Edit: OMG I HADNT WATCHED YET 😱 by “homosexual” they meant “sexual predator”. I probably should have realized by the year it was made but… Original comment: I want grandkids and all but I’d still rather have my kids exist in the real world and be gay than be holed up in a room straight!!!
If they substituted the word pedophile for homosexual and included both boys and girls as targets, this film would not be controversial at all. Its frankly classic behavior analysis for child predators.
I couldn’t agree more - they’re called SEXUAL PREDATORS. Adults (18+) should NEVER have physical involvement with those under the age of legal consent. NEVER.
@@AlphaBobFloridaOverlord None of these boys are under 16, which is the age of consent in most states and almost all of Europe. These old guys are repulsive, but that doesn't make them pedophiles.
yeah, the general message of this is actually quite reasonable, but it unnecessarily conflates perverts with all gay men, which is completely illogical.
This is quite reasonable as a warning against sexual predators. The problem is the assumption that being homosexual means being a sexual predator. Some are, of course, but probably no greater proportion than heterosexuals.
@@electronotch It's just facts that you cancel culture sjws just can't handle because its the truth. Your kind needs lies and everything sugar coated for you. Back when this was made they spoke the truth regardless of who's extremely fragile feelings got hurt
I don't know. almost seems like this should be a anti pedophilia add more than a anti homosexual kinda thing. Sure the old men in these videos are gay. But maybe when they were making these videos they should have been more specific. Idk.
It's the same thing in my opinion. They know it and That's why there is no clear division between the two in the video. But by today's standards, they have made a clear split between the two
Glad things changed. 1950's Inglewood, Ca. appears clean and orderly. Traffic looks reasonable. The police are professionally attired and are actively communicating with the locals. The schools are free of vandalism and graffiti. Not a single druggie at the park or playground. A two parent household ..what's that about? You've come a long way, Inglewood. Congratulations...you've progressed so much!
"Hey, teach, may I have your permission to go off in a car with this strange man?" "Whatever, kid. I'm not paid enough to care." If Ralph really were a homosexual, he'd dress better.
Got a ride once and was told there were 'dirty magazines' in the 'glovebox'. Sign he was desperate and I avoided the lure. I'd never really seen any before. Sure enough he ended up taking me to his place in order to 'get a basketball' before he dropped me off. I waited by the door. Just glad he didn't pull out a knife to make his point. He was desperate and I was only a schoolboy.
Two of my best friends are gay, and sometimes (whispers...) they even tell me what they're about. Like what music they like and what they eat and drink!
Where the heck was this film when I was accepting rides from strangers in my youth and waking up drunk but naked in a hotel room all those times...geesh!
Yeah, I have seen that. In a city near my town there is a public restroom at the train-station. On the walls it is written things like "meet me here if you want some fun" and some telephone numbers to call.
Jimmy was more at risk by not wearing a seat-belt and sitting sideways on to 'chat/flirt' with the driver. He'd have gone right through the windscreen had the driver had to slam the breaks on if someone had pulled out in front of them considering the poor road markings.
my dad said he saw a scribbling on a Hardee's bathroom stall wall that advised against dropping a tooth pick in the toilet water..science had shown that crabs can pole vault,lol.
You know, take out anti gay stuff and this would have been a good video on recognizing grooming and stranger danger. Heck just change the word homosexual to groomer) It would just need men grooming girls, a woman being the groomer, and an example of a family member or a family friend grooming someone, because that is the most common perpetrator.
@jalim2206 please point me to the study that found that homosexuals are more likely to be groomers Cause the only studies I find State that there's no difference between Heterosexual and homosexual men's likelihood to be a pedophile And pushing for simply letting two grown adults live their life without having to worry about being seen and having the same rights as any other relationship between two grown adults is in ABSOLUTELY NO WAY on the same side as pushing for that disgusting MAP crap, the fact you seem to think that it is just disgust me So quit that homophobic spreading of such misinformation
@@thejawooshtroll5565 Yep. Even V.D. flicks. "Gee, Coach. My penis sure hurts when I urinate". Lol But see, that cant do that anymore. Not until they establish exactly how many genders there are. Wonderful direction we're heading, huh? Its almost funny though. Now, people are walking out of the clinic saying, "Whew, it's only syphilis".
TheJawooshTroll You’re the reason people can’t be happy. Do you think you’re doing good by being homophobic? There is quite literally no reason for homophobia. They did nothing to you, gay people didn’t burn down your house or kill your entire family, they are just attracted to the same gender.
I remember watching a similar video from the same time period while in a school assembly in the 1970's when I was in the 5th grade.The video never mentioned homosexuals but was alluding to the same thing. I remember that I had no idea what the video was about.
@@Tolya1979 Decades ago I used to talk to an HS boy on Compuserv and he bragged about having sex with his math teacher so he would get an A+, but today the teacher would get into so much trouble. All it would take is one phone call today and the teachers life is would be over
@@MajorasMask007 And I can deal with either, as long as we respect each others orientaion. But Im having a real tuff time with gender/orientation. Last count there were 72 genders? Out of curiosty, I'd like to see their genitals. I might even be able to land them a gig at the circus. I dont care if your sorta bent, totally bent. I can deal with it. But these poor folk are like paper clips. You'd spend all night counting the bends just to see if you're sexually compatible or not.
Studies have shown for decades that the abuse of children and young people rarely occurs by complete strangers, but rather by adults in the immediate vicinity of the victims and family members. It was a widespread prejudice at the time that homosexual men had a strong sexual interest in minors, but then this thinking changed very fast. Unfortunately, close male relationships are quickly sexualized and viewed as unnatural. Personally, I find this very negative. In Jimmy's age I was very interested to be among men and learn from men and have my hobbies and interests with them. Some older men were happy to show me aspects of life, but never confront me with sexuality.
