you gave me a new perspective on languages. I agree with you because when I learn English so I check all those informations that I learned from my brain each conversation so my brain is always working every day thank of language..
There is an effect but i cant think of the name. Ive typed every possible combination of "What is the name of the effect that occurs when you think differently because you know multiple languages" EVERY POSSIBLE WAY YOU COULD SEARCH THIS. Nothing! Nowhere on any site or any google page does the name of the effect pop up. I can't believe this. Can somebody tell me the name? I need to know tonight.
Interesting information! Thank you for sharing these language learning videos. Can you speak to the reasoning behind your use of colored fonts on Mango Languages? Is there a reason that subjects, verbs, adjectives, etc. are different colors?
Gracias Dawn! Great question - our color mapping reveals the correlation between words in the learner’s target and native languages, drawing attention to the differences in language order between them. You'll notice that the colors are not specific to sentence basics, but in a consistent order to provide subtle insights into the structure of the language. If you take a look at the first few slides of our Mandarin Chinese course, we think you'll see the power of our color mapping very quickly!
Thanks for another interesting video.
Thanks for all informations!
you gave me a new perspective on languages. I agree with you because when I learn English so I check all those informations that I learned from my brain each conversation so my brain is always working every day thank of language..
There is an effect but i cant think of the name. Ive typed every possible combination of "What is the name of the effect that occurs when you think differently because you know multiple languages" EVERY POSSIBLE WAY YOU COULD SEARCH THIS. Nothing! Nowhere on any site or any google page does the name of the effect pop up. I can't believe this. Can somebody tell me the name? I need to know tonight.
Ok its Sapir-Whorf
Thank you! Very helpful!
great video
Thank you! The video was very interesting 🔥
You are excellent..
Thank you so much 😀
Excellent information. Do you have something about learning styles and strategies for second language acquisition? Blessings from Lima-Perú😍♥♥♥
Hola! If you're looking for some learning tips, check out our playlist here!
Interesting information! Thank you for sharing these language learning videos. Can you speak to the reasoning behind your use of colored fonts on Mango Languages? Is there a reason that subjects, verbs, adjectives, etc. are different colors?
Gracias Dawn! Great question - our color mapping reveals the correlation between words in the learner’s target and native languages, drawing attention to the differences in language order between them. You'll notice that the colors are not specific to sentence basics, but in a consistent order to provide subtle insights into the structure of the language. If you take a look at the first few slides of our Mandarin Chinese course, we think you'll see the power of our color mapping very quickly!
I Understand a lot of Japanese and can even form sentences...I learned from watching Anime. 😅
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