Steering locked -annoying problem at Megane 2 - opening the device

  • Опубліковано 31 січ 2025


  • @ViorelVasilica
    @ViorelVasilica 3 роки тому +12

    Mult bine ai mai facut cu acest film! Frumos tact didactic si un clip, de milioane,! Sa aveti sanate si spor! Sa mai faceti din astea!

  • @draudes657
    @draudes657 Рік тому

    Mulțumim mult! Foarte complet, corect și didactic explicat. Din păcate la mine coloana de direcție nu este blocată mecanic, dar (presupun) calculatorul de injecție este inhibat, crezând că este blocată - pană imobilizantă extrem de neplăcută. Când funcționa "normal" puteam roti volanul, dar cu mici opinteli, voi insista la blocator. Am schimbat fără succes UPC-ul (Unitate Protecție și Comutație), operație care a rezilvat STEERING LOCKED - STEERING NOT LOCKED acum vreo 5 ani.

  • @we-are-electric1445
    @we-are-electric1445 3 роки тому +8

    Good video. Renaults are great cars but sometimes the Renault engineers have some stupid ideas and this is one of them - just too complicated.

    • @abdelhalimbouzourine7145
      @abdelhalimbouzourine7145 Рік тому +1

      Some cars easy to get stolen, but megane 2 hard, that's because the security that you said complicated

  • @solayman94
    @solayman94 10 місяців тому

    I'm a french guy, i put the traduction on to understand.
    I have a laguna 3, the system is almost the same. I'm stuck i broke the screw, opened the black plastic and even more stuck now.
    Your video helped me a LOT to understand what is going on inside this fucking LOCKER !
    Next step : drill the whole screw and throw the locker !!!

  • @an.cavun-Andre
    @an.cavun-Andre Рік тому +1

    Дякую за детальний опис! Ваше відео дуже корисне і цікаве.
    Всього найкращого.

  • @veljkomilisavljevic7092
    @veljkomilisavljevic7092 Рік тому +2

    Bro ty very much i just do that myself...its working without problem ....Big Hi from 🇷🇸😘 love you

    • @RenatoStuparic
      @RenatoStuparic 11 місяців тому

      Dal se može taj dio skinuti bez da se šarafa volan?

  • @andreasmuller5535
    @andreasmuller5535 3 роки тому +2

    Many thanks for this Video that really help me to fix This error on my megane!

  • @marcurau6698
    @marcurau6698 4 місяці тому +1

    Mulțumesc pentru videoclip.Sănătate maximă!

  • @000SilaS000
    @000SilaS000 Рік тому +1

    Sanatate! Bravo. Multumim mult.

  • @MSH85MH
    @MSH85MH 2 місяці тому +1

    Vielen vielen Dank, du hast mich gerettet. Ich hab selber repariert, Werkstatt wollten 300 Euro für Reparatur ❤❤❤❤ .

    • @gaborpellek9689
      @gaborpellek9689 Місяць тому

      Szia! Hogyan vetted le a kormányzárat a helyéről? Nekem valószínűleg az a kis fém stift zárta le a nyelvet, ami a fehér műanyag mögött van. 5:45-nél mutatja a videóban.

  • @eduardohugotramontana7121
    @eduardohugotramontana7121 7 місяців тому +1

    desde Argentina very god un MASTER . SUPER !!!!!!! THANKS !!!! muy buen video !!!!!!

  • @kahuitel
    @kahuitel 3 роки тому +2

    Great video! It helped me to fix the car. Thanks a lot!

  • @bogdanannuk1081
    @bogdanannuk1081 2 роки тому +1

    Найкраще відео! По цьому замку.

  • @jarraiano7431
    @jarraiano7431 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for the great video came across with these problem, just one thing i cant understand, a lot of people talk about the electrical problem but by doing these you avoid that problem, correct? or the engine will still not start, when she locked the engine started but steering was locked but then she didnt start anymore. By the way it a Renault Megane 2 2006 dci 106hp. Thank you in advanced.

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  Рік тому

      I don't think that removing that pin leads to the elimination of the electrical problem of the blocker, what makes it certain is that in case of failure, you can dismantle the blocker and possibly tow the car with the column unlocked.

    • @jarraiano7431
      @jarraiano7431 Рік тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car ​ Thank you for your very quick answer, we had to put the car on top of the tow truck with steering locked (quiet a problem), took it to the garage they say must go to a electrician. maybe try myself your idea.Thanks again.

