I used rac instead of oiccun. Chiraeau puppies (80) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator] (10) Admiral Sloane (6) Death Troopers (9) Fifth Brother (3) Shield Upgrade Points: 108 (23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter] Points: 23 (23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter] Points: 23 (23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter] Points: 23 (23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter] Points: 23 Total points: 200
Crazy deci list I put together for just to put as much force on it as I could. Darth Chiraneau (80) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator] (9) Seventh Sister (14) Grand Inquisitor (9) Fifth Brother (2) Trick Shot (2) Hull Upgrade Points: 116 (65) Darth Vader [TIE Advanced x1] (2) Fire-Control System (6) Afterburners (3) Hate Points: 76 Total points: 192
It's one of my favorite ships. Every now and again I'll fly a Double Deci list that I've made and I win about half my games so far. I definitely hope it can come down in points a little bit for sure.
Morna Kee Initiative 4: when you perform a primary attack and the defender is in your reinforce arc, you may spend your reinforce token to reroll any number of dice.
My vote for next episode would be for the Auzituck Gunship. Havent seen one since 1st Ed. After that would be maybe the YV666 Party Bus andnthe Inquistors Tie Adv v1.
Making RAC work? (80) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator] (1) Ruthless (6) Death Troopers (6) Proximity Mines Points: 93 (47) Lieutenant Sai [Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle] (10) Admiral Sloane (4) ST-321 (0) Jamming Beam Points: 61 (23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter] Points: 23 (23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter] Points: 23 Total Points: 200 It's pretty "controlly" list by having 2 TIE blockers, stress control with Sloane and reducing the room to maneuver even more with the Proximity Mines. With Lieutenant Sai, both him and RAC become hyper efficient. When Sai coordinates RAC a Reinforce, he gets it to himself too. Through his title he also gets a target lock. At this point both of them are looking pretty good and RAC hasn't even used his action, so he can rotate his turret or take a Target Lock. The only point in the list I'm not really sure about are the Proximity Mines. I might consider removing them for a six point bit but that might not be enough against the lists with squishy Ini 5 pilots I need the bit against.
What if they had a pilot that did not roll additional dice when attacking at range one, but got 2 defense dice when defending if there were any number of enemy ships at range one.
I've had great success with this list. And I actually really like the torpedo slot in the deci -on RAC, his pilot ability applies, and let's you keep 3 arcs dangerous. On Oicunn, if you miss your bump, you're still lethal. RAC Whisper (80) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator] (7) Minister Tua (14) Darth Vader (5) Lone Wolf (6) Adv. Proton Torpedoes (8) Agile Gunner (5) Proton Bombs Points: 125 (54) "Whisper" [TIE/ph Phantom] (5) Juke (9) Fifth Brother (6) Collision Detector Points: 74 Total points: 199
Jerjerrod is a solid choice for the Decimator, but makes it very bloated in points to make it efficient. Vader is a decent crew on it, but again points. Maybe future pilots will make this ship viable again. Still ive had my fun with RAC and Whisper flying together with a decloak boost.
An initiative 4 pilot with an efficiency ability would be amazing for the Deci. I love stacking force tokens on Oicunn personally. I think large base ships that are meant to be aggressive and powerful have to balance the fact that you're giving up additional attacks that you would have if you fielded more ships rather than one. But if it's too powerful, it can feel bad, the Dash problem. It's not even that its necessarily OP, more how it feels. But Han, Dash, Dengar, and RAC *should* feel powerful. It's tricky to cost and balance
Large ships with a turret only kite the board. It would be cool if the title card gave the Decimator the ability to perform port / starboard reenforce. It would most certainly help Chiraneau, still be relevant with Oicunn and generally boost it’s ability to remain out of direct combat while providing decent fire support to your other ships
But for a small based ship at initiative 1 be 70 points is a little nuts. Cant even fit 3 basic defenders in a list. Yea sure they have the white k turn but countess ryad got a lot weaker along with evades. I'm not saying give me 3 named pilots I just want my 3 defenders back lol. And also upgrades have gotten a tad weaker and they lost their mod slot and title slot to gain a system and 1 shield. That doesn't really justify being as much or more points than most large ships. I'd be more scared of 3 decimators than 3 defenders.
