know what it is or I'll just be afraid of harm or something I don't know. Right now it's just really difficult. I want to be right with God but I don't even know if I can be or if I unknowibgly blasphemed him or willfully ignored him in fear. I get tired of these things so much I feel hopeless. I just want to be reconciled but I don't know where to start. Please.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      Hello @Karla,
      May I first ask if you are born again? I.e. have you placed your faith in Jesus’s work at the cross for the forgiveness of your sins and have you invited Him in your life as your personal Lord and Savior? The Bible says that if we repent of our sins and place our faith in Jesus we will be saved. So this is your way into salvation and into reconciliation with the Father. The Bible says in Romans 5:1 (AMPC), “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
      I encourage you to watch the following two videos I made. I believe they will help you:
      Becoming like a little child again:
      Finding freedom from scrupulosity (legalism):
      I will be waiting for your response and we can go from there. But that will be the first place to start.
      Be encouraged, God is willing and able to set you completely free @Karla. Through Him, it is only a matter of time. Take care. God bless

    • @Ghostkar
      @Ghostkar 3 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 Yesterday morning I heard the gospel for the first time and was filled with a lot of joy. I'll be free of these legalistic thought patterns and thinking by the grace of God. I was just going through the motions of "christianity" without really understanding the gospel or knowing Jesus and his love. It's simple so simple that I found it really hard to believe that we don't have to do anything for his gift and for his love. So right now that's where I am at. Tearing down old strongholds and mindsets and combatting fear. I am placing my faith in Jesus and all the forces of hell can't stop me. Thank you for the videos and encouragement. I'm still processing my freedom and so I'm trying not to watch a lot of teaching videos. That's what I used to do a lot in the past. Edit: I'm sorry I keep editing and erasing. I just wanted to add that the household and environment I live in is steeped with (possibly satanic) unbelief and legalism so I feel like much of that gets manifested as I'm going through my deliverance. It stinks living in a "christian household" that doesn't believe in Christ. I feel 1000 times more alone.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      This is so wonderful Karla!! God is so good. I agree that you probably need to stay clear from watching a whole bunch of videos right now, unless the Lord leads you to watch some, but let Him lead you with that and to which ones. Yes, in fact, the Bible even says that God is love in 1 John 4:16. Isn't that glorious news for us. :)
      Let the Lord lead you from here, Karla! Be encouraged that He who began a good work in you will also complete it until the day of Christ (see Phil. 1:6) and He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. (see 1 Thes. 5:24)
      I encourage you to read the Bible regularly, your spiritual food. God will speak to you through His Word. Enjoy!
      God bless!

  • @Jay-nw8ir
    @Jay-nw8ir 9 місяців тому

    Hii I need help so basically I felt this feeling all the time that I was suppose to continue fasting and then I realized it must be the Holy Spirit convicting me but I didn't want to so I was kinda upset and almost said something I shouldn't have and I wasn't intentionally referring it to the Holy Spirit but as I was about to say it I realized what I was about to say and then I think I apologized to God and now I feel tormented because I was almost about to say something against that feeling and now I'm crying out to God. Please I need help did I commit the unforgivable sin?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  9 місяців тому +1

      Hello Jay, no you didn't commit the unpardonable sin. And like you said, it wasn't intentionally targeted to the Holy Spirit. As well, the Lord is merciful and He sees our heart. That can give us comfort to know that He sees deeper than the slip ups we make at times, and again, you repented. It is the devil now who is accusing you of something the Lord forgave you of. The moment you asked the Lord to forgive you, He forgave you, you can be at peace.

    • @Jay-nw8ir
      @Jay-nw8ir 8 місяців тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 I thank God for you. Actually, during that time when I thought I committed it I kept fasting. A couple of times I gave up but on the last day of last year I fasted and didn't give up. When that occurred I really started to understand that, that way of thinking was truly from the devil and I also felt comfort from the Holy Spirit because instead of doubting reading the book of John I believed that Jesus was there with me. I also started to understand how much I need God in my life and without him my life would truly be nothing. I'm now
      100% sure that I didn't commit the unpardonable sin and that God is still with me. Let us continue to bless his name for he is good. Amen!

  • @oliviapyne2406
    @oliviapyne2406 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you☺️

  • @jeffreyhunter4966
    @jeffreyhunter4966 3 роки тому

    You journey on wondering about the impartable sin is very relevant to Joseph Prince's story. I have a similar story too. when I thought I committed blasphemy of the spirit, I seriously thought that I was one ticket away from going to hell

  • @beautifulnature3203
    @beautifulnature3203 Рік тому

    Please help me i need your prayers i keep having bad thoughts against God, I keep feeling depressed and worried every single day

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  Рік тому

      Hello @Beautiful Nature, I encourage you to also watch this video and as the Lord leads, to apply the principles I share in it, I believe it will help you. Be encouraged. ua-cam.com/video/VdapiVM4DDU/v-deo.html

  • @karysilva3456
    @karysilva3456 3 роки тому

    Hi I'm really struggling I hope you can connect me I'm 14 and I'm scared bc my mind has blasphemous thoughts but there not mine and I feel like God hates me and he has left me but I love him I want to make him proud I want to go to heaven but I'm scared there's no Hope anymore can you please pray for me

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому +1

      Hi @kary silva, you can be at peace that God sees and He knows that these thoughts are not your heart and that you have been under a devilish attack. the devil puts a thought in our head and than stands back and accuse us of the thought he put in our head. Then what he really hopes is that we will respond into a panic mode because when that happens, fear and condemnation attracts the unwanted thoughts even if we don't want them. Because you fear their coming, you keep being conscious of the unwanted thoughts and you fear them so they keep coming back. It's a vicious circle. That's why it will be important to handle them under the grace of God and not legalistically under condemnation and fear. We are made right with God through faith in Jesus Christ and not through the absence of random and unwanted evil thoughts crossing our minds. It is also important to understand that we are in a spiritual war and we have an enemy the devil. We don't fight him and his tactics by flesh and blood or human reasoning of will power, but through the wearing and using the armor which God supplies found in Ephesians chapter six. Knowing that these thoughts are not your thoughts is already a big step toward seeing them leave. I encourage you to watch this same video "overcoming the fear of the unpardonable sin" a few times. Let what I share in it sink in. Then with God's help, apply the principles I share in it. I also encourage you to read the following blog I wrote on this same topic. Read it as many times as needed:
      Lastly, there is another video I made that I believe will help you. It is this one: ua-cam.com/video/3pCSPRINDCQ/v-deo.html
      Be encouraged, with God's help and His Word, this too shall pass. I will pray for you too. God bless

  • @kaitiwang8523
    @kaitiwang8523 3 роки тому

    If someone who willing to curse the holy spirit but after he repent ,did he committed the unforgivable sin?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому +1

      Hello @Kaiti Wang, someone’s repentance is a sure sign the Lord hasn’t attributed what they did as the unpardonable sin. Therefore, he or she can rest secure that they haven’t committed it and they can come back to Christ with the confidence that He is waiting with open arms and ready to forgive he or she completely the moment they ask Him and come back to Him. Be thus encouraged and comforted. God bless you.

  • @LBrooks_037
    @LBrooks_037 4 роки тому

    What if you used to enjoy helping people when they needed it like a hungry person...now I feel like everything is only to earn favor with God after these thoughts

  • @Mia15239
    @Mia15239 3 роки тому

    I’m scared, what if I have blasphemed attacked condemned the anointing of the Holy Spirit like God has shown you in your dream. Not that I want to but I’m compelled to just do it.. not because I want to but I’m deceived and it just takes control. What if I allow myself to believe that and can’t get out of eternal hell. Please I don’t ever want that to be what happens to me please I don’t want to like it and I’m scared it will just be like that forever. I hate it so much and don’t want to be under that disgusting demonic deception. I hate it! :(

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      Dear @Cece Me, you said, “Not that I want to but I’m compelled to just do it.. not because I want to but I’m deceived and it just takes control.” This is largely caused by fear and by law. I saw that you watched my latest video. :) I pray it helped you in this area. I also encourage you to watch the following one:
      How to strip the thought of its power:
      As well as the following two videos:
      Practical ways to deal with intrusive thoughts:
      How to stop the thoughts (part 2):
      Be encouraged, the spirit of fear is not from God (see 2 Tim. 1:7). God has given us through faith in Christ a Spirit of power, love and of a sound mind.
      I pray this helps.

  • @note-for-notedrumming6915
    @note-for-notedrumming6915 3 роки тому

    I accidentally said something out loud against the Holy Spirit, did you experience pain in the top right hand corner of your head during this? Or any thought loops? I feel like I’m unable to receive the fruits of the spirit

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому +1

      Hi @Longitude Waves, I can’t recall if I had pain in my head or not, but I wouldn’t read anything in it. You are likely just having headaches due to the inner turmoil you have been under. Thought loops yes because of the torment that comes with the fear associated with unwanted blasphemous thoughts or with accidentally speaking a thought out loud against the Holy Spirit.
      The Bible says that the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, etc (see Galatians 5:22-23). These are the fruit of the Spirit. Therefore, the moment we have the Spirit of God in us through faith in Christ, we have what we need. The fruit grows in our lives from glory to glory as we continue to walk after the Spirit of God. We believe God loves us because the Word says so, because of what Christ did for us and because of seeing how good God has been in our lives. Loving others doesn’t always have feelings attached to it, but it is primarily a decision that we make as to how we will treat others and what we will do for others that is born out of love for God and out of obedience to Him. It is great when the feelings are there, but even when they are not, we can love on others, i.e. we do unto others like we would like them do unto us. I encourage you to watch the following video I made relevant to this topic as well:
      I encourage you to also read my blog I wrote on the topic at hand, and I encourage you to watch the following two videos I made as well:
      Religious OCD: How to Stop the Thoughts (Part 2):
      Religious OCD: Practical Ways to Deal with Intrusive Thoughts:
      I pray this helps

