NATO is desperate on Russia, and delusional on China

  • Опубліковано 19 січ 2025


  • @terrylovesenegal
    @terrylovesenegal 3 місяці тому +371

    Glenn, will it be possible to charge Jens Stoltenberg for crimes against humanity? Just with the destruction of Libya, - not talking about the destruction of Ukraine - Libya has not recovered since the murder of Kaddafi and the whole of the Sahel region remains unsafe and at war also leading to the mass migration of Africans into Europe or dying at sea and in the desert. It is time to make all war criminals accountable and charged.

    • @bradleyp3655
      @bradleyp3655 3 місяці тому +1

      That would be up for the ICC. Since it has been shown to be only a weapon for the Collective West to wield it will not happen. Case in point Netanyahu (obvious war criminal) not being charged but Putin (defending Russia from Western aggression) has.

    • @RebeccaTurner-ny1xx
      @RebeccaTurner-ny1xx 3 місяці тому +1

      Given the dismal record of the ICC since its founding, I doubt that it is capable of doing _anything_ against a Western leader.

    • @GeorgePaul-dz9bi
      @GeorgePaul-dz9bi 3 місяці тому +1

      Jens Stoltenberg General Secretary of NATO is complicit with past but now even more of NATO / U.S. war crimes/atrocities. He should be held accountable for promoting Crimes Against Humanity war crimes. The same way as “Genocidal Joe” U.S. president / government is.

    • @elliekwong3180
      @elliekwong3180 3 місяці тому +44

      Libya was the largest economy of Africa. Look what these freaking people did.

    • @elliekwong3180
      @elliekwong3180 3 місяці тому +17

      @@flippensweet3 ICC is not the same as ICJ. These are two different organizations. ICC is not recognized by some countries, like USA, UK, Russia, China, India, etc.

  • @ethicpereira139
    @ethicpereira139 3 місяці тому +19

    It is so refreshing to hear this dialogue from all the panel members. One can sense the level of intellect and maturity in the topics discussed. As an ordinary American, I am embarrassed by all the leaders of the USA and the whole Western world. they are all a bunch of WAR-mongering clans. It is absolutely SAD.

  • @Ziaoe
    @Ziaoe 3 місяці тому +44

    "When peace breaks out the existence of the American military industrial complex is threatened." thank you for this statement. It's so simple and true.

  • @imbalancedstatus8824
    @imbalancedstatus8824 3 місяці тому +192

    Projection is the name of the game . Accuse them of what you been doing all along

    • @nenadperisic9915
      @nenadperisic9915 3 місяці тому +12


    • @CheckYourPager
      @CheckYourPager 3 місяці тому +2

      Remember Oct 7th?
      Remember February 24, 2022 ? 😂😂😂

    • @joachimluft4501
      @joachimluft4501 3 місяці тому

      wow thx Volltreffer bingo !

    • @imbalancedstatus8824
      @imbalancedstatus8824 3 місяці тому +4

      @@CheckYourPager Am sure the Palestinian were very happy before October 7

    • @Jamal_dont_mess
      @Jamal_dont_mess 3 місяці тому +14

      ​@@imbalancedstatus8824Palestinians never been happy since 1948, their land and everything they lived on has been being seized and many more massacres folwed then.Moreso many had born in the refugee camps.

  • @tengkualiff
    @tengkualiff 3 місяці тому +153

    For real. If NATO actually gave a shit about Ukraine, they would have done more than just sending weapons and actually give better quality of life to the PEOPLE of Ukraine.

    • @l3eatalphal3eatalpha
      @l3eatalphal3eatalpha 3 місяці тому +1

      Wiki via Google:
      'Countries delivering military aid to Ukraine
      As of March 2024, nations-mostly, Western governments-have since January 2022 pledged more than $380 billion in aid to Ukraine, including nearly $118 billion in direct military aid from individual countries.'
      For a country of 38 million, that would have been a major step up in infrastructure. Instead, they destroyed it.

    • @gayedawn1
      @gayedawn1 3 місяці тому +10

      @@tengkualiff Yes, especially looked to the welfare of the people in the Eastern and South Eastern Ukraine.

    • @owlgothic248
      @owlgothic248 3 місяці тому +4


    • @douglaswong8610
      @douglaswong8610 3 місяці тому +4

      Chinese have a saying
      Smart people use their mouth to fight
      Stupid people use their hands to fight

    • @Soundsinthevoid
      @Soundsinthevoid 3 місяці тому

      One could say that exactly same about russia. Why they haven't given those "ethnic russians" in donbas a better quality of life? They decided to "help" them by starting a war