if it had boost it wouldnt be garbage. the ONLY list i have found that works at all with a deci is RAC with tua and 5th brother, Lt. Sai with title, and naked fel 199 pts. depending on what you face, you either joust n flank, then clean up with fel, or feed them sai while arc dodging with rac, but get close to hammer em with support from sai then depend on tua after sai goes away to get tl reinforce every turn. ive thought about tactical officer as backup so when sai gets blocked i can coordinate a coordinate then they both get reinforce and sai gets the lock, but have to drop tua and i dont like that .
I know you guys are prioritizing Patreons (and rightly so,) but when you do the YT-2400, do you mind reviewing my list? Dash Rendar -Trick Shot -Agile Gunner -Seasoned Navigator -Rigged Cargo Chute -Outrider Norra Wexley (ARC-170) -C-3PO -Veteran Tail Gunner
I think Decimator lists are all about the ships /other/ than the Decimator. Here's where I'm coming from. The Decimator is just about the toughest ship in play right now-yeah, there's the Ghost but work with me here. With it's turret and massive hull and shields the Decimator can fly with impunity at any other ship in the game, attack, and have no fear of retaliation. I mean what are they going to do, shoot back? Your opponent MUST gang up to destroy it. So it falls to you to take that other 128 points and build a list that will swoop in and punish anything that dares turn in on your Decimator. Patrol Leader = 72pts Pure Sabacc = 44pts (2) Planetary Sentinel w/ Proximity Mines = 40pts Send the Decimator in, and let your opponent make the hard choice. He can't ignore 3 red dice in a turret, and with Reinforce he's GOT to pile it on. As soon as he turns to attack the Decimator, send in the cavalry. The Proximity Mines are just to keep your opponent from getting ideas about getting behind those Strikers. I mean, he can, but he's got to pay for the privilege.
Lack of boost or of a way to add it with upgrades definitely hurts. I think a red linked reinforce to TL and/or Rotate turret would really help it along. That ship is too cool to not see more plays...
I fly it with a lot of success using Oicunn with Vader (passenger) / 0-0-0 (passenger) / BT-1 (Gunner) / Shield Upgrade / Intimidation. Supported by a trio of character TIE/LN
I don't think the Decimator is as that bad. We recently had some remarkable results with the following List here in Germany. It might be niche, but it takes a stand - even going to TOP 16 in the Hannover System Open Tournament... [b]“Whisper” (54)[/b] [i]Juke (5)[/i] [i]Fifth Brother (9)[/i] [i]Stealth Device (6)[/i] [b]Rear Admiral Chiraneau (80)[/b] [i]Lone Wolf (5)[/i] [i]Darth Vader (14)[/i] [i]Moff Jerjerrod (10)[/i] [i]Veteran Turret Gunner (6)[/i] [i]Proton Bombs (5)[/i] [i]Hull Upgrade (2)[/i] [i]Dauntless (4)[/i] [b][i]Total: 200[/i][/b] [url=raithos.github.io/?f=Galactic%20Empire&d=v6!s=200!199:123,,82,166:;214:124,,26,50,90,69,164,147:&sn=Evil%20opposites&obs=]View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0[/url]
this ship is in my top five and propable the one I am most found of in 1.0. I loved having ochin with a stress build, or rear admeral with a tie defender. but this ship was my no 1, with the k wing being 2, tie d being 3, the tie punisher being 4, and the yt-666 being 5. great ship I wish they would reprint the piolits to make them better case there pretty bad right now. but will see, still love this ship will play him more in the future I hope alone with my droids.
This is the only valid build I’ve been able to make with a decimator. You can switch out the ships you fly along side Oicunn, but I took him with Whisper to my first tournament and went 3-2 (Pre points change). Without Fifth Brother he’s definitely not viable, having him frees you up to take target locks. VT-49 Decimator - 100 •Captain Oicunn - (78) Intimidation (3) •Death Troopers (6) •Dauntless (4) •Fifth Brother (9)
Good to know, thanks. I mean I did have the peg connectors snap off one of my Decimators, but that hardly warrants the price of a new one. Maybe I can find a cool custom painted one.
