Our Jews or Fake Jews? The Sephardim and Jewish White Supremacy.

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,4 тис.

  • @billeejean7324
    @billeejean7324 2 роки тому +104

    The Middle East is Africa why do you guys keep calling it the Middle East? If there was a Middle East where is the middle north or middle West or middle South the so Called Middle East is Africa always was and always will be

    • @cmapp1969
      @cmapp1969 2 роки тому +2

      Thank you, they made that up so we would never find out that we came from there and we are the true people of that land. They stole it. They were placed there by the Balfour declaration in 1848, they never stepped food on the land until then. Thier demise is over, we know who they are and who we are. We don't need to argue with them, God is going to show them to their face who we are when he sends his son. They are in for a rude awakening. The Jewish are going to be made to bow down and kiss our feet. Revelations 2:9 and 3:9. Can't wait.

    • @justinamusyoka4986
      @justinamusyoka4986 2 роки тому +32

      "They left black but returned white"...Former Egyptian president A Nasser ,commenting in his autobiography why he didn't want to recognise the modern day inhabitants of the land of Isreal.

    • @peterslanger6062
      @peterslanger6062 2 роки тому +14

      well technically it's located on the Asian continent,not african, so technically you would be not right,but wrong.

    • @carolinetekete5859
      @carolinetekete5859 2 роки тому +1

      The maps where changed by the zionist bankers who gave the so called Jews which are really Ashkenazi Jerusalem, which belongs to the Hebrews.

    • @justinamusyoka4986
      @justinamusyoka4986 2 роки тому +37

      @@peterslanger6062 Before the construction of the suez canal,that land was in Africa,and dark skin people inhabited the land.

  • @arnoldpolin3164
    @arnoldpolin3164 2 роки тому +16

    Revelation 2:9
    I know the slander of those who say they are Jews but are not ; but are a synagogue of Satan. end
    Ish , is a suffix that means , similar to. Now! This word Jewish makes sense.

    • @jimmierogers2033
      @jimmierogers2033 2 роки тому

      That'd be scary if I wasn't aware the revelation has already happend rapture Armageddon and the release only thing left is final judgment

    • @arnoldpolin3164
      @arnoldpolin3164 2 роки тому

      @@jimmierogers2033 your not even going to be inherited by Christ , your delusional

    • @7wardplatinumgod217
      @7wardplatinumgod217 2 роки тому

      @@jimmierogers2033 how so

    • @marycurry837
      @marycurry837 2 роки тому +3


  • @johnjoe5860
    @johnjoe5860 2 роки тому +26

    I worked in a orthodox Jewish bakery & I observed that the European jews looked down on jews coming from Ethiopia or Arab country's I was shocked!!

    • @monmalin
      @monmalin 2 роки тому +18

      Revelation 2:9
      know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

    • @darnellhenderson1910
      @darnellhenderson1910 2 роки тому +5

      They still do.

    • @stevenpringle9492
      @stevenpringle9492 2 роки тому

      Rasicts just like their Amglo Saxon brothers?

    • @danielmanning8060
      @danielmanning8060 2 роки тому

      @@monmalin YOURE ABSOLUTELY WRONG AND IM WRITING A BOOK. Want me to include you in it to probe to you how brainwash you are by your demonic church leaders?

    • @danielmanning8060
      @danielmanning8060 2 роки тому +1

      @@monmalin what church do you belong to? I’d love to debate your priest

  • @godpowerinternational2739
    @godpowerinternational2739 2 роки тому +29

    Deu 28 read the whole chapter pay close attention to verse 68 read Acts 7:6-7. My prayer for you truth be revealed to you and Elohim loves you and I love you because He is love. The devil is a liar and those that follow him will go into the lake of fire. Yahsuha is the only way to our Father Elohim. You must be born again of Elohim Spirit by repentance and believe Yahsuha Jesus is His son and that He Jesus died for your sins and was raised from the dead to sit at the right hand of the Father Elohim.
    Science has proven Adams DNA is in the blacks. I don’t hate I hate what GOD hate and that is lies. Deception to wipe out the true Remnant propaganda writings lies fake Jews to cover up the real truth to white out Yahuah real original Hebrews of the Holy Scriptures
    Science has proven the DNA of the whites was a mutation the Neanderthal race Asian and the Caucasian
    Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
    Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
    It is the blacks that He loved that has transgressed against the Most High have been scattered to the 4 corners of the world.
    You will see in plain sight the truth Yah will gather His true Hebrews in the 2nd Exodus .

    • @justinamusyoka4986
      @justinamusyoka4986 2 роки тому +11

      HalaluYah. The blacks are the original people,Adam means black earth. A white messiah is a deception and illussion.

    • @SoBeIt27
      @SoBeIt27 2 роки тому +4

      HALLELUYAH all the praises to the Eloiem of Israel 🙌🏽

    • @stevenpringle9492
      @stevenpringle9492 2 роки тому +2


    • @wandamoore1205
      @wandamoore1205 2 роки тому +1


    • @royalrayne8948
      @royalrayne8948 2 роки тому +3

      Deuteronomy 7:6
      For thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath CHOSEN thee to be a special people unto himself, ABOVE ALL PEOPLE that are upon the 🌎 earth.

  • @herbsofyah786
    @herbsofyah786 2 роки тому +24

    No middle east, you guys divided The Most High land by building the suez canal, Jerusalem is part of what is called Africa today.

    • @birdielee6718
      @birdielee6718 2 роки тому

      Yeeees Brother. I believe the MYH is unveiling Easau...They know theres no Middle East...

    • @werqzeleke2815
      @werqzeleke2815 2 роки тому +1

      The Egyptian government built the Suez canal not jews

    • @guineverejackson1201
      @guineverejackson1201 2 роки тому +1

      The finances were Shareholders of British and French

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 2 роки тому +2

      "Africa" is a meaningless construct. The borders of Africa are irrelevant to the discussion. Just because you have this romanticized concept of "Africa" in your likely American perception of reality, doesn't mean that the "borders" actually matter. It doesn't mean that populations are restricted by that concept. For instance Europe isn't a continent at all, it's just a peninsula off Asia and as we can see that doesn't effect the social continuum. Turkey and Russia are just as much a part of the "European world" as any, and they exist in both "Europe" and "Asia". Same for Israel which is part of a larger Mediterranean sphere. As are all the North African nations are part of the Mediterranean continuum. The term "Africa" is not synonymous with any people group even though it's often appropriated and used in such a way, fallaciously. No land was "divided" and just to prove you completely wrong, the right hand side of the Suez is still EGYPT. Israel doesn't start until the Negev to the east and just around Gaza in the north. So even though the Suez canal was built, Egypt, which is considered an Africa nation, (African, not "black", but African), still controls both sides of it. The concept of "continent" in geopolitical terms doesn't have anything to do with tectonic plates. It has to do with sphere of influence and social continuum. And North Africa, the Levant, Anatolia and Southern Europe have always been part of the Mediterranean and MENA continuum. Which really goes from Spain to Morocco, across Southern Europe and North Africa, around the Black Sea and down the Zagros all the way around the Arabian peninsula, across the Red Sea through Horn Africa and back up the Nile to the Mediterranean. That was basically the "Old World". And it was all connected. Your absurd concept of "continents" has nothing to do with the movement of people, ideas and goods through that continuum.

    • @tagbarzeev3571
      @tagbarzeev3571 2 роки тому +1

      The Ahmed Hamdi tunnel connects both sides and there is plenty of soil beneath the Canal.

  • @liberalspeaker777
    @liberalspeaker777 2 роки тому +7

    There is no middle east. It is Africa. England and u s make it that way

  • @stephanieclark5071
    @stephanieclark5071 2 роки тому +27

    Who controls the media/information, controls the narrative.

    • @osa7772
      @osa7772 2 роки тому +2

      Well said Stephanie! Exactly right! Touche! It's the age old ploy of meaningless debating. It's the Synagogue of Satan trying to control the narrative of the bible nothing more. They stole our idenity, enslaved us and instituted laws to perpetuate the enslavement of YAHUAH'S chosen people hence YAHUAH'S reason for Har'mageddo and the battle with the world to free HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE in the valley of decision. YAHUAH is pleading for HIS people scattered and still enslaved throughout the lands of the world. Moreover, YAHUAH specifically stated that to easily identify HIS people they would be the ONLY people on the EARTH to have gone through ALL the curses of Deuteronomy chapter 28 and this would be the sign of who are HIS TRUE chosen people forever on the Day Of The Lord!!! This was so important that YAHUSHA HA'MASHIACH said it twice in the book of Revelation. That in the end times, there would not only be confusion of HIS TRUE chosen HEBREW people, about who they are but that there would also be satanic IMPOSTERS, claiming they are the jews when they are NOT!! This was so important that YAHUSHA said it TWICE to WARN US!!! (When YAHUSHA says something twice e.g. "VERILY VERILY", it means = PAY ATTENTION!!! TAKE NOTE!!! VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!!) In chapter 2 v 9 and chapter 3 v 9. YAHUSHA felt the need to stated the satanic IMPOSTERS TWICE in the book of Revelation!!! Why? To warn HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE and the world of those who say they are jews but are NOT and are of the synagogue of satan. Yahusha also when speaking of the end of days or the end of the age, starts off by saying, TAKE HEED that you be NOT DECEIVED!!! Why? Because YAHUSHA did not want HIS CHOSEN people and grafted in Gentiles to be DECEIVED!!! My True HEBREW brothers and sisters, stop being DECEIVED!!! Stop looking for acceptance of who we are from our (& YAHUAH'S) ENEMIES!!! It's like going to satan for eternal salvation, it's mutually exclusive and IMPOSSIBLE!!! We need only render our hearts, mind, soul, spirit, will, skill our everything and turned back in repentance and cry out to our Heavenly Father YAHUAH in fasting and prayer and HE WILL save us and lead us into the truth. These seed of the serpent imposters only want to keep you in constant debates and confusion and vain babbling of lies falsely called science to deceive you because while you're searching, seeking their approval/acceptance and arguing aimlessly, you're NOT seeking YAHUAH as He commanded us to. How can you petition the THIEF of your IDENTITY, your HERITAGE, your LAND, Religion etc to give it back to you? You DON'T!!! You petition the Judge YAHUAH for RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT& JUSTICE!!! They are the Theif not the judge. It's their nature and in their interest to continue LYING to the world about their crimes because they are of their father the devil as YAHUSHA said in John chapter 10 and they do this so that we do not turn to our Heavenly Father YAHUAH who IS OUR ONLY SALVATION and ONLY MEANS OF RIGHTEOUS JUSTICE!!! So pls STOP!!! Do not seek or expect acceptance from the world that we, the BLACK disapora spread out across the world are the CHOSEN PEOPLE of YAHUAH, especially NOT from ESAU & EDOM because it exposes who they are. The THEIVES and the synagogue of satan. This should be very, very obvious by now, especially in this day and age in 2022 with everything that'shappened and is happening in the world right now. GOD/YAHUAH forbid that l or my TRUE HEBREW brothers and sisters should EVER be foolish enough to look for their (i.e. synagogue of satan) acceptance or approval of my/our YAHUAH given HERITAGE!!! Hope this helps. Stay blessed and look to YAHUAH ONLY!!! Shalom