    • @jarraiano7431
      @jarraiano7431 Рік тому

      @CARe_DEV-Car , forgot to the put the situation up to date, I landed up putting a emulator, first one from China didn't work, then came one from France 100%, i used the old lock until the emulator came but it was tricky not only the position but had to be disconnected after the engine started. Thanks for your help. Joe

  • @eduardosolis7038
    @eduardosolis7038 2 місяці тому +1

    Muy bien explicado, me sirvió bastante, saludos desde México.

  • @rifetfarizi6109
    @rifetfarizi6109 Рік тому +1

    God Bless you my friend

  • @mmrash536
    @mmrash536 Рік тому +1

    Esti top, tine o tot asa 👌

  • @kaller.9440
    @kaller.9440 Рік тому +1

    Good Morning,
    my steering wheel lock is defective now I don't really have many options.
    Emulsifier for the steering wheel lock, does that do anything?
    Except that the insurance refuses in the event of theft.
    I can only have a new steering wheel lock installed via the workshop, since it has to be programmed, right?
    Alternatively, I would take parts from NEM Espace DCI.
    injection control unit
    UCH (fuse box)
    instrument panel (display)
    steering wheel lock
    key cards
    from the donor vehicle and install Plug and Play.
    I just don't really understand why I have to take the display.
    Because the code for the immobilizer, steering wheel lock, etc. are on the UCH and the UCH talks to the steering wheel lock and the code to release it, starting is always recreated.
    And the display only shows things like tank, rpm, KM/H, door open & closed, trunk, tire pressure, indicators, indicator light for the immobilizer, etc. is the immobilizer on the display now or can I keep my display?
    Is about one
    Renault Espace IV
    2.0 DCI
    173 hp.
    Year 11.2007

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  Рік тому

      I chose the version with emulator. If you don't worry about your steering wheel not locking anymore, it's the simplest option.
      A NEW immobilizer does not need to be programmed, at first contact it pairs with the rest of the immobilizer system.
      If you buy a second-hand one, one option is to write its memory from the electronic board in FF (or you can buy an identical memory chip) and then it is seen as new.

    • @kaller.9440
      @kaller.9440 Рік тому +1

      @@CARe_DEV-Car Hello,
      Steering wheel lock removed and then opened and the white part was not cocked but it must be cocked.
      After I removed the steering wheel lock and opened it, I put the plug on it and the motor ran from the steering wheel lock, then it didn't work again, I have to turn the plug up and down a few times, but that's exactly what it's not supposed to be like .
      The error DF002 - 1.def is saved with the entry in the clip. Internal electronic error.
      Just what does that mean exactly?
      Can I reset the steering wheel lock via Renolink / DDT4ALL and if so, what is the best way to do it?
      Or can I just take another one if it is not coded and install and delete it reconnects with the car or are there also emulsifiers that could be used so that the car can be moved?

    • @kaller.9440
      @kaller.9440 Рік тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car Renault Espace IV, 2.0 DCI, 173 PS, 11.2007

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  Рік тому

      I don't know what can be done with Renolink/DDT4ALL. My solution was simple: I bought an emulator, plugged it in and that's it, no interface was needed and no error appeared on the dashboard.

    • @kaller.9440
      @kaller.9440 Рік тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car so you're driving around with an emulator and you don't have a fake lock?

  • @ramonsalazar8194
    @ramonsalazar8194 10 місяців тому +1

    Buen video si señor gracias, sube más vídeos de Renault gracias

  • @BelaBurza
    @BelaBurza 18 днів тому

    In the your video at 06:30 does the firing pin have a spring?

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  18 днів тому +1

      Yes, but, at 6:05, when I pushed the plastic piece, the spring came out with it.

  • @mariusschlosser
    @mariusschlosser 2 роки тому +1

    Foarte bun video. Am făcut și eu la fel la blocatorul meu. Ms

  • @alejandrofigueroarivera6140
    @alejandrofigueroarivera6140 11 місяців тому

    Excelente video tutorial. Mil gracias.