When the announcer said "he gave jimmy presents and let him borrow money but payments was expected in return" as ralph walks up the stairs with jimmy to a motel room. I almost died laughing..
I would say that Jimmy started being CAREER-ORIENTED at a very YOUNG age. Those weren't "loans" that he didn't pay back. They were INVESTMENTS! They ruined a great enterprise that was in the works as I'm sure his sugar daddy had connections to a market with DEMAND that was willing to pay some serious money.
historically they want very young males, that is why there is the man/boy love society which well-known gays like allen ginsburg endorsed and one of its goals is to do away with age of consent laws. It's not our imagination...
Your experience - - whatever the details - - was an assault by a genuine p3d0phile since you were a pre-pubescent child of only 8 at the time. But such a traumatic experience should NOT be generally conflated or confused with gay men seeking consensual encounters. The fact that most gay men desire and seek out s3x - - just as most heterosexual men are often inclined to do - - does not mean that all gays are inherently sick, evil, predatory or dangerous like the man who took advantage of your childhood innocence.
Let's get something clear, if God forbid, a boy is taken advantage of sexually by a man, that does not mean the boy will be gay, the boy most likely have trauma to deal with, but that does not mean he will start craving sex with men. I knew I preferred men as far back as I can remember to the age of 3, was I thinking of sex, no, but I definitely knew I liked the male sex over the female, and once I hit puberty, it was only sexual relations with men that I fantasied about, never women. However, I did not have a sexual encounter until I was 21, and yes, with a man my own age.
The only correction I would add today is, at the end, where it says don’t go off with a stranger unless you have the permission of your parent or a teacher. These days you can’t implicitly trust the teacher anymore. Teachers today have been groomed into the mental illness.
Wait a minute... Jimmy was curious about the porn photos? And "felt a fondness for Ralph"? This sounds like a Jimmy may have been gay too... and into older guys. ;) Go Jimmy.
"Miss Tingle, a strange man with a 1961 Ford Falcon picked me up after a game of sports-ball with the guys. He had green teeth and a Hitler moustache. He had a thick wool suit on, even though it was 102 degrees out and it had mustard smeared all over it. He smells like ham and his fingernails are dark brown from nicotine. Should I let him take me to a 'ghost house' he knows about, in the woods?"
It actually looks fucking fantastic. Disease free and clean streets. No criminal druggie homeless camps and graffitti. Now we have people celebrating their first twenty days with monkey pox. We need 50's mentality again.
@@MegaPuttputt …..Hey….stay out in: ** Hooterville ** Podunk ** “The Boonies” and you won’t have to put up with diversity, gays, people from different ethnic backgrounds. Steer clear of metro areas. We’ll have the arts, entertainment, festivals, restaurants from all over the world…….and you can be satisfied with your churches and Dollar stores! Deal? Keep your bigotry OUT THERE.
Back then, children were easier prey for men because 1) children were more naive and more trusting of adults, and not well-educated about risky/dangerous situations, and 2) these kinds of situations didn’t happen as often as today. Children were more vulnerable back then. Nowadays, children are generally more wary and educated through media and their parents. Many young kids nowadays even take children’s self-defense/anti-rape classes to protect themselves from men who might hurt them. My neighbor’s boys are only 7 and 9, but they know to be aggressive and fight back should a man try to mess with them. Can you imagine if a man from that 1950s-early 1960s era tried to sexually assault one of my neighbor’s young boys today? Most likely he would get a “good kick in the testicles”, something he wouldn’t expect at all, coming from that era.
@@vernonfrance2974 So were you and your brother educated by your parents about the dangers? I think this wasn’t the norm back then. Most children back then, as I recall growing up in the early 1960s, were quite trusting of adults and rarely questioned their motives. It’s so different nowadays. Kids today are educated at school, the media, and their parents about strangers and even relatives who might try to sexually molest them. I once asked my neighbors’ two young boys, who are only 7 and 9 years-old, what they would do if a man tried to mess with any one of them. The 9 year-old casually replied, “I’d poke his eyes.” The youngest child said, “I’d kick him really hard in the balls.” I doubt a child back in the 1950s or early 1960s would have said something like that. Just imagine a man from back then trying to mess with one of my neighbor’s’ children? I doubt he’d expect an eye gouge or a kick in the balls, right?
@@PerAllwin1963 We had lived in the country until I, the younger of the two, was five. Then we moved into a predominantly black area of our small city. I had developed a love of horses while we were living in the country and off in the distance I could see some ponies. I took it upon myself to go see them and when my mother came and found me she was very upset. She spanked me and told me quite graphically what had happened to another small boy. It involved a can opener of the type that had the claw on the end. I don't see them sold anymore. I was told NEVER to go off by myself or to go with strangers. I guess she had told my brother that too. That was in 1950. This was somewhat reinforced by a black boy in my brother's class who was kept back a few years. He started taking it upon himself to chase us. One day I got to school all out of breath and the kindergarten teacher asked me why. I started to cry and told about the boy. She took me to my brother's class and I had to point out the boy who did it. He looked so scared when I did that that they knew I was telling the truth. I guess my brother confirmed it too but I don't know for sure. Then, the last day of school before Christmas school vacation he tried to ambush us. My brother saw him first and yelled at me to run. He chased us and I tried to follow my brother up on to the steps of a tavern but he caught up to me and pushed me. I skidded on the ice and banged my nose on a step. When he saw the blood he ran away and I bled all the way home. Soon, I believe it was because my parents realized we would keep having trouble if we stayed there, we moved to a rural home about 20 miles away and I went to a one room schoolhouse. But, I never got over feeling nervous and jittery in the city when we'd go there to visit relatives. We did move back there when I was in eighth grade and I gradually got a bit less uncomfortable but I was always wary. Since, I've lived in large cities at times, including NYC and Boston, but I far prefer the countryside although, of course, there is potential danger there too.