  • @tresml8017
    @tresml8017 5 місяців тому

    Thank you, Mrs. Kathleen, for this video. Oh, how many times I have watched this video. I watched it a few days ago, and it gave me comfort that God looks at the heart, just like what you said in another video. I am 16 years old from the Philippines. I had OCD since I was a child, but I just diagnosed myself. During January 2021 when I first learned about the unpardonable sin. That's when the blasphemous thoughts started to come out, and one day I thought I had committed it. The next day, I was in so much fear and felt like I was losing myself, with myself telling me there is no hope anymore and to kill myself. I also thought that day, at 8 pm, that God was going to send me to hell. But that day, also, if it is true, is when I remembered when my Christian aunt, who has a relationship with God and prayed for our family many times, resulting in miracles and getting us to know Christ more, prayed for me. I accepted Jesus Christ for the first time, following that prayer, and I felt a bit of comfort. My aunt says that Satan is the father of lies and confusion, and that fear was gone. But many fears crippled me months before that and months followed, with fears on health and random things. So sometime in April, the fears started to decrease when I focused on some things. For years, I became a lukewarm Christian, sometimes having interest in God but sometimes not. In late 2022, I had a problem, and for almost a year, I rarely prayed to God. Since 2020, I have been struggling with lust. I'm just a young person who has lost innocence. Until the beginning of 2024, I decided to pray again to God, but I had a nightmare for the first time again, and after that day, I did not pray. But I got the worst realistic nightmare. I was just asleep for less than an hour, but it felt like so much had happened. Every dream of that was horror, and for the first time, I experienced what I think is the reality and dream merging. Someone was chasing me, and I couldn't move or shout, and I called my mom and aunt. I don't know if it was in the dream, but I've seen the reality, but I can't wake and move until my aunt opened the light, and I was shocked. I was just asleep for a few minutes. After that day, I prayed again. I thought that when I didn't pray, the nightmare would not begin, but I know this is an attack. So for weeks, I have been having a few terrible dreams. Almost two months passed, and I gained interest again in God. In March, I've been wanting to join my aunt in church, until March 10, I just returned to the church that I once entered when it was in another location near it in 2016 or 2015. I'm still young then, and I can't remember much. The moment I entered the church, I've been feeling a little bit tearful. Until when I sat in the church, tears flowed from my eyes. I felt like all my heaviness was being taken away. My aunt said that the Holy Spirit touched my heart and is welcoming me. I've been feeling like someone is pulling all the guilt and sins in my heart. I felt I was going to fall on my knees. I don't know if I've been always visualizing it, but it is good and peaceful. So, it's after the day or two days after, I've said to my classmate that is hurting me that God has allowed him to hurt me (curse word in Filipino) because I sinned again. That afternoon, I opened TikTok, and I've seen one post on unpardonable sin, and I thought I committed the unforgivable sin. I was in terrible fear after years when I last felt that fear that is crippling. I cried for the next week, the first time my classmates saw me. It lasted for a month of terrible crippling fear that God is going to send me to hell and has written the day of my judgment. The first weeks of that fear, I've also felt the worst hopelessness in my life combined with suicidal thoughts. I do not want a fear that is worsening day by day. A thought that I have committed the unpardonable sin many times. I've thought it. That I didn't enjoy our family vacation in Holy Week and the 2nd year death anniversary of my grandfather. I've been having thoughts that even when I come into a pastor, he's going to say to me I have no chance, but I still cry when I think of Jesus. It's just that I'm hopeless, but I know His love for me. So it worsened until the last two weeks. That I feared that I committed the unpardonable sin in my breath and when I'm opening my mouth, I feel like I've been forming words of my blasphemous thoughts, but have lower volume than a whisper cause my tongue moves. I thought that I committed this sin. I've been going to my aunt for the first weeks having hope and keep watching videos every day full of things about the sin, gaining hope but falling into hopelessness. This is the worst torture in life, knowing the lie that God would kill you anytime now and I'm not going to see my family again. This time a month, I'm not doing lustful things anymore, but I thank that this fear has removed the lust I've been having for years. So I isolated myself from my classmates for a month, and they have been asking why I have been quiet and not active in school cause I'm on the top list of my section. I said that when there is nothing good will come out of my mouth, it's better to shut up. Now it's been days; I'm just closing my mouth tightly to avoid my breath bringing the blasphemous thought. But every week, I've been seeing God answers me, and I cried for him sometimes because of His love. After the week I first experienced this fear of the sin again since 2021; I accepted Jesus again for the 2nd time in another church, and for the third time, I accepted Him again, 3rd confession because of my fear. And yes, now days past, I've seen your videos, and it's comforting that God looks at the heart, but I feel hopeless again. It's repeating; before sleep, I thought I was good, then when I wake up, it's gone. What a nonstop condemnation. But now I'm feeling free, because, at 2:30 pm in school, I've been asking Jesus if He leaves me already, and a thought comes into my head, "I will never leave you until the end of the age," and I ask, is that you, God? I have a thought again, "I will never leave you or forsake you." I thought it was just me thinking, and I had a thought again, closing my eyes, seeing the word Deuteronomy, but it was replaced by Jeremiah in my visual thought while closing my eyes, and I've seen number 8:31. I've searched it, and it's nothing; there is no 31, and I kept searching again. What does the voice of the Holy Spirit sound like? And I've seen some articles,
    his experience with the Spirit, and I've seen the words that the Holy Spirit said to him, "I love you, and I will always love you." I cried because the last day I've seen the same with David Hernandez video on fear. I think that's what the Spirit said to him. And I cried, but again, I had a thought that why I cried thinking of the Spirit, but I did not cry when thinking of Jesus for that moment. But I still got hope again that moment that the Spirit loves me, and I opened my TikTok after a few minutes, and I scrolled in the videos I reposted. I've seen the video verse I've shared almost a month ago, the "I will never leave you and..." and it's Deuteronomy 31:8. I was shocked and thanked the Lord because the Deuteronomy just like I said appeared in my head, and the number 31 8, but it was 8:31. It's not possible that I could have remembered that verse book or number because it's been long since i checked that, and I did not even try to memorize what book or number it is. A one-week back, I also see the verses multiple times, "Jacob, I have called thee by name," and my name is Jacob also. Willem is my first name, but people in my house called me Jacob, and the verse, "Neither... can separate us from God's love..." It's powerful, but my fear helped me to forget that. But after what I've experienced this day, I'm confident that I'm happy again, and I'm not going to fall back on the lies of the enemy again. I was able also to play basketball again with my classmates, and they were happy I'm talking again. But I'm happy also that I do not say curse words anymore since I entered the church; the curse and dirty words have no power anymore. I'm not even laughing about it; it's just totally gone. I thank God for loving me. Also, my aunt told me many times when I was still young, maybe 2015, she asked God that someone in my generation (my cousins and me) would serve or teach about God like a pastor. And she knew it was my oldest cousin brother because he is always being praised and has seen as a good person by my parents and my family. But God answered her that He looks at the heart, and the thought entered my aunt, and it was my name. Well, I'm just a young person then; I didn't care much about God, but I'm the one who cared about God years later. I'm always seeking God and His word when I was growing and have too many questions. So when I have felt this fear of unpardonable sin, I asked how am I able to teach and serve God when I am not saved anymore, I asked God. But I hope that someday I'm going to serve Him like I ask in my prayers for Him to give me a path He wants. I am set free this day, and it's very comforting. I just want to say that even we feel fear and intense self-condemnation, God knows our hearts, and this content helps a lot. We must know that God is a loving God and not believe the lie of the enemy. Thank you, Mrs. Kathleen, for sharing your testimony with us in overcoming the fear. God bless to all who read this and find hope through God even if we feel hopeless. Just run to Jesus! I just want to ask, Mrs., is it true that someone who truly committed the unpardonable sin do not fear or worry about it? Thank you, Mrs. God bless.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 місяців тому +2

      Hello, I am glad my video has been helpful to you, praise the Lord. To answer your question, I believe that someone who commits the unpardonable sin would either be no more, or that repentance wouldn’t be granted them which I believe would also translate into them having no desire for God or for His forgiveness ever again. I believe that their hearts wouldn’t be or ever be again for God and they wouldn’t have a love for God. I believe in that place, they wouldn't care about God either and so from that perspective they wouldn't care to know whether they can be restored to God or not, and they wouldn’t be repentant. Jesus said in the Word that no one can come to Him except the Father draws him, and He said that He will in no wise cast out anyone who comes to Him. I believe someone who desires God and thus comes to Him wouldn’t be cast away. The Bible says that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

    • @tresml8017
      @tresml8017 5 місяців тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 Thank you, Mrs. Kathleen, you are a great help from God. Have a great day! God bless you.

    • @tresml8017
      @tresml8017 5 місяців тому

      Good evening again, Ms. Kathleen. Two days ago, I was having blasphemous thoughts again. Then, I didn't say a word, but I got evil thoughts and evil feelings. Since I know God looks at the heart, I think my OCD twists it that I am having evil feelings and that it comes from my heart. So, I was worried again, looking for videos about the unpardonable sin. Then, I saw a comment (it is not blasphemous), but there are words that when mixed are blasphemous. The user explained directly in their comment, and I found that only one person liked it, and I smiled at it. I thought about why he would comment that. After I smiled for a second, my evil feelings disappeared, then I got worried again, and I asked God for forgiveness. Why would I smile at something that should not be smiled about? I'm worried again that I'm back to being hopeless and that I committed the unforgivable sin. Yesterday, I watched a service, then I cried. I think I felt the Holy Spirit after I mentioned the words "Holy Spirit, use me," and I was happy at the touch of the Spirit to the people. Then, I said "Spirit of the Lord," I felt chills, then my mouth shook, and I cried, and for the first time, I think I spoke in tongues, even though I was not yet baptized in water. So, my evil thoughts and feelings disappeared after that. Then, they returned after a few hours; doubts and confusion entered my mind. Today, I'm thinking about Jesus, then I cried. But this confusion, condemning thoughts, and evil feelings returned again. I can remember that I smiled because of how the user commented, and I do not really believe the blasphemous things. But now, I am getting evil feelings. I do not know if it comes from my heart. And I do not know if God has forgiven me already because I smiled a bit at that comment. Do you think OCD causes me to have evil feelings? I'm confused now about what really is the truth or what is in my heart. I want to be with the Lord, but these evil thoughts have come with evil feelings already. I'm afraid I feel like I'm losing my mind. I feel like my spirit still seeks God, but my flesh has fallen.
      I pray that I'm not turned into a reprobate mind and doomed to hell. God bless you.

    • @tresml8017
      @tresml8017 5 місяців тому

      ​@@kathleenkaczmarek9190 I don't know, Mrs. Kathleen. I feel like I'm a bad person. I don't know what's in my heart anymore. When that happened, all I could remember is asking God to forgive me. I don't know my heart. I'm afraid of God's judgment. I can't trust myself anymore. Sometimes I cry when thinking of Jesus, sometimes I have evil feelings. I don't know if it's from me.

  • @AquilasWANMEGNIYEPJIO-uo8wy
    @AquilasWANMEGNIYEPJIO-uo8wy 11 місяців тому

    Hello sis. Thank you too much. I sometimes thought I was almost alone to experience it. This video has enlightened and quite helped me. Thank you too much.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  10 місяців тому

      Hello, I am so glad to hear, praise the Lord.

