If you think Korean's back talking is bad, you would be pleased to read all of those hate comments they write towards celebrities especially kpop stars. You wonder why kpop idols suicide. Trust me. I am Korean, and their hate comment is very creative and "another level".
The gossiping part in companies and schools is the biggest gripe for me. One time I joined a group of people that found it absolutely normal to talk behind other colleague's backs. The way they started gossiping instantly without any remorse really freaked me out. I never joined them or pretended to be busy which eventually made me a sort of outcast and this wasn't even Korea but in Australia. I know I'd still make the same decision despite whatever the outcome cos actions like that become a habit and that habit eventually becomes you which is the last thing I would wanna become.
There are more than 2.5 million foreign people with foreign passport living and working in South Korea as of 2024, and the number of foreign people are increasing.
@ Thanks for letting me know that. I appreciate you. I’m American and have been living in Japan for 28 years. I’ve visited Korea for vacations about 5 times. I love Korea
So its like everywhere around the world. Its tough working in another country unless you have specific talent. Oh learning the language would definitely benefit you.
I think most of foreigners think Korea is country like USA or Europe... We are a country that has suffered a lot, having been liberated from Japanese colonial rule and having not even been out of the war for 70 years (I am grateful to the countries that helped Korea when it was having a hard time) Korea was colonized. And we never did colonized to other. It is still a ceasefire state, and war can break out at any time. Instead of accepting refugees, we accept defectors from North Korea. There are many spies in Korea, sent from China and North Korea. Since all men go to the military, the workplace culture becomes stricter. It is difficult for us too, but I think we need it too. These are the differences factor between the culture of free-spirited foreign countries and Korea. Above all, if you want to live in Korea and make money in Korea, you have to respect and follow Korean culture. This is the same in any country. Can you do Seoul workplace culture in Silicon Valley? Absolutely not. + ofc killing people and raping is all problem of human society but in Korea, there has high rate of women killed and raping due to illegal immigrants, and there are security problems such as drugs and gangs. It is not easy to give out visas. +It's the same in Japan, but in Korea, you have to be good at Korean to get a job. Isn't that obvious? If you go to the US to work, would you use your own country's language instead of English?
Europe is not a country. Each European country has its own history that has suffered such as Poland, Romania, Ukraine that’s been occupied. Don’t ever generalise “every European as the same”
There are plenty of countries with citizens that live harsher lives than the average Koreans have had since the 1970s. That has little to do with why the culture is how it is, because for some reason these things seem to be bad in Asia, and Korea seems to be the worst.
I think most of the interviewees were respectful, but it is good to keep in mind that it is a privilege to live and work in a foreign country. You still need to be respectful of your host country and the people even if you do not like your workplace. And even if it is not a great company, you still need to be respectful of the fact that they hired you and are giving you the opportunity to work. It is really ironic to see someone criticize others for what they are doing themselves. You should not generalize Korea based on your specific workplace. You don’t have to graduate from a Korean university to get a visa.
Note: A significant number of South and Southeast Asian workers, including more than 400,000 illegal immigrants in Korea, are often lazy or not qualified, unable to escape the way of life in their home countries, but they just want to get an F4 visa with the desire to receive equal pay with indigenous people and remit money to their families in their home countries. The lack of working attitudes and work consciousness creates a need to accept new immigrants, mainly high-quality workers.
Why do you ascribe laziness and a lack of qualifications to them? What is the empirical evidence that suggests this? You're just asserting things based on a bias.
@@Dark-uk4ozbias is made by datas. There are reports coming in about those ungrateful foreign workers not doing their job, but demanding their right. Their weak social status as foreign worker does not mean they are on good side and that they are all hard-working.