@@vernonfrance2974 The story your mother told you about the young boy and the can opener is interesting. I remember those can openers, as I grew up in the early 1960s when I was a little kid. They had a hook on the end. Was the child sexually assaulted with a can opener? I can see why you and your brother learned fast about life in the big cities. I agree that rural life is more pleasant and relatively safe. I lived in the big city all my life. I’ve seen how it has changed for the worse. You really can’t trust anyone now. Even in a quiet “decent” suburb where I live. The educational system has changed a lot since the 1950s and 1960s. Media and parents are much more open with their children nowadays. That’s why I brought up my neighbor‘s two young children. Most kids back in the 1950s-60s weren’t educated about the dangers of child rape/sexual assault. I don’t remember any martial arts schools that taught children self-defense back then. More kids are more savvy now, which is a good thing. My scenario about a man from the 1950s to early 1960s trying to sexually assault one of my neighbor’s kids is hypothetical of course, but imagine if that happened? I’m sure he would not expect the child to fight back and “poke his eyes or get a good kick in the balls”….according to my neighbor’s littlest boy). Times have changed in regards to children and their wariness and knowledge. Many children nowadays are like my neighbor’s kids. Many aren’t afraid to fight back and kick a man in the testicles if they are attacked.
@@PerAllwin1963 Yes, that is exactly the type of can opener it was. My mother was not shy about talking about sexual topics but my adoptive dad never did. She told me the can opener was to open the kid up to be able to go in (penetrate.) I didn't need to be told twice. My dad was actually not biologically related but he wanted to adopt me since my real father, her first husband, was OK with it and the older siblings all knew their relatives in another state but I didn't. I witnessed my adoptive dad's younger brother try to force my youngest brother to do oral sex on him when my mother was in the hospital. I still remember going to see her with my dad and my brother and I told her that he was being mean to my brother. They never let him "baby sit" us again. This was before the incident with the ponies by about a year. At my college any student found to be gay was expelled. As a teacher we were taught to tell students to report anyone who wanted to or tried to touch them or did touch them where their bathing suit would go. We also told them to never go alone with anyone to help them find a lost pet or to take gifts without parental permission.
@@fidomf7922 I feel the title is wrong, it’s more about anti-pedophilia. And certainly not all gay people are pedophiles, but this is warning against an older man taking advantage of a young boy and of course that’s wrong
So according to this video the young boy was arrested for being raped by a gay man then "released to his parents" after reporting being raped to police
Scientists will eventually develop a cure for this insidious disease but in the meantime parents should ensure that their sons are properly equipped with stout underpants at all times
if you mean that being gay/lesbian is a genetic disease, I fully agree. mankind still wonders, how long it will take scientists to define let alone cure genetic diseases like that.
My grandpa had told me a story as he grew up in the 50s being Mexican and poor obviously he had to pick up jobs at a young age one night he was walking home from the diner he worked at late at night and dark a man stopped and asked if he wanted a ride my grandpa said he seemed nice so he got in the car also cuz it was country n he was scarred to walk home at times. I guess the man was talking to him n then he had said he moved his hand towards him n put it on his leg my grandpa yelled at him to stop so he did and he said he jumped out the car and sprinted home he didn’t look back it’s funny when he told it but this short reminded me of that story for such an innocent time it’s crazy to think their has always been sick fucks like that roaming around
I'm sorry, I've lived in some rough areas before, and homosexuals use methods of enticement on children just like Ralph did in this documentary, especially in certain sectors of academia; like private single sex colleges. They should still be teaching this school, just so children know to be aware of homosexual child enticement.
Sorry you don't like being told. There is a such thing as homosexual child enticement and our children should be taught some common sense. Like, don't ride in a car with a 30 year old homosexual.
April Aurora well sure, and so do heterosexual people. Anyone can be an evil bastard. It's not an issue specific to gay people. Fortunately, it's not that common for someone to be lured anyway. Most sexual abuse of children is by people they know, not strangers.
Obviously this video is BS, but other than the blatant lies about gay people. I also didn't like how they kept saying "parents or teacher" like it was the same thing. The parents are the only ones who can give permission for their kids to do something. Hey, you never know, the teacher could BE the predator.
Even parents... even yourself... what if we all had brain chips inserted into our heads that stun us when we try to do something bad. It reads our minds.
Even with parents' and/or teachers'' permission...better not to be too trusting...sometimes even parents and teachers could go wrong...use your instincts all the time.
This is when everything was claimed to destroy Western civilization. Honestly,if you want to have at it with another guy,go for it. But,don't expect anyone to support it or tolerate it.
California has millions of people who moved there from elsewhere. It has a great climate for people who have no money, from this country and others, to be homeless. It started with the Dust Bowl and has continued to this day. Read The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. People should be blaming the economy destroyed by corporatism, the exploitation of workers, the fascist dictatorships the USA has imposed on many Latin American countries by our foreign affairs policies, and overpopulation.
What I learned today:
Never play basketball with a guy in a tux
I learned that Inglewood, CA sure has changed dramatically since this film was made
Great advice
LOL 😂😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂..I would agree
certainly dont wan to "post up" in this scenario
Thanks Jimmy, now kids are stuck inside playing video games all day.
Edit: OMG I HADNT WATCHED YET 😱 by “homosexual” they meant “sexual predator”. I probably should have realized by the year it was made but…
Original comment: I want grandkids and all but I’d still rather have my kids exist in the real world and be gay than be holed up in a room straight!!!
@@virginiaordayayour actually braindead, anyways not surprised seeing how this world is
Today Kids play games on their smartphones.
Ok boomer
The biggest shock in this video is this is what Inglewood used to look like.
I thought the same thing.
Lots of smog
@@Ransomhandsome Lots of bl
@@RansomhandsomeJust “smog”?
@@stuartlee6622 People you are terrified of?
If they substituted the word pedophile for homosexual and included both boys and girls as targets, this film would not be controversial at all. Its frankly classic behavior analysis for child predators.