  • @Vit_Kon
    @Vit_Kon 3 місяці тому +148

    Хочу кое-что пояснить по поводу бывших советских республик, которые при распаде СССР стали отдельными странами, а теперь эксплуатируют тему «российской оккупации», используя это против России. Как, например, Прибалтийские страны или та же Украина, которая начала использовать эту тему более активно после 2014 года.
    Начну с того, что СССР распался в 1991 году, и уже 33 года, как эти страны независимы. Иначе говоря, они уже больше трех десятков лет живут самостоятельно, но до сих пор все свои проблемы оправдывают Россией.
    Во-вторых, большинство западных граждан не знают, что практически все бывшие республики в составе СССР являлись дотационными территориями. Иначе говоря, практически все они жили за счет того, что им выделяли средства из общего бюджета СССР, который в основном пополнялся за счет одной основной республики РСФСР - современной России. И это при том, что СССР всячески пытался сделать эти республики профицитными, строил заводы на их территориях, развивал инфраструктуру, науку и технологии, но они все равно потребляли ресурсов больше, чем давали. Причем после распада СССР все это досталось им в наследство. И вот что забавно, что большая часть из них до сих пор являются убыточными странами и дотируются другими. Как, например, та самая Прибалтика, которую уже почти 30 лет дотирует Европейский союз. И вот мы опять возвращаемся к тому, что они независимы уже 30 лет, входят в Европейский союз, для них открыты все рынки, они получают кучу денег от других стран, но как были убыточными, так и остались. Просто теперь они сменили одних покровителей на других и, как следствие, выполняют политические запросы новых «хозяев», которым выгодно, чтобы они всячески поливали Россию «говном».
    В-третьих, после распада СССР Россия, как правопреемник, взяла на себя все обязательства СССР. Я имею в виду, что все долги 15 республик СССР взяла на себя только одна - Россия. Более того, она их выплатила, и у России сейчас один из самых маленьких внешних долгов в мире по соотношению к ВВП. Причем Россия не только выплатила весь долг СССР за всех, но и простила долги других стран, например Кубы или стран Африки, которые были должны СССР. Более того, Россия - единственная страна мира, которая полностью погасила долг перед США за ленд-лиз, и если кто не знает, то эта «помощь» во время Второй мировой войны от США вообще-то была не совсем бесплатной, но еще раз повторю, Россия - единственная страна, которая его погасила, а, например, такие как Великобритания до сих пор нет.
    В-четвертых, после распада СССР экономика России была в очень плохом состоянии, ее обворовывали все, кто мог до этого дотянуться, и я имею в виду не только олигархов внутри страны, но и большое количество внешних «друзей», например из США или Западной Европы, которые воспользовались положением и вывозили ресурсы, технологии и квалифицированных работников за копейки, попутно уничтожая науку и будущую конкуренцию в самой России. Никакой помощи, кроме кредитов за довольно большие проценты, Россия не получала, наоборот, на рынок заходили крупные западные компании, просто забирая большие доли внутреннего рынка, на чем зарабатывали огромные деньги, но вместо того, чтобы реинвестировать в внутри страны, выводили капитал из России. И только сейчас, после того как Запад ввел десятки тысяч санкций, а большому количеству западных компаний пришлось уйти, причем по указанию сверху, доли рынка стали занимать местные компании. Вот откуда, несмотря на санкции, экономика России развивается быстрее, чем до них, потому что местные компании, получая прибыль, реинвестируют в расширение производства внутри страны.
    Ну и напоследок, по поводу Украины. На момент распада СССР Украина по уровню развитой промышленности, науки, сельского хозяйства и размеру экономики была на уровне Германии. За следующие 30 лет своей независимости и еще до начала специальной военной операции она превратилась в одну из самых бедных стран Европы. И падение ускорилось в разы ровно после 2014 года, когда на Украине произошел переворот и они решили разорвать отношения с Россией. И если вы посмотрите на остальные бывшие республики, которые стали отдельными странами, то как только они начинают портить отношения с Россией, то тут же у них начинает ускоряться падение экономики. И дело тут в том, что основным рынком, на котором они зарабатывают и откуда получают ресурсы дешево, была Россия. Посмотрите на показатели Прибалтийских стран, как только они присоединились к санкциям, то потеряли крупнейшего поставщика энергоресурсов, крупнейшего клиента на транзит товаров через их порты и крупнейшего покупателя их продукции. И тут надо понять одну простую истину: как только политика вмешивается в экономику, то все сыпется как карточный домик. А эти политики ничего, кроме собственного политического пиара на эксплуатации строй и бесполезной темы про «оккупацию», в страну не привносят, они бездарные управленцы, без государственного видения, без рационального мышления и без реального, а не показного патриотизма, популисты.)))

    • @pottedrodenttube
      @pottedrodenttube 3 місяці тому +13


    • @senzomthembu261
      @senzomthembu261 3 місяці тому +25

      I beg you,please write a book.You are making a lot of sense.

    • @jocameron7179
      @jocameron7179 3 місяці тому +22

      - Thank you very much for providing the above details which, hopefully, may also educate the American puppets.

    • @Thevoiceofsilence2024
      @Thevoiceofsilence2024 3 місяці тому

      Fear mongering, they are instructed to preach that gospel for the world to hate Putin. but even us in Africa we know its far fetched

    • @amandapeluso4217
      @amandapeluso4217 3 місяці тому

      Thank you for the facts. I'm American and knew what horrible things the US government did to Russia in the 1990s after the USSR collapsed. They were taking advantage and being greedy with Russian resources this is why they are butthurt with President Putin cause he isn't Yelstin

  • @PerceivedREALITY999
    @PerceivedREALITY999 3 місяці тому +89

    NATO is not a defensive alliance. They illegally bombed Yugoslavia (direct violation of the UN Charter). We must never forget what they did to Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria etc.
    NATO needs to understand that playing Russian roulette with a nuclear superpower is never a good idea.

    • @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d
      @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d 3 місяці тому

      Jeez, you occupy every nazi fascist anti-West youtube channel with your asinine comments. You're a true settlor colonialist on youtube creating and enjoying your little make-believe unipolar world.
      Free youtube! From the River to the Sea UA-cam Democrats Will be Free!
      Russia is collapsing. We've crossed your genocidal leaders red lines every time he sets them. He has no credibility. Unfortunately for him, we know he'd never dare go nuclear, he like being alive. We will never abandon Ukraine.
      Slava Ukraina!
      Long live Israel!
      God Bless the United States of America!

    • @Soundsinthevoid
      @Soundsinthevoid 3 місяці тому

      russia is not defending it self. It started illegal war in Ukraine directly against the UN will.

    • @augustomundombe829
      @augustomundombe829 3 місяці тому +2

      VIVA Russia the greatest and best country in world; in all levels ONE LOVE ❤

    • @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d
      @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d 3 місяці тому +1

      @@augustomundombe829 lol. funny

    • @augustomundombe829
      @augustomundombe829 3 місяці тому +2

      @@GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d Or please don't tell us it is the USA of KU~KLUX~KLAN~CIA~POO~POO the likes of Philadelphia Zoooooomi city Lol

  • @adamibrahim8263
    @adamibrahim8263 2 місяці тому +1

    Professor Glen is a Son of a Gun with truth. He takes no Hostages🙏👏👍

  • @terrywong7879
    @terrywong7879 3 місяці тому +84

    Money, power, and media influence hoping to win the game while the people die for the wrong reason.; and the neocons have no regrets.

    • @vespass225
      @vespass225 3 місяці тому +2

      You summarize it in a such a brutal clarity.... , and one can nothing but agree, sadly

    • @den264
      @den264 3 місяці тому +1

      I can identify a particular group in the USA who have immense influence over American finance, media and politics. Cant say who they are for fear of being tossed off UA-cam.

    • @jacob5061
      @jacob5061 3 місяці тому

      @@den264 did they also force the US to overthrow governments for 100 years? Or are you looking for an easy scapegoat and not a materialist reason? To blame the entirety of the US’ brutality on one people is ridiculous. Capitalism, imperialism, and colonialism are to blame.

