I've spent the last 3 years researching and writing about the ICOC and writing a book on calling those leaders back to repentance, and exposing things much the same way you are with your videos. But I had no idea just how bad the ICC was, because my focus had been on the ICOC and how things that were supposed to have changed for the last 20 years have either not changed or gone back to how they were practiced "before the letter". But dang bro, I had really no idea what the ICC has been doing, and I'm really glad you take such a bold stance. Seriously, your videos inspire me to also push harder. Right now, my book is 226 pages long, and I've been editing section by section and chapter by chapter. I hope to release it soon. Maybe something like what I am putting out will inspire you and others to put something out as well. For clarity, I joined a mainline COC that is NOTHING like the ICOC and ICC, and I've had sitdowns with several ministers in mainline COC congregations in the past 3 years about everything still going on in the ICOC and ICC. I find it interesting that the legalism that the mainline COC practiced got not only carried over into the ICOC but put into hyperdrive. Many (not all) mainline COCs do not operate under the same legalism that they used to. hope your videos continue to be a catalyst for change. Stay strong!
Preach it my brother. You are totally right. Kip should have been reported in accordance to the scriptures as he had done to many others. Brushing his unrepentant sin under the carpet is wholly against God.
I agree with you with having Godly sorrow. Coming from the ICOC, the most authoritarian leaders lack Godly sorry when their sin has come to light including Kip. 1 Corinthians 5:1 was a serious sin, a man with his fathers wife, and what is more he refused to repent. The command is not to associate with this person until they repent. Its not punishment or shaming as the ICOC and probably the ICC have treated it, but to let him be handed over to the devil, ie let him have his sin and the consequences of it, for the reason of saving him not punishing him, in other words force him to fall away for awhile. 1 Co 5:4 (NIV) so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord. Note that the brother in question made it back to the fellowship, repentant. Kip has damaged a lot of lives either directly or indirectly, but even the bible says to pray for your enemies. Matt 5:44
i was apart of this cult, i just pray the Lord leads as many souls as possible out of this “church” and to the Church that Jesus established 2000 years ago, praise the Triune God🙏🏽
This was a powerful, hard hitting and necessary video. I pray that thoae especially in the ICC come to an understanding of the lies and deception of the indoctrinators and start seeking the truth of the bible.
It is just so sad. I was part of the ICOC from 1989 - 2011. Everything I’m hearing from you and from others about the ICC is just exactly the same. Your appeal here is very similar to Henry Kriete’s appeal in 2003. Yet Nothing has changed. Kip just just moved on to another group and deceived and hurt thousands more people. It breaks my heart, really. Not only are so many people spiritually and emotionally damaged, but the name of Jesus is maligned and many will reject him because of the narcissism and power and abuse of a handful of people don’t really know or love God. 💔 I pray for true healing and restoration for those who have been hurt and have left, and those who are still in and are confused or deceived.
Jeez, didn't realize it was this bad. I pray for all the brothers and sisters don't turn away from the Lord because of the leaddrs sin. I pray for the leaders that they have humility and honesty with the church.
The ICC has fallen under the category of false teaching and wolves in sheep’s clothing. God kept bringing the scriptures in 1 Timothy 4 to me several times.
Yes, they are more off the rails the original CoC. The corrumptive spirit of 500 years ago is still going strong. It was there in ancient times with the Gnostic cults and it is till alive today. However, make no mistake, God allows this to help people find him, to test us and bring us closer to him. Nothing can exist without his concent.
They keep on justifying their compulsion to give special needs by we need it to plant churches. Yet they forget what God says- Haggai 2:6 The silver is mine the gold is mine, Says the Lord Almighty.
Amen! He can multiply His silver and gold, in the same way He, in response to Christ's prayer, multiplied 5-loaves and 2-fish to feed thousands. Besides, it's futile to "plant" more of the same while what exists is being Divinely uprooted. We can pray that the scales fall from icc group members' spiritual eyes through their decision to be Holy Spirit led, rather than man coerced.
@luispena-bf3im If the great commission was not given to those whom Christ considered His in passages like Luke 8:21; John 8:31-32; 17:6-26, then to whom did he issue it?