And made the boys and girls under 15.
I couldn’t agree more - they’re called SEXUAL PREDATORS. Adults (18+) should NEVER have physical involvement with those under the age of legal consent. NEVER.
@@AlphaBobFloridaOverlord None of these boys are under 16, which is the age of consent in most states and almost all of Europe. These old guys are repulsive, but that doesn't make them pedophiles.
gays have a tendency for being pedophiles with greater frequency then straight people
And you know how old they are gtfoh
I'm a gay man, and well aware that there are perverts among them. But in all honesty, there are just as many straight folks who are abusive as well.
You're absolutely right!
I totally agree with you
yeah, the general message of this is actually quite reasonable, but it unnecessarily conflates perverts with all gay men, which is completely illogical.
Yep! It has nothing to do with sexuality. That is a myth that was created by closeted men.
Totally agreed but the heterosexual community is in denial about that
This is quite reasonable as a warning against sexual predators. The problem is the assumption that being homosexual means being a sexual predator. Some are, of course, but probably no greater proportion than heterosexuals.
It's a LOT more common with the homosexual.
@@ITIsFunnyDamnIT Really? Speaking from experience?
@@electronotch It's just facts that you cancel culture sjws just can't handle because its the truth. Your kind needs lies and everything sugar coated for you. Back when this was made they spoke the truth regardless of who's extremely fragile feelings got hurt
@@ITIsFunnyDamnIT horrible and untrue comment
False: The proportion of child molesters and rapists among gays is far higher than among straight people.
"Public restrooms can often be a hangout of the homosexual." LOVE THAT
Totally! 🤭🙌🤗
It's true.
Is that why there more and more barracked
I got approached in a K mart bathroom at 12
This isn’t anti gay. It’s anti child abuse
Jimmy loves a sugardaddy
+Neil Power LOL, exactly my thoughts.
Jimmy is a child that's disgusting
@@elleofhearts8471 jimmy’s probably dead now it’s 2021 😂
Jimmy needed that coin sis
Lmaoooo yess
I don't know. almost seems like this should be a anti pedophilia add more than a anti homosexual kinda thing. Sure the old men in these videos are gay. But maybe when they were making these videos they should have been more specific. Idk.
Was pedophilia ever acknowledged back then? Had been going on for centuries, but never acknowledged
Is The same think thats why
goes hand in hand
It's the same thing in my opinion. They know it and That's why there is no clear division between the two in the video. But by today's standards, they have made a clear split between the two
Glad things changed. 1950's Inglewood, Ca. appears clean and orderly. Traffic looks reasonable. The police are professionally attired and are actively communicating with the locals. The schools are free of vandalism and graffiti. Not a single druggie at the park or playground. A two parent household ..what's that about? You've come a long way, Inglewood. Congratulations...you've progressed so much!
Yep, I was like that's not Cali. Wheres all the traffic😂
@@biglowe4776 👍
By design!
@@danityvanityinsanity 👍
All of the bad things existed in the 1950's.
"Hey, teach, may I have your permission to go off in a car with this strange man?" "Whatever, kid. I'm not paid enough to care."
If Ralph really were a homosexual, he'd dress better.
Those "high-water" pants tickled the gentleman's fancy.
Dude…that last line had me rofl! 😆🤣
"And then during lunch, 'Ralph' showed Jimi pornographic pictures..." ! Definitely a sign !
Yeah! What kind of sicko shows you pics during lunch...they're an AFTER lunch treat!
but how ws jimmy to know for sure ! so confusing so just keep the man interested until you know for sure and can date him
Got a ride once and was told there were 'dirty magazines' in the 'glovebox'. Sign he was desperate and I avoided the lure. I'd never really seen any before. Sure enough he ended up taking me to his place in order to 'get a basketball' before he dropped me off. I waited by the door. Just glad he didn't pull out a knife to make his point. He was desperate and I was only a schoolboy.
All to the sound of ridiculously cheerful music LALA LA
Yes, it’s daft. I wonder what it would be like with a menacing Jaws like soundtrack. The upbeat version is more hilarious though.
That's the sound of Fascism.
Imagine if You Tube had an ad this long that couldnt be skipped.
Hey, don't give the crooks at you tube any ideas!
@@leopoldoromangasga1806 Ditto. Nobody else comment, so it doesn't blow up.
@@kubadzejkob332 what if i did tho?
Imagine how appalled someone from this time would be if they saw the ways things were now lmao
You dont have to imagine. Just talk to your grandparents...or Congress.
Depressing what we've become, isn't it?
@@crumpetsack3909 jeez
@@crumpetsack3909 what do you mean?
@Chimp Champ that's what I've been saying!
“One never knows when the homosexual is about.”
Yes we do - we have GRINDR!
Be afraid. Be very afraid!
Two of my best friends are gay, and sometimes (whispers...) they even tell me what they're about. Like what music they like and what they eat and drink!
They about butts and making you feel as uncomfortable as possible.. That's about it.
If they like it dry or lubed?
“Golly, Ralph isn’t even cute, and his car wasn’t cool at all”.
Where the heck was this film when I was accepting rides from strangers in my youth and waking up drunk but naked in a hotel room all those times...geesh!
Jajaja...sounds like fun!
I hitchhiked all the time hoping to meet one but never did.
Was hitchiking so common that day? I mean, was the world really that much safer and friendlier that day?
I believe it!
And he's right lol
It's called cottaging
Yeah, I have seen that. In a city near my town there is a public restroom at the train-station. On the walls it is written things like "meet me here if you want some fun" and some telephone numbers to call.
Periodt 😍💋💅🏻
Jimmy was more at risk by not wearing a seat-belt and sitting sideways on to 'chat/flirt' with the driver. He'd have gone right through the windscreen had the driver had to slam the breaks on if someone had pulled out in front of them considering the poor road markings.
and having said that - about the same time our Prime Minister did a very similar thing 🤨
Pretty sure that car didn't have seat belts.