  • @abrambadal8997
    @abrambadal8997 2 місяці тому +4

    Radhika Desai is splendid having a great choice of invited great beloved knowledgeable people and manage majestically in the discussions ensuing from ! Big Thanks for the job to all !

  • @Pietari55
    @Pietari55 3 місяці тому +162

    How difficult is it for Europeans to remember that all major wars for centuries in Europe started with Germany, UK, France and Italy.

    • @maxv1455
      @maxv1455 3 місяці тому +22

      @@CheckYourPager Забавно... чтобы написать это и посмеяться ты заплатил более миллионом жизней украинцев! Вот и подумай, может все же "Киев за три дня" было бы лучшим выходом?)

    • @aaaa.7897
      @aaaa.7897 3 місяці тому +14

      @@CheckYourPager Hasbara is really desperate. You're not even trying anymore.

    • @davidkiely1727
      @davidkiely1727 3 місяці тому +1

      Look up
      " All Wars are bankers wars "
      Find the Rothchild name
      Learn why war exists
      Profit .

    • @stevenpreston5619
      @stevenpreston5619 3 місяці тому +1

      Yes, but after WW2 ALL wars are instigated, supported & created by Amerikka.

    • @douglaswong8610
      @douglaswong8610 3 місяці тому

      Was it?

  • @HarleyBoyd-oc3dm
    @HarleyBoyd-oc3dm 3 місяці тому +136

    America has not been a good supporter of democracy around the world. We can look back to Iran in the late 1950s or India in the 70s or 80s when Pakistan tested their first nuclear weapons and India had no choice but respond with their own test and had to endure sanctions from the US. Many more examples in the Americas

    • @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d
      @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d 3 місяці тому

      Are you people that mentally ill you believe Russia is a democracy?

    • @derekdufail2558
      @derekdufail2558 3 місяці тому +4

      You seem confused, please check timeline as well as country list.

    • @LetsEndHumanity
      @LetsEndHumanity 3 місяці тому +1

      Indians are always VERY bitter.

    • @den264
      @den264 3 місяці тому +3

      Chile !

    • @jasminehasan890
      @jasminehasan890 3 місяці тому +1

      Americans believe so much in Democracy, that they also export it with guns.

  • @ktrimbach5771
    @ktrimbach5771 3 місяці тому +31

    Great comment! Stoltenberg’s comment “Weapons are the way to Peace” is almost copyright infringement on Orwell.

  • @gayedawn1
    @gayedawn1 3 місяці тому +108

    “SUPPORTING Ukraine as a “democracy” but is it really a “Democracy”?

    • @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d
      @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d 3 місяці тому

      yes, they had open and fair elections. They have checks and balances. They have free speech and press. None of that is in Russia or China.

    • @NyNy-h1g
      @NyNy-h1g 3 місяці тому +13

      Ukraines are never been a democracy that why got this problems

    • @MnemonicCarrier
      @MnemonicCarrier 3 місяці тому +19

      I lived in Ukraine for 2 years - it's a cesspool of gnat-seas and corruption.

    • @DanaProca-x6i
      @DanaProca-x6i 3 місяці тому

      Not at all. Apartheid politics , corruption...more nazism ideology

    • @MariaJose-qh6vi
      @MariaJose-qh6vi 3 місяці тому +3

      It's much more democracy than russia for sure

  • @dannydenison6253
    @dannydenison6253 3 місяці тому +72

    Thanks you for your critical work!

    • @mikefardi9157
      @mikefardi9157 3 місяці тому

      I don't understand why they talk about "Free trade"! The "Free trade" the West" talks about is to trade without paying tax. that free trade is a fraud and we can see its catastrophic consequences. In multipolar world the companies have to pay their taxes like always.

  • @chelseayorkshire5741
    @chelseayorkshire5741 3 місяці тому +10

    Dr.Michael Hudson has such a brilliant mind; he can say in a few brief words what's truly "on target" while others have to use up our time listening to long, convoluted explanations. You are The BEST, Dr. Hudson!!

  • @maxmentone5373
    @maxmentone5373 3 місяці тому +91

    We have greedy petty children in charge

    • @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d
      @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d 3 місяці тому

      Hey Max, go move to Russia then. Enjoy your freedom over there!

    • @bradleyp3655
      @bradleyp3655 3 місяці тому

      @@GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d LOL The Collective West has freedom. Your joking right. Freedom requires discipline and mindfulness. The Collective West act like spoiled children.

    • @robertyoung8785
      @robertyoung8785 3 місяці тому +13

      ​@@GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d, what an intelligent response, NOT, is that a grown-up posting that.

    • @lorenam8028
      @lorenam8028 3 місяці тому +6

      Greybush is an account created 14th of September this year.
      Poor trolls, nobody takes them seriously anymore 😂😂😂

    • @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d
      @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d 3 місяці тому

      @@robertyoung8785 At lest we can criticize our leaders in the US without falling through a fifth story window or tripping down an empty elevator shaft. Robby! Enjoying your soviet style freedoms much?

  • @ahsimiksnabac6576
    @ahsimiksnabac6576 3 місяці тому +35

    i HIGHLY disagree about this Soviet "occupation" of eastern europa, i spent a ton of time in the DDR in the late 1970's and 1980's, most of my friends, did NOT feel occupied, and after the "wall came down", which by the way, we protested against, ALL of those friends said life was completely FUCKED under western control/occupation. i had a similar experience in Poland.

    • @DanaProca-x6i
      @DanaProca-x6i 3 місяці тому +4

      Right 👍👍👍

    • @MnemonicCarrier
      @MnemonicCarrier 3 місяці тому +4

      Thanks for sharing this. I've heard similar firsthand accounts. Unfortunately, the western propaganda machine does a really good job of dismissing or hiding this though. My wife lived "behind the Iron Curtain", and even to this very day, she wishes she could return to such times (and we're doing pretty good now - we're financially secure, own a business and properties).

    • @Rom2Serge
      @Rom2Serge 3 місяці тому +2

      I have a friend from Leipzig he told me basically a similar story.