@luispena-bf3im This is an excerpt from the John 17:6-26 passage i cited above: 20 “...My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message [the apostles and Paul, and Christ:s other disciples including His half brothers by Mary and Joseph] 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one- 23 I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me..." Another great passage that explains the connection between and oneness of those formerly under the Law with those under the Fulfillment of the Law [All Believers] is Romans 10-11 about being grafted into the Tended Olive Tree.
@luispena-bf3im This is an excerpt from the John 17:6-26 passage i cited above: 20 “...My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message [preached by the apostles and Paul, and Christ:s other disciples including His half brothers by Mary and Joseph] 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one- 23 I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me..." Another great passage that explains the connection between and oneness of those formerly under the Law with those under the Fulfillment of the Law [All Believers] is Romans 10-11 about being grafted into the Tended Olive Tree.
There’s gonna be so many spiritual refugees after all this…to be honest how many folks truly understood what they were a part of and just fell in love with being around people that “cared” about them
11:15 "how would you know he was changed from the inside, because he would imitate the scriptures". Sadly i doubt this will happen, not only should it happen but he owes an apology to you and every single person he has wrongly spoken of. how many people has he condemned while living in secret sin? its really hard to not hold resentment towards this so called church congregation. i am thankful for a few things that happened while there but i struggle on a weekly basis sometimes of the mental and spiritual hurdles myself and many others have had to get over while being apart of and leaving this man-centered church, no where close to being Holy Spirit led thats for sure
Just a thought: what if these various parties (Kip, Raul, the WSLs, other leaders) are UNABLE to repent? There are interesting parallels with two Evangelical leaders who have recently stopped pastoring their congregations: Tony Evans and Robert Morris.
@luispena-bf3im In the Bible, Disciples of Christ and Christians are synonymous. In present day, the word "Christian" infers a more Euro-centric meaning, as opposed to it being shown proper consideration as a word rooted in a Hebrew-derived faith. Therefore, opposite meanings are mistakenly assigned to 2 synonymous words, resulting in contradictory perceptions emerging from the same Gospel. Yohanan the Immerser, our ha'Mashaich, and His Talmudim were all in alignment. They all viewed the TaNaK as Scripture, then spread the Gospel that Immanuel has come and fulfilled Scripture; and now, Yahudim and Yawanite alike can inherit the Heavenly Kingdom. It helps when we use proper terminology. If we make simple changes, such as replacing the terms "old-" and "new- testament" with "Scripture" and "Fulfillment of Scripture", then proper understanding will begin to ensue.
Xray, kip and crew might, in fact, have crossed that threshold of being given over to their depravity, living in deliberate and unrepentant sin for so long. If Raul applies the scriptures Coltin preached here in his tailored d-time for them, it would benefit them and the members of that group greatly.
@@kehaulani1467 But Raul and the rest of the high-level leaders are in the same boat. The Word of God is powerful and effective, but they are in the hands of unskilled workmen who have been maligning it as toilet paper for decades.
@@kehaulani1467 Honestly, it's easier to interpret what's going on if we presuppose that Kip and his high-level leaders have not even been saved in the first place. None of them are regenerate. They all bought into a false works-based gospel that assumes people are spiritually dead, but everyone still has the ability to follow a "plan of salvation". And the last five decades is God slowly pouring judgement on them - for His glory in the end.
@@xray342radio hmmm, if we presuppose that, then we're claiming to know what was in their hearts, and only our Judge and Master can do that. Also, if we apply that same measure to all of their converts -- us -- we would have to presuppose the same about ourselves. I'm not saying you're wrong, because, like most groups claiming Christ, this group has its roots in protestantism, which is rooted in catholicism. Whereas, true Christianity has its roots in the Fulfillment of Hebraic Scripture. The Gospel preached in the Fulfillment portion of Scripture is Not the same gospel that we're taught through catholic-protestant rooted christianity. We can all use this Divine Upheaval to revisit the churchianity that we've been taught and to individually and collectively realign with Scripture and the Fulfillment of It.