Losing the 3 straight as blue hurts with Tua, it is a lot harder to jump the melee whilst clearing stress. But then, bumping is kind of a feature with a 0 agilty ship
AGAIN from left field Awesome stuff..Least hairy Justin?, tis whatever..I think, if you sir, grew a full beard..it just might out glorify Nick's warriors main..lol..BTW my wife and I are proud owners of a blue heeler named Z'auro..You guys are great..keep it up!!!🤘
I'm primarily a rebel player so I didn't buy an imperial conversion kit - I've pretty much only got ties and one of these. If this ship was decent I would have converted because I love the design of it. Alas. It's not good. Any sign of a junkyard video for the Ghost?
I feel like some ships could be better if instead of calculating points so you can't have three ofs, four ofs... There was a way to determine the maximum of this ship you can have, similar to semi-unique droid pilots
Why was Commander Kenkirk a pilot they got rid of? Getting a green dice and reinforce is not something that would break the platform and other ships have that combo, so why remove??? And you don't get ability until your reach 11 hull, not game breaking, so just leave him in game?
RAC was NOT busted in 1.0 lol you had to be insanely skilled to use the deci well (outside kylo nonsense, which i never really liked i used 2 main configurations 1 was ptl engine palp and isard to boost at start of combat off the evade, and the vi vader gunner engine version to take out fen rau when he became popular)
After points change I used this list quite efficient, always have mod for attack dice from fifth brother and rac ability, from slone Chiraeau puppies (80) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator] (10) Admiral Sloane (6) Death Troopers (9) Fifth Brother (3) Shield Upgrade Points: 108 (23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter] Points: 23 (23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter] Points: 23 (23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter] Points: 23 (23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter] Points: 23 Total points: 200
I wouldn't discount the Decimator. A few of our German players got into a lot of cuts flying the imperial tank lately.
My favorite Imperial large base ship! Thanks guys.
At our Campaign Against Cancer event yesterday, a guy won his pod with a Decimator and Phantom list. Decimator is still relevant :)
Just went 4-2 at campaign against cancer tourney with 4 academy ties + Oiccun with fifth bro, Sloan, shield, intimidation, and title.
I realy love the list with sloan and 4 tie's it is so much fun to fly
I used rac instead of oiccun.
Chiraeau puppies
(80) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator]
(10) Admiral Sloane
(6) Death Troopers
(9) Fifth Brother
(3) Shield Upgrade
Points: 108
(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23
(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23
(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23
(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23
Total points: 200
Nice! I'll have to try that!
Lukas Vanagas how can you take Sloan and death troopers? That’s 3 crew slots.
@@curtis6668 yes my bad, wrong crew. Its actually kalus
Crazy deci list I put together for just to put as much force on it as I could.
Darth Chiraneau
(80) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator]
(9) Seventh Sister
(14) Grand Inquisitor
(9) Fifth Brother
(2) Trick Shot
(2) Hull Upgrade
Points: 116
(65) Darth Vader [TIE Advanced x1]
(2) Fire-Control System
(6) Afterburners
(3) Hate
Points: 76
Total points: 192
Thanks. I'll try it
I wonder with the points deductions what you think of things like running 3 Decimators now.
And it's possible to run Patrol Leader, Vader, Fel now as well
Feels clumsy, but chunky. Could be worth looking at!
A Decimator with Soontir made it to the final table at Campaign against Cancer's South Bend location. Hes a buddy of mine and went 5 and 1.
It's one of my favorite ships. Every now and again I'll fly a Double Deci list that I've made and I win about half my games so far. I definitely hope it can come down in points a little bit for sure.
Making a list rn. Can I see yours?
Morna Kee Initiative 4: when you perform a primary attack and the defender is in your reinforce arc, you may spend your reinforce token to reroll any number of dice.
My vote for next episode would be for the Auzituck Gunship. Havent seen one since 1st Ed. After that would be maybe the YV666 Party Bus andnthe Inquistors Tie Adv v1.