Many South Koreans who have lived in Western countries as expatriates or students often faced difficult moments due to being foreigners. Invisible racial discrimination and cultural differences occasionally made them unhappy. However, they had to accept this, as they understood the saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Westerners in South Korea face similar challenges. If they cannot adapt to the social atmosphere and traditional customs of these foreign nations, they should consider leaving to avoid unnecessary psychological conflicts. As time has passed, the number of foreigners from diverse nationalities in South Korea has been increasing rapidly. Some Koreans believe that effective measures are needed to manage this influx. South Korea has traditionally been a nation-state with a single ethnic group, but the settlement process for foreigners is happening faster than expected. While South Korea is not a utopia, many Western visitors have unrealistic expectations about the country. It is important for visitors from Western countries to be objective. Despite living in South Korea, 80% of South Koreans feel that they are not happy.
@@jyd1384 Eh, in the West (or Europe, at least) they're now trying to bend over for immigrants and expatriates. Then again, it doesn't seem to be going well in France's case.
Obviously, this is not racist, but they should choose their own behavior so that they won't be criticized by others, even if they are not caught in the first place deserving their long-term residence here and trying to take the wrong direction. Don't try to make Korea a new East Asian version of France or Canada or Germany's immigration environment.
Baysa looks very Korean -- because Koreans and Mongolians share a lot of the same DNA according to geneticists and historians. I'd love to hear her story about how she grew up speaking standard American English.
Yup that’s why I love Manchurians and Mongolians, they are so hot! I love their history especially from WW2. That’s why I go to Seoul to meet up with em 🤤
If you're desperate you can just marry up a Korean guy. They're really after foreign women these days. I'm saying this in a sarcastic manner, pls don't take it literally.😂 Korea is not a good environment for work. Just good for traveling.
I dont understand why westerners stay in Korea. Fascination for the culture? People from poorer countries I understand though. The wages vs cost of living is one of the best in the world. You can save up to 1000$ per month if you don’t spend on clubbing drinking and shopping much. Especially if u live outside of Seoul area.
I also don't understand. Its like they purposely torture themselves. They can go there to visit, but why live there when it's obviously such a hard place, especially for foreigners, to live in
They stay there because it is much more advantageous for them even if their workplace is rough. Korea is a very safe and convenient society and much easier to live in than many other places due to medical care, infrastructure, etc. There is a lot to do there. Modeling and teaching jobs are actually much easier to get than in their home countries due to the limited number of Westerners compared to their home countries. Korea is not that hard for foreigners outside of the language barrier and cultural barriers, but that is to be expected in any foreign country. The New Zealander(?) teacher said she did not have problems at her job.
조금은 무례한 태도로 공격적인 질문이군요? 한국이 아니더라도 한사람이 집근처 뒤에 산을 가더라도 이유가 있어서 가는겁니다 그런 사람들의 생각을 당신이 단정해서 말하는 권리는 없습니다 한국도 물가가 저렴하지않아서 당신의 말처럼 아낀다고 모두가 버틸수있는건 아닙니다 바꼬지 마세요 당신의 국가가 어딘지 예상은 됩니다 프로필도 없는 계정으로 이런글 올리지 마세요 당신의 생각이 정답이 아니라 모든사람들의 각자 생각이 선택이고 정답입니다
They are obsessed with Korean men, especially russians. Korean men are more softer and gentle then testosterone filled American men. They tend to look younger as well.
If you are coming to Korea with what makes sense to you in your own countries, and you want to change the way Koreans do things, you will see yourself being fired quickly. This is just advice from a Korean guy.
Hello, hannah said that its pretty easy to do entertainment for her in korea. But where exactly do you apply ?? I wanted to try this but the agency are mostly for kpop or modeling like bita
Koreans take the Korean working culture for granted. Actually, we do have a certain way of living and working in a harsh working environment. But if you are from other countries, it could be tricky. Haha, that might not be easy.
에너지, 자원 마땅한 것 하나 없고, 위에는 미치광이 rocket man으로 막혀있는 섬나라 처지이가 때문에, 세계에서 가장 가난한 수준의 나라였던 상황에서 포기하지않고 살아남은 결과다. 함부로 판단하지말라. 그리고 사실 누구보다 아시아권이 이런 노동과 제조업 중심의 힘든 일을 맡아주길 원하고 유도한 건 서방이다.