In the comment section of Coltin's May 22nd video, there was a commenter named Bill that mentioned how Kip was still attending services through that time. Raul took on Kip's position and wrote Kip's resignation/concealment letter. A day after Coltin's video was posted, Raul replaced Kip's cyber guy and is now studying the Bible with Kip. 😏🙃 Maybe after reviewing the comment section, Raul decided to implement some of the suggestions found in it. And, maybe after this D-Time, Raul will humble out, stop showing favoritism, and apply these pertinent scriptures as written and intended. Teamwork makes the dream work in this church universal. 🙏🏽
@Spinhamster i sent the link to my source and I don't see it. Sometimes this happens where i don't see my post, yet everyone else can. Is the link visible?
@Spinhamster i tried to send the name of the website 2 additional times, which had the email posted on it. That article came out on May 23, referencing Coltin's video and again, with a posted copy of the email from Raul. I tried to post it in the comment section of the May 22nd video and it wouldn't display there either.
I would hope the discrepancy in email date of either the day before or the day after, does not detract from the issue at-hand. Kip was not removed from his position after the heinous acts toward the children and adult members were exposed in the lawsuits. Yet, he was immediately removed and replaced and his cyber guy removed and replaced, after indisputable cyber evidence exposed that Kip was directly involved in something seedy, while his cyber guy was complicit. Kip's sin remained hidden and members left in the dark, then ridiculed and chided for asking what happened. Coltin continues to align with Scripture and exposed Kip's evil deeds, when Kip himself should have come forward and confessed his own sin before his group. I pray the children, the members and the couple negatively impacted by this latest incident all receive justice. 🙏🏼
You seem to know where all the bodies are buried. Thousands of dollars stolen? $200 000 mishandled ? Why isn't law enforcement involved? Or how about your friendly neighborhood forensic accountant? These guys should be running for the hills... I would get LinkedIn Premium asap if I was employed by this organization. It's time to get a real job and work for a living.
The church has a history of not getting the police involved with serious situations. Just last year, it was revealed that the church was covering up child m*lestation instances that happened 10 years ago. The lawsuits and cases are still ongoing today. I agree with the job portion. Like 90% of staff there are on full-paid ministry. I understand some paid-ministry (Especially for elders or those who can't work outside of church), but this seems more like a business more than a church
@@jacoblabaniegos69 A business for sure. Very numbers focused across the board. As a campus student, I never gave much money in contribution but you can be sure that if there ever was a week that I missed, someone would be at my door shaking me down for $10. Rest assured that they know a thing or two about asset protection; trusts, off-shore, LLC's, Holding companies etc...Can't imagine it'll be easy to hold them accountable.
The police and courts are involved, and those in this icc group who give under compulsion or freely give are giving toward defense attorneys of a man who protected pr3dators and threw Christ's lambs to the w0lves, to the "leaders" who conceal and tolerate his sin, and to the trolls who lurk online for damage control purposes. Even if we don't know where the bodies are, we know who hides them.
The police and courts are involved, and whistleblowers over the years have uncovered much and exposed such things as the Bible calls us to do. An ongoing residual effect of this long list of icc travesties currently falls upon those in that group who give under compulsion. Their hard-earned, coerced $$$ ends up going towards defense attorneys, to elitist "leaders" who conceal and tolerate Kip's and other leaders' sind, and to the trolls who lurk online for damage control purposes. We might not know where all the bodies are hidden , yet we know who tries to hide them.
Correct. $200,000 from missions collections given for Portland ICOC plantings that kip used to start icc. Many members at the time didn't think he was fit to be in leadership, let alone the leader over a whole congregation. We didn't see godly sorrow or repentance, yet he and Russ made a deal. I wonder if Russ knew kip's end-goal. 🤔🤷🏻♀️😢
Colton I love you bro and it seems like you're a very hurt by the church and I'm very sorry for that. But I don't think you're going about this the right way. There are people in that church that love God that are doing their best to make it to heaven. And some of those people may see these videos and it could destroy their faith forever. I understand that yeah maybe those people are weak but we're supposed to do whatever we can to not cause anyone to stumble. And I know that kip has caused people to stumble but I don't think we shouldn't be adding to the casualties. Just for the record I don't go to that church.