    • @dissemination_1414
      @dissemination_1414 2 роки тому +3

      Which is Jews

    • @catako5583
      @catako5583 2 роки тому +1

      Precisely Stephanie. Touche! Well said. Stay blessed. Shalom

  • @desireedejean9780
    @desireedejean9780 2 роки тому +11


  • @stonepony2285
    @stonepony2285 3 роки тому +38

    The Black Americans Israelites jews Have had a not so good, 400 years! The Book of Deuteronomy 28 and Deuteronomy 28 68!

    • @yarha599
      @yarha599 2 роки тому +5

      It’s good to hear the truth, Shalom🙏🏿

    • @tagbarzeev3571
      @tagbarzeev3571 2 роки тому

      Deuteronomy 28-68 was fulfilled when the Jews were taken by Rome its called the Diaspora of 70a.d which brought jews to various parts of the Roman empire.

    • @sabcam2000
      @sabcam2000 2 роки тому

      @@tagbarzeev3571 lol

    • @thejakmove1
      @thejakmove1 2 роки тому

      @@tagbarzeev3571 if that is a fact , then the so called jews of the black people who happened to been sold and shipped far from there land and won't see it no more don't forget its the current thinking it happens to be roughly 400 years right now that is undoubtedly being witnessed. Sounds like you strongly stating its just coincidental and your unwitnessed claim stands

    • @tagbarzeev3571
      @tagbarzeev3571 2 роки тому +2

      @@sabcam2000 your comment lol indicates you have no real answer.

  • @tahliah6691
    @tahliah6691 2 роки тому +5

    Ashkenazi jews are from Eastern Europe and speak a Germanic dialect which has nothing to do with the physical land of Israel ….. and who hale from the pales of Eastern Europe mostly Poland ….. if Yosef was unrecognisable in Mizrahim (Egypt which is in Africa) by his family as he as Hebrew blended in well with the Egyptians….. an Ashkenazi Yosef would definitely stand out …. Even today ….. as Torah states in Ex 12 v 38 a mixed multitude let with the hebrews to go to the promised land… Egypt being a land of extremely dark skinned people ….. like the tents of kedar….. genetically Ashkenazis are European in dna 🧬

  • @robertmitchell8630
    @robertmitchell8630 2 роки тому +4

    They left here black came back white , we can never live in peace with them
    President of Egypt
    Gamal Nasser

  • @lawrencefootes5093
    @lawrencefootes5093 2 роки тому +2

    The book of Revelations chapter 2 verse 9. Get over it the so-called black man woman and child are the real Jews. You people are not Jews!

  • @magicsenior4185
    @magicsenior4185 2 роки тому +8

    Jews come from Jacob only no one can change that can a zebra now become a donkey?

    • @realbanter
      @realbanter 2 роки тому

      Which Jews come from Jacob? The Idumeans who converted to Judaism who were ruling at the time of Christ?

  • @erinmeggik391
    @erinmeggik391 2 роки тому +24

    There is no J in either Hebrew or Greek alphabets collectively. The letter J is an 18th century word that is well under 600 years old. 🤔🤔

    • @sabcam2000
      @sabcam2000 2 роки тому

      Doesn't mean there were no sound J.

    • @erinmeggik391
      @erinmeggik391 2 роки тому +4

      @@sabcam2000 Jesus is referred to as Yeshua in Hebrew and the one we Call Jeremiah is Hieremias in Hebrew.; And the city we call Jerusalem is Hierousalem in Hebrew

    • @musit6518
      @musit6518 2 роки тому +4

      @@sabcam2000 it was no J sound. It’s a Y. Which is still used around the world. Jacob would be Yahcob.

    • @akivamisharqi
      @akivamisharqi 2 роки тому

      U are wrong.

    • @erinmeggik391
      @erinmeggik391 2 роки тому +1

      @@akivamisharqi There is No J in Hebrew. Take the words Jeremiah, Jerusalem, Jesus and Jacob... The one we Call Jeremiah is Hieremias in Hebrew.; And the city we call Jerusalem is Hierousalem in Hebrew. Furthermore Jesus is Called Yeshua in Hebrew and Yakob is used for Jacob

  • @royalrayne8948
    @royalrayne8948 2 роки тому +3

    There are ONLY Hebrew Israelites (dark complexioned/ Yahuah's CHOSEN PEOPLE) and there are CONVERTS= Jew ish white/ european Ashkenazi!!!
    Revelation 2:9
    I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich)and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, AND ARE N-O-T, but are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.Although it's taken centuries, YAHUAH'S CHOSEN PEOPLE KNOW OUR HOLY FATHER ALL EVERLASTING, OBEY HIS COMMANDMENTS, LOVE HIM FOR HIS DIVINE/ETERNAL COVENANT WITH HIS BEAUTIFUL BLACK CHILDREN!!! HALLELUYAH in the highest height of heaven to the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel!!! 🎆🎈🎆

  • @daisy9910
    @daisy9910 Рік тому +1

    I recently did a DNA test, and discovered I'm Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jew. Absolutely no idea we had Jewish blood, at all. My family is catholic. I am beginning to wander if they hid their Jewishness to stay alive in Europe, and over time we lost that ancestral knowledge?

  • @deborahluther61
    @deborahluther61 2 роки тому +17

    We will all know when He returns. Period. Then we will see. Praise The Most High🙏🏽✨🕊️

    • @777eld
      @777eld 2 роки тому +1

      Amen 🙏🏿 Until then we’ll try our best to benefit our world.

  • @paulcastillo953
    @paulcastillo953 2 роки тому +3

    The Irish, ITALIAN WEREN'T WHITE at the beginning of AMERICA

  • @wilbertbenjamin
    @wilbertbenjamin 3 роки тому +37

    It's because it's the Jewish homeland, Khazaria now known as Kiev, Ukraine is the centerpiece. In fact, the Jews of Israel and the U.S. are of Ukrainian heritage. Ukraine is in the heartland of Khazaria. The admission by the Israelis that the Jews are not related to ancient Israel but to Khazaria was reported in The Times of Israel (Leaked Report: Israel Acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret Plan for Reverse Migration to Ukraine, March 18, 2014). That article, by Professor Jim Wald, related that the Israeli leadership in Jerusalem is sending military equipment and settlers from Israel to Ukraine.

    • @tagbarzeev3571
      @tagbarzeev3571 3 роки тому +1

      Doron Behar and other RELIABLE geneticists have proven the khazar theory to be false.

    • @SeeHere2
      @SeeHere2 2 роки тому +2

      Do some reading up. Not worthy of QAnon. Look at sam Aronow.

    • @tagbarzeev3571
      @tagbarzeev3571 2 роки тому +1

      @@SeeHere2 CORRECT

    • @wilbertbenjamin
      @wilbertbenjamin 2 роки тому +1

      @@SeeHere2 could you be more specific?

    • @erectilereptile7383
      @erectilereptile7383 2 роки тому +4

      hilarious, that article you mention was actually a satire piece

  • @frerbob
    @frerbob 2 роки тому +13

    "not part of the universal Jewish thinking " very well said!
    This conversation is so important concerning the Zionist question .

  • @mannymom066
    @mannymom066 2 роки тому +4


    • @simeonsamuel8495
      @simeonsamuel8495 2 роки тому

      fundermentallis christianity embrace their Bible but persecuted so many people of their book

  • @dannalondon903
    @dannalondon903 2 роки тому +4

    Come on now...850 AD King Bulan of Khazaria, todays Ukraine. All historians said that the ancient Hebrews were of a tribe of Ethiopians, and that it would be a grievous error to say otherwise. Furthermore we are not Black Jews, only Hebrew Israelites!

  • @lamiagarner8931
    @lamiagarner8931 2 роки тому +13

    We the african american prople are the real jew hebrew thats what the word say🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣

    • @jimmierogers2033
      @jimmierogers2033 2 роки тому

      Judah defeated Edom and forced them to convert or die so you see some African Americans are but alot are Edomites

    • @darnellhenderson1910
      @darnellhenderson1910 2 роки тому +2

      True, so let's get back to covanant.

    • @brontehauptmann4217
      @brontehauptmann4217 2 роки тому


    • @gm6719
      @gm6719 2 роки тому

      You are crazy 😜

    • @darnellhenderson1910
      @darnellhenderson1910 2 роки тому +2

      @@gm6719 if the truth is hurting you. just say "ouch".

