I was raised agnostic. My mother is catholic & my father is atheist. They agreed when I was born to let me decide my religious beliefs for myself as I got older. I was atheist when I was very young, & became agnostic by age 18 & remained that way for many years. I could sense that I was inching closer & closer to God & Christianity over the last 10 years. At one point about a year ago I was so close to jumping the fence that I was sitting on top of it with one leg already over. I finally in my quest for truth realized that God is real & he has always been real & I had been terribly deceived by our secular society. God was so patient with me all these years. Looking back I can now sense that he was nudging me gently closer to him, through his son Jesus. If evil is real (which it undeniably is) & evil people love worshiping & glorifying satan, then God is absolutely real. Without God there is no satan. Its that simple. It was the evil in this world that lead me to the Lord, but it is God's love & light that I cherish every single day.
I’m with you here brother. God took me 36 years to completely reveal himself but I know what you mean by nudging nearer and nearer over the last 10 years. I grew up catholic. I am completely isolated in my family, but I pray for them as God waited patiently on me. I am forever in debt to Christ. God Bless
I am 66 years old, would like to say to all young people out there that 'don't be misled by social or political or ideological experiment designed by others for their interests or motives', otherwise, you will be a pawn in their evil game. Real Christianity is fellowship of Christ, once adopted in life then you will be truly free, safe, lovable and loved. The results of this faith in Christ will show in every area of your blessed life. God bless you all
Equally don't be misled hy Christian ideologues who are only interested in their agenda of self-righteous bigotry. They hate life, fear change, and have no concern for your happiness.
Yes, he's definitely a blessing to me because I was learning everything wrong! I prayed and prayed to have real understanding, and somehow I stumbled across a video with him and other teachers of sound doctrine. Thank you Jesus!
This guy is a pleasure to listen to. He approaches sensitive subjects with compassion and humor and honesty and intelligence, wrapped up in a beautiful, fatherly voice. God has blessed him. Thank you Dr. Baucham, and thank God for you.
@Curtis Smith I believe Acts 11:26 in the kjv mentions that the disciples of Christ Jesus were called "CHRISTIANS" at Antioch. If "christians" then "christianity" is a reasonable application.
@jjabrethren What do you call yourself? Follower of the WAY? Follower of Jesus? Follower of Yaweh? Follower of Yeshua? Question, do you think our Lord cares what we call ourselves? Is repentance the key, or what you call yourself?
Voddie is such a powerful humble voice that is so desperately needed in the body of Christ right now ❤️ God is so good to have done what he has done with this man for his purpose and to bring his children closer to him ❤️
Married my wife because Voddie preached through Ruth. Two kids later, moved us to a presbyterian church because Doug preached about worship. This is pretty awesome.
Hi God destroyed Versuvia, Herculien, and Pompeii after the Romans executed Jesus. Those three Cities were turned into Stones. The people and buildings are stones still to this very day. No one lives in those three Cities, Sulfur chemicals are still in those three Cities to this very day.
Voddy has become my favorite Pastor.. I wish he would do a tour and come to my area, I would definitely go to hear his message. I believe God speaks through him!
Our nation is under judgment It is gone but believers will never believe the woke lies. No borders, corrupt gov, corrupt churches, corrupt schools, patriots hated, perversion all over, trafficking, financial system under siege, and divide and conquer identity politics. All this to force socialism and totalitarian control. To do this they must eliminate Christian morality then we would be useful idiots believing their lies. Voddie is exposing them thank you!
Doug, Vodie, Toby. These are men we need to emulate. It will be hard, but these guys are just regular ole men saved by Grace. Now, all of us, go and tell the Gospel. Just like them. Read the Word, listen to these Godly men, and go unto all the world.
We were doomed from the beginning, I believe our job is to build a relationship with Jesus, repent, and bring as many others to Christ as possible, prepare for our true life with God, with sin removed.
This was beautiful, powerful, and from the Truth! He is patient and good, which gives all time to repent. Time is running out... the last minutes or seconds. Yet... His time is not ours, for He comes as a thief in the night! My prayer is that retain His knowledge and know the grace of out Lord Jesus Christ... my prayer is that you not get caught sleeping but rather bring watchful! Be diligent children of God! Amen...