    • @Soundsinthevoid
      @Soundsinthevoid 3 місяці тому +1

      Maybe because it was dangerous to say that they are occupied. I recommend that you go visit in occupation museom in Tallinn. Or talk wit Polish or Baltic people (that are not ethnical russians) who lived in those countries under the occupation. And if they were not occupied, then why were the those people prevented from leaving? I am speaking as a person whos family comes from those states and I can assure you, the memories are not pleasant ones...

    • @MnemonicCarrier
      @MnemonicCarrier 3 місяці тому

      @@Soundsinthevoid Perhaps for some, just like there's tens of millions of fellow Americans today that don't have pleasant memories of life in the US (i.e. those working 2 or 3 jobs just to keep a roof over their heads, or worse still - those who don't have a roof over their heads). There are probably just as many who have fond memories of those times, we just don't hear about it (my wife is one such person).

  • @peterboytRaKs
    @peterboytRaKs 3 місяці тому +27

    The online/social media world needs to see more photos of BRICS nation heads of state together in pictures. Many pictures and audio translated etc. while at the same time continually publishing those images and sound recordings frequently to help send the message home to the Western nations, the transition from a fascist economic model to a more Democratic one. The power of repetition is enormous.

    • @MommaLousKitchen
      @MommaLousKitchen 3 місяці тому

      100 monkeys.

    • @TacticalMayo
      @TacticalMayo 3 місяці тому

      Get it through your head. Nothing will change. We're not going to live in a communist socialist-led world order That's just how it is.

  • @godfatherofcinema
    @godfatherofcinema 3 місяці тому +37

    Great way to start the Morning three intelligent individuals getting ready for Some mind food😊

    • @urrywest
      @urrywest 3 місяці тому +1

      I not really awake yet.

  • @robertseaborne5758
    @robertseaborne5758 3 місяці тому +7

    Thank you Radhika, Glenn and Michael, for this excellent storying of the desperate actions of a remnant Anglo-Saxon imperialism, now in the form of NATO. The very notion of being able to contain countries with the size, nous and clout of China and Russia is testimony to the insanity that now pervades Anglo/American neo-liberal administrations; the owners and commanders of NATO.

  • @marlbankian
    @marlbankian 3 місяці тому +29

    Excellent interview !

  • @cheri238
    @cheri238 3 місяці тому +9

    These three minds should be on everyone's book lists.
    Excellent discussion. 👏👏👏

  • @patrinachia6197
    @patrinachia6197 2 місяці тому +1

    Glen Diesen makes the most sense.

  • @jamesdonald7485
    @jamesdonald7485 3 місяці тому +23

    What on earth has NATO got to do with women's rights?? I always thought NATO was a defensive military alliance, when in fact it's purpose now is OFFENSIVE.

    • @MnemonicCarrier
      @MnemonicCarrier 3 місяці тому +1

      In all fairness, Patriot missile batteries are operated by "two moms" 😉

    • @Rainbows783
      @Rainbows783 3 місяці тому

      They need False Flag for the War on other countries

    • @Soundsinthevoid
      @Soundsinthevoid 3 місяці тому

      offensive? russia is way more offensive than Nato

    • @MnemonicCarrier
      @MnemonicCarrier 3 місяці тому

      @@Soundsinthevoid No, it is not. NATO's body count in foreign "interventions" (i.e. invasions) is orders of magnitude higher than Russia's.

    • @AAC2446
      @AAC2446 3 місяці тому

      Nato is an offensive gang. The US Department of Offence in WARshington controls it.

  • @soothsayer2406
    @soothsayer2406 3 місяці тому +33

    I ❤this conversation... the real hook was the comment that Stoltenberg's "War is Peace, escalation leads to deescalation..." speach is a copywrite infringement case that George Orwell's estate can successfully pursue.

    • @theresabarzee1463
      @theresabarzee1463 3 місяці тому +3

      Yes! To get a good chuckle from Radhika is also golden!

    • @markbahouth2713
      @markbahouth2713 3 місяці тому +1

      “ All Animals are equal but some Animals are more equal .
      - George Orwell -

  • @theresabarzee1463
    @theresabarzee1463 3 місяці тому +26

    Oh, brilliant, Glenn! "When Peace breaks out the market value of military alliance collapses." Wow! Perfect. Sell the hoodies w/this on it.

    • @theresabarzee1463
      @theresabarzee1463 3 місяці тому +1

      With attribution of course! Michael's beautiful smile encourages truth put so deeply so!

    • @MnemonicCarrier
      @MnemonicCarrier 3 місяці тому

      I'm gonna make the t-shirt 😉

    • @aneurindavies5943
      @aneurindavies5943 3 місяці тому +4

      "If you Kill the War; you will Kill the Business" Zbigniew Brzezinsky 1973.

    • @TacticalMayo
      @TacticalMayo 3 місяці тому

      Don't sell it in the US. You do not want that reaction...

    • @TacticalMayo
      @TacticalMayo 3 місяці тому

      ​@@MnemonicCarrieras long as you don't wear it in the United States out in the open.

  • @MnemonicCarrier
    @MnemonicCarrier 3 місяці тому +23

    The Ukrainian war is the first war I've actually understood (i.e. why it started, why it was necessary). Russia is on the right side of history on this one. Even if there was an peace agreement made tomorrow between Russia and Ukraine, it wouldn't work - it would simply result in kicking the can down the road. There's way too much hate in the region now, too many gnat-seas involved (who are supported by the US). Anyway, I hope all of those involved in starting this war are happy with themselves.

    • @TyroPirate
      @TyroPirate 3 місяці тому +1

      Russia is not on the "right" side. All you did was flip the "good vs evil" narrative , which is completely flawed.
      Russia is a capitalist oligarchy, exactly like the US. The US wants to turn Ukraine into a puppet and extract resources. Russia wants the same. If you think Russia is in Ukraine for anything other than wanting to keep the US away from Ukraine's abundant resources, congrats, you fell for THEIR propaganda.
      There's no "right" side in this war. Only an extreme amount of civilians casualties for the sake of imperialism

  • @mrtriffid
    @mrtriffid 3 місяці тому +2

    What Radhika Desai says at 21:00 is something have noticed for years! Political/diplomatic leadership in the West has been "decapitated" by oligarchic interests. There are no true statesmen in the West who can make disinterested, rational judgments and develop coherent policy. This "class" has been eliminated in favor of "apparatchiks," who are cultivated and work for the various oligarchic interests that have total ascendancy in the West.