I think more people should speak up for righteousness. Sadly, too many are silent, they don't think about the good hearted people that are being deceived and being taken advantage of that are still in it. Proverbs 31:8-9 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
The idea of sola scriptura is ridiculous and so this is all for naught…be a decent person and if there is an afterlife I’m sure we will be a part of it
Apparently some of the World Sector Leaders told Coltin anonymously and wanted to stay anonymous. After Coltin posted his last video about what Ron Harding found, Raul Moreno wrote an email to replace Ron Harding out of lead cyber-evangelist. Doesn't prove anything, but it definitely holds a lot of weight. Embezzlement isn't anything new in the church, that's why the LA Region is "not self-sustaining". This "movement" is known to have covered stuff up since the 80s, this is just history repeating itself unfortunately
There's plenty of proof. What you need to do is demand proof from Kip and crew about Coltin's sin. What they have no proof? Correct. That's because they were the ones in sin. What they committed is called defamation and libel, and they did the same to other evangelists and members who were calling them to the standard of Scripture.
True, Kip and crew might be hardened beyond repentance, like pharaoh and his subs were. icc "leaders" rested their security and enforcement in attorneys and corporate means, as opposed to prayer and Scripture. And, now the corporate realm and its attorneys will bring about poetic justice as icc "leadership" reaps what they have sown.
@luispena-bf3im Former and actual members of the ICOC or ICC are modern-day Pharisees. They don't know anything about grace, forgiveness and love. They have quickly forgotten that they used to be part of this mess called ICOC/ICC. They forgot they were devoted followers of Kip.
I've spent the last 3 years researching and writing about the ICOC and writing a book on calling those leaders back to repentance, and exposing things much the same way you are with your videos. But I had no idea just how bad the ICC was, because my focus had been on the ICOC and how things that were supposed to have changed for the last 20 years have either not changed or gone back to how they were practiced "before the letter". But dang bro, I had really no idea what the ICC has been doing, and I'm really glad you take such a bold stance. Seriously, your videos inspire me to also push harder.
Right now, my book is 226 pages long, and I've been editing section by section and chapter by chapter. I hope to release it soon. Maybe something like what I am putting out will inspire you and others to put something out as well.
For clarity, I joined a mainline COC that is NOTHING like the ICOC and ICC, and I've had sitdowns with several ministers in mainline COC congregations in the past 3 years about everything still going on in the ICOC and ICC. I find it interesting that the legalism that the mainline COC practiced got not only carried over into the ICOC but put into hyperdrive. Many (not all) mainline COCs do not operate under the same legalism that they used to.
hope your videos continue to be a catalyst for change. Stay strong!
Preach it my brother.
You are totally right. Kip should have been reported in accordance to the scriptures as he had done to many others.
Brushing his unrepentant sin under the carpet is wholly against God.
What I don't see from anyone in the ICC leadership is Godly fear and Godly sorrow. Just silence.
Sad, but true. 😞
I agree with you with having Godly sorrow. Coming from the ICOC, the most authoritarian leaders lack Godly sorry when their sin has come to light including Kip.
1 Corinthians 5:1 was a serious sin, a man with his fathers wife, and what is more he refused to repent. The command is not to associate with this person until they repent. Its not punishment or shaming as the ICOC and probably the ICC have treated it, but to let him be handed over to the devil, ie let him have his sin and the consequences of it, for the reason of saving him not punishing him, in other words force him to fall away for awhile.
1 Co 5:4 (NIV) so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord.
Note that the brother in question made it back to the fellowship, repentant.
Kip has damaged a lot of lives either directly or indirectly, but even the bible says to pray for your enemies. Matt 5:44
I'm ex-ICOC also, I hear you loud and clear
i was apart of this cult, i just pray the Lord leads as many souls as possible out of this “church” and to the Church that Jesus established 2000 years ago, praise the Triune God🙏🏽
This was a powerful, hard hitting and necessary video.
I pray that thoae especially in the ICC come to an understanding of the lies and deception of the indoctrinators and start seeking the truth of the bible.
