Why I Am Excited About GW2 Janthir Wilds

  • Опубліковано 4 вер 2024


  • @KatoCoyoteCombatWorkshop
    @KatoCoyoteCombatWorkshop Місяць тому +17

    At long last we can learn the ancient and exotic art of poking things from further away with spears. No longer do we have to hunt boars with longswords and rifles like cavemen

    • @Wizley15
      @Wizley15 Місяць тому +2

      As an engineer main, I for one am ready to shed the pistols, rifles, flame throwers, land mines, and mortars of yesterday to embrace the sharpened sticks of tomorrow

  • @Nuh
    @Nuh Місяць тому +10

    The problem GW2 has, is that the "group content" has no door of entry, AKA an automated LFG system. Where XIV probably has THE best automated LFG system, yes even better than WOW. So while XIV DOES have some problems and issues, introducing new players to group content is not one of them. In fact, I'd argue XIV's highest shining point is how it introduces new players to the game mechanics/dungeons, etc.
    This is what ANET should be copying from other games and IMO has failed to do for years.
    Speaking of XIV issues... bro whats up with that housing system and tools? I know I've made a really cool apartment and all but that was me playing with backwards lego toys in a room full of spikes. The tools suck. So if XIV should copy something from GW2, it should be this.

    • @Kantharr
      @Kantharr Місяць тому

      I would love to see a FFXIV style LFG in GW2 but I think the main issue with it is how GW2 defines their "holy trinity". FFXIV holy trinity was very simple: Heal, Tank, 2 DPS. GW2 however has 2 different types of groups: Heal Alac, Quick DPS, 3 DPS or Heal Quick, Alac DPS, 3 DPS. If GW2 had a similar LFG system to FFXIV it would have to look at the player's stats and trait selection to determine what role the player is joining as. Granted in GW2 you have the freedom to swap gears & builds around in the middle of a run while in FFXIV I've only seen this in an unsynced group.

    • @Nuh
      @Nuh Місяць тому +1

      @@Kantharr They can do it, they have systems to detect your traits/stats as it is, so it would be no different than XIV and how it detects your role based on your item level and class (Arguebly, XIV has a flaw here, as it doesn't look at your stats directly, but just your class and item level, back in ARR you could have tanks queuing with some questionable gear lol, this has been kinda bandaid over time though)

    • @slayer4932
      @slayer4932 Місяць тому +3

      honestly the LFG system is the only thing I despise about GW2 mmo aspects.

    • @Kantharr
      @Kantharr Місяць тому

      @@Nuh True, I'm just afraid that they might make their "spaghetti code" worse if they try to add a similar LFG system. The main issue for GW2 is the heavy reliance on Quickness/Alacrity buffs. If they did away with those buffs by baking their benefits into the skills directly and removing the buffs entirely we would have a simpler group set up of just 1 Healer & 4 DPS, or make room for 1 Healer, 1 Tank, 3 DPS to bring back the original holy trinity once they add proper stat combinations for DPS tanks. That way their version of a "duty finder" would only have to look at stats and we wouldn't run into the same issues we been having which was boss's mechanics breaking when they steal players Quickness & Alacrity buffs.

    • @Nuh
      @Nuh Місяць тому

      @@slayer4932 When they set their mind on something, they can get it done. The Wizard's Vault, Mounts, Jade Bot to an extend and upcoming Housing are some examples. But I do worry too, all of these top MMO's are old as fuck... coding for 10+ year old games is probably an astronomical nightmare.

  • @bion-geek-le1109
    @bion-geek-le1109 Місяць тому +1

    I'm just going to headcanon that this is my "retirement" story, because after this story chapter my character is taking a much deserved vacation

  • @Notsram77
    @Notsram77 Місяць тому +2

    I am proper hyped for Janthir!

    • @CaffeinatedDad
      @CaffeinatedDad  Місяць тому

      It legitimately looks like its going to be great!

  • @BazzFreeman
    @BazzFreeman Місяць тому +2

    I *think* I had GW2 on a Mac at some point. Since I have had a Mac for at least 5 years, and probably more, it's been a while. I never really got into it, though.

    • @Selrenity
      @Selrenity Місяць тому +1

      GW2 was on Mac previously but they eventually decided to cut support. They decided to put it on Geforce now for Mac players who were unable to play after they cut support.