Making RAC work?
(80) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator]
(1) Ruthless
(6) Death Troopers
(6) Proximity Mines
Points: 93
(47) Lieutenant Sai [Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle]
(10) Admiral Sloane
(4) ST-321
(0) Jamming Beam
Points: 61
(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23
(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23
Total Points: 200
It's pretty "controlly" list by having 2 TIE blockers, stress control with Sloane and reducing the room to maneuver even more with the Proximity Mines. With Lieutenant Sai, both him and RAC become hyper efficient. When Sai coordinates RAC a Reinforce, he gets it to himself too. Through his title he also gets a target lock. At this point both of them are looking pretty good and RAC hasn't even used his action, so he can rotate his turret or take a Target Lock.
The only point in the list I'm not really sure about are the Proximity Mines. I might consider removing them for a six point bit but that might not be enough against the lists with squishy Ini 5 pilots I need the bit against.
What if they had a pilot that did not roll additional dice when attacking at range one, but got 2 defense dice when defending if there were any number of enemy ships at range one.
I've had great success with this list. And I actually really like the torpedo slot in the deci -on RAC, his pilot ability applies, and let's you keep 3 arcs dangerous. On Oicunn, if you miss your bump, you're still lethal.
RAC Whisper
(80) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator]
(7) Minister Tua
(14) Darth Vader
(5) Lone Wolf
(6) Adv. Proton Torpedoes
(8) Agile Gunner
(5) Proton Bombs
Points: 125
(54) "Whisper" [TIE/ph Phantom]
(5) Juke
(9) Fifth Brother
(6) Collision Detector
Points: 74
Total points: 199
Jerjerrod is a solid choice for the Decimator, but makes it very bloated in points to make it efficient. Vader is a decent crew on it, but again points. Maybe future pilots will make this ship viable again. Still ive had my fun with RAC and Whisper flying together with a decloak boost.
Is the Ghost a junkyard candidate? no one where I live uses it.
I went 3-3 with it today at Campaign against cancer:) Han/Hera
An initiative 4 pilot with an efficiency ability would be amazing for the Deci. I love stacking force tokens on Oicunn personally. I think large base ships that are meant to be aggressive and powerful have to balance the fact that you're giving up additional attacks that you would have if you fielded more ships rather than one. But if it's too powerful, it can feel bad, the Dash problem. It's not even that its necessarily OP, more how it feels. But Han, Dash, Dengar, and RAC *should* feel powerful. It's tricky to cost and balance
Decimator won Mobile CAC tonight, RAC & Whisper
Large ships with a turret only kite the board. It would be cool if the title card gave the Decimator the ability to perform port / starboard reenforce. It would most certainly help Chiraneau, still be relevant with Oicunn and generally boost it’s ability to remain out of direct combat while providing decent fire support to your other ships
Does the turret count as a primary attack?
What do you guys think about the defender? I think it's way over costed considering most of the pilots cost more than this ship
Defender is still the only ship with a white K-Turn... they are fine really...
But for a small based ship at initiative 1 be 70 points is a little nuts. Cant even fit 3 basic defenders in a list. Yea sure they have the white k turn but countess ryad got a lot weaker along with evades. I'm not saying give me 3 named pilots I just want my 3 defenders back lol. And also upgrades have gotten a tad weaker and they lost their mod slot and title slot to gain a system and 1 shield. That doesn't really justify being as much or more points than most large ships. I'd be more scared of 3 decimators than 3 defenders.
if it had boost it wouldnt be garbage. the ONLY list i have found that works at all with a deci is RAC with tua and 5th brother, Lt. Sai with title, and naked fel 199 pts. depending on what you face, you either joust n flank, then clean up with fel, or feed them sai while arc dodging with rac, but get close to hammer em with support from sai then depend on tua after sai goes away to get tl reinforce every turn. ive thought about tactical officer as backup so when sai gets blocked i can coordinate a coordinate then they both get reinforce and sai gets the lock, but have to drop tua and i dont like that .
I know you guys are prioritizing Patreons (and rightly so,) but when you do the YT-2400, do you mind reviewing my list?