  • @javierg.7028
    @javierg.7028 Рік тому +2

    Very well explained. Congratulations!! :)

  • @alcinodejesusfernandez556
    @alcinodejesusfernandez556 Рік тому +1

    Muy bien explicado,, el mejor video que yo he visto hasta ahora 😎👍👍👍

  • @WhiteWolf-g7x
    @WhiteWolf-g7x 18 днів тому +1

    foarte folositor. am rezolvat problema fara sa mai instalez emulatorul. am anulat blocajul volanului si a pornit la prima. ca un sfat ar fi sa se verifice din cand in cand daca e strans boltul de la blocul de siguranta pentru ca se vede ca e cea mai des intalnita cauza a am avut noroc ca mi s-a blocat in pozitia deblocat si in 15 minute a fost demontat, anulat si montat la loc.multumesc

  • @pantelistsarnas409
    @pantelistsarnas409 2 роки тому

    Sa aveti sanate si spor! Sa mai faceti din astea! OMUL MEU. am si un coment sa fac. infaca sa intoarce colona de volan 180 crande poteti sa utileaza un Magnet neodymiu ca sa trage pinul sus. :)
    i have to write in romana for more than 15 years i hope it is readable.
    Any way you can use a powerfull magnet to take the pin out with out the need of dissamble the steering weel colomn. Thanks for your knowledge sharing!

    • @nicolasbignan6861
      @nicolasbignan6861 2 роки тому

      Have you tried this solution ? I would prefer it to dismouting the steering wheel.... I'm stucked.

  • @crigeorge9549
    @crigeorge9549 4 роки тому +2

    Mi-a facut din nou intr-o parcare. Asteptam la mcdonalds, cand am observat ca si-a pus contactul si ventilatorul a inceput sa invarta. Nu mai inchidea usa din telecomanda. De data asta s-a blocat pe inchis. L-am distrus complet. Trebuia de data trecuta sa fi gaurit pe inchis astfel incat sa fie demontabil tot timpul surubul ala. Sau polizata dreapta urechea de jos a piedicii la 6:40. Oricum nu e terminata treaba. ca am taiat cu unghiularul si partial tot a ramas prins pe coloana. Dar macar pot roti volanul acum. Porcarii frantuzesti de la valeo. Am vazut emulatoare de astea si pe megane 3 semn ca renault nu are de gand sa indrepte problemele astea. Sa vad poate gasesc unul ieftin sa-i golesc epromul. Am inteles ca se rescrie la primul contact.

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  4 роки тому

      Foarte urata treaba ai patit ai tu!
      Din cate am inteles si eu, da, se rescrie la primul contact eprom-ul daca e golit. Eu iti recomand sa "pregatesti" blocatorul daca te hotarasti sa pui altul; la emulator totul e mult mai simplu si fara batai de cap.

    • @crigeorge9549
      @crigeorge9549 4 роки тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car pai a activat si pinul ala. Eu a trebuit sa plec de acolo ca luam amenda daca ma gaseau baietii de la parcari si nici nu aveam om chiar asa tot timpul la dispozitie sa ma tracteze. De asta nu am mai dat jos coloana. Daca eram acasa o mai bibileam nu asa in graba. Cum a fost taiat cu unghiularul am nimerit gaura pinului cu un burghiu si a cazut pinul pana la urma de am reusit sa dau si gatul zavorului jos. Am luat unul ieftin sh + o memorie noua sa o lipesc. Banuiesc ca daca e noua e goala, nu are nimic pe ea ca nu am programator si nici n-am chef sa iau acum unul. Da o sa-l incerc mai inainte sa-l dau jos , poate mi-l trimite virginizat, caz in care o sa-i pun un surub obisnuit, nu ma mai complic sa desfac sa polizez piedica aia. Oricum cel vechi nu vad ce mai puteam face cu el decat daca era doar memoria dusa. Insa si la mine imi zicea ca e deblocat volanul desi era blocat. Deci senzorul de pozitie probabil nu doar memoria. Ce imobilizator ai folosit tu? da un link sau un nume ceva sa vad. Daca ma enerveaza din nou pun si eu un emulator. Am auzit ca unii au avut probleme cu emulatorul si de asta sunt mai retinut. Plus pretul nu tocmai ieftin.

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  4 роки тому

      Eu acest emulator am cumparat:
      Fata de un blocator care are si piese in miscare si senzor de pozitie, cred ca sunt sanse mai mici la un emulator sa pice.
      Oricum urata treaba cu blocatorul asta.