“Pulled out in front of them” being the operative words !
What's a windscreen?
Those were the days when you could only catch syphilis and gonorrhea from a dirty toilet seat.
You can...if you are fucking on it.
Don’t forget cooties from an icky girl who kissed you on the cheek!😂
What’s worse than being told by the doctor that you have syphilis ?
Being told by the DENTIST !!
@@danityvanityinsanity Yeah, but we had a spray for that!
my dad said he saw a scribbling on a Hardee's bathroom stall wall that advised against dropping a tooth pick in the toilet water..science had shown that crabs can pole vault,lol.
You know, take out anti gay stuff and this would have been a good video on recognizing grooming and stranger danger. Heck just change the word homosexual to groomer) It would just need men grooming girls, a woman being the groomer, and an example of a family member or a family friend grooming someone, because that is the most common perpetrator.
@jalim2206 please point me to the study that found that homosexuals are more likely to be groomers
Cause the only studies I find State that there's no difference between Heterosexual and homosexual men's likelihood to be a pedophile
And pushing for simply letting two grown adults live their life without having to worry about being seen and having the same rights as any other relationship between two grown adults is in ABSOLUTELY NO WAY on the same side as pushing for that disgusting MAP crap, the fact you seem to think that it is just disgust me
So quit that homophobic spreading of such misinformation
@Jal im I think you mispelled priests and ministers.
Grooming a duck, it's what convicts do to guards. Which is what invalidates the whole gay thing.
Too much .
The female version is a lot like that, with warnings about strangers and groomers.
My question is why is this ad 10 minutes long
It gives the guy time to put his pants back on and get out.
There were tons of topics with videos like these such as dating and getting a car. Very common in the 50's
Yep. Even V.D. flicks. "Gee, Coach. My penis sure hurts when I urinate". Lol
But see, that cant do that anymore. Not until they establish exactly how many genders there are.
Wonderful direction we're heading, huh?
Its almost funny though. Now, people are walking out of the clinic saying, "Whew, it's only syphilis".
I'm still trying to figure out what they're trying to sell.
People were slow back then it took them time to get it.
people might ignore the sickness and the truth.
but the truth never lets go
Where the hell are Jimmy's parents while all this shit is happening??
Probably at a swinger party
@@RomanesEuntDomus. love your profile pic! Classic!
@@jodyfinley9122 yeah, that's a great movie!! 😄
@@RomanesEuntDomus. masterclass in dialouge
lol "Ralph is sick". "Ralph has a sickness of the mind, Ralph is a homosexual". ROFLMAO
They're not lying
TheJawooshTroll You’re the reason people can’t be happy. Do you think you’re doing good by being homophobic? There is quite literally no reason for homophobia. They did nothing to you, gay people didn’t burn down your house or kill your entire family, they are just attracted to the same gender.
@@ojumalakidstvandmore7157 pog
@@thejawooshtroll5565 big chungus
@@ojumalakidstvandmore7157 were giving them to much rights, now they think denying gay sex is homophobic and that Jesus was transsexual
I remember watching a similar video from the same time period while in a school assembly in the 1970's when I was in the 5th grade.The video never mentioned homosexuals but was alluding to the same thing. I remember that I had no idea what the video was about.
Me too!!
In health class we watched an anti bullying video about gay being the norm and straight was taboo.
The glasses and the mustache, a dead giveaway.
"What Jimmy didn't know was that Ralph was sick....you see, Ralph was a *homosexsha.*"
Yeah, I peeped that. What would the narrator say about TODAY'S America?
Jimmy wanted some action
Had Jimmy had a v****a at the time, this would have been legal.
@@Tolya1979 Decades ago I used to talk to an HS boy on Compuserv and he bragged about having sex with his math teacher so he would get an A+, but today the teacher would get into so much trouble. All it would take is one phone call today and the teachers life is would be over
his no was a big yes
As it should be
It makes it sound like all 1950s public restrooms had beds, a cabinet or two, wardrobe, a nice standard lamp,.. with atomic shape and splayed legs.
Good news guys: I am no longer gay.
Niether am I....but 20 bucks is 20 bucks. 😆
Well I'm bisexual so I'm half gay
Half straight is only "Sorta bent". Lol
Its all good, dude. I got no issues. ✌
And I can deal with either, as long as we respect each others orientaion.
But Im having a real tuff time with gender/orientation. Last count there were 72 genders? Out of curiosty, I'd like to see their genitals. I might even be able to land them a gig at the circus.
I dont care if your sorta bent, totally bent. I can deal with it. But these poor folk are like paper clips. You'd spend all night counting the bends just to see if you're sexually compatible or not.
@@siggyretburns7523 that's good cause I just got paid, now meet me outback and this time watch the teeth.
Is this the Twilight Zone?
Sounds like Rod Serling
Not Rod Serling
Adam and Steve lived happily ever after
Sadly gays aren’t restricted to science fiction
Inglewood, CA sure has changed dramatically since the time this film was made
that's the real crime
@@BarryReinitz Affirmative
Studies have shown for decades that the abuse of children and young people rarely occurs by complete strangers, but rather by adults in the immediate vicinity of the victims and family members.
It was a widespread prejudice at the time that homosexual men had a strong sexual interest in minors, but then this thinking changed very fast.
Unfortunately, close male relationships are quickly sexualized and viewed as unnatural.
Personally, I find this very negative.
In Jimmy's age I was very interested to be among men and learn from men and have my hobbies and interests with them.
Some older men were happy to show me aspects of life, but never confront me with sexuality.
people fail to differ between gay men and predators (straight or gay, a pedophile is a pedophile)
When the announcer said "he gave jimmy presents and let him borrow money but payments was expected in return" as ralph walks up the stairs with jimmy to a motel room. I almost died laughing..