Dash Rendar
-Trick Shot
-Agile Gunner
-Seasoned Navigator
-Rigged Cargo Chute
Norra Wexley (ARC-170)
-Veteran Tail Gunner
I never picked up second Ed . I heard that the game changes so dramatically that Everything I have from first Ed would need to be changed
Maybe Ysanne Isard could be a pilot? or crew option for large based Imperial ships
I think Decimator lists are all about the ships /other/ than the Decimator. Here's where I'm coming from. The Decimator is just about the toughest ship in play right now-yeah, there's the Ghost but work with me here. With it's turret and massive hull and shields the Decimator can fly with impunity at any other ship in the game, attack, and have no fear of retaliation. I mean what are they going to do, shoot back? Your opponent MUST gang up to destroy it. So it falls to you to take that other 128 points and build a list that will swoop in and punish anything that dares turn in on your Decimator.
Patrol Leader = 72pts
Pure Sabacc = 44pts
(2) Planetary Sentinel w/ Proximity Mines = 40pts
Send the Decimator in, and let your opponent make the hard choice. He can't ignore 3 red dice in a turret, and with Reinforce he's GOT to pile it on. As soon as he turns to attack the Decimator, send in the cavalry. The Proximity Mines are just to keep your opponent from getting ideas about getting behind those Strikers. I mean, he can, but he's got to pay for the privilege.
Lack of boost or of a way to add it with upgrades definitely hurts. I think a red linked reinforce to TL and/or Rotate turret would really help it along.
That ship is too cool to not see more plays...
I fly it with a lot of success using Oicunn with Vader (passenger) / 0-0-0 (passenger) / BT-1 (Gunner) / Shield Upgrade / Intimidation.
Supported by a trio of character TIE/LN
I don't think the Decimator is as that bad. We recently had some remarkable results with the following List here in Germany. It might be niche, but it takes a stand - even going to TOP 16 in the Hannover System Open Tournament...
[b]“Whisper” (54)[/b]
[i]Juke (5)[/i]
[i]Fifth Brother (9)[/i]
[i]Stealth Device (6)[/i]
[b]Rear Admiral Chiraneau (80)[/b]
[i]Lone Wolf (5)[/i]
[i]Darth Vader (14)[/i]
[i]Moff Jerjerrod (10)[/i]
[i]Veteran Turret Gunner (6)[/i]
[i]Proton Bombs (5)[/i]
[i]Hull Upgrade (2)[/i]
[i]Dauntless (4)[/i]
[b][i]Total: 200[/i][/b]
[url=raithos.github.io/?f=Galactic%20Empire&d=v6!s=200!199:123,,82,166:;214:124,,26,50,90,69,164,147:&sn=Evil%20opposites&obs=]View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0[/url]
this ship is in my top five and propable the one I am most found of in 1.0. I loved having ochin with a stress build, or rear admeral with a tie defender.
but this ship was my no 1, with the k wing being 2, tie d being 3, the tie punisher being 4, and the yt-666 being 5. great ship I wish they would reprint the piolits to make them better case there pretty bad right now. but will see, still love this ship will play him more in the future I hope alone with my droids.
Decimators are the only ship that you can have 2 force tokens for any of your ships. Those are palpatine and fifth brother.
You can kinda remedy the rear admiral with Minister Tua.
This is the only valid build I’ve been able to make with a decimator. You can switch out the ships you fly along side Oicunn, but I took him with Whisper to my first tournament and went 3-2 (Pre points change). Without Fifth Brother he’s definitely not viable, having him frees you up to take target locks.