  • @richardpage7323
    @richardpage7323 2 роки тому +8

    it's depressing to see how we treat one another, it shouldn't lead to despondency but generally it does. After what our ancestors went through in Spain and France, Amsterdam etc... my grandfather lived in that environment and maintained you can never share anything with Ashkenazi Jews or society and its better just to only admit you're a Jew in the house behind closed doors as if it was like having some hereditary anemia. This is genuine and explains many things, but it is still painful to listen to. Sephardic history needs a broader platform because Sephardim were the first Jews in America.

    • @godpowerinternational2739
      @godpowerinternational2739 Рік тому

      AHAYAH bless you Shalom please don't be discouraged, : I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Jos 1:6 Be strong and of a good courage:GOD loves you so very much, Messiah YASHAYA is the only way to our Father Elohim. You must be born again of AHAYAH Spirit by repentance of your sins and believe Messiah YASHAYA is His son and that He Messiah YASHAYA died for your sins and was raised from the dead to sit at the right hand of Father AHAYAH. Joh_14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
      Jos 1:5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
      Jos 1:6 Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.
      Jos 1:7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.
      Jos 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
      Jos 1:9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou

    • @godpowerinternational2739
      @godpowerinternational2739 Рік тому


  • @777eld
    @777eld 2 роки тому +3

    Very good lecture! A topic that’s rarely spoken of. Some day A righteous ruler will come until
    then men will be men.

  • @sergegainsbourgii1852
    @sergegainsbourgii1852 2 роки тому +5

    Explains the support for the Volkenstadt (ethno-rule) & Mussolini, until they realized They were included in the anti-semitic targeting, regardless of how "white" they looked. Explains Israel's "Ringworm Children" racist treatment/experimentation. Also, the Ukranian origins of Zionism.

    • @birdielee6718
      @birdielee6718 2 роки тому

      There is no explaining. Its as Simple as this-THERE ARE NO WHITE JEWS-The real JEWS ARE BLACK. THEY ARE THE REAL HEBREWS OF THE BIBLE. THE TRUE DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM- The same Black people who were SOLD IN SLAVERY IN AFRICA BY NON-HEBREW BLACKS and bought to America to build the country only to be treated like animals. The Blacks in this country are of the TRIBE OF JUDAH... 👏🏾

  • @WizeOwl764
    @WizeOwl764 2 роки тому

    Fascinating conversation as a Jew of European decent I have so much to learn about the historical Jewish experience !!!! Thank you and keep up the great work 👍 Shalom Chavarim !

  • @biblewaytolive
    @biblewaytolive 2 роки тому +4

    Yes, we need more information on black Jews.

  • @beloved3244
    @beloved3244 2 роки тому +2

    BLIND people trying to teach is always funny.... Modern day jews didnt observe there neighbors charactics,,,thats why you guys look white lol...
    Being a modern jew and bibical hebrew is two totally different things.

  • @anthonyowens2538
    @anthonyowens2538 2 роки тому +4

    Great topic. You mentioned that there are no Sephardic rabbis in the USA. I know of a Sephardic rabbi in Florida. His name is Gary Fernandez in the Orlando area. Thought you’d like to know and look into this.

    • @birdielee6718
      @birdielee6718 2 роки тому +1

      So what skin tone is this "Fernandez " guy. He has to be a Black Man...

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 2 роки тому +1

      ​@@birdielee6718 What? haha'. You realize the name "Fernandez" originally came from Gothic groups? All Spanish names ending in "ez" and "es" are derived from Gothic groups. Germanic (not German) groups who migrated or conquested in Iberia.

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 2 роки тому +2

      There are plenty of Sephardic Rabbis in the US. Not as many as Ashkenazi but still. There are numerous Sephardic synagogues in NYC. And many in NYC, especially in the "Reform movement" are of Sephardic origin. Many from Turkey and the Balkans, Italy, some from North Africa. Many old Sephardic families have mixed with Ashkenazi. So many modern Ashkenazi aren't fully "Ashkenazi".

  • @desireeshavellesaraisapphi9781
    @desireeshavellesaraisapphi9781 3 роки тому +11

    Thank you for speaking about this and may we continue to bring light to this dark agenda.

  • @Kingtut376
    @Kingtut376 2 роки тому +7


    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 2 роки тому +1

      You mean like all the African Americans faking being Israelites?

  • @wesdale1753
    @wesdale1753 Рік тому +1

    Sorry pal, having degrees more than a thermometer does not work with Yaweh
    Real Jews are Africans, the real Biblical Jerusalem is found in Namibia SW Africa, all the Names and rivers in the Bible are shown on all ancient maps of Africa.

  • @billeejean7324
    @billeejean7324 2 роки тому +3

    Jew is short for Judah and they are Hebrew Israelites

  • @yarha599
    @yarha599 2 роки тому +4

    Those “people” are not the founding fathers of the American land. Go further in history please, your wrong.

  • @LulluBusacco
    @LulluBusacco 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you for speaking on this

  • @dragontiger6923
    @dragontiger6923 3 роки тому +3

    The question isn’t can we , It HAS to be 🙏🏾

  • @rickyjames4228
    @rickyjames4228 2 роки тому +3

    I think who we call Jewish today are not original don't know why and don't know how but just get a FEELING.

  • @wesdale1753
    @wesdale1753 Рік тому +1

    The Khazars of eastern European descent migrated in lsrael.
    A real new is a judean, not all Israelites are Jews if they are not from Judah.

  • @emhyrarmani9049
    @emhyrarmani9049 2 роки тому +4

    We know your converts from khazaria the steps of russia the caucus mountains the sons of Gomer ashkanaz

  • @walidshabazz5193
    @walidshabazz5193 2 роки тому +7

    This topic is merely a way to give life form to this Israel, Jewish concept otherwise there would not be a Jewish religion.It's just a concept to falsely connect the so- called Jewish history to the heel of the original Asiatic black man. The Jewish stories give life form to an invented history that shouldn't be.

    • @walidshabazz5193
      @walidshabazz5193 2 роки тому +3

      @Patrick Fitzgerald you are not aware of the original landscape of the earth especially the supercontinent pangea. Asia, is the original name of planet earth; in fact in Asia today below the mountainous continent is where you can still find evidence of the original creations of water elements even Crystal's remain there today. The original black man and woman is over 76 trillion years and there's not another human that you know is older. I can prove and defend with scientific, mathematical, philosophical, anthropological, theological, historical, including logic and reasoning that I stand on truth and supreme knowledge.

  • @ilazarka
    @ilazarka 3 роки тому +4

    northern africa is not arab countries but tamazgha ....!!

  • @shainazion4073
    @shainazion4073 2 роки тому +1

    When the Ashkenazim came from Poland in the 1800s, 1900s, the German Jews looked down on the Polish/Russian/ Lithuanian Jews as less than humans or peasants. There was always this idea of "otherness" as Jews were always the "other".

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 2 роки тому +1

      "In 1846, Lionel de Rothschild (1808 - 1879) humanitarian concerns with business. In 1846, the British Relief Association was formed in his room at New Court, St Swithin's Lane, the premises of N M Rothschild & Sons in the City of London to assist the Irish peasantry in the wake of the failures of the potato crop. Lionel donated £1,000 to the fund and in 1847, in associationwith Barings, he contracted the Irish Famine Relief Loan which raise £8 million."
      This is the only tie of the Rothschild family to the Potato famine. There was no article, link, even hint of him causing or having anything to do with the Irish only planting one variety of potato, that was blighted.
      *_The forgotten righteous Jew who saved thousands of Irish lives duringthe famine_* by Niall O'Dowd
      Rothschild raised a stunning $600,000 in 1847, equal to $20 million in today's dollars. Queen Victoria pleged only £2,000, the US President James Polk pled $50, the Sultan of Turkey £10,000, but he reduced it when he found out how little Queen Victoria was sending. The Choctaw Indian nation had raised money for the Irish. But, the Jews of London, including Rothschild's brother Meyer, as well as David Solomon, the First Jewish Lord Mayor London, and others raised over $600,000 they formed the British Relief Association.
      This was at the time that the London Times said helping the savage Irish was like throwing money away in an "Irish bog"
      Glad to know that the good works get twisted by those such as you. The Jews did more to save the Irish, than their own did. You should be ashamed!!!

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 2 роки тому

      "In 1846, Lionel de Rothschild (1808 - 1879) humanitarian concerns with business. In 1846, the British Relief Association was formed in his room at New Court, St Swithin's Lane, the premises of N M Rothschild & Sons in the City of London to assist the Irish peasantry in the wake of the failures of the potato crop. Lionel donated £1,000 to the fund and in 1847, in associationwith Barings, he contracted the Irish Famine Relief Loan which raise £8 million."
      This is the only tie of the Rothschild family to the Potato famine. There was no article, link, even hint of him causing or having anything to do with the Irish only planting one variety of potato, that was blighted.

