Okinawa Kobudo Kenshinryu - Teruo Hayashi

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • Teruo Hayashi (Hanshi 10º Dan), mostrando las técnicas del Kobudo de Okinawa Kenshinryu, con la ayuda de Shogo Kuniba. Siguiendo la linea de Kenko Nakaima y Shinken Taira.


  • @BombtrackRebel
    @BombtrackRebel 13 років тому +2

    This is from a documentary called "Budo: The Art of Killing"
    in case anyone is curious for more

  • @pvksupersonic
    @pvksupersonic 15 років тому

    always nice to see peapole appricate my master soke teru hayashi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @NewEnglandBudo
    @NewEnglandBudo 12 років тому +3

    @charly0vm I believe if you check, he refused the 10th Dan because he felt he was too young. He was awarded Ju Dan posthumously. I just did a quick Google search and found this on several sites "Shogo Kuniba was awarded Judan, (10th Dan) posthumously by the Japan Karate Federation (JKF).". So in essence when he was alive and in this video he was in fact a Ku Dan.

  • @DanielGasteiger
    @DanielGasteiger 14 років тому

    @hosinw If I remember correctly, Hyashi pactices Kenshin Ryu Kobudo. He is (was?) also the headmaster of Hyashi-Ha Shito Ryu Karate. He had been heavily involved in trying to get Karate established as an Olympic sport.

  • @locoyogui
    @locoyogui 15 років тому

    whoa!! una tecnica magnifica, pero el escudo era lo suficientemente fuerte para detener una katana?

  • @grancucharon
    @grancucharon 15 років тому

    the guy with the katana just waits to receive the impact, I bet an actual fight must be messy and everything but elegant

  • @vampsith
    @vampsith 14 років тому

    These are Bunkai designed to teach the practicioner muscle memory. Yes a real fights going to be different and both parties are going to be injured, but as the Art of War says victory through any means is still victory. And @ andyhug, the katana gets stabbed through the leather but because of the grip in the hide all that happens is the katana guy gets outgrappled.

  • @KenpoKid77
    @KenpoKid77 14 років тому

    @Toyomata LOL, very good point. It begs the age-old question...if someone defeats you in a fight, was it because they were that good at fighting, or because you were that bad?

  • @MRvanI1976
    @MRvanI1976 13 років тому

    These shots are from the movie "budo the art of killing". Real nice movie

  • @ZonMng
    @ZonMng 13 років тому

    @FalcoStellare Obviously it has worked. -.- Or else people in the past won't even bothered to create techniques to use it. Infact all this exotic weapon and their techniques is to fight back Katana or other form of swords.

  • @GULFRAZMAJEEDseye8eyes
    @GULFRAZMAJEEDseye8eyes 15 років тому

    the darts you missed out, like the one that killed the kings

  • @NewEnglandBudo
    @NewEnglandBudo 13 років тому

    @gojuryukarateka Shogo Kuniba 9th Dan in the white gi was no slump either. I attended some seminars with him over the years and he was an excellent practitioner.

  • @charly0vm
    @charly0vm 12 років тому

    @NewEnglandBudo He was 10th Dan .......

  • @liamcognet
    @liamcognet 8 років тому

    In the tinbe-rochin section, why is he using tanto rather than a more common rochin?Is the use of Japanese blades a Kenshinryu thing? Or is it common to Okinawan Kobudo generally?

  • @TheSk8metal
    @TheSk8metal 10 років тому

    @Alex Vannini, it has been done... Man versus man, one with a sword, the other with an ore. The man with the ore won. This is only one of the stories I know of, and I'm sure there's more of them that I haven't heard of. As long as the weapons, let's say a tonfa or a nunchaku for example, are made of hard wood, such as teak or oak, or metal of some kind, so that they can take some strikes with a sharp blade, there is a chance of getting out of the fight, and also win it.

    • @jinzo8598
      @jinzo8598 7 років тому

      it wasn't just any man. It was Miyamoto Musashi who defeated Sasaki Kojiro with a Boken carved from a boat oar. The reason he was able to defeat him is made sure the oar was an inch and a half longer than Sasaki's Odachi.