    • @crigeorge9549
      @crigeorge9549 4 роки тому +1

      @@CARe_DEV-Car Problema era la conexiunea +12v dupa contact. Dupa cum mi-a dat pe testerul can clip. pinul 5 de la zavor cu upc ori conexiunea upc cu uch. Sunt 2 modele de upc. Al meu e upc model pana in 2005 desi masina e din 2006. Am curatat cum am putut terminalele conectorilor upc si sigurantele. Verificat rezistenta de contact ale terminalelor. Deocamdata nu mai face probleme. Am luat electronica de la zavorul vechi si am montat-o pe cel luat de pe ebay. Cat a sa tina nu stiu. am sa iau si un emulator desi e posibil sa dea rateu si ala in lipsa alimentarii cu 12v. Am folosit un surub obisnuit cu fosta garnitura surubului de la filtru de motorina sa tina ca bucsa pt surubul mai subtire decat originalul. E model 1.9dci.

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  4 роки тому +1

      Eu apreciez toata staruinta ta si-ti multumesc ca ai impartasit in detaliu toate observatiile tale; sper si cred ca vor fi utile si altora.

  • @ihorpol8431
    @ihorpol8431 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much.

  • @martinm3509
    @martinm3509 3 роки тому +1

    Hi, thanks for this, really helpful. However, I have ditched the firing pin and the bits you said to leave behind, now Im getting an error: "risk of steering locking". any ideas please?

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  3 роки тому

      I have never heard of this message. The idea is that the trigger pin has only a mechanical security role, it has no sensor or something to electronically signal its presence or absence.
      What bits you leave behind?(spring and plastic housing?) In my opinion, this pieces have nothing to do with the message.

    • @martinm3509
      @martinm3509 3 роки тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car Yes I've ditched the pin, spring and plastic, a smaller spring also came out with the firing pin. When I spin the wheel all works as it should. After connecting to the car, I can hear some weird noise (like an electric engine stuck? But spins freely by hand) Then, the error message pops up on the screen and I need to disconnect the battery to get rid of it.

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  3 роки тому

      Does this situation occur with the blocker only connected to the electrical connector and without being mounted on the steering column?

    • @martinm3509
      @martinm3509 3 роки тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car Yes, but previously it worked just connected, hanging. It was a lottery-like, sometimes worked sometimes not, hence me opening it trying to fix it. Do you think the mounting bold needs to be inserted?

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  3 роки тому

      Very strange behavior. I don't think the mounting bold has any influence. Maybe the electronic part with the end-of-travel hall sensor has failed and the engine is forcing even though it's at the end.

  • @anthonymurphy3955
    @anthonymurphy3955 2 роки тому +1

    Daca cumperi modelul din 2014 cu aceiasi problema partea electronica trebuie facuta la reprezentanta sau o poti face singur?

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  2 роки тому

      Parerea mea este ca poti incerca si singur sa stergi memoria. N-am incercat, nu garantez. Ce stiu este ca la reprezentanta se practica preturi deosebite.

  • @esmailmahely542
    @esmailmahely542 2 роки тому

    What is the price of this part. How long it takes to recieve it.can u send the part # to check with the old part.

  • @sacaliegeorgelsacalie8252
    @sacaliegeorgelsacalie8252 3 роки тому +1

    Bun ,util, multumesc

  • @charliala
    @charliala 4 роки тому +1

    Video muy util y práctico. Muchas gracias amigo

  • @ArberHashani-gr1dn
    @ArberHashani-gr1dn Рік тому

    Hello! Can you please help me?
    Can I use a 2004 same part for a 2005 Megane?
    Do I need to change the part only or does it need any other configuration? I read somewhere that you need to program your keys again?

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  Рік тому +1

      Unfortunately, you cannot use a blocker that was on another car. The only method to use an already used one is to rewrite the memory on the electronic side in FF. This blocker is paired with the UCH. There are emulators, if you don't mind the effective blocking of the steering column.

    • @ArberHashani-gr1dn
      @ArberHashani-gr1dn Рік тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car oh Thanks so much for the reply.
      But I have absolutely no tools for programming although I will try to check if the mechanical part is the problem. I will try and replace my old electronic part in the new part and see if it works.
      If it needs programming what cable and software should I need?