  • @ilazarka
    @ilazarka 3 роки тому +3

    I am chocked by the ignorance of all these comments and also by that speepcher : only 40 % of jewish of northern africa are sephardic and among those 40 % sephardic many were expulsed by almohades and are maghrebi. the mainly of N.Africa are maghrebi (here before the arabs , byzantines and romans conqueror)

    • @osa7772
      @osa7772 2 роки тому +1

      Don't be Lucile. It's the age old ploy of meaningless debating. It's the Synagogue of Satan trying to control the narrative of the bible nothing more. They stole our idenity, enslaved us and instituted laws to perpetuate the enslavement of YAHUAH'S chosen people hence YAHUAH'S reason for Har'mageddo and the battle with the world to free HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE in the valley of decision. YAHUAH is pleading for HIS people scattered and still enslaved throughout the lands of the world. Moreover, YAHUAH specifically stated that to easily identify HIS people they would be the ONLY people on the EARTH to have gone through ALL the curses of Deuteronomy chapter 28 and this would be the sign of who are HIS TRUE chosen people forever on the Day Of The Lord!!! This was so important that YAHUSHA HA'MASHIACH said it twice in the book of Revelation. That in the end times, there would not only be confusion of HIS TRUE chosen HEBREW people, about who they are but that there would also be satanic IMPOSTERS, claiming they are the jews when they are NOT!! This was so important that YAHUSHA said it TWICE to WARN US!!! (When YAHUSHA says something twice e.g. "VERILY VERILY", it means = PAY ATTENTION!!! TAKE NOTE!!! VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!!) In chapter 2 v 9 and chapter 3 v 9. YAHUSHA felt the need to stated the satanic IMPOSTERS TWICE in the book of Revelation!!! Why? To warn HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE and the world of those who say they are jews but are NOT and are of the synagogue of satan. Yahusha also when speaking of the end of days or the end of the age, starts off by saying, TAKE HEED that you be NOT DECEIVED!!! Why? Because YAHUSHA did not want HIS CHOSEN people and grafted in Gentiles to be DECEIVED!!! My True HEBREW brothers and sisters, stop being DECEIVED!!! Stop looking for acceptance of who we are from our (& YAHUAH'S) ENEMIES!!! It's like going to satan for eternal salvation, it's mutually exclusive and IMPOSSIBLE!!! We need only render our hearts, mind, soul, spirit, will, skill our everything and turned back in repentance and cry out to our Heavenly Father YAHUAH in fasting and prayer and HE WILL save us and lead us into the truth. These seed of the serpent imposters only want to keep you in constant debates and confusion and vain babbling of lies falsely called science to deceive you because while you're searching, seeking their approval/acceptance and arguing aimlessly, you're NOT seeking YAHUAH as He commanded us to. How can you petition the THIEF of your IDENTITY, your HERITAGE, your LAND, Religion etc to give it back to you? You DON'T!!! You petition the Judge YAHUAH for RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT& JUSTICE!!! They are the Theif not the judge. It's their nature and in their interest to continue LYING to the world about their crimes because they are of their father the devil as YAHUSHA said in John chapter 10 and they do this so that we do not turn to our Heavenly Father YAHUAH who IS OUR ONLY SALVATION and ONLY MEANS OF RIGHTEOUS JUSTICE!!! So pls STOP!!! Do not seek or expect acceptance from the world that we, the BLACK disapora spread out across the world are the CHOSEN PEOPLE of YAHUAH, especially NOT from ESAU & EDOM because it exposes who they are. The THEIVES and the synagogue of satan. This should be very, very obvious by now, especially in this day and age in 2022 with everything that'shappened and is happening in the world right now. GOD/YAHUAH forbid that l or my TRUE HEBREW brothers and sisters should EVER be foolish enough to look for their (i.e. synagogue of satan) acceptance or approval of my/our YAHUAH given HERITAGE!!! Hope this helps. Stay blessed and look to YAHUAH ONLY!!! Shalom

    • @iwillbeme05
      @iwillbeme05 2 роки тому

      @@osa7772 thank you so much for this message I love every word you spoken and it only confirms the bible is not for every nation and edmoites were also gifted with a crafty tounge so no matter how the chosen give true accounts of everything spoken with the BIBLE ...Esau ALWAYS brings up science like what a joke for science means nothing compared to the BIBLE I pray everyday that our ppl wake up and cry out loud and repent so christ can RETURN and end this WICKED world that was given too the WICKED.......the BIBLE is the only TRUTH....

    • @catako5583
      @catako5583 2 роки тому

      @@iwillbeme05 Amein!! Competely agree. Btw, maybe it's just me, but I can't see my original comment that you replied to me. I may be wrong, but I think they deleted my original comment because I think it may have been too much Truth for YT and for Esau to handle. The sad thing is that it was all rooted in scriptures and if they were really after getting to the Truth of the matter they would be open and admit the truth after all that's the only way for true repentance.
      Covering it up just shows that it's vain babbling and science falsely called as it says n the Book of timothy and that it's all designed to take our focus of turning the Hearts of TRUE Yasher'el, The TRUE HEBREWS back to YAHUAH. So, basically and more importantly, it's just more deception on the part of Esau. Anyway, let's focus on our walk with Yahuah, through fasting and prayer, confessing our sins and the sins of our forefathers in true repentance, especially for our people Yasher'el. And continue ceaselessly in prayer and fasting for Yahuah to continue to wake us up and turn our hearts, spirits, mind, soul and body to Him. Stay blessed. Shalom

  • @section9999
    @section9999 Рік тому

    Thank you for this brilliant conversation. 🙏This means a lot and comes at a very crucial moment in time. Wishing you all the best.

  • @merylrubin2292
    @merylrubin2292 Рік тому

    the first Jews in North America, in the 1640s and 1650s were Sephardic Jews

  • @tierraprometida8866
    @tierraprometida8866 2 роки тому +3

    Devin, I adore you

  • @angelacrutcher2308
    @angelacrutcher2308 2 роки тому +1

    Those who say they are the jews are white what is He talking about?

  • @MrShowtime1k
    @MrShowtime1k 2 роки тому +6

    So wait. The Jews left black and came back white?? Amazing!!!

    • @MrShowtime1k
      @MrShowtime1k 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Fitzgerald correction. They left dark. And came back pink.

    • @MrShowtime1k
      @MrShowtime1k 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Fitzgerald yeah we know. Jesus is black. Gray wooly hair and all. You ain’t gotta be mad jack. Get out ya feelings

    • @MrShowtime1k
      @MrShowtime1k 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Fitzgerald it’s working. Lol

    • @MrShowtime1k
      @MrShowtime1k 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Fitzgerald 😂. Big mad

    • @excedrialhernandez9748
      @excedrialhernandez9748 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Fitzgerald go play bingo old man! Internet is a young people thing, please spend more time whit you grandkids.

  • @blove4502
    @blove4502 2 роки тому +2

    There have been some very interesting discoveries in Anthropology recently that are pretty hard to ignore.. found many tall well preserved mummies

  • @Michael-hy2ud
    @Michael-hy2ud 2 роки тому +6

    One more thing, I always wondered why they never claimed to be israelites. I know why

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 2 роки тому +1

      Who doesn't claim to be Israelites? Ashkenazi Jews? Sephardic? Both do claim to be Israelites because both are. It's literally in their religious practices. In all religious practices, non Levites are referred to as "Yisrael", meaning "Israel". Not the modern nation, "Israel" meaning Jacob. ie "Israelites" in english. Samaritans don't call themselves "Israelites" 24/7, but they certainly claim to be Israelites also. Sounds like you just aren't familiar with Israelites.

  • @vincentlopez8225
    @vincentlopez8225 2 роки тому +2

    So is this why America is ok with the situation in lsrael ?

  • @mbc9475
    @mbc9475 2 роки тому +3

    I thought jews were a blood line people from jacob who became Israel. Then his descendant became Israelites. The true Jews are covenanted people with God Almighty. True Jews are from Africa and are blacks whom the Lord scattered all over the worlds.

  • @lordvonmanor6915
    @lordvonmanor6915 2 роки тому +21

    There was a court case between Germany and Namibia not too long ago.
    Germany admitted to committing a Holocaust against Namibia because they were Hebrews and is now paying reparations.
    How come Jews never mention it?
    Secondly, in Deutsche-Hollandisch history it says aboriginals of Negev Egypt were moved by force to Sudan Egypt and today called Sudanese.
    Yet, Jews will never mention it.
    If Ferdinand LaSalle was a Black Polish German Jew as well as Marx then who are the people that migrated to New Israel????🧐

    • @Visionary921
      @Visionary921 2 роки тому +2


    • @lordvonmanor6915
      @lordvonmanor6915 2 роки тому +8

      @@iwillbeme05 Yes the Bible even tells you who they were. The book of Moses he tells the Israelites "I freed you because you are Mohren (Blacks/Nword) like me."

    • @lordvonmanor6915
      @lordvonmanor6915 2 роки тому +1

      @Patrick Fitzgerald Gaelic Gypsies?
      You have my deepest apologies but what the hell we do to you guys?
      We saved your a$$es countless times

    • @lookatmepleasesir
      @lookatmepleasesir 2 роки тому +7

      neither Marx or LaSelle were black, a quick google search clears that up. The genocide in Namibia was from 1904 - 1908 and has nothing to do with Hebrews

    • @lookatmepleasesir
      @lookatmepleasesir 2 роки тому +2

      @Patrick Fitzgerald about 1-2% from thousands of years ago, sure

  • @e.parsons1997
    @e.parsons1997 2 роки тому +6

    At 48 I discovered my grand mother was a Crypto Jew from Funchal, Madeira Island, PT. I approached friend who is Jewish and
    I asked what Sephardism is and they replied they are not really Jewish and I should not waste my time. The sadness I feel for my grandmother and the, to be rejected by their government, and other non-Sephardic communities explains the sadness, the fear of her experience. This turned me away from wanting to learn more about my Jewish ancestry.

    • @moreoptions9071
      @moreoptions9071 2 роки тому +1

      What are you even talking about? The only reason they would call her not Jewish has nothing to do with Sephardism. It has to do with her halakhic status. That can happen with any descendent of any Jewish group (Ashkenazi included).

    • @chrisw3288
      @chrisw3288 2 роки тому +7

      Sephardic are Hebrews from ancient Israel Ashkenazi were converts when Islam swept across Caucasus. Be proud!

    • @robertbenoel4720
      @robertbenoel4720 2 роки тому +1

      e parsons ; jewish/judian , any person that believes in the narrative of abraham and moses , anything else is hate .............

    • @MetatronsRevenge613
      @MetatronsRevenge613 2 роки тому

      How do i find if i have Crypto Jewish ancestry

    • @robertbenoel4720
      @robertbenoel4720 2 роки тому

      @@MetatronsRevenge613 if you are a believer that abraham and moses narratives brought a better understanding of life and a better way of living ..................
      which in turn the christians and muslims follow , but not fully ................