Did you see this letter that was released on Facebook that was just released. A contingent of leaders including Mike Patterson are leaving the ICC
Help a brother out 😂 love it
It is just so sad. I was part of the ICOC from 1989 - 2011. Everything I’m hearing from you and from others about the ICC is just exactly the same. Your appeal here is very similar to Henry Kriete’s appeal in 2003. Yet Nothing has changed. Kip just just moved on to another group and deceived and hurt thousands more people. It breaks my heart, really. Not only are so many people spiritually and emotionally damaged, but the name of Jesus is maligned and many will reject him because of the narcissism and power and abuse of a handful of people don’t really know or love God. 💔 I pray for true healing and restoration for those who have been hurt and have left, and those who are still in and are confused or deceived.
Jeez, didn't realize it was this bad. I pray for all the brothers and sisters don't turn away from the Lord because of the leaddrs sin. I pray for the leaders that they have humility and honesty with the church.
The ICC has fallen under the category of false teaching and wolves in sheep’s clothing. God kept bringing the scriptures in 1 Timothy 4 to me several times.
That's the category they were always under.
Yes, they are more off the rails the original CoC. The corrumptive spirit of 500 years ago is still going strong. It was there in ancient times with the Gnostic cults and it is till alive today.
However, make no mistake, God allows this to help people find him, to test us and bring us closer to him. Nothing can exist without his concent.
They keep on justifying their compulsion to give special needs by we need it to plant churches.
Yet they forget what God says- Haggai 2:6 The silver is mine the gold is mine, Says the Lord Almighty.
Amen! He can multiply His silver and gold, in the same way He, in response to Christ's prayer, multiplied 5-loaves and 2-fish to feed thousands. Besides, it's futile to "plant" more of the same while what exists is being Divinely uprooted. We can pray that the scales fall from icc group members' spiritual eyes through their decision to be Holy Spirit led, rather than man coerced.
@luispena-bf3im If the great commission was not given to those whom Christ considered His in passages like Luke 8:21; John 8:31-32; 17:6-26, then to whom did he issue it?
@luispena-bf3im This is an excerpt from the John 17:6-26 passage i cited above: 20 “...My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message [the apostles and Paul, and Christ:s other disciples including His half brothers by Mary and Joseph] 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one- 23 I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me..."
Another great passage that explains the connection between and oneness of those formerly under the Law with those under the Fulfillment of the Law [All Believers] is Romans 10-11 about being grafted into the Tended Olive Tree.
@luispena-bf3im This is an excerpt from the John 17:6-26 passage i cited above: 20 “...My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message [preached by the apostles and Paul, and Christ:s other disciples including His half brothers by Mary and Joseph] 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one- 23 I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me..."
Another great passage that explains the connection between and oneness of those formerly under the Law with those under the Fulfillment of the Law [All Believers] is Romans 10-11 about being grafted into the Tended Olive Tree.
There’s gonna be so many spiritual refugees after all this…to be honest how many folks truly understood what they were a part of and just fell in love with being around people that “cared” about them
True, the sense of belonging is both a magnet and a glue.
Add me to that number, and many of my friends already.
11:15 "how would you know he was changed from the inside, because he would imitate the scriptures". Sadly i doubt this will happen, not only should it happen but he owes an apology to you and every single person he has wrongly spoken of. how many people has he condemned while living in secret sin? its really hard to not hold resentment towards this so called church congregation. i am thankful for a few things that happened while there but i struggle on a weekly basis sometimes of the mental and spiritual hurdles myself and many others have had to get over while being apart of and leaving this man-centered church, no where close to being Holy Spirit led thats for sure
@luispena-bf3im not sure I understand the point ur trying to make
@luispena-bf3im amen bro I know that's right. That's my hometown out there in Phoenix....amen
Jesus predicted greedy hypocrites in the 1st century and now also, so it's no surprise. Only if he comes back are they destroyed.
Just a thought: what if these various parties (Kip, Raul, the WSLs, other leaders) are UNABLE to repent?
There are interesting parallels with two Evangelical leaders who have recently stopped pastoring their congregations: Tony Evans and Robert Morris.
@luispena-bf3im In the Bible, Disciples of Christ and Christians are synonymous. In present day, the word "Christian" infers a more Euro-centric meaning, as opposed to it being shown proper consideration as a word rooted in a Hebrew-derived faith. Therefore, opposite meanings are mistakenly assigned to 2 synonymous words, resulting in contradictory perceptions emerging from the same Gospel.