Alot of people dont understand that our own sole reason of existence is to please and serve God. This is what it means by our life is not our own. We have free will, but we are not sovereign over ourselves
I just listened to this gentleman fir the first time. Incredible sermon. Makes you really think. And I thought Tony Evans was an incredible pastor. This guy is awesome too.
I've said it before of Voddie, and this vid warrants it again. This Godly Man speaks a language that once was a given . He speaks COMMON SENSE. This used to be expected from elders , as a person who learned and lived through life experience . It amazes me that watching one of Voddies vids creates such a stark departure from others made by people with time under their belts in life . Voddie, you are truly a blessing in a world gone to ruin . Here is hoping one day voices like your are common again, but I doubt we will last that long . Surely, God's patience is growing short in this upside down world we are witnessing . God Bless you , brother !
Brother, I live in Montgomery TX, just up the street from your church and I just found your channel. I sincerely love to listen to everything that you have to say. I appreciate you honesty , passion, knowledge and conviction! Preach Sir! You are so easy to listen to and you do not fill your sermons with fluff! Many need real meat and are lactose intolerant :-) Love Love Love what you have to say. You are a role model and very binge worthy! Blessing to you Brother!
Preachers are easy to find but this man is blessed! ❤❤❤THANK YOU LORD, because I was asking a lot of these questions that are now being answered. Thank you Father ❤❤
I am A 100 Hebrew.from birth. Yet I found Rev. voddie Backum ,and I can't stop listening 🎧. I like His teachings and I want to learn more 🎉 . Are the views of Christ Church, same As the teachings of this Amazing Rev. V.B."s ?
Voddie is a genuinely good man. A good, Christian man. Having seen politicians and celebrities speak to people and witnessing the way they handle themselves and then watching a genuine man speak, it becomes easier to spot the fake.
It took me a lot of years to realize that man is not God he is a child of God just like woman is supposed to love and protect woman but he's not doing that not all of them we wouldn't have women helping women we wouldn't have our children being raped we wouldn't have sex trafficking and why is this because of men and men need to step up to the plate and deal with their men counterpart and say no this is not how you do this this is how you do this you can never satisfy the flesh A man will never be God A woman Mary is part of man's Salvation God made it so he did not need man's seed when he let Jesus come down to save Mankind women were part of that and it's almost like men are jealous of women and some of them majority of them are this is sad but it is true and in order to deal with reality you do have to deal with the truth of the matter I put men and women down here to love each other not for men to destroyed woman which he has been doing percentage is don't give me wrong there's some end that I've blood woman and those of god-fearing men but the others not so much
For many years I have asked the Lord, What is my purpose here? And I finally got the answer, My purpose here is to simply please the Lord in all that I think, say and do!
This sermon, the pauses where felt, when you make it to heaven you will be amazed by the mercy of God. I am not worthy of the favor that God has shown me.
Not in any way meant to be morbid or disrespectful but VB gives me hope that the Body of Christ will have a component standard bearer once John Macarthur goes on to glory. Voddie blesses me every single time. God bless you.❤😊
Thank you so much for posting this very useful talk. I too thought people were inherently good until I had my first child 😊😮😊 thanks pastor Baucham for stating the truth about being a loving Christian when others challenge us about being loving… huge eye-opener
@OldEnoughToKnowBetter let’s be honest, it takes decades of DEEP introspection and meditation…. And wise teachers, to become this understanding. And, I believe that pastor Baucham would be the first to tell us that as well. Telling someone to just “read their bible” is so dismissive and condescending. No… read your Bible AND seek counsel from men (for men), or women (for women), who are closer to God than you. Learn from the wisdom and revelation of others, that is what our elders and leaders are here for. Learn from your own handle, and act “old enough to know better”.
God gave The Woman the most crucial role, she was the one that would bring new life into this world, and she was in charge of the household, including teaching the children right from wrong and preparing them for their own families. The Man's role was to protect and bring home the bacon.