  • @catako5583
    @catako5583 2 роки тому +1

    PART 1 of 2
    Firstly I appreciate that you mean well but I believe you are wrong and I will not debate or try to convince you of this fact. I will simple state here in this message the facts from the Torah (The Bible) why you are wrong about choosing to be HEBREW and if you chose to, I suggest you take this to YAHUAH (God) in prayer and find out for yourself by doing your own due diligence and diligent research to come to the real Truth. To start with, I will in kindness correct you and tell you that you can NOT choose to be a TRUE HEBREW YASHAR"EL (ISRAELITE). That's just a fact. You are CHOSEN and set apart by YAHUAH to be a TRUE HEBREW from the foundation of the world. In fact, there is no such thing as a 'jew' or jewish because it's a man-made construct and copy of the original. You can chose to be a believing gentile that practices the HEBREW faith attach yourself to a HEBREW person / People as the Gibonites did but you CANNOT make yourself A HEBREW through the choice of choosing to observe the TORAH or CHRISTIANITY. It's by BIRTH and GIVEN by YAHUH ALONE from the foundation of the world. SEE YAHUSHA (Joshua) chapter 9 v 14 to 24
    Case in point, you can say you feel "sheepish' but that doesn't make you a sheep! You can feel peacockish but that doesn't make you a peacock! You can feel sluggish but that doesn't make you a slug! You can feel schooolmasterish but that doesn't make you a schoolmaster! You can be described as Bookish or feeling bookish but that does NOT make you a book! You need to understand the meaning of words. the etymology of words. You see my point. The world has been deceived into believing that the seed of the serpent is the SEED of WOMAN through whom YAHUSHA (Jesus) would come and save His CHOSEN PEOPLE the TRUE HEBREW YASHAR"EL and that the TRUE HEBREWS the seed of the woman are the decendents of Ham, when in fact they are the TRUE SHEMITES, THE TRUE HEBREWS and the serpent seed that's quick to call out anti-semitism are the BIGGEST, VILEST anti-Semites in the world and have perpetrated the biggest and cruelest identity theft in the HISTORY of mankind. THEY/ESAU,EDOM WHITES people have continually, for milennia, (plural) OPPRESSED, PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, PSYCHOLOGICAL EMOTIONALLY, RAPED, PILLAGED, ABUSED, SACKED AND DESTROYED, as well as STOLEN the IDENTITY of YAHUAH'S CHOSEN PEOPLE, US, who the world refers to and calls us BLACKS, and taken it as their own, when we are in fact THE TRUE HEBREWS ISRAELITES!!!
    If you doubt this then go to the source, the TORAH (The Bible) and SEE & READ for yourself why in every reference in the Bible of The Day Of YAHUAH (The Lord) does it say that YAHUAH gathers HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE from all four corners of the earth where they have been "scattered" if they are already in the land? Is YAHUAH a liar? YAHUAH forbid!!! Is YAHUAH a man that HE should lie? YAHUAH forbid!!! The answer to the question is very simple and it's explained by YAHUSHA Himself in Rev 2 v9 and Rev 3 v9. The people now in YASHER'EL are IMPOSTORS and have committed the GREATEST IDENTITY THEFT in the history of mankind!!! They are the synagogue of satan!!! That's not me saying that but YAHUSHA saying this in Revelation ch2 v9 and ch3 v9. The synagogue of satan also say the same thing in their books too, that they are IMPOSTORS. Read the Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler. Read the logs of the transatlantic slave trade. They have the slaves listed as Hebrews!!! Why? Ironically because the synagogue of satan, who the world currently calls the "jews" were and are to THIS VERY DAY, through the media and music industry and banking and finance etc etc...the biggest slavers and sellers of slaves of the TRUE HEBREW ISRAELITES!!! TRUE YASHER'EL!!! And enslavers of humanity!!! It's easily documented and proven in the history books. In fact, there are hundreds of records stating the slave markets had to be closed on "jewish" holidays because there was not going to be enough "buyers and sellers"!!! Go figure!!!
    This video is just the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN (SOS) trying to DECEIVE the WHOLE WORLD as they have done throughout ALL of documented History, renaming and reinvesting themselves to hide WHO they really are and to pass themselves off to the whole world as being THE TRUE HEBREWS when they are CLEARLY NOT!!! It's plain for ALL the world and creation to SEE. Hebrew or as they term it Jewish or Jew 'wish" / Jew 'ish', which means to TRY to COPY or be like the ORIGINAL even thought they are NOT the ORIGINAL HEBREWS and NEVER EVER CAN BE OR WILL BE!!! It's YAHUAH and YAHUSHA's will WHO is YAHUDIYM and who isn't YAHUDIYM and therefore is a Goyim or Gentile!!
    That's why YAHUAH and YAHUSHA in the end times WARNED US ALL, in Revelation chapter 2 v9 and chapter 3 v 9 and told ALL of MANKIND that the devil/satan and his seed of the serpent people would try to deceive the whole world into believing that his seed of the serpent people are the TRUE HEBREWS. YAHUSHA (Jesus) Himself said this in Revelation:"I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Yahudiym, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan". CHIZAYON (REVELATION) 2:9 את CEPHER"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Yahudiym, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you". CHIZAYON (REVELATION) 3:9 את CEPHER
    In both scripture verses YAHUSHA makes it abundantly clear for ALL of US TRUE (BLACK, YES BLACK!!! DEAL WITH IT) HEBREW YASHAR'EL (ISRAELITES) who these synagogue of satan (SOS) people would be and how to identify them, by using the word "synagogue" and using the TRUE name of YAHUDAH and NOT the FAKE DERIVATIVE satanic made deception word 'jew' or 'jewish'. By using the very specific words of YAHUDIYM and SYNAGOGUE we can completely identify who the IMPOSTERS are because only THEY/ESAU/EDOM claim to worship in SYNAGOGUES in the endtimes and claim to be YAHUDIYM in the endtimes. THE TRUE YAHUDIYM don't know that they are the TRUE HEBREW YASHAR'EL in the endtimes and are scattered and dispersed to the four corners of the the earth in slave ships.
    It's YAHUAH and YAHUSHA that wakes them up in the endtimes to WHO they TRULY. SEE & READ EZEKIEL CHAPTER 37 about the "DRY BONES BEING REVIVED BACK TO LIFE, i.e. YAHUAH waking up YASHAR'EL (ISRAEL) In the last days to WHO THEY TRULY ARE, THE TRUE HEBREWS as I can personally atest to. That's also why, YAHUAH and YAHUSHA commands us to FLEE Babylon in those days! And by this he means their evil ways and practices. TV, media, Gender bending alphabet garbage, pedo evil vileness and many many many more wicked and evil unrighteous and unholy and ungodly practices perpetuate through the image of the beast medium, their TV and media and magaizines and digital devices etc... YAHUAH, did not say debate them, try to reason with them or convince them of their evil ways and get them to turn to Him and accept the salvation offered through His Son Yahusha (Jesus). You know why Yahuah said this? Because He already knew that Esau/Edom will NEVER change His wicked ways and stated this before Esau or JACOB / YASHAR'EL were even born! YAHUAH is outside of Space and Time and has seen and told us the end from the beginning. He knows the choice and nature of Esau/Edom/Amalek. He knows that even now that the truth is out and they have access to the salvation of YAHUSHA's death and atonement from sin, that they/Esau/Edom would not only not accept this free gift of SALVATION from YAHUAH & YAHUSHA but would still CHOOSE to continue in their EVIL, VILE, WICKED UNRIGHTEOUS & UNHOLY & UNGODLY WAYS and CHOSE to continue to DECEIVE the whole of MANKIND and continue their deception and IDENTITY THEFT so that they are not caught and brought to answer for their crimes against YAHUAH's CHOSEN PEOPLE, THE TRUE, BLACK HEBREWS, THE TRUE ISRAELITES-YASHAR'EL. BUT the fact of the matter is it's YAHUAH through HIS son YAHUSHA that punishes them on THE DAY OF YAHUAH (the Lord).
    So please believe the truth that Black Lives DO NOT MATTER, IT'S A SATANIC SOROS FUNDED ORGANISATION created to DECEIVE and sow CONFUSION to the YAHUAH AWAKENING TRUE HEBREWS. Yahuah BRINGS THE JUSTICE NOT ANY MAN OR ORGANISATION. So for anyone, truly wanting and trying to make sense of this fallen world and understand why Esau/Edom/Amelek does these vile, wicked, and utterly grotesques evils deeds the WHOLE WORD OVER and why it will NEVER STOP until YAHUAH (God) & YAHUSHA Himself COMES DOWN and intervenes and puts a COMPLETE STOP it on the DAY OF YAHUAH (LORD), then read Genesis Chatper 27 v 38 to 42 and Malachi chapter 1 v 3. Esau/Edom will NOT CHANGE their ways even though they have access to the SALVATION OF YAHUSHA and redemption. Can you imagine!! They have access to YAHUSHA's salvation even after all the evils and wickedness they have afflicted THE WHOLE WORLD OVER on YAHUAH's TRUE CHOSEN PEOPLE, The HEBREWS who the whole calls BLACKS and African Americans or Nigerian, Ghanaian, Senegalese or Jamaica or the N word etc....

  • @orenthiadillard8993
    @orenthiadillard8993 2 роки тому +12

    I am almost half-way through this video and-- wow! This is quite the "banger" and a much-needed discussion. I would like to extend the conversation to include "inter-Jewish" discussions concerning inner-Judaic perceptions of Falasha, Lemba, Kaifeng, etc. Jewry, for example. Shalom-Aleichem. ✡🕎🔯

  • @mbc9475
    @mbc9475 2 роки тому +1

    We know in time past there were a king Bulan from the vulgate area of the world who made his people to accept the Israel way of life for his people out of the three religions of the world. Which was Christianity Muslim and the Hebrew Faith. For some unknown King Bulan got his people to accept the way of life of the Black Jews. If these white people are truly converted to keeping God's Laws and his covenant they will be saved but if they are racist to black people they will be dammed. Because black people are the children of the Most High God .