  • @MnemonicCarrier
    @MnemonicCarrier 3 місяці тому +15

    It's impossible for Europeans to talk about their national interests, as they're vassals of the US. Sure, the vassals are thrown a few crumbs every now and then, but it's impossible for any of them to form an independent foreign policy - and this includes Hungary! When push comes to shove, the vassals will always obey.

    • @sheezle3
      @sheezle3 3 місяці тому

      Orban was always a fake rebel. Such a clown, it's embarrassing. Ask him about Israel - no difference with the State department talking points

    • @Soundsinthevoid
      @Soundsinthevoid 3 місяці тому

      That is just russia propaganda. Those countries are free and they have their own foreign policies... It is like saying that russia is vassal of china

  • @MurrayLake
    @MurrayLake 3 місяці тому +3

    Great discussion. Glenn is definitely a voice of reason. I can see why UA-cam was instructed to silence him.

  • @kardy12
    @kardy12 3 місяці тому +8

    The slogans of the European Union and the US don’t seem to be so far from “war is peace, ignorance is strength, and freedom is slavery”. I would never have thought that we would end up in such an Orwellian world.

    • @Oli_kp
      @Oli_kp 3 місяці тому

      But they want peace in Ukraine aswell as in the ME

    • @kardy12
      @kardy12 3 місяці тому +2

      If they want peace, negotiate.
      Or is their idea of peace to continue wars until the other side can be forced to sue for peace?

    • @DanaProca-x6i
      @DanaProca-x6i 3 місяці тому +3

      The New slogan în Europe, on italian streets is ,,Russia is not my enemy,,

    • @Oli_kp
      @Oli_kp 3 місяці тому

      @@kardy12 if Russia retreats from Ukrainian land, they get peace. But since Putler isnt ready to do that, there wont be peace

    • @kardy12
      @kardy12 3 місяці тому +2

      So you confirm that “war is peace”.

  • @MelittaFilter-c4g
    @MelittaFilter-c4g 3 місяці тому +17

    Is nobody talking about Minsk 1 and 2 any longer? Why does nobody talk about breaking international treaties might cause harm? Nobody would have died in Ukraine if they had stuck to the agreements. Would they really have been harmed if they had given a bit more freedom to their eastern provinces?

    • @yugonostalgia8961
      @yugonostalgia8961 3 місяці тому

      Ukraine voluntarily gave up its nuclear weapons in the 90s....

    • @Maria_Nizhny_Novgorod
      @Maria_Nizhny_Novgorod 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@yugonostalgia8961It was USSR weapons and later Russian.

    • @yugonostalgia8961
      @yugonostalgia8961 3 місяці тому

      @@Maria_Nizhny_Novgorod I'm not disagreeing that they should've been returned to Russia, I'm saying it's pretty scum behavior to voluntarily give up nuclear weapons for a promise that your country's integrity will be respected, then to be invaded twice over 30 years later.
      Seriously doubtful this war would have happened at all if Ukraine had a nuclear weapons stockpile after all.

    • @Oli_kp
      @Oli_kp 3 місяці тому

      @@MelittaFilter-c4g Budapest Memorandum? How about that? Does that melt your cables RuZzian bot?

    • @etoiledenoundi
      @etoiledenoundi 3 місяці тому

      How else will Ukrainians have flooded the EU? Don't forget that the biggest 'ambition' of Eastern European citizens is to move into Western Europe! You just can't imagine how Ukrainians envied the Poles, Latvians, Estonians et al. for their possibilities of migrating all the way to the UK! Which of course the did without reserve!

  • @KarlHonore
    @KarlHonore 3 місяці тому +21

    As an European, I see my fellow citizen totaly disconnected from reality and refusing to talk to anyone having a different opinion. They throw insults as their only way to think. It is pathetic.

    • @TacticalMayo
      @TacticalMayo 3 місяці тому +1

      It's not a different point of view. It's called treason.

    • @supersasquatch
      @supersasquatch 3 місяці тому

      @@TacticalMayo thank god not everybody in the comment section is a disgusting commie brainwash

    • @KarlHonore
      @KarlHonore 3 місяці тому

      @@TacticalMayo On one hand, yes, it is treason.
      But on the other hand, most of them do not understand that they are acting against their country, against the interests of their family, against their own interests. They are endoctrinated.

    • @Soundsinthevoid
      @Soundsinthevoid 3 місяці тому

      Well, you are lucky. If you were in russia with different opinions, you would end up in jail or prison.

    • @KarlHonore
      @KarlHonore 3 місяці тому

      @@Soundsinthevoid First, regarding Russia, it is false : plenty of people are against the official positions, many are acting for the US against their own country (like Kasparov for example) and they are not in jail.
      Some of these people are acting in organisation funded by the US (CIA, State department, etc.) or orgaization like "open society" (George Soros, etc.) with the clear aim at destroying Russia (for "freedom" of course) and they are watch by the russian state (police, FSB, etc.) but they are not in jail.
      Second, I do not care much about Russia or China or Venezuela. My focus is on Europe where I live. I would like Europe to be a democracy not the digusting dictatorship it is now.
      The essential element of a democracy is freedom of speech and with the LAWS against "hatred" this freedom is over. As soon as you stray from the "single thinking" you are in trouble.
      You should also focus on your OWN country and let live the others as they want. It is a fair principle in live and an efficient one.

  • @tyronelowe7090
    @tyronelowe7090 3 місяці тому +32

    Thanks for voice of truth

  • @WaldemarAyco
    @WaldemarAyco 3 місяці тому +35

    Glenn, will it be possible to charge Jens Stoltenberg for crimes against humanity?

    • @jamesdonald7485
      @jamesdonald7485 3 місяці тому +10

      Apart from Stoltenberg, Biden, Harris, and Zelensky should also be charged and made to pay the ultimate penalty for sedition as well.

    • @Thevoiceofsilence2024
      @Thevoiceofsilence2024 3 місяці тому

      charged by who? If on the side of US you are immune to any charges. After Iraq was destroyed they told the courts , oh, we made a mistake, we "thought" Saddam had weapons of mass destruction! that's it, no one charged .