@@mgadzitwistdube1708 God doesn't have to say it. God's will is in everything he created. He made it so that only Female can give life no matter the species. If creating life wasnt important he wouldn't have created Eve & made it so that she is the mother of all living.
God gave woman a unique role; not the most "crucial". Because without a man she cannot fulfill her role. We have unique roles as male and female. To put one role over and above another "crucial" is to say that God favors a specific gender over another. Men have the unique role of leading the Church and their own homes; it is crucial that they honor those roles for the benefit of the Church and the Home. But I will never say that "Men" in general have the more crucial role because of what God has ordered us to do. All roles are crucial in God's eyes; it is our fallen nature that tries to pit each role against another. As the Apostle Paul states 1 Corinthians 12:21-31 ESV The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
I love the way he set a strong and solid platform of the different views and how they give us the lens of a world view. Once he does this he then goes into explaining the biblical view. Such a good speech.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Facts more pastors need to hit on these things in their churches along with all the other vial things that are being taught outside the church and some inside the church that defy the word of God
Wow, Vodie is awesome. I never tired of listening to him. His sermons are clear and up-to-date. Response for oday's issues are addressed simply from the Bible. Thanks Bro💚❤💜
Thank You Voddie for sharing the Truth!! I'm hoping to get all my friends and followers to listen to your messages!! You are a Blessing and what the world needs right now!! God Bless you for all you are doing!!!
You speak the truth and I and any others of my generation want to hear the truth. It does not matter what the governments of this world are saying oh, it doesn't matter what they trained or try to tell us to believe. We want to hear the word of God and we want his Spirit to change us. So thank you for the great work that you do and I will continue to keep you up in my prayers in this wicked and unfriendly world.
@@JesusistheonetrueGod No, women should not speak at all about church matters. It is biblical law! You know, just like the ten commandments is biblical law. Do you get to pick and choose your biblical law? Is the bible 100% truth or not?
@@ylekiote99999 If that is the case, did Deborah the prophetess breach the law by speaking on biblical matters? What about Lydia? Women can't be pastors, but they certainly can tell people the gospel. The command to preach the gospel applies to us all. No I don't pick and choose.
Thank you brother for teaching this message. We must preach like John the Baptist. We cannot accommodate what people want to hear. Messages on success and other must be placed aside. Repentance must be preached!!!
Pastor Bauchum you look very dapper in your new shirt😊 Thank you as always for feeding Our Lords sheep in whom I am one🙏 Your messages always resonate and make sense to me and I always learn something valuable to add to my walk with Our Lord😊
Thank you again. I learned a lot in this talk. I believe knowing your identity in Christ is crucial to the mental health, especially for our youth. You did a great job of defining that. I think one of the biggest problems Christians have is being able to define the words that make up our biblical world view so that we can counter the manipulation of words the secular world does to make their own truth. For one example, repentance being at the top of my list because few pastors define it and teach people what it means. Christians cannot live a life of repentance if they don't know what it truly means to begin with.
That was one of The best explanations of what is wrong in the world & how Christianity is the only real answer to heal this world. The only thing I would add to what Voddie said at the very end about how WE are the problem choosing to pursue OUR rights OUR needs OUR desires is that WE also don't care about how that will affect or hurt others as long as WE are "happy" & therein lies the problem with the world.
Stop asking about the wrong, and start asking about the right. How many times in your own life do you have to say "wow, if that would have been a millimeter different, I'd be dead. billions of things go right every day. We don't understand God's plan, and you don't know. Maybe that one sacrifice stopped a future super Hitler.
I thank God for sending Dr. Beauchamp to spread the word! He has a way with preaching and explaining God's Word. There are several thing he preached here that finally made sense to me.
Thank you so much for speaking on this...I'm disgusted at the silence of Christians, yet Muslims are speaking out. I speak out on my Facebook even my Christian friends don't like or comment. I'm sick of this non truth
We are insufficiently educated and insufficiently informed 🙏🏾 I agree with this.. This is what makes us vulnerable as a people of The Most High God 🙏🏾 We are insufficiently governed too 🙏🏾
Love this man. God is surly working in him. God per trays great knowledge and wisdom through his evangelism. Can’t get enough of this man’s teaching. God, continue using our brother. We need it! Amen!