    • @ArberHashani-gr1dn
      @ArberHashani-gr1dn Рік тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car one more thing. I tried another part from another car and it only started a couple of times no more. I get it Why! But, what I don't get is that it started with only the sensor attached and the part not in it's place. So only sensor, staying in the air, no bolt or not in the right place. How can it start like that?
      If the car can start like that then the chip is the problem.on my part

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  Рік тому

      Normally it shouldn't start with the part from another car, but from what you say this has happened a few times. Am I to understand that at some point it stopped starting? If so, what message did you receive?
      The blocker does not necessarily have to be mounted, you can hold it in the air, the important thing is to be connected to the car's installation.
      In my part, the electronic part was also the problem, only when I wanted to disassemble it, that pin tripped and it tormented me until I took it off the steering column.

    • @ArberHashani-gr1dn
      @ArberHashani-gr1dn Рік тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car it started 3 times exactly. Only at the beginning. And then it went to the same error steering locked .. what I saw from a video was that it starts only the first time and then it codes it. So now it doesn't start anymore.
      My problem is I don't know how to rewrite the chip and got no tools

  • @kaller.9440
    @kaller.9440 Рік тому

    Hello, is the steering wheel lock coded or can it be exchanged plug and play?
    Actually, the card sends a code to the UCH and if the UCH agrees, does the UCH release power for the steering wheel lock?

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  Рік тому +1

      From what I know, the blocker can be changed plug&play with a new one (unused) or with an emulator. The same thing is possible with a used one whose memory has been deleted.
      No need for code in UCH.

    • @kaller.9440
      @kaller.9440 Рік тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car Hello,
      Steering wheel lock removed and then opened and the white part was not cocked but it must be cocked.
      After I removed the steering wheel lock and opened it, I put the plug on it and the motor ran from the steering wheel lock, then it didn't work again, I have to turn the plug up and down a few times, but that's exactly what it's not supposed to be like .
      The error DF002 - 1.def is saved with the entry in the clip. Internal electronic error.
      Just what does that mean exactly?
      Can I reset the steering wheel lock via Renolink / DDT4ALL and if so, what is the best way to do it?
      Or can I just take another one if it is not coded and install and delete it reconnects with the car or are there also emulsifiers that could be used so that the car can be moved?

    • @kaller.9440
      @kaller.9440 Рік тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car Renault Espace IV, 2.0 DCI, 173 PS, 11.2007

  • @surajdask4616
    @surajdask4616 3 роки тому

    Hii car-e, I need code for ' Cool bicycle lights' video that you've posted. Could you please provide me with that...

  • @irekmikolaj8417
    @irekmikolaj8417 4 роки тому +3

    Super , super bardzo mi Twój film pomógł

  • @FathiLayouni
    @FathiLayouni Рік тому

    Thank you

  • @valimihai4497
    @valimihai4497 3 роки тому +1


  • @stoleruandrei3768
    @stoleruandrei3768 Рік тому

    Salut am si eu aceasi problema! Am desfacut piesa de pe masina si am observat ca eu nu am capul ala de fier care iese in exterior!

  • @attiba100
    @attiba100 3 роки тому

    Salutare,e folositor acest filmulet,la masina mea a ramas deschisa clanta,am si demontat,poate fi responsabil aceasta piesa ca nu pot sa fac legatura cu testerul adica nu ar primi calculatorul tensiunea necesara,mersi

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  3 роки тому

      Piesa aceea e doar o componenta mecanica. Daca nu se poate vedea pe tester e o problema electrica/electronica. Puteti incepe investigatiile pornind de la sigurante...

    • @attiba100
      @attiba100 3 роки тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car Seara buna,am testat toate sigurantele-mufele toate sunt bune,ma gindeam oare are ceva legatura daca partea electronica a acestuia este defectata sa nu transmita semnal mai departe catre calculatorul masinii ?

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  3 роки тому +1

      Din cate stiu, sistemul imobilizator pentru Megane 2 e compus din : UCH, calculator injectie si blocator volan - toate imperecheate. Oricare dintre ele nu se poate schimba cu unul sh. Si la blocatorul meu a picat partea electronica. In mod normal integratul de memorie (cel cu 8 pini) se poate scrie tot in FF si la initializare se imperecheaza cu sistemul si astfel ai putea refolosi un sistem functional sh, dar nu garantez. Eu am ales varianta sa-l inlocuiesc cu un emulator.

  • @lorenzoone
    @lorenzoone 3 роки тому

    Din tot video nu am înțeles.. pana la urma ce trebuie sa scrie :STEERING LOCKED SAU NOT LOCKET?