    • @kanhdahar2
      @kanhdahar2 9 місяців тому

      I often wonder if there is something too heinous & evil that Jesus wont forgive? @@kathleenkaczmarek9190

  • @jaydenbet6737
    @jaydenbet6737 3 роки тому

    I was scared to do it and I said evil and I thoughts I was talking about Jesus i’am scared 😭😭

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      Dear @Jayden Bet,
      Fear is tormenting you. Fear will trigger things like that. And the devil is the accuser of the brethren (see Rev. 12:10). God, on the other hand, is a God of the heart. I encourage you to prayerfully watch or re-watch my video on overcoming the fear of the unpardonable sin and ask God to cause what you need to hear to stand out to you and to penetrate your heart and your understanding, and ask Him to open your understanding and to minister truth to you on this topic. I also encourage you to prayerfully read the following two blogs (please let me know if you can't see the links somehow):
      Be thus encouraged. I pray this helps. Take care

  • @Josephnsangu-b6r
    @Josephnsangu-b6r 7 місяців тому

    Thank you jesus 🙏🙏

  • @LBrooks_037
    @LBrooks_037 4 роки тому

    What about when jesus said because he has an unclean spirit, what if the blasphemous thoughts calling the holy spirit an unclean one but pop up,? Is that the unpardonable sin? Or confessing a thought like that while watching somebody talk about him to Jesus and telling him you will not speak that thought against that person because that would be the unforgivable sin and the thought is a lie from hell? Is that the unpardonable sin? Or if a pastor tells you that the only unforgivable sin is not accepting Jesus and you say yes thats true too but they didnt mention the unpardonable sin of blaspheming the spirit so theyre wrong about not mentioning that, is that blasphemy of the spirit? So okay...i got the impression that after reading about the unpardonable sin that you cant EVER call the spirit or God demonic EVER...and it scares the life out of me and I start getting scary thoughts about calling God and the spirit those things and it is TERRIFYING because I domt want to think it it shows up and everytime something is scary you dont want to think about it it pops up in your head cause youre scared

    • @heartylegend2002
      @heartylegend2002 3 роки тому

      I don't know if you read your Bible more but in scripture God says he looks at the heart. He knows deep down you would never say that and reject him

    • @oleksandratkachuk9976
      @oleksandratkachuk9976 Місяць тому

      Hi! I know you have been struggling for a really long time, go look up “Have I committed the unpardonable sin? - Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” by David Hernandez as well as comment section. I’ve been chatting with one person who had visions after being bombarded with blasphemous thoughts for ~10 years. The main idea is that no matter what you think you committed if you want to run to Christ and be saved you WILL be saved.

  • @sammusariri5054
    @sammusariri5054 2 роки тому

    How does someone contact you?I need your help please.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  2 роки тому

      Hello Sam, you can connect with me here via UA-cam messaging. You can also email me at paulkathleenkacz@gmail.com.

  • @michaelyonko4716
    @michaelyonko4716 3 роки тому


  • @annnabrownie170
    @annnabrownie170 3 роки тому

    Hey Kathleen is there anyway I can reach out to you currently going through this

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому +1

      Hello @Annna Brown, I encourage you to watch my video prayerfully a few times. It normally takes us hearing and watching something many times before it begins to take roots in us. I also encourage you to prayerfully read my blog on this topic. You can find it here: www.paulandkathleenministries.org/post/overcoming-the-fear-of-the-unpardonable-sin-1
      I encourage you to check my other videos too as I believe they will be helpful as well.
      If you have any questions and do not feel comfortable in messaging me here on this UA-cam channel, you can email me at paulkathleenkacz@gmail.com
      I pray this helps.

  • @darkyetlovely84
    @darkyetlovely84 5 років тому +1

    I've been watching videos trying to figure out if what I'm experiencing is just anxiety but I feel like deep down I know it's God - I just don't want to accept it because of what it means for me for all of eternity. Watching your video and hearing about your dream makes me even more afraid it really is God. All this began after some conflict with a very well known spirit filled Christian orginization and their leaders.....and then other well known spirit filled orginizations and their leaders in their network. I was angry, hurt, and offended and did speak against them and this conflict continued for at least a year before I felt like God told me I was cut off for good now and could not be forgiven and saved. I never thought I'd believe this but this belief started the same night this organization prayed against me - that very night I began to have some scary spiritual experiences and sensations that I believe is God's presence confirming this to be true. In fear I began to search the scriptures and came across some verses in Hebrew 6 and Hebrews 10 and was afraid that's what God told me I was cut off for good now - because I had done those things and couldn't be restored to repentance and salvation now. I've asked God about that and when I ask if it's true, I feel these sensations I believe are His presence. At one point too because I didn't want to believe it was Him I tried to pray against the spirit telling me I was cut off for good and tried to rebuke it - in that moment I was afraid I'd just blasphemed the Holy Spirit. I asked Him if I had and felt the sensation I believe is God's presence. So, I don't know if I had already blasphemed the Holy Spirit before that point or not - or if I had already blasphemed the Holy Spirit then did it again. I've even tried asking "God, if this is really your presence and it's You answering my questions with a "yes" let me feel You again" and I felt if. But I felt nothing when I asked if it's Him saying no or when I ask if I can still turn and repent and be saved. That's another thing, when I pray I ask God several questions and I only get this sensation when I basically ask if I'm cut off for good now and can no longer be forgiven and saved. From my understanding only God knows our thoughts, therefore the enemy wouldn't know when I'm praying what when I'm praying in my head. Therefore, it must be God answering. Plus, it has to be Him answering when I'm very specifically praying to Him, right? I'm just gonna post what I also posted in an anxiety group.....
    I know I have social anxiety. I've had it my whole life. However, over the past couple of years I've been having two new sensations that aren't related to social anxiety but to a specific fear of mine. The thing is it has some religious stuff attacked to it and only seems to happen when I ask God certain questions.....a specific scary question. But I'm wondering if it's just anxiety. Do any of you have several different sensations but then certain sensations seem to only happen in relation to one specific thought or idea? Because I know what anxiety normally feels like for me, and I don't get these two sensations with my normal anxiety - I only get them when I ask God certain things. I'm just gonna say it - it's related to asking God if I've committed the unforgivable sin and some things in Hebrews 6 and 10 and am going to hell forever now. So, this is very troubling for me and has disturbed me for a couple of years now. I don't know if it's God or anxiety manifesting in a new way. Thing is, I don't get these two sensations when I'm anxious about anything else - it's just when I ask God about this.
    One sensation is almost like there is an "energy" shooting through me. It starts in my stomach and shoots straight up towards my chest. It's not painful or warm or anything. It's just this shooting energy. It does NOT come with a racing heart or any of the other anxiety symptoms or anything. My fear is that it's God's presence confirming these things. Does anyone get this sensation?
    The second sensation happens either in my chest, or right under my chest. It's this "burst of warm-ish energy", for lack of a better description. It's hard to explain, but it's not painful or anything. It also does NOT come with heart racing or any of the other anxiety symptoms. It's actually kind of a pleasant feeling, which scares me because that makes me think it's God and not anxiety. Does anyone get this sensation?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому

      Hello @Jennifer Johnson, I just want to let you know that I have seen your comment. I have been very busy lately which makes it hard for me to answer some comments in a timely matter. But I am hoping to respond in more detail by the end of the weekend the Lord willing. In the mean time, I just want to say briefly that anxiety can cause all kinds of feelings and sensations in our bodies even when our heart isn't racing. Also, the devil has supernatural powers and he can also cause supernatural things to happen. Furthermore, God is not a sadistic God. If someone were to commit the unpardonable sin, God wouldn't just leave them like that with the knowledge of it and a desire to come back to God but with no way to come back ever. This is simply not God's nature. In essence, what you are describing sounds like the devil tormenting you. Therefore, come to God and sincerely repent of the things you have spoken against the ministries and the leaders and ask God to forgive you. God will forgive you immediately. Then receive your forgiveness. It may be a process to be healed from your anxieties and your fears, but God is willing and able to deliver you from all of your fears (see Psalm 34:4). God is good and God is love. :) God bless

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому

      Dear @Jennifer Johnson, in addition to what I wrote in my previous comment, as I look back, I know that the fear of the unpardonable sin was all part of the devil’s evil scheme. You have to realize how powerful a tool this sort of fear is to the devil in helping him defeat God’s people. If you begin to believe you have committed the unpardonable sin, you will become hopeless and begin to give up, to return to your sins or, even worse, be utterly ruined. It will lead you down the path of destruction very fast. We must understand that we have an enemy. The fear of the unpardonable sin is a powerful weapon in the enemy's devilish tools of destruction. Remember, God is a good God, the devil is a bad devil. The devil seeks to use those thoughts to bring us under condemnation. We have to be careful what we allow ourselves to believe; let us consider the end result of what we choose to believe. The enemy wants us to be hopeless. However, the Bible shows that God is the hope to the hopeless. It is important for us to understand the whole counsel of the Word of God; yes, it is possible for someone to commit the unpardonable sin, but this truth need not contradict the other truths of the Word. For instance Jesus said that He will in no wise reject anyone who comes to Him (see John 6:37). God is not a sadistic God who refuses to forgive people who are repentant of their sins and desire to have a relationship with Him. We serve a good God and Jesus made every provision for us to be reconciled with our loving heavenly Father when we repent of our sins and place our faith in Christ. This is why based on the Word of God, the nature of God and the ways of God, I believe that someone who committed the unpardonable sin would either be no more or his or her conscience would be seared so that such a one would never desire forgiveness or a relationship with God again. In terms of your anxieties, God is willing and able to deliver you. Anxiety can cause feelings and sensations in our body. I remember years ago when I was under heavy anxiety, I would feel burning sensation going through my body during that period of time. But God can set you free. Freedom is our inheritance in Christ. Psalm 34:4 assures us that He wills to deliver us from all of our fears “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” (taken from the NV) Therefore, trust Him and place your hope in His Word and He will see you though. The spirit of fear isn't of God. Therefore, trust God to deliver you from it.
      The recovery journey will not be easy and it may take time, but little by little, God will counsel you back to wholeness as you trust Him and learn, believe, submit to, yield and apply the Word of God in your specific areas of need.
      The devil has supernatural powers too. That is why we need to make sure we only choose and stand on the truth of God’s Word regardless of our feelings or thoughts that come into our mind. Any thought contrary to God’s Word we must reject at their onset so that they don’t begin to take root in us. We do that also through using the Word of God as our weapon of warfare. "It is written!" And we quote a Bible verse back to the devil to expose his lies and defeat his evil schemes. We need to learn to live by faith and God’s Word and not by our feelings. It is important to learn to press, believe and speak faith in spite of our feelings, possibly for a long time, before we can begin to experience a more consistent peace. Only believe. Faith is your victory. Feelings will catch up eventually.
      The devil won’t want to give up that easy. You will need to rise up and fight. You will need to fight. But not in your own strength. So there will be a period of fighting and resisting. But make sure to stand on the Word, be in faith, relying on God and no longer submit to the devil lies and demands. However, make sure to first support your stand with relevant Bible verses. And be in faith, asking God to help you, trusting God all the way; trusting God to guide you and counsel you through it all. Trust God. As long as you are believing, God is working. Then, being in faith and using your weapon (the Word), stand your ground. Make sure also to wear the whole armor of God.
      I hope this helps. God bless.