식민지 한번도 거느린 적 없는 한국에게 서방권 국가들이 이민자를 받아주는 방식을 바라는 건 말이 안 되죠. 그리고 서구권의 인종차별(특히 유럽)을 생각하면 한국에게 뭐라고 하면 안 됩니다. 우리가 안 좋게 대우한다면 그건 아마 일을 못하고 업무에 지장을 줄 정도로 한국어를 못하거나 자아가 너무 비대하거나 둘 중 하나일 겁니다. 이미 무조건 상사나 윗사람에게 복종하라는 문화는 사라진 지 오래입니다. 냉정하고 물질 만능주의적이지만 한국에서는 의무를 다하지 않은 사람은 권리도 주장하지 말라는 생각이 큽니다. 자원 하나 없고, 주변 강대국들에게 시달리면서 살아남으려면 미친 듯이 발전하고 일하는 방법 말고는 없었거든요. K-드라마에서 보이는 깨끗한 도로, 첨단기술 등이 공짜로 얻어진 게 아닙니다.
It makes no sense to want Korea, which has never had a colony, to accept immigrants as it does in Western countries. And you shouldn't say anything to Korea considering the racism in Western countries (especially in Europe). If we treat foreigners badly, it may be because they ‘only’ claim their rights without working properly. Despite the materialistic aspect, there is a notion in Korea that those who fail to fulfill their duty should not claim their rights. Korea has no resources, and is surrounded by powerful countries, there was no other way but to work hard to survive. The clean roads and high-tech products shown in K-dramas weren't free of charge. We know the authoritarian culture is wrong, but everyone may acknowledge that it's wrong to ‘only’ call for freedom without thinking about obligations.
I was so lucky. I was 42 yrs old, a GUY, military vet, a dad, experienced living over seas and mostly really hard to hurt my feelings and had no problem telling people to F.O Amazing how many countries understanf the "F" word LOL. I was older than my boss. Blonde hair and blue eyes helped. Mostly I was as older guy. Also at the end of my work I just started leaving other wise you would be there until 9 PM. I also arrived with about four thousand dollars (USD) so at any time I could just do the "Mid-Night Run" if I wanted to. Being a GUY is really helpful seriously!!! I can not emphasize that being a guy had its benefits
@@jiminswriter4209 ye but why would people especially woman do accept this known hard working conditions and then complain? i was multiple times in korea and japan. its rly fun but we all know working there is really hard
한국에 오고 싶어하는 사람들은 많습니다. 몽고 여자분은 8년동안 한국에서 일하면서 한국인 동료들이 가십을 한다고 그걸 한국인들은 입을 너무 나불댄다라고 하다뇨. 한국에 사는 외국인들은 한국을 너무 무시하네요. 한국이 그렇게 싫으면 나가면 됩니다. 한국인으로써 기분 안좋네요. 특히 몽고 여자분.. 회사랑 동료 뒷담화는 본인이 가장 많이 하는거 같은데, 한국이 그렇게 싫으시면 몽골로 가시는걸 추천합니다.
If you aren’t going to answer the question dot agree to the interviews. Gawd what a waste. And if you don’t ave a real job let’s not waste our time asking them either 😂
@@jiminswriter4209 While it can be both, I genuinely don't see what's wrong with expressing their opinions. Act what way? Answer questions? Are honest about their thoughts? I think the problem is clearly how you want to perceive it and make it personal, everyone has a unique vocabulary and way to express any idea, a terminology or way to get their idea across shouldn't be bothering you.
A significant number of South and Southeast Asian workers, including more than 400,000 illegal immigrants in Korea, are often lazy or not qualified, unable to escape the way of life in their home countries, but they just want to get an F4 visa with the desire to receive equal pay with indigenous people and remit money to their families in their home countries. The lack of working attitudes and work consciousness creates a need to accept new immigrants, mainly high-quality workers.
