How to Make Members of Opus Dei Cry

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Former Opus Dei discusses the surprisingly simple idea that can bring Opus Dei members to tears.
    Best Websites (Opus Dei Awareness Network)
    Best English language website about Opus Dei.
    Most comprehensive source for accurate information about Opus Dei. Includes many testimonies from former members. The “Correspondence,” “Your Writings,” and “Vocation Trap” sections are the most useful. It is a Spanish language website. However, by right-clicking and choosing “Translate to English,” Google provides a decent although imperfect translation.
    Best Books
    Beyond the Threshold: A Life in Opus Dei , by Maria del Carmen Tapia.
    The book Opus Dei hates more than any other. Ms. Tapia simply recounts her experiences of Opus Dei and Josemaria Escriva. The problem with this book, for Opus Dei, is that Ms. Tapia paints a picture of Josemaria Escriva which is very much at odds with the false hagiographies it pushes. And her writing is eminently believable. This book may be out of print, but used copies are generally available on Amazon.
    Saints & Schemers: Opus Dei and Its Paradoxes , Joan Estruch.
    1994 Oxford University Press book that traces the many contradictions in Opus Dei’s telling of its early history. Out of print, but available used on Amazon.
    Opus Dei as Divine Revelation: Analysis of Its Theology and Its Consequences in Its History and People , E.B.E.
    Former South American member of Opus Dei provides an accurate understanding of how Opus Dei sees itself. This book may be of interest principally to former members of Opus Dei. For anyone looking for a deep dive.
    Opus Dei: An Objective Look Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controversial Force in the Catholic Church , John Allen, Jr.
    John Allen is an excellent journalist. Unfortunately, he widely missed the mark in this book. Kudos to the Opus Dei PR team for dodging a bullet!
    Anything approved of or promoted by Opus Dei or its members
    These works are pure hagiographies and do not even mention (let alone explain or contextualize) Josemaria Escriva’s many and serious defects. The histories of Opus Dei written by Opus Dei members or sympathizers omit so many important details that they can only be described as materially false.


  • @BABI1Y2
    @BABI1Y2 Рік тому +4

    Dear former Opus Dei, congratulations for your work on talking about OD. I valídate all you say about Opus Dei, and makes me feel better about what I feel about Jose Maria and Opus Dei. I want to tell everybody all the truth about them, I don’t want to see any friend or any people joining OD. You are a brave man. I want to do the same. I live in a city where most of my family and friends were educated in OD schools and many are members of OD. It is hard for me to let them go. Hope to meet you sometime.

  • @pfortuny
    @pfortuny Рік тому +11

    Wow, that was great to watch, as the other ones I have. I thank you for your candidness and honesty, and really: you do speak in a pleasingly calm and tranquil way, which helps the message come across.
    I am a numerary from Spain and I reckon these things need to be said. It has already been a long while since I was last part of a local council and I am unaware of lots of things that have changed: I am one of the depressed ones (but not especially due to the Work, it goes with my family), and I have been ages without attending a brief circle.
    Anyway: thanks and I really hope the message comes across where it needs to. Because it is indeed needed.
    Hope you have a good life now.

    • @BABI1Y2
      @BABI1Y2 Рік тому +4

      Dear numerary, leave Opus Dei. Nobody has a real vocation. Te hablare en español. No hay vocación al Opus Dei. Busca en el internet, lee los testimonios de muchos ex numerarios, mi cuñado fue numerario a los 14 años y salió huyendo por una ventana porque no lo dejaban ir. Despues de un tiempo no pudo con el cambio y al final se suicido. Eso les ha pasado a muchos. Desde hoy rezo a Dios para que encuentres el valor de salirte sin dar ninguna expliacacion. Se que te dicen que tu depresion viene de familia, no es cierto, la mayoria de las numerarias en mi ciudad sufren depresión, terminan rompiendo tu psique porque te enseñan a no sentir, a negarte a ti mismo. Te deseo todo el bien posible.

    • @pfortuny
      @pfortuny Рік тому +1

      Hey! Thanks a lot for your comment and your prayers (any way they go they are worth a lot to me). Sorry about your brother-in-law and the situation in your city. Thank God I have good friends (out of OD) who care a lot for me and also spiritual help out of the Institution, so not to worry about that. But I do appreciate your concern and wish you the best too.

    • @insidecritical3759
      @insidecritical3759 4 місяці тому +1

      Pedro, gracias a este comentario he podido leer las entradas en tu blog donde hablas sobre la depresión.
      El trato nefasto a los numerarios y numerarios auxiliares provoca este tipo de sentimientos.
      Ojalá algún día te desmarques completamente del grupo y puedas vivir tu vida plenamente sin la coerción del Opus Dei para que tu mente sane, verdaderamente lo mereces.

    • @pfortuny
      @pfortuny 4 місяці тому

      @@insidecritical3759 Caray, ya no me acordaba de este comentario. Gracias por tu interés y preocupación. Tenemos, de momento, que "agree to disagree" pero el hecho de que muestres interés por mí ya me hace estar agradecido.
      El asunto de la depresión es serio, por eso escribí todo aquello. ¡Gracias por leerlo!
      Espero que tú estés bien. De verdad, gracias por tu comentario.

    • @insidecritical3759
      @insidecritical3759 4 місяці тому

      @@pfortuny No es una tarea fácil el dejar la organización, especialmente cuando los jovenes son invitados a unirse tan pronto (sobretodo cuando eres una persona creyente, inteligente y con altas capacidades académicas como creo que fue en tu caso)
      Admiro tu valentía al buscar información externa y no apoyar prácticas cuestionables de la Iglesia, como el encubrimiento de abusos. Tu apoyo a los derechos de las mujeres y tu búsqueda de ayuda terapéutica externa muestran una profunda integridad y cuidado por tu bienestar.
      Recuerda que ser un cristiano comprometido no requiere pertenecer a una orden específica. Sigue siendo fiel a tus creencias mientras mantienes una mente abierta y crítica. Esa es la verdadera fortaleza espiritual.

  • @tomastorquemada4521
    @tomastorquemada4521 Рік тому +5

    This explanation of the anthropology of Opus Dei spirituality is the most accurate i've seen in my life!

  • @adampowell5376
    @adampowell5376 Рік тому +3

    I hear that there are psychiatrists who specialise in Opus Dei.

  • @theJURN88
    @theJURN88 7 місяців тому +5

    Opus Dei is not for everyone. It is ultraconsrvative but all the Opus Dei that I know in my country were executives, leaders, hospital directors, bank executives, physicians etc. So there must be something in opus dei that makes them successful in their field.

    • @ryanhilliard1620
      @ryanhilliard1620 6 місяців тому +7

      Many of them are successful in their fields and then recruited by OD.

    • @theJURN88
      @theJURN88 6 місяців тому

      @@ryanhilliard1620 on the contrary most of them were members when they were college students. I am not a member but I have known some of them.

    • @laurykristensen6239
      @laurykristensen6239 2 місяці тому +1

      @@ryanhilliard1620 Did you happen to watch Harrison Butker's controversial commencement speech. He references Escriva early in the speech. The speech was more of a right wing political rant than anything. (Butker claims God has given him success in the NFL, and has called on him to use his platform to speak out)

  • @stella-gx8ne
    @stella-gx8ne Місяць тому

    OD is frightening. It’s the same with all extreme religions. They fall for the sense of being in. Yes they are in successful businesses etc. so are the Mormons. they do it for themselves. It’s self love Period