VT-49 Decimator - 100
•Captain Oicunn - (78)
Intimidation (3)
•Death Troopers (6)
•Dauntless (4)
•Fifth Brother (9)
I've flown this a few times and it's won a couple games. Two Junkyards working together. :P
[b]TIE/ag Aggressor - Onyx Squadron Scout - 45[/b]
Onyx Squadron Scout - [i][/i] (32)
Swarm Tactics (3)
Ion Cannon Turret (4)
Veteran Turret Gunner (6)
[b]TIE/ag Aggressor - Onyx Squadron Scout - 45[/b]
Onyx Squadron Scout - [i][/i] (32)
Swarm Tactics (3)
Ion Cannon Turret (4)
Veteran Turret Gunner (6)
[b]VT-49 Decimator - •Rear Admiral Chiraneau - 109[/b]
•Rear Admiral Chiraneau - [i]Advisor to Admiral Piett[/i] (80)
Swarm Tactics (3)
•Grand Moff Tarkin (6)
Proximity Mines (6)
Shield Upgrade (3)
•[i]Dauntless[/i] (4)
Hotshot Gunner (7)
[b]Total: 199/200
[url="squadbuilder.fantasyflightgames.com/squad-preview/650eaeef-3cb9-4dcf-bb1a-ce4d6f34ba0e"]View in the X-Wing Squad Builder[/url]
So is there any reason to buy the new release, if I'm importing 2 Decimators via the Conversion Kit?
I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think so. I don't believe there's anything in the Decimator pack that isn't in the conversion kit.
Nope. Only if you want another model.
Hard confirmed, no new cards in the pack.
Unless you want 000 and bt-1
Good to know, thanks. I mean I did have the peg connectors snap off one of my Decimators, but that hardly warrants the price of a new one. Maybe I can find a cool custom painted one.
Losing the 3 straight as blue hurts with Tua, it is a lot harder to jump the melee whilst clearing stress.
But then, bumping is kind of a feature with a 0 agilty ship
Generic YV-666 has 3 crew.
AGAIN from left field Awesome stuff..Least hairy Justin?, tis whatever..I think, if you sir, grew a full beard..it just might out glorify Nick's warriors main..lol..BTW my wife and I are proud owners of a blue heeler named Z'auro..You guys are great..keep it up!!!🤘
I'm primarily a rebel player so I didn't buy an imperial conversion kit - I've pretty much only got ties and one of these. If this ship was decent I would have converted because I love the design of it. Alas. It's not good. Any sign of a junkyard video for the Ghost?
I can't find any info on said card pack with wave IV??. Has this actually been announced or is internet wishing?
It's been confirmed to be in the works, no official announcement yet. Rest assured I will be all over it when it gets revealed!
I didn't buy a Decimator until 2.0 :(
It was going cheap though, I guess as people were trying to clear out their 1.0 stock.
I feel like some ships could be better if instead of calculating points so you can't have three ofs, four ofs... There was a way to determine the maximum of this ship you can have, similar to semi-unique droid pilots
Why was Commander Kenkirk a pilot they got rid of? Getting a green dice and reinforce is not something that would break the platform and other ships have that combo, so why remove??? And you don't get ability until your reach 11 hull, not game breaking, so just leave him in game?
I think the Z-95 might be cool. Scum and Rebel
Wait...an Australian saying zee!?!? And not zed?!?! What is happening???
Our vocabulary is pretty interchangable with a lot of English words. American culture has hugely influenced us in many ways.
how old are these guys
the decimator has a watermelon?
"Watermelon slot" is a nickname for the Torpedo slot. :) Take a look at the upgrade symbol, then you wont be able to unsee it.
@@HairyNick ok, i can see that now
Long range Imperial patrol ships are well provisioned.
It is a meiloorun!
A very fat Decimator took second at the South Bend CAC. Wouldn't discount it quite yet
RAC was NOT busted in 1.0 lol you had to be insanely skilled to use the deci well (outside kylo nonsense, which i never really liked i used 2 main configurations 1 was ptl engine palp and isard to boost at start of combat off the evade, and the vi vader gunner engine version to take out fen rau when he became popular)
Plz do an auzituck
After points change I used this list quite efficient, always have mod for attack dice from fifth brother and rac ability, from slone
Chiraeau puppies
(80) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator]
(10) Admiral Sloane
(6) Death Troopers
(9) Fifth Brother
(3) Shield Upgrade
Points: 108
(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23
(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23
(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23
(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23
Total points: 200
You can't have Dead Troopres and Admiral Sloane together, that's an invalid list...
@@MrPeter13th yes, I accidentally put wrong crew. My bad
Not... not my favorite ship...