    • @glorytoglorytier
      @glorytoglorytier 4 роки тому

      Jennifer Johnson The enemy can disguise himself as an angel of light. The sensations you describe appear to be demonic. I believe demonic spirits can hear your thoughts and effect your body and mind. I believe they can also put thoughts into your head. In the Bible it says that these spirits can speak through someone’s mouth from inside of them. Jesus and His disciples casted out lots of unclean spirits from people in the Bible. That’s still relevant today. I would look into deliverance. And trust that God loves you very much and does not wish for you to perish. What your describing is not of His character and Jesus wouldn’t torment you that way or any way. God bless.

    • @glorytoglorytier
      @glorytoglorytier 4 роки тому

      Jennifer Johnson Also those psychedelic visuals and music etc are just doorways for demonic spirits. The word of God, prayer, & worship music will heal your soul and allow you to form a close relationship with God. Other things will distance you from Him and give the devil access to you

    • @LovePatience32
      @LovePatience32 4 роки тому

      What scripture supports satan knows our thoughts thank u?

  • @logangalublue2002
    @logangalublue2002 4 роки тому

    I'm worried if I commited the unforgivable sin because while I was eating breakfast I was talking to my self in my head and I had said there has been probably many people who have fallen from grace in the past. I'm scared if I commited the unpardable sin like in Luke Chapter 12.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +2

      Hi Logan,
      The sad thing is, it is true that there are people who have fallen from grace in the past. So you don’t need to fear that you have committed the unpardonable sin with such thought, and with such general thought for that matter. God is not touchy my dear. God is love. And God is also merciful.
      I read in the book “Fiery Faith” page 86, written by A.W. Tozer the following and I quote, “Some of us are religiously jumpy and self-conscious because we know that God sees our every thought and is acquainted with all our ways (see Psalm 139:2-3). We need not be. God is the sum of all patience and the essence of kindly goodwill. We please Him most, not by frantically trying to make ourselves good, but by throwing ourselves into His arms with all our imperfections, and believing that He understands everything and loves us still.”
      I pray this helps and encourages you. Take care.

    • @logangalublue2002
      @logangalublue2002 4 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 Thank you

  • @midnightvibes6659
    @midnightvibes6659 3 роки тому +1

    i’m crying so much and my head hurts. i just wanna be in peace. i want God to forgive me. idk what to do

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому +1

      Dear @midnightvibes. All is well. It is crucial that you understand that you have an enemy. And the enemy is after your peace. As I look back, I know that the fear of the unpardonable sin was all part of the devil’s evil scheme. You have to realize how powerful a tool this sort of fear is to the devil in helping him defeat God’s people. If one begins to believe they have committed the unpardonable sin, they will become hopeless really fast and it can bring massive torment in their lives. The devil is a liar. God is not this sadistic God who refuses a repentant person back unto Himself. As a matter of fact, Jesus promised not to turn away anyone who comes to Him whom the Father sends to Him (see John 6:37). Based on the dream the Lord gave me which I shared in the video, along with the aforementioned Scripture, and based on the whole counsel of the Word of God and on the nature and character of God, if someone committed the unpardonable sin, they would either be no more or their conscience and mind would become seared and corrupted so they wouldn’t care about God anymore and wouldn’t want Him anymore whatsoever. Clearly, this is not you my dear. Clearly, you want Jesus. That is sufficient proof to you right there already that whatever happened wasn’t at all committing the unpardonable sin. God loves you with a love beyond comprehension. God is love, the Bible says and He is not easily offended, He is slow to anger and He is plenteous in mercy. The Bible even says in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 in the Amplified classic edition that love isn’t touchy. God isn’t touchy. I encourage you to read my blog on the topic as well. I believe it will help you. You can be at peace. God’s arms are wide open for you. He does love you. Here is the link to the blog: www.paulandkathleenministries.org/post/overcoming-the-fear-of-the-unpardonable-sin-1
      Rest, @midnightvibes. You can now rest. Take care.

    • @sofiaaden1879
      @sofiaaden1879 3 роки тому

      What happens if it sounds like it was you in mind?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      Dear @@sofiaaden1879,
      Usually, when the devil attacks our mind, he will use the first person to speak because if he can cause us to believe it is our own thought, he has accomplished his goal and he can leave the rest with us and go attack someone else. Take for instance something I experienced many years ago now. In the middle of the night, a feeling of terror woke me up. It felt like a tangible presence came upon me. The manifestation felt like fear itself. A weird, robotic-like, female voice spoke. It sounded like a broken radio frequency. It said, “I am afraid.” Needless to say, I couldn’t go back to sleep for the remainder of the night. But even though the voice was spoken in the first person, I heard that it wasn’t my voice; the devil had probably tried to cause me to think I was the one who thought “I am afraid”. The next morning, standing in the washroom, I exclaimed, “What was that?” No sooner had I asked the question than I heard the following statement: “Go love on someone else, and it will leave you.” Literally, the voice seemed to come from someone standing beside me, though I couldn’t see anyone. Surprised, I repeated the words. “Go love on someone else and it will leave you? Lord, I don’t understand; I don’t understand the connection.” I knew I would find the answer in Scripture, so I tried to recall Bible verses that would shine some light on the Lord’s statement. I quickly remembered these two Scriptures: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” as well as “Perfect love casts out fear.” The Lord’s powerful declaration revealed a few things to me. First, there is indeed such a thing as a spirit of fear. When the Lord spoke, He said, “And “it” will leave you.” Second, I didn’t have feelings of love flooding my soul for anyone when God spoke to me; I was full of fear! This suggested to me that we do not need to wait for feelings to show up before we start loving others. Instead, it showed me that loving others has a lot to do with actions born out of a decision that we make in obedience to the Lord.
      Secondly, if you are referring to the recurrence of the unwanted thoughts. I encourage you to watch this video. It will help shine some light on that phenomenon.
      Essentially, the recurrence of the unwanted thoughts at that point (which comes from our flesh now) is due to that behind-the-scene motto that goes something like this “You must not have a blasphemous thought crossing your mind or you will go to hell!” That is the influence of law. The law, the Bible says, is the strength of sin (see 1 Cor. 15:56). That’s why, we must handle these thoughts under grace otherwise the law will arouse that which we don’t want to do and we will find that even though the thoughts are not our heart and even though we don’t want to think them at all, we will think them. Fear and dread will also prevent the thoughts from being able to leave. The devil surely threw the first unbiblical thought in the mind. But from there, it all depends on how we respond…through faith in the finished work of Christ at the cross, or through fear of the law’s demands. It depends on whether we respond under the influence of grace, or of law (legalism). If we bite and allow ourselves to give in to fear and condemnation through the law, most of the devil’s job is done. Because then, just like what the apostle Paul described when he tried to obey the law’s demands, “For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.” (Romans 7:15 NKJV); the law strengthens the sin (or in this case the unwanted thought) we are desperate to be free from (see Romans 7:15, 1 Cor. 15:56 and Romans 7:8-14). At that point, even though the thoughts are totally not our heart, because of the religious command “Thou must not have such thought or to hell you go!” the thoughts will keep coming back. That’s why it is important to understand that in Christ, we are light in the Lord, we are no longer darkness (see Ephesians 5:8); we are the righteousness of God in Christ; we have the mind of Christ (see 1 Cor. 2:16), etc. We are in a war and the battle ground is in our mind. The battle is a fight of faith. We fight the good fight of faith, the Bible says. I encourage you to read the following two blogs to help you as well:
      I pray this helps. Take care.

    • @sofiaaden1879
      @sofiaaden1879 3 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 thank i soooooo much yes i have been dealing with it but i always remember that satan is a liar so i knew it wasnt me .. thank you for exlaining :))

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому +1

      Indeed, the devil is a liar. You are welcome; God is good :) Take care

  • @matthewmolinero1698
    @matthewmolinero1698 3 роки тому +1

    Could you explain a little more on what that dream meant. Was the lady judging representing her judging God or what God was doing like the Pharisees did, and how does that correspond with the unpardonable sin. Is it a one time thing that you say or think or is it a continuous rejection of the Holy Spirit?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому +1

      Dear @Matthew Molinero, I just want to let you know that I saw your message and that I hope to respond by the end of the weekend or early next week the Lord willing (Canada Eastern Time). Take care

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      Hello @Matthew Molinero,
      Here is how I interpret the dream: the woman was religious (indeed just like the Pharisees were), but she didn’t bear the fruit of one who depends on the finished work of Christ for their salvation, of one who is repentant and love of God. The Bible says that we will know whether we have passed from death to life in that we love one another. Anyone who does not love remains in death (see 1 John 3:14). We all mess up and we are still growing in love, but with this woman, there was no love, no change, no growth in love, no hearkening to conviction, but a persistent coldness and pride, insisting not to change and insisting to continue to accuse and find faults; bearing the fruit of the devil which is to accuse and condemn (see Rev. 12:10). Oh, she was religious and she might have had a form of godliness by attending church, but she denied the power of Christ and Christ crucified (see 2 Timothy 3:5). The consistent fruit of her life didn’t align with the fruit of one who is in Christ (see Matthew 7:16) and this was a warning sign to her for her to examine her own heart. She didn’t bear the fruit of one whose heart trusts in Christ, of one who is repentant and of one who loves God. As a result, she kept judging and criticizing the man of God week after week after week after week. Though she surely heard sermons every Sunday about the importance of loving God and loving one another, she didn’t humble herself to apply the Word; she certainly was a hearer of the Word, but not a doer of the Word (see James 1:22). She didn’t repent but kept judging the man. One day, she did as was her custom and judged again, but this time, she judged the anointing (the Holy Spirit) (see Matthew 12:31). In Matthew 12 the religious folks accused Jesus to be operating by the power of demons, “Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, “This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.”” (Matthew 12:24 (NKJV)). And it is in this context that Jesus said, ““Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men.” (Matthew 12:31 (NKJV)) It wasn’t revealed to me what the lady said, just that that day, she finally touched the anointing when she judged, criticized and condemned. From that point on, she was no more. She was dead; she was judged and went into eternity without Christ. That’s the way I interpret the dream. I pray this helps.
      God bless

    • @matthewmolinero1698
      @matthewmolinero1698 3 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 Oh wow. Thank you so much.

