Steven Colbert Immigration Congress

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Stanjensen
    @Stanjensen 14 років тому

    Well done Steven Colbert. Points well crafted using humor and sarcasm, to prove a point.

  • @1kings1918
    @1kings1918 14 років тому

    Considering the cost of each congressmen, the meeting support & the reporting crews, the facilities, and the time of the individuals in attendance for education or their personal stake, it was an utter waste of taxpayer dollars on such nonsense. Mr. Colbert is quite pleased with the attention though.

  • @doworama
    @doworama 14 років тому

    Lighten up folks humor belongs in congress. Sarcasm can be the best conveyer of

  • @Eatonph
    @Eatonph 14 років тому

    well played sir! while i would love to see him ACTUALLY make a statement. i applaud him for using his position to raise awareness.

  • @TearsOfWar1
    @TearsOfWar1 13 років тому

    Wow the biggest laugh is when he satirically said that they will work together for the betterment of America... Yeah...

  • @capemh
    @capemh 14 років тому

    As it is, the mega-farms and corporate agriculture are ridiculously subsidized by governments at all levels and the federal government especially. And the Senate is part of the reason why, where the "fly-over" states with a couple of people in them (Wyoming population: 544,000, North Dakota population 646,000) have the same representation as states like California (population 37 million).
    The Senate has outlived its usefulness.

  • @anim8rguy72
    @anim8rguy72 14 років тому

    @Aijoran there isn't a problem with immigration... legal immigration.

  • @StillWords
    @StillWords 13 років тому

    The only tragedy with this hilarious piece of satire is that the American's who can do something about this - those sitting in Congress - are too silly to understand.

  • @sasori210580
    @sasori210580 13 років тому

    The guy in glasses behind Colbert is a beast. Dude went almost 3 minutes without even twitching his lip.

  • @leschampagnes1
    @leschampagnes1 14 років тому

    i don't understand how they weren't laughing the whole time...

  • @ryuna
    @ryuna 14 років тому

    I thought Colbert was absolutely brilliant.

  • @AustinBoston44
    @AustinBoston44 14 років тому

    2:57- moment of sincere inflection. among other instances, he understands the pain of the peope. he gets it.

  • @EckkoVoid
    @EckkoVoid 14 років тому

    @lousinup I dont know. I thnk Fox News does enough of that for the entire US

  • @djb0110
    @djb0110 14 років тому

    Not a mockery, In fact, I've hadn't seen a better way to get the point across. Funny and whitty, plus everyone paid attention to the testimony. Any other speaker in front of congress would have been quickly forgotten. This got a lot of youtube attention.

  • @CorenaG
    @CorenaG 13 років тому

    A must watch! I'm not going back out there either-You know what I mean the "Spud Harvest!

  • @LukeBell22
    @LukeBell22 14 років тому

    "I don't want a tomato picked by a Mexican. I want it picked by an American, then sliced by a Guatemalan, & served by a Venezuelan, in a spa where a Chilean gives me a Brazilian." That whole statement was full of win.

  • @TearsOfWar1
    @TearsOfWar1 14 років тому

    Satire actually does have truth by it.

  • @beefpunch
    @beefpunch 14 років тому

    humor is injected with unadulterated truth and then force fed to the legislative branch of the american people....which in turn, makes Ms Jackson Lee so uncomfortable she turns to her blackberry for comfort. classic, kudos Steven!

  • @shadowtrail66
    @shadowtrail66 14 років тому

    I think that Steven is fucking brave for going up to those people and telling them the truth while making fun of them

  • @womsterr
    @womsterr 14 років тому

    @ManicTheManic - again your missing the point. He made about 2 or 3 sentences of "trying" to make a coherent argument. The rest was his act. There are how many bills pending in congress? How many congressmen and woman were tied up there? The same congress who didn't have time to read the healthcare bill? If you can't admit it was a mistake, then there is no reasoning. Even House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (Democrat) says it was an embarrassment. What "side" is he on?

  • @TheCliftonKid
    @TheCliftonKid 14 років тому

    @Aijoran well they are working for next to nothing living in one bedroom apartments and go back home to live like kings and also send there money there too.In the landscape and hardscape business I myself suffer because they will work for way less and be able to live comfortably as myself won't even be able to save money or even make it.with a second job at night even!they should be taxed as citizens and punished for sending money elsewhere....we can't afford it

  • @belittle12
    @belittle12 14 років тому

    Why did the video cut off I bet there was applause at the end followed by a Celine Dion song playing

  • @Eternal-CMO
    @Eternal-CMO 14 років тому

    Lets see how many times has this story been told? They've done it with the Irish, Germans and the Chinese to name a few. This is why we study history, so the we don't repeat the same mistakes more than twice; I count at least 4 (including Mexicans) so we're out to set some sort of record. Apparently the general U.S. populace has yet to tune in.