  • @magicsenior4185
    @magicsenior4185 2 роки тому +3

    REVEALATION 2:9. 3:9. That is your reward

  • @marciaroberts1222
    @marciaroberts1222 2 роки тому +2

    Converts, not of the seed of Abraham.

  • @guiller2371
    @guiller2371 2 роки тому +5

    I grew up in Dominican Republic where many Black people had yellow and orange hair. The term "Abejon Colorao" for example is part of this There some spoke a very particular Spanish that today is practically gone after being called vulgar. But this Spanish is actually stronger in ancient literature of the XII and XV century. I never understood.
    The strange thing is that you will think this so Spanish way of being and speaking would be stronger among White Spanish, but actually, it isn't. It's actually more Caribbean than Spanish and it isn't African. It's gypsy.
    Another thing is that old people black or white or probably in between used to call "mala cata", translated as evil cast to people of difficult behavior. term could mean pure Black and also naturally evil.

  • @gambit1357
    @gambit1357 2 роки тому

    @19:01 - Does anyone know the author of the study that Dr. Naar is referring to?

  • @magicsenior4185
    @magicsenior4185 2 роки тому +3

    12 tribes only

  • @mingojulius
    @mingojulius 2 роки тому +2

    ..and very relatable..

  • @miva717
    @miva717 2 роки тому +3

    total BS just to get subscribers $$$ get a job

  • @MrJoebrooklyn1969
    @MrJoebrooklyn1969 2 роки тому

    You want to talk about institutional racism, in 1965 they limited immigration from Europe to 8%.

  • @damonfranklin9882
    @damonfranklin9882 2 роки тому +3

    There is a bloodline of people going straight to hell

  • @ZachVanHarrisJR
    @ZachVanHarrisJR 2 роки тому +1

    *”Shalom!” ✌🏾❤️🙏🏾 🇮🇱 ✡️ - MELL DUNEY 616*

    @APDTTMH 2 роки тому +4

    That's because of they all know the true descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob where black not white the true YASHARAL YAHUDA/JUDAH is awakening APDTTMH YAH AND YAHUSHA

  • @lewisjohnson8297
    @lewisjohnson8297 2 роки тому +2

    I was born in 1948. So, I heard a lot about the goings on in, and around, Israel. At the time "sabra" was an expression that was frequently mentioned. Then it simply disappeared. Any explanation?

    • @k.n.2081
      @k.n.2081 2 роки тому

      Things are changing, Israeli society today is completely different, this concept no longer exists.

    • @damonfranklin9882
      @damonfranklin9882 2 роки тому +1

      Because fake has its place in time

    • @damonfranklin9882
      @damonfranklin9882 2 роки тому +1

      This bloodline is desperately sick

    • @damonfranklin9882
      @damonfranklin9882 2 роки тому +1

      This bloodline is fatally sick

    • @damonfranklin9882
      @damonfranklin9882 2 роки тому

      I wonder what color they think the bloodline of Yoshua is

  • @AliBaba-wp2lc
    @AliBaba-wp2lc 3 роки тому +3

    i only respect jews that respect others relegion..esp to the muslim in palestine,

    • @firehire976
      @firehire976 2 роки тому +1

      They are not the true Jews and they will run from Israel

    • @maryrobinson6722
      @maryrobinson6722 2 роки тому

      JUDAH can’t accept any PAGAN ROMAN RELIGION so you are free of your will in which Yahweh have given to all of us, therefore RELIGION should be distinguished as separate ENTITIES! Thanks.

  • @lawrencejjohnson19
    @lawrencejjohnson19 2 роки тому +2

    Why don't you ask the Honorable Luis Farrakhan 🤔 the question on Real Jews! Ok

  • @akivamisharqi
    @akivamisharqi 2 роки тому +3

    Moses was German right

  • @reggiehendrix1265
    @reggiehendrix1265 2 роки тому +2

    Click bait you all are fake Jews...lol

  • @amn5860
    @amn5860 2 роки тому +8

    This conversation is an excellent opening to the inclusion of all Jews, including those who settled throughout South America and the Caribbean. Meanwhile, the nomenclature "Jews of Color" does little to decenter European Jewishness.

    • @melvinvines2238
      @melvinvines2238 2 роки тому +3


    • @donnakay453
      @donnakay453 2 роки тому +1

      @@melvinvines2238 that one go over ur head too? Lol

    • @kwhitaker47
      @kwhitaker47 2 роки тому

      @@donnakay453 Mine too😉

    • @jasonprice9647
      @jasonprice9647 2 роки тому

      What the hell

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 2 роки тому +1

      Especially since all modern humans are "people of color" including Europeans. None of whom are "white". Who are all beige, olive, tan, light brown to moderate brown. Yes, moderate brown, like many Italians, Spaniards and Greeks.
      To start, we should stop relying on these pseudo-scientific and artificial classifications of "black" and "white". That would be a great place to start since people only come in intermediate tones of reds and browns. Pink to dark brown. And we all have different proportions of eumelanin and pheomelanin.
      We should probably start there.
      And then we should continue on to the fact that many modern Jews are simply "Jewish" and don't really apply to the identities of Ashkenazi and Sephardic. Some do certainly, but most don't. My Synagogue never really differentiated and it had both Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews among its congregation. Like most Reform communities and I would imagine, most "Conservative" communities. Let's not use the Hassidim and Orthodox as the measuring stick as they only make up about 10% of modern Jewish people.

  • @patrickfoster4586
    @patrickfoster4586 2 роки тому +2

    32:00 Can't imagine why the Spanish Christian "Reconquistas" would strip Jews of their Muslim privileges and eventually kick them out of the country. Maybe because the Spanish Jews sided and fought with the invading Muslims? This may also explain the petty privileges that were granted by the Muslims. There's always a reason folks.

    • @elainemoreland3908
      @elainemoreland3908 Рік тому

      Sephardic ancestry, family caught in Inquisition, family brought up Roman Catholic, Dominicans. I remember a nun calling grandpa a dirty Jew. That church has the family listed as cypto. I have nothing to do with the Catholic faith. Will not enter a church. Thank Abba I found y'all.

  • @synergyhowacquisition3821
    @synergyhowacquisition3821 2 роки тому +3

    they're Zionist" and not so-called Jews!.

  • @tagbarzeev4850
    @tagbarzeev4850 3 роки тому +2

    Emma Lazarus The new collusus.Was a sephardic jew read what she wrote

  • @msa1669
    @msa1669 2 роки тому +6

    90% are fake
    Blacks jews even don't know what semetic is😂😂😂

    • @essencemg
      @essencemg 2 роки тому +11

      The Bible speaks they don’t know who they are they will be hated 4 corners of the Earth you are an example The ones who called them selves Jews they don’t fit the curses

    • @donyahudon7799
      @donyahudon7799 2 роки тому +3

      Don't worry We are Waking up. It won't be long now. Get ready!

    • @donyahudon7799
      @donyahudon7799 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Fitzgerald don't get yourself fucked up boy.

    • @donyahudon7799
      @donyahudon7799 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Fitzgerald revelation 13:10. You next so prepare yourself

    • @damonfranklin9882
      @damonfranklin9882 2 роки тому +2

      The answer is Shem medic

  • @werqzeleke2815
    @werqzeleke2815 2 роки тому

    The ashekenazi in Israel are the top of the pyramid and at the bottom is the mizrahi follow by the felashas. So much for treating all the same. Been there to see all the bs

  • @ravinyoliveira7308
    @ravinyoliveira7308 2 роки тому +2

    And also the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. There was a guy saying he is a Sephardic Jew. And the Greek Grandpa says:
    "Oh, we Greek, we created the Sephardic Jews"
    Sephardic Jew: 😳 "Oh, no. You didnt"
    The movie does not take it seriously. The grandfather thinks Greeks created everything on the planet. With all respect to Greeks. He is a funny and cute character. But I dont agree with him. Greece created many important things. But they didnt create the Sephardic Jews 😂.
    And my first language is Portuguese. I was watching the movie in English to work my listening. And I thought 😳 "What?! He said Sephardic?! Did I understand well?! I have to come back this part"
    For the first time in History I heard the Word Sephardic in an American movie 😳. It was so nice to hear.
    I grew up watching Punky Brewster, Blossom, and Curly Sue. I was too little to understand they were Jews. And I could not search about them by Google yet. We didnt even know who they were very well. But I do believe Ashkenazim are also Jews. And also Seth Cohen. But about him I knew.

    • @birdielee6718
      @birdielee6718 2 роки тому

      Oh No dear, You got it allll wrong. There are No White Jews.......

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 2 роки тому +3

      Of course both Sephardim and Ashkenazim are both real Jews. Just as Mizrahi, Yemeni, Bene Israel and beta Israel are all real Jews. And as we are finding out, just as Lemba are real Jews. Modern Jews come in every color, shape and size.

  • @jjw56
    @jjw56 2 роки тому +3

    Please correct me if I’m wrong: it seems that when ancient ethnic Jewish groups have been rediscovered: the lemba of South Africa and the group out of Ethiopia (there was a so-so movie made of this incredible amazing effort by the Israeli military that saved many lives) have all been black/brown and did not know there were white Jews? Enjoyed the video, especially the history where clearly you see where leaders of the American Jewish faith chose to be white. Eventually the Italians, polish and others will follow. The Irish had already done it by then- early 1900s.

