Measurement of difference between strings is the edit distance or Levenshtein distance (named after Soviet mathematician Vladimir Levenshtein. Simply put, edit distance is a measurement of how many changes we must do to one string to transform it into the string we are comparing it to.
Weighted according to the distance between the character that is removed and the character that is inserted. For example, swapping the s in buttsr for an e to make butter would be weighted by the distance between e and s.
Measurement of difference between strings is the edit distance or Levenshtein distance (named after Soviet mathematician Vladimir Levenshtein. Simply put, edit distance is a measurement of how many changes we must do to one string to transform it into the string we are comparing it to.
Weighted according to the distance between the character that is removed and the character that is inserted. For example, swapping the s in buttsr for an e to make butter would be weighted by the distance between e and s.
i can't understand what he wants to say. for example 21:35 to 21:50 .
sir what is the meaning of highest noisy channel probability..... in correction of non-word error.
Thanks sir ji