...sounds like a Smiths song... 😆🤣😆
I would say that Jimmy started being CAREER-ORIENTED at a very YOUNG age.
Those weren't "loans" that he didn't pay back. They were INVESTMENTS!
They ruined a great enterprise that was in the works as I'm sure his sugar daddy had connections to a market with DEMAND that was willing to pay some serious money.
Thats FUNNY? you are a fool.
@@bubbabiscuitcub Gee, ian. You thought that up huh?
I mean the only thing wrong is that the dude was tryna pick up an underage kid lmao but idk why they had to blame it on homosexuality tho
That was strangely and unfortunately, the time period back then
@@immajoke.o8558 Still happening
historically they want very young males, that is why there is the man/boy love society which well-known gays like allen ginsburg endorsed and one of its goals is to do away with age of consent laws. It's not our imagination...
Right? But there remain some that assume that pedophilia and homosexuality go hand in hand.
Jimmy shouldn't have led Ralph on like that. They went on a fishing date. Jimmy had a sugar daddy.
I got into a car with a stranger when I was 8 in 1970. It has followed me my whole life. I'm lucky to be alive. The deviant was/ is the predator.
most molesters are straight
I’m sorry that happened to you.
Your experience - - whatever the details - - was an assault by a genuine p3d0phile since you were a pre-pubescent child of only 8 at the time. But such a traumatic experience should NOT be generally conflated or confused with gay men seeking consensual encounters. The fact that most gay men desire and seek out s3x - - just as most heterosexual men are often inclined to do - - does not mean that all gays are inherently sick, evil, predatory or dangerous like the man who took advantage of your childhood innocence.
Let's get something clear, if God forbid, a boy is taken advantage of sexually by a man, that does not mean the boy will be gay, the boy most likely have trauma to deal with, but that does not mean he will start craving sex with men. I knew I preferred men as far back as I can remember to the age of 3, was I thinking of sex, no, but I definitely knew I liked the male sex over the female, and once I hit puberty, it was only sexual relations with men that I fantasied about, never women. However, I did not have a sexual encounter until I was 21, and yes, with a man my own age.
its religion that makes people feel guilty about being the way they are
Believe me-having sex with men doesn’t make you crave sex with men, and I’m a straight woman. 😊
@@Calmontheoutside hahaha
@@robertjsmith I mean not just with that but everything's else to.
that's most of us
A time when one Income could provide for the entire family and more.
Yeah but things deteriorated "only" during the last 20-or-so years, right?
yeah and the threat of actual knowledge
The only correction I would add today is, at the end, where it says don’t go off with a stranger unless you have the permission of your parent or a teacher. These days you can’t implicitly trust the teacher anymore. Teachers today have been groomed into the mental illness.
Sounds good trapperjohn
Well, they're not completely wrong.
@Cringe2Win except they are
@@misterhot9163 what are they wrong about?
@Gregory James you're like Ralph, aren't you?
This is an instructional film NOT AN AD.
"Ralph is sick. Ralph has a sickness of the mind, Ralph is OP."
Jimmy dad works at the fudge factory .
These videos need to be played again and again starting in Jr High
Good to see they were right about somethings in the 50's. Most of them are dysfunctional, and even more so today than then.
So they sent Jimmy to prison that'll get the gay out of him.
You mean the gay INTO him....jajaja
Wait a minute... Jimmy was curious about the porn photos? And "felt a fondness for Ralph"? This sounds like a Jimmy may have been gay too... and into older guys. ;) Go Jimmy.
Richard: The Jimster, closet nard gargler.
Hello Ralph
"Miss Tingle, a strange man with a 1961 Ford Falcon picked me up after a game of sports-ball with the guys. He had green teeth and a Hitler moustache. He had a thick wool suit on, even though it was 102 degrees out and it had mustard smeared all over it. He smells like ham and his fingernails are dark brown from nicotine. Should I let him take me to a 'ghost house' he knows about, in the woods?"
More of this, please
My cousin nearly gave my grandma a heart attack when he came out to her. Thats her favorite grandson ironically
Well she was fine with it when he was admiring her twin set and pearls !
The stranger looks really sinister.
And these were what people called “ the good ol’ days”??? Give me a break!
It was very good for certain people
It actually looks fucking fantastic. Disease free and clean streets. No criminal druggie homeless camps and graffitti. Now we have people celebrating their first twenty days with monkey pox. We need 50's mentality again.
@@MegaPuttputt …..Hey….stay out in:
** Hooterville
** Podunk
** “The Boonies”
and you won’t have to put up with diversity, gays, people from different ethnic backgrounds. Steer clear of metro areas. We’ll have the arts, entertainment, festivals, restaurants from all over the world…….and you can be satisfied with your churches and Dollar stores! Deal? Keep your bigotry OUT THERE.
@@MegaPuttputt I'm not sure how aware you are of how the 50s actually played out.
Back then, children were easier prey for men because 1) children were more naive and more trusting of adults, and not well-educated about risky/dangerous situations, and 2) these kinds of situations didn’t happen as often as today. Children were more vulnerable back then. Nowadays, children are generally more wary and educated through media and their parents. Many young kids nowadays even take children’s self-defense/anti-rape classes to protect themselves from men who might hurt them. My neighbor’s boys are only 7 and 9, but they know to be aggressive and fight back should a man try to mess with them. Can you imagine if a man from that 1950s-early 1960s era tried to sexually assault one of my neighbor’s young boys today? Most likely he would get a “good kick in the testicles”, something he wouldn’t expect at all, coming from that era.
In the fifties my brother and I were offered a ride home from school. We refused even though he was our uncle.