@hazelnut3794 Sorry, but what's the relevance? Where's the linking logical thought. Aren't the ones interviewed and the one you mentioned a whole other case?
If you think Korean's back talking is bad, you would be pleased to read all of those hate comments they write towards celebrities especially kpop stars. You wonder why kpop idols suicide. Trust me. I am Korean, and their hate comment is very creative and "another level".
I think the Mongolian and New Zealander ladies were the most honest and genuine.
rather disrespectful to the host country
Oh just because they said negative things that you wanted to hear?
I love this transparency
The gossiping part in companies and schools is the biggest gripe for me. One time I joined a group of people that found it absolutely normal to talk behind other colleague's backs. The way they started gossiping instantly without any remorse really freaked me out. I never joined them or pretended to be busy which eventually made me a sort of outcast and this wasn't even Korea but in Australia. I know I'd still make the same decision despite whatever the outcome cos actions like that become a habit and that habit eventually becomes you which is the last thing I would wanna become.
I feel it
There are more than 2.5 million foreign people with foreign passport living and working in South Korea as of 2024, and the number of foreign people are increasing.
Only 2.5 million? We need to get that number up to at least 15 million foreigners in Korea
@amanibey1391 Entire Korean population is about 50 million...
Thanks for letting me know that. I appreciate you. I’m American and have been living in Japan for 28 years. I’ve visited Korea for vacations about 5 times. I love Korea
How many of those people are Koreans with Canadian or American passports? I highly doubt 5% of people are foreigners in Korea
Thank you so much, I loved every single one of these interviews and all these girls' responses..!!!! 😊💛
So its like everywhere around the world. Its tough working in another country unless you have specific talent. Oh learning the language would definitely benefit you.
I think most of foreigners think Korea is country like USA or Europe... We are a country that has suffered a lot, having been liberated from Japanese colonial rule and having not even been out of the war for 70 years (I am grateful to the countries that helped Korea when it was having a hard time)
Korea was colonized. And we never did colonized to other.
It is still a ceasefire state, and war can break out at any time.
Instead of accepting refugees, we accept defectors from North Korea.
There are many spies in Korea, sent from China and North Korea.
Since all men go to the military, the workplace culture becomes stricter. It is difficult for us too, but I think we need it too.
These are the differences factor between the culture of free-spirited foreign countries and Korea. Above all, if you want to live in Korea and make money in Korea, you have to respect and follow Korean culture. This is the same in any country. Can you do Seoul workplace culture in Silicon Valley? Absolutely not.
+ ofc killing people and raping is all problem of human society but in Korea, there has high rate of women killed and raping due to illegal immigrants, and there are security problems such as drugs and gangs. It is not easy to give out visas.
+It's the same in Japan, but in Korea, you have to be good at Korean to get a job. Isn't that obvious? If you go to the US to work, would you use your own country's language instead of English?
South Korea is still a colony, but it's obedient, so your hegemon doesn't punish you.
Europe is not a country. Each European country has its own history that has suffered such as Poland, Romania, Ukraine that’s been occupied. Don’t ever generalise “every European as the same”
There are plenty of countries with citizens that live harsher lives than the average Koreans have had since the 1970s. That has little to do with why the culture is how it is, because for some reason these things seem to be bad in Asia, and Korea seems to be the worst.
I think most of the interviewees were respectful, but it is good to keep in mind that it is a privilege to live and work in a foreign country. You still need to be respectful of your host country and the people even if you do not like your workplace. And even if it is not a great company, you still need to be respectful of the fact that they hired you and are giving you the opportunity to work. It is really ironic to see someone criticize others for what they are doing themselves. You should not generalize Korea based on your specific workplace. You don’t have to graduate from a Korean university to get a visa.