  • @lazor222
    @lazor222 14 років тому

    I don't understand why everyone is so pissed about this. People need to lighten up and laugh... I'm a conservative, but I thought this was funny. It's not like congress is gonna do crap anyways....

  • @womsterr
    @womsterr 14 років тому

    @ManicTheManic not sure what olberman has to do with this. You'll notice even fellow Democrat - Congressman Conyers was trying to put a stop to this nonsense before it started. She will have to answer to her constituents for this extremely poor decision.

  • @womsterr
    @womsterr 14 років тому

    @ryuna Yea - thank God they don't have anything serious to work on...

  • @themooseisloose5
    @themooseisloose5 14 років тому

    @trevorwozny he uses satire to get his point across while at the same time he uses sarcasm to mock Congress for not doing anything. His work is not much different from that of Monty Python in that they both uses jokes and satire to shine light on events that the public overlooks, all the while displaying their messages in the undertones of the jokes . He may not be a genius, but he's good at what he does, and even if you don't agree with his beliefs, at least show some respect for his art form

  • @womsterr
    @womsterr 14 років тому

    @ManicTheManic Your right, you got me kid. Your years of economic experience, business acumen, profound vocabulary and critical thinking have shown me the error of my ways. I'm going to become a registered democrat first thing in the morning. Have a good night. Glad you enjoyed the videos ;)

  • @EckkoVoid
    @EckkoVoid 14 років тому

    @mart2224 At least Steven Colbert is revealing why other countries think we are idiots, because apparently, half of the US governement does not seem to know. I think Steven Colbert revealed what was common sense and the cold hard facts. Its hard to argue against anything he really brought out.
    And Steven Colbert an embarrassment? Have you watched his show. He capitalizese on that and the sad part is hes rich. I would humiliate myself if I could be rich to.

  • @AllenCarpentercanby
    @AllenCarpentercanby 14 років тому

    I don't agree with everything he is saying, but it is funny! FYI~ We live in the middle of a farm and guess what? During the summer, there were white kids out in the fields picking for the first time in forever!

  • @womsterr
    @womsterr 14 років тому

    @ManicTheManic Does it always have to be sides? It was a wrong decision. Not a fan of Olberman but he can do whatever he wants - its his dime. So can Colbert - on his show - he doesn't need to testify BS to congress in character. It was a bad decision for him to be invited - and worse decision to accept and put on the show he did...

  • @stuaxo
    @stuaxo 14 років тому

    @mart2224 Lol, it seems very very unlikely, the democrats would be considered right wing in most of Europe + no chance of them moving any further to the left.

  • @Rob7194
    @Rob7194 14 років тому


  • @TearsOfWar1
    @TearsOfWar1 14 років тому

    @EckkoVoid He's satire, not humilating himself.

  • @keefmeister77
    @keefmeister77 14 років тому

    I clicked, I watched, I fell asleep.

  • @naraku578
    @naraku578 14 років тому

    @ Aijoran
    well for every 10 illegal immigrants that cross the border 1 drug runner does too

  • @skid272
    @skid272 14 років тому

    colbert for president

  • @animigus
    @animigus 14 років тому

    Holy shit. balls of steel.

  • @frankleeseaux
    @frankleeseaux 14 років тому

    @randomvideouploader8, Hahaha. Thanx for making it happen just one more time.

  • @Yorio92
    @Yorio92 14 років тому

    @keefmeister77 What babj said, congress is a joke, therefore he is just treating it like one.

  • @hangdsobs
    @hangdsobs 14 років тому

    Every comment he makes is a slam on the status quo. The only laugh is when he says Congress will work together for America as they always do. this doesn't have his other hilarious answers tho. Like where he says Cornpacker is a slander to gay Iowans... answering the Iowa congressman.(That got a LOT of snickers)

  • @ropac1256
    @ropac1256 14 років тому

    best thing ive seen in a while

  • @ManicTheManic
    @ManicTheManic 14 років тому

    @womsterr just re watched the video and no im sorry but the first 1min was all jokes but the rest was almost entirely valid arguments some conveyed by jokes some were not so he may have wasted 1 minute but i think your missing the point people are blowing this way to far out of proportion and conservatives are now using it as a way to attack liberals

  • @LukeBell22
    @LukeBell22 14 років тому

    @lousinup yea pretty much, but a liberal sees it as this: "Hey, at least I'm the lesser of two evils!" Meh.

  • @Eternal-CMO
    @Eternal-CMO 14 років тому

    @trevorwozny Colbert uses his charm and witty humor to bring up vital issues in a friendly manner, in order to coax indifferent people into maybe acknowledging them; I'd say that's quite clever.
    Get a brain? Try using yours. Even if you dislike him, try showing some respect for what he does as a performer. Clamming up and putting down the validity in his argument by attacking him is nothing short of fallacious.