@@vernonfrance2974 So were you and your brother educated by your parents about the dangers? I think this wasn’t the norm back then. Most children back then, as I recall growing up in the early 1960s, were quite trusting of adults and rarely questioned their motives. It’s so different nowadays. Kids today are educated at school, the media, and their parents about strangers and even relatives who might try to sexually molest them. I once asked my neighbors’ two young boys, who are only 7 and 9 years-old, what they would do if a man tried to mess with any one of them. The 9 year-old casually replied, “I’d poke his eyes.” The youngest child said, “I’d kick him really hard in the balls.” I doubt a child back in the 1950s or early 1960s would have said something like that. Just imagine a man from back then trying to mess with one of my neighbor’s’ children? I doubt he’d expect an eye gouge or a kick in the balls, right?
@@PerAllwin1963 We had lived in the country until I, the younger of the two, was five. Then we moved into a predominantly black area of our small city.
I had developed a love of horses while we were living in the country and off in the distance I could see some ponies. I took it upon myself to go see them and when my mother came and found me she was very upset. She spanked me and told me quite graphically what had happened to another small boy. It involved a can opener of the type that had the claw on the end. I don't see them sold anymore. I was told NEVER to go off by myself or to go with strangers. I guess she had told my brother that too. That was in 1950.
This was somewhat reinforced by a black boy in my brother's class who was kept back a few years. He started taking it upon himself to chase us. One day I got to school all out of breath and the kindergarten teacher asked me why. I started to cry and told about the boy. She took me to my brother's class and I had to point out the boy who did it. He looked so scared when I did that that they knew I was telling the truth. I guess my brother confirmed it too but I don't know for sure. Then, the last day of school before Christmas school vacation he tried to ambush us. My brother saw him first and yelled at me to run. He chased us and I tried to follow my brother up on to the steps of a tavern but he caught up to me and pushed me. I skidded on the ice and banged my nose on a step. When he saw the blood he ran away and I bled all the way home. Soon, I believe it was because my parents realized we would keep having trouble if we stayed there, we moved to a rural home about 20 miles away and I went to a one room schoolhouse. But, I never got over feeling nervous and jittery in the city when we'd go there to visit relatives. We did move back there when I was in eighth grade and I gradually got a bit less uncomfortable but I was always wary.
Since, I've lived in large cities at times, including NYC and Boston, but I far prefer the countryside although, of course, there is potential danger there too.
@@vernonfrance2974 The story your mother told you about the young boy and the can opener is interesting. I remember those can openers, as I grew up in the early 1960s when I was a little kid. They had a hook on the end. Was the child sexually assaulted with a can opener? I can see why you and your brother learned fast about life in the big cities. I agree that rural life is more pleasant and relatively safe. I lived in the big city all my life. I’ve seen how it has changed for the worse. You really can’t trust anyone now. Even in a quiet “decent” suburb where I live. The educational system has changed a lot since the 1950s and 1960s. Media and parents are much more open with their children nowadays. That’s why I brought up my neighbor‘s two young children. Most kids back in the 1950s-60s weren’t educated about the dangers of child rape/sexual assault. I don’t remember any martial arts schools that taught children self-defense back then. More kids are more savvy now, which is a good thing. My scenario about a man from the 1950s to early 1960s trying to sexually assault one of my neighbor’s kids is hypothetical of course, but imagine if that happened? I’m sure he would not expect the child to fight back and “poke his eyes or get a good kick in the balls”….according to my neighbor’s littlest boy). Times have changed in regards to children and their wariness and knowledge. Many children nowadays are like my neighbor’s kids. Many aren’t afraid to fight back and kick a man in the testicles if they are attacked.
@@PerAllwin1963 Yes, that is exactly the type of can opener it was. My mother was not shy about talking about sexual topics but my adoptive dad never did. She told me the can opener was to open the kid up to be able to go in (penetrate.) I didn't need to be told twice.
My dad was actually not biologically related but he wanted to adopt me since my real father, her first husband, was OK with it and the older siblings all knew their relatives in another state but I didn't.
I witnessed my adoptive dad's younger brother try to force my youngest brother to do oral sex on him when my mother was in the hospital. I still remember going to see her with my dad and my brother and I told her that he was being mean to my brother. They never let him "baby sit" us again. This was before the incident with the ponies by about a year.
At my college any student found to be gay was expelled.
As a teacher we were taught to tell students to report anyone who wanted to or tried to touch them or did touch them where their bathing suit would go. We also told them to never go alone with anyone to help them find a lost pet or to take gifts without parental permission.
I feel like our world has gotten worse when we became more progressive, protect your kids now more than ever.
This would be at least late 1958 because of the 1959 Chevrolet in the video.
And using it to cruise for kiddies …Not what Dinah Shore had in mind!
Jimmy went on and became the construction worker in the village people!
The good old days
Jimmy, it's always a Jimmy. Wait a minute, Jimmy got probation??? What was he charged with? Simpler times.
Jimmy got probation because he's only allowed to f*** other boys his own age, but he's really interested in girls.
charged with being too damned cute and that butt got him arrested
As they said on Seinfeld "Jimmy's going down!"
Solicitation. Jimmy was the original Midnight Cowboy - taught Joe Dallesandro everything he knows
Little Jimmy got life in that coolio song
“I thought gangs” only hung restrooms. “I was totally wrong!” Lol
Why did the first boy get probation after going with his parents to the cops?
Good point...that could deter a boy from telling anyone for fear he'd be in trouble!
@@mannyj4751 Now you have an even better point.
Conversion therapy
yes and pub decency laws were broken@@Red-fs1jw
This is creepy as hell.
As another Jimmy B, I do have a story or two to tell from days gone by.
OMG tell us 😮
Maybe this Jimmy does too. But it doesn't involve homosexuals, at least I hope not.
@@jimervin1637 The video you just watched does though. 🤔
From this to pride month, schools sure have changed.
America has turned into Sodom
Glad it's for the better
@@fidomf7922 Nope, we need the modern version of this to protect kids
From what that gay people exist
Cause I agree children should be protected from sexual things
But being gay isn't inheritly sexual
@@fidomf7922 I feel the title is wrong, it’s more about anti-pedophilia. And certainly not all gay people are pedophiles, but this is warning against an older man taking advantage of a young boy and of course that’s wrong
I think Jimmy already had the ‘’sickness’’ before he met Ralph! Lol.