Wow - Voddie, you gave great answers to what appears to be a woke person asking questions. God be with you and give you the answers to questions of evil doers.
I was raised agnostic. My mother is catholic & my father is atheist. They agreed when I was born to let me decide my religious beliefs for myself as I got older. I was atheist when I was very young, & became agnostic by age 18 & remained that way for many years. I could sense that I was inching closer & closer to God & Christianity over the last 10 years. At one point about a year ago I was so close to jumping the fence that I was sitting on top of it with one leg already over. I finally in my quest for truth realized that God is real & he has always been real & I had been terribly deceived by our secular society. God was so patient with me all these years. Looking back I can now sense that he was nudging me gently closer to him, through his son Jesus. If evil is real (which it undeniably is) & evil people love worshiping & glorifying satan, then God is absolutely real. Without God there is no satan. Its that simple. It was the evil in this world that lead me to the Lord, but it is God's love & light that I cherish every single day.
Amen my sister or brother in christ
I'm in the same boat man 😭
I’m with you here brother. God took me 36 years to completely reveal himself but I know what you mean by nudging nearer and nearer over the last 10 years. I grew up catholic. I am completely isolated in my family, but I pray for them as God waited patiently on me. I am forever in debt to Christ. God Bless
@@BecamePneuma God bless you and keep praying for them🙏🏻🛐
All pastors should be bold like this man. He’s speaking truth.
Yes indeed!
some of his doctrines I dont agree with, but for the most part yes
Exactly.... they're afraid to tell God's truth because they are afraid of losing money....
Really? And what's "true" about it, doctor?
I am 66 years old, would like to say to all young people out there that 'don't be misled by social or political or ideological experiment designed by others for their interests or motives', otherwise, you will be a pawn in their evil game.
Real Christianity is fellowship of Christ, once adopted in life then you will be truly free, safe, lovable and loved. The results of this faith in Christ will show in every area of your blessed life.
God bless you all
Christianity is The devil.
Equally don't be misled hy Christian ideologues who are only interested in their agenda of self-righteous bigotry. They hate life, fear change, and have no concern for your happiness.
The culture is so desperately lacking in male leadership like Dr. Voddie Baucham. We need more of this.
Is a human being created by God Amighty Man or Woman? The animals are male or female which are words created by some professor
LEAVE IT TO THE SERPENT -to foul things up and he is still doing it. THE MASTER TWISTER.
@@GiveMeLiberty221 Read your Bible ..
@@_sal. I dought he has a Bible to ask that question 🤷
I am thanking God that he spared Voddie to us for a few more years. What a blessing he is!
Yes, he's definitely a blessing to me because I was learning everything wrong! I prayed and prayed to have real understanding, and somehow I stumbled across a video with him and other teachers of sound doctrine. Thank you Jesus!
@@lynettepatrice2600 God answered your prayer. Glory to God.
@@lynettepatrice2600 Amen in Jesus’ name! However, we must all study the Holy Bible for ourselves. Even pastors sometimes err.
Zambia represent!
This guy is a pleasure to listen to. He approaches sensitive subjects with compassion and humor and honesty and intelligence, wrapped up in a beautiful, fatherly voice. God has blessed him. Thank you Dr. Baucham, and thank God for you.
GOD'S will be done on earth as it is in heaven, may GOD have mercy on our souls.
Blows my mind you even have to have a sermon about this. The spirit of BAAL is real. Common sense is dead. ❤
is very sad TBH. but the truth is the majority of us knows this.
Amen 🙌🏽
We have to pray for both them and each other! Don't forget to Repent and believe in Almighty Lord Jesus Christ and HIS Gospel. May God bless you all.
@@Leon-Servant-of-Christ amen! U too 😁
So True 🙌🏼❤️
This man, and John MacArthur, are the two titans in Christianity today.
There is no CHRISTIANITY religion in the Bible...try and find it your self!