Yohanan the Immerser, our ha'Mashaich, and His Talmudim were all in alignment. They all viewed the TaNaK as Scripture, then spread the Gospel that Immanuel has come and fulfilled Scripture; and now, Yahudim and Yawanite alike can inherit the Heavenly Kingdom. It helps when we use proper terminology. If we make simple changes, such as replacing the terms "old-" and "new- testament" with "Scripture" and "Fulfillment of Scripture", then proper understanding will begin to ensue.
Xray, kip and crew might, in fact, have crossed that threshold of being given over to their depravity, living in deliberate and unrepentant sin for so long. If Raul applies the scriptures Coltin preached here in his tailored d-time for them, it would benefit them and the members of that group greatly.
@@kehaulani1467 But Raul and the rest of the high-level leaders are in the same boat. The Word of God is powerful and effective, but they are in the hands of unskilled workmen who have been maligning it as toilet paper for decades.
@@kehaulani1467 Honestly, it's easier to interpret what's going on if we presuppose that Kip and his high-level leaders have not even been saved in the first place. None of them are regenerate. They all bought into a false works-based gospel that assumes people are spiritually dead, but everyone still has the ability to follow a "plan of salvation". And the last five decades is God slowly pouring judgement on them - for His glory in the end.
@@xray342radio hmmm, if we presuppose that, then we're claiming to know what was in their hearts, and only our Judge and Master can do that. Also, if we apply that same measure to all of their converts -- us -- we would have to presuppose the same about ourselves. I'm not saying you're wrong, because, like most groups claiming Christ, this group has its roots in protestantism, which is rooted in catholicism. Whereas, true Christianity has its roots in the Fulfillment of Hebraic Scripture. The Gospel preached in the Fulfillment portion of Scripture is Not the same gospel that we're taught through catholic-protestant rooted christianity. We can all use this Divine Upheaval to revisit the churchianity that we've been taught and to individually and collectively realign with Scripture and the Fulfillment of It.
Does he still go to services? Curious
He has been rather silent, I'll say that
In the comment section of Coltin's May 22nd video, there was a commenter named Bill that mentioned how Kip was still attending services through that time. Raul took on Kip's position and wrote Kip's resignation/concealment letter. A day after Coltin's video was posted, Raul replaced Kip's cyber guy and is now studying the Bible with Kip. 😏🙃
Maybe after reviewing the comment section, Raul decided to implement some of the suggestions found in it. And, maybe after this D-Time, Raul will humble out, stop showing favoritism, and apply these pertinent scriptures as written and intended. Teamwork makes the dream work in this church universal. 🙏🏽
@Spinhamster i sent the link to my source and I don't see it. Sometimes this happens where i don't see my post, yet everyone else can. Is the link visible?
@Spinhamster i tried to send the name of the website 2 additional times, which had the email posted on it. That article came out on May 23, referencing Coltin's video and again, with a posted copy of the email from Raul. I tried to post it in the comment section of the May 22nd video and it wouldn't display there either.
I would hope the discrepancy in email date of either the day before or the day after, does not detract from the issue at-hand. Kip was not removed from his position after the heinous acts toward the children and adult members were exposed in the lawsuits. Yet, he was immediately removed and replaced and his cyber guy removed and replaced, after indisputable cyber evidence exposed that Kip was directly involved in something seedy, while his cyber guy was complicit.
Kip's sin remained hidden and members left in the dark, then ridiculed and chided for asking what happened. Coltin continues to align with Scripture and exposed Kip's evil deeds, when Kip himself should have come forward and confessed his own sin before his group. I pray the children, the members and the couple negatively impacted by this latest incident all receive justice. 🙏🏼
He could sure dish it out back in the day but it looks like he’s not so good at taking it. Pretty sure that qualifies as hypocrisy.
💯 percent
You seem to know where all the bodies are buried. Thousands of dollars stolen? $200 000 mishandled ? Why isn't law enforcement involved? Or how about your friendly neighborhood forensic accountant? These guys should be running for the hills...
I would get LinkedIn Premium asap if I was employed by this organization. It's time to get a real job and work for a living.