2:13 the stranger looks like a cross between Jack Nicholson and Anthony Edwards.
OMG I thought the same. Now we know where they’ve been-time traveling. 😂
@@Calmontheoutside 😂 😂
Using this to troll.
Hey hey HEY
Today, this short "film" would be deemed archaic, insulting, and surely dated.
So according to this video the young boy was arrested for being raped by a gay man then "released to his parents" after reporting being raped to police
This just proves evolution. That brains are considerably bigger now.
Wow! I mean, this content is a great warning to kids against sexual predators, but they considered it a “homosexual“ issue. Weird.
Being called gay or queer has made homosexual sound a whole hell of a lot worse...
Dark glasses and mustache. Dead giveaway.
Remember seeing this video in 1st grade in private school
I'll bet you money it was a CHRISTIAN private school.
@@beermeboi0073 Catholic and Christian go hand in hand, a Catholic private school is a Christian private school it is the same thing.
@@nogreatreset8506 oh you’re correct, was just telln em the schools official religious title is all
It’s like a magical alternate reality
I wish I lived in the 1950s
So this is where they got the idea for Boku No Pico?
Scientists will eventually develop a cure for this insidious disease but in the meantime parents should ensure that their sons are properly equipped with stout underpants at all times
if you mean that being gay/lesbian is a genetic disease, I fully agree. mankind still wonders, how long it will take scientists to define let alone cure genetic diseases like that.
My grandpa had told me a story as he grew up in the 50s being Mexican and poor obviously he had to pick up jobs at a young age one night he was walking home from the diner he worked at late at night and dark a man stopped and asked if he wanted a ride my grandpa said he seemed nice so he got in the car also cuz it was country n he was scarred to walk home at times. I guess the man was talking to him n then he had said he moved his hand towards him n put it on his leg my grandpa yelled at him to stop so he did and he said he jumped out the car and sprinted home he didn’t look back it’s funny when he told it but this short reminded me of that story for such an innocent time it’s crazy to think their has always been sick fucks like that roaming around
This is actually a pedophile rather than a homosexual, but of course they dont make the distinction.
Both the pedophile and the victim are males something you want not to mention.
What's up with the tux? Why is the second man wearing a tux?
I'm sorry, I've lived in some rough areas before, and homosexuals use methods of enticement on children just like Ralph did in this documentary, especially in certain sectors of academia; like private single sex colleges. They should still be teaching this school, just so children know to be aware of homosexual child enticement.
Sorry you don't like being told. There is a such thing as homosexual child enticement and our children should be taught some common sense. Like, don't ride in a car with a 30 year old homosexual.
April Aurora *don't ride in a car with anyone
True, but some, NOT ALL, JUST SOME homosexuals still lure children like the man in the video did.
April Aurora well sure, and so do heterosexual people. Anyone can be an evil bastard. It's not an issue specific to gay people.
Fortunately, it's not that common for someone to be lured anyway. Most sexual abuse of children is by people they know, not strangers.
April Aurora you must be fun at parties
Obviously this video is BS, but other than the blatant lies about gay people. I also didn't like how they kept saying "parents or teacher" like it was the same thing. The parents are the only ones who can give permission for their kids to do something. Hey, you never know, the teacher could BE the predator.
Even parents... even yourself... what if we all had brain chips inserted into our heads that stun us when we try to do something bad. It reads our minds.
Jimmy was a bumboy no doubt about it
Are you Ralph? FBI. Now.
you know, if they just change the terminology this ad will be totally ok for nowaday audiences as an advertisement against sexual predators
Even with parents' and/or teachers'' permission...better not to be too trusting...sometimes even parents and teachers could go wrong...use your instincts all the time.
Would Jimmy's parents have gotten into legal trouble too if they allowed Ralph to drive Jimmy around?
Dear good we must return!
With perverts everywhere a little warning seems prudent!
Of course. I like men mostly, but I wouldn't mind going for a woman. CONSENSUALLY OF COURSE. Warn your family and friends 😈
Never thumb a ride from anyone. That's a rule taught long ago
If George Michael was still with us Im sure he'd be smiling!
Society needs to leave us homosexuals alone. It's my business if I want to have gay sex or not (which I do).
This is when everything was claimed to destroy Western civilization.
Honestly,if you want to have at it with another guy,go for it. But,don't expect anyone to support it or tolerate it.
@@Metalman200xdamnit why should others not "tolerate" it? If no harm or disrespect is being caused to you then you have nothing to tolerate.
@@drawmelikeoneofyourfrenchg3311 Thank you.
This was back in the day when California was white and people could write in complete and coherent sentences.
Just wow what a comment
@@ttsoulan the truth is startling isnt it?
California has millions of people who moved there from elsewhere. It has a great climate for people who have no money, from this country and others, to be homeless. It started with the Dust Bowl and has continued to this day. Read The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.
People should be blaming the economy destroyed by corporatism, the exploitation of workers, the fascist dictatorships the USA has imposed on many Latin American countries by our foreign affairs policies, and overpopulation.
@@joejones9520 Ok stormfronter, go back to watching your wheraboo little dark age edits.
Family guy brought me here
These are the plots of many gay porn films
Don’t know if you noticed, Ralph was arrested and the kid got probation. Wow
Lil did they know that he be president in 2021!!!🤣
Yeah imagine, president Pete layin' up in the bed with his boyfriend's @@@@ in his mouth...
We need more movies like this today.
couldn't agree more. much more movies like this plus video games for kids.
Why do we need more propaganda like this? 🤔
@@monoecumsemperhow far we have fallin..all by design, by tiny hat ppl that hate euros
I knew Jimmy about 10 years later. He was my heroin dealer.