This teaching format is great. Showing a full example, explaining it step by step, then showing the final text in a clear font is a great opportunity for me to apply all the bits of grammar I've been learning. When I'm learning a language it's generally better for me to work backwards from examples than to just learn "rules" and try to assemble a sentence myself without any experience in the country/culture. Thanks!
V-기 is a noun form and V-는 modify a noun. For example, ‘먹기’를 좋아해요 means I like eating. 지금 ‘먹는 음식’이 맛있어요 means the food I eat now is delicious. 듣기 is also right if it’s used as a noun form😊
👆How to Speak 100% Real Korean like a Native🇰🇷 (You Can Use Right Away in Korea‼)
This teaching format is great. Showing a full example, explaining it step by step, then showing the final text in a clear font is a great opportunity for me to apply all the bits of grammar I've been learning. When I'm learning a language it's generally better for me to work backwards from examples than to just learn "rules" and try to assemble a sentence myself without any experience in the country/culture. Thanks!
😊한국어를 잘 배우고 싶어요
Amazing🔥🔥🔥one of the most helpful content that I’ve ever seen. 감사합니다 선생님🙌❤️🙌
Thank you for enjoying this content🤗
Im Vietnamese. Hope to see you teacher. Thanks for your lesson.
Very interesting and effective class for beginner....
안녕하세요. 저는 Khaoula예요.
만나서 반가워요.
저는 모로코 사람이고, 지금 페스에서 살고 있어요.
페스에서 대학규 다니고 있어요.
제 취미는 언어 배우기예요, 현재 한국어와 중국어 배워요.
안녕하세요, 만나서 반가워요😁 '대학교에' 다니고 있어요 라고 하면 더 정확해요👍
@@koreanmorning 네, 감사합니다.
안녕하세요. 저는 Lorena에요.
만나너 반가워요.
저는 브라질사람이고, 지금 살바도르에서 살고있어요.
저는 한국어 학생이에요.
제 취미는 한국어를 배우는 거예요.
매일 한국어를 배워요.
그리고 음악듣는 것 도 좋아해요.
뉴진스나 라이즈 노래를 자주 들어요.
와! 자기소개를 정말 잘했어요👏👏 저도 뉴진스를 너무 좋아해요ㅎㅎ
Hello Morrning! I'm a new Korean learner. I don't understand this:
"learning" → 배우기
"listening" → 듣는, not 듣기
Please heple me!
V-기 is a noun form and V-는 modify a noun. For example, ‘먹기’를 좋아해요 means I like eating. 지금 ‘먹는 음식’이 맛있어요 means the food I eat now is delicious.
듣기 is also right if it’s used as a noun form😊
@@koreanmorning Thank you! But I'm still confused that the sentence "I also like listening to music" can be translated "음악 듣기도 좋아해요" or not.
이거는 자기소개예요 선생님?
네 맞아요😄