    • @bradleyp3655
      @bradleyp3655 3 місяці тому

      @@jamesdonald7485 Most of the leaders within the Collective West have to be charged with war crime and crimes against humanity

    • @DanaProca-x6i
      @DanaProca-x6i 3 місяці тому +3

      ​@@jamesdonald7485blinken too

    • @antediluvianatheist5262
      @antediluvianatheist5262 3 місяці тому +1

      Theoretically, yes. Realistically, no.

  • @soahade.lagmaui
    @soahade.lagmaui 3 місяці тому +2

    Concerning Mark Rutte, new secretary general of NATO, he has been trialed for a domestic government policy where he did not pay child support to immigrants, which was illegal in the constitution and the court ruled that the government had to pay years arrears to the victims, which were hundreds thousands.Also a Dutch lawyer filed a complaint against his appointment based on lack of integrity.

  • @mandoca18
    @mandoca18 3 місяці тому +4

    Soy mexicano viviendo en eu por décadas y me fascina este canal. Muchas gracias y felicidades

  • @heathcliffearnshaw1403
    @heathcliffearnshaw1403 3 місяці тому +30

    This is getting comic! if it wasn't so tragic: next scroll upwards is CNBC with some dish-up saying Russia is getting desperate about NATO!

    • @den264
      @den264 3 місяці тому +2

      Today Netanyahu was on the news saying that his IDF had decimated the entire Hezbollah leadership. What rubbish. For every leader , or commander eliminated , there are three more ready to take over his role. If he is so confident that he has destroyed Hezbollah, then why is he "creeping" his way north when he should be able to walk in to Lebanon with total impunity.

  • @jacquelinehubbuck7067
    @jacquelinehubbuck7067 3 місяці тому +4

    So glad clicked on this video one of the best explanations have heard 100% spot on.

  • @jaswindersian3159
    @jaswindersian3159 3 місяці тому +2

    This is a multi nodal world. Europe needs its own independent autonomic sovereignty. The US has its own agenda.😊

  • @megthornton1371
    @megthornton1371 3 місяці тому +8

    The WEF and British monarchy with their leadership training has affected the western world

  • @MarilynCarr-sx4rl
    @MarilynCarr-sx4rl 3 місяці тому +15

    Besides Africa for Africans....

    • @0MVR_0
      @0MVR_0 3 місяці тому +2

      Africans usually disagree with this sentiment, but are simply weary of western companies plundering resources. Tourism is great

  • @RAZR_Channel
    @RAZR_Channel 3 місяці тому +4

    21:40 - "They're a bunch of BSers"... hahhah Priceless...

  • @keyzeyusuf
    @keyzeyusuf 2 місяці тому

    So beautiful

  • @NinaThordHuseland
    @NinaThordHuseland 3 місяці тому +12

    If Russland ARE (don’t think so ) comming for any country in Europa , USA and NATO can’t help.

    • @Soundsinthevoid
      @Soundsinthevoid 3 місяці тому +3

      Of course they are able to help. Take a look at Ukraine that isn't even a Nato country

  • @toregannholm7793
    @toregannholm7793 3 місяці тому +6

    Ståltenberg was as young completely against NATO. I have a newspapercut where he says that

    • @blainerouault3907
      @blainerouault3907 3 місяці тому +4

      Keep Russia out of Europe,. Keep Germany Down. Keep England in charge of Europe.
      What sane man would want this? (What happened?)

    • @kristina1126
      @kristina1126 3 місяці тому +2

      I doubt it was honest, I belive he just used that attitude to rise within the youth party and get his career becoming Norwegian primeminister started. He was the opportunistic character right from the beginning, groomed in to power positions in an environment that lifted him up. He used his "charm" as his father (FM Stoltenberg) before him. His speech before the invasion of Libya, fortoled us of the evil he was and is willing to achieve. Norway has been ruled by a dynasty of his sorts, friend and family members since Gerhardsen. US had an easy game with us, Radhika Desai is absolutely right: Nato was always an offensive alliance.

  • @MrColdNight
    @MrColdNight 3 місяці тому +10

    I love that with out NATO we might have peace I truly believe that and I hope the world stands together on this in most places in the world we’re there are problems the United States is involved let’s be honest

    • @ktrimbach5771
      @ktrimbach5771 3 місяці тому

      There are dozens of wars across the world. NATO and the US are NOT the only warmongers

    • @AAC2446
      @AAC2446 3 місяці тому

      The US has 850 overseas military bases to make sure that world peace does not break out.

  • @simonjlkoreshoff3426
    @simonjlkoreshoff3426 3 місяці тому +15

    The objective of the war in Ukraine is to open Russia and the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine to exploitation and asset stripping in order to restore Western balance sheets. The hope is to install a compliant regime in Moscow as well as Ukraine. It’s neo-colonialism. It doesn’t require a complete military victory over Russia. It only requires to the West to make the cost of not complying greater than the cost of capitulating to Western financial capital.

    • @derekdufail2558
      @derekdufail2558 3 місяці тому +1

      Intelligent comment.

    • @tylerd1297
      @tylerd1297 3 місяці тому

      How is not colonial from Russha's side? I completely agree with your view otherwise

    • @MnemonicCarrier
      @MnemonicCarrier 3 місяці тому +3

      @@tylerd1297 Who/what is Russia colonizing?

    • @tylerd1297
      @tylerd1297 3 місяці тому +2

      @@MnemonicCarrier ummm over 1/4 of a country that isn't theirs. I'm confused as to how you can say it's colonialism to support them but not for the country trying to take their land

    • @MnemonicCarrier
      @MnemonicCarrier 3 місяці тому +2

      @@tylerd1297 I still don't understand what you're saying. Are you saying that 1/4 of the Russian Federation isn't Russian?

  • @Zelp789
    @Zelp789 3 місяці тому +2

    The reds shall rule the world!

  • @TheLivirus
    @TheLivirus 3 місяці тому +4

    Really great discussion! Thank you.

  • @mihaliprefti2507
    @mihaliprefti2507 3 місяці тому +3

    Glen- heroic Glen! Thank you for your accurate analyses and ethical character.

  • @ashikelahie6035
    @ashikelahie6035 3 місяці тому +12

    Phenomenal discussion.

    • @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d
      @GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d 3 місяці тому

      Black people have great lives in Russia, move there and find out!