Well said😊
thank you for having me! :)
Note: A significant number of South and Southeast Asian workers, including more than 400,000 illegal immigrants in Korea, are often lazy or not qualified, unable to escape the way of life in their home countries, but they just want to get an F4 visa with the desire to receive equal pay with indigenous people and remit money to their families in their home countries. The lack of working attitudes and work consciousness creates a need to accept new immigrants, mainly high-quality workers.
Typical comment from a racist Korean.
Why do you ascribe laziness and a lack of qualifications to them? What is the empirical evidence that suggests this? You're just asserting things based on a bias.
@@Dark-uk4ozbias is made by datas. There are reports coming in about those ungrateful foreign workers not doing their job, but demanding their right.
Their weak social status as foreign worker does not mean they are on good side and that they are all hard-working.
Many South Koreans who have lived in Western countries as expatriates or students often faced difficult moments due to being foreigners. Invisible racial discrimination and cultural differences occasionally made them unhappy. However, they had to accept this, as they understood the saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Westerners in South Korea face similar challenges. If they cannot adapt to the social atmosphere and traditional customs of these foreign nations, they should consider leaving to avoid unnecessary psychological conflicts.
As time has passed, the number of foreigners from diverse nationalities in South Korea has been increasing rapidly. Some Koreans believe that effective measures are needed to manage this influx. South Korea has traditionally been a nation-state with a single ethnic group, but the settlement process for foreigners is happening faster than expected. While South Korea is not a utopia, many Western visitors have unrealistic expectations about the country. It is important for visitors from Western countries to be objective. Despite living in South Korea, 80% of South Koreans feel that they are not happy.
@@jyd1384 Eh, in the West (or Europe, at least) they're now trying to bend over for immigrants and expatriates. Then again, it doesn't seem to be going well in France's case.
that baysa girl tho hahahah is something else like tell us how you really feel shes crackup.
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Great info.
Obviously, this is not racist, but they should choose their own behavior so that they won't be criticized by others, even if they are not caught in the first place deserving their long-term residence here and trying to take the wrong direction. Don't try to make Korea a new East Asian version of France or Canada or Germany's immigration environment.
Baysa looks very Korean -- because Koreans and Mongolians share a lot of the same DNA according to geneticists and historians. I'd love to hear her story about how she grew up speaking standard American English.
Yes!! I was about to say that
Yup that’s why I love Manchurians and Mongolians, they are so hot! I love their history especially from WW2. That’s why I go to Seoul to meet up with em 🤤
If you're desperate you can just marry up a Korean guy. They're really after foreign women these days. I'm saying this in a sarcastic manner, pls don't take it literally.😂 Korea is not a good environment for work. Just good for traveling.
I dont understand why westerners stay in Korea. Fascination for the culture?
People from poorer countries I understand though. The wages vs cost of living is one of the best in the world. You can save up to 1000$ per month if you don’t spend on clubbing drinking and shopping much. Especially if u live outside of Seoul area.
I also don't understand. Its like they purposely torture themselves. They can go there to visit, but why live there when it's obviously such a hard place, especially for foreigners, to live in
They stay there because it is much more advantageous for them even if their workplace is rough. Korea is a very safe and convenient society and much easier to live in than many other places due to medical care, infrastructure, etc. There is a lot to do there. Modeling and teaching jobs are actually much easier to get than in their home countries due to the limited number of Westerners compared to their home countries. Korea is not that hard for foreigners outside of the language barrier and cultural barriers, but that is to be expected in any foreign country. The New Zealander(?) teacher said she did not have problems at her job.
Cos they watch kdrama and like kpop so they think it’s like what they see on tv
조금은 무례한 태도로 공격적인 질문이군요?
한국이 아니더라도 한사람이 집근처 뒤에 산을
가더라도 이유가 있어서 가는겁니다
그런 사람들의 생각을 당신이 단정해서
말하는 권리는 없습니다
한국도 물가가 저렴하지않아서 당신의 말처럼
아낀다고 모두가 버틸수있는건 아닙니다
바꼬지 마세요
당신의 국가가 어딘지 예상은 됩니다
프로필도 없는 계정으로 이런글 올리지 마세요
당신의 생각이 정답이 아니라
모든사람들의 각자 생각이 선택이고 정답입니다
They are obsessed with Korean men, especially russians. Korean men are more softer and gentle then testosterone filled American men. They tend to look younger as well.