  • @fernandodiezsax
    @fernandodiezsax 14 років тому


  • @Eternal-CMO
    @Eternal-CMO 14 років тому

    @naraku578 And these so-called drug runners don't come from all walks of life--including those born in the US?
    Don't tell me you believe our ancestors were born here, or buy into all that manifest destiny crap as if some divine being gave it to us.
    We're a nation of immigrants: Foreigners from across the Ocean and our northern as well as southern borders visit our country on a regular basis. Why the sudden hatred for those that specifically come from the South?

  • @ChevyToughRebel
    @ChevyToughRebel 14 років тому

    I cant believe it, this is for real? I think its hilarious

  • @keefmeister77
    @keefmeister77 14 років тому

    I just saw my dog vomit. Amazingly, it was still way funnier than Steven Colbert. (please excuse my "terrible sense of humor")

  • @keefmeister77
    @keefmeister77 14 років тому

    @Bolgernow: Sorry, not my dog. I meant your mom.

  • @ereal2
    @ereal2 14 років тому


  • @wizarddragon
    @wizarddragon 14 років тому

    @4nOwHeRe20 lol i must of replied to wrong person but i agree..I doubt common sense can be knocked into them

  • @1kings1918
    @1kings1918 14 років тому

    You are saying he paid for the facilities & reimbursed the government for the cost of each congressman to sit and listen to his silly pathetic attempts at humor? Nice guy. But if he didn't, then in lieu of productive use of congressmen's time & our tax dollars we funded this circus. On second thought, maybe it was a good thing they were spending their time listening to nonsense not destroying anymore of our liberties. Must count our blessings in all of their forms.

  • @Bolgernow
    @Bolgernow 14 років тому

    @keefmeister77 yes, & why is your dog vomiting? Because the poor thing is stuck having to look at it's owners face...

  • @ilovegibsons1
    @ilovegibsons1 14 років тому

    everyone sais its a mockery i say its genius

  • @babj615
    @babj615  14 років тому

    sleep1: Congress is a Joke...

  • @wizarddragon
    @wizarddragon 14 років тому

    @4nOwHeRe20 hmmm stephen funded his own way and it didnt waste their namymore then what they waste anyways so how was this a waste>?

  • @DeLePlays
    @DeLePlays 12 років тому

    04:33 Im sorry ms jackson.. OOOH PUT THAT PHONE DOOOOWWWWNNNNN!!!

  • @omidrez
    @omidrez 14 років тому

    This is a total joke. I respect Colbert because he does good work on his show, but this is totally offensive as an American - to make a mockery of a Congressional hearing. If you want to prove a point, then take it seriously instead of throwing endless stabbing jokes in there make it lack major credibility to whatever may be "truth". Also...I think its insanely foolish of the Congress person to INVITE him to this hearing. This is blatant publicity stunt. Get real...

  • @STMclassic
    @STMclassic 14 років тому

    @leschampagnes1 they probably weren't sure if they should laugh LOL

  • @Crawling-Chaos-2024
    @Crawling-Chaos-2024 14 років тому

    @trevorwozny Unless you look what "satire" and "irony" means, you can make a post in this, buddy. Assuming you can read.

  • @ManicTheManic
    @ManicTheManic 14 років тому

    @womsterr ahh those ad hominem attacks are like music to my ears yes i play call of duty and what does that have to do with anything? Why are you blaming colbert? He didnt force his way into this hearing he was invited what did they expect him to do and yes he made a few jokes but he had points behind them and what do you mean democrats need to stop making jokes when things are serious i really dont know what your talking about you could be talking about CNN or somthing with people like

  • @womsterr
    @womsterr 14 років тому

    @ManicTheManic and someday you may actually have sex kid...if you put the game controller down...

  • @sleep1592
    @sleep1592 14 років тому

    dude .... its a joke...

  • @keefmeister77
    @keefmeister77 14 років тому

    His appearance before congress was totally inappropriate. I mean seriously, if you call yourself a comedian you should at least be kinda funny, which he isn't. I've seen corpses funnier than him.

  • @cabron247
    @cabron247 14 років тому

    hahahahahaha that was hilarious!!! Nothing one with a little laugh. Since our congress is a joke and cant get anything right a lil humor is fine.

  • @SenorDetesto
    @SenorDetesto 14 років тому

    hahahaha. delightful!

  • @tucsonsteven
    @tucsonsteven 14 років тому

    Bahahhahahaa.. I love the part where he says many democrats will be looking for work in November! LOL!!!!!!

  • @tcorourke2007
    @tcorourke2007 13 років тому

    Not terribly funny.