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  3 роки тому +1

      Poate aparea oricare dintre cele doua mesaje.

  • @Tomsalamon
    @Tomsalamon 11 місяців тому +1

    Спасибо большое друг

  • @yuriygalchavov7180
    @yuriygalchavov7180 2 роки тому

    Eu am acest problem cu Megan-ul meu. Poateți mă ajuta? Să-mi faceți reparație blocatorul meu?

  • @АлмазД-т3у
    @АлмазД-т3у 3 роки тому +1

    Зур рәхмәт Сезгә . Kazan.

  • @АндрейБолконский-д6ж

    Спасибо, всё разжевали.

  • @crigeorge9549
    @crigeorge9549 4 роки тому

    Sal. Iar nu merge. /daca ii pun doar conatctul merge ok. Se deblocheaza / blocheza ok. Cum opresc motorul insa , ii trimite ecu un semnal ceva de -mi ramane becul imobiliozator aprins si mesajul ...not locked. trebuie sa-i deconectez bateria ca sa se reseteze sa-si revina la normal. Zi mi si mie. Cand ai avut problema asta iti ramanea aprins becul imobilizator? as lua si eu un emulator de ala insa nu stiu daca o sa mearga la mine.

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  4 роки тому

      Din cate imi amintesc nu avea alte anomalii. Cand scoteam cartela si incuiam becul de la immo doar se aprinde si stingea succesiv, nu ramanea aprins. Poate tot la partea electronica de la blocator ai parca l-ai schimbat, nu?

    • @crigeorge9549
      @crigeorge9549 4 роки тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car Nu merg nici usile inchise din telecomanda si ramane becul imo din bord aprins. Scap de problema doar daca deconenctez bateria. Probabil se reseteaza ceva acolo cand fac asta. Am incercat alt uch virginizat si la fel. acelasi comportament. o gramada de componente cu "creier" propriu pe masinile astea de nici nu le mai stii unde sa le cauti. Deci de mers zavorul merge fara nici o problema daca ii pun si in scot contactul fara pornire motor. Doar dupa ce opresc motorul da rateu. Ii trimte ecu injectie un samnal ceva ca nu-i convine. Electronica zavorului intr-adevar am folosit placa circuit a fostului zavor care l-am stricat cand l-am dat jos de pe coloana. Cea care o avea clantanea aiurea si cu memoria 24c04 a celui vechi si dadea eroare pe zavor in renault clip.

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  4 роки тому

      "Resetul" asta merge doar daca e general? (Borna scoasa) dar dupa ce pornesti motorul si-l opresti daca deconectezi doar blocatorul, nimic? Adica blocajul apare din combinatia calculator injectie-blocator? (caci UCH ai incercat si cu altul)

    • @crigeorge9549
      @crigeorge9549 4 роки тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car acealasi rateu si cu blocatorul scos dupa ce am pornit motorul la oprirea motorului. Nu cred ca e din combinatia blocator calculator de injectie. Stiu ca la alta masina acelasi model da doar mesaj dupa care usile se pot inchide normal, si becul imo palpaie normal. plus ca daca il conectez la loc porneste. doar la asta a mea face chestia asta. Am deconectat primul conector negru de la injectie care stiu ca are si terminalul de alimentare injectie + si nu se reseteaza. Se reseteaza daca desurubez cablul gros rosu de pe upc prins cu un surub de 8mm de bronz/alama. Stiu ca si upc -ul are un controler al lui insa nu stiu daca e de la acel controler sau altceva. O sa mai fac niste masuratori de tensiuni maine la zavor si releul uch. sau as putea sa deconectez sigurante de pe upc sa vad care declanseaza reset-ul. Daca ar fi comanda a upc-ului nu pot sti daca e direct ceva defect legat de el sau o comanda scurta de vre-un modul care semanleaza o neregula dupa care ramane upc -ul sa deconecteze si sa mentina deconectat la ordin.

    • @crigeorge9549
      @crigeorge9549 4 роки тому

      Sal. In cele din urma s-a dovedit a fi UPC-ul de vina. O folosesc de 2 zile fara probleme. Mi-a dat semn ca e ceva in neregula cu el intrucat de fiecare data cand cuplam bateria masina se comporta aiurea. fie pornea ventilatorul motorului fie impreuna cu farurile fie era ok fara devieri. Nu stiu ce o fi determinat defectarea lui in trecut intrucat nu eram eu proprietarul ei. Sper sa nu se mai defecteze din nou. Sanatate .