  • @Seankwondo87
    @Seankwondo87 15 років тому

    Is this from "Budo"?

  • @NewEnglandBudo
    @NewEnglandBudo 13 років тому

    @gojuryukarateka Forgot-CRS- Check out Kuniba's "Action Karate" on my channel that he gave me many years ago.

  • @JamesNakasonHuang2014
    @JamesNakasonHuang2014 14 років тому

    I felt sorry for the poor tree too ...

  • @charly0vm
    @charly0vm 12 років тому

    @NewEnglandBudo yes,you are right =)

  • @blackbelt807
    @blackbelt807 13 років тому

    awesome but why does he kill that poor tree?

  • @HairofSteel555
    @HairofSteel555 13 років тому

    @cerkuenik It looked more like a pot fitted to be a buckler to me, since the Okinawan's really didn't have "weapons" so to say.

  • @mikeymarshful
    @mikeymarshful 14 років тому

    Tinbe and roche?

  • @KenpoKid77
    @KenpoKid77 15 років тому

    Like everything else, it's only useless if you don't know what to do with it. These things saved lives back in those days. This right here is just a demo, no more no less.

  • @koden24
    @koden24 13 років тому

    The name of this video is Budo the art of killing.

  • @thecontemplative2
    @thecontemplative2 13 років тому

    Cause the tree was evil, it was EVIL I tell you!!!

  • @kazutomo715
    @kazutomo715 15 років тому

    i searched my name and found this vid

  • @EG-cs3wv
    @EG-cs3wv 10 років тому

    Maybe it is stupid, but... 2:23 "iiooh...!!"

  • @dariopresti7523
    @dariopresti7523 6 років тому

    saco el.colador de los.fifeos y

  • @Elriuhilu
    @Elriuhilu 12 років тому

    Well, you'd have to at least give it a shot, right? lol

  • @gojuryukarateka
    @gojuryukarateka 13 років тому

    Awesome!!! Soke Hayashi was a true master. His Okinawa Kobudo Kenshinryu style is still practiced by many dojos in Osaka, even dojos that are not Hayashi-ha, like Nambukai, Tani-ha and others.

  • @ctvs
    @ctvs 10 років тому +1

    Tecnicas realizadas con armas reales. Ese si es sensei!
    Kobudo karate.

  • @Lcblablabla
    @Lcblablabla 13 років тому

    Holy shit... and here I am, flinging my bo passionately an d hitting myself along the way, and still trying to get a good hold on my tonfa's. *bows*

  • @akzorz
    @akzorz 14 років тому

    @hosinw it says in the title. It is called Okinowan Kobido.
    Teruo Hayashi is the guy in black and Shogo
    Kuniba is the guy in white.

  • @hosinw
    @hosinw 14 років тому

    No style is 100% perfect, but this stuff is pretty awesome
    What's the names of the practioners and style?

  • @SuperSpoonishNess
    @SuperSpoonishNess 15 років тому

    I do not see any skill in the man with the sword.

  • @NewEnglandBudo
    @NewEnglandBudo 12 років тому

    @charly0vm LOL, I know that I have CRS and am getting a bit older- thanks for the vote of confidence!! ;-) See my comment immediately below this reply. Gambatte!

  • @franklin3321
    @franklin3321 13 років тому

    Awsome techniques

  • @juanmanuelcoria79
    @juanmanuelcoria79 15 років тому

    a tempei its useless againt a katana

  • @kwanmukarateka
    @kwanmukarateka 15 років тому

    Why did he kill that poor tree?

  • @hosinw
    @hosinw 14 років тому

    @akzorz thanks I have to look them up this video is really great!

  • @DeepVoid_70
    @DeepVoid_70 13 років тому

    When a man with a lot of strange exotic weapons meets a man with a razor sharp katana, the man with a lot of strange exotic weapons usually dies chopped in little clear pieces...
    Seriously, I would really like to see an _actual_ fighting situation, when the man with the katana and an _intense_ killing intent attacks, and the man with the strange leather sheet with two wood handles tries to defend himself... :-)

  • @UnrealZmeu
    @UnrealZmeu 12 років тому

    deer skin? yea right, if a guy comes at you with a katana you can be sure you'll be salami in the next few seconds....