Can the sensor be pointed to the ground? Hoping to have it come on as I walk from my path to my garden, the light will be fitted on the corner facing the garden and not the wall facing the path - Like a 90 degree turn from path to garden basically, so would be ideal to have it see me as I essentialy got to the garden itself - If that makes sense
hi there - apologies if this is clear but is this unit as shown water resistant?
Can the sensor be pointed to the ground? Hoping to have it come on as I walk from my path to my garden, the light will be fitted on the corner facing the garden and not the wall facing the path - Like a 90 degree turn from path to garden basically, so would be ideal to have it see me as I essentialy got to the garden itself - If that makes sense
Is it possible to replace the wiring from the product with one that I already have for a previous light?
Yes. That is what it did.
@@GarethMyles great thanks! I saw on the instructions that it has to be a round cable but I think they one I have isn't circular... Any suggestions?
What's life span on the light 👍
Posted 3 years ago and it's still in daily use. Bought two more. Excellent units.
@@GarethMyles superb 👍 I like up your video cheers.
Ours stays on all time, why?
Its nice to see a 5000k colour balance. Quite a neat unit. A nice bit of LED PIR lamps is how slim they are. Quite a substantial type of fastening.
Has it got a swich that it can be on all the time without any motion detected ?
I want to know this as well. Did you ever find out?
Can LEDs b replaced?
Does it use battery or solar power ?
There is a dead give away in the video...
Is that Eamon Holmes? 🤣
Seriously though!?
Uncanny! Nice review btw I decided to go for something very similar from Amazon.
Which other pir light did you buy lnstead is it any good
AGH!!!! I wanted to see if there was a plug on it and he shows me everything but that!