  • @alexalexandru9109
    @alexalexandru9109 5 місяців тому

    Cum pot da de dumneavoastră ca am și eu problema asta

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  5 місяців тому

      Salut! Puteti trimite un mail la si eventual pe mail sa va dau nr de telefon.

  • @timurohuenny1735
    @timurohuenny1735 Рік тому

    thenk you,, спасибо

  • @jaydeecaraus5566
    @jaydeecaraus5566 2 роки тому


  • @dellgattograndedellgattogr8107
    @dellgattograndedellgattogr8107 3 роки тому

    how i can contact you private please?
    thank you

  • @robertadam3244
    @robertadam3244 3 роки тому

    Salut . Daca se foloseste un emulator in loc de acest “lock” este safe ?

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  3 роки тому

      Emulatorul practic anuleaza functia de protectie impotriva furtului a blocatorului de coloana de directie. Acum fiecare cum considera, dar eu unul nu-mi fac nicio grija legata de furtul ei. Cine vrea sa o fure, scrie o cartela noua in 2min, daca intra in ea, si astfel trece si peste blocatorul original.

    • @robertadam3244
      @robertadam3244 3 роки тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car ok . Ma gandeam ca fiind o chestie de “safety” sa nu-mi afecteze comportamentul masinii cand ruleaza .
      multumesc mult pentru raspuns

  • @jorgeriquelmeTM986
    @jorgeriquelmeTM986 3 роки тому +1

    hello a query removing those parts of the module can I use it to the bolt without any problem? I take out exactly how you did it and I assemble and place it, does it work?

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  3 роки тому +1

      If the steering lock is perfectly functional and you remove the firing pin (bolt) and its spring, everything will work perfectly and without the risk of not being able to remove it from the column in case of a defect.

  • @crigeorge9549
    @crigeorge9549 4 роки тому

    bun . si pana la urma ce s-a stricat la zavor de trebuie demontat?

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  4 роки тому

      In cazul meu s-a defectat componenta electronica. Fara ea nu se poate porni nici motorul iar coloana era blocata.

    • @crigeorge9549
      @crigeorge9549 4 роки тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car adica motorasul ala sau senzorul de pozitie zavor sau firele de conexiune, conectorul, memoria? am si eu o problema similara la megane2 in sensul ca de multe ori ramane deblocata coloana. Eu am putut scoate surubul. Inainte sa-l demontez am sa verific cablurile, conectica si sigurantele de la upc si uch. La mine e inchis intr-o cutie din tabla zavorul coloanei.

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  4 роки тому

      @@crigeorge9549 Motorasul functiona, eroare de nerecunoastere a blocatorului n-am primit... banuiesc ca o eroare a senzorului a fost. Am observat ca are un senzor hall si cred ca problema a aparut pe partea de detectare a pozitiei . Eu l-am inlocuit cu un emulator si a mers de prima data si fara probleme pana acum.
      Dupa ce am reusit sa-l dau jos, l-am conectat si cand incercam sa pornesc masina, motorasul retragea partea metalica si forta de vreo 3 ori la capat de cursa si apoi aparea eroare cu steering locked - de aici am concluzionat ca a fost o problema pe partea de detectie a pozitie inchis sau deschis.

    • @crigeorge9549
      @crigeorge9549 4 роки тому

      @@CARe_DEV-Car da. pare a fi o problema a senzorului de pozitie.Senzorii se mai strica periodic. la mine insa nu se inchide fizic zavorul ala. De deschis merge. pare a fi problema mecanica.

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  4 роки тому

      Dar pare macar ca incearca sa impinga motorasul? Sau e liniste totala?

  • @ionelraul1712
    @ionelraul1712 3 роки тому

    Cum se anulează

  • @munteanmihai6906
    @munteanmihai6906 2 роки тому +1

    Multam !!!!

  • @mihaisorin5335
    @mihaisorin5335 2 роки тому

    Am făcut exact așa Și tot nu pornește

    • @CARe_DEV-Car
      @CARe_DEV-Car  2 роки тому

      Cel mai probabil la tine e componenta electronica.

  • @catalinjuravlea6791
    @catalinjuravlea6791 3 роки тому

    Bravoo ma interesa