@Curtis Smith
I believe Acts 11:26 in the kjv mentions that the disciples of Christ Jesus were called "CHRISTIANS" at Antioch.
If "christians" then "christianity" is a reasonable application.
@@Thesmoke1982 oooh they got you🤣🤣🤣
Just playing but really what was your intention in speaking against the term Christian
@@Cuvoastoh6321You tried but you failed badly. Christianity hate our 💡 YAHAWAH 💡. Christianity was worded by The Romans Catholic Church in 70 AD.
@jjabrethren What do you call yourself?
Follower of the WAY?
Follower of Jesus?
Follower of Yaweh?
Follower of Yeshua?
Question, do you think our Lord cares what we call ourselves?
Is repentance the key, or what you call yourself?
Voddie is such a powerful humble voice that is so desperately needed in the body of Christ right now ❤️ God is so good to have done what he has done with this man for his purpose and to bring his children closer to him ❤️
A humble man, well spoken and fair minded. You can see he truly loves people. God is using him greatly. I subscribed.
@@jharvey9898 Then clearly God is an idiot.
Married my wife because Voddie preached through Ruth. Two kids later, moved us to a presbyterian church because Doug preached about worship. This is pretty awesome.
Hi God destroyed Versuvia, Herculien, and Pompeii after the Romans executed Jesus. Those three Cities were turned into Stones. The people and buildings are stones still to this very day. No one lives in those three Cities, Sulfur chemicals are still in those three Cities to this very day.
Absalom had long hair too and he certainly wasn't a female.
@@JesusistheonetrueGod SO TRUE 👍
@@JesusistheonetrueGod So did Samson.
@@Sedines amen
So right; it is coming down like a tsunami - muddled thinking
This man has the gift of the spirit of the Lord to preach the truth. Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏
What took me so long to find a man of God like this
So good!❤❤❤I love Voddie. He is a gift to the body of Christ. Thank you Jesus.
Voddy has become my favorite Pastor.. I wish he would do a tour and come to my area, I would definitely go to hear his message. I believe God speaks through him!
Let's continue fighting for morality
Ten four 👍
Our nation is under judgment
It is gone but believers will never
believe the woke lies. No borders, corrupt gov, corrupt churches, corrupt schools, patriots hated, perversion all over, trafficking, financial system under siege, and divide and conquer identity politics. All this to force socialism and totalitarian control. To do this they must eliminate Christian morality then we would be useful idiots believing their lies. Voddie is exposing them thank you!
Doug, Vodie, Toby. These are men we need to emulate. It will be hard, but these guys are just regular ole men saved by Grace. Now, all of us, go and tell the Gospel. Just like them. Read the Word, listen to these Godly men, and go unto all the world.
Doug and Toby? Who are they?
@@JesusistheonetrueGod Doug Wilson and Toby Sumpter, Canon Press, Cross Politic
@@southernpine6696 Imma have to look them up
@Jesus is God you’re in the right place. Just look at the other sermons on this channel.
1 Corinthians 11:1
“ Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”
Fantastic pastor. I've been listening to Voddie for 22 years!❤
God does not make mistakes so that you can fix it.
We were doomed from the beginning, I believe our job is to build a relationship with Jesus, repent, and bring as many others to Christ as possible, prepare for our true life with God, with sin removed.
What an idiota you can't buold anything stupefying your ignorance to seem simplified just makes evven crazier 😅😅😅😅😅
that analogy about george washington is so good 🤩 i mean zues has stories about him and statues too 🙂 doesn't mean he exists.
This was beautiful, powerful, and from the Truth! He is patient and good, which gives all time to repent. Time is running out... the last minutes or seconds. Yet... His time is not ours, for He comes as a thief in the night! My prayer is that retain His knowledge and know the grace of out Lord Jesus Christ... my prayer is that you not get caught sleeping but rather bring watchful! Be diligent children of God! Amen...
