Idolatry Sells Out! | Idolatry | Entertainment Weekly

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • Michael Slezak and Kristen Baldwin kick off another season of "American Idol" insanity.
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    Idolatry Sells Out! | Idolatry | Entertainment Weekly
    / ew


  • @overnightsiren
    @overnightsiren Рік тому

    Would love if all the old Idolotry episodes were published somewhere!

  • @AIReject
    @AIReject 15 років тому

    Hey. I managed it. I'dfigure someone who appears to be able to form coherent thought such as you would be able to as well. For example, you could definitely have used the word "you're" instead of the very immature "ur." I step out just fine, without making myself look like an ignorant fool. Oh, and it's not the best thing to aspire to, but a start.

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    U think that making fun of other people is something we should all be aspiring to do ? I thought that people actually grew out of that, at one point in our developement

  • @qg6ff
    @qg6ff 15 років тому

    Yeah I was a little confused by the Danny thing... Why is it disgusting that he let us see some of his great moment with his wife? That's a little confusing. Please explain? Is it that you think that he's using his wife to move on.. or .... what?

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    Ummmm.. ok.. so it is a start .. but then what? i have to get a Mercedes? Then my own personal Jet? Then i have become a lawyer? a Politician? a CEO? .. when does it ever end that i prove myself WORTHY to be alive and loveable, and shown some respect by YOU?

  • @SMoldie
    @SMoldie 13 років тому +1

    Why Oh why didn't I find these video until now:O Very funny, mucho irony and all that good stuff, curse my work ethic and having had no time to troll the internet for this gem until now.

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    PS.. a small clue for U for your own benefit..
    Breathing deeply of clean air, instead of rejecting it ( if you can even find some now adays ) will help you to percieve the TRUTH more clearly... and u may just find that 'meaning' that I was talking about..
    Namaste ~

  • @Blendre
    @Blendre 15 років тому

    Love this youtube show please make them longer

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    By the way. I hate to sound petty ( mirror mirror )
    But since it seems that sentence structure is so very important to your sensibilities, that you would be offended by an internet language shortcut. You might want to consider retyping this comment and putting a comma in between the words :you" and " would." I.E., "someone who appears to be able to form coherent thought (,) such as you, would be able to to as well.

  • @janicejanostak2545
    @janicejanostak2545 8 років тому +2

    I wonder if this is Melinda's earliest appearance on Idolatry?

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    They took a rare commodity to find in today's world, a man who lacked self consciousness and was filled with Love and JOY because of that. He came to the stage of AI8 wearing his heart on his sleeve, only to be targeted by their slings and arrows.If it proves that their goal to take him down and destroy his career is met, many in this world will suffer for not having his example to follow.

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    One last thing, that i forgot to ask.
    I am not quite sure what you mean by the words: " When I step out"
    What exactly does that mean?
    It just doesn't make any sense at all to me.

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    They had to beat on a good and quite talented man, to try to thwart his possible win, and continue to beat on him, because he upset their apple cart.
    They could care less that there will be children suffering for their poisonous venom. What spiteful little brats to be in the positions they are in.
    I know that deep down Lambert's insides will eat him alive one day, for the part that he has played in this, due to people like Sleezebag and Trigger, and the canned comments they generate.

  • @qg6ff
    @qg6ff 15 років тому

    ok , why are you telling me that? All i was doing was letting the people who made this video know that I'm confused why they think it's not right for him to share his story. I'm not saying its bad. Jesuuuus

  • @Beachdudeca
    @Beachdudeca 15 років тому

    If you have ever sung you would have also noticed how rough the vocals were with Von ,
    As for Danny , well dudes I understand someone having a story that makes an audience notice them , but I don't want to see someone winning because he had the biggest life tragedy , heck there are other shows for that
    I think of idol as a show where a performer can get noticed that has both potential and ability

  • @cbotten106
    @cbotten106 15 років тому +1

    They sure nailed down Danny Gokey's shtick pretty early on, huh? .He had his friends flashing pictures of his dead wife during the round of thirty-six results show. Good lord, these people are debasing themselves for fifteen minutes of fame.

  • @sreep21
    @sreep21 15 років тому

    finally i hate danny too...and his friend janar

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    I still wish that you could find yourself in the Garden one day... and we could meet in that place where words aren't necessary ~

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    ohoh.. i lost the comment, where I was asking you: " What gives you the right to make fun of my english? " Does it mean I have no right to be in this country? I would just LOVE to see you write a comment in MY language.