    • @matthewmolinero1698
      @matthewmolinero1698 3 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 Wait so what this means is that she rejected Gods word so many times to the point where her heart got so hard she got to the point of no return?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      No, it simply means that that day, when she criticized and judged the man, she actually didn't judge the man, she actually judged the Holy Spirit Himself.

  • @36742650885
    @36742650885 3 роки тому

    Please pray for me I need the intercession of Gods Children thank you 🙏

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      I just prayed for you dear and will keep you in prayer.
      While we are waiting and fixing our eyes on the Lord to intervene, harness your thoughts and do not allow your thoughts to go from one place to the next while in that place, but purposely fix your attention in faith and humility on Jesus, trusting Him fully to bring you out. Though tempting, do not try to figure your way out in your thoughts right now but purposely choose to wait for God to show you the way out. Allowing our thoughts to frantically try to reason our way out out of fear makes things worse, so though hard, do not be busy in your head but fix your heart in faith on the Lord and with His help stay in that place purposely disciplining your thoughts not to wander from that place of waiting on the Lord in faith and rest.
      My soul waits in silence for God alone, for my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation. (see Psalm 62:5-6)
      Also see Isaiah 26:3 which says that He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him, for he trust in Him. Fix your thoughts on Him as a fruit of your choice to place your trust in Him.
      Feelings are closely connected to our thoughts. Place your thoughts in faith on Jesus and place your hope in Him and His Word. He will come quickly to your rescue.
      Be thus encouraged, this too shall pass

  • @annnabrownie170
    @annnabrownie170 3 роки тому

    Hey, for instance what if the thoughts doesn’t bother you anymore are you unforgiven?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому +1

      Hello @Annna Brown,
      No. Not when it comes to unwanted thoughts such as these. It is important to understand that God is a God of the heart and that sin originates from the heart, not from random unwanted thoughts crossing our minds. The devil is the accuser of the brethren (see Revelation 12:10-11) and what he likes to do is to put a thought in someone’s head and then stand back and accuse that one of the thought he himself placed in that person’s head in hopes that they will own the thought and come under condemnation, fear and anxiety. What’s more? If the devil can get someone to deal with the thoughts in their own strength under a legalistic mindset, then he just trapped them deeper into fear and powerlessness because that legalistic pressure will strengthen and arouse the unwanted thoughts (see Romans 7:8 and 1 Cor. 15:56). Therefore it is important to deal with the unwanted thoughts under grace. As a matter of fact, in this context of unwanted blasphemous thoughts, to no longer be bothered by them by virtue of knowing they are not your heart is an important step to see the thoughts finally leave. You see, fear and condemnation strengthen and magnify the unwanted thoughts and fuel their constant coming back. If one finally comes to the place where they understand that these thoughts aren’t their heart and that they understand the liberating and empowering doctrine of grace, then they will stop fearing the thoughts and next thing will be the thoughts will lose their power and will ultimately leave that one.
      Also, as a general discussion about repentance and forgiveness, it is important to understand Scriptural repentance and forgiveness. We are forgiven when we come to God and admit openly and confess our sin to Him and choose to turn from it. Then, God in His faithfulness cleanses of from all sin (see 1 John 1:9). From there, we begin to walk in the opposite direction. Some sins may involve more than a simple choice to turn as some sins cause havoc in our mind and faith whereby healing becomes needed. This means, that for some sins, in order to be whole again, there is a process of change or recovery that will be required involving a renewal of the mind and of the belief system resulting in transformation (see Romans 12:2). So if someone has repented of a sin as per the sound doctrine; they have aligned their will and heart with God on the matter and they are in faith trusting God through Christ to set them free and to make them whole, then there is no condemnation for them (see Romans 8:1-4). Accordingly, there would be no reason to be bothered by, for instance, unwanted thoughts even if such thoughts haven’t left quite yet because as such a one perseveres to deal with the thoughts under grace through faith, the thoughts will eventually leave.
      I pray this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions. God bless

    • @annnabrownie170
      @annnabrownie170 3 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 Thank you sm ❤️ God Bless! 😊

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      You are welcome, God is good! God bless you too. :)

  • @ieashashotes7602
    @ieashashotes7602 5 років тому

    I keep having bad thoughts that Jesus is the devil and I try to cast them away I don’t believe them in my heart but they keep coming and sometimes the thoughts come with evidence I don’t believe it I pray to Jesus that he will deliver me from the thought but I feel as though it’s over for me

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +2

      Dear @Leasha Shotes, the devil is a liar. It is not over for you, far from it. Go to God and explain to Him exactly what has been happening to you. Then ask Him to deliver you from these thoughts. Then, trust Him that He is working in your situation and that the thoughts will eventually leave as a result. With God’s help and by His grace, do not allow yourself to worry when the thoughts come, but remain in faith; trusting that God is working. The less your feed the thoughts through worrying about them is the more you will starve them. What we starve eventually dies. Be encouraged, Leasha, God is willing and able to set you free. While this may seems like a huge difficulty to you, it is easy to God: “Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.” (Psalm 139:12) Be thus encouraged. This too shall pass. God bless.

    • @genesisfermin3296
      @genesisfermin3296 5 років тому

      I used to have the same bombarding thoughts and I used to have these disgusting thoughts about how Jesus didn’t die for me and I was truly hurt because it’s not true. The enemy knows how we will react and tries to draw us away from God.

  • @deborahanth3672
    @deborahanth3672 4 роки тому

    I'm very scared. I've had bad thoughts but I don't remember if I ever said it out loud 😢😢

    • @breazybutterfly8067
      @breazybutterfly8067 4 роки тому

      Same I really think If you didn't mean it god knows our heart

    • @Accune
      @Accune 4 роки тому +3

      "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:7

    • @native00
      @native00 2 роки тому

      @@Accune thank you so much for this I believe God used you to help me may the almighty savior Jesus Christ be with you

  • @graemegeorgeharrison2468
    @graemegeorgeharrison2468 Рік тому

    Please help me

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  Рік тому

      Hello Graeme, I also made another video on this topic which I believe will be helpful to you. You can find it here: ua-cam.com/video/VdapiVM4DDU/v-deo.html
      I also encourage you to read a blog I wrote on this topic. You can find it here: www.paulandkathleenministries.org/post/overcoming-the-fear-of-the-unpardonable-sin-1
      I encourage you to navigate through my UA-cam channel as I believe other videos I made will be helpful to you.
      Please let me know if you have any questions. I pray this helps. Be encouraged, with God's help and by His grace, this too will pass.

  • @noahinchrist55
    @noahinchrist55 2 роки тому

    I've been "diagnosed" with bipolar disorder and schizodefective disorder but I got mad at god and said I would fight god of I could and choke the f'ing holy ghost i didn't mean to curse I just was agitated and haven't had rest since I became a christian about 1½ years ago. I regretted what I said immediately and just always ask god to forgive me because I have confessed it but is their a difference in referring to the holy ghost as a demon or purposely cursing vs slip of tongue. Hoping you see this thank you for this video.

    • @noahinchrist55
      @noahinchrist55 2 роки тому

      I also struggled with dreams of being the antichrist(I know aren't true ofc now). As well as fearing my blasphemous thoughts and having ruminations of jesus being holy not bezelbub. More concerned ab blasphemy of the spirit I focus on "if we confess our sins, and all that come to me I won't cast out"

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  2 роки тому +1

      Hello @Noah in Christ, I can assure you that you can be healed by the Lord. Concerning the things you said and thought against the Lord and the Holy Spirit, the Lord forgave you the moment you confessed them to God and asked Him to forgive you. It will be important to stand on the promise of His Word that says that when we confess our sins to God He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (see 1 John 1:9).
      Yes, there is a big difference between purposely cursing versus the slip of tongue because the latter isn't from the heart. God is a God of the heart. Grace is all about the heart.
      Now, I would like to recommend you to watch the following videos I made. I believe that as you ask God and rely on Him to renew your beliefs and as you rely on His anointing and cooperate with Him by confessing the Word of God over your situation, you will be healed. It might be a process, but from glory to glory you will become well as you continue to actively depend on God and trust and expect Him to set you free and as you cooperate with Him for the renewal of your mind and beliefs. By His anointing you will be set free. Also, I strongly encourage you to begin to speak faith; speak of those things that be not as though they were. You will need to fight for you freedom, but not in your own strength. As you rely on the Holy Spirit and as you study God's Word to know who you are in Christ, the love of God and His grace, it will minister life and freedom to you. Here are the videos I would like you to watch:
      Believe differently and you will feel differently:
      The renewal of our beliefs:
      It's the anointing that breaks the yoke:
      Speak of the things that do not exist as if they did:
      Be encouraged, God loves you and He is willing and able to deliver you and to heal you. I pray this helps.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  2 роки тому +1

      Hi @Noah In Christ, in addition to what I wrote to you in my first response, I also want to comment on the dreams you have had about being the antichrist. These dreams are likely a result of fears you have. As you enter a journey with God of renewing your mind and beliefs with the truth of God's Word, and as you become convinced of who you are in Christ, it will help bring freedom from those fears. I encourage you to spend time studying the Word on the topic of who you are in Christ. Spend time meditating on Scriptures related to this topic. And also, like I mentioned in my previous message, if you can watch the videos I recommended. Two of them are touching on beliefs. As your beliefs begin to align with the truth of God's Word, it will dispel the fears you have been struggling with and things will settle down. Here is a video I made about who we are in Christ. I encourage you to watch it as well:
      I pray this helps. Take care. God bless.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  2 роки тому +1

      Hi @Noah in Christ, I just remembered something else you wrote so here is a third response from me! :)
      You said you haven't had rest since you came to Christ. This could be that you have been experiencing your relationship with God under law instead of under grace, and that you might have a distorted view of God. I encourage you to study the Bible on topics related to law versus grace and the love of God and ask the Holy Spirit to open your understanding as you read and study the Word on these topics (and any other topic(s) the Lord may show you).
      I pray this helps.
      God bless.

    • @noahinchrist55
      @noahinchrist55 2 роки тому

      thank you ma'am! much appreciation god bless

  • @cherishsutton2120
    @cherishsutton2120 4 роки тому +2

    Sis the devil attacked me almost two months ago and the way it was worded, it was like "I imagined and spoke" it directly to the Holy Spirit and my heart dropped instantly and all I could say was Jesus. I thought I heard God (still small voice) tell me I am not forgiven and that I'm going to hell. I've had two dreams/visions now of me being in hell. I cried out to Jesus and he didn't save me. Truly terrifying. Do you think God would tell me that? It really seems like that thought came from me because it felt so real and strong even though I love the Holy Spirit and I don't understand how or why it happened. I've been saved and baptized...