Thank G if is hard to get a visa in Korea. Imagine, all the world girls would be there, like, yesterday.
If you are coming to Korea with what makes sense to you in your own countries, and you want to change the way Koreans do things, you will see yourself being fired quickly. This is just advice from a Korean guy.
If I were in charge, I'd know who needed to go. When you hire people, you need to be really careful 😂😂😂.
Baysa is so funny bro 😭😭😭
@@baysavevo 한국과 몽골 연합합시다
Hello, hannah said that its pretty easy to do entertainment for her in korea. But where exactly do you apply ?? I wanted to try this but the agency are mostly for kpop or modeling like bita
Is there a link for this variety of question and panel in for Japan and other countries? 🎉🎉❤❤
Mongolian girl said very true things, unfortunately it's true
3:16 What type of “entertainment” is she referring to? 🤔
외국인들 한국에서 일하는거 환영합니다 근데 직장생활힘들어요 자유로운직업찾으세요 한국사람도 똑같은마음입니다😊
Tell your Korean friend and family learn to speak English first before insulting someone.
Koreans take the Korean working culture for granted. Actually, we do have a certain way of living and working in a harsh working environment. But if you are from other countries, it could be tricky. Haha, that might not be easy.
에너지, 자원 마땅한 것 하나 없고, 위에는 미치광이 rocket man으로 막혀있는 섬나라 처지이가 때문에, 세계에서 가장 가난한 수준의 나라였던 상황에서 포기하지않고 살아남은 결과다. 함부로 판단하지말라. 그리고 사실 누구보다 아시아권이 이런 노동과 제조업 중심의 힘든 일을 맡아주길 원하고 유도한 건 서방이다.
식민지 한번도 거느린 적 없는 한국에게 서방권 국가들이 이민자를 받아주는 방식을 바라는 건 말이 안 되죠. 그리고 서구권의 인종차별(특히 유럽)을 생각하면 한국에게 뭐라고 하면 안 됩니다. 우리가 안 좋게 대우한다면 그건 아마 일을 못하고 업무에 지장을 줄 정도로 한국어를 못하거나 자아가 너무 비대하거나 둘 중 하나일 겁니다. 이미 무조건 상사나 윗사람에게 복종하라는 문화는 사라진 지 오래입니다. 냉정하고 물질 만능주의적이지만 한국에서는 의무를 다하지 않은 사람은 권리도 주장하지 말라는 생각이 큽니다. 자원 하나 없고, 주변 강대국들에게 시달리면서 살아남으려면 미친 듯이 발전하고 일하는 방법 말고는 없었거든요. K-드라마에서 보이는 깨끗한 도로, 첨단기술 등이 공짜로 얻어진 게 아닙니다.
odessa from nz yasss kiwi girl rep!!!!
Humans are the same. In canada it is happening as well.
So many foreigners coming to korea
냉정하게 외국인분들에게 말하자면 한국에서 모델, 영어 선생님이라는 직업의 수요보다 공급이 훨씬 많으니
한국 정부 입장에서는 그들은 덜 매력적입니다 오히려 1차 노동직업 또는 기술자 또는 고급 두뇌 인재들은 한국에서 비자 발급이 훨씬 간단하고 한국정부또한 그들을 원합니다
yeah right... that's REALITY... korea is not an exception... work sucks
It makes no sense to want Korea, which has never had a colony, to accept immigrants as it does in Western countries. And you shouldn't say anything to Korea considering the racism in Western countries (especially in Europe). If we treat foreigners badly, it may be because they ‘only’ claim their rights without working properly. Despite the materialistic aspect, there is a notion in Korea that those who fail to fulfill their duty should not claim their rights. Korea has no resources, and is surrounded by powerful countries, there was no other way but to work hard to survive. The clean roads and high-tech products shown in K-dramas weren't free of charge. We know the authoritarian culture is wrong, but everyone may acknowledge that it's wrong to ‘only’ call for freedom without thinking about obligations.