    • @ashikelahie6035
      @ashikelahie6035 3 місяці тому

      @@GreybushCounterpunchBoxing-z7d still far better than US, UK and Europe. Ask a black guy. For your info a wrongfully convicted innocent black man was executed a few days ago.

  • @user7wk
    @user7wk 3 місяці тому +7

    Author of these comments "all major wars for centuries in Europe started with Germany, UK, France and Italy." wins the 1st prize of truth

  • @terrylovesenegal
    @terrylovesenegal 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you all three for this enriching discussion. Let reason and peace prevail!

  • @emmanuelpaxonndupasquier3094
    @emmanuelpaxonndupasquier3094 3 місяці тому +6

    Emmauel Todd or Yanis Varoufakis explain very well how europe's economy is dependent of the USA financial system . Thank you for your analysis . Class war back into business !

  • @S.Aliona
    @S.Aliona 3 місяці тому +3

    It's amazing that even these people's healthy sense disappears when they talk about Russia.

  • @charlesyang4923
    @charlesyang4923 3 місяці тому +7

    I would argue if think tank serves the interests of the donor rather than the public interest. It’s even more inclined to become self-inspired when donors control both think tanks and the politicians to become the vested interest duo.

  • @dottester3039
    @dottester3039 Місяць тому

    Really great assessment on Stoltenbergs 5 statements. My position is No to NATO No to would love you to take on a Part 2 addressing this. The populations see MIC money machine and our being welded downtrodden european colapse entirely due to US/NATO. The better question, name anything good it has ever done?? Only manufactured attrocities, the empire writing is on the wall we need to detach from this anchor around our necks & soil.

  • @gerhard7323
    @gerhard7323 3 місяці тому +2

    'America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests' - Henry Kissinger
    Absolutely correct and, ironically, even the quote itself was stolen.

  • @grouchypatch9185
    @grouchypatch9185 3 місяці тому +2

    Very informative and insightful. Thanks.

  • @RonstaSlap
    @RonstaSlap 3 місяці тому +2

    Wow some great info

  • @tommackling
    @tommackling 3 місяці тому +1

    Great discussion, thank you.

  • @MundaSquire
    @MundaSquire 3 місяці тому +2

    Thank you three, and Glenn, thank you for such clearly direct and exact analysis of a system that via its control of media keeps this type info out of the press and airwaves and, more importantly, out of the minds of the public.

  • @bobgoodall1603
    @bobgoodall1603 3 місяці тому +2

    Great discussion, well spent time.

  • @Charlie220966
    @Charlie220966 Місяць тому

    @26:00 EXACTLY .. we don't like what Russia do in Ukraine, but we understand him !! They don't want to have one more invasion

  • @GeorgePaul-dz9bi
    @GeorgePaul-dz9bi 3 місяці тому +4

    Thank you independent journalists for your honest, true news report without U.S. / Canadian “mainstream” propaganda lies!

    • @erikhai1
      @erikhai1 3 місяці тому

      Our mainstream media, even the CBC, are mostly garbage. I trust them maybe for the weather report, but I'll look out my window just to be sure.

  • @johnlund2036
    @johnlund2036 3 місяці тому +2

    This is a very interesting and informative discussion.

  • @philgwellington6036
    @philgwellington6036 3 місяці тому +2

    Thank you all for an instructive talk. One small criticism.. too much agreement. 😊

  • @freethinker999
    @freethinker999 3 місяці тому +6

    Europe is digging its own grave.

  • @jorgeabraham3414
    @jorgeabraham3414 3 місяці тому +2

    Great to see Glenn with you guys, I hope you bring him frequently. I also hope you bring Richard Wolff, it wold be cool if you debate his perspective on China

    • @chelseayorkshire5741
      @chelseayorkshire5741 3 місяці тому

      A good idea: THE TRIO OF Dr. Michael Hudson, Glenn and Richard Wolff would be enlightening for all of us.

    • @TacticalMayo
      @TacticalMayo 3 місяці тому

      It's not a debate. It's all a leftist tanky perspective.

  • @almcl9391
    @almcl9391 3 місяці тому +2

    Excellent piece 👏

  • @raymooney-k4t
    @raymooney-k4t 2 місяці тому

    Led by Donkeys is a reference to the anti war quote about British troops in WW1 and their upper class officers . Lions led by donkeys.

  • @Rainbows783
    @Rainbows783 3 місяці тому +10

    Last year 2023 i paid 3 times more for the Gas Energy 🤮

    • @dannymcguire3623
      @dannymcguire3623 3 місяці тому

      Brutal. Where are you?

    • @chelseayorkshire5741
      @chelseayorkshire5741 3 місяці тому +1

      In America, via our PRIVATIZED Natural Gas Company, owned by million/billionaires we paid triple costs, too, in the US.

    • @Rainbows783
      @Rainbows783 3 місяці тому

      @@chelseayorkshire5741 I paid almost 5000 euros for gas in 2023

  • @briangalsworthy4306
    @briangalsworthy4306 3 місяці тому +2


  • @Boki-u4r
    @Boki-u4r 3 місяці тому +2

    Good to hear

  • @shahidulislam4636
    @shahidulislam4636 3 місяці тому +17

    Russia and China have come to the conclusion that both China and Russia cannot survive without being one and united in their fight against NATO!

    • @TacticalMayo
      @TacticalMayo 3 місяці тому +1

      They both could not handle NATO

    • @bw2442
      @bw2442 3 місяці тому +7

      @@TacticalMayo you have not done your homework.

    • @Soundsinthevoid
      @Soundsinthevoid 3 місяці тому

      It's going to be a difficult place for the russians to submit to be ruled by china

    • @MarioCanez
      @MarioCanez 2 місяці тому

      Russia and China can care less about Nato,,you clown😂😂😂😂😂😂,,,

    • @MarioCanez
      @MarioCanez 2 місяці тому

      ​@@TacticalMayoyour mom could,,,she can handle a horse

  • @rodcameron7140
    @rodcameron7140 2 місяці тому

    The downfall of every nation over history is precipitated by a degradation of the moral structure of that nation.
    When are we going to switch the conversation to morality? Not only what we want our moral structure to be as humans, but also what moral standard we should hold our leaders to.

  • @reginald1047
    @reginald1047 3 місяці тому +10

    Praise אלה יהוה!
    Truth and morality shall prevail!

  • @thomaskirkpatrick1134
    @thomaskirkpatrick1134 3 місяці тому +1

    Love this!!!