Alot of people dont understand that our own sole reason of existence is to please and serve God. This is what it means by our life is not our own. We have free will, but we are not sovereign over ourselves
Such a blessing you are. I’m thankful to the Lord for men like Tony Perkins, or Jack Hibbs or John MacArthur. And you, sir
I had no idea Voddie was in Moscow !!! I would have loved to come down to see him speak. Howdy from CDA !!!
I just listened to this gentleman fir the first time. Incredible sermon. Makes you really think. And I thought Tony Evans was an incredible pastor. This guy is awesome too.
I like the both of them as well. They are most definitely NOT in it for the money. (I mean that statement sincerely.)
I love listening to Voddie, he's sermons are always so powerful and truthful.
I've said it before of Voddie, and this vid warrants it again. This Godly Man speaks a language that once was a given . He speaks COMMON SENSE. This used to be expected from elders , as a person who learned and lived through life experience .
It amazes me that watching one of Voddies vids creates such a stark departure from others made by people with time under their belts in life .
Voddie, you are truly a blessing in a world gone to ruin . Here is hoping one day voices like your are common again, but I doubt we will last that long . Surely, God's patience is growing short in this upside down world we are witnessing .
God Bless you , brother !
Glory To The Father And Our Lord Jesus 💪
This man opened up my heart to the Holy Spirit and Jesus did the rest, God bless everyone, Amen 🙏
The truth is a lion. Set it free and it will defend itself! Thank you Voddie! Praise Yeshuah Hamashiach!!!
So thankful we have a true preacher of the word .
We all need to hear this message so we understand what is going on around us, in and outside our churches.
Brother, I live in Montgomery TX, just up the street from your church and I just found your channel. I sincerely love to listen to everything that you have to say. I appreciate you honesty , passion, knowledge and conviction! Preach Sir! You are so easy to listen to and you do not fill your sermons with fluff! Many need real meat and are lactose intolerant :-) Love Love Love what you have to say. You are a role model and very binge worthy! Blessing to you Brother!
Listening I do not know for how many times now❤❤❤
WOW, what a crossover this will be!
All morals and ethics come from God. Whether we like it or not. Whether we like his morals or not.
Preachers are easy to find but this man is blessed! ❤❤❤THANK YOU LORD, because I was asking a lot of these questions that are now being answered. Thank you Father ❤❤
I am A 100 Hebrew.from birth. Yet I found Rev. voddie Backum ,and I can't stop listening 🎧. I like His teachings and I want to learn more 🎉 . Are the views of Christ Church, same As the teachings of this Amazing Rev. V.B."s ?
Voddie is a genuinely good man. A good, Christian man.
Having seen politicians and celebrities speak to people and witnessing the way they handle themselves and then watching a genuine man speak, it becomes easier to spot the fake.
This man is such a blessing😊
It took me a lot of years to realize that man is not God he is a child of God just like woman is supposed to love and protect woman but he's not doing that not all of them we wouldn't have women helping women we wouldn't have our children being raped we wouldn't have sex trafficking and why is this because of men and men need to step up to the plate and deal with their men counterpart and say no this is not how you do this this is how you do this you can never satisfy the flesh A man will never be God A woman Mary is part of man's Salvation God made it so he did not need man's seed when he let Jesus come down to save Mankind women were part of that and it's almost like men are jealous of women and some of them majority of them are this is sad but it is true and in order to deal with reality you do have to deal with the truth of the matter I put men and women down here to love each other not for men to destroyed woman which he has been doing percentage is don't give me wrong there's some end that I've blood woman and those of god-fearing men but the others not so much
This IS sound teaching ......so so good!...listen world ....while you can....this man is simply a gem !
For many years I have asked the Lord, What is my purpose here?
And I finally got the answer, My purpose here is to simply please the Lord in all that I think, say and do!
And there is nothing I repeat nothing in between!
This sermon, the pauses where felt, when you make it to heaven you will be amazed by the mercy of God. I am not worthy of the favor that God has shown me.
Not in any way meant to be morbid or disrespectful but VB gives me hope that the Body of Christ will have a component standard bearer once John Macarthur goes on to glory. Voddie blesses me every single time. God bless you.❤😊
Please pray for me to get back out of Destruction. This is bad I made mistakes and going in circles.. .I hate this.