    • @catako5583
      @catako5583 2 роки тому +3

      PART 1 of 2
      Firstly I appreciate that you mean well but I believe you are wrong and I will not debate or try to convince you of this fact. I will simple state here in this message the facts from the Torah (The Bible) why you are wrong about choosing to be HEBREW and if you chose to, I suggest you take this to YAHUAH (God) in prayer and find out for yourself by doing your own due diligence and diligent research to come to the real Truth.
      To start with, I will in kindness correct you and tell you that you can NOT choose to be a TRUE HEBREW YASHAR"EL (ISRAELITE). That's just a fact. You are CHOSEN and set apart by YAHUAH to be a TRUE HEBREW from the foundation of the world. In fact, there is no such thing as a 'jew' or jewish because it's a man-made construct and copy of the original. You can chose to be a believing gentile that practices the HEBREW faith attach yourself to a HEBREW person / People as the Gibonites did but you CANNOT make yourself A HEBREW through the choice of choosing to observe the TORAH or CHRISTIANITY. It's by BIRTH and GIVEN by YAHUH ALONE from the foundation of the world. SEE YAHUSHA (Joshua) chapter 9 v 14 to 24
      Case in point, you can say you feel "sheepish' but that doesn't make you a sheep! You can feel peacockish but that doesn't make you a peacock! You can feel sluggish but that doesn't make you a slug! You can feel schooolmasterish but that doesn't make you a schoolmaster! You can be described as Bookish or feeling bookish but that does NOT make you a book! You need to understand the meaning of words. the etymology of words. You see my point. The world has been deceived into believing that the seed of the serpent is the SEED of WOMAN through whom YAHUSHA (Jesus) would come and save His CHOSEN PEOPLE the TRUE HEBREW YASHAR"EL and that the TRUE HEBREWS the seed of the woman are the decendents of Ham, when in fact they are the TRUE SHEMITES, THE TRUE HEBREWS and the serpent seed that's quick to call out anti-semitism are the BIGGEST, VILEST anti-Semites in the world and have perpetrated the biggest and cruelest identity theft in the HISTORY of mankind.
      THEY/ESAU,EDOM WHITES people have continually, for milennia, (plural) OPPRESSED, PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, PSYCHOLOGICAL EMOTIONALLY, RAPED, PILLAGED, ABUSED, SACKED AND DESTROYED, as well as STOLEN the IDENTITY of YAHUAH'S CHOSEN PEOPLE, US, who the world refers to and calls us BLACKS, and taken it as their own, when we are in fact THE TRUE HEBREWS ISRAELITES!!!
      If you doubt this then go to the source, the TORAH (The Bible) and SEE & READ for yourself why in every reference in the Bible of The Day Of YAHUAH (The Lord) does it say that YAHUAH gathers HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE from all four corners of the earth where they have been "scattered" if they are already in the land? Is YAHUAH a liar? YAHUAH forbid!!! Is YAHUAH a man that HE should lie? YAHUAH forbid!!! The answer to the question is very simple and it's explained by YAHUSHA Himself in Rev 2 v9 and Rev 3 v9. The people now in YASHER'EL are IMPOSTORS and have committed the GREATEST IDENTITY THEFT in the history of mankind!!! They are the synagogue of satan!!! That's not me saying that but YAHUSHA saying this in Revelation ch2 v9 and ch3 v9. The synagogue of satan also say the same thing in their books too, that they are IMPOSTORS. Read the Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler. Read the logs of the transatlantic slave trade. They have the slaves listed as Hebrews!!! Why? Ironically because the synagogue of satan, who the world currently calls the "jews" were and are to THIS VERY DAY, through the media and music industry and banking and finance etc etc...the biggest slavers and sellers of slaves of the TRUE HEBREW ISRAELITES!!! TRUE YASHER'EL!!! And enslavers of humanity!!! It's easily documented and proven in the history books. In fact, there are hundreds of records stating the slave markets had to be closed on "jewish" holidays because there was not going to be enough "buyers and sellers"!!! Go figure!!!
      This video is just the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN (SOS) trying to DECEIVE the WHOLE WORLD as they have done throughout ALL of documented History, renaming and reinvesting themselves to hide WHO they really are and to pass themselves off to the whole world as being THE TRUE HEBREWS when they are CLEARLY NOT!!! It's plain for ALL the world and creation to SEE. Hebrew or as they term it Jewish or Jew 'wish" / Jew 'ish', which means to TRY to COPY or be like the ORIGINAL even thought they are NOT the ORIGINAL HEBREWS and NEVER EVER CAN BE OR WILL BE!!! It's YAHUAH and YAHUSHA's will WHO is YAHUDIYM and who isn't YAHUDIYM and therefore is a Goyim or Gentile!!That's why YAHUAH and YAHUSHA in the end times WARNED US ALL, in Revelation chapter 2 v9 and chapter 3 v 9 and told ALL of MANKIND that the devil/satan and his seed of the serpent people would try to deceive the whole world into believing that his seed of the serpent people are the TRUE HEBREWS. YAHUSHA (Jesus) Himself said this in Revelation:"I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Yahudiym, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan". CHIZAYON (REVELATION) 2:9 את CEPHER"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Yahudiym, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you". CHIZAYON (REVELATION) 3:9 את CEPHER
      See in both scripture verses YAHUSHA makes it abundantly clear for ALL of US TRUE (BLACK, YES BLACK!!! DEAL WITH IT) HEBREW YASHAR'EL (ISRAELITES) who these synagogue of satan (SOS) people would be and how to identify them, by using the word "synagogue" and using the TRUE name of YAHUDAH and NOT the FAKE DERIVATIVE satanic made deception word 'jew' or 'jewish'. By using the very specific words of YAHUDIYM and SYNAGOGUE we can completely identify who the IMPOSTERS are because only THEY/ESAU/EDOM claim to worship in SYNAGOGUES in the endtimes and claim to be YAHUDIYM in the endtimes.
      THE TRUE YAHUDIYM don't know that they are the TRUE HEBREW YASHAR'EL in the endtimes and are scattered and dispersed to the four corners of the the earth in slave ships. It's YAHUAH and YAHUSHA that wakes them up in the endtimes to WHO they TRULY. SEE & READ EZEKIEL CHAPTER 37 about the "DRY BONES BEING REVIVED BACK TO LIFE, i.e. YAHUAH waking up YASHAR'EL (ISRAEL) In the last days to WHO THEY TRULY ARE, THE TRUE HEBREWS as I can personally atest to.
      That's also why, YAHUAH and YAHUSHA commands us to FLEE Babylon in those days! And by this he means their evil ways and practices. TV, media, Gender bending alphabet garbage, pedo evil vileness and many many many more wicked and evil unrighteous and unholy and ungodly practices perpetuate through the image of the beast medium, their TV and media and magaizines and digital devices etc... YAHUAH, did not say debate them, try to reason with them or convince them of their evil ways and get them to turn to Him and accept the salvation offered through His Son Yahusha (Jesus). You know why Yahuah said this? Because He already knew that Esau/Edom will NEVER change His wicked ways and stated this before Esau or JACOB / YASHAR'EL were even born! YAHUAH outside of space and Time and has seen and told us the end from the beginning. He knows the choice and nature of Esau/Edom/Amalek. He knows that even now that the truth is out and they have access to the salvation of YAHUSHA's death and atonement from sin, that they/Esau/Edom would not only not accept this free gift of SALVATION from YAHUAH & YAHUSHA but would still CHOOSE to continue in their EVIL, VILE, WICKED UNRIGHTEOUS & UNHOLY & UNGODLY WAYS and CHOSE to continue to DECEIVE the whole of MANKIND and continue their deception and IDENTITY THEFT so that they are not caught and brought to answer for their crimes against YAHUAH's CHOSEN PEOPLE, THE TRUE, BLACK HEBREWS, THE TRUE ISRAELITES-YASHAR'EL.
      BUT the fact of the matter is it's YAHUAH through HIS son YAHUSHA that punishes them on THE DAY OF YAHUAH (the Lord). So please believe the truth that Black Lives DO NOT MATTER, IT'S A SATANIC SOROS FUNDED ORGANISATION created to DECEIVE and sow CONFUSION to the YAHUAH AWAKENING TRUE HEBREWS. Yahuah BRINGS THE JUSTICE NOT ANY MAN OR ORGANISATION. So for anyone, truly wanting and trying to make sense of this fallen world and understand why Esau/Edom/Amelek does these vile, wicked, and utterly grotesques evils deeds the WHOLE WORD OVER and why it will NEVER STOP until YAHUAH (God) & YAHUSHA Himself COMES DOWN and intervenes and puts a COMPLETE STOP it on the DAY OF YAHUAH (LORD), then read Genesis Chatper 27 v 38 to 42 and Malachi chapter 1 v 3. Esau/Edom will NOT CHANGE their ways even though they have access to the SALVATION OF YAHUSHA and redemption. Can you imagine!! They have access to YAHUSHA's salvation even after all the evils and wickedness they have afflicted THE WHOLE WORLD OVER on YAHUAH's TRUE CHOSEN PEOPLE, The HEBREWS who the whole calls BLACKS and African Americans or Nigerian, Ghanaian, Senegalese or Jamaica or the N word etc....

    • @werqzeleke2815
      @werqzeleke2815 2 роки тому +1

      ' The Israeli military saved many lives' not exactly saved but stole another nations citizens by airlifting non Israeli citizens illegally. Some were abandoned in the desert of Sudan to perish.

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 2 роки тому +1

      @@werqzeleke2815 Oh dear. We have conspiracy theorists here i see.

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 2 роки тому +1

      @@werqzeleke2815 "Stole another nations citizens". hahaha. You realize nations don't own their citizens right? Citizens are free nodes. The people you are talking about CHOSE to leave. They weren't stolen They were being oppressed. Which is why they had to be smuggled out of the country of their own volition. Not "stolen". What a ridiculous way to perceive those events. Clearly you have "no agenda" rofl.

