The Two Types of Travelers

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024
  • My return from my holiday in the states and my preparation for the rest of summer


  • @eprohoda
    @eprohoda Місяць тому

    Hello. The!like. amazing . later~✋

  • @montymason1647
    @montymason1647 Місяць тому

    Bentornato et bienvenue, notre commentateur perspicace, aimable et étonnamment convaincant (et d'une beauté fortement alarmante). Lenin is reputed to have said that some decades pass as if though they were weeks whereas other weeks have the impact of decades. Last week was one of those "decades." I, for one, am looking forward to your commentary about your sojourn Américain during the Week in which Everything Changed.
    I will give my hand away: I now live in San Francisco (following my divorce from my wife and my simultaneous divorce from my NYC home), but I work in Oakland, which has taken the crown as the Bay Area's bohemian-activist city that San Francisco wore so self-assuredly during the last century. I love Oakland, which, alas, like Brooklyn has vis-à-vis Manhattan, has become as nearly as expensive to live in as my San Francisco digs. But, as with Brooklyn has to Manhattan, Oakland has become far more interesting a place than San Francisco these days.
    I bring this up regarding the past week's events: A few years ago, I saw Oakland's First Daughter, Vice President Kamala Harris, speak to her hometown crowd at Frank H. Ogawa Plaza near where I work.
    Based on the power and clarity of that speech, I thought then that she was "The One."
    I will, for obvious reasons (my Northern English-Latinx biracial reality among them) always have "issues" with the all-White, so-called "progressives," as they (1) are in too many obvious ways MAGA-in-Waiting (e.g., given to conspiratorialist thinking, given to cult leaders, given to deeply, offensively misogynist/misogynoir orientations, "progressively" committed to the White Bernie Bros.' St. Bernie-of-Lily White cult running the circus, etc.) and (2) they were right, ultimately, about HRC's "un-electability" but for the wrong reasons (i.e., their OWN misogyny); but said cult has been decidedly wrong about everything else (Obama's ability to govern in the face of the implacable White racism of the GOP; the "un-electability" of Biden in 2020, the "un-electability" of Biden-Harris in 2020, etc.).
    I do know that whatever one's stances about VP Harris as a "cop" vis-à-vis la dictature raciale blanche des États-Unis, that the malign propagandists of the GOP (G-ilead O-ppression P-arty), the all-White bro sausage factory of the so-called "progressives," and of course Putin's online bot and propagandist army, have all grossly distorted her actual prosecutor's record to paint her as somehow "worse" than the outright Fascist of Mar-A-Largo.
    And of course, misogynoir across community ("racial") lines absolutely will have its play regarding the "authenticité" of Kamala's "blackness" (a worse-than-bad-faith erasure of America's legal and socially constructed and enforced "One-Drop Rule" legacy that exists to this very day). A not inconsiderable number of BOTH White men's and Black men's competence-envy and misogynoir over VP Harris's rise will play out, as if VP Harris never graduated two prestigious universities (Howard and UC "Hastings" School of Law); never won elections to become the first Black-Asian woman DA of San Francisco, the first Black-Asian woman AG of California, the first Black-Asian woman US Senator of California (a role in which she distinguished herself via her deadly prosecutorial skills in debate and cross examination in Senate hearings), and never "deserved" the Vice President's positions, when in plain fact all of her White competitors (both men and women) also lost their presidential nomination bids in ways not discernibly "better" than Harris did.
    I, for one, am very curious as to your impressions of this Decades-in-a-Week, which coincides with your own and your Italian children's momentous sojourn in your home country.
    Likewise, there are the startling parallels between you and VP Harris (irrespective of your actual respective political stances that might, indeed, separate the both of you profoundly) -- you, like VP Harris, are a highly intellectual, cosmopolitan, deeply cultured/acculturated woman who is also, like VP Harris, strikingly beautiful, the latter of which, la beauté, is that double-edged sword, about which one can reasonably infer that both you and VP Harris have had to learn to wield and contend as both a privilege and a curse in a profoundly patriarchal world.
    And so, your impressions would convey, I would think, not only your customarily shrewd and penetrating conclusions.
    Your observations could ALSO undoubtedly convey something of the political-as-personal in which you so singularly master, a conceptual entwining that transcends mere boxed-and-packaged social or political commentary in which many of your worthy but, from my perspective at least, less prescient online peers trade : a striking feature of so many of your posts.
    All of that said, je vous dis à vous et votre famille entière, "Bienvenue!"