    • @DemethVLK
      @DemethVLK Місяць тому

      They cut the mac support when they updated the engine

  • @Anuon
    @Anuon Місяць тому +2

    Nice to see you excited about Janthir Wilds CD :)

  • @AI.Musicx91
    @AI.Musicx91 Місяць тому +1

    i hate i cannot get into GW2. i usually play for a while but then find myself quitting again over and over because i cannot get into it and not feeling any goal aside of completing the quests.
    Having no gear progression is nice so you can jump in and out whenever but still enjoy the game but it also kinda beats it for me i guess. like me not needing to change my gear for the past years or do anything. too many materials also kinda confusing on whats what and not knowing whats important to buy at a merchant.
    I hope it clicks for me with the upcoming expansion i am really excited about it because i always loved GW2 dearly. the game feels like a real mmo for me.

  • @slayer4932
    @slayer4932 Місяць тому +3

    honstly the concept that the xpac is based in central Tyria is what exits me the most. We get to come back to the already established lore of GW2. And just like you I was not a fan of the concept of fighting demons i didnt like it in Gyela Delve and in Soto. The wizard aspect was the only thing I liked in soto and wished that xpac got more of a focus on that instead of Peitha and the demon war. I loved every past GW2 story except the end of IBS and the second half of Soto.

  • @KVAR42
    @KVAR42 Місяць тому +1

    Solo player here as well. In addition, the majority of player groups are expansions ahead of me.
    I seriously want to return, but feel lost and so far behind. My issue is that I didn't know that you were supposed to choose/clicked on the mastery you were or wanted to work on. I can't go back and fill these in to advance my character. I've done the content. Silly I know but I'd almost want to start over or with a new character just to fill them in. Sadly this dates back to Central Tyria.
    I love the Kodan, have since I had my first interaction.

    • @ThiVasss
      @ThiVasss Місяць тому +3

      Masteries and dynamic events go hand to hand. There is plenty of reason to go back to different content and gain exp for the masteries, from completing achievements and unlocking account bound items, to farming gold.
      For example if you have Heart of Thornes you can aim to do the Octovine meta daily which is quite profitable and fun all while also giving you the exp for your masteries.

    • @seven2464
      @seven2464 Місяць тому +3

      The game never leaves you behind its so casual I didn't play for 10 years sure more contant came but the gear and progression stayed the same its not wow where you will get left behind go back take your time have fun its built around you and your progression.

  • @SpartanOfLuxon
    @SpartanOfLuxon Місяць тому

    I too am not going to spend much time in player housing but I hope it doesn't take from time that can be spent on the world and story of the new expansion.
    I worry so much focus is on the Housing as if that's the focus, I don't play MMORPGs to customize a virtual house by myself for hours on in.

  • @MisterNo1111
    @MisterNo1111 Місяць тому

    I am looking forwards for new expansion and Spears.
    I have ciklus of halph of year playing it and than sommer season from 4-10 month, so something like halph/halph playing, not playing, and uts great. Keeps game fresh and fun.🐣💯

  • @Rdkng07
    @Rdkng07 Місяць тому

    After an 8 year break from wow I'm looking for something new to play and GW2 is on the short list, just trying to figure out the mount situation. I was assuming it was similar to wow where I could hit the clouds and cruise long distance, or hover over danger and go eat lunch. It looks like the griffen and skyscale are the only flying mounts and a PITA to get. I hope I'm wrong about that.

  • @brianwatson4119
    @brianwatson4119 Місяць тому

    I'm so glad it doesn't have shield. Two handed spear is infinitely better than one handed spear. I stead of a shield, your ability to stab someone before they can stab you is your shield. I've been studying Chinese spear and staff as Mt main weapons for a little more than 3 decades. It's a mighty weapon.

  • @Talecco1
    @Talecco1 Місяць тому +3

    I was excited about Soto when I saw the new weapons. Then it came out and I realized that the locked the weapon behind endgame story or a freaking mass amount of WvW-activities while I was storywise at Living World Season 4 and never did WvW. What happened? I gave up playing GW2 entirely up to this point and refocused on FFXIV. I am assuming they will do the same with spears, locking it behind endgame and thus potentially not re-catching me with this.