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 2 роки тому

      No humans come in white or black. Those are artificial constructs. ALL humans are people of color and come in intermediate to dark tones. A faint pink to a dark brown. Most Europeans are somewhere from beige to light brownish, maybe bronze as its sometimes called. Eurasians however, of which Europeans are just a sub-branch of, come in all tones from pink to darker brown. Superficial tone has little to nothing to do with "race", again, "white" and "black" being constructs. All humans come in a range of tones. Jews in Europe, like Greeks and Italians, used to be referred to as "swarthy" by Northern Europeans. Because Northern Europeans started this stupid idea of superficial tone determining heritage, which it doesn't. And the "ancient ethnic jewish groups", most of which, aren't actually "ancient ethnic Jewish groups", but groups of other people that were exposed to Christians and then the Israelite narrative, who adopted the "Jewish" identity because it often fit with their own people's story of oppression and immigration. Like has happened with the ADOS community in America. Prior to the advent of genetics, the ADOS community looked in every direction to try to find a heritage, which for the most part, was stolen from them. And in that process of seeking an identity, they came up with some ridiculous theories. I mean, most knew and understood they were from West/Central Africa and accordingly, delved into West/Central African history and lore. But others went to try to appropriate the identity of so many other people, like Jews, Indigenous Americans, Egyptians, Babylonians, and heck, even Greeks. Of course now with genetics, we can actually tell whereabouts these communities come from. With Bantu/Yoruba being the highest portion of ancestry generally, with other various West African ethnic groups. East Africa has, largely, completely different ethnic groups, many almost wholly unrelated to those in the West. Now of course there is plenty of overlap. And Bantu migration in the last 1,000 years has changed the landscape of South and parts of East-Central Africa. But North Africa and Horn Africa have always been, since the " Holocene" began, or the end of the last glacial maximum, Afro-Asiatic peoples. Having both "indigenous" North African and Western Asian or "Eurasian" ancestry. Hence, Afro-asiatic. Regions like Eritrea, Ethiopia, especially in pre-Roman period, but to today, thought to have about a 50/50 split between Western Asian and East Africa ancestry. North Africa, actually had 8% less "sub'Saharan" ancestry prior to the Muslim expansion compared to after. The Sahara desert was more of a boundary that prevented people groups from mixing than were continents or something like the Red Sea or Mediterranean, which actually made it quite easy to travel from shore to shore. Which is why the Mediterranean, ancient and modern, is considered a continuum, with people on all shores of the Mediterranean sharing and overlapping in many ways more than not. So say if you went to ancient Egypt, people would look extremely diverse. Most having olive to dark brown superficial tones. But some maybe a few, a bit lighter. All though men would have been fairly tan, so knowing their baseline tone would be difficult. Women were more often kept in sheltered from the sun, which is one of the reasons they are often depicted more pale than their male counterparts. Some would have looked like what today we would call "black", some would have looked "Arab", some would have looked "Mediterranean" or what we think of as Southern European or say Lebanese. I doubt there were many Scandinavian looking folks there around that time. I mean, maybe a handful, arriving as slaves or something like that. But that would have been pretty rare to see. Anyway, THAT is "white".. Everything darker than Northern European basically fits into the Afro-Eurasian picture.

    @THEREVOLUTION-0.1 11 місяців тому

    These people love to hear themselves talk

  • @ludigomhagama4023
    @ludigomhagama4023 2 роки тому +1

    BANTUS are really Hebrews. And are not coming from Israel state. That place started on 1947.British Parliament voted wether to put Israel in Kenya and uganda or palastine. They did it on 1903.question is, what would be if Israel is located in Kenya and uganda?.

    • @Judah337
      @Judah337 2 роки тому

      Bantu are Hebrew but not just them. The Hebrews in scripture went into captivity on slave ahips to America, Brazil, south America, UK, Pacific Islands. The Bantu are Israelites but they was left back there in the southern lands of Africa. South west to be exact where majority of them are like the Yoruba, Tutsi, Igbo, Ashanti, Lemba, and many others who have the same DNA as our ancestors before and who got on those ships. Also the Falaysha and the Ethiopian Jews. They won't tell the people this because they know their kingdom will crumble and burn even faster than what it is now

  • @tiny1424
    @tiny1424 2 роки тому +1

    I am not Jewish but the place I come from , Cochin, had a very good apartheid among the Cochin Jews. They differentiated between white and black ( actually brown ones) Jews. The black Jews usually were menial workers for the white Jews.

    • @realbanter
      @realbanter 2 роки тому

      Ti Ny When we possess the kingdom, we black Hebrews will teach you so called Cochin Jews and white Arabs that stole our land, a lesson you will never forget. That is a biblical promise.

  • @maryrobinson6722
    @maryrobinson6722 2 роки тому +1

    So how could they be among the richest and not the lowest but rise above many, have honor and respect,protection with BABYLON and have not any or suffered any of the stated curses in the Bible. Don’t look down on or hate towards others if you have love in your heart. The Bible explains all and brings TRUTH TO THE LIGHT!

    • @jessereichbach588
      @jessereichbach588 2 роки тому

      Um how are African Americans the 2nd biggest group of millionaires in the US? How have African American millionaires more than tripled in the last 25 years in the US? If you can't answer that, then you have no business trying to answer the question you proposed.
      Because everything in the Hebrew bible, all the "curses" ALL READY HAPPENED IN THE BIBLICAL PERIOD. THAT"S HOW IT"S IN THE BIBLE TO BEGIN WITH. Stop taking scripture completely out of its narrative context in order to prove a silly point.

  • @raslion9974
    @raslion9974 2 роки тому

    Mt.Zion in the bible is Mt.Kenya/Kirinyaga - it is not in Palestine/Israel - the Bantu are the original Hebrews - Exodus was across the R.Nile not the Red Sea

  • @patrickgrove3469
    @patrickgrove3469 2 роки тому

    Not all Jews are Hebrew or Israelite

    • @megz122
      @megz122 2 роки тому

      Lololol! What??!

  • @patrickgrove3469
    @patrickgrove3469 2 роки тому +1

    Esau is at his end.

  • @jjw56
    @jjw56 2 роки тому +1

    Is it hard to mention Ethiopian Jews? He mentions Turkish, Arab but isn’t the Ethiopian Jew older than those two?

    • @werqzeleke2815
      @werqzeleke2815 2 роки тому +1

      The Sephardic also have racist view towards Yemeni and felashas , I saw it on the ground in israel

    • @jjw56
      @jjw56 2 роки тому

      @@werqzeleke2815 There it is! I often wondered.

  • @lyalya8
    @lyalya8 2 роки тому +1

    In other words, it is the privilege to be born a Jew ,but it is also a big responsibility !!! ❤️🇮🇱

  • @thomascrowe3407
    @thomascrowe3407 2 роки тому

    American Jews are quite intelligent people. Forced Western pressures on all AUDI groupings and Kingdom Dragons are respectfully appreciated as part of our Global Checksums.

    • @israel4reel787
      @israel4reel787 2 роки тому

      They are just white people that’s it.

  • @mannymom066
    @mannymom066 2 роки тому +1

    The truth is the light!!!😂😂🔊

  • @Michael-hy2ud
    @Michael-hy2ud 2 роки тому

    Um Research Hasmonean. They came from Media/Persia and worship Asmodeus. Etymology of Asmodeus will blow your mind. So Hasmonean was the implants in Samaria were known as Pharisees. They took over the temple long ago. Ha Shem is the etymology of Asmodeus

  • @arliciawalker
    @arliciawalker 2 роки тому

    GOCC- listen then Jewish ✡️ vs. HEBREW ISRAELITE

  • @jackwhitfield4520
    @jackwhitfield4520 2 роки тому

    Jews are supposed ro teach the nations these Jews don't

    • @kwhitaker47
      @kwhitaker47 2 роки тому

      The real Hebrews aka Blacks are trying to teach but TMH God has harden their hearts!

  • @dp5-1
    @dp5-1 2 роки тому

    It's egregious., even all the undertones.... NOT of TORAH.
    Passiveness, not an excuse to guilt free judgement......

  • @TheEzekiel300
    @TheEzekiel300 2 роки тому

    Genesis 10:2-5.

  • @shirleysmith8072
    @shirleysmith8072 2 роки тому +1

    Just Love Everyone! We are all of the Same Human Race!🥰😍🥰💖💞💖💞💖😍🥰🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂😍🥰

    • @birdielee6718
      @birdielee6718 2 роки тому +1

      Gurl Please. We need to GET PAID, then we'll think about Getting Along. B1 first..🤛🏿

  • @cristinamednick8600
    @cristinamednick8600 2 роки тому +2

    I am so glad I found this video a couple of days ago. I was born in Spain, of Sephardi ancestry, and I'm going to put my two cents in (or $2.00 as the case may turn out to be) and the first thing that I will say is that I am European and White. Having lived in the US for many years I can attest that American Ashkenazi Jews are, first and foremost, Americans. Europeans know how ignorant and uncultured Americans are, and I do not intend to insult anyone, rather state a well know fact. Most Jews attain higher education; there are many doctors, professors, architects, attorneys but not so many historians and that higher education does not grant you culture. In defense of my late husband, I have to say he was more open minded than most. I've heard stories of individuals not being considered Jews because they don't speak Yiddish. Why would I want to speak that harsh sounding, German based language when I have a beautifully sounding, poetic one called Ladino? Why would I want bland food when I have the delicious Mediterranean food that has influenced Israeli cuisine so? Where were the Ashkenazi Jews when Spain had Maimonides, Nachmanides, Moshe de Leon, Abravanel and all the other luminaries? Which of their women can compare to Doña Gracia Nasí? I am so very proud of my people who, despite the fact that they had been cruelly expelled from the Iberian peninsula, kept their traditions and customs, their music and their songs. In the words of my Syrian Sephardi friend and colleague: "We were and always will be the Grandees of our People."

    • @craigaxle1096
      @craigaxle1096 2 роки тому

      Was your late husband Sephardic, too?

    • @craigaxle1096
      @craigaxle1096 2 роки тому

      BTW, thanks for sharing. You shared great historical facts. Awesome 👌

    • @craigaxle1096
      @craigaxle1096 2 роки тому

      BTW, thanks for sharing. You shared great historical facts. Awesome 👌