I was so lucky. I was 42 yrs old, a GUY, military vet, a dad, experienced living over seas and mostly really hard to hurt my feelings and had no problem telling people to F.O Amazing how many countries understanf the "F" word LOL. I was older than my boss. Blonde hair and blue eyes helped. Mostly I was as older guy. Also at the end of my work I just started leaving other wise you would be there until 9 PM. I also arrived with about four thousand dollars (USD) so at any time I could just do the "Mid-Night Run" if I wanted to. Being a GUY is really helpful seriously!!! I can not emphasize that being a guy had its benefits
what's baysas @
제발 불평하지말고 돌아가라 ㅋㅋ아무도 살아달라고 강요하지 않았어 ㅋㅋ불평하면서 계속 안가는 이유가 뭔데? 고통을 즐기는 특이 취향이라도 가지고 있는거야?
Only woman are interviewed that should explain everything
이 영상 만드는 흑인이 문제임 이 흑인은 항상 어그로 영상만 만듦
@@nahkriiinnahkriiin8517No, it is just the people interviewed.
@@jiminswriter4209 ye but why would people especially woman do accept this known hard working conditions and then complain? i was multiple times in korea and japan. its rly fun but we all know working there is really hard
그럼 본인이 해외 나가서 일하면서 생활할 때 과연 현지 생활중 불평불만 안할 자신이 있다는 것일까요?
한국에 오고 싶어하는 사람들은 많습니다. 몽고 여자분은 8년동안 한국에서 일하면서 한국인 동료들이 가십을 한다고 그걸 한국인들은 입을 너무 나불댄다라고 하다뇨. 한국에 사는 외국인들은 한국을 너무 무시하네요. 한국이 그렇게 싫으면 나가면 됩니다. 한국인으로써 기분 안좋네요. 특히 몽고 여자분.. 회사랑 동료 뒷담화는 본인이 가장 많이 하는거 같은데, 한국이 그렇게 싫으시면 몽골로 가시는걸 추천합니다.
딋담화 문화가 과연 좋다고 당당하게 말할 수 있을까요?
@@graciousdignity7547뒷담화는 어느나라에나 존재하는데요ㅋ 그냥 사람 사는거 다 똑같아요 어느나라든
저는 한국이 싫어서 도쿄로 왔습니다 ㅎㅎ 거기서 평생 쳐박혀 썩으세요~
If you aren’t going to answer the question dot agree to the interviews. Gawd what a waste. And if you don’t ave a real job let’s not waste our time asking them either 😂
Has many benefits that the natives have. Also works less arduously than native koreans.
Foreigners still complains lol
Is it complaining or answering a question? Also, are you foreigner that worked there or you just have an image of it?
@@greedyreader15It is both. Some foreigners do act that way, but not everyone.
@@jiminswriter4209 While it can be both, I genuinely don't see what's wrong with expressing their opinions. Act what way? Answer questions? Are honest about their thoughts? I think the problem is clearly how you want to perceive it and make it personal, everyone has a unique vocabulary and way to express any idea, a terminology or way to get their idea across shouldn't be bothering you.
A significant number of South and Southeast Asian workers, including more than 400,000 illegal immigrants in Korea, are often lazy or not qualified, unable to escape the way of life in their home countries, but they just want to get an F4 visa with the desire to receive equal pay with indigenous people and remit money to their families in their home countries. The lack of working attitudes and work consciousness creates a need to accept new immigrants, mainly high-quality workers.
@hazelnut3794 Sorry, but what's the relevance? Where's the linking logical thought. Aren't the ones interviewed and the one you mentioned a whole other case?