The church has a history of not getting the police involved with serious situations. Just last year, it was revealed that the church was covering up child m*lestation instances that happened 10 years ago. The lawsuits and cases are still ongoing today.
I agree with the job portion. Like 90% of staff there are on full-paid ministry. I understand some paid-ministry (Especially for elders or those who can't work outside of church), but this seems more like a business more than a church
@@jacoblabaniegos69 A business for sure. Very numbers focused across the board. As a campus student, I never gave much money in contribution but you can be sure that if there ever was a week that I missed, someone would be at my door shaking me down for $10.
Rest assured that they know a thing or two about asset protection; trusts, off-shore, LLC's, Holding companies etc...Can't imagine it'll be easy to hold them accountable.
The police and courts are involved, and those in this icc group who give under compulsion or freely give are giving toward defense attorneys of a man who protected pr3dators and threw Christ's lambs to the w0lves, to the "leaders" who conceal and tolerate his sin, and to the trolls who lurk online for damage control purposes. Even if we don't know where the bodies are, we know who hides them.
The police and courts are involved, and whistleblowers over the years have uncovered much and exposed such things as the Bible calls us to do. An ongoing residual effect of this long list of icc travesties currently falls upon those in that group who give under compulsion. Their hard-earned, coerced $$$ ends up going towards defense attorneys, to elitist "leaders" who conceal and tolerate Kip's and other leaders' sind, and to the trolls who lurk online for damage control purposes. We might not know where all the bodies are hidden , yet we know who tries to hide them.
@@jacoblabaniegos69Sadly, abuse coverups are too common in non-ICOC churches as well.
Kip stole a few hundred thousand from Portland when he moved back to LA
Correct. $200,000 from missions collections given for Portland ICOC plantings that kip used to start icc. Many members at the time didn't think he was fit to be in leadership, let alone the leader over a whole congregation. We didn't see godly sorrow or repentance, yet he and Russ made a deal. I wonder if Russ knew kip's end-goal. 🤔🤷🏻♀️😢
Colton I love you bro and it seems like you're a very hurt by the church and I'm very sorry for that. But I don't think you're going about this the right way. There are people in that church that love God that are doing their best to make it to heaven. And some of those people may see these videos and it could destroy their faith forever. I understand that yeah maybe those people are weak but we're supposed to do whatever we can to not cause anyone to stumble. And I know that kip has caused people to stumble but I don't think we shouldn't be adding to the casualties.
Just for the record I don't go to that church.
I think more people should speak up for righteousness. Sadly, too many are silent, they don't think about the good hearted people that are being deceived and being taken advantage of that are still in it.
Proverbs 31:8-9
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
The idea of sola scriptura is ridiculous and so this is all for naught…be a decent person and if there is an afterlife I’m sure we will be a part of it
just be transparent and show us proof otherwise it's just an opinion
Apparently some of the World Sector Leaders told Coltin anonymously and wanted to stay anonymous.
After Coltin posted his last video about what Ron Harding found, Raul Moreno wrote an email to replace Ron Harding out of lead cyber-evangelist. Doesn't prove anything, but it definitely holds a lot of weight.
Embezzlement isn't anything new in the church, that's why the LA Region is "not self-sustaining". This "movement" is known to have covered stuff up since the 80s, this is just history repeating itself unfortunately
There's plenty of proof. What you need to do is demand proof from Kip and crew about Coltin's sin. What they have no proof? Correct. That's because they were the ones in sin. What they committed is called defamation and libel, and they did the same to other evangelists and members who were calling them to the standard of Scripture.
You are calling for a show. A very shameful show. It won't happen.
True, Kip and crew might be hardened beyond repentance, like pharaoh and his subs were.
icc "leaders" rested their security and enforcement in attorneys and corporate means, as opposed to prayer and Scripture. And, now the corporate realm and its attorneys will bring about poetic justice as icc "leadership" reaps what they have sown.
@luispena-bf3im Former and actual members of the ICOC or ICC are modern-day Pharisees. They don't know anything about grace, forgiveness and love. They have quickly forgotten that they used to be part of this mess called ICOC/ICC. They forgot they were devoted followers of Kip.