Thank you so much for posting this very useful talk. I too thought people were inherently good until I had my first child 😊😮😊 thanks pastor Baucham for stating the truth about being a loving Christian when others challenge us about being loving… huge eye-opener
I wish we had more preachers like this guy. He is helpful to so many young men out there.
@OldEnoughToKnowBetter let’s be honest, it takes decades of DEEP introspection and meditation…. And wise teachers, to become this understanding. And, I believe that pastor Baucham would be the first to tell us that as well. Telling someone to just “read their bible” is so dismissive and condescending. No… read your Bible AND seek counsel from men (for men), or women (for women), who are closer to God than you. Learn from the wisdom and revelation of others, that is what our elders and leaders are here for. Learn from your own handle, and act “old enough to know better”.
Jeff Durbin and James White are also not afraid to speak Absolute Truth ❤
39 minutes into this is on point. Amen brother. Praise god for his mercy.
I have long chosen this pastor as my biblical and theological mentor! God is super good!
I am so happy to see Voddie among friends
God gave The Woman the most crucial role, she was the one that would bring new life into this world, and she was in charge of the household, including teaching the children right from wrong and preparing them for their own families. The Man's role was to protect and bring home the bacon.
When did God say this?
@@mgadzitwistdube1708 God doesn't have to say it. God's will is in everything he created. He made it so that only Female can give life no matter the species. If creating life wasnt important he wouldn't have created Eve & made it so that she is the mother of all living.
God gave woman a unique role; not the most "crucial". Because without a man she cannot fulfill her role. We have unique roles as male and female. To put one role over and above another "crucial" is to say that God favors a specific gender over another. Men have the unique role of leading the Church and their own homes; it is crucial that they honor those roles for the benefit of the Church and the Home. But I will never say that "Men" in general have the more crucial role because of what God has ordered us to do. All roles are crucial in God's eyes; it is our fallen nature that tries to pit each role against another. As the Apostle Paul states
1 Corinthians 12:21-31 ESV
The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
Well said!
Love bacon
I love the way he set a strong and solid platform of the different views and how they give us the lens of a world view. Once he does this he then goes into explaining the biblical view. Such a good speech.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Voddie bauchman is the smartest man I have ever listened to. Thank you Voddie for being bold and not afraid to speak the truth.
The truth will set you free. The word of God is truth, know it and understanding it will bless your life till ertenity.
Facts more pastors need to hit on these things in their churches along with all the other vial things that are being taught outside the church and some inside the church that defy the word of God
One of my favorite truth tellers
Blessings sir
Absolutely true and well stated Brother!!!
This teaching made me look at my own heart, I didn’t want to, but I’m thankful because it’s something I needed to do
Ye shall know them by their fruit. 👍👍
Congratulation, congratulation congratulation,Sir for seven sons and two daugthers.❤❤❤.God bless you sir
Thank you Jesus for guiding me to someone I need to hear in my life amen
Wow, Vodie is awesome. I never tired of listening to him. His sermons are clear and up-to-date. Response for oday's issues are addressed simply from the Bible. Thanks Bro💚❤💜
Epic 🎉
Thank You Voddie for sharing the Truth!! I'm hoping to get all my friends and followers to listen to your messages!! You are a Blessing and what the world needs right now!! God Bless you for all you are doing!!!
You speak the truth and I and any others of my generation want to hear the truth. It does not matter what the governments of this world are saying oh, it doesn't matter what they trained or try to tell us to believe. We want to hear the word of God and we want his Spirit to change us. So thank you for the great work that you do and I will continue to keep you up in my prayers in this wicked and unfriendly world.
Imagine if we all had the courage and conviction to speak the truth publically. That is exactly what we should be doing.
Except for women of course. 1 Corinthians 14 33-35
@@ylekiote99999 Women should ne speaking the truth as well.
@@ylekiote99999 should be*
@@JesusistheonetrueGod No, women should not speak at all about church matters. It is biblical law! You know, just like the ten commandments is biblical law. Do you get to pick and choose your biblical law? Is the bible 100% truth or not?