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому

      Hi @Cherish Sutton,
      This doesn’t describe the way God would operate. This looks more like the devil tormenting you. God wouldn’t just tell you that you have committed the unpardonable sin and continue to reinforce it and to torment you while you desire forgiveness. Because God is good and what He does is wholesome, someone who committed the unpardonable sin would either just die or his or her conscience would become seared or his or her mind corrupted to the place where they wouldn’t want God anymore and would no longer seek repentance. This is clearly not your case.
      I encourage you to read my blog on overcoming the fear of the unpardonable sin. You can find the link below. However, please let me know if you can’t see the link somehow.
      I also encourage you to watch a video made by Mark DeJesus on Overcoming Foreboding. I only watched about 22 minutes of it so far. Even if you only watch the first 22 minutes too, I believe it will be very helpful. You can find it here:
      "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out." (John 6:37 NKJV)
      Be thus encouraged.

    • @cherishsutton2120
      @cherishsutton2120 4 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 Thank you sis. I heard a voice say twice I was gonna die. Loud and clear. Do you think that could be God??? I love Jesus and want to follow him. I recently came back to the Lord and repented. Afterwards I was attacked with blasphemous thoughts... I asked the Lord to tell me if I did it or not and I heard him say yes... It was a still small voice... Very terrifying sister...

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +1

      Hello @Cherish Sutton,
      None of these voices were the voice of God. When the devil comes with fearful threats such as “you are gonna die”, for instance, you respond back, “No! It is written! I will live and not die and declare the glory of the Lord!” And you also say “No! It is Written! When we confess our sins to God He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness!” We are in a war and we need to use our sword, the Word of God. The Bible says that the devil is the accuser of the brethren. The way to overcome him is by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony (see Revelation 12:10-11)
      Fear will trigger the thoughts that we fear. Experiencing our relationship with God under law can bring with it such religious duty, condemnation and fear that it will breathe and produce unwanted thoughts (i.e. the thoughts that we fear or the thoughts that threaten us will come). The law, the Bible says, is the strength of sin and arouses sin (see 1 Cor. 15:56 and Romans 7:8-11). So when we experience fear and condemnation in our relationship with God, the following phenomenon occurs which the Apostle Paul describes in Romans chapter 7 and it is that the things we want to do (or think) we don’t do (or think) and the things we don’t want to do (or think) we do (or think). We must choose faith. Faith is to believe God’s report and fear is to believe the devil’s report. Faith will bring with it peaceful thoughts. It is important to wear our armor, the armor which God supplies (see Ephesians 6:10-18). It is important to place ourselves under the grace of God. The grace of God is both the unmerited favor of God and the power of God to live holy.
      The fact that you love Jesus and that you want to follow Him is enough to prove to you that you haven’t committed the unpardonable sin and that God desires to forgive you. I was just telling someone else yesterday actually that God wants our heart. That is His ultimate quest. And He has your heart again. He got what He wanted. He desires mercy over judgment (see James 2:10-13). Furthermore, the Bible shows us that God is extremely merciful, wishing that no man perish but that all come to repentance and everlasting life. Therefore, you can be at peace. God is calling us to have faith like a little child. Like a little child, you can fully receive and abide in His forgiveness, acceptance and love.
      I pray this helps,

    • @cherishsutton2120
      @cherishsutton2120 4 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 Thank you sister in the Lord. Amen. I do desire God sis, I just know what went through my head and it seemed so real and strong like it came from me. I am testing the spirits like 1 John says, it's just the voice I heard that told me I was gonna die and how seems to becoming to pass as I am very sick since it happened. I just keep hoping believing praying and reading. God bless you sister

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому

      It doesn't matter how real or strong it seemed. We have an enemy. Renounce the lie and choose life. If you allowed yourself to believe it in part, repent and renounce it. Receive God's forgiveness and fight in God's might. Through Christ, the Bible says, we always have the victory (see 2 Cor. 2:14). Invite God in this situation and follow His leading and He will cause you to overcome. Do not give the thought life by entertaining that it could be true. Do not give it credibility. But refuse it. Stand on God's Word. Quote Bible verses against it mixed with faith. Again, choose life and choose to believe the Word of God over your feelings.
      The video from Mark DeJesus on overcoming evil foreboding is also relevant. I believe it will help you too. I hope you can prayerfully watch it.
      We are more than conqueror through Him who loved us. (See Romans 8:37)

  • @KristyJean
    @KristyJean 4 роки тому

    So, is it just someone who openly speaks against someone's anointing (works done by the Holy spirit) and not just thoughts?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому +1

      Hi @MoonBhean,
      When I struggled with the fear of the unpardonable sin, I was afraid within the context of these Scriptures: “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.” (Matthew 12:31-32 NKJV). And surrounding these Scriptures was the story where the Pharisees accused Jesus to have casted the demons out by the power of Beelzebub. (See Matt. 12:24). These are the main Scriptures the devil used to bring fear and torment to me. One night, the Lord gave me a dream to bring more clarity to the foregoing Scriptures. He showed me that my having random blasphemous thoughts crossing my mind against the Holy Spirit (which weren’t even my heart) didn’t align with what was happening within the context of the Scriptures above, and God gave me a dream that demonstrated how the account in Matthew chapter 12 could relate in today’s days.
      What God did that night for me was to sort out the confusion about the blasphemous thoughts directed against the Holy Spirit that would pop up in my head and torment me, fueled of course by the fear of the unpardonable sin, partly caused by a lack of knowledge.
      I believe based on the whole counsel of the Word of God that the one who committed the unpardonable sin would either be no more or his or her conscience would be seared. God is not a sadistic God who refuses to forgive people who are repentant of their sins and desire to have a relationship with Him. We serve a good God and Jesus made every provision for us to be reconciled with our loving heavenly Father when we repent of our sins and place our faith in Christ.
      We have to be careful what we allow ourselves to believe; let us consider the end result of what we choose to believe. The enemy wants us to be hopeless. However, the Bible shows that God is the hope to the hopeless. There is a difference between being religious (just like the Pharisees in Jesus’ days were) and having an intimate relationship with Christ. Jesus said that He will in no wise reject those who come to Him. This means that if someone wants Jesus, if such a one wants to have a relationship with Him, if such a one wants to serve Him and to live for Him, then I believe he or she hasn’t committed the unpardonable sin or he or she would not have such desires.
      The spirit of fear isn’t of God (see 2 Tim.1:7). The Bible says that there is no fear in love. But perfect love casts out all fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. (see 1 John 4:18) Let us believe in and draw close to the love of God and then share that love with others. Fear cannot dwell where love abides.
      I hope this helps. God bless

    • @KristyJean
      @KristyJean 4 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 I think I understand.. I struggle with thoughts that I don't want to have about people and the Lord. They've gotten better but I still stress on whether or not they're mine and why I have them even though I hate them. Jesus said that what makes us unclean, including other things, are evil thoughts. How do I tell between a temptation, and actual sinning? The Lord has shown up many times in my situation and I feel blessed but this still stresses me out

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому

      @MoonBhean, Anytime you are confused as to whether something is sin or not, simply ask God to teach you and to show you the difference. It is a journey and God will teach you the difference. I too sometimes ask God to show me when it is time to confess, repent, rebuke, cast down, resist, ignore, or a mixture of some of the above. Now, sometimes, the devil whispers a thought in our head and then turns around and accuses us of the thought he put in our head. At other times, thoughts are recurring because we allow them to condemn us; we deal with them as under the Law (under old covenant principles). So long as the thoughts represent a threat to us, either by causing us to fall under condemnation or by causing us to fear hell as a result, the thoughts, though we don’t want them, will keep coming. It is the simple principle of the Law, i.e. the Law strengthens and arouses sin (see 1 Cor. 15:56 and Romans 7:5), thus the things we don’t want to do we do and the things we want to do we don’t do. God convicts us, He doesn’t condemn us.
      Sin originates from our heart, thus Jesus said it is not what comes into the man that defiles a man, but what comes out of a man that defiles a man (see Matt 15:11). God is a God of the heart. Legalism is all about the outward regardless of the heart. The thoughts aren’t your heart. However, what you really want to deal with is the root of the thoughts (or if it is not the root of the thoughts it is likely the strength of the thoughts): legalism. What you need to do is to go to God with the unwanted thoughts and entrust them with God and trust God to deliver you from them. As you handle them under grace and not under legalism, the thoughts will lose their power over you. You also cooperate with God by studying the Word of God on topics such as being justified by faith, the love of God, the sound doctrine of being saved by grace through faith, the finished work of the cross and about your identity in Christ and any other Bible verses the Lord will lead you to meditate on. The topic of knowing who you are in Christ is especially important here. Knowing that this is not from your new nature within. You have the mind of Christ, the Bible says. You love God because He first loved you the Bible says. We were given the power, the authority and the right to be sons and daughters of the Most High God, the Bible says. Etc. Know who you are in Christ.
      As you patiently wait on God in faith, this too shall pass, only trust God and deal with the thoughts under grace where you received God’s forgiveness and you placed your faith in Him for Him to deliver you. All the while, while you wait patiently and in faith for God to deliver you and for His Word to do a work in you that will cause the thoughts not to return, your very faith in Him to deliver you from the unwanted thoughts is what really pleases Him. And isn’t your faith in Him to deliver you from these unwanted thoughts a fruit for your repentance as you are in essence declaring, “I don’t want these thoughts, they are not my will and I turn from them, but not in my own power for I can’t in my own strength, I therefore place my faith in you Lord for you are my only hope, and I trust you to deliver me from these unwanted thoughts and from their root cause.” And thus you are repentant and in active faith, trusting God. And your very faith in Him to deliver you pleases God. And as you approach the unwanted thoughts that way, you will be amazed of what God will do for He will not tarry, but He will work in your situation and deliver you, whether it be through a process or instantaneously. But this too shall pass by the power of His might and by the revelation of truth from the counsel of His Word.
      I hope this helps. God bless.

    • @Mymimemei
      @Mymimemei 4 роки тому

      Kathleen Kaczmarek I Spoke a cuss word directed at the HS when I was 12. I’m now 31 and I’m tormented. I said F the HS? Did I commit it??