  • @gerardroth8838
    @gerardroth8838 3 місяці тому +6

    Excellent conversation. Also, Hollywood loves wars. More movies. They’ve glorified wars since the beginning of movies.

    • @markbahouth2713
      @markbahouth2713 3 місяці тому +1

      Hollywood has glorified wars since its beginning “
      Many of the movies I watched in the fifties transferred to Television in the 1950s were Cowboys and Indians . More accurate description would be Cowboys ( immigrants ) versus Indigenous American Tribes .
      So my early boy pals and i equipped with pearl handled cap guns would play Cowboys and “Indians “ .
      Only if they were Tom Girls who could care less with playing with dolls . Very rare in the 50s .
      Ahh the good old days of “ ignorance is blissful.”
      🙂 🤗🙃

  • @marianlenehan9618
    @marianlenehan9618 3 місяці тому

    thank you very much …. very interesting 👍

  • @weblightstudio8215
    @weblightstudio8215 3 місяці тому +2

    I fully expect that humanity can end itself in my lifetime. It is a sickly realization that I might awake one morning to a radioactive flash

    • @DanaProca-x6i
      @DanaProca-x6i 3 місяці тому

      No.will not.
      The WEF globalist who are behind ucrainian war, needs a ,,clean,, country. They are interested of minerals resources of ucraine and russia . They keep the war for destructions of surface because a radioactive mineral cant be used

    • @Leonid-e5i
      @Leonid-e5i 3 місяці тому +1

      Also global warming and AI getting out of control

  • @bustermaw
    @bustermaw 2 місяці тому

    Radhika Desai is quite terrifying. She reminds me of my mother who thought that Margaret Thatcher was a weak-kneed liberal. My father mostly agreed with her.

  • @Jag-ws5ue
    @Jag-ws5ue 3 місяці тому

    The UK left the EU, and can never join BRICKS, as not to offend the US, and Russia would not accept them. They are the most isolated,

  • @MyVoice-d2l
    @MyVoice-d2l 3 місяці тому +12

    we don't support nato u.s. why nato show like western where is nato they are in eastern world or western ? so kick out nato from eastern world now whole support eastern world welcome to Asia God bless Adia everything

    • @pauleckett6713
      @pauleckett6713 3 місяці тому

      We need NATO kicked out of the western world to!! Corporate war machine, nothing more....

  • @mark_2
    @mark_2 3 місяці тому

    Great discussion!

  • @ahmedmusa9821
    @ahmedmusa9821 3 місяці тому +2

    Thank you

  • @ME2too2022
    @ME2too2022 2 місяці тому

    Muchael Hudson!! He and Pepe Escobar coined SUPERIMPERIALISM.👍💲💚

  • @Arcy0429
    @Arcy0429 3 місяці тому +3

    Norwegians are complicit with what their government does. Should be held accountable.

  • @mehditaba6303
    @mehditaba6303 3 місяці тому +3

    It is hard to imagine that Germany did not get help from the West in WW2.

    • @Leonid-e5i
      @Leonid-e5i 3 місяці тому +2

      It got lots of help before WW2. Its main export product was anti-communism. Also catholic church supported fascists over communists.

    • @Leonid-e5i
      @Leonid-e5i 3 місяці тому

      Also anti-semitism and white supremacism

  • @jordanmonocandilos2901
    @jordanmonocandilos2901 2 місяці тому

    The EU COUNTRIES POLITICIANS ARE NO serving their people they serving US interest.

  • @GrandeProjects
    @GrandeProjects 3 місяці тому +2

    so who are the "think tank" people, who is the "military industrial complex"? These are the people who should be named too, and held accountable and charged as war criminals. Its not enough to vaguely refer to them as the military industrial complex...

    • @DanaProca-x6i
      @DanaProca-x6i 3 місяці тому

      Indeed we must know the names.
      For now all we have is Klaus Schwab, Soros,Biden/Obama

    • @Marcus-u3b4e
      @Marcus-u3b4e 17 днів тому

      Military industrial complex is well defined Eisenhower originated the term. It's referred to as a complex because it's so multi-layered and because there are so many interests involved, to make an exhaustive list would take hours. Originally he intended to refer to it as the military industrial Congressional complex for the reason that defense contractors break up their operations so that they have a steak and as many congressional districts as possible in order to hold sway over a larger demographic through contributions to GDP and Labor statistics

    • @Marcus-u3b4e
      @Marcus-u3b4e 17 днів тому

      They'll never be charged with war criminals because they are the elite and they are a part of the political establishment that's the point of the turn

  • @robertkennerley4694
    @robertkennerley4694 3 місяці тому +5

    Glen will it be possible to charge Canada and its cabinet for training Uk soldiers in Ukraine which attack Crime?

  • @MariaWróblewska-g4b
    @MariaWróblewska-g4b 3 місяці тому +4

    Zajrzałam na ten kanał ponieważ zauważyłam dobrze znane nazwiska wybitnych naukowców.

  • @abayomiwilson2746
    @abayomiwilson2746 3 місяці тому +4

    I don't understand I asked myself this question every time what type of politics is this if somebody politician doing something wrong why people have to support such behaviors this is not good for the world I don't know why European have to follow America and doing something bad I am sick of this unprecedent behaviors I don't know what to say

    • @ktrimbach5771
      @ktrimbach5771 3 місяці тому

      They are all controlled by the WEF.

  • @red-baitingswine8816
    @red-baitingswine8816 3 місяці тому +4

    Western peaceful economic competition with BRICS would catalyze increasing democracy, and progress, worldwide.

    • @TacticalMayo
      @TacticalMayo 3 місяці тому

      Peaceful? No that's not an option.

  • @Perceptionista
    @Perceptionista 3 місяці тому +1

    If it is possible, it would be great if Michael and Radhika can have a conversation/interview with Kevin Walmsley, the American businessman inside China who runs the channel, Inside China Business. Kevin has great analysis and insight into the developments that China is making and will be able to give an interesting perspective on the country's growth and its contribution to the Global South and rest of the world (which he has a lot of discussion of).

  • @jossdionne9810
    @jossdionne9810 3 місяці тому

    Excellent! Thx a million!!

  • @longyou8254
    @longyou8254 3 місяці тому

    Thx for the analysis