@@ylekiote99999 If that is the case, did Deborah the prophetess breach the law by speaking on biblical matters? What about Lydia? Women can't be pastors, but they certainly can tell people the gospel. The command to preach the gospel applies to us all. No I don't pick and choose.
This is an extremely intelligent, well-spoken man right here. Every single word was deliberate and poignant. Bravo and AMEN 🙌🏻
We need to pay attention to what is happening to humanity. Everything is by design
Good for my ears this morning. Thank you
There's a powerful Pastor the right here
Words cannot express how much I enjoyed this. He can explain things so well!! Thanks.
God 🙏 bless him
Thank you brother for teaching this message. We must preach like John the Baptist. We cannot accommodate what people want to hear. Messages on success and other must be placed aside. Repentance must be preached!!!
Pastor Bauchum you look very dapper in your new shirt😊 Thank you as always for feeding Our Lords sheep in whom I am one🙏 Your messages always resonate and make sense to me and I always learn something valuable to add to my walk with Our Lord😊
Thank you again. I learned a lot in this talk. I believe knowing your identity in Christ is crucial to the mental health, especially for our youth. You did a great job of defining that. I think one of the biggest problems Christians have is being able to define the words that make up our biblical world view so that we can counter the manipulation of words the secular world does to make their own truth. For one example, repentance being at the top of my list because few pastors define it and teach people what it means. Christians cannot live a life of repentance if they don't know what it truly means to begin with.
Amen!!! God bless you and your family Pastor Voddie!
If this doesn't change the way you view the world. I dont know what will... please lets share this.
That was one of The best explanations of what is wrong in the world & how Christianity is the only real answer to heal this world.
The only thing I would add to what Voddie said at the very end about how WE are the problem choosing to pursue OUR rights OUR needs OUR desires is that WE also don't care about how that will affect or hurt others as long as WE are "happy" & therein lies the problem with the world.
I love how this man of God preaches the word, I would love to move to where his church is so I can hear all his sermons.
Thank you for the sermon, about questioning why the wicked aren't struck down. I needed to hear these words today.
Stop asking about the wrong, and start asking about the right. How many times in your own life do you have to say "wow, if that would have been a millimeter different, I'd be dead. billions of things go right every day. We don't understand God's plan, and you don't know. Maybe that one sacrifice stopped a future super Hitler.
Alive for such a time as this!!! 🔥🙏🏾⚔️🙌🏾🔥
The World will does the world does.Because it lives in darkness.God will have the last word.All will bow the knee to Christ.
Thank You Holy Spirit and thank you Voddie for being a good and faithful servant to the One & Truly Living God🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
55:05 Love that analogy! Very true!
I thank God for sending Dr. Beauchamp to spread the word! He has a way with preaching and explaining God's Word. There are several thing he preached here that finally made sense to me.
Sorry, my auto-correct misspelled his name.
Praise God for Voddie 🙏
Deep, intelligent, powerful...yet easily digestible. The right sermon for the right time in a fallen world.
Thank you so much for speaking on this...I'm disgusted at the silence of Christians, yet Muslims are speaking out. I speak out on my Facebook even my Christian friends don't like or comment. I'm sick of this non truth
We are insufficiently educated and insufficiently informed 🙏🏾
I agree with this..
This is what makes us vulnerable as a people of The Most High God 🙏🏾
We are insufficiently governed too 🙏🏾
Love this man. God is surly working in him. God per trays great knowledge and wisdom through his evangelism. Can’t get enough of this man’s teaching. God, continue using our brother. We need it! Amen!
Beautifully articulated and should be played in all schools and governments.
Wow - Voddie, you gave great answers to what appears to be a woke person asking questions. God be with you and give you the answers to questions of evil doers.
Those bringing chaos are trying to distract us from God. Stay strong believers.
Great message 👍 watching from Zambia 🇿🇲
You are a true Blessing to this world, Thank You. I am glad to have come across this video.
I enjoyed this sermon. Thank you for sharing! And not being afraid to speak the truth.