    • @ni7414
      @ni7414 Рік тому

      @@KristyJean hey how are you doing now? do you still struggle

  • @midnightvibes6659
    @midnightvibes6659 3 роки тому

    i’m pretty sure i did this. but i really wanna come back to God. i keep worrying that i’m not gonna be saved. i have thoughts that whatever i do i commuted this. like for example if i smile i committed this sin. or if i stand at a certain place i committed this sin. or if i talk i committed this sin. how do i get rid of these habits. i need help

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      Hello @midnightvibes, it is important to realize that we have an enemy, the devil, and accordingly, we are in a spiritual war. There are seasons in our lives when we go through things that require us to stand our ground in faith regardless of the thoughts that cross our minds or regardless of how we feel. We choose truth now and let our feelings catch up later. During those seasons, it is important to wear the whole armor of God as per Ephesians chapter 6, “and having done all to stand” (see Ephesians 6:13). The Bible instructs us what to do with thoughts that are contrary to the sound doctrine of Christ and it is to cast those thoughts, arguments and philosophies down and to bring them in captivity to the obedience of Christ, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:4-5 NKJV)
      It is important to know the truth of the sound doctrine and to choose truth and keep choosing truth while under attack (and always of course). For instance, thoughts such as “if I smile, I committed the unpardonable sin, if I stand … I committed it, if I . . . “ These have no doctrinal ground whatsoever. They are legalistic laws that are not according to the truth of the doctrine of being saved by grace through faith in Christ (see Ephesians 2:8-9). Accordingly, you must reject all such thoughts and false accusations regardless of how they make you feel. God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind. (see 2 Timothy 1:9). Therefore, stand your ground in faith with God’s help. Make sure to ask God to help you and depend on Him all the way. Use your sword which is the Word of God to rebuke such lies of the enemy. I like what Joyce Meyer says, “We need to outlast the devil.” The devil is a liar. Know that. Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you (see James 4:7).
      I made a video which I believe may help you there as well. You can find it here: ua-cam.com/video/B8S-pB263fw/v-deo.html
      This too shall pass; only trust in God and place your hope in His Word. Take care

    • @midnightvibes6659
      @midnightvibes6659 3 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 thank you so much. you helped a lot. thank you

    • @midnightvibes6659
      @midnightvibes6659 3 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 thank you for helping me

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому +1

      You are very welcome; to God be the glory. :)

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому +1

      @@midnightvibes6659 You are welcome, God is good. :)

  • @michaelsmith2299
    @michaelsmith2299 3 роки тому

    I feel i did this sin i got the though that jesus spirit and jesus is the work of the devil and i actually thought that was what it was i am trying to take it back and come to jesus i have ocd so i dont know if its that or i actually committed it it seems whatever i think i actually believe i hope i didnt committ it help

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      Hi @smit is lit, the mere fact that you hope you didn’t commit it shows that you didn’t commit it. Jesus promised not to turn away anyone who comes to Him whom the Father sends to Him (see John 6:37). Based on the dream the Lord gave me which I shared in the video, along with the aforementioned Scripture, and based on the whole counsel of the Word of God and on the nature and character of God, if someone committed the unpardonable sin, they would either be no more or their conscience and mind would become seared and corrupted so they wouldn’t care about God anymore and wouldn’t want Him anymore whatsoever. God loves you with a love beyond comprehension. God is love, the Bible says and He is not easily offended, He is slow to anger and He is plenteous in mercy. The Bible even says in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 in the Amplified classic edition that love isn’t touchy. God isn’t touchy.
      It is crucial that you understand that you have an enemy. And the enemy is after your peace. As I look back, I know that the fear of the unpardonable sin was all part of the devil’s evil scheme. You have to realize how powerful a tool this sort of fear is to the devil in helping him defeat God’s people. If one begins to believe they have committed the unpardonable sin, they will become hopeless really fast and it can bring massive torment in their lives. The devil is a liar. God is not this sadistic God who refuses a repentant person back unto Himself.
      You can be at peace. God’s arms are wide open for you. I encourage you to read my blog on this topic as well. You can find it here: www.paulandkathleenministries.org/post/overcoming-the-fear-of-the-unpardonable-sin-1
      Concerning your statement “I have OCD”. I strongly encourage you not to own OCD. At the root of OCD is a root cause. As you prayerfully deal with the root, the unwanted thoughts or scrupulous torments will leave over time. The way to be right with God and to be at peace with our heavenly Father is through repentance and faith in the shed Blood of Christ. From that place, Jesus becomes our righteousness, our wisdom, our sanctification and our redemption (see 1 Cor. 1:30). Please note that repentance doesn’t mean perfect performance. But it does mean that our heart has changed. We are saved by grace through faith, not of ourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast (see Eph. 2:8-9). I strongly encourage you to prayerfully examine the topic of legalism. I also encourage you to meditate on Bible verses about the sound doctrine of grace, the finished work of the cross, your identity in Christ, and the love of God. I also encourage you to prayerfully read my blogs. You can find them here:
      I encourage you to scroll all the way down and to start reading from the first blog I posted. Then prayerfully work your way up one blog at a time.
      You can also watch my other videos on my UA-cam channel.
      I pray this helps.

    • @michaelsmith2299
      @michaelsmith2299 3 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 i really feel like i commited it though and i feel i have no hope because it states it in the bible and it makes me feel guilty all the time

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      We walk by faith and not by feelings. The Bible talks about such a thing as the unpardonable sin, but like I mentioned in my video and in the message I just wrote to you, you can see based on the whole counsel of the Word of God that you haven't committed it. It is important not to make decisions based on our feelings. I encourage you to read my blog on the topic and to read a few times my first response to you. I also encourage you to prayerfully watch my video a few times as well. Be thus encouraged.

    • @michaelsmith2299
      @michaelsmith2299 3 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 thank you i will take a look when i get a chance thank you for telling me i didnt committ it god bless

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      You're welcome, God is good. "And the truth shall make you free" (see John 8:31-32). Take care.

  • @midnightvibes6659
    @midnightvibes6659 4 роки тому

    i’m crying right now. i’m so scared. i did this. i know i did this. my mind keeps telling me to say these thoughts out loud. and i did. my mind keeps telling me i did this. i can’t be in peace. i keep crying and i’m really scared. even though i knew it was wrong i kept saying it.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  4 роки тому

      The devil is after your peace. Understand that you have a real enemy. Fear is largely what is contributing to what is going on right now (thinking and speaking these thoughts out loud even though like you said, you know it is wrong). God sees and He is not baffled at all by all of this. He knows what is going on. God is a God of the heart. I am working so can't write much more than that at the moment. But you can be at peace.

    • @6.7de92
      @6.7de92 3 роки тому

      I’m in the same boat. I haven’t slept for about a month.

    • @6.7de92
      @6.7de92 3 роки тому

      2 weeks

    • @ni7414
      @ni7414 Рік тому

      @@6.7de92 how are you doing now???

  • @SpenserRameo
    @SpenserRameo 5 років тому

    So let’s say someone did do what you believe the unpardonable sin to be, and then that person went to Jesus for forgiveness. Can that person not be forgiven?
    It would seem to me that there’s something about the unpardonable sin that would cause the person who committed it to never seek out God’s forgiveness, because based on the scripture you shared, God would be telling a lie if he didn’t accept us if we went to him, even if we did do what you’re saying the sin is.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +3

      Dear Spencer,
      Good question. If someone comes to Jesus for forgiveness, Jesus forgives immediately. Indeed the Word says in 1 John 1:9 (NKJV) “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” I believe just like you do, i.e. that the person who committed the unpardonable sin would never seek out God’s forgiveness. Essentially, their conscience would be completely seared. Another possibility would be that they would be judged and die. It follows that the mere fact that someone has a genuine desire to repent would indicate that they have not committed the unpardonable sin. In the scenario we are talking about here, the person who speaks against the Holy Spirit (in the realm of what the dream was referring to) would no longer seek forgiveness. Another possibility is that they would be “no more”. The child of God who loves God doesn’t need to live in fear of such scenarios.
      The Lord is filled with grace and truth. Indeed, He is not a sadistic God who just leaves people hanging in the fear that they have committed the unpardonable sin without any possibility of return. This is not wholesome and it is just not God’s nature nor does it align with God’s ways. God won’t let someone who is repentant and desiring to live for Him live their lives without any possibility of return. Furthermore, Jesus said that He will in no wise cast out anyone who comes to Him (see John 6:37). The latter Scripture is encouraging in that if one wants to come to Him, they can trust that He won’t turn them away. The devil is a deceiver and the accuser of the brethren (see Revelations 12:10) and he loves to bring fear and torment. The spirit of fear isn’t of God (see 2 Timothy 1:7).
      I hope this helps. Thank you for your comment. God bless.

    • @SpenserRameo
      @SpenserRameo 5 років тому +1

      Kathleen Kaczmarek thanks Kathleen, I struggle badly with religious OCD and of course one of the main obsessions I deal with is whether or not I’ve committed the unpardonable sin. The cause of this isn’t that I fear blasphemous thoughts in my head, but rather there was a time in my life after I thought I got saved where I severely backslid. I was so deep in my sin that I hardened my heart in order to not feel the guilt. I also was very irreverent in that time and just didn’t care about anything having to do with God really. I eventually turned from my sin and back to God, but it’s been a worry ever since.
      This has been a help for me: krowtracts.com/tracts/391.html?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +1

      @@SpenserRameo Dear Spencer, recently, someone reached out to me via emails about similar struggles. What I wrote to him applies to you as well dear one. And that is that if the devil can cause you to believe you can’t be forgiven, then he can cause you to become hopeless and defeated. Remember that you have an enemy and he is seeking to destroy you and every child of God. God, on the other end, is good. He is quick to forgive. He loves mercy and He is love. Love believes the best, overlooks transgressions, chooses mercy over judgment and makes a way for reconciliation. The Father doesn’t condemn you, He sent His only Son to die for you. Jesus doesn’t condemn you, He is the One who did die for you (See Romans 8:31-34). The Father of the prodigal son welcomes him back with His arms wide open and throw a welcome back party for His son when he returns. That is the God we serve. Law demands justice, but Christ says, I paid for Spencer. Through Christ the heavenly Father is overjoyed that He has put into effect a new covenant that allows His greatest desire to be made possible; reconciliation with His formerly backslidden son. It is also encouraging to read about great men of faith and love for God like King David, for instance, who committed adultery and murder and whose sins the Lord forgave. Through it all, make sure to see God properly; God is the fullness of grace and truth. Our heavenly Father is the most winsome, merciful, tender, loving and wise person in the entire universe. He is not quick to get angry, He is not harsh, hard, pressing and perfectionistic. The devil on the other end would love for you and me to see our heavenly Father that way. Be careful of the way you picture the Lord. Seek to know Him more and more, it will help you. Be careful not to experience your relationship with God under the law, but to experience it under grace for the latter is the only way to peace with God. God loves you Spencer. God bless, Kathleen

    • @SpenserRameo
      @SpenserRameo 5 років тому

      Kathleen Kaczmarek I’m so sorry for the delayed response to this, but thank you Kathleen so much for that encouragement. I really needed it and I’m so thankful to have brothers and sisters all over the world willing to lend me encouragement when I need it. Praise the Lord for the way we’re able to communicate as well in this day and age. Again, thank you.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +1

      @@SpenserRameo No worries. :) You are very welcome. Praise God! And indeed, it is great to have the technology to be able to communicate so easily with people from all over the world! Have a blessed day.