    • @matsug5704
      @matsug5704 Місяць тому +3

      You literally go to wvw find a npc and buy an item that grants you acess to the other weapons.

    • @MisterNo1111
      @MisterNo1111 Місяць тому +1

      Fair point, its CooL.
      Eather you like it or not.
      I have played it 3 years free-to-play casually, than got as a gift rest and i love it, going trou story all 11 years in my own tempo. That is gw2🐣

    • @mattyvvv3092
      @mattyvvv3092 Місяць тому

      The story is literally so easy tho… I kinda get the complaint, but unlocking it is fair. If anything, I feel like we should’ve gotten new weapons much sooner in the expac.

  • @chmun77
    @chmun77 Місяць тому +1

    Fair points. In fact, I'm not even sure if I will spend any time with housing at all.

  • @semafreak
    @semafreak Місяць тому

    I just want more optimization. Would literally pay for a full scale optimization update.

  • @Fadethat
    @Fadethat Місяць тому

    Housing should be a controversial topic that could be determinate of a games future. Wows garrison system really damaged the game world and player population. But ffxiv does it well!

  • @dyrinn45
    @dyrinn45 Місяць тому +1

    Mom I'm famous! Also I still leave all the streams up! I just don't get down on FF but I still tune in each week!

    • @CaffeinatedDad
      @CaffeinatedDad  Місяць тому +1

      Well legit Dyrinn you have had great feedback and its something I have actively tried to implore. Thank you for still watching!

  • @EnzoVinZ
    @EnzoVinZ Місяць тому +1

    I think you'll like the Elementalist Spear skills, however, it's a hit and miss for other professions. For instance, Guardian got a support Spear skill set and it's a meh. Thief, on the other hand, got a skill set that is interesting enough, but it should have been a Greatsword instead of Spear but it's waaaay better than that stupid Axe. Necro becomes immortal and Mesmer is still OP. Didn't got a chance to test them all, but other than the Guardian's skill set, they all need to be nerfed. lol

    • @nielsjensen4185
      @nielsjensen4185 Місяць тому

      The Revenant Spear is just garbage beyond words and anyone who likes it is unironically filled with toxic positivity since the skills are objectively bad in execution, the synergy feels really bad, and one of the skills is directly opposed to the overall purpose. If it was just numbers it could be saved as numbers can be easily adjusted. In this case, it's the entire design that's garbage.

    • @EnzoVinZ
      @EnzoVinZ Місяць тому

      @@nielsjensen4185 I didn't got a chance to try the Rev Spear -- that sucks. I feel the same way about the Thief Axe, total garbage.

    • @nielsjensen4185
      @nielsjensen4185 Місяць тому

      @@EnzoVinZ There was little to try. I spent less than an hour in the Special Forces Training Area to get a feel for it and it felt horrible. Animation speeds and damage can be fixed. Mechanics are a lot harder to fix and it would be better to just scrap it and start over.

    • @EnzoVinZ
      @EnzoVinZ Місяць тому

      @@nielsjensen4185 I said the same thing about the Thief Axe, yet we still got it, so I'm not very optimistic that they are willing to change anything from what they've shown in the beta. They said they listen to our feedback and that's all they do, listen.

    • @nielsjensen4185
      @nielsjensen4185 Місяць тому

      @@EnzoVinZ No, it's worse. At least the Thief Axe was somewhat functional. The Rev Spear is just a lemon all the way down.
      It has never been this bad before. Where the Rev Scepter was clunky and hard to use in the beta it never felt so useless as the Rev Sper. In its current form, it's a complete waste of code.

  • @aeroblizz1987
    @aeroblizz1987 Місяць тому

    legitimately favorite word 😛

  • @matsug5704
    @matsug5704 Місяць тому

    Ele spear was super fun! Guardian was kinda meh

  • @fistandantilos
    @fistandantilos Місяць тому

    Does anyone know if we will have a new legendary spear in this expansion?

    • @Yobiko
      @Yobiko Місяць тому +1

      yes, janthir wilds will bring a new legendary spear and backpack

  • @RyuDouro
    @RyuDouro Місяць тому +1

    FF14 didnt last long XD

  • @robertbishop9576
    @robertbishop9576 Місяць тому +2

    I am not going to buy that bs expansion made in the toilet.