  • @26109216
    @26109216 12 років тому

    Please, they wish they could have half the talent Von has!

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    The AI producers had a back story on almost every idol, yet their drama queen agenda has them targeting Danny Gokey, who was the obvious threat to their favorite horse in the race's win, and an easy scapegoat for their fear/hate of Christians who might look down on them. It wasn't enough for Lambert to get an assist from every drama queen in the industry.

  • @daisukefan92
    @daisukefan92 14 років тому

    You gave us a Malinda thing....I LOVE YOU!!!!

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    Maybe to someone like "U" who
    over compensates for unrecognized, infantile, feelings of inadequacy.,,, and caters to his EGO..
    It might serve you to contemplate the 'meaning' of Eve taking the bite of that apple... (I am not a Christian BTW )
    And write me again when you learn to appreciate Wisdom, over Knowledge
    I would love to share some fun time with you in the Garden ~~~
    Namaste ~

  • @AIReject
    @AIReject 15 років тому

    I would also figure people who are using otherwise coherent manners of thought, speech, and text could spell the word "you," but I suppose that's too much for you to aspire to as well. Comedy and Degredation are two different things, and they are using the former to express their opinions in an amusing fashion. Danny has a record deal. He'll do fine, but he isn't God. He worships God. Stop worshipping him. They have an extremely differing view from yours, but it isn't wrong, nor right.

  • @AIReject
    @AIReject 15 років тому

    This was day one, before Allison's audition even aired, let alone before she became their favorite. You're being harsher in a more un-just way than they were being to Danny. You are no better than they are, which, by the way, they are funny human being with their own opinions.

  • @Hayliz425
    @Hayliz425 15 років тому

    Von Smith was amazing.

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    Dang~ and here I thought i was sounding like so much more than an 'ignorant fool', just for having picked up on some of the net lingo.
    Goes to show you just how complicated perception can be.
    I do have to say that it has been a little difficult, and I have had to rely on my friends to translate such CP'isms as "WTF", that I see on so many Lambert' vids.
    Well, u know what they say about pleasing ALL the people. What I need to know is should I feel really threatened that I didn't please u?

  • @AIReject
    @AIReject 15 років тому

    Nope. Just decent grammar. Also, it isn't specifically, "the King's English" that's the issue. It's simply using good English, or using English well. Period.
    You come off as one who likes to prejudge people from a higher point with a notion of superiority that may or may not be seen by yourself. It's the reason you discount an opinion not to your liking and proceed to insult the givers of the same. Whether you think you need to or not, get over youself. This'll be my last comment on the subject

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    So, tell me.. r these guys ur friends? that you would find their stchick funny and not mine? LOL

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    Well said ~
    I not only applaud you for saying it, but I applaud your 'right' to say it.
    As for my was to be a mirror.
    I was just letting them know how it feels. Nothing else seems to work with these people.

  • @xSpoonz
    @xSpoonz 15 років тому

    they must love imovie :P

  • @dennisiseenlievordd
    @dennisiseenlievordd 15 років тому

    how boring

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    OMG.. i just have to say one thing.
    You think that the best thing that i can aspire to is spelling the word YOU in these tiny character limited boxes?
    How very revealing ~

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    Hey, I want to apologize. I examined what i wrote, and even though I still feel it has some merit, I do recognize that the way I said it, does show me to be a tad defensive. I will take your suggestions under consideration. I actually have a strong desire to learn Portuguese and Chinese right now, why not the King's English?

  • @helmut4lyfe
    @helmut4lyfe 15 років тому

    Top 36?

  • @sultan1122
    @sultan1122 15 років тому

    kristen baldwin = LOVE!

  • @GreenGretel
    @GreenGretel 9 років тому +1

    Classy with a K, lol.

  • @Doramus726
    @Doramus726 15 років тому

    These guys are so wrong about Danny! Idiots! They do t.v. so they should know that the lives of the contestants are pieced together after the auditions! anyway, I think it's a great story! Go Danny!

  • @thename
    @thename 15 років тому

    satan is cool.

  • @qg6ff
    @qg6ff 15 років тому

    lol ok.

  • @Gr8stuffis
    @Gr8stuffis 15 років тому

    Projection, Projection, Projection..
    blah blah blah....
    neener neeener neener...
    nah nahhhhhhh nah nah nahhhhhhhhhh ...