  • @Theadcentrall
    @Theadcentrall 3 роки тому


    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому +1

      Hello @Dallery,
      I am sorry for the late response, somehow, I didn’t see your comment until now.
      It is important to understand that we are in a spiritual warfare and that we have an enemy, the devil. It is not uncommon for him to throw vulgar thoughts in the mind of some of God’s children to try to destabilize them and to cause them to fear. He studies us and he seeks to attack us where we seem to have a lack of knowledge, be vulnerable, weaker or more easily moved. Notice also that this happened when you chose to fully commit yourself to God. The devil seeks to fight every genuine step of progress. Be encouraged! That means you are on good ground!
      Now, it is clear that these thoughts do not represent your heart and certainly they do not represent who you are in Christ. These thoughts are not your heart and you must stand firm with that. You don’t stand in your own goodness, but you can stand strong by faith depending on Him who lives in you and on what He has done for and in you. God has given you the power, the authority and the right to be a child of God (see John 1:12). Also, it is the life in our heart that really matters to God. God is a God of the heart. As we guard our heart with God’s help and keep it in faith and love by standing on the truth of God’s Word and as we continue to live submitted to God, we resist the devil and he eventually flees (see James 4:7). It is important to understand that the devil is the originator of these devilish thoughts and accordingly you do not need to give them significance, but instead you can brush them off by faith, standing on the truth of God’s Word, and knowing whose you are and who you are in Christ. Lastly, God knows perfectly well the battle we are in in this world. That’s why He supplied us with His armor. Ephesians chapter 6:11-18 describes the armor. As we put on such armor, and as we continue to submit to God in faith and resist the devil, the devil does flee from us as per James 4:7. Be encouraged. I pray this helps.

    • @Theadcentrall
      @Theadcentrall 3 роки тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 this helped tremendously, I’ve gotten better since the last I’ve messaged this. Jesus has revealed to me he’s never left me . I just feel so unworthy of him. He’s so precious to me and I’m ... a mess. I have so much fear in losing him. But I think that’s a good thing cause it shows I care. I have to remind myself that someone who wants to be with Jesus and fears losing him is someone who Jesus truly loves . I hope haha

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      Hi @Dallery, I am glad you are doing better, praise God. He is good indeed.
      But isn’t that the point though my dear; that He came because we need Him, that He came because we were a mess. If we were perfect and righteous in and of ourselves, He wouldn’t have need to come. Religion and legalism cause us to look at ourselves and say, “I don’t measure up and because of that, I could lose Him.” Salvation says, “I don’t measure up so I run to Jesus to save me and to give me of Himself freely so that, as I rely on His work at the cross on my behalf by faith, His righteousness becomes my righteousness and I become the righteousness of God in Him (see 2 Cor. 5:21). There, we rely solely on the finished work of Christ at the cross, our only hope of glory (see Col. 1:27), and our eyes are no longer on our performance as a means of righteousness. Instead, we lean on and draw from His righteousness given to us as a gift (see Romans 5:17). We are made a new creation with a new heart, a new nature and a new spirit (see 2 Cor. 5:17, Ezekiel 36:25-27)). As we live from that free gift of righteousness given to us through faith in Him (see Eph. 2:8-9), and as we thus consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in unbroken fellowship (see Romans 6:11), we are empowered to live a holy life from glory to glory, all through faith, and because we love Him because He first loved us (see 1 John 4:19). God is love (see 1 John 4:16). He loved us before we loved Him, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8, NKJV) We don't need to work something up to make Him love us, He loved us first. Now our natural response to such love will be to love Him in return. And because of such love, we will begin to want to live with and for Him. His ways are perfect. Grace is a purifier of motives.
      I pray this helps. Take care.

    • @Theadcentrall
      @Theadcentrall 3 роки тому +1

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 yes I’ve given my life completely to Jesus - everything . I’ve dropped all my friends - social media- dont hear any music that isn’t Christian , don’t watch shows or movies - I’ve decided to dedicate every second to lookin for him . Because I just want him to be proud of me . The more I get closer the more I’m scared to lose him. I just want him to know he’s everything to me ... I hope he knows .

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  3 роки тому

      Hi @Dallery,
      I don’t mean to say you are not born again, but I believe the devil is trying to lure you away into legalism. Legalism is very deceptive because it has a form of godliness. However, it denies the power of Christ crucified. You listed all the things you did and do to support that you gave your life completely to Jesus. Even saying that you dropped all your friends which sounds unbalanced. Of course, I don’t know the context, maybe your friends were involved in clearly sinful activities and you understood that you had to stop hanging out with them lest they draw you into sin. But if not, it has a strong legalistic feel to it. Not watching any movies at all again has a legalistic feel to it. There are clean movies out there and there is nothing wrong in watching them. You said you are dedicating every second to look for Him. We do live in the world, though we are not of it. So, while we need to take our responsibilities and live in this world, we can do everything with the Lord… Be careful @Dallery, the devil is pulling you into slavery to law.
      The fact that you fear losing Jesus suggests you are afraid of messing up or of falling short. The Bible says in Hebrews that those who have believed have entered the rest of God. The fact that you fear losing Him the closer you get to Him suggests that you are getting closer to law and not to Him and that your salvation is coming to rest on your own strength and ability apart from the finished work of Christ at the cross. That’s why I want to bring to your attention legalism. I do encourage you to seek God concerning legalism and ask Him to expose it in your life and then repent from it. I encourage you to study on the sound doctrine of being saved by grace through faith. Study on legalism versus grace.
      Let me know if you want me to suggest some material to you.
      I pray this helps. God bless

  • @overnow4315
    @overnow4315 5 років тому +1

    I've been through the same thing. I went hospital over it.

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +1

      Hello dear one, thank you for sharing. Am I right in saying that you are better now? Take care.

    • @overnow4315
      @overnow4315 5 років тому +3

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 I'm ok. Just gotta press on and dont give into the enemy. Hes out to destroy Christians with his lies. Hes out to steal ,kill and destroy. Remember we dont wrestle against flesh and blood. How are you feeling,????

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +1

      Indeed, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, well said. To answer your question, I really like what Joyce Meyer says: “I am not where I need to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be, I'm okay and I’m on my way!” Going from faith to faith, going from revelation upon revelation. God is good and He has never failed me yet! I thank Him that He who began a good work in us is able to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ our Lord (see Philippians 1:6)!
      You take care and keep trusting the Lord; He will complete in you what He started. :)

    • @deedzumbira8658
      @deedzumbira8658 5 років тому

      Over now would you like to exchange emails

    • @samaldridge5283
      @samaldridge5283 5 років тому

      It's that severe!! i thought i was the only one! alleluja!

  • @rikowha3387
    @rikowha3387 5 років тому +1

    So this talks about the spirit being there ? Like a person annointed and you speak evil against it? It’s not like saying I think or I don’t know etc because I watch a “pastor said not all tounges are from god” and I just typed that to someone like not all signs since in luke and John talks about false sign and wonder ?

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому +2

      Dear Riko, you are right in saying that in the last days there will be false prophets and false signs and wonders (Matthew 24:24 NIV: “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect”). We are not to blindly just believe anything anyone says just because they say they are a pastor or a minister. We are instructed to test the spirits to know whether what is being taught or displayed is of God (1 John 4:1 NIV: “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”) You do not need to be fearful to have committed the unpardonable sin by doing so. We need to examine what is being said and done with what the Bible says. All is well :)

    • @rikowha3387
      @rikowha3387 5 років тому

      So I’ve not committed it since I told through fb talking to someone I know saying not all works neither all tounges are from God .. I told him that I heard a ex satanist said that that he turn Christian he said we need dicernment .. I don’t know I’m just worried

    • @rikowha3387
      @rikowha3387 5 років тому

      I did not attack no one I just Type be careful what you believe.. that “not all tounges are from God” but since I heard a preacher said that. I just feel worried .. maybe I’ve commited it

    • @kathleenkaczmarek9190
      @kathleenkaczmarek9190  5 років тому

      Dear Riko Wha You have definitely not committed the unpardonable sin; far from it. You can be at peace dear. What you wrote on Facebook is perfectly fine. When we have genuine godly concerns about some manifestations, it is important to test the spirits. If it turns out it is of God, that’s great. And if not, then we know not to hearken to such manifestations. The devil is a counterfeiter. We do need to ask the Lord to give us discernment. For instance, I remember an incident from years ago. That was before I became a Christian. A man harassed me in the Subway in Montreal. He was pushing me and he was speaking weird “tongues” as he pushed me, “tongues” which I do not believe were of any earthly language. It did appear like "satanic tongues" which obviously were not coming from the blessed Holy Spirit. Just by the simple fruit of the man’s life (he was pushing me and trying to make me feel bad) made it obvious this wasn’t of God. Furthermore, God's Word says that Jesus will in no wise reject anyone who comes to Him (see John 6:37). Accordingly, anyone who commits the unpardonable sin would not have any desire for God. Or again, they would be struck dead on the spot. God is good, He wouldn’t have you want God and yet have no hope for forgiveness. God is a good God. All is well dear. You can be at peace. God bless!

    • @db7360
      @db7360 5 років тому

      @@kathleenkaczmarek9190 When I was 8 or 9 years of age I thought I have blasphemed the spirit by saying it wasn't real in a room all by my self, as well as saying I didn't believe in something, I knew nothing about. I'm not sure because I didn't know what the spirit was at all. Don't know how the age of accountability works, because I didn't mean what was said, or even know what evil was. 28 now and finally started getting into the Bible because I believe with all my heart that Jesus did miracles through the power's of the holy sprit. But I thought I may have spoke an insult by saying that the holy spirit isn't real. Just trying to understand what speaking against the spirit is clearly, so that I don't say anything bad about it or against it. But I have never spoken a word saying that it was evil or that It's the works of the devil, which I believe is speaking against the spirit of grace! This is also what I believe the devil was trying to get me to do as a 8-9 year old kid. The Holy Spirit I believe was protecting me, because I did not credit the devil for our God Works...But spiritual warfare is something that is not easy to fight, you need the Holy Spirit to protect you or you will die... The devil keeps trying to get me to watch pornography because he told me I had no hope, But once I stop for GOOD! Because I keep feeling guilty of watching pornography....He tried to get me to remember what happened when I was 8 or 9 years of age. I am now 28, over 5 month clean from pornography, not even close to watching it want nothing to do with it, as I asked God to take it away from me! And I do believe in the holy sprit powers whole heartedly...And I hate Sin...And I love the Holy Spirit. I Know I may have awnserd my own question, But I want to sure my story with others, to save lives...People our in mental hospital and people are taking their own lives, because the devil tricks people with this scripture. What's you thoughts?

  • @Thatchristiangirl0
    @Thatchristiangirl0 3 місяці тому

    How do i chat with her? I